function DefineForcePrintouts($TourId) { $q = safe_r_SQL("select ToPrintLang from Tournament where ToId={$TourId}"); $r = safe_fetch($q); @define('PRINTLANG', $r->ToPrintLang); }
function UpdatePreOpen($TournamentID) { // checks if the structure of the database is consistent // CheckDbStructure(); $DbVersion = GetParameter('DBUpdate'); $rs = safe_r_SQL("SELECT ToDbVersion, ToType, ToNumSession FROM Tournament WHERE ToId='{$TournamentID}'"); $row = safe_fetch($rs); $version = $row->ToDbVersion; if ($version < '2010-11-26 15:50:00') { updateEnTimeStamp_20101126($TournamentID); to_save_version($TournamentID, '2010-11-26 15:50:00'); } if ($version < '2010-12-11 20:30:00') { recalculateIndividuals_20101211($TournamentID); to_save_version($TournamentID, '2010-12-11 20:30:00'); } if ($version < '2011-02-16 15:42:00') { // metto a posto il numero max di persone nei team calcMaxTeamPerson_20110216($TournamentID); // ricalcolo le rank a squadra recalculateTeamRanking_20110216($TournamentID); to_save_version($TournamentID, '2011-02-16 15:42:00'); } if ($version < '2011-03-09 14:38:00') { initTourGoldsXNineChars_20110309($TournamentID); to_save_version($TournamentID, '2011-03-09 14:38:00'); } if ($version < '2011-04-15 15:55:00') { RecalcFinRank_20110415($TournamentID); to_save_version($TournamentID, '2011-04-15 15:55:00'); } if ($version < '2012-01-11 10:20:00') { Update3DIta_20120111($TournamentID); to_save_version($TournamentID, '2012-01-11 10:20:00'); } if ($version < '2012-01-24 15:16:00') { $q = insertIntoGridForF2F_21($TournamentID); $rs2 = safe_w_sql($q, false, array(1062)); to_save_version($TournamentID, '2012-01-24 15:16:00'); } if ($version < '2012-05-18 07:10:00') { safe_w_sql("update Divisions set DivWaDivision=DivId, DivRecDivision=DivId where DivWaDivision='' or DivRecDivision=''"); safe_w_sql("update Classes set ClWaClass=ClId, ClRecClass=ClId where ClWaClass='' or ClRecClass=''"); safe_w_sql("update Events set EvWaCategory=EvCode, EvRecCategory=EvCode where EvWaCategory='' or EvRecCategory=''"); to_save_version($TournamentID, '2012-05-18 07:10:00'); } if ($version < '2013-12-19 12:30:00') { // Updating DistanceInformation require_once 'Modules/Sets/lib.php'; require_once 'Tournament/'; $Distances = getDistanceArrays($row->ToType); $q = safe_r_sql("select SesAth4Target, SesOrder from Session where SesTournament={$TournamentID}"); while ($r = safe_fetch($q)) { CreateDistanceInformation($TournamentID, $Distances, 0, $r->SesAth4Target, $r->SesOrder); } to_save_version($TournamentID, '2013-12-19 12:30:00'); } if ($version < '2014-03-22 14:00:00') { UpdateWinLose_20140322($TournamentID); to_save_version($TournamentID, '2014-03-22 14:00:00'); } if ($version < '2014-04-01 00:00:00') { UpdateItaRules_20140401($TournamentID); to_save_version($TournamentID, '2014-04-01 00:00:00'); } if ($version < '2014-05-23 16:00:00') { safe_w_sql("update Scheduler\n\t\t\tleft join Session on SchTournament=SesTournament and SchSesOrder=SesOrder and SchSesType=SesType\n\t\t\tset SchDay=date(SchDateStart), SchStart=time(SchDateStart), SchDuration=TIMESTAMPDIFF(MINUTE, SchDateStart, SchDateEnd), SchText=SchDescr, SchTitle=SesName\n\t\t\twhere SchTournament={$TournamentID}"); $q = safe_r_sql("select * from Scheduler where SchTournament={$TournamentID} and SchDay>0 and SchStart>0 order by SchDay, SchStart, SchOrder desc"); $oldKeys = array(); while ($r = safe_fetch($q)) { $good = true; $key = $r->SchDay . '|' . $r->SchStart; while (in_array($key, $oldKeys)) { $key++; $good = false; } $oldKeys[] = $key; if (!$good) { $SQL = "update Scheduler set SchStart='" . substr($key, -8) . "' where SchDay='{$r->SchDay}' and SchStart='{$r->SchStart}' and SchDuration='{$r->SchDuration}' and SchSesOrder={$r->SchSesOrder} and SchOrder={$r->SchOrder} and SchSesType='{$r->SchSesType}' limit 1"; safe_w_sql($SQL); } } to_save_version($TournamentID, '2014-04-01 00:00:00'); } to_save_version($TournamentID, $DbVersion); }
function InsertSchedComment($Request, $Type = 'Q') { foreach ($Request as $Session => $Distances) { foreach ($Distances as $Dist => $Value) { safe_w_sql("insert into DistanceInformation set\n\t\t\t\t\tDiTournament={$_SESSION['TourId']},\n\t\t\t\t\tDiDistance={$Dist},\n\t\t\t\t\tDiSession={$Session},\n\t\t\t\t\tDiType='{$Type}',\n\t\t\t\t\tDiOptions=" . StrSafe_DB($Value) . "\n\t\t\t\ton duplicate key update\n\t\t\t\t\tDiOptions=" . StrSafe_DB($Value) . "\n\t\t\t\t\t"); $q = safe_r_SQL("select DiDay, DiStart, DiDuration, DiWarmStart, DiWarmDuration, DiOptions, DiShift\n\t\t\t\tfrom DistanceInformation\n\t\t\t\twhere DiTournament={$_SESSION['TourId']} and DiDistance={$Dist} and DiSession={$Session} and DiType='{$Type}'"); return DistanceInfoData(safe_fetch($q)); } } return array('error' => 1); }
$Width = $pdf->getPageWidth() - 65; $CellHeight = $Height[1] - 10; // 5 top and bottom $fontname = $pdf->addTTFfont($CFG->DOCUMENT_PATH . 'Common/tcpdf/fonts/ariblk.ttf'); $pdf->SetFont($fontname); $Filter = ''; if (!empty($_REQUEST['x_Session'])) { $Filter .= " and QuSession={$_REQUEST['x_Session']}"; } if (!empty($_REQUEST['x_From'])) { $Filter .= " and substr(QuTargetNo,2)>='" . str_pad($_REQUEST['x_From'], 3, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . "'"; } if (!empty($_REQUEST['x_To'])) { $Filter .= " and substr(QuTargetNo,2)<='" . str_pad($_REQUEST['x_To'], 3, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . "'"; } $Rs = safe_r_SQL("select EnName, EnFirstName, QuTargetNo\n\tfrom Entries\n\tinner join Qualifications on EnId=QuId {$Filter} where EnTournament={$_SESSION['TourId']}\n\torder by QuTargetNo"); error_reporting(E_ALL); $n = 0; while ($MyRow = safe_fetch($Rs)) { if ($n == 0) { $pdf->AddPage(); $pdf->Line(5, $Height[1], 15, $Height[1]); $pdf->Line($pdf->getPageWidth() - 15, $Height[1], $pdf->getPageWidth() - 5, $Height[1]); $pdf->Line(5, $Height[2], 15, $Height[2]); $pdf->Line($pdf->getPageWidth() - 15, $Height[2], $pdf->getPageWidth() - 5, $Height[2]); } $pdf->SetXY(10, $Height[$n] + 5); $pdf->setColor('text', 0); $pdf->SetFont('', '', 136); $pdf->Cell($Width, $CellHeight, $MyRow->EnFirstName, 0, 0, 'L'); $pdf->setx($pdf->GetX() + 5);
