Exemple #1
 function onMeta()
     # Run this function during meta-load (debugmode >>ONLY<<)
     ###### -> Construct should add this module to the onMeta array
     if (!is_dir(CONS_FMANAGER . "_undodata/")) {
         safe_mkdir(CONS_FMANAGER . "_undodata/");
Exemple #2
 function onMeta()
     # Run this function during meta-load (debugmode >>ONLY<<)
     ###### -> Construct should add this module to the onMeta array
         safe_mkdir(CONS_FMANAGER . CONS_FMANAGER_SAFE);
     if (!isset($this->parent->dimconfig['default_fm_time'])) {
         $this->parent->dimconfig['default_fm_time'] = 30;
     // default expiration date, set 0 to none
Exemple #3
function recursive_copy($source, $destination)
    $counter = 0;
    if (substr($source, strlen($source), 1) != "/") {
        $source .= "/";
    if (substr($destination, strlen($destination), 1) != "/") {
        $destination .= "/";
    if (!is_dir($destination)) {
    $itens = listFiles($source);
    foreach ($itens as $id => $name) {
        if ($name[0] == "/") {
            $name = substr($name, 1);
        if (is_file($source . $name)) {
            // file
            if ($name != "Thumbs.db") {
                if (!copy($source . $name, $destination . $name)) {
                    echo "Error: " . $source . $name . " -> " . $destination . $name . "<br/>";
                } else {
                    safe_chmod($destination . $name, 0775);
            } else {
                @unlink($source . $name);
        } else {
            if (is_dir($source . $name)) {
                // dir
                if (!is_dir($destination . $name)) {
                    safe_mkdir($destination . $name);
                $counter += recursive_copy($source . $name, $destination . $name);
    return $counter;
Exemple #4
function makeDirs($path, $base = "")
    if ($base != "" && substr($base, strlen($base) - 1) != "/") {
        $base .= '/';
    $paths = explode("/", $path);
    if ($base != "" && !is_dir($base)) {
        if (!safe_mkdir($base)) {
            return false;
    while (count($paths) > 0) {
        $starter = array_shift($paths);
        if ($starter != "") {
            $base .= $starter . "/";
            if (!is_dir($base)) {
                if (!safe_mkdir($base)) {
                    return false;
    return true;
$stateorprovince = $stateorprovinceA[1];
$cityname = $citynameA[1];
$orginizationname = $orginizationnameA[1];
$orginizationdepartment = $orginizationdepartmentA[1];
$commonname = $commonnameA[1];
if ($_POST) {
    /* Grab posted variables and create a new openssl.cnf */
    $countrycode = $_POST['countrycode'];
    $stateorprovince = $_POST['stateorprovince'];
    $cityname = $_POST['cityname'];
    $orginizationname = $_POST['orginizationname'];
    $orginizationdepartment = $_POST['orginizationdepartment'];
    $commonname = $_POST['commonname'];
    /* Write out /var/etc/ssl/openssl.cnf */
    $fd = fopen("/usr/local/ssl/openssl.cnf", "w");
    fwrite($fd, "");
    fwrite($fd, "[ req ]\n");
    fwrite($fd, "distinguished_name=req_distinguished_name \n");
    fwrite($fd, "req_extensions = v3_req \n");
    fwrite($fd, "prompt=no\n");
    fwrite($fd, "default_bits            = 1024\n");
    fwrite($fd, "default_keyfile         = privkey.pem\n");
    fwrite($fd, "distinguished_name      = req_distinguished_name\n");
    fwrite($fd, "attributes              = req_attributes\n");
    fwrite($fd, "x509_extensions = v3_ca # The extentions to add to the self signed cert\n");
    fwrite($fd, "[ req_distinguished_name ] \n");
    fwrite($fd, "C=" . $countrycode . " \n");
    fwrite($fd, "ST=" . $stateorprovince . " \n");
    fwrite($fd, "L=" . $cityname . " \n");
            update_status(gettext("Copying md5 sig to snort directory..."));
            @copy("{$tmpfname}/{$emergingthreats_filename_md5}", "{$snortdir}/{$emergingthreats_filename_md5}");
/* Untar snort rules file individually to help people with low system specs */
if ($snortdownload == 'on') {
    if (file_exists("{$tmpfname}/{$snort_filename}")) {
        if ($pfsense_stable == 'yes') {
            $freebsd_version_so = 'FreeBSD-7-2';
        } else {
            $freebsd_version_so = 'FreeBSD-8-1';
        update_status(gettext("Extracting Snort.org rules..."));
        /* extract snort.org rules and  add prefix to all snort.org files*/
        exec("/usr/bin/tar xzf {$tmpfname}/{$snort_filename} -C {$snortdir}/tmp/snortrules rules/");
        $files = glob("{$snortdir}/tmp/snortrules/rules/*.rules");
        foreach ($files as $file) {
            $newfile = basename($file);
            @copy($file, "{$snortdir}/rules/snort_{$newfile}");
        /* IP lists */
        $files = glob("{$snortdir}/tmp/snortrules/rules/*.txt");
        foreach ($files as $file) {
            $newfile = basename($file);
            @copy($file, "{$snortdir}/rules/{$newfile}");
        exec("rm -r {$snortdir}/tmp/snortrules");
        /* extract so rules */
        exec('/bin/mkdir -p /usr/local/lib/snort/dynamicrules/');
    $external_net = "[" . trim($external_net) . "]";
} else {
    foreach ($home_net_list as $ip) {
        $external_net .= "!{$ip},";
    $external_net = trim($external_net, ', ');
/* User added custom configuration arguments */
$snort_config_pass_thru = str_replace("\r", "", base64_decode($snortcfg['configpassthru']));
// Remove the trailing newline
$snort_config_pass_thru = rtrim($snort_config_pass_thru);
/* create a few directories and ensure the sample files are in place */
$snort_dirs = array($snortdir, $snortcfgdir, "{$snortcfgdir}/rules", "{$snortlogdir}/snort_{$if_real}{$snort_uuid}", "{$snortlogdir}/snort_{$if_real}{$snort_uuid}/barnyard2", "{$snortcfgdir}/preproc_rules", "dynamicrules" => "{$snortlibdir}/snort_dynamicrules", "dynamicengine" => "{$snortlibdir}/snort_dynamicengine", "dynamicpreprocessor" => "{$snortcfgdir}/snort_dynamicpreprocessor");
foreach ($snort_dirs as $dir) {
    if (!is_dir($dir)) {
/* For fail-safe on an initial startup following installation, and  */
/* before a rules update has occurred, copy the default config      */
/* files to the interface directory.  If files already exist in     */
/* the interface directory, or they are newer, that means a rule    */
/* update has been done and we should leave the customized files    */
/* put in place by the rules update process.                        */
$snort_files = array("gen-msg.map", "classification.config", "reference.config", "attribute_table.dtd", "sid-msg.map", "unicode.map", "file_magic.conf", "threshold.conf", "preproc_rules/preprocessor.rules", "preproc_rules/decoder.rules", "preproc_rules/sensitive-data.rules");
foreach ($snort_files as $file) {
    if (file_exists("{$snortdir}/{$file}")) {
        $ftime = filemtime("{$snortdir}/{$file}");
        if (!file_exists("{$snortcfgdir}/{$file}") || $ftime > filemtime("{$snortcfgdir}/{$file}")) {
 * Start of main code                                                 *
global $g, $config;
$suricata_geoip_dbdir = SURICATA_PBI_BASEDIR . 'share/GeoIP/';
$geoip_tmppath = "{$g['tmp_path']}/geoipup/";
// If auto-updates of GeoIP are disabled, then exit
if ($config['installedpackages']['suricata']['config'][0]['autogeoipupdate'] == "off") {
} else {
    log_error(gettext("[Suricata] Updating the GeoIP country database files..."));
// Download the free GeoIP Legacy country name databases for IPv4 and IPv6
// to a temporary location.
if (download_file("http://geolite.maxmind.com/download/geoip/database/GeoLiteCountry/GeoIP.dat.gz", "{$geoip_tmppath}GeoIP.dat.gz") != true) {
    log_error(gettext("[Suricata] An error occurred downloading the 'GeoIP.dat.gz' update file for GeoIP."));
if (download_file("http://geolite.maxmind.com/download/geoip/database/GeoIPv6.dat.gz", "{$geoip_tmppath}GeoIPv6.dat.gz") != true) {
    log_error(gettext("[Suricata] An error occurred downloading the 'GeoIPv6.dat.gz' update file for GeoIP."));
// Mount filesystem read-write since we need to write
// the extracted databases to PBI_BASE/share/GeoIP.
// If the files downloaded successfully, unpack them and store
// the DB files in the PBI_BASE/share/GeoIP directory.
if (file_exists("{$geoip_tmppath}GeoIP.dat.gz")) {
    mwexec("/usr/bin/gunzip -f {$geoip_tmppath}GeoIP.dat.gz");
    @rename("{$geoip_tmppath}GeoIP.dat", "{$suricata_geoip_dbdir}GeoIP.dat");
function pfblockerng_uc_countries()
    global $g, $pfb;
    $maxmind_cont = "{$pfb['dbdir']}/country_continent.csv";
    $maxmind_cc4 = "{$pfb['dbdir']}/GeoIPCountryWhois.csv";
    $maxmind_cc6 = "{$pfb['dbdir']}/GeoIPv6.csv";
    // Create Folders if not Exist
    $folder_array = array("{$pfb['dbdir']}", "{$pfb['logdir']}", "{$pfb['ccdir']}");
    foreach ($folder_array as $folder) {
        safe_mkdir("{$folder}", 0755);
    $now = date("m/d/y G:i:s", time());
    $log = "Country Code Update Start - [ NOW ]\n\n";
    print "Country Code Update Start - [ {$now} ]\n\n";
    pfb_logger("{$log}", "3");
    if (!file_exists($maxmind_cont) || !file_exists($maxmind_cc4) || !file_exists($maxmind_cc6)) {
        $log = " [ MAXMIND UPDATE FAIL, CSV Missing, using Previous Country Code Database \n";
        print $log;
        pfb_logger("{$log}", "3");
    // Save Date/Time Stamp to MaxMind version file
    $maxmind_ver = "MaxMind GeoLite Date/Time Stamps \n\n";
    $remote_tds = @implode(preg_grep("/Last-Modified/", get_headers("http://geolite.maxmind.com/download/geoip/database/GeoIPCountryCSV.zip")));
    $maxmind_ver .= "MaxMind_v4 \t" . $remote_tds . "\n";
    $local_tds = @gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s T", filemtime($maxmind_cc4));
    $maxmind_ver .= "Local_v4 \tLast-Modified: " . $local_tds . "\n\n";
    $remote_tds = @implode(preg_grep("/Last-Modified/", get_headers("http://geolite.maxmind.com/download/geoip/database/GeoIPv6.csv.gz")));
    $maxmind_ver .= "MaxMind_v6 \t" . $remote_tds . "\n";
    $local_tds = @gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s T", filemtime($maxmind_cc6));
    $maxmind_ver .= "Local_v6 \tLast-Modified: " . $local_tds . "\n";
    $maxmind_ver .= "\nThese Timestamps should *match* \n";
    @file_put_contents("{$pfb['logdir']}/maxmind_ver", $maxmind_ver);
    // Collect ISO Codes for Each Continent
    $log = "Processing Continent Data\n";
    print $log;
    pfb_logger("{$log}", "3");
    $cont_array = array(array($AF), array($AS), array($EU), array($NA), array($OC), array($SA), array($AX));
    if (($handle = fopen("{$maxmind_cont}", 'r')) !== FALSE) {
        while (($cc = fgetcsv($handle)) !== FALSE) {
            $cc_key = $cc[0];
            $cont_key = $cc[1];
            switch ($cont_key) {
                case "AF":
                    $cont_array[0]['continent'] = "Africa";
                    $cont_array[0]['iso'] .= "{$cc_key},";
                    $cont_array[0]['file4'] = "{$pfb['ccdir']}/Africa_v4.txt";
                    $cont_array[0]['file6'] = "{$pfb['ccdir']}/Africa_v6.txt";
                case "AS":
                    $cont_array[1]['continent'] = "Asia";
                    $cont_array[1]['iso'] .= "{$cc_key},";
                    $cont_array[1]['file4'] = "{$pfb['ccdir']}/Asia_v4.txt";
                    $cont_array[1]['file6'] = "{$pfb['ccdir']}/Asia_v6.txt";
                case "EU":
                    $cont_array[2]['continent'] = "Europe";
                    $cont_array[2]['iso'] .= "{$cc_key},";
