Exemple #1
function theme_nameList($names)
    foreach ($names as &$name) {
        $name = '<b' . (isMod($name) ? ' class="nnf_mod"' : '') . '>' . safeHTML($name) . '</b>';
    return implode(', ', $names);
Exemple #2
function send_mail($from_id, $to_id, $subject, $message)
    $orkTime = $GLOBALS['orkTime'];
    $objSrcUser = new clsUser($from_id);
    $objTrgUser = new clsUser($to_id);
    $arrSrcStats = $objSrcUser->get_stats();
    $arrTrgStats = $objTrgUser->get_stats();
    // we should check for the blocking system around here
    if (is_blocked_mail($from_id, $to_id)) {
        echo "<br /><br />You cannot mail {$arrTrgStats['tribe']} because you have been blocked from doing so.";
    $subject = safeHTML($subject);
    $message = safeHTML($message);
    $message = "{$message}<br /><br /><i>~{$arrSrcStats['tribe']}(#{$arrSrcStats['kingdom']})";
    if (!$subject) {
        $subject = "No Subject";
    mysql_query("INSERT INTO messages (for_user, from_user, date, subject, text, new, action) VALUES ('{$to_id}', '{$from_id}', '{$orkTime}', '{$subject}', '{$message}', 'new', 'received')");
    mysql_query("INSERT INTO messages (for_user, from_user, date, subject, text, new, action) VALUES ('{$to_id}', '{$from_id}', '{$orkTime}', '{$subject}', '{$message}', 'new', 'sent')");
    echo "<h3>Message sent to {$arrTrgStats['tribe']}(#{$arrTrgStats['kingdom']})</h3><br />";
    mysql_query("UPDATE preferences SET last_m ='{$orkTime}' WHERE id = {$to_id}");
Exemple #3
function include_message_text()
    // Note that if someone presses the report button, $tribe has not been
    //  set, I'll fix that for now, but the line below does not only rely
    //  on that, but also on register_globals being on, UGLY!   - AI 22/10/06
    global $Host, $tribe, $type, $userid, $action, $submit, $alliance, $message, $inputBody, $subject, $orkTime, $connection, $report, $ip, $resortforum;
    //     mysql_grab($userid, 'local', 'stats');
    $objSrcUser =& $GLOBALS['objSrcUser'];
    $reporttype = @$_GET['reporttype'];
    $arrStats = $objSrcUser->get_stats();
    if ($alliance < 11 && $reporttype != 'personal' && !$submit) {
        $strMenu = '<div class="center">' . "| <a href=\"main.php?cat=game&amp;page=mail&amp;set=compose\">Compose Mail</a> " . "| <a href=\"main.php?cat=game&amp;page=mail&amp;set=view\">View Inbox</a> " . "| <a href=\"main.php?cat=game&amp;page=mail&amp;set=outbox\">View Outbox</a> " . "| <a href=\"main.php?cat=game&amp;page=message&amp;tribe=1&amp;alliance=1\" >Send a Report</a> " . "| <a href=\"main.php?cat=game&amp;page=mail&amp;set=block\">Block Mail</a> ";
        if ($arrStats['type'] == 'elder') {
            "| <a href=\"main.php?cat=game&amp;page=mail&amp;set=eldermail\" >Alliance Mail</a> ";
        $strMenu .= "|</div><br />";
        echo $strMenu;
        echo "<div id=\"textBig\"><h2>Send a report</h2>";
        // new stuff starting here
        switch ($reporttype) {
            case 'cheatident':
                echo "<p>:: <a href=\"main.php?cat=game&amp;page=message&amp;reporttype=cheating&amp;alliance={$alliance}\">Back to report cheating page</a> ::</p>";
                echo "<h3>Report Identity Cheating</h3>";
                echo "<form method=\"post\" action=\"main.php?cat=game&amp;page=message&amp;reporttype=cheatident\"><p>List the tribe name(s) and alliance(s) you wish to report<br /><textarea name=\"tribes\" rows=\"5\" cols=\"20\"></textarea><br />Describe the offence to be investigated plus all applicable information<br /><textarea name=\"offence\" rows=\"10\" cols=\"60\"></textarea><br /><input type=\"submit\" name=\"submit\" value=\"Send Report\" /></p></form>";
            case 'cheatcont':