// aggiungo la colonna x salvare se quella rank ha dei pari oppure no. $MySql = "ALTER TABLE `Eliminations` ADD `ElSO` TINYINT( 3 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' AFTER `ElRank`; "; safe_w_SQL($MySql, false, array(1060)); db_save_version('2010-11-29 11:03:00'); } if ($version < '2010-12-03 16:40:00') { // aggiungo la colonna x le frecce di spareggio delle eliminatorie $MySql = "ALTER TABLE `Eliminations` ADD `ElTiebreak` VARCHAR( 8 ) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci NOT NULL AFTER `ElArrowString` ; "; safe_w_SQL($MySql, false, array(1060)); db_save_version('2010-12-03 16:40:00'); } if ($version < '2010-12-11 20:30:00') { $MySql = "ALTER TABLE `Individuals` CHANGE `IndSO` `IndSO` SMALLINT NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'"; safe_w_SQL($MySql); $MySql = "ALTER TABLE `Eliminations` CHANGE `ElSO` `ElSO` SMALLINT NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'"; safe_w_SQL($MySql); $MySql = "ALTER TABLE `HhtData` ADD `HdRealTargetNo` VARCHAR( 3 ) NOT NULL ,\n\t\tADD `HdLetter` VARCHAR( 1 ) NOT NULL"; safe_w_SQL($MySql, false, array(1060)); $MySql = "SELECT ToId From Tournament"; $rs = safe_r_SQL($MySql); while ($myRow = safe_fetch($rs)) { recalculateIndividuals_20101211($myRow->ToId); } //Riporto i QuRank e le freccie di Shootoff dalla tabella qualifications $MySql = "UPDATE Entries\n\t\tINNER JOIN Qualifications On QuId=EnId\n\t\tINNER JOIN EventClass ON EcTeamEvent=0 AND EcTournament=EnTournament AND EcClass=EnClass AND EcDivision=EnDivision\n\t\tINNER JOIN Individuals ON IndId=EnId AND IndEvent=EcCode AND IndTournament=EnTournament\n\t\tSET IndRank=QuRank, IndTieBreak=QuTieBreak\n\t\tWHERE QuRank!=0 AND (QuRank!=IndRank OR QutieBreak!=IndTieBreak)"; safe_w_SQL($MySql); //riporto la posizione dalla tabella finali... mi serve solo per partecipazioni ad eventi multi pli sennò bastava query sopra $MySql = "UPDATE Individuals\n\t\tINNER JOIN Finals ON IndId=FinAthlete AND IndEvent=FinEvent AND IndTournament=FinTournament\n\t\tINNER JOIN Events ON EvCode=FinEvent AND EvTeamEvent=0 AND EvTournament=FinTournament\n\t\tINNER JOIN Grids ON GrMatchNo=FinMatchNo AND GrPhase=IF(EvFinalFirstPhase=24,32,EvFinalFirstPhase)\n\t\tSET IndRank=GrPosition\n\t\tWHERE FinAthlete!=0 AND (EvElim1=0 AND EvElim2=0)"; safe_w_SQL($MySql); db_save_version('2010-12-11 20:30:00'); }
<td>missing mail</td> <td>' . $tmp[0] . '</td> <td></td> </tr>'; continue; } if (!preg_match('/^[a-z0-9._#-]+@[a-z0-9._-]+$/sim', $tmp[1])) { $ImportResult['Refused'][] = '<tr> <td>invalid mail</td> <td>' . $tmp[0] . '</td> <td>' . $tmp[1] . '</td> </tr>'; continue; } // gets the EnIds of the archer with that EnCode $q = safe_r_SQL("select EnId from Entries where EnCode=" . StrSafe_DB($tmp[0]) . " and EnTournament={$_SESSION['TourId']}"); if (safe_num_rows($q)) { while ($r = safe_fetch($q)) { safe_w_sql("insert into ExtraData set EdId={$r->EnId}, EdType='E', EdEmail=" . StrSafe_DB($tmp[1]) . " on duplicate key update EdEmail=" . StrSafe_DB($tmp[1]) . ""); $ImportResult['Inserted'][] = '<tr> <td>Inserted/updated</td> <td>' . $tmp[0] . '</td> <td>' . $tmp[1] . '</td> </tr>'; $ImportResult['Imported']++; } } else { $ImportResult['Refused'][] = '<tr> <td>Wrong Entry code</td> <td>' . $tmp[0] . '</td> <td>' . $tmp[1] . '</td>
<td class="Center" colspan="4"><input name="UploadedFile" type="file" size="20"></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="4" class="Center"><input type="submit" value="<?php echo get_text('MsgSyncronize', 'Tournament'); ?> "></td> </tr> <tr><th colspan="4"><?php echo '<input type="checkbox" name="PrevPhoto"' . (empty($_REQUEST['PrevPhoto']) ? '' : ' checked="checked"') . ' onclick="window.location.href=\'' . basename(__FILE__) . (empty($_REQUEST['PrevPhoto']) ? '?PrevPhoto=on' : '') . '\'">' . get_text('PreviousPhotos', 'Tournament'); ?> </th></tr> <?php // check if there are some photos in this tournament... if (!empty($_REQUEST['PrevPhoto'])) { $q = safe_r_SQL("select * from Entries\r\n\t\t\tinner join (select PhEnId OtPhEnId, EnCode OtEnCode, EnIocCode OtEnIocCode, EnTournament OtEnTournament, ToCode OtToCode, ToName OtToName\r\n\t\t\t\tfrom Entries\r\n\t\t\t\tinner join Photos on PhEnId=EnId\r\n\t\t\t\tinner join Tournament on EnTournament=ToId) Ot on EnCode=OtEnCode and EnIocCode=OtEnIocCode\r\n\t\t\twhere EnId not in (select PhEnId from Photos inner join Entries on PhEnId=EnId and EnTournament={$_SESSION['TourId']})\r\n\t\t and EnTournament={$_SESSION['TourId']}\r\n\t\t\torder by EnCode, OtPhEnId desc"); while ($r = safe_fetch($q)) { echo '<tr>'; echo '<td><a href="' . go_get(array('EnId' => $r->EnId, 'PhEnId' => $r->OtPhEnId)) . '">' . $r->EnFirstName . ' ' . $r->EnName . '</a></td>'; echo '<td><img src="../Partecipants-exp/common/photo.php?id=' . $r->OtPhEnId . '&mode=y&val=50"></td>'; echo '<td>' . $r->OtToCode . '</td>'; echo '<td>' . $r->OtToName . '</td>'; echo '</tr>'; } } ?> </table> </form> <?php } else { //ini_set('memory_limit', '512M');
function GetTargetInfo($TrgId, $size = 0) { global $LetterPoint; $q = safe_r_SQL("select Targets.* from Targets where TarId={$TrgId}"); if (!($MyRow = safe_fetch($q))) { return false; } $ret = array(); foreach (range('Z', 'B') as $key) { if ($MyRow->{$key . '_size'}) { $ret[] = array("value" => $LetterPoint[$key]['N'], "display" => $LetterPoint[$key]['P'], "color" => $MyRow->{$key . '_color'}, "radius" => strval($MyRow->{$key . '_size'} * $size / 20)); } } $ret[] = array("value" => $LetterPoint['A']['N'], "display" => $LetterPoint['A']['P'], "color" => "FFFFFF", "radius" => 0); return $ret; }
$vv = 0; } elseif (!safe_num_rows($Rs) && !$vv) { $vv = ''; } } if (strlen(trim($vv)) > 0) { $badDate = false; if ($cc == 'FSScheduledDate') { $vv = ConvertDate($Value); $badDate = !($vv >= date('Y-m-d', $_SESSION['ToWhenFromUTS']) && $vv <= date('Y-m-d', $_SESSION['ToWhenToUTS'])); if (!