                    $cont_array[2]['file4'] = "{$pfb['ccdir']}/Europe_v4.txt";
                    $cont_array[2]['file6'] = "{$pfb['ccdir']}/Europe_v6.txt";
                case "NA":
                    $cont_array[3]['continent'] = "North America";
                    $cont_array[3]['iso'] .= "{$cc_key},";
                    $cont_array[3]['file4'] = "{$pfb['ccdir']}/North_America_v4.txt";
                    $cont_array[3]['file6'] = "{$pfb['ccdir']}/North_America_v6.txt";
                case "OC":
                    $cont_array[4]['continent'] = "Oceania";
                    $cont_array[4]['iso'] .= "{$cc_key},";
                    $cont_array[4]['file4'] = "{$pfb['ccdir']}/Oceania_v4.txt";
                    $cont_array[4]['file6'] = "{$pfb['ccdir']}/Oceania_v6.txt";
                case "SA":
                    $cont_array[5]['continent'] = "South America";
                    $cont_array[5]['iso'] .= "{$cc_key},";
                    $cont_array[5]['file4'] = "{$pfb['ccdir']}/South_America_v4.txt";
                    $cont_array[5]['file6'] = "{$pfb['ccdir']}/South_America_v6.txt";
    // Add Maxmind Anonymous Proxy and Satellite Providers to array
    $cont_array[6]['continent'] = "Proxy and Satellite";
    $cont_array[6]['iso'] = "A1,A2";
    $cont_array[6]['file4'] = "{$pfb['ccdir']}/Proxy_Satellite_v4.txt";
    $cont_array[6]['file6'] = "{$pfb['ccdir']}/Proxy_Satellite_v6.txt";
    // Collect Country ISO data and sort to Continent arrays (IPv4 and IPv6)
    foreach (array("4", "6") as $type) {
        $log = "Processing ISO IPv{$type} Continent/Country Data\n";
        print $log;
        pfb_logger("{$log}", "3");
        if ($type == "4") {
            $maxmind_cc = "{$pfb['dbdir']}/GeoIPCountryWhois.csv";
        } else {
            $maxmind_cc = "{$pfb['dbdir']}/GeoIPv6.csv";
        $iptype = "ip{$type}";
        $filetype = "file{$type}";
        if (($handle = fopen("{$maxmind_cc}", 'r')) !== FALSE) {
            while (($cc = fgetcsv($handle)) !== FALSE) {
                $cc_key = $cc[4];
                $country_key = $cc[5];
                $a_cidr = implode(",", ip_range_to_subnet_array_temp($cc[0], $cc[1]));
                $counter = 0;
                foreach ($cont_array as $iso) {
                    if (preg_match("/\\b{$cc_key}\\b/", $iso['iso'])) {
                        $cont_array[$counter][$cc_key][$iptype] .= $a_cidr . ",";
                        $cont_array[$counter][$cc_key]['country'] = $country_key;
        // Build Continent Files
        $counter = 0;
        foreach ($cont_array as $iso) {
            $header = "";
            $pfb_file = "";
            $iso_key = "";
            $header .= "# Generated from MaxMind Inc. on: " . date("m/d/y G:i:s", time()) . "\n";
            $header .= "# Continent IPv{$type}: " . $cont_array[$counter]['continent'] . "\n";
            $pfb_file = $cont_array[$counter][$filetype];
            $iso_key = array_keys($iso);
            foreach ($iso_key as $key) {
                if (preg_match("/[A-Z]{2}|A1|A2/", $key)) {
                    $header .= "# Country: " . $iso[$key]['country'] . "\n";
                    $header .= "# ISO Code: " . $key . "\n";
                    $header .= "# Total Networks: " . substr_count($iso[$key][$iptype], ",") . "\n";
                    $header .= str_replace(",", "\n", $iso[$key][$iptype]);
                    $iso[$key][$iptype] = "";
            @file_put_contents($pfb_file, $header, LOCK_EX);
     /* except when in post-install mode.  Post-install does its own rebuild. */
     if ($g['suricata_postinstall']) {
         $rebuild_rules = false;
     } else {
         $rebuild_rules = true;
     /* Create configuration for each active Suricata interface */
     foreach ($config['installedpackages']['suricata']['rule'] as $value) {
         $if_real = get_real_interface($value['interface']);
         // Make sure the interface subdirectory exists.  We need to re-create
         // it during a pkg reinstall on the intial rules set download.
         if (!is_dir("{$suricatadir}suricata_{$value['uuid']}_{$if_real}")) {
         if (!is_dir("{$suricatadir}suricata_{$value['uuid']}_{$if_real}/rules")) {
         $tmp = "Updating rules configuration for: " . convert_friendly_interface_to_friendly_descr($value['interface']) . " ...";
         if ($pkg_interface != "console") {
             update_output_window(gettext("Please wait while Suricata interface files are being updated..."));
         suricata_apply_customizations($value, $if_real);
         $tmp = "\t" . $tmp . "\n";
         error_log($tmp, 3, SURICATA_RULES_UPD_LOGFILE);
 } else {
     if ($pkg_interface != "console") {
         update_output_window(gettext("Warning:  No interfaces configured for Suricata were found..."));
         update_output_window(gettext("No interfaces currently have Suricata configured and enabled on them..."));
Exemple #11
function show_recordings()
    if ($recording) {
    echo "==> Sessions available for playback are:\n";
    system("cd /etc/phpshellsessions && ls /etc/phpshellsessions");
    echo "==> end of list.\n";
Exemple #12
 function loadLangFile($file, $standard = true, $plugin = '')
     # loads a templating language file to the template, checks if cache is present
     # called by /index.php
     $file .= ".php";
     $strippedFile = str_replace("/", "_", $file);
     if ($standard) {
         if ($plugin == "") {
             $file = CONS_PATH_SETTINGS . "locale/" . $file;
         } else {
             $file = CONS_PATH_SYSTEM . "plugins/{$plugin}/locale/{$file}";
     } else {
         $file = CONS_PATH_PAGES . $_SESSION['CODE'] . "/_config/locale/{$file}";
     if (!is_file($file)) {
         return false;
     if (!isset($_REQUEST['nocache'])) {
         # if nocache is specified, ignore caches ... not the case
         if ($standard) {
             if ($plugin != '') {
                 $plugin .= '/';
             if (!is_dir(CONS_PATH_CACHE . "locale/{$plugin}")) {
                 safe_mkdir(CONS_PATH_CACHE . "locale/{$plugin}");
             $cacheFile = CONS_PATH_CACHE . "locale/{$plugin}" . $strippedFile . ".cache";
             $cacheMTFile = CONS_PATH_CACHE . "locale/{$plugin}" . $strippedFile . ".cachemd";
         } else {
             if (!is_dir(CONS_PATH_CACHE . $_SESSION['CODE'] . "/meta/locale/")) {
                 safe_mkdir(CONS_PATH_CACHE . $_SESSION['CODE'] . "/meta/locale/");
             $cacheFile = CONS_PATH_CACHE . $_SESSION['CODE'] . "/meta/locale/" . $strippedFile . ".cache";
             $cacheMTFile = CONS_PATH_CACHE . $_SESSION['CODE'] . "/meta/locale/" . $strippedFile . ".cachemd";
         if (is_file($cacheFile) && is_file($cacheMTFile)) {
             $ofMD = filemtime($file);
             # modify date of ORIGINAL file
             $cMD = cReadFile($cacheMTFile);
             # modify date of ORIGINAL file when CACHE file was created
             if ($cMD == $ofMD) {
                 # valid cache file (it was created from the current original file)
                 $newData = @unserialize(cReadFile($cacheFile));
                 if (is_array($newData)) {
                     $this->parent->template->lang_replacer = array_merge($this->parent->template->lang_replacer, $newData);
                     return true;
                 } else {
                     $this->parent->errorControl->raise(6, $_SESSION[CONS_SESSION_LANG], $plugin, $standard ? "standard" : "non-standard");
             } else {
                 if ($this->parent->debugmode && CONS_CACHE) {
                     # Warning: if the lang file was replaced, template caches might be invalid
                     # So we must delete ALL TEMPLATE CACHES!
     # no cache available or no cache specified
     $data = (include $file);
     if ($data === false || !is_array($data)) {
         $this->parent->errorControl->raise(7, $_SESSION[CONS_SESSION_LANG], $plugin, $standard ? "standard" : "non-standard");
         return false;
     if (!isset($_REQUEST['nocache'])) {
         $ofMD = filemtime($file);
         cWriteFile($cacheMTFile, $ofMD);
         cWriteFile($cacheFile, serialize($data));
     foreach ($data as $term => $trans) {
         $this->parent->template->lang_replacer[$term] = $trans;
         // array_merge has issues
     return true;
// If auto-updates of ET IQRisk are disabled, then exit
if ($config['installedpackages']['suricata']['config'][0]['et_iqrisk_enable'] == "off") {
    return 0;
} else {
    log_error(gettext("[Suricata] Updating the Emerging Threats IQRisk IP List..."));
// Construct the download URL using the saved ET IQRisk Subscriber Code
if (!empty($config['installedpackages']['suricata']['config'][0]['iqrisk_code'])) {
    $et_iqrisk_url = str_replace("_xxx_", $config['installedpackages']['suricata']['config'][0]['iqrisk_code'], ET_IQRISK_DNLD_URL);
} else {
    log_error(gettext("[Suricata] No IQRisk subscriber code found!  Aborting scheduled update of Emerging Threats IQRisk IP List."));
    return 0;
// Download the IP List files to a temporary location
// Test the posted MD5 checksum file against our local copy
// to see if an update has been posted for 'categories.txt'.
if (suricata_check_iprep_md5("categories.txt")) {
    log_error(gettext("[Suricata] An updated IPREP 'categories.txt' file is available...downloading new file."));
    if (download_file("{$et_iqrisk_url}categories.txt", "{$iqRisk_tmppath}categories.txt") != true) {
        log_error(gettext("[Suricata] An error occurred downloading the 'categories.txt' file for IQRisk."));
    } else {
        // If the files downloaded successfully, unpack them and store
        // the list files in the SURICATA_IPREP_PATH directory.
        if (file_exists("{$iqRisk_tmppath}categories.txt") && file_exists("{$iqRisk_tmppath}categories.txt.md5")) {
            $new_md5 = trim(file_get_contents("{$iqRisk_tmppath}categories.txt.md5"));
            if ($new_md5 == md5_file("{$iqRisk_tmppath}categories.txt")) {
                @rename("{$iqRisk_tmppath}categories.txt", "{$iprep_path}categories.txt");
                @rename("{$iqRisk_tmppath}categories.txt.md5", "{$iprep_path}categories.txt.md5");
                $success = TRUE;
if ($_POST['remove']) {
    exec("/sbin/pfctl -t {$suri_pf_table} -T flush");
    header("Location: /suricata/suricata_blocked.php");
/* TODO: build a file with block ip and disc */
if ($_POST['download']) {
    $blocked_ips_array_save = "";
    exec("/sbin/pfctl -t {$suri_pf_table} -T show", $blocked_ips_array_save);
    /* build the list */
    if (is_array($blocked_ips_array_save) && count($blocked_ips_array_save) > 0) {
        $save_date = date("Y-m-d-H-i-s");
        $file_name = "suricata_blocked_{$save_date}.tar.gz";
        file_put_contents("{$g['tmp_path']}/suricata_blocked/suricata_block.pf", "");
        foreach ($blocked_ips_array_save as $counter => $fileline) {
            if (empty($fileline)) {
            $fileline = trim($fileline, " \n\t");
            file_put_contents("{$g['tmp_path']}/suricata_blocked/suricata_block.pf", "{$fileline}\n", FILE_APPEND);
        // Create a tar gzip archive of blocked host IP addresses
        exec("/usr/bin/tar -czf {$g['tmp_path']}/{$file_name} -C{$g['tmp_path']}/suricata_blocked suricata_block.pf");
        // If we successfully created the archive, send it to the browser.