                echo "<p>:: <a href=\"main.php?cat=game&amp;page=message&amp;reporttype=cheating&amp;alliance={$alliance}\">Back to report cheating page</a> ::</p>";
                echo "<h3>Report Content</h3>";
                echo "<form method=\"post\" action=\"main.php?cat=game&amp;page=message&amp;reporttype=cheatcont\"><p>List the tribe name(s) and alliance(s) you wish to report<br /><textarea name=\"tribes\" rows=\"5\" cols=\"20\"></textarea><br />Paste the complete offensive messages/other things below<br /><textarea name=\"offence\" rows=\"10\" cols=\"60\"></textarea><br /><input type=\"submit\" name=\"submit\" value=\"Send Report\" /></p></form>";
            case 'cheatphys':
                echo "<p>:: <a href=\"main.php?cat=game&amp;page=message&amp;reporttype=cheating&amp;alliance={$alliance}\">Back to report cheating page</a> ::</p>";
                echo "<h3>Report Physical Cheating</h3>";
                echo "<form method=\"post\" action=\"main.php?cat=game&amp;page=message&amp;reporttype=cheatphys\"><p>List the tribe name(s) and alliance(s) you wish to report<br /><textarea name=\"tribes\" rows=\"5\" cols=\"20\"></textarea><br />Describe the offence to be investigated plus all applicable information<br /><textarea name=\"offence\" rows=\"10\" cols=\"60\"></textarea><br /><input type=\"submit\" name=\"submit\" value=\"Send Report\" /></p></form>";
            case 'cheatcoop':
                echo "<p>:: <a href=\"main.php?cat=game&amp;page=message&amp;reporttype=cheating&amp;alliance={$alliance}\">Back to report cheating page</a> ::</p>";
                echo "<h3>Report Cooperation</h3>";
                echo "<form method=\"post\" action=\"main.php?cat=game&amp;page=message&amp;reporttype=cheatcoop\"><p>List the tribe name(s) and alliance(s) you wish to report<br /><textarea name=\"tribes\" rows=\"5\" cols=\"20\"></textarea><br />Describe the offence to be investigated plus all applicable information<br /><textarea name=\"offence\" rows=\"10\" cols=\"60\"></textarea><br /><input type=\"submit\" name=\"submit\" value=\"Send Report\" /></p></form>";
            case 'cheataccount':
                echo "<p>:: <a href=\"main.php?cat=game&amp;page=message&amp;reporttype=cheating&amp;alliance={$alliance}\">Back to report cheating page</a> ::</p>";
                echo "<h3>Report Account Cheating</h3>";
                echo "<form method=\"post\" action=\"main.php?cat=game&amp;page=message&amp;reporttype=cheataccount\"><p>List the tribe name(s) and alliance(s) you wish to report<br /><textarea name=\"tribes\" rows=\"5\" cols=\"20\"></textarea><br />Describe the offence to be investigated plus all applicable information<br /><textarea name=\"offence\" rows=\"10\" cols=\"60\"></textarea><br /><input type=\"submit\" name=\"submit\" value=\"Send Report\" /></p></form>";
            case 'cheatabuse':
                echo "<p>:: <a href=\"main.php?cat=game&amp;page=message&amp;reporttype=cheating&amp;alliance={$alliance}\">Back to report cheating page</a> ::</p>";
                echo "<h3>Report Abuse</h3>";
                echo "**Please don't report bugs here, but rather use this as a report to alert us to any player you suspect abusing a bug.**<br />";
                echo "<form method=\"post\" action=\"main.php?cat=game&amp;page=message&amp;reporttype=cheatabuse\"><p>List the tribe name(s) and alliance(s) you wish to report<br /><textarea name=\"tribes\" rows=\"5\" cols=\"20\"></textarea><br />Describe the offence to be investigated plus all applicable information<br /><textarea name=\"offence\" rows=\"10\" cols=\"60\"></textarea><br /><input type=\"submit\" name=\"submit\" value=\"Send Report\" /></p></form>";
            case 'cheatwar':