$badDate) { // check if there is still a warmup for that event at the original time... $q = safe_r_SQL("select count(*) as Counted, FsScheduledDate, FsScheduledTime from FinSchedule\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\twhere FsEvent=" . StrSafe_DB($ee) . "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND FsTeamEvent=0\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND FsTournament={$_SESSION['TourId']}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND (FsScheduledDate, FsScheduledTime)=(select FsScheduledDate,FsScheduledTime from FinSchedule\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\twhere FsEvent=" . StrSafe_DB($ee) . "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND FsTeamEvent=0\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND FsMatchNo=" . StrSafe_DB($mm) . "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND FsTournament={$_SESSION['TourId']})"); if ($r = safe_fetch($q) and $r->Counted == 1) { // change the associated warmup if any $q = safe_r_SQL("select * from FinWarmup\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\twhere FwTournament={$_SESSION['TourId']}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tand FwTeamEvent=0\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tand FwDay='{$vv}'\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tand FwMatchTime='{$r->FsScheduledTime}'\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tand FwEvent=" . StrSafe_DB($ee)); if ($dest = safe_fetch($q)) { // destination date and time already exists for that event... // get the source data // deletes the associated warmup that failed with previous query safe_w_sql("delete from FinWarmup\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\twhere FwTournament={$_SESSION['TourId']}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tand FwTeamEvent=0\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tand FwDay='{$r->FsScheduledDate}'\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tand FwMatchTime='{$r->FsScheduledTime}'\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tand FwEvent=" . StrSafe_DB($ee)); } else { safe_w_sql("update ignore FinWarmup set FwDay='{$vv}'\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\twhere FwTournament={$_SESSION['TourId']}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tand FwTeamEvent=0\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tand FwDay='{$r->FsScheduledDate}'\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tand FwMatchTime='{$r->FsScheduledTime}'\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tand FwEvent=" . StrSafe_DB($ee)); } } } } elseif ($cc == 'FSScheduledTime') { $vv = Convert24Time($vv); } if ($vv > 0 && !$badDate || $vv == 0 && $cc == 'FSScheduledLen') { // Scrivo per $mm
if ($f == 'IceTournament') { continue; } $SQL[] = $f . '=' . StrSafe_DB($v); } safe_w_sql("insert ignore into IdCardElements set " . implode(',', $SQL)); CheckPictures(); } } } if (!empty($_REQUEST['ExportLayout'])) { $Layout = array(); $q = safe_r_SQL("select * from IdCards where IcTournament={$_SESSION['TourId']}"); if ($r = safe_fetch_assoc($q)) { $Layout['IdCards'] = $r; $q = safe_r_SQL("select * from IdCardElements where IceTournament={$_SESSION['TourId']}"); while ($r = safe_fetch_assoc($q)) { $Layout['IdCardElements'][] = $r; } // We'll be outputting a gzipped TExt File in UTF-8 pretending it's binary header('Content-type: application/octet-stream'); // It will be called ToCode-IdCard.ianseo header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"{$_SESSION['TourCode']}-IdCard.ianseo\""); ini_set('memory_limit', sprintf('%sM', 512)); echo gzcompress(serialize($Layout), 9); die; } } if (!empty($_REQUEST['DoPrint'])) { $FIELDS = "EnId"; $SORT = 'EnId';
/** * @param string $pdf * If empty creates and returns a pdf, otherwise adds page to an existant pdf * @return tcpdf object * * */ function getSchedulePDF(&$pdf = '') { if (empty($pdf)) { require_once 'Common/pdf/IanseoPdf.php'; $pdf = new IanseoPdf('Scheduler'); $pdf->startPageGroup(); $pdf->AddPage(); } else { $pdf->AddPage(); } $Start = true; $StartX = $pdf->getX(); $FontAdjust = 1; $TimingWidth = 20; $DelayWidth = 10; $descrSize = $pdf->getPageWidth() - 40; $CellHeight = 5; if ($this->DayByDay) { $FontAdjust = 2; $TimingWidth = 30; $StartX += 10; $CellHeight = 8; } else { $StartX += 20; } foreach ($this->GetSchedule() as $Date => $Times) { if (!$Start and ($this->DayByDay or !$pdf->SamePage(55))) { $pdf->AddPage(); } elseif (!$Start) { $pdf->dy(2 * $FontAdjust); } $Start = false; // DAY $pdf->SetFont($pdf->FontStd, 'B', 8 * $FontAdjust); $pdf->Cell(0, $CellHeight, formatTextDate($Date), 0, 1, 'L', 1); $OldTitle = ''; $OldSubTitle = ''; $OldType = ''; $OldStart = ''; $OldEnd = ''; $IsTitle = false; $OldComment = ''; ksort($Times); // debug_svela($Times); foreach ($Times as $Time => $Sessions) { foreach ($Sessions as $Session => $Distances) { foreach ($Distances as $Distance => $Items) { foreach ($Items as $k => $Item) { if (!$pdf->SamePage(15)) { $pdf->AddPage(); // Day... $pdf->SetFont($pdf->FontStd, 'B', 8 * $FontAdjust); $pdf->Cell(0, $CellHeight, formatTextDate($Date) . ' (' . get_text('Continue') . ')', 0, 1, 'L', 1); // maybe the session title? if ($Item->Type != 'Z' and $OldTitle == $Item->Title and $OldTitle) { $pdf->SetFont($pdf->FontStd, 'B', 8 * $FontAdjust); $pdf->SetX($StartX + $TimingWidth); $pdf->Cell($descrSize, $CellHeight, $Item->Title . ' (' . get_text('Continue') . ')', 0, 1, 'L', 0); } $pdf->SetFont($pdf->FontStd, '', 8 * $FontAdjust); } $timingDelayed = ''; $timing = ''; if ($Item->Type == 'Z') { // free text $timing = $Item->Start . ($Item->Duration ? '-' . addMinutes($Item->Start, $Item->Duration) : ''); if ($Item->Shift) { $timingDelayed = '+' . $Item->Shift; } if ($OldTitle != $Item->Title and $Item->Title) { if (!$IsTitle) { $pdf->SetX($StartX); // prints timing only if alone if (!$Item->SubTitle and !$Item->Text) { if ($Item->Shift and $timing) { $pdf->SetX($StartX - $DelayWidth); $pdf->Cell($DelayWidth, $CellHeight, $timingDelayed, 0, 0); $pdf->Cell($TimingWidth, $CellHeight, $timing, 0, 0); } else { $pdf->Cell($TimingWidth, $CellHeight, $timing, 0, 0); } $timing = ''; } else { $pdf->Cell($TimingWidth, $CellHeight, ' ', 0, 0); } $pdf->SetFont($pdf->FontStd, 'B', 8 * $FontAdjust); $pdf->Cell($descrSize, $CellHeight, $Item->Title, 0, 1, 'L', 0); $pdf->SetFont($pdf->FontStd, '', 8 * $FontAdjust); } $OldTitle = $Item->Title; $OldSubTitle = ''; $IsTitle = true; } if ($OldSubTitle != $Item->SubTitle and $Item->SubTitle) { $pdf->SetX($StartX); if (!$Item->Text) { if ($Item->Shift and $timing) { $pdf->SetX($StartX - $DelayWidth); $pdf->Cell($DelayWidth, $CellHeight, $timingDelayed, 0, 0); $pdf->Cell($TimingWidth, $CellHeight, $timing, 0, 0); } else { $pdf->Cell($TimingWidth, $CellHeight, $timing, 0, 0); } $timing = ''; } else { $pdf->Cell($TimingWidth, $CellHeight, ' ', 0, 0); } $pdf->SetFont($pdf->FontStd, 'BI', 8 * $FontAdjust); $pdf->Cell($descrSize, $CellHeight, $Item->SubTitle, 0, 1, 'L', 0); $pdf->SetFont($pdf->FontStd, '', 8 * $FontAdjust); $OldSubTitle = $Item->SubTitle; $IsTitle = false; } if ($Item->Text) { $pdf->SetX($StartX); if ($Item->Shift and $timing) { $pdf->SetX($StartX - $DelayWidth); $pdf->Cell($DelayWidth, $CellHeight, $timingDelayed, 0, 0); $pdf->Cell($TimingWidth, $CellHeight, $timing, 0, 0); $pdf->Line($StartX, $y = $pdf->GetY() + $CellHeight / 2, $StartX + $TimingWidth - $FontAdjust, $y); } else { $pdf->Cell($TimingWidth, $CellHeight, $timing, 0, 0); } $pdf->SetFont($pdf->FontStd, '', 8 * $FontAdjust); $pdf->Cell($descrSize, $CellHeight, $Item->Text, 0, 1, 'L', 0); $pdf->SetFont($pdf->FontStd, '', 8 * $FontAdjust); $timing = ''; $IsTitle = false; } $OldStart = $Item->Start; $OldEnd = $Item->Duration; $OldComment = ''; } else { // all other kind of texts have a title and the items if ($OldTitle != $Item->Title) { // Title if (!