        if (file_exists("{$g['tmp_path']}/{$file_name}")) {
            //important or other posts will fail
            if (isset($_SERVER['HTTPS'])) {
/* fix up the preprocessor rules filenames from a PBI package install */
$preproc_rules = array("decoder.rules", "preprocessor.rules", "sensitive-data.rules");
foreach ($preproc_rules as $file) {
    if (file_exists("{$snortdir}/preproc_rules/{$file}-sample")) {
        @rename("{$snortdir}/preproc_rules/{$file}-sample", "{$snortdir}/preproc_rules/{$file}");
/* Remove any previously installed scripts since we rebuild them */
/* Create required log and db directories in /var */
/* If installed, absorb the Snort Dashboard Widget into this package */
/* by removing it as a separately installed package.                 */
$pkgid = get_pkg_id("Dashboard Widget: Snort");
if ($pkgid >= 0) {
    log_error(gettext("[Snort] Removing legacy 'Dashboard Widget: Snort' package because the widget is now part of the Snort package."));
/* Define a default Dashboard Widget Container for Snort */
$snort_widget_container = "snort_alerts-container:col2:close";
/* START OF BUG FIX CODE                                 */
/*                                                       */
/* Remove any Snort cron tasks that may have been left   */
/* from a previous uninstall due to a bug that saved     */
Exemple #16
        $command = "";
    if ($first_command == "reset") {
        $playbackbuffer = "";
        echo "\nBuffer reset.\n\n";
    if ($first_command == "record") {
        if (!$command_split[1]) {
            echo "usage: record playbackname\n";
            echo "\tplaybackname will be created in /etc/phpshellsessions.\n";
            $command = "";
        } else {
            /* time to record */
            $recording_fn = basename($command_split[1]);
            $recording_fd = fopen("/etc/phpshellsessions/{$recording_fn}", "w");
            if (!$recording_fd) {
                echo "Could not start recording session.\n";
                $command = "";
            } else {
                $recording = true;
                echo "Recording of {$recording_fn} started.\n";
                $command = "";
    $playbackbuffer .= $command . "\n";
function show_recordings()
    // Delete any leftover barnyard2 PID files in /var/run
// Set flag for post-install in progress
$g['suricata_postinstall'] = true;
// Mount file system read/write so we can modify some files
// Remove any previously installed script since we rebuild it
// Create the top-tier log directory
// Create the IP Rep and SID Mods lists directory
// remake saved settings if previously flagged
if ($config['installedpackages']['suricata']['config'][0]['forcekeepsettings'] == 'on') {
    log_error(gettext("[Suricata] Saved settings detected... rebuilding installation with saved settings..."));
    update_status(gettext("Saved settings detected..."));
    /* Do test and fix for duplicate UUIDs if this install was      */
    /* impacted by the DUP (clone) bug that generated a duplicate   */
    /* UUID for the cloned interface.  Also fix any duplicate       */
    /* entries in ['rulesets'] for "dns-events.rules".              */
    if (count($config['installedpackages']['suricata']['rule']) > 0) {
        $uuids = array();
        $suriconf =& $config['installedpackages']['suricata']['rule'];
        foreach ($suriconf as &$suricatacfg) {
            // Remove any duplicate ruleset names from earlier bug
Exemple #18
function d_mkdir($file, $mod = 755)
	$file = abs_path($file);
	if((!FIX && @safe_mkdir($file,octdec($mod))) || d_ftpcom('mkdir', $file))
		return true;
	return false;
Exemple #19
 function loadMetadata()
     if (!$this->debugmode) {
         return parent::loadMetadata();
     $this->log = array();
     // we don't want the above "log" to cause an abort (yes, this function uses the log size to confirm an error - lame but extremelly effective)
     $this->allModulesLoaded = true;
     # initial clean up and check
     if (!is_dir(CONS_PATH_TEMP)) {
     if (!is_dir(CONS_PATH_CACHE)) {
     if (!is_dir(CONS_PATH_DINCONFIG)) {
     if (!is_dir(CONS_PATH_CACHE . "locale/")) {
         safe_mkdir(CONS_PATH_CACHE . "locale/");
     if (!is_dir(CONS_PATH_LOGS)) {
     if (!is_dir(CONS_PATH_LOGS . $_SESSION['CODE'] . "/")) {
         safe_mkdir(CONS_PATH_LOGS . $_SESSION['CODE'] . "/");
     if (!is_dir(CONS_PATH_DINCONFIG . $_SESSION['CODE'] . "/")) {
         safe_mkdir(CONS_PATH_DINCONFIG . $_SESSION['CODE'] . "/");
     if (!is_dir(CONS_PATH_CACHE . $_SESSION['CODE'] . "/")) {
         safe_mkdir(CONS_PATH_CACHE . $_SESSION['CODE'] . "/");
     if (!is_dir(CONS_PATH_CACHE . $_SESSION['CODE'] . "/meta/")) {
         safe_mkdir(CONS_PATH_CACHE . $_SESSION['CODE'] . "/meta/");
     if (!is_dir(CONS_PATH_CACHE . $_SESSION['CODE'] . "/meta/locale")) {
         safe_mkdir(CONS_PATH_CACHE . $_SESSION['CODE'] . "/meta/locale/");
     if (!is_dir(CONS_PATH_PAGES . $_SESSION['CODE'] . "/")) {
         safe_mkdir(CONS_PATH_PAGES . $_SESSION['CODE'] . "/");
     if (!is_dir(CONS_PATH_PAGES . $_SESSION['CODE'] . "/actions/")) {
         safe_mkdir(CONS_PATH_PAGES . $_SESSION['CODE'] . "/actions");
     if (!is_dir(CONS_PATH_PAGES . $_SESSION['CODE'] . "/content/")) {
         safe_mkdir(CONS_PATH_PAGES . $_SESSION['CODE'] . "/content");
     if (!is_dir(CONS_PATH_PAGES . $_SESSION['CODE'] . "/_config/locale/")) {
         safe_mkdir(CONS_PATH_PAGES . $_SESSION['CODE'] . "/_config/locale");
     if (!is_dir(CONS_PATH_PAGES . $_SESSION['CODE'] . "/files/")) {
         safe_mkdir(CONS_PATH_PAGES . $_SESSION['CODE'] . "/files");
     if (!is_dir(CONS_PATH_PAGES . $_SESSION['CODE'] . "/template/")) {
         safe_mkdir(CONS_PATH_PAGES . $_SESSION['CODE'] . "/template");
         copy(CONS_PATH_SETTINGS . "defaults/basefile.html", CONS_PATH_PAGES . $_SESSION['CODE'] . "/template/basefile.html");
         copy(CONS_PATH_SETTINGS . "defaults/index.html", CONS_PATH_PAGES . $_SESSION['CODE'] . "/template/index.html");
     if (!is_dir(CONS_PATH_PAGES . $_SESSION['CODE'] . "/mail/")) {
         safe_mkdir(CONS_PATH_PAGES . $_SESSION['CODE'] . "/mail");
     # Dimconfig
     if (is_file(CONS_PATH_DINCONFIG . $_SESSION['CODE'] . "/din.dat")) {
         $this->dimconfig = unserialize(cReadFile(CONS_PATH_DINCONFIG . $_SESSION['CODE'] . "/din.dat"));
     if ($this->dimconfig === false) {
         $this->dimconfig = array();
     # Error on load
     # clear the meta cache
     if (!$this->offlineMode) {
         $files = listFiles(CONS_PATH_CACHE . $_SESSION['CODE'] . "/meta/");
         foreach ($files as $file) {
             if (is_file(CONS_PATH_CACHE . $_SESSION['CODE'] . "/meta/" . $file)) {
                 @unlink(CONS_PATH_CACHE . $_SESSION['CODE'] . "/meta/" . $file);
         if (!$this->checkinstall()) {
             $this->errorControl->raise(118, array_unshift($this->log));
         if (isset($_REQUEST['nocache'])) {
             recursive_del(CONS_PATH_CACHE . $_SESSION['CODE'] . "/pages/", true);
             recursive_del(CONS_PATH_CACHE . $_SESSION['CODE'] . "/", false, 'cache');
     # If no database, we are done
     if ($this->dbless) {
         return count($this->log) == 0;
     # Search all necessary model files
     $parseXMLparams = array(C_XML_RAW => true, C_XML_AUTOPARSE => true, C_XML_REMOVECOMMENTS => true);
     $xml = new xmlHandler();
     $model = is_file(CONS_PATH_SETTINGS . "default.xml") ? cReadFile(CONS_PATH_SETTINGS . "default.xml") . "\n" : '';
     foreach ($this->loadedPlugins as $scriptName => $scriptObj) {
         if (is_file(CONS_PATH_SYSTEM . "plugins/" . $scriptName . "/meta.xml")) {
             $model .= cReadFile(CONS_PATH_SYSTEM . "plugins/" . $scriptName . "/meta.xml") . "\n";
     if (is_file(CONS_PATH_PAGES . $_SESSION['CODE'] . "/_config/meta.xml")) {
         $model .= cReadFile(CONS_PATH_PAGES . $_SESSION['CODE'] . "/_config/meta.xml") . "\n";
     $model = $xml->parseXML($model, $parseXMLparams, true);
     if ($model === false) {
     # browses the XML and loads modules
     $model =& $model->getbranch(0);
     $total = $model->total();
     $relation = array();
     # foreign keys are only created later
     $lastLoad = "";
     for ($c = 0; $c < $total; $c++) {
         # for each module ...
         $thisbranch =& $model->getbranch($c);
         $total_campos = $thisbranch->total();
         # creates the module as from XML settings
         $module = strtolower($thisbranch->data[0]);
         $param =& $thisbranch->data[1];
         $dbname = strtolower(isset($param['dbname']) ? $param['dbname'] : '');
         foreach ($this->modules as $name => $otherModule) {
             if ($otherModule->dbname == $dbname && $dbname != "" && $module != $otherModule->name) {
                 $this->errorControl->raise(120, $otherModule->name, $name, $dbname);
         if ($module == '') {
             $this->errorControl->raise(107, $dbname, "XML error", "Module after {$lastLoad} is corrupt");
         $this->loadModule($module, $dbname);
         $lastLoad = $module;
         # loads standard data from this object ---------------------------------------------------------------------
         # read parameters for the MODULE
         foreach ($this->moduleOptions as $mo) {
             $this->modules[$module]->options[$mo[0]] = $mo[3] != '' ? array() : '';
         if (is_array($param)) {
             foreach ($param as $pkey => $pcontent) {
                 $pkey = strtolower($pkey);
                 switch ($pkey) {
                     case "key":
                     case "keys":
                         # will use default auto_increment "id" if none specified. If you specify more than one, none will be auto_increment and the system will use auto-numbering
                         $this->modules[$module]->keys = explode(",", $pcontent);
                     case "title":
                         $this->modules[$module]->title = strtolower($pcontent);
                     case "volatile":
                         # this module can be deleted as a stand-alone volatile item
                         $this->modules[$module]->options[CONS_MODULE_VOLATILE] = strtolower($pcontent) == "true";
                     case "parent":
                         $this->modules[$module]->options[CONS_MODULE_PARENT] = strtolower($pcontent);
                         // field which denotes parenthood
                     case "plugins":
                     case "plugin":
                         $this->modules[$module]->plugins = explode(",", strtolower($pcontent));
                     case "order":
                         $this->modules[$module]->order = trim(strtolower($pcontent));
                     case "permissionoverride":
                         if (strlen($pcontent) >= 9) {
                             $this->modules[$module]->permissionOverride = substr(strtolower($pcontent), 0, 9);
                     case "linker":
                         $this->modules[$module]->linker = true;
                     case "systemmodule":
                         $this->modules[$module]->options[CONS_MODULE_SYSTEM] = true;
                     case "autoclean":
                         $this->modules[$module]->options[CONS_MODULE_AUTOCLEAN] = $pcontent;
                     case "meta":
                         $this->modules[$module]->options[CONS_MODULE_META] = $pcontent;
                     case "disallowmultiple":
                         if (strtolower($pcontent) == "true") {
                             $this->modules[$module]->options[CONS_MODULE_DISALLOWMULTIPLE] = true;
                         } else {
                     case "noundo":
                         if (strtolower($pcontent) == "true") {
                             $this->modules[$module]->options[CONS_MODULE_NOUNDO] = true;
                         } else {
                         if ($pkey != "name" && $pkey != "dbname") {
                             $isMO = false;
                             foreach ($this->moduleOptions as $mo) {
                                 if ($mo[1] == $pkey) {
                                     $isMO = true;
                                     if ($mo[2]) {
                                         $pcontent = strtolower($pcontent);
                                     if ($mo[3] != '') {
                                         $pcontent = explode($mo[3], $pcontent);
                                     $this->modules[$module]->options[$mo[0]] = $pcontent;
                             if (!$isMO) {
                                 $this->modules[$module]->options[$pkey] = $pcontent;
         if ($this->modules[$module]->options[CONS_MODULE_PARENT] != '' && strpos($this->modules[$module]->order, $this->modules[$module]->options[CONS_MODULE_PARENT]) === false) {
             # in tree mode, the field that defines parenthood must be in the order clause, the first if possible
             $this->modules[$module]->order = $this->modules[$module]->options[CONS_MODULE_PARENT] . "+" . ($this->modules[$module]->order != '' ? "," . $this->modules[$module]->order : '');
         # -- ok on reading parameters
         $campos = array();
         $mandatory = 0;
         # browse FIELDS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
         for ($campo = 0; $campo < $total_campos; $campo++) {
             $thiscampo =& $thisbranch->getbranch($campo);
             ## processParameters #########################################
             $campos = $this->processParameters($thiscampo, $campos, $module);
             $nomecampo = strtolower($thiscampo->data[0]);
             if ($campos[$nomecampo][CONS_XML_TIPO] == CONS_TIPO_LINK) {
                 array_push($relation, array($module, $nomecampo, $campos[$nomecampo][CONS_XML_MODULE]));
                 // if this is a non-mandatory link to myself, called "id_parent", and I don't have parent ... well .. obviously this is it
                 if ($campos[$nomecampo][CONS_XML_MODULE] == $module && !isset($campos[$nomecampo][CONS_XML_MANDATORY]) && $nomecampo == "id_parent" && $this->modules[$module]->options[CONS_MODULE_PARENT] == '') {
                     $this->modules[$module]->options[CONS_MODULE_PARENT] = $nomecampo;
             } else {
                 if ($campos[$nomecampo][CONS_XML_TIPO] == CONS_TIPO_SERIALIZED) {
                     // browse fields looking for links
                     foreach ($campos[$nomecampo][CONS_XML_SERIALIZEDMODEL] as $exname => &$exfield) {