                echo "<p>:: <a href=\"main.php?cat=game&amp;page=message&amp;reporttype=cheating&amp;alliance={$alliance}\">Back to report cheating page</a> ::</p>";
                echo "<h3>Report War Cheating</h3>";
                echo "<form method=\"post\" action=\"main.php?cat=game&amp;page=message&amp;reporttype=cheatwar\"><p>List the alliance(s) you wish to report<br /><textarea name=\"allis\" rows=\"5\" cols=\"20\"></textarea><br />Describe the offence to be investigated plus all applicable information<textarea name=\"offence\" rows=\"10\" cols=\"60\"></textarea><br /><input type=\"submit\" name=\"submit\" value=\"Send Report\" /></p></form>";
            case 'cheatfarm':
                echo "<p>:: <a href=\"main.php?cat=game&amp;page=message&amp;reporttype=cheating&amp;alliance={$alliance}\">Back to report cheating page</a> ::</p>";
                echo "<h3>Report Farming</h3>";
                echo "***Landfarmers must be reported. Any acres gained from a little or undefended tribe may be expropriated in the absence of a report.***<br />";
                echo "<form method=\"post\" action=\"main.php?cat=game&amp;page=message&amp;reporttype=cheatfarm\"><p>List the tribe name(s) and alliance(s) you wish to report<br /><textarea name=\"tribes\" rows=\"5\" cols=\"20\"></textarea><br />Paste your attack details here<br /><textarea name=\"attack\" rows=\"10\" cols=\"60\"></textarea><br /><input type=\"submit\" name=\"submit\" value=\"Send Report\" /></p></form>";
            case 'cheatmisc':
                echo "<p>:: <a href=\"main.php?cat=game&amp;page=message&amp;reporttype=cheating&amp;alliance={$alliance}\">Back to report cheating page</a> ::</p>";
                echo "<h3>Report Miscellaneous Cheating</h3>";
                echo "<form method=\"post\" action=\"main.php?cat=game&amp;page=message&amp;reporttype=cheatmisc\"><p>List the tribe name(s) and alliance(s) you wish to report<br /><textarea name=\"tribes\" rows=\"5\" cols=\"20\"></textarea><br />Describe the offence to be investigated plus all applicable information<textarea name=\"offence\" rows=\"10\" cols=\"60\"></textarea><br /><input type=\"submit\" name=\"submit\" value=\"Send Report\" /></p></form>";
            case 'cheating':
                echo "<p>:: <a href=\"main.php?cat=game&amp;page=message&amp;alliance={$alliance}\">Back to reporting page</a> ::</p>";
                echo "<h3>Report Cheating</h3>";
                echo "<p>Please select the type of cheating you wish to report:</p>";
                echo "<ul>";
                echo "<li><a href=\"main.php?cat=game&amp;page=message&amp;reporttype=cheatident&amp;alliance=2\">Identities (stealing)</a></li>";
                echo "<li><a href=\"main.php?cat=game&amp;page=message&amp;reporttype=cheatcont&amp;alliance=2\">Content (PMs, forum)</a></li>";
                echo "<li><a href=\"main.php?cat=game&amp;page=message&amp;reporttype=cheatphys&amp;alliance=2\">Physical</a></li>";
                echo "<li><a href=\"main.php?cat=game&amp;page=message&amp;reporttype=cheatcoop&amp;alliance=2\">Cooperation</a></li>";
                echo "<li><a href=\"main.php?cat=game&amp;page=message&amp;reporttype=cheataccount&amp;alliance=2\">Account (crosslogging, multiple, babysitting)</a></li>";
                echo "<li><a href=\"main.php?cat=game&amp;page=message&amp;reporttype=cheatabuse&amp;alliance=2\">Abuse</a></li>";
                echo "<li><a href=\"main.php?cat=game&amp;page=message&amp;reporttype=cheatwar&amp;alliance=2\">War</a></li>";
                echo "<li><a href=\"main.php?cat=game&amp;page=message&amp;reporttype=cheatfarm&amp;alliance=2\">Farming</a></li>";
                echo "<li><a href=\"main.php?cat=game&amp;page=message&amp;reporttype=cheatmisc&amp;alliance=2\">Miscellaneous</a></li></ul>";
            