$IsTitle) { $pdf->SetX($StartX); $pdf->Cell($TimingWidth, $CellHeight, ' ', 0, 0); $pdf->SetFont($pdf->FontStd, 'B', 8 * $FontAdjust); $pdf->Cell($descrSize, $CellHeight, $Item->Title, 0, 1, 'L', 0); $pdf->SetFont($pdf->FontStd, '', 8 * $FontAdjust); } $OldTitle = $Item->Title; $OldSubTitle = ''; $IsTitle = true; } if ($OldSubTitle != $Item->SubTitle) { // SubTitle $pdf->SetX($StartX); $pdf->Cell($TimingWidth, $CellHeight, ' ', 0, 0); $pdf->SetFont($pdf->FontStd, 'BI', 8 * $FontAdjust); $pdf->Cell($descrSize, $CellHeight, $Item->SubTitle, 0, 1, 'L', 0); $pdf->SetFont($pdf->FontStd, '', 8 * $FontAdjust); $OldSubTitle = $Item->SubTitle; $IsTitle = false; } $timing = ''; if ($OldStart != $Item->Start or $OldEnd != $Item->Duration) { $timing = $Item->Start . ($Item->Duration ? '-' . addMinutes($Item->Start, $Item->Duration) : ''); $OldStart = $Item->Start; $OldEnd = $Item->Duration; if ($Item->Shift) { $timingDelayed = '+' . $Item->Shift; } } $lnk = $Item->Text; if (!$Item->Warmup) { // not warmup! $OldComment = ''; switch ($Item->Type) { case 'Q': case 'E': $t = safe_r_SQL("select distinct EcCode, EcTeamEvent from Entries\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tINNER JOIN Qualifications on QuId=EnId and QuSession={$Item->Session}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tINNER JOIN EventClass ON EcClass=EnClass AND EcDivision=EnDivision AND EcTournament=EnTournament\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tINNER JOIN Events on EvCode=EcCode AND EvTeamEvent=IF(EcTeamEvent!=0, 1,0) AND EvTournament=EcTournament\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\twhere EnTournament={$this->TourId}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\torder by EvTeamEvent, EvProgr"); $Link = array(); $lnk = ''; if ($Item->Comments) { $pdf->SetX($StartX); if ($Item->Shift and $timing) { $pdf->SetX($StartX - $DelayWidth); $pdf->Cell($DelayWidth, $CellHeight, $timingDelayed, 0, 0); $pdf->Cell($TimingWidth, $CellHeight, $timing, 0, 0); } else { $pdf->Cell($TimingWidth, $CellHeight, $timing, 0, 0); } $pdf->SetFont($pdf->FontStd, 'I', 8 * $FontAdjust); $pdf->Cell($descrSize, $CellHeight, $Item->Comments, 0, 1, 'L', 0); $pdf->SetFont($pdf->FontStd, '', 8 * $FontAdjust); $timing = ''; } if (count($this->Groups[$Item->Type][$Session]) == 1) { $txt = $Item->Text . $lnk; } elseif ($Item == @end(end(end(end($this->Groups[$Item->Type][$Session]))))) { $txt = get_text('Distance', 'Tournament') . ' ' . $Distance . $lnk; } else { $txt = get_text('Distance', 'Tournament') . ' ' . $Distance; // more distances defined so format is different... } $pdf->SetX($StartX); if ($Item->Shift and $timing) { $pdf->SetX($StartX - $DelayWidth); $pdf->Cell($DelayWidth, $CellHeight, $timingDelayed, 0, 0); $pdf->Cell($TimingWidth, $CellHeight, $timing, 0, 0); } else { $pdf->Cell($TimingWidth, $CellHeight, $timing, 0, 0); } $pdf->Cell($descrSize, $CellHeight, $txt, 0, 1, 'L', 0); $IsTitle = false; break; case 'I': case 'T': $lnk = $Item->Text . ': ' . $Item->Events; $pdf->SetX($StartX); if ($Item->Shift and $timing) { $pdf->SetX($StartX - $DelayWidth); $pdf->Cell($DelayWidth, $CellHeight, $timingDelayed, 0, 0); $pdf->Cell($TimingWidth, $CellHeight, $timing, 0, 0); } else { $pdf->Cell($TimingWidth, $CellHeight, $timing, 0, 0); } $pdf->Cell($descrSize, $CellHeight, $lnk, 0, 1, 'L', 0); $IsTitle = false; if ($this->Finalists && $Item->Session <= 1) { // Bronze or Gold Finals if ($Item->Type == 'I') { $SQL = "select concat(upper(e1.EnFirstname), ' ', e1.EnName, ' (', c1.CoCode, ')') LeftSide,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tconcat('(', c2.CoCode, ') ', upper(e2.EnFirstname), ' ', e2.EnName) RightSide\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tfrom Finals tf1\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tinner join Finals tf2 on tf1.FinEvent=tf2.FinEvent and tf1.FinTournament=tf2.FinTournament and tf2.FinMatchNo=tf1.FinMatchNo+1 and tf2.FinMatchNo%2=1\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tinner join Entries e1 on e1.EnId=tf1.FinAthlete and tf1.FinEvent IN ('{$Item->Event}')\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tinner join Entries e2 on e2.EnId=tf2.FinAthlete and tf2.FinEvent IN ('{$Item->Event}')\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tinner join Countries c1 on e1.EnCountry=c1.CoId and c1.CoTournament={$this->TourId}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tinner join Countries c2 on e2.EnCountry=c2.CoId and c2.CoTournament={$this->TourId}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tinner join Grids on tf1.FinMatchNo=GrMatchNo and GrPhase={$Item->Session}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\twhere tf1.FinTournament={$this->TourId}"; } else { $SQL = "select concat(c1.CoName, ' (', c1.CoCode, ')') LeftSide,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tconcat('(', c2.CoCode, ') ', c2.CoName) RightSide\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tfrom TeamFinals tf1\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tinner join TeamFinals tf2 on tf1.TfEvent=tf2.TfEvent and tf1.TfTournament=tf2.TfTournament and tf2.TfMatchNo=tf1.TfMatchNo+1 and tf2.TfMatchNo%2=1\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tinner join Countries c1 on c1.CoId=tf1.TfTeam and tf1.TfEvent IN ('{$Item->Event}')\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tinner join Countries c2 on c2.CoId=tf2.TfTeam and tf2.TfEvent IN ('{$Item->Event}')\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tinner join Grids on tf1.TfMatchNo=GrMatchNo and GrPhase={$Item->Session}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\twhere tf1.TfTournament={$this->TourId}"; } // debug_svela($SQL); $q = safe_r_SQL($SQL); if ($r = safe_fetch($q) and trim($r->LeftSide) and trim($r->RightSide)) { $pdf->SetXY($StartX + $TimingWidth, $pdf->getY() - 1.5); $pdf->Cell($descrSize, $CellHeight, $r->LeftSide . ' - ' . $r->RightSide, 0, 1, 'L', 0); } } break; case 'R': $lnk = $Item->Text . ': ' . $Item->Events; $pdf->SetX($StartX); if ($Item->Shift and $timing) { $pdf->SetX($StartX - $DelayWidth); $pdf->Cell($DelayWidth, $CellHeight, $timingDelayed, 0, 0); $pdf->Cell($TimingWidth, $CellHeight, $timing, 0, 0); } else { $pdf->Cell($TimingWidth, $CellHeight, $timing, 0, 0); } $pdf->Cell($descrSize, $CellHeight, $lnk, 0, 1, 'L', 0); $IsTitle = false; if ($this->Finalists) { list($Phase, $Round, $Group) = explode('-', $Item->Session); $SQL = "select concat(upper(e1.EnFirstname), ' ', e1.EnName, ' (', c1.CoCode, ')') LeftSide,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tconcat('(', c2.CoCode, ') ', upper(e2.EnFirstname), ' ', e2.EnName) RightSide\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tfrom F2FGrid g\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tinner join F2FFinal tf1 on g.F2FTournament=tf1.F2FTournament and g.F2FPhase=tf1.F2FPhase and g.F2FRound=tf1.F2FRound and g.F2FGroup=tf1.F2FGroup and g.F2FMatchNo1=tf1.F2FMatchNo\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tinner join F2FFinal tf2 on g.F2FTournament=tf2.F2FTournament and g.F2FPhase=tf2.F2FPhase and g.F2FRound=tf2.F2FRound and g.F2FGroup=tf2.F2FGroup and g.F2FMatchNo2=tf2.F2FMatchNo and tf1.F2FEvent=tf2.F2FEvent\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tinner join Entries e1 on e1.EnId=tf1.F2FEnId and tf1.F2FEvent IN ('{$Item->Event}')\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tinner join Entries e2 on e2.EnId=tf2.F2FEnId and tf2.F2FEvent IN ('{$Item->Event}')\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tinner join Countries c1 on e1.EnCountry=c1.CoId and c1.CoTournament={$this->TourId}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tinner join Countries c2 on e2.EnCountry=c2.CoId and c2.CoTournament={$this->TourId}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\twhere g.F2FTournament={$this->TourId} and tf1.F2FSchedule='{$Date} {$Time}'"; $q = safe_r_SQL($SQL); while ($r = safe_fetch($q) and trim($r->LeftSide) and trim($r->RightSide)) { $pdf->SetXY($StartX + $TimingWidth, $pdf->getY() - 1.5); $pdf->Cell($descrSize, $CellHeight, $r->LeftSide . ' - ' . $r->RightSide, 0, 1, 'L', 0); } } break; default: debug_svela($Item); } } else { if ($Item->Comments) { $lnk = $Item->Comments; } else { switch ($Item->Type) { case 'I': case 'T': $lnk = $Item->Text . ': ' . $Item->Events . ' ' . 'warmup'; break; default: $lnk .= ' Warmup'; } } if ($OldComment == $lnk) { continue; } $OldComment = $lnk; $pdf->SetX($StartX); if ($Item->Shift and $timing) { $pdf->SetX($StartX - $DelayWidth); $pdf->Cell($DelayWidth, $CellHeight, $timingDelayed, 0, 0); $pdf->Cell($TimingWidth, $CellHeight, $timing, 0, 0); } else { $pdf->Cell($TimingWidth, $CellHeight, $timing, 0, 0); } $pdf->SetFont($pdf->FontStd, 'I', 8 * $FontAdjust); $pdf->Cell($descrSize, $CellHeight, $lnk, 0, 1, 'L', 0); $pdf->SetFont($pdf->FontStd, '', 8 * $FontAdjust); $IsTitle = false; } } } } } } } return $pdf; }
function getDistFields() { $ret = array(); $q = safe_r_SQL("select distinct EnDivision, EnClass from Entries where EnTournament={$_SESSION['TourId']}"); while ($r = safe_fetch($q)) { $cat = trim($r->EnDivision) . trim($r->EnClass); $MySql = "select" . " concat_ws('#', Td1, Td2, Td3, Td4, Td5, Td6, Td7, Td8) QryFields " . "from" . " TournamentDistances " . "WHERE" . " TdType={$_SESSION['TourType']} " . " AND TdTournament = {$_SESSION['TourId']} " . " AND '{$cat}' LIKE TdClasses " . "order by" . " TdTournament=0" . ", '{$cat}' = TdClasses desc" . ", left(TdClasses,1)!='_' and left(TdClasses,1)!='%' desc" . ", left(TdClasses,1)='_' desc" . ", TdClasses desc" . ", TdClasses='%' " . "LIMIT 1"; $t = safe_r_sql($MySql); if ($u = safe_fetch($t)) { $ret[$cat] = str_replace(array('-', '#'), array('', '-'), $u->QryFields); } } return $ret; }
/** * Viene chiamata per fare i passaggi di fase delle finali * * @param array int $keys: vettore delle chiavi per il passaggio di fase * @param array int $team: 0 individuali 1 squadre * @param boolean &$error: true se il post processo genera un errore */ private function nextPhase($keys, $team, &$error) { /* * Se non ci sono $keys buone non ho passaggi di fase e il post-processing fallisce */ if (count($keys) == 0) { $error = true; return; } foreach ($keys as $key => $value) { $events = implode(',', array_keys($value)); $query = ""; if ($team == 0) { $query = "SELECT GrPhase AS Phase,GrPosition AS Position,\t/* Grids*/ " . "FinMatchNo AS MatchNo,FinEvent AS Event, FinAthlete AS Id, FinScore AS Score,FinTie AS Tie, " . "IF(GrPhase>2, FLOOR(FinMatchNo/2),FLOOR(FinMatchNo/2)-2) AS NextMatchNo " . "FROM Finals INNER JOIN Grids ON FinMatchNo=GrMatchNo AND GrPhase=" . StrSafe_DB($key) . " " . "LEFT JOIN Entries ON FinAthlete=EnId AND FinEvent IN(" . $events . ') ' . "WHERE FinTournament=" . $this->getTourId() . " " . "ORDER BY FinEvent, NextMatchNo ASC, FinScore DESC, FinTie DESC "; } else { $query = "SELECT GrPhase AS Phase,GrPosition AS Position,\t/* Grids*/ " . "TfTeam AS Id,TfMatchNo AS MatchNo,TfEvent AS Event, TfScore AS Score,TfTie AS Tie, " . "IF(GrPhase>2, FLOOR(TfMatchNo/2),FLOOR(TfMatchNo/2)-2) AS NextMatchNo " . "FROM TeamFinals INNER JOIN Grids ON TfMatchNo=GrMatchNo AND GrPhase=" . StrSafe_DB($key) . " " . "WHERE TfTournament=" . $this->getTourId() . " AND TfEvent IN (" . $events . ") " . "ORDER BY TfEvent, NextMatchNo ASC, TfScore DESC, TfTie DESC "; } //print $query . '<br>';exit; $rs = safe_r_SQL($query); $myNextMatchNo = 'xx'; $row = array(); if (safe_num_rows($rs) > 0) { while ($row0 = safe_fetch($rs)) { $row1 = safe_fetch($rs); $athProp = 0; $myUpQuery = ""; if ($row0->Phase >= 2) { if (($row0->Score > 0 || $row0->Tie > 0) && ($row0->Score != $row1->Score || $row0->Tie != $row1->Tie)) { if ($team == 0) { $myUpQuery = "UPDATE Finals SET "; $myUpQuery .= "FinAthlete =" . StrSafe_DB($row0->Id) . ", "; $myUpQuery .= "FinDateTime=" . StrSafe_DB(date('Y-m-d H:i:s')) . " "; $myUpQuery .= "WHERE FinEvent=" . StrSafe_DB($row0->Event) . " AND FinMatchNo=" . StrSafe_DB($row0->NextMatchNo) . " AND FinTournament=" . $this->getTourId() . " "; } else { $myUpQuery = "UPDATE TeamFinals SET "; $myUpQuery .= "TfTeam =" . StrSafe_DB($row0->Id) . ", "; $myUpQuery .= "TfDateTime=" . StrSafe_DB(date('Y-m-d H:i:s')) . " "; $myUpQuery .= "WHERE TfEvent=" . StrSafe_DB($row0->Event) . " AND TfMatchNo=" . StrSafe_DB($row0->NextMatchNo) . " AND TfTournament=" . $this->getTourId() . " "; } //print $myUpQuery . '<br><br>'; $rsUp = safe_w_sql($myUpQuery); $athProp = $row0->Id; } else { if ($team == 0) { $myUpQuery = "UPDATE Finals SET "; $myUpQuery .= "FinAthlete ='0', "; $myUpQuery .= "FinDateTime=" . StrSafe_DB(date('Y-m-d H:i:s')) . " "; $myUpQuery .= "WHERE FinEvent=" . StrSafe_DB($row0->Event) . " AND FinMatchNo=" . StrSafe_DB($row0->NextMatchNo) . " AND FinTournament=" . $this->getTourId() . " "; } else { $myUpQuery = "UPDATE TeamFinals SET "; $myUpQuery .= "TfTeam ='0', "; $myUpQuery .= "TfDateTime=" . StrSafe_DB(date('Y-m-d H:i:s')) . " "; $myUpQuery .= "WHERE TfEvent=" . StrSafe_DB($row0->Event) . " AND TfMatchNo=" . StrSafe_DB($row0->NextMatchNo) . " AND TfTournament=" . $this->getTourId() . " "; } $rsUp = safe_w_sql($myUpQuery); } } if ($row1->Phase == 2) { if (($row1->Score > 0 || $row1->Tie > 0) && ($row0->Score != $row1->Score || $row0->Tie != $row1->Tie)) { if ($team == 0) { $myUpQuery = "UPDATE Finals SET "; $myUpQuery .= "FinAthlete =" . StrSafe_DB($row1->Id) . ", "; $myUpQuery .= "FinDateTime=" . StrSafe_DB(date('Y-m-d H:i:s')) . " "; $myUpQuery .= "WHERE FinEvent=" . StrSafe_DB($row1->Event) . " AND FinMatchNo=" . StrSafe_DB($row1->NextMatchNo + 2) . " AND FinTournament=" . $this->getTourId() . " "; } else { $myUpQuery = "UPDATE TeamFinals SET "; $myUpQuery .= "TfTeam =" . StrSafe_DB($row1->Id) . ", "; $myUpQuery .= "TfDateTime=" . StrSafe_DB(date('Y-m-d H:i:s')) . " "; $myUpQuery .= "WHERE TfEvent=" . StrSafe_DB($row1->Event) . " AND TfMatchNo=" . StrSafe_DB($row1->NextMatchNo + 2) . " AND TfTournament=" . $this->getTourId() . " "; } $rsUp = safe_w_sql($myUpQuery); $athProp = $Row1->FinAthlete; } else { if ($team == 0) { $myUpQuery = "UPDATE Finals SET "; $myUpQuery .= "FinAthlete =" . StrSafe_DB($row1->Id) . ", "; // 0 $myUpQuery .= "FinDateTime=" . StrSafe_DB(date('Y-m-d H:i:s')) . " "; $myUpQuery .= "WHERE FinEvent=" . StrSafe_DB($row1->Event) . " AND FinMatchNo=" . StrSafe_DB($row1->NextMatchNo + 2) . " AND FinTournament=" . $this->getTourId() . " "; } else { $myUpQuery = "UPDATE TeamFinals SET "; $myUpQuery .= "TfTeam =" . StrSafe_DB($row1->Id) . ", "; // 0 $myUpQuery .= "TfDateTime=" . StrSafe_DB(date('Y-m-d H:i:s')) . " "; $myUpQuery .= "WHERE TfEvent=" . StrSafe_DB($row1->Event) . " AND TfMatchNo=" . StrSafe_DB($row1->NextMatchNo + 2) . " AND TfTournament=" . $this->getTourId() . " "; } $rsUp = safe_w_sql($myUpQuery); } // Devo fare la propagazione del nome se il matchno>7 (fase>2) $oldId = $athProp != 0 ? StrSafe_DB($row1->Id) : StrSafe_DB($row0->Id) . ',' . StrSafe_DB($row1->Id); $update = ""; if ($team == 0) { $update = "UPDATE Finals SET " . "FinAthlete=" . StrSafe_DB($athProp) . " " . "WHERE FinAthlete IN (" . $oldId . ") AND FinTournament=" . $this->getTourId() . " AND FinEvent=" . StrSafe_DB($row0->Event) . " AND FinMatchNo<" . StrSafe_DB($row0->NextMatchNo) . " AND (FinScore<>0 OR FinTie<>0) "; } else { $update = "UPDATE TeamFinals SET " . "TfTeam=" . StrSafe_DB($athProp) . " " . "WHERE TfTeam IN (" . $oldId . ") AND TfTournament=" . $this->getTourId() . " AND TfEvent=" . StrSafe_DB($row0->Event) . " AND TfMatchNo<" . StrSafe_DB($row0->NextMatchNo) . " AND (TfScore<>0 OR TfTie<>0) "; } //print $update . '<br><br>'; $rsProp = safe_w_sql($update); if (safe_w_affected_rows() > 0) { $error = false; } } } } } }
$Team[$tmp[2] . $tmp[3]] = $MyRow->BsExtra; } elseif ($tmp[1] == 'Abs') { $AbsInd[$tmp[2]] = $MyRow->BsExtra; } elseif ($tmp[1] == 'AbsTeam') { $AbsTeam[$tmp[2]] = $MyRow->BsExtra; } elseif ($tmp[1] == 'Lst') { if (($Ses = substr($MyRow->BsType, -2, 1)) == 'Q') { $Lst[$MyRow->BsExtra[0]] = sprintf($LstTemplate, substr($MyRow->BsType, -1)); } } break; } } if ($Lst) { foreach ($Lst as $k => $SQL) { $q = safe_r_SQL($SQL); $txt = array(); while ($r = safe_fetch($q)) { // debug_svela($r); $txt[] = sprintf("%s %s %s", ltrim($r->Target, '0'), $r->EnName, $r->EnFirstName); } $FeedItems['Lst-' . $k]['title'] = get_text('StartList', 'Tournament'); $FeedItems['Lst-' . $k]['text'] = implode(' - ', $txt); } } if ($Ind) { require_once 'Common/Lib/Obj_RankFactory.php'; //Genero la query che mi ritorna tutti al max 10 righe dei podi qualificati $options = array('dist' => 0); $options['cutRank'] = max(array_values($Ind)); $family = 'DivClass';
$age = isset($_REQUEST['age']) ? $_REQUEST['age'] : ''; if (!CheckTourSession() || is_null($sex)) { print get_text('CrackError'); exit; } if (!empty($age)) { preg_match('/(?P<age>[0-9]{4})/', $age, $tmp); if (!empty($tmp['age'])) { $age = $tmp['age']; $age = substr($_SESSION['TourRealWhenTo'], 0, 4) - $age; } } $error = 0; $isAthlete = 0; $query = "SELECT distinct ClId, DivAthlete FROM Divisions" . " inner join Classes on DivTournament=ClTournament and DivAthlete=ClAthlete" . " where DivTournament={$_SESSION['TourId']}" . " AND (ClDivisionsAllowed='' or find_in_set(DivId, ClDivisionsAllowed))" . " AND ClSex in (-1, {$sex})" . " AND DivId='{$div}'" . ($age ? " AND (ClAthlete!='1' or (ClAgeFrom<={$age} AND ClAgeTo>={$age} ))" : '') . " ORDER BY ClViewOrder"; $rs = safe_r_SQL($query); //debug_svela($query); $classes = array(); if (!$rs) { $error = 1; } else { while ($myRow = safe_fetch($rs)) { $classes[] = $myRow->ClId; $isAthlete = $myRow->DivAthlete; } } $xmlDoc = new DOMDocument('1.0', PageEncode); $xmlRoot = $xmlDoc->createElement('response'); $xmlDoc->appendChild($xmlRoot); // Header $xmlHeader = $xmlDoc->createElement('header');
echo '</td></tr>'; } //Individual Cl/div $Sql = "SELECT CONCAT(DivId,ClId) as Event\r\n\t\tFROM Divisions INNER JOIN Classes ON DivTournament=ClTournament\r\n\t\tLEFT JOIN Awards ON DivTournament=AwTournament AND CONCAT(DivId,ClId)=AwEvent AND AwFinEvent=0 AND AwTeam=0\r\n\t\tWHERE DivTournament=" . StrSafe_DB($_SESSION['TourId']) . " AND ClAthlete=1 AND DivAthlete=1 AND AwEvent IS NULL"; $Rs = safe_r_SQL($Sql); if (safe_num_rows($Rs)) { $needSubmit = true; echo '<tr><th style="width: 15%">' . get_text('ResultIndClass', 'Tournament') . '</th><td>'; while ($row = safe_fetch($Rs)) { echo '<input type="checkbox" name="addField[]" value="' . $row->Event . '|0|0">' . $row->Event . " "; } echo '</td></tr>'; } //Team Cl/div $Sql = "SELECT CONCAT(DivId,ClId) as Event\r\n\t\tFROM Divisions INNER JOIN Classes ON DivTournament=ClTournament\r\n\t\tLEFT JOIN Awards ON DivTournament=AwTournament AND CONCAT(DivId,ClId)=AwEvent AND AwFinEvent=0 AND AwTeam=1\r\n\t\tWHERE DivTournament=" . StrSafe_DB($_SESSION['TourId']) . " AND ClAthlete=1 AND DivAthlete=1 AND AwEvent IS NULL"; $Rs = safe_r_SQL($Sql); if (safe_num_rows($Rs)) { $needSubmit = true; echo '<tr><th style="width: 15%">' . get_text('ResultSqClass', 'Tournament') . '</th><td>'; while ($row = safe_fetch($Rs)) { echo '<input type="checkbox" name="addField[]" value="' . $row->Event . '|0|1">' . $row->Event . " "; } echo '</td></tr>'; } if ($needSubmit) { echo '<tr><td colspan="2" class="Center"><input type="hidden" name="Command" value="ADD"><input type="submit" name="' . get_text('CmdAdd', 'Tournament') . '"></td></th>'; } echo '</table></td></tr>'; ?> </table> <?php
function GetExistingTournamentTypes() { global $CFG; $SetType = array(); $q = safe_r_SQL("select * from TourTypes order by TtOrderBy"); $TourTypes = array(); while ($r = safe_fetch($q)) { $TourTypes["{$r->TtId}"] = get_text($r->TtType, 'Tournament') . ($r->TtDistance ? " - {$r->TtDistance} " . get_text('Distances', 'Tournament') : ''); } // search in the local rules $glob = glob($CFG->DOCUMENT_PATH . 'Modules/Sets/*/sets.php'); foreach ($glob as $val) { include $val; } return $SetType; }
function recalculateTeamRanking_20110216($TournamentID) { // per tutte le squadre del torneo ricalcolo le 3 rank $rank = Obj_RankFactory::create('DivClassTeam', array('tournament' => $TournamentID)); if ($rank) { $rank->calculate(); } $rank = Obj_RankFactory::create('AbsTeam', array('tournament' => $TournamentID)); if ($rank) { $rank->calculate(); } $MySql = "SELECT EvCode, EvFinalFirstPhase FROM Events WHERE EvTournament=" . StrSafe_DB($TournamentID) . " AND EvTeamEvent=1"; $rs = safe_r_SQL($MySql); $eventsC = array(); while ($MyRow = safe_fetch($rs)) { $eventsC[] = $MyRow->EvCode . "@-3"; $eventsC[] = $MyRow->EvCode . "@" . $MyRow->EvFinalFirstPhase; } $rank = Obj_RankFactory::create('FinalTeam', array('eventsC' => $eventsC, 'tournament' => $TournamentID)); if ($rank) { $rank->calculate(); } }
public function read() { $filter = $this->safeFilter(); error_reporting(E_ALL); /* * prima passata per costruire la struttura del vettore. * Tiro fuori i nomi delle squadre */ $MyQueryNames = "SELECT TfcId, TfcEvent, TfcCoId, TfcSubTeam, TfcOrder, ucase(EnFirstName) EnUpperName, EnFirstName, EnName, concat(ucase(EnFirstName), ' ', EnName) Athlete, CONCAT(TeRank,CHAR(64+TfcOrder)) AS BackNo "; $MyQueryNames .= "FROM TeamFinComponent "; $MyQueryNames .= "INNER JOIN Events ON TfcEvent=EvCode AND TfcTournament=EvTournament AND EvTeamEvent=1 AND EvFinalFirstPhase!=0 "; $MyQueryNames .= "INNER JOIN Entries ON TfcId=EnId AND TfcTournament=EnTournament "; $MyQueryNames .= "INNER JOIN Teams ON TfcCoId=TeCoId AND TfcSubTeam=TeSubTeam AND TfcEvent=TeEvent AND TfcTournament=TeTournament AND TeFinEvent=1 "; $MyQueryNames .= "WHERE TfcTournament = " . $this->tournament . " "; if (!empty($this->opts['events'])) { $MyQueryNames .= CleanEvents($this->opts['events'], 'TfcEvent'); } $MyQueryNames .= " ORDER BY EvProgr, TfcEvent, TfcCoId, TfcSubTeam, TfcOrder "; $this->data['sections'] = array(); $q = safe_r_SQL($MyQueryNames); while ($r = safe_fetch($q)) { $this->data['sections'][$r->TfcEvent]['athletes'][$r->TfcCoId][$r->TfcSubTeam][] = array('athlete' => $r->Athlete, 'backNo' => $r->BackNo, 'id' => $r->TfcId, 'familyName' => $r->EnFirstName, 'familyUpperName' => $r->EnUpperName, 'givenName' => $r->EnName); if (!empty($this->opts['enid']) and $r->TfcId == $this->opts['enid']) { $this->EnIdFound[] = $r->TfcEvent; $this->TeamFound = $r->TfcCoId; } } if (!empty($this->opts['enid'])) { if (!$this->EnIdFound) { return; } foreach ($this->data['sections'] as $ev => $data) { if (!in_array($ev, $this->EnIdFound)) { unset($this->data['sections'][$ev]); } } } $q = "SELECT * from (" . "select" . " EvCode Event," . " EvEventName EventDescr," . " EvFinalFirstPhase," . " EvMaxTeamPerson," . " EvFinalPrintHead," . " EvMatchMode," . " EvProgr," . " EvShootOff," . " GrPhase Phase," . " IF(EvFinalFirstPhase=48 || EvFinalFirstPhase=24,GrPosition2, GrPosition) Position," . " TfTournament Tournament," . " TfTeam Team," . " TfSubTeam SubTeam," . " TfMatchNo MatchNo," . " TeRank QualRank," . " TeRankFinal FinRank," . " TeScore QualScore, " . " TfWinLose Winner, " . " TfDateTime LastUpdated, " . " CONCAT(CoName, IF(TfSubTeam>'1',CONCAT(' (',TfSubTeam,')'),'')) as CountryName," . " CoCode as CountryCode," . " TfScore AS Score," . " TfSetScore as SetScore," . " TfTie Tie," . " TfTieBreak TieBreak," . " TfStatus Status, " . " TfSetPoints SetPoints, " . " TfArrowstring arrowstring, TfLive LiveFlag," . " FSTarget Target," . " TarId, TarDescr, EvDistance as Distance, EvTargetSize as TargetSize, " . "\tEvFinEnds, EvFinArrows, EvFinSO, EvElimEnds, EvElimArrows, EvElimSO, " . " DATE_FORMAT(FSScheduledDate,'" . get_text('DateFmtDB') . "') as ScheduledDate," . " DATE_FORMAT(FSScheduledTime,'" . get_text('TimeFmt') . "') AS ScheduledTime " . " FROM TeamFinals " . " INNER JOIN Events ON TfEvent=EvCode AND TfTournament=EvTournament AND EvTeamEvent=1 AND EvFinalFirstPhase!=0 " . " INNER JOIN Grids ON TfMatchNo=GrMatchNo " . " INNER JOIN Targets ON EvFinalTargetType=TarId " . " LEFT JOIN Teams ON TfTeam=TeCoId AND TfSubTeam=TeSubTeam AND TfEvent=TeEvent AND TfTournament=TeTournament AND TeFinEvent=1 " . " LEFT JOIN Countries ON TfTeam=CoId AND TfTournament=CoTournament " . " LEFT JOIN FinSchedule ON TfEvent=FSEvent AND TfMatchNo=FSMatchNo AND TfTournament=FSTournament AND FSTeamEvent='1' " . " WHERE TfMatchNo%2=0 AND TfTournament = " . $this->tournament . " " . $filter . ") f1 inner join (" . "select" . " EvCode OppEvent," . " IF(EvFinalFirstPhase=48 || EvFinalFirstPhase=24,GrPosition2, GrPosition) OppPosition," . " TfTournament OppTournament," . " TfTeam OppTeam," . " TfSubTeam OppSubTeam," . " TfMatchNo OppMatchNo," . " TeRank OppQualRank," . " TeRankFinal OppFinRank," . " TeScore OppQualScore, " . " TfWinLose OppWinner, " . " TfDateTime OppLastUpdated, " . " CONCAT(CoName, IF(TfSubTeam>'1',CONCAT(' (',TfSubTeam,')'),'')) as OppCountryName," . " CoCode as OppCountryCode," . " TfScore AS OppScore," . " TfSetScore as OppSetScore," . " TfTie OppTie," . " TfTieBreak OppTieBreak," . " TfStatus OppStatus, " . " TfSetPoints OppSetPoints, " . " TfArrowstring oppArrowstring, " . " FSTarget OppTarget " . " FROM TeamFinals " . " INNER JOIN Events ON TfEvent=EvCode AND TfTournament=EvTournament AND EvTeamEvent=1 AND EvFinalFirstPhase!=0 " . " INNER JOIN Grids ON TfMatchNo=GrMatchNo " . " LEFT JOIN Teams ON TfTeam=TeCoId AND TfSubTeam=TeSubTeam AND TfEvent=TeEvent AND TfTournament=TeTournament AND TeFinEvent=1 " . " LEFT JOIN Countries ON TfTeam=CoId AND TfTournament=CoTournament " . " LEFT JOIN FinSchedule ON TfEvent=FSEvent AND TfMatchNo=FSMatchNo AND TfTournament=FSTournament AND FSTeamEvent='1' " . " WHERE TfMatchNo%2=1 AND TfTournament = " . $this->tournament . " " . $filter . ") f2 on Tournament=OppTournament and Event=OppEvent and MatchNo=OppMatchNo-1 " . ($this->EnIdFound ? ' where Event in ("' . implode('","', $this->EnIdFound) . '") AND (Team=' . StrSafe_DB($this->TeamFound) . ' or oppTeam=' . StrSafe_DB($this->TeamFound) . ')' : '') . (empty($this->opts['coid']) ? '' : " where (Team=" . intval($this->opts['coid']) . " or OppTeam=" . intval($this->opts['coid']) . ") ") . (isset($this->opts['matchno']) ? " where MatchNo=" . intval($this->opts['matchno']) . ' ' : '') . (isset($this->opts['liveFlag']) ? " where LiveFlag=1 " : '') . " ORDER BY EvProgr ASC, event, Phase DESC, MatchNo ASC "; $r = safe_r_sql($q); $this->data['meta']['title'] = get_text('BracketsSq'); $this->data['meta']['lastUpdate'] = '0000-00-00 00:00:00'; $this->data['meta']['fields'] = array('scheduledDate' => get_text('Date', 'Tournament'), 'scheduledTime' => get_text('Time', 'Tournament'), 'winner' => get_text('Winner'), 'matchNo' => get_text('MatchNo'), 'bib' => get_text('Code', 'Tournament'), 'target' => get_text('Target'), 'athlete' => get_text('Athlete'), 'familyname' => get_text('FamilyName', 'Tournament'), 'givenname' => get_text('Name', 'Tournament'), 'countryCode' => '', 'countryName' => get_text('Country'), 'countryIocCode' => '', 'qualRank' => get_text('RankScoreShort'), 'finRank' => get_text('FinalRank', 'Tournament'), 'qualscore' => get_text('TotalShort', 'Tournament'), 'score' => get_text('TotalShort', 'Tournament'), 'setScore' => get_text('SetTotal', 'Tournament'), 'setPoints' => get_text('SetPoints', 'Tournament'), 'tie' => 'S.O.', 'arrowstring' => get_text('Arrows', 'Tournament'), 'tiebreak' => get_text('TieArrows'), 'status' => get_text('Status', 'Tournament'), 'oppMatchNo' => get_text('MatchNo'), 'oppBib' => get_text('Code', 'Tournament'), 'oppTarget' => get_text('Target'), 'oppAthlete' => get_text('Athlete'), 'oppFamilyname' => get_text('FamilyName', 'Tournament'), 'oppGivenname' => get_text('Name', 'Tournament'), 'oppCountryCode' => '', 'oppCountryName' => get_text('Country'), 'oppCountryIocCode' => '', 'oppQualRank' => get_text('RankScoreShort'), 'oppFinRank' => get_text('FinalRank', 'Tournament'), 'oppQualScore' => get_text('TotalShort', 'Tournament'), 'oppScore' => get_text('TotalShort', 'Tournament'), 'oppSetScore' => get_text('SetTotal', 'Tournament'), 'oppSetPoints' => get_text('SetPoints', 'Tournament'), 'oppTie' => 'S.O.', 'oppArrowstring' => get_text('Arrows', 'Tournament'), 'oppTiebreak' => get_text('TieArrows'), 'oppStatus' => get_text('Status', 'Tournament')); while ($myRow = safe_fetch($r)) { if ($myRow->LastUpdated > $this->data['meta']['lastUpdate']) { $this->data['meta']['lastUpdate'] = $myRow->LastUpdated; } if ($myRow->OppLastUpdated > $this->data['meta']['lastUpdate']) { $this->data['meta']['lastUpdate'] = $myRow->OppLastUpdated; } if (!isset($this->data['sections'][$myRow->Event]['meta'])) { $this->data['sections'][$myRow->Event]['meta'] = array('phase' => get_text('Phase'), 'eventName' => get_text($myRow->EventDescr, '', '', true), 'firstPhase' => $myRow->EvFinalFirstPhase, 'printHead' => get_text($myRow->EvFinalPrintHead, '', '', true), 'maxTeamPerson' => $myRow->EvMaxTeamPerson, 'matchMode' => $myRow->EvMatchMode, 'order' => $myRow->EvProgr, 'shootOffSolved' => $myRow->EvShootOff, 'finEnds' => $myRow->EvFinEnds, 'finArrows' => $myRow->EvFinArrows, 'finSO' => $myRow->EvFinSO, 'elimEnds' => $myRow->EvElimEnds, 'elimArrows' => $myRow->EvElimArrows, 'elimSO' => $myRow->EvElimSO, 'targetType' => $myRow->TarDescr, 'targetTypeId' => $myRow->TarId, 'targetSize' => $myRow->TargetSize, 'distance' => $myRow->Distance); $this->data['sections'][$myRow->Event]['phases'] = array(); } if (!isset($this->data['sections'][$myRow->Event]['phases'][$myRow->Phase])) { $this->data['sections'][$myRow->Event]['phases'][$myRow->Phase]['meta'] = array('phaseName' => get_text($myRow->Phase . "_Phase")); $this->data['sections'][$myRow->Event]['phases'][$myRow->Phase]['items'] = array(); } $tmpArr = array(); $oppArr = array(); if ($myRow->TieBreak) { for ($countArr = 0; $countArr < strlen(trim($myRow->TieBreak)); $countArr += $myRow->EvMaxTeamPerson) { $tmp = ValutaArrowString(substr(trim($myRow->TieBreak), $countArr, $myRow->EvMaxTeamPerson)); if (!ctype_upper(trim($myRow->TieBreak))) { $tmp .= "*"; } $tmpArr[] = $tmp; } //debug_svela($myRow); } if ($myRow->OppTieBreak) { for ($countArr = 0; $countArr < strlen(trim($myRow->OppTieBreak)); $countArr += $myRow->EvMaxTeamPerson) { $tmp = ValutaArrowString(substr(trim($myRow->OppTieBreak), $countArr, $myRow->EvMaxTeamPerson)); if (!ctype_upper(trim($myRow->OppTieBreak))) { $tmp .= "*"; } $oppArr[] = $tmp; } } $this->data['sections'][$myRow->Event]['phases'][$myRow->Phase]['items'][] = array('liveFlag' => $myRow->LiveFlag, 'scheduledDate' => $myRow->ScheduledDate, 'scheduledTime' => $myRow->ScheduledTime, 'matchNo' => $myRow->MatchNo, 'target' => $myRow->Target, 'countryCode' => $myRow->CountryCode, 'countryName' => $myRow->CountryName, 'qualRank' => $myRow->QualRank, 'finRank' => $myRow->FinRank, 'qualScore' => $myRow->QualScore, 'winner' => $myRow->Winner, 'score' => $myRow->Score, 'setScore' => $myRow->SetScore, 'setPoints' => $myRow->SetPoints, 'arrowstring' => $myRow->arrowstring, 'tie' => $myRow->Tie, 'tiebreak' => $myRow->TieBreak, 'tiebreakDecoded' => implode(',', $tmpArr), 'status' => $myRow->Status, 'position' => $myRow->QualRank ? $myRow->QualRank : $myRow->Position, 'teamId' => $myRow->Team, 'subTeam' => $myRow->SubTeam, 'oppMatchNo' => $myRow->OppMatchNo, 'oppTarget' => $myRow->OppTarget, 'oppCountryCode' => $myRow->OppCountryCode, 'oppCountryName' => $myRow->OppCountryName, 'oppQualRank' => $myRow->OppQualRank, 'oppFinRank' => $myRow->OppFinRank, 'oppQualScore' => $myRow->OppQualScore, 'oppWinner' => $myRow->OppWinner, 'oppScore' => $myRow->OppScore, 'oppSetScore' => $myRow->OppSetScore, 'oppSetPoints' => $myRow->OppSetPoints, 'oppArrowstring' => $myRow->oppArrowstring, 'oppTie' => $myRow->OppTie, 'oppTiebreak' => $myRow->OppTieBreak, 'oppTiebreakDecoded' => implode(',', $oppArr), 'oppStatus' => $myRow->OppStatus, 'oppPosition' => $myRow->OppQualRank ? $myRow->OppQualRank : $myRow->OppPosition, 'oppTeamId' => $myRow->OppTeam, 'oppSubTeam' => $myRow->OppSubTeam); } }