                         if ($exfield[CONS_XML_TIPO] == CONS_TIPO_LINK) {
                             array_push($relation, array($module, $nomecampo . ":" . $exname, $exfield[CONS_XML_MODULE]));
             # checks if this field can be NULL or NOT depending on options and mandatory setting
             if (isset($campos[$nomecampo][CONS_XML_SQL]) && $campos[$nomecampo][CONS_XML_SQL] != "") {
                 # relation will not be set
                 if (isset($campos[$nomecampo][CONS_XML_MANDATORY]) || $campos[$nomecampo][CONS_XML_TIPO] == CONS_TIPO_OPTIONS || isset($campos[$nomecampo][CONS_XML_DEFAULT])) {
                     $campos[$nomecampo][CONS_XML_SQL] .= " NOT NULL";
                 } else {
                     $campos[$nomecampo][CONS_XML_SQL] .= " NULL";
                 if (isset($campos[$nomecampo][CONS_XML_DEFAULT])) {
                     $campos[$nomecampo][CONS_XML_SQL] .= " DEFAULT '" . $campos[$nomecampo][CONS_XML_DEFAULT] . "'";
         # this module has a database (it's possible to have modules without a database)
         if ($this->modules[$module]->dbname != "") {
             # checks standard key "id" if no key specified
             if (in_array("id", $this->modules[$module]->keys) && !isset($this->modules[$module]->fields['id']) && !isset($campos['id'])) {
                 if ($this->modules[$module]->linker) {
                     $this->modules[$module]->keys = array();
                     $keys = 0;
                     foreach ($campos as $fieldname => $fieldobj) {
                         if (isset($fieldobj[CONS_XML_MODULE])) {
                             $this->modules[$module]->keys[] = $fieldname;
                             if ($keys == 2) {
                 } else {
                     $campos['id'][CONS_XML_SQL] = "INT (11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL" . (count($this->modules[$module]->keys) <= 1 ? " AUTO_INCREMENT" : "");
                     $campos['id'][CONS_XML_TIPO] = CONS_TIPO_INT;
                     if (count($this->modules[$module]->keys) > 1) {
                         $campos['id'][CONS_XML_RESTRICT] = 99;
             # -- keys (this is done to prevent repeated keys)
             $chave = $this->modules[$module]->keys;
             $this->modules[$module]->keys = array();
             foreach ($chave as $x => $di) {
                 if (!in_array($di, $this->modules[$module]->keys) && $di != "") {
                     array_push($this->modules[$module]->keys, $di);
             # if this is a re-definition, will TOTALLY overright the fields (you can redefine fields from the default.xml on the meta.xml)
             $this->modules[$module]->fields = array_merge($this->modules[$module]->fields, $campos);
             # -- makes sure all keys are mandatory and present
             foreach ($this->modules[$module]->keys as $x => $chave) {
                 if (!isset($this->modules[$module]->fields[$chave])) {
                     array_push($this->log, "Key not defined, considering INT 11, please fix the XML: {$module}.{$chave}");
                     $this->modules[$module]->fields[$chave] = array("CONS_XML_SQL" => "INT (11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL", "CONS_XML_TIPO" => CONS_TIPO_INT);
                 $this->modules[$module]->fields[$chave][CONS_XML_MANDATORY] = true;
                 // vc keys without case specified, force ucase
                 if ($this->modules[$module]->fields[$chave][CONS_XML_TIPO] == CONS_TIPO_VC && !isset($this->modules[$module]->fields[$chave][CONS_XML_SPECIAL])) {
                     $this->modules[$module]->fields[$chave][CONS_XML_SPECIAL] = "ucase";
     # -- foreach module
     $total_relacoes = count($relation);
     # check our relationship counts and build proper fields or support tables -------------
     for ($c = 0; $c < $total_relacoes; $c++) {
         $rel = $relation[$c];
         # relation: MODULE => FIELD => MODULE or MODULE => SFIELD:FIELD => MODULE for serialized fields
         if (!isset($this->modules[$rel[0]]) || !isset($this->modules[$rel[2]])) {
             array_push($this->log, "Error (pass 1) trying to build foreign keys from '" . $rel[0] . "' to '" . $rel[2] . "' at " . $rel[1] . ": one of the modules do not exist, ignoring relation");
         } else {
             $sfield = "";
             if (strpos($rel[1], ":") !== false) {
                 #serialized field
                 $field = explode(":", $field);
                 $sfield = $field[0];
                 $field = $field[1];
             } else {
                 $field = $rel[1];
             if (substr($field, 0, 3) != "id_") {
                 array_push($this->log, "All relations to another modules MUST start with id_ on " . $rel[0] . "' to '" . $rel[2] . "' at " . $rel[1] . ": should be id_" . $field . " ?");
             if ($sfield == '') {
                 $this->modules[$rel[2]]->volatile = false;
             # keeps volatile if linked from serialized (a.k.a. serialized links are not safe, because they are meant to be dinamic)
             foreach ($this->modules[$rel[2]]->keys as $x => $chave) {
                 # will create required keys for foreign table, except any one in common with this table
                 if ($chave == "id" || !isset($this->modules[$rel[0]]->fields[$chave])) {
                     # only standard id exists (always link it), or it's not a standard key ... still have to test if it's not a key to this table
                     # basically, this will create the second+ keys on multikey relations
                     if (!($this->modules[$rel[2]]->fields[$chave][CONS_XML_TIPO] == CONS_TIPO_LINK && $this->modules[$rel[2]]->fields[$chave][CONS_XML_MODULE] == $rel[0])) {
                         # ok not a key to this table (the FOREING key is not this table, pay attention! this will still be true for id_parent)
                         if ($sfield == "") {
                             # normal
                             if ($chave == "id") {
                                 # uses the name that came in the XML model
                                 if (!isset($this->modules[$rel[0]]->fields[$field])) {
                                     $this->modules[$rel[0]]->fields[$field] = array();
                                 $this->modules[$rel[0]]->fields[$field][CONS_XML_SQL] = str_replace("AUTO_INCREMENT", "", $this->modules[$rel[2]]->fields[$chave][CONS_XML_SQL]);
                                 $this->modules[$rel[0]]->fields[$field][CONS_XML_TIPO] = CONS_TIPO_LINK;
                                 $this->modules[$rel[0]]->fields[$field][CONS_XML_LINKTYPE] = $this->modules[$rel[2]]->fields[$chave][CONS_XML_TIPO] != CONS_TIPO_LINK ? $this->modules[$rel[2]]->fields[$chave][CONS_XML_TIPO] : CONS_TIPO_INT;
                                 $this->modules[$rel[0]]->fields[$field][CONS_XML_MODULE] = $rel[2];
                                 # the creation system might have added this already, that's why testing before resetting the array
                                 if (isset($this->modules[$rel[0]]->fields[$field][CONS_XML_JOIN]) && $this->modules[$rel[0]]->fields[$field][CONS_XML_JOIN] == "inner" || isset($this->modules[$rel[0]]->fields[$field][CONS_XML_MANDATORY])) {
                                     // is set join to INNER or is explicitly mandatory, make sure both are set
                                     $this->modules[$rel[0]]->fields[$field][CONS_XML_MANDATORY] = true;
                                     if ($x == 0) {
                                         $this->modules[$rel[0]]->fields[$field][CONS_XML_JOIN] = "inner";
                                 } else {
                                     // no join mode set (defaults to left), set to left, and no explicit mandatory tag
                                     if ($x == 0) {
                                         $this->modules[$rel[0]]->fields[$field][CONS_XML_JOIN] = "left";
                                     $this->modules[$rel[0]]->fields[$field][CONS_XML_SQL] = str_replace("NOT NULL", "NULL", $this->modules[$rel[0]]->fields[$field][CONS_XML_SQL]);
                             } else {
                                 if ($x == 0) {
                                     $nome = $field;
                                     # first key keeps the original name
                                     $this->modules[$rel[0]]->fields[$field][CONS_XML_LINKTYPE] = $this->modules[$rel[2]]->fields[$chave][CONS_XML_TIPO] != CONS_TIPO_LINK ? $this->modules[$rel[2]]->fields[$chave][CONS_XML_TIPO] : CONS_TIPO_INT;
                                 } else {
                                     $nome = $field . "_" . str_replace("id_", "", $chave);
                                 # creates a composition with the model name and the foreign name
                                 $this->modules[$rel[0]]->fields[$nome][CONS_XML_SQL] = str_replace("AUTO_INCREMENT", "", $this->modules[$rel[2]]->fields[$chave][CONS_XML_SQL]);
                                 $this->modules[$rel[0]]->fields[$nome][CONS_XML_TIPO] = $x == 0 ? CONS_TIPO_LINK : $this->modules[$rel[2]]->fields[$chave][CONS_XML_TIPO];
                                 $this->modules[$rel[0]]->fields[$nome][CONS_XML_MODULE] = isset($this->modules[$rel[2]]->fields[$chave][CONS_XML_MODULE]) ? $this->modules[$rel[2]]->fields[$chave][CONS_XML_MODULE] : $rel[2];
                                 if (isset($this->modules[$rel[0]]->fields[$field][CONS_XML_JOIN]) && $this->modules[$rel[0]]->fields[$field][CONS_XML_JOIN] == "inner" || isset($this->modules[$rel[0]]->fields[$nome][CONS_XML_MANDATORY])) {
                                     $this->modules[$rel[0]]->fields[$nome][CONS_XML_MANDATORY] = true;
                                     if ($x == 0) {
                                         $this->modules[$rel[0]]->fields[$nome][CONS_XML_JOIN] = "inner";
                                 } else {
                                     if ($x == 0) {
                                         $this->modules[$rel[0]]->fields[$nome][CONS_XML_JOIN] = "left";
                                     $this->modules[$rel[0]]->fields[$nome][CONS_XML_SQL] = str_replace("NOT NULL", "NULL", $this->modules[$rel[0]]->fields[$nome][CONS_XML_SQL]);
                         } else {
                             # serialized
                             if ($chave == "id") {
                                 # uses the name that came in the XML model
                                 if (!isset($this->modules[$rel[0]]->fields[$sfield][CONS_XML_SERIALIZEDMODEL][$field])) {
                                     $this->modules[$rel[0]]->fields[$sfield][CONS_XML_SERIALIZEDMODEL][$field] = array();
                                 $this->modules[$rel[0]]->fields[$sfield][CONS_XML_SERIALIZEDMODEL][$field][CONS_XML_SQL] = str_replace("AUTO_INCREMENT", "", $this->modules[$rel[2]]->fields[$chave][CONS_XML_SQL]);
                                 $this->modules[$rel[0]]->fields[$sfield][CONS_XML_SERIALIZEDMODEL][$field][CONS_XML_TIPO] = CONS_TIPO_LINK;
                                 $this->modules[$rel[0]]->fields[$sfield][CONS_XML_SERIALIZEDMODEL][$field][CONS_XML_LINKTYPE] = $this->modules[$rel[2]]->fields[$chave][CONS_XML_TIPO] != CONS_TIPO_LINK ? $this->modules[$rel[2]]->fields[$chave][CONS_XML_TIPO] : CONS_TIPO_INT;
                                 $this->modules[$rel[0]]->fields[$sfield][CONS_XML_SERIALIZEDMODEL][$field][CONS_XML_MODULE] = $rel[2];
                                 # serialized links cannot be "inner"
                                 $this->modules[$rel[0]]->fields[$sfield][CONS_XML_SERIALIZEDMODEL][$field][CONS_XML_JOIN] = "left";
                                 if (isset($this->modules[$rel[0]]->fields[$sfield][CONS_XML_SERIALIZEDMODEL][$field][CONS_XML_MANDATORY])) {
                                     $this->modules[$rel[0]]->fields[$sfield][CONS_XML_SERIALIZEDMODEL][$field][CONS_XML_MANDATORY] = true;
                                 } else {
                                     $this->modules[$rel[0]]->fields[$sfield][CONS_XML_SERIALIZEDMODEL][$field][CONS_XML_SQL] = str_replace("NOT NULL", "NULL", $this->modules[$rel[0]]->fields[$sfield][CONS_XML_SERIALIZEDMODEL][$field][CONS_XML_SQL]);
                             } else {
                                 if ($x == 0) {
                                     $nome = $field;
                                     # first key keeps the original name
                                     $this->modules[$rel[0]]->fields[$sfield][CONS_XML_SERIALIZEDMODEL][$field][CONS_XML_LINKTYPE] = $this->modules[$rel[2]]->fields[$chave][CONS_XML_TIPO] != CONS_TIPO_LINK ? $this->modules[$rel[2]]->fields[$chave][CONS_XML_TIPO] : CONS_TIPO_INT;
                                 } else {
                                     $nome = $field . "_" . str_replace("id_", "", $chave);
                                 # creates a composition with the model name and the foreign name
                                 $this->modules[$rel[0]]->fields[$sfield][CONS_XML_SERIALIZEDMODEL][$nome][CONS_XML_SQL] = str_replace("AUTO_INCREMENT", "", $this->modules[$rel[2]]->fields[$chave][CONS_XML_SQL]);
                                 $this->modules[$rel[0]]->fields[$sfield][CONS_XML_SERIALIZEDMODEL][$nome][CONS_XML_TIPO] = $x == 0 ? CONS_TIPO_LINK : $this->modules[$rel[2]]->fields[$chave][CONS_XML_TIPO];
                                 $this->modules[$rel[0]]->fields[$sfield][CONS_XML_SERIALIZEDMODEL][$nome][CONS_XML_MODULE] = isset($this->modules[$rel[2]]->fields[$chave][CONS_XML_MODULE]) ? $this->modules[$rel[2]]->fields[$chave][CONS_XML_MODULE] : $rel[2];
                                 # serialized links cannot be "inner"
                                 $this->modules[$rel[0]]->fields[$sfield][CONS_XML_SERIALIZEDMODEL][$nome][CONS_XML_JOIN] = "left";
                                 if (isset($this->modules[$rel[0]]->fields[$sfield][CONS_XML_SERIALIZEDMODEL][$nome][CONS_XML_MANDATORY])) {
                                     $this->modules[$rel[0]]->fields[$sfield][CONS_XML_SERIALIZEDMODEL][$nome][CONS_XML_MANDATORY] = true;
                                 } else {
                                     $this->modules[$rel[0]]->fields[$sfield][CONS_XML_SERIALIZEDMODEL][$nome][CONS_XML_SQL] = str_replace("NOT NULL", "NULL", $this->modules[$rel[0]]->fields[$sfield][CONS_XML_SERIALIZEDMODEL][$nome][CONS_XML_SQL]);
                         # sfield?
                 # secondary (multikey)?
             # foreach
             if (!isset($this->modules[$rel[0]]->fields[$field][CONS_XML_SQL])) {
                 array_push($this->log, "Error (pass 2) trying to build foreing keys from " . $rel[0] . " to " . $rel[2] . " at " . $field . ": ignoring relation");
     # foreach for relations
     // now some automatic settings since all modules are loaded, and consistency check on build, partOf, etc ---------------------
     $cacheLinkNum = array();
     // module => modules which link to this
     foreach ($this->modules as $mname => &$module) {
         $links = 0;
         $fieldsRequiredToLinks = 0;
         foreach ($module->fields as $name => $field) {
             // check for linker modules
             if ($field[CONS_XML_TIPO] == CONS_TIPO_LINK && $field[CONS_XML_MODULE] != $mname) {
                 // links to OTHER link not myself
                 # do not count PARENTS as links
                 $fieldsRequiredToLinks += count($this->modules[$field[CONS_XML_MODULE]]->keys);
                 # a module can have more than one key, thus to know if this module is a linker module, we need to check if ALL THIS HAVE are the keys for 2 modules
                 // vc links that have no case specified, force to upper
                 if ($field[CONS_XML_TIPO] == CONS_TIPO_LINK && $field[CONS_XML_LINKTYPE] == CONS_TIPO_VC && !isset($field[CONS_XML_SPECIAL])) {
                     $this->modules[$mname]->fields[$name][CONS_XML_SPECIAL] = "ucase";
             if (isset($field[CONS_XML_FILTEREDBY])) {
                 foreach ($field[CONS_XML_FILTEREDBY] as $fbname) {
                     if (!isset($module->fields[$fbname])) {
                         $this->log[] = "Error on filteredby for {$mname}.{$name}: {$fbname} does not exist";
                     } else {
                         if (!isset($this->modules[$module->fields[$fbname][CONS_XML_MODULE]])) {
                             $this->log[] = "Error on filteredby for {$mname}.{$name}: module defined in {$fbname} does not exist";
         if ($links == 2 && count($module->fields) == $fieldsRequiredToLinks || $this->modules[$mname]->linker) {
             # this is a linker module!
             $this->modules[$mname]->linker = true;
         if ($this->modules[$mname]->title == "" && !$this->modules[$mname]->options[CONS_MODULE_SYSTEM] && !$this->modules[$mname]->linker) {
             $this->modules[$mname]->title = $this->modules[$mname]->keys[0];
             // first key
     # here we finished the automatic settings
     # load plugins that are defined by METADATA
     foreach ($this->modules as $name => &$module) {
         foreach ($module->plugins as $sname) {
             if (!isset($this->loadedPlugins[$sname])) {
                 $this->addPlugin($sname, $name);
             } else {
                 $this->loadedPlugins[$sname]->moduleRelation = $name;
     foreach ($this->loadedPlugins as $sname => $obj) {
         if ($obj->name == '' || $obj->name != $sname) {
             $this->errorControl->raise(9, $obj->name, $sname);
     function dieFreakingThumbs($folder)
         if ($folder[strlen($folder) - 1] != '/') {
             $folder .= "/";
         foreach (glob($folder . "*") as $file) {
             if (is_dir($file)) {
             } else {
                 $arf = explode(".", $file);
                 if (array_pop($arf) == 'db') {
     dieFreakingThumbs(CONS_PATH_PAGES . $_SESSION['CODE'] . "/");
     $customxml = is_file(CONS_PATH_PAGES . $_SESSION["CODE"] . "/_config/custom.xml") ? cReadFile(CONS_PATH_PAGES . $_SESSION["CODE"] . "/_config/custom.xml") : '';
     # All plugins are loaded, check their manifest and customs
     foreach ($this->loadedPlugins as $sname => $plugin) {
         if (is_file(CONS_PATH_SYSTEM . "plugins/{$sname}/payloadmanifest.php")) {
             $copyFiles = (include CONS_PATH_SYSTEM . "plugins/{$sname}/payloadmanifest.php");
             foreach ($copyFiles as $from => $to) {
                 if ($from[strlen($from) - 1] == "/" && is_dir($from) && (!is_dir($to) || !CONS_ONSERVER && isset($_REQUEST['nocache']))) {
                     // FOLDER
                     if (!function_exists('recursive_copy')) {
                         include_once CONS_PATH_INCLUDE . "recursive_copy.php";
                     recursive_copy($from, $to);
                 } else {
                     if (is_file($from) && (!is_file($to) || !CONS_ONSERVER && isset($_REQUEST['nocache']))) {
                         // FILE
                         $path = explode("/", $to);
                         // bye file
                         $path = implode("/", $path);
                         copy($from, $to);
         if (is_file(CONS_PATH_SYSTEM . "plugins/{$sname}/custom.xml")) {
             $customxml .= cReadFile(CONS_PATH_SYSTEM . "plugins/{$sname}/custom.xml");
     # Read custom metadata for dimconfig
     if ($customxml != '') {
         $parseXMLparams = array(C_XML_RAW => true, C_XML_AUTOPARSE => true, C_XML_REMOVECOMMENTS => true);
         $xml = new xmlHandler();
         $customxml = $xml->parseXML($customxml, $parseXMLparams, true);
         if ($customxml === false) {
         $customxml =& $customxml->getbranch(0);
         $total = $customxml->total();
         $dimconfigMD = array();
         // MetaData -------------------------------------
         for ($c = 0; $c < $total; $c++) {
             # for each module ...
             $thisbranch =& $customxml->getbranch($c);
             $configname = strtolower($thisbranch->data[0]);
             if (!isset($this->dimconfig[$configname])) {
                 $this->dimconfig[$configname] = '';
             $dimconfigMD = $this->processParameters($thisbranch, $dimconfigMD, '');
         foreach ($dimconfigMD as $name => $field) {
             if ($field[CONS_XML_TIPO] == CONS_TIPO_UPLOAD && (!isset($field['location']) || $field['location'][0] == '/')) {
                 $this->errorControl->raise(181, $name, 'dimconfig');
             if ($field[CONS_XML_TIPO] != CONS_TIPO_ENUM) {
         cWriteFile(CONS_PATH_CACHE . $_SESSION['CODE'] . "/meta/_dimconfig.dat", serialize($dimconfigMD));
         // this defines the type of each item on dimconfig
     # Apply and raise metadata
     # no log = no error
     return $sucess = count($this->log) == 0;
$stateorprovince = $stateorprovinceA[1];
$cityname = $citynameA[1];
$orginizationname = $orginizationnameA[1];
$orginizationdepartment = $orginizationdepartmentA[1];
$commonname = $commonnameA[1];
if ($_POST) {
    /* Grab posted variables and create a new openssl.cnf */
    $countrycode = $_POST['countrycode'];
    $stateorprovince = $_POST['stateorprovince'];
    $cityname = $_POST['cityname'];
    $orginizationname = $_POST['orginizationname'];
    $orginizationdepartment = $_POST['orginizationdepartment'];
    $commonname = $_POST['commonname'];
    /* Write out /usr/local/ssl/openssl.cnf */
    $fd = fopen("/usr/local/ssl/openssl.cnf", "w");
    fwrite($fd, "");
    fwrite($fd, "[ req ]\n");
    fwrite($fd, "distinguished_name=req_distinguished_name \n");
    fwrite($fd, "req_extensions = v3_req \n");
    fwrite($fd, "prompt=no\n");
    fwrite($fd, "default_bits            = 1024\n");
    fwrite($fd, "default_keyfile         = privkey.pem\n");
    fwrite($fd, "distinguished_name      = req_distinguished_name\n");
    fwrite($fd, "attributes              = req_attributes\n");
    fwrite($fd, "x509_extensions = v3_ca # The extentions to add to the self signed cert\n");
    fwrite($fd, "[ req_distinguished_name ] \n");
    fwrite($fd, "C=" . $countrycode . " \n");
    fwrite($fd, "ST=" . $stateorprovince . " \n");
    fwrite($fd, "L=" . $cityname . " \n");
             update_output_window(gettext("Please wait while Snort interface files are updated..."));
         // Make sure the interface subdirectory and required sub-directories exists.
         // We need to re-create them during a pkg reinstall for the intial rules set
         // download and configuration done as part of restoring saved settings.
         if (!is_dir("{$snortdir}/snort_{$value['uuid']}_{$if_real}")) {
         if (!is_dir("{$snortdir}/snort_{$value['uuid']}_{$if_real}/rules")) {
         if (!is_dir("{$snortdir}/snort_{$value['uuid']}_{$if_real}/preproc_rules")) {
         if (!is_dir("{$snortdir}/snort_{$value['uuid']}_{$if_real}/snort_dynamicpreprocessor")) {
         snort_apply_customizations($value, $if_real);
         /*  Log a message in Update Log if protecting customized preprocessor rules. */
         $tmp = "\t" . $tmp . "\n";
         if ($value['protect_preproc_rules'] == 'on') {
             $tmp .= gettext("\tPreprocessor text rules flagged as protected and not updated for ");
             $tmp .= convert_friendly_interface_to_friendly_descr($value['interface']) . "...\n";
         error_log($tmp, 3, SNORT_RULES_UPD_LOGFILE);
 } else {
     if ($pkg_interface != "console") {
         update_output_window(gettext("Warning:  No interfaces configured for Snort were found..."));
         update_output_window(gettext("No interfaces currently have Snort configured and enabled on them..."));
Exemple #22
if (isset($_REQUEST['haveinfo'])) {
    if (isset($_REQUEST['makedir'])) {
        $core->storage['dir'] = '/';
        $theDir = trim($_REQUEST['makedir']);
        if ($theDir != "" && $theDir[strlen($theDir) - 1] == "/") {
            $theDir = substr($theDir, 0, -1);
        $theDir = explode("/", $theDir);
        $coreDir = removeSimbols(array_pop($theDir), false, true);
        $theDir = implode("/", $theDir);
        // parent
        if (is_dir(CONS_FMANAGER . $theDir)) {
            $core->storage['dir'] = $theDir;
            $theDir .= "/" . $coreDir;
            if ($this->canEdit($theDir)) {
                if (safe_mkdir(CONS_FMANAGER . $theDir)) {
                    $core->log[] = "Folder " . $theDir . " created";
                    $core->errorControl->raise(506, "Created {$theDir}", "fmanager");
                    $core->storage['error'] = $core->langOut("create_folder_ok");
                    $core->storage['dir'] = $theDir;
                } else {
                    $core->logaction(CONS_ACTION_INCLUDE, $fm, false, false);
                    $core->storage['error'] = $core->langOut("create_folder_error");
            } else {
                $core->storage['error'] = $core->langOut("create_folder_pd");
        } else {
            $core->storage['error'] = $core->langOut("create_folder_error_pnf");
    } else {
function pfblockerng_uc_countries()
    global $g, $pfb;
    $maxmind_cont = "{$pfb['geoipshare']}/country_continent.csv";
    $maxmind_cc4 = "{$pfb['geoipshare']}/GeoIPCountryWhois.csv";
    $maxmind_cc6 = "{$pfb['geoipshare']}/GeoIPv6.csv";
    // Create folders if not exist
    $folder_array = array("{$pfb['dbdir']}", "{$pfb['logdir']}", "{$pfb['ccdir']}");
    foreach ($folder_array as $folder) {
        safe_mkdir("{$folder}", 0755);
    $now = date('m/d/y G:i:s', time());
    $log = "Country code update Start [ NOW ]\n";
    if (!$g['pfblockerng_install']) {
        print "Country code update Start [ {$now} ]\n";
    pfb_logger("{$log}", 3);
    if (!file_exists($maxmind_cont) || !file_exists($maxmind_cc4) || !file_exists($maxmind_cc6)) {
        $log = " [ MAXMIND UPDATE FAIL, CSV missing, using previous Country code database \n";
        if (!$g['pfblockerng_install']) {
            print $log;
        pfb_logger("{$log}", 3);
    // Save Date/Time stamp to MaxMind version file
    $local_tds4 = @gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s T', @filemtime($maxmind_cc4));
    $local_tds6 = @gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s T', @filemtime($maxmind_cc6));
    $maxmind_ver = "MaxMind GeoLite Date/Time Stamps\n";
    $maxmind_ver .= "Local_v4 \tLast-Modified: {$local_tds4}\n";
    $maxmind_ver .= "Local_v6 \tLast-Modified: {$local_tds6}\n";
    @file_put_contents("{$pfb['logdir']}/maxmind_ver", $maxmind_ver, LOCK_EX);
    // Collect ISO codes for each Continent
    $log = " Processing Continent Data\n";
    if (!$g['pfblockerng_install']) {
        print $log;
    pfb_logger("{$log}", 3);
    $cont_array = array();
    if (($handle = fopen("{$maxmind_cont}", 'r')) !== FALSE) {
        while (($cc = fgetcsv($handle)) !== FALSE) {
            $cc_key = $cc[0];
            $cont_key = $cc[1];
            switch ($cont_key) {
                case 'AF':
                    $cont_array[0]['continent'] = 'Africa';
                    $cont_array[0]['iso'] .= "{$cc_key},";
                    $cont_array[0]['file4'] = "{$pfb['ccdir']}/Africa_v4.txt";
                    $cont_array[0]['file6'] = "{$pfb['ccdir']}/Africa_v6.txt";
                case 'AS':
                    $cont_array[1]['continent'] = 'Asia';
                    $cont_array[1]['iso'] .= "{$cc_key},";
                    $cont_array[1]['file4'] = "{$pfb['ccdir']}/Asia_v4.txt";
                    $cont_array[1]['file6'] = "{$pfb['ccdir']}/Asia_v6.txt";
                case 'EU':
                    $cont_array[2]['continent'] = 'Europe';
                    $cont_array[2]['iso'] .= "{$cc_key},";
                    $cont_array[2]['file4'] = "{$pfb['ccdir']}/Europe_v4.txt";
                    $cont_array[2]['file6'] = "{$pfb['ccdir']}/Europe_v6.txt";
                case 'NA':
                    $cont_array[3]['continent'] = 'North America';
                    $cont_array[3]['iso'] .= "{$cc_key},";
                    $cont_array[3]['file4'] = "{$pfb['ccdir']}/North_America_v4.txt";
                    $cont_array[3]['file6'] = "{$pfb['ccdir']}/North_America_v6.txt";
                case 'OC':
                    $cont_array[4]['continent'] = 'Oceania';
                    $cont_array[4]['iso'] .= "{$cc_key},";
                    $cont_array[4]['file4'] = "{$pfb['ccdir']}/Oceania_v4.txt";
                    $cont_array[4]['file6'] = "{$pfb['ccdir']}/Oceania_v6.txt";
                case 'SA':
                    $cont_array[5]['continent'] = 'South America';
                    $cont_array[5]['iso'] .= "{$cc_key},";
                    $cont_array[5]['file4'] = "{$pfb['ccdir']}/South_America_v4.txt";
                    $cont_array[5]['file6'] = "{$pfb['ccdir']}/South_America_v6.txt";
    // Add Maxmind Anonymous Proxy and Satellite Providers to array
    $cont_array[6]['continent'] = 'Proxy and Satellite';
    $cont_array[6]['iso'] = 'A1,A2';
    $cont_array[6]['file4'] = "{$pfb['ccdir']}/Proxy_Satellite_v4.txt";
    $cont_array[6]['file6'] = "{$pfb['ccdir']}/Proxy_Satellite_v6.txt";
    // Collect Country ISO data and sort to Continent arrays (IPv4 and IPv6)
    foreach (array('4', '6') as $type) {
        $log = " Processing ISO IPv{$type} Continent/Country Data\n";
        if (!$g['pfblockerng_install']) {
            print $log;
        pfb_logger("{$log}", 3);
        if ($type == '4') {
            $maxmind_cc = "{$pfb['geoipshare']}/GeoIPCountryWhois.csv";
        } else {
            $maxmind_cc = "{$pfb['geoipshare']}/GeoIPv6.csv";
        $iptype = "ip{$type}";
        $filetype = "file{$type}";
        if (($handle = fopen("{$maxmind_cc}", 'r')) !== FALSE) {
            while (($cc = fgetcsv($handle)) !== FALSE) {
                $cc_key = $cc[4];
                $country_key = $cc[5];
                $a_cidr = implode(',', ip_range_to_subnet_array_temp($cc[0], $cc[1]));
                foreach ($cont_array as $key => $iso) {
                    if (strpos($iso['iso'], $cc_key) !== FALSE) {
                        $cont_array[$key][$cc_key][$iptype] .= "{$a_cidr},";
                        $cont_array[$key][$cc_key]['country'] = $country_key;
        // Build Continent files
        foreach ($cont_array as $key => $iso) {
            $header = $pfb_file = $iso_key = '';
            $header .= '# Generated from MaxMind Inc. on: ' . date('m/d/y G:i:s', time()) . "\n";
            $header .= "# Continent IPv{$type}: {$cont_array[$key]['continent']}\n";
            $pfb_file = $cont_array[$key][$filetype];
            $iso_key = array_keys($iso);
            foreach ($iso_key as $ikey) {
                if (strlen($ikey) == 2) {
                    $header .= "# Country: {$iso[$ikey]['country']}\n";
                    $header .= "# ISO Code: {$ikey}\n";
                    $header .= '# Total Networks: ' . substr_count($iso[$ikey][$iptype], ',') . "\n";
                    $header .= str_replace(',', "\n", $iso[$ikey][$iptype]);
                    $iso[$ikey][$iptype] = '';
            @file_put_contents($pfb_file, $header, LOCK_EX);
Exemple #24
 function raise($errCode, $parameter = "", $module = "", $extended = "")
     if (!CONS_ONSERVER && $errCode == 1000) {
     # this will happen every single hit on development mode
     if ($this->errorCount == CONS_MAX_ERRORS) {
         $errCode = 178;
     // abort (gracefully)
     if ($this->errorCount > CONS_MAX_ERRORS) {
         die("178 too many errors, error during error report found");
     #-- quickly set the fatal error flag
     if (!isset($this->ERRORS[$errCode])) {
         $parameter = $errCode;
         $errCode = 603;
     if (!is_dir(CONS_PATH_LOGS)) {
     if (($this->ERRORS[$errCode] == CONS_ERROR_FATAL_MAIL || $this->ERRORS[$errCode] == CONS_ERROR_NOTIFYMAIL) && !CONS_ONSERVER) {
         if (isMail(CONS_MASTERMAIL)) {
             @mail(CONS_MASTERMAIL, "Fatal error at " . (isset($_SESSION['CODE']) ? $_SESSION['CODE'] : "Unknown domain") . " err {$errCode}", "Data: {$parameter}\nModule:{$module}", CONS_MASTERMAIL);
     #-- 404 errors ...
     if ($errCode == 103 || $errCode == 114 || $errCode == 166 || $errCode == 171) {
         $fd = fopen(CONS_PATH_LOGS . $_SESSION['CODE'] . "/404.log", "a");
         if ($fd) {
             fwrite($fd, date("Y-m-d H:i:s") . " e{$errCode} " . $this->parent->context_str . $this->parent->action . " (" . $this->parent->original_action . ") referer=" . (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] : "-") . "\n");
         } else {
             $errCode = 179;
             $parameter = $this->parent->context_str . $this->parent->action;
     #-- ok normal errors ...
     if (is_object($module)) {
         $module = $module->name;
     $showToUser = CONS_DEVELOPER || $this->ERRORS[$errCode] == CONS_ERROR_NOTICE_SHOW || $this->ERRORS[$errCode] == CONS_ERROR_WARNING_SHOW || $this->ERRORS[$errCode] == CONS_ERROR_ERROR_SHOW || $this->ERRORS[$errCode] == CONS_ERROR_SEC_SHOW || $this->ERRORS[$errCode] == CONS_ERROR_NOTICESTOP || $this->ERRORS[$errCode] == CONS_ERROR_MESSAGE;
     $lowLog = $this->ERRORS[$errCode] == CONS_ERROR_NOTICE || $this->ERRORS[$errCode] == CONS_ERROR_WARNING || $this->ERRORS[$errCode] == CONS_ERROR_WARNING_SHOW;
     $securityLog = $this->ERRORS[$errCode] == CONS_ERROR_SEC || $this->ERRORS[$errCode] == CONS_ERROR_SEC_SHOW;
     $highLog = $this->ERRORS[$errCode] == CONS_ERROR_ERROR || $this->ERRORS[$errCode] == CONS_ERROR_ERROR_SHOW || $this->ERRORS[$errCode] == CONS_ERROR_FATAL || $this->ERRORS[$errCode] == CONS_ERROR_NOTIFYMAIL;
     $actionLog = $this->ERRORS[$errCode] < CONS_ERROR_WARNING && ($errCode >= 300 && $errCode < 400);
     $stopScript = $this->ERRORS[$errCode] == CONS_ERROR_FATAL || $this->ERRORS[$errCode] == CONS_ERROR_FATAL_NOLOG || $this->ERRORS[$errCode] == CONS_ERROR_NOTICESTOP || $this->ERRORS[$errCode] == CONS_ERROR_FATAL_MAIL;
     $storeInWarning = $this->ERRORS[$errCode] != CONS_ERROR_MESSAGE;
     $redWarning = $this->ERRORS[$errCode] != CONS_ERROR_MESSAGE && $this->ERRORS[$errCode] != CONS_ERROR_NOTICE_SHOW && $this->ERRORS[$errCode] != CONS_ERROR_NOTICE && !$actionLog;
     # These are logs that, once displayed to the users, should be in red (actual errors)
     if (!$actionLog) {
     $errstr = $this->parent->langOut('e' . $errCode) . " (e{$errCode}) {$module} {$parameter} {$extended}";
     $errstrfull = $errCode . "|" . $module . "|" . $parameter . "|" . $extended . "|" . implode("|", $this->parent->log);
     # Error file:
     # date|client|uri|errCode|module|parameters|extended parameters|log[|...]
     # Action file:
     # YmdHismodule|parameter|extended parameters
     $status = date("d/m/Y H:i:s") . "|" . (isset($_SESSION['CODE']) ? $_SESSION['CODE'] : '?') . "|" . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
     if ($showToUser) {
         $this->parent->setLog($redWarning ? $highLog || $stopScript ? CONS_LOGGING_ERROR : CONS_LOGGING_WARNING : ($errCode == 300 ? CONS_LOGGING_SUCCESS : CONS_LOGGING_NOTICE), $errstr);
     if ($storeInWarning) {
         $this->parent->warning[] = $errstr;
     if ($lowLog || $securityLog || $highLog) {
         if (isset($_SESSION['CODE'])) {
             if (isset($_SESSION['CODE']) && !is_dir(CONS_PATH_LOGS . $_SESSION['CODE'] . "/")) {
                 safe_mkdir(CONS_PATH_LOGS . $_SESSION['CODE'] . "/");
             if (!is_file(CONS_PATH_LOGS . $_SESSION['CODE'] . "/err" . date("Ymd") . ".log") || filesize(CONS_PATH_LOGS . $_SESSION['CODE'] . "/err" . date("Ymd") . ".log") < CONS_MAX_LOGFILESIZE) {
                 $fd = fopen(CONS_PATH_LOGS . $_SESSION['CODE'] . "/err" . date("Ymd") . ".log", "a");
                 if ($fd) {
                     fwrite($fd, $status . "|" . $errstrfull . "\n");
             if ($highLog) {
                 if (isset($this->parent->dimconfig['_cronD']) && $this->parent->dimconfig['_cronD'] == date("d")) {
                     $this->parent->dimconfig['_errcontrol'] = isset($this->parent->dimconfig['_errcontrol']) ? $this->parent->dimconfig['_errcontrol'] + 1 : 1;
                 } else {
                     $this->parent->dimconfig['_errcontrol'] = 1;
         # centralized log (the framework supports multiple domains, this log is a single log for all domains)
         if ($highLog && (!is_file(CONS_PATH_LOGS . "err" . date("Ymd") . ".log") || filesize(CONS_PATH_LOGS . "err" . date("Ymd") . ".log") < CONS_MAX_LOGFILESIZE)) {
             $fd = fopen(CONS_PATH_LOGS . "err" . date("Ymd") . ".log", "a");
             if ($fd) {
                 fwrite($fd, $status . "|" . $errstrfull . "\n");
     if ($actionLog && !CONS_ECONOMICMODE) {
         if (isset($_SESSION['CODE']) && !is_dir(CONS_PATH_LOGS . $_SESSION['CODE'] . "/")) {
             safe_mkdir(CONS_PATH_LOGS . $_SESSION['CODE'] . "/");
         $fd = fopen(CONS_PATH_LOGS . $_SESSION['CODE'] . "/act" . date("Ymd") . ".log", "a");
         if ($fd) {
             if ($errCode >= 301 && $errCode <= 305) {
                 $parameter = "e" . $errCode;
                 fwrite($fd, date("YmdHis") . $module . "|{$parameter}|{$extended}|{$extended}" . "\n");
             } else {
                 $parameter = $parameter == CONS_ACTION_INCLUDE ? "include" : ($parameter == CONS_ACTION_UPDATE ? "edit" : ($parameter == CONS_ACTION_DELETE ? "delete" : $parameter));
                 fwrite($fd, date("YmdHis") . $module . "|{$parameter}|{$extended}|" . ($this->parent->logged() ? $_SESSION[CONS_SESSION_ACCESS_USER]['login'] : "******") . "\n");
     if ($stopScript) {
         $this->parent->headerControl->showHeaders('500', true);
         echo "<div style='border:1px solid #FFCCCC;padding:10px;margin:20px;'>\n\t\t\t\t<b>{$parameter}</b> ({$errCode})\n\t\t\t  \t<div style='border-top: 1px solid #CCCCCC;'>" . nl2br($this->errorToMessage($errCode, $parameter, $module, $extended)) . "</div>" . "<div style='border-top: 1px solid #CCCCCC;'>SystemLog:<br/><div style='font-size:10px'>" . implode("<br/>", $this->parent->log) . "</div></div>" . ($this->parent->debugmode ? "<div style='border-top: 1px solid #CCCCCC;'>DBLog:<br/><div style='font-size:10px'>" . implode("<br/>", $this->parent->dbo->log) . "</div></div>" : "") . ($this->parent->offlineMode ? "<div style='border-top: 1px solid #CCCCCC;'>DB DOWN</div>" : "") . "</div>Prescia";
    // Delete any leftover barnyard2 PID files in /var/run
// Set flag for post-install in progress
$g['suricata_postinstall'] = true;
// Mount file system read/write so we can modify some files
// Remove any previously installed script since we rebuild it
// Create the top-tier log directory
// Create the IP Rep and SID Mods lists directory
// Make sure config variable is an array
if (!is_array($config['installedpackages']['suricata']['config'][0])) {
    $config['installedpackages']['suricata']['config'][0] = array();
// Download the latest GeoIP DB updates and create cron task if the feature is not disabled
if ($config['installedpackages']['suricata']['config'][0]['autogeoipupdate'] != 'off') {
    log_error(gettext("[Suricata] Installing free GeoIP country database files..."));
    include "/usr/local/pkg/suricata/suricata_geoipupdate.php";
    install_cron_job("/usr/bin/nice -n20 /usr/local/bin/php -f /usr/local/pkg/suricata/suricata_geoipupdate.php", TRUE, 0, 0, 8, "*", "*", "root");
// Download the latest ET IQRisk updates and create cron task if the feature is not disabled
if ($config['installedpackages']['suricata']['config'][0]['et_iqrisk_enable'] == 'on') {
    log_error(gettext("[Suricata] Installing Emerging Threats IQRisk IP List..."));
    include "/usr/local/pkg/suricata/suricata_etiqrisk_update.php";
    install_cron_job("/usr/bin/nice -n20 /usr/local/bin/php -f /usr/local/pkg/suricata/suricata_etiqrisk_update.php", TRUE, 0, "*/6", "*", "*", "*", "root");
	    <textarea cols="55" rows="1" name="status" id="status" wrap="hard">One moment please... This will take a while!</textarea>
	    <textarea cols="55" rows="25" name="output" id="output" wrap="hard"></textarea>
    include "fend.inc";

    echo "<script language=\"JavaScript\">document.forms[0].status.value=\"Creating CA...\";</script>";
    mwexec("rm -rf /tmp/*");
    //mwexec("rm -rf /tmp/newcerts");
    safe_mkdir("/tmp/newcerts", 0755);
    $fd = fopen("/tmp/serial", "w");
    fwrite($fd, "01\n");
    		mkdir /tmp/newcerts
    		touch /tmp/index.txt
    		echo 01 > serial
    		#Create The Certificate Authority Root Certificate
    		cd /tmp/ && openssl req -nodes -new -x509 -keyout cakey.pem -out cacert.pem -config /etc/ssl/openssl.cnf
    		#Create User Certificates
    		cd /tmp/ && openssl req -nodes -new -keyout vpnkey.pem -out vpncert-req.pem -config /etc/ssl/openssl.cnf
    		mkdir /tmp/newcerts
    		openssl ca -out vpncert.pem -in vpncert-req.pem -batch
Exemple #27
 private function sqlParameter($isADD, &$data, $name, &$field, &$EnumPrunecache, $isSerialized = false, $kA = '', $wS = '')
     $output = false;
     $encapsulation = $isSerialized ? '' : '"';
     switch ($field[CONS_XML_TIPO]) {
         case CONS_TIPO_INT:
             if (isset($data[$name]) && $data[$name] !== "" && is_numeric($data[$name])) {
                 $output = $data[$name];
             } else {
                 if ($isADD && isset($field[CONS_XML_DEFAULT])) {
                     $output = $field[CONS_XML_DEFAULT];
         case CONS_TIPO_LINK:
             if ($field[CONS_XML_LINKTYPE] == CONS_TIPO_INT || $field[CONS_XML_LINKTYPE] == CONS_TIPO_FLOAT) {
                 $encapsulation = '';
             if (isset($data[$name]) && ($data[$name] !== '' && $data[$name] !== 0 || !isset($field[CONS_XML_MANDATORY]))) {
                 # non-mandatory links accept 0 values, otherwise 0 is not acceptable
                 if ((!$isADD && isset($field[CONS_XML_IGNORENEDIT]) || $isADD) && ($data[$name] === 0 || $data[$name] === '')) {
                 } else {
                     if (($field[CONS_XML_LINKTYPE] == CONS_TIPO_INT || $field[CONS_XML_LINKTYPE] == CONS_TIPO_FLOAT) && ($data[$name] === '' || !is_numeric($data[$name]))) {
                         $data[$name] = 0;
                     } else {
                         if ($field[CONS_XML_LINKTYPE] == CONS_TIPO_VC && $data[$name] != '') {
                             if ($field[CONS_XML_SPECIAL] == "ucase") {
                                 $data[$name] = strtoupper($data[$name]);
                             if ($field[CONS_XML_SPECIAL] == "lcase") {
                                 $data[$name] = strtolower($data[$name]);
                 # if this is a parent, check if this won't create a cyclic parenting
                 if ($data[$name] !== 0 && $data[$name] !== '' && $field[CONS_XML_MODULE] == $this->name && $this->options[CONS_MODULE_PARENT] == $name) {
                     if (!$isADD && $data[$name] == $data[$this->keys[0]]) {
                         $data[$name] = 0;
                         $this->parent->errorControl->raise(128, $name, $this->name, "Parent=Self");
                         if (isset($field[CONS_XML_MANDATORY])) {
                             return false;
                     } else {
                         $antiCicle = $isADD ? array() : array($data[$this->keys[0]]);
                         $idP = isset($data[$name]) ? $data[$name] : 0;
                         if ($idP == null) {
                             $idP = 0;
                         while ($idP !== 0) {
                             $idP = $this->parent->dbo->fetch("SELECT {$name} FROM " . $this->dbname . " WHERE " . $this->keys[0] . "={$idP}");
                             if ($idP == NULL) {
                                 $idP = 0;
                             if (in_array($idP, $antiCicle)) {
                             // cicle!
                             $antiCicle[] = $idP;
                         if ($idP !== 0) {
                             # did not reach root
                             $this->parent->errorControl->raise(128, $name, $this->name, "Initial parent was = " . $data[$name]);
                             $data[$name] = 0;
                             if (isset($field[CONS_XML_MANDATORY])) {
                                 return false;
                 $output = $encapsulation . $data[$name] . $encapsulation;
             } else {
                 if ($isADD && isset($field[CONS_XML_DEFAULT])) {
                         $output = $encapsulation . $_SESSION[CONS_SESSION_ACCESS_USER]['id'] . $encapsulation;
                     } else {
                         if ($field[CONS_XML_DEFAULT] != "%UID%") {
                             $output = $encapsulation . $field[CONS_XML_DEFAULT] . $encapsulation;
         case CONS_TIPO_FLOAT:
             if (isset($data[$name]) && $data[$name] !== "") {
                 $data[$name] = fv($data[$name]);
                 if (is_numeric($data[$name])) {
                     $output = str_replace(",", ".", $data[$name]);
                 } else {
                     if ($isADD && isset($field[CONS_XML_DEFAULT])) {
                         $output = $field[CONS_XML_DEFAULT];
             } else {
                 if ($isADD && isset($field[CONS_XML_DEFAULT])) {
                     $output = $field[CONS_XML_DEFAULT];
         case CONS_TIPO_VC:
             if (isset($data[$name])) {
                 if (!isset($field[CONS_XML_SPECIAL]) || $field[CONS_XML_SPECIAL] != "urla") {
                     if (!isset($field[CONS_XML_CUSTOM])) {
                         $data[$name] = cleanString($data[$name], isset($field[CONS_XML_HTML]), $_SESSION[CONS_SESSION_ACCESS_LEVEL] == 100, $this->parent->dbo);
                     } else {
                         if (!$isSerialized) {
                             $data[$name] = addslashes_EX($data[$name], isset($field[CONS_XML_HTML]), $this->parent->dbo);
                 if (isset($field[CONS_XML_SPECIAL])) {
                     if ($field[CONS_XML_SPECIAL] == "urla") {
                         if (!isset($data[$name]) || $data[$name] == '') {
                             $source = isset($field[CONS_XML_SOURCE]) ? $field[CONS_XML_SOURCE] : "{" . $this->title . "}";
                             $tp = new CKTemplate($this->parent->template);
                             $data[$name] = $tp->techo($data);
                         $data[$name] = str_replace("&gt;", "", str_replace("&lt;", "", str_replace("&quot;", "", str_replace("&#39;", "", $data[$name]))));
                         $data[$name] = removeSimbols($data[$name], true, false, CONS_FLATTENURL);
                     if ($field[CONS_XML_SPECIAL] == "login" && $data[$name] != "") {
                         if (!preg_match('/^([A-Za-z0-9_\\-\\.@]){4,20}$/', $data[$name])) {
                             $data[$name] = "";
                             $this->parent->errorControl->raise(129, $name, $this->name);
                     if ($field[CONS_XML_SPECIAL] == "mail" && $data[$name] != "") {
                         if (!isMail($data[$name])) {
                             $data[$name] = "";
                             $this->parent->errorControl->raise(130, $name, $this->name);
                     if ($field[CONS_XML_SPECIAL] == "ucase" && $data[$name] != "") {
                         $data[$name] = strtoupper($data[$name]);
                         $data[$name] = addslashes_EX($data[$name], isset($field[CONS_XML_HTML]), $this->parent->dbo);
                     if ($field[CONS_XML_SPECIAL] == "lcase" && $data[$name] != "") {
                         $data[$name] = strtolower($data[$name]);
                         $data[$name] = addslashes_EX($data[$name], isset($field[CONS_XML_HTML]), $this->parent->dbo);
                     if ($field[CONS_XML_SPECIAL] == "path" && $data[$name] != "") {
                         if (!preg_match('/^([A-Za-z0-9_\\/\\-]*)$/', $data[$name])) {
                             $data[$name] = "";
                             $this->parent->errorControl->raise(131, $name, $this->name);
                     if ($field[CONS_XML_SPECIAL] == "onlinevideo" && $data[$name] != "") {
                         if (!preg_match('/^([A-Za-z0-9_\\-]){8,20}$/', $data[$name])) {
                             $data[$name] = "";
                             $this->parent->errorControl->raise(132, $name, $this->name);
                     if ($field[CONS_XML_SPECIAL] == "time" && $data[$name] != "") {
                         if (!preg_match('/^([0-9]){1,2}(:)([0-9]){1,2}$/', $data[$name])) {
                             $data[$name] = "";
                             $this->parent->errorControl->raise(133, $name, $this->name);
                         } else {
                             $data[$name] = explode(":", $data[$name]);
                             $data[$name][0] = (strlen($data[$name][0]) == 1 ? "0" : "") . $data[$name][0];
                             $data[$name][1] = (strlen($data[$name][1]) == 1 ? "0" : "") . $data[$name][1];
                             $data[$name] = $data[$name][0] . ":" . $data[$name][1];
                 if (!$isADD && isset($field[CONS_XML_IGNORENEDIT]) && $data[$name] == "") {
                 } else {
                     if ($isADD && (!isset($data[$name]) || $data[$name] == '') && isset($field[CONS_XML_DEFAULT])) {
                         $data[$name] = $field[CONS_XML_DEFAULT];
                 $output = $encapsulation . $data[$name] . $encapsulation;
         case CONS_TIPO_TEXT:
             if (isset($data[$name])) {
                 # WYSIWYG garbage ...
                 if (isset($field[CONS_XML_HTML]) && !isset($field[CONS_XML_CUSTOM])) {
                     $data[$name] = str_replace("&#160;", " ", trim($data[$name]));
                     if (isset($field[CONS_XML_SIMPLEEDITFORCE]) && $data[$name] != '') {
                         if (!defined('C_XHTML_AUTOTAB')) {
                             include CONS_PATH_INCLUDE . "xmlHandler.php";
                         $data[$name] = parseHTML($data[$name], true);
                         if ($data[$name] === false) {
                             $this->parent->errorControl->raise(190, $name, $this->name);
                             $data[$name] = '';
                     if ($this->invalidHTML($data[$name])) {
                         # external editors garbage that can break HTML
                         $this->parent->errorControl->raise(135, $name, $this->name);
                 if (!isset($field[CONS_XML_CUSTOM])) {
                     $data[$name] = cleanString($data[$name], isset($field[CONS_XML_HTML]), $_SESSION[CONS_SESSION_ACCESS_LEVEL] == 100, $this->parent->dbo);
                 } else {
                     if (!$isSerialized) {
                         $data[$name] = addslashes_EX($data[$name], true, $this->parent->dbo);
                 if (!$isADD && isset($field[CONS_XML_IGNORENEDIT]) && $data[$name] == "") {
                 $output = $encapsulation . $data[$name] . $encapsulation;
             } else {
                 if ($isADD && isset($field[CONS_XML_DEFAULT])) {
                     $output = $encapsulation . $field[CONS_XML_DEFAULT] . $encapsulation;
         case CONS_TIPO_DATETIME:
         case CONS_TIPO_DATE:
             if (!isset($data[$name]) || $data[$name] == '') {
                 if (!$isADD && isset($field[CONS_XML_UPDATESTAMP])) {
                     $output = "NOW()";
                     $data[$name] = date("Y-m-d") . ($field[CONS_XML_TIPO] == CONS_TIPO_DATETIME ? " " . date("H:i:s") : "");
                     // might be used by friendly url or such
                 } else {
                     if ($isADD && (isset($field[CONS_XML_TIMESTAMP]) || isset($field[CONS_XML_UPDATESTAMP]))) {
                         $output = "NOW()";
                         $data[$name] = date("Y-m-d") . ($field[CONS_XML_TIPO] == CONS_TIPO_DATETIME ? " " . date("H:i:s") : "");
                         // might be used by friendly url or such
             if (!isset($data[$name]) && isset($data[$name . "_day"])) {
                 # date came into separated fields, merge them
                 $theDate = $this->parent->intlControl->mergeDate($data, $name . "_");
                 if (!$theDate == false || ($theDate == "0000-00-00" || $theDate == "0000-00-00 00:00:00") && isset($field[CONS_XML_IGNORENEDIT])) {
                 # empty date can be ignored, or corrupt date
                 $output = $encapsulation . $theDate . $encapsulation;
             } else {
                 # came in mySQL format or i18n fromat
                 if (isset($data[$name]) && $data[$name] != "") {
                     $data[$name] = trim($data[$name]);
                     $theDate = $data[$name];
                     $theDate = $this->parent->intlControl->dateToSql($theDate, $field[CONS_XML_TIPO] == CONS_TIPO_DATETIME);
                     // handles any format of human or sql date
                     if ($theDate === false) {
                         if (substr($data[$name], 0, 5) == "NOW()") {
                             $output = $data[$name];
                             $data[$name] = date("Y-m-d") . ($field[CONS_XML_TIPO] == CONS_TIPO_DATETIME ? " " . date("H:i:s") : "");
                             // might be used by friendly url or such
                         } else {
                             $this->parent->errorControl->raise(134, $name, $this->name);
                     } else {
                         $output = $encapsulation . $theDate . $encapsulation;
                         $data[$name] = $theDate;
                         // other fields might need it
                 } else {
                     if (isset($data[$name])) {
                         // blank
                         if (!$isADD && isset($field[CONS_XML_IGNORENEDIT])) {
                         $output = isset($field[CONS_XML_MANDATORY]) && $field[CONS_XML_MANDATORY] ? $encapsulation . "0000-00-00" . ($field[CONS_XML_TIPO] == CONS_TIPO_DATETIME ? " 00:00:00" : "") . $encapsulation : 'NULL';
         case CONS_TIPO_ENUM:
             if (isset($data[$name])) {
                 if ($data[$name] == "") {
                     # enum does not accept empty values, this means it's a NON-MANDATORY enum comming empty = NULL
                     $output = "NULL";
                 } else {
                     $data[$name] = str_replace("\"", "", str_replace("'", "", $data[$name]));
                     $output = $encapsulation . $data[$name] . $encapsulation;
                     if (isset($field[CONS_XML_AUTOPRUNE])) {
                         // possible prune
                         preg_match("@ENUM \\(([^)]*)\\).*@", $field[CONS_XML_SQL], $regs);
                         $enums = explode(",", $regs[1]);
                         $pruneRecipient = "";
                         for ($ec = 0; $ec < count($enums); $ec++) {
                             if (isset($field[CONS_XML_AUTOPRUNE][$ec]) && $field[CONS_XML_AUTOPRUNE][$ec] == '*') {
                                 $pruneRecipient = $enums[$ec];
                         for ($ec = 0; $ec < count($enums); $ec++) {
                             if ("'" . $data[$name] . "'" == $enums[$ec]) {
                                 if (isset($field[CONS_XML_AUTOPRUNE][$ec]) && $field[CONS_XML_AUTOPRUNE][$ec] != '0' && $field[CONS_XML_AUTOPRUNE][$ec] != '*') {
                                     $EnumPrunecache[] = array($name, $field[CONS_XML_AUTOPRUNE][$ec], $pruneRecipient);
                                 // for
             } else {
                 if ($isADD && isset($field[CONS_XML_DEFAULT])) {
                     $output = $encapsulation . $field[CONS_XML_DEFAULT] . $encapsulation;
         case CONS_TIPO_OPTIONS:
             # must come as a string of 0 and 1
             if (isset($data[$name]) && strlen($data[$name]) >= count($field[CONS_XML_OPTIONS])) {
                 # test if they are all 0 and 1!
                 $ok = true;
                 for ($c = 0; $c < strlen($data[$name]); $c++) {
                     if ($data[$name][$c] != "0" && $data[$name][$c] != "1") {
                         $ok = false;
                 if ($ok) {
                     $output = $encapsulation . $data[$name] . ($isADD ? '0000' : '') . $encapsulation;
         case CONS_TIPO_UPLOAD:
             if (!$isADD) {
                 # upload on add happens AFTER the SQL include, so if it fails, we don't even bother processing upload
                 if (isset($data[$name . "_delete"]) || isset($_FILES[$name]) && $_FILES[$name]['error'] == 0) {
                     // delete ou update
                     $ids = "";
                     foreach ($this->keys as $key) {
                         $ids .= $data[$key] . "_";
                     $ids = substr($ids, 0, strlen($ids) - 1);
                     $this->deleteUploads($data, $name, $ids);
                 $upOk = $this->prepareUpload($name, $kA, $data);
                 $upvalue = $upOk == '0' ? 'y' : 'n';
                 if ($upOk != 0 && $upOk != 4) {
                     # notification for the upload (4 = nothing sent, 0 = sent and ok)
                     $this->parent->errorControl->raise(200 + $upOk, $upOk, $this->name, $name);
                 if ($upOk != 4) {
                     $output = $encapsulation . $upvalue . $encapsulation;
                 } else {
                     // no change, but take this oportunity and check if the file exists!
                     $upvalue = 'n';
                     $path = CONS_FMANAGER . $this->name . "/";
                     if (is_dir($path)) {
                         if (isset($this->fields[$name][CONS_XML_FILEPATH])) {
                             $path .= $this->fields[$name][CONS_XML_FILEPATH];
                             if ($path[strlen($path) - 1] != "/") {
                                 $path .= "/";
                             if (!is_dir($path)) {
                         # prepares filename with item keys
                         $filename = $path . $name . "_";
                         foreach ($this->keys as $key) {
                             $filename .= $data[$key] . "_";
                         $filename .= "1";
                         $upvalue = locateAnyFile($filename, $ext, isset($this->fields[$name][CONS_XML_FILETYPES]) ? $this->fields[$name][CONS_XML_FILETYPES] : '') ? 'y' : 'n';
                     $output = $encapsulation . $upvalue . $encapsulation;
         case CONS_TIPO_ARRAY:
             if (isset($data[$name])) {
                 if (is_array($data[$name])) {
                     $output = $data[$name];
                 } else {
                     # came in serialized (JSON or php)
                     if ($data[$name][0] == '[') {
                         # JSON
                         $output = @json_decode($data[$name]);
                     } else {
                         $output = @unserialize($data[$name]);
                     # we will serialize the whole thing
                     if ($output === false) {
                         $this->parent->errorControl->raise(189, $name, $this->name);
                         $output = "";
             if (isset($data[$name])) {
                 // came raw data, we store as is, YOU should serialize raw data
                 $data[$name] = addslashes_EX($data[$name], true);
                 if (isset($field[CONS_XML_IGNORENEDIT]) && $data[$name] == "") {
                 $output = $encapsulation . $data[$name] . $encapsulation;
             } else {
                 if ($this->fields[$name][CONS_XML_SERIALIZED] > 1) {
                     // set to WRITE or ALL
                     // note: we ADD fields, never replace, because we should allow partial edits, thus we need to read the original data first
                     $sql = "SELECT {$name} FROM " . $this->dbname . " WHERE {$wS}";
                     $serialized = $this->parent->dbo->fetch($sql);
                     if ($serialized === false) {
                         $serialized = array();
                     } else {
                         $serialized = @unserialize($serialized);
                     $serializedFields = 0;
                     foreach ($this->fields[$name][CONS_XML_SERIALIZEDMODEL] as $exname => &$exfield) {
                         if (isset($data[$name . "_" . $exname])) {
                             $outfield = $this->sqlParameter(true, $data, $name . "_" . $exname, $exfield, $EnumPrunecache, true);
                             if ($outfield !== false && $outfield != 'NULL') {
                                 $serialized[$exname] = $outfield;
                             # we don't need to store NULL like in sql
                     $output = $encapsulation . addslashes_EX(serialize($serialized), true, $this->parent->dbo) . $encapsulation;
     # switch
     return $output;
if ($_POST['remove']) {
    exec("/sbin/pfctl -t snort2c -T flush");
    header("Location: /snort/snort_blocked.php");
/* TODO: build a file with block ip and disc */
if ($_POST['download']) {
    $blocked_ips_array_save = "";
    exec('/sbin/pfctl -t snort2c -T show', $blocked_ips_array_save);
    /* build the list */
    if (is_array($blocked_ips_array_save) && count($blocked_ips_array_save) > 0) {
        $save_date = date("Y-m-d-H-i-s");
        $file_name = "snort_blocked_{$save_date}.tar.gz";
        file_put_contents("{$g['tmp_path']}/snort_blocked/snort_block.pf", "");
        foreach ($blocked_ips_array_save as $counter => $fileline) {
            if (empty($fileline)) {
            $fileline = trim($fileline, " \n\t");
            file_put_contents("{$g['tmp_path']}/snort_blocked/snort_block.pf", "{$fileline}\n", FILE_APPEND);
        // Create a tar gzip archive of blocked host IP addresses
        exec("/usr/bin/tar -czf {$g['tmp_path']}/{$file_name} -C{$g['tmp_path']}/snort_blocked snort_block.pf");
        // If we successfully created the archive, send it to the browser.
        if (file_exists("{$g['tmp_path']}/{$file_name}")) {
            //important or other posts will fail
            if (isset($_SERVER['HTTPS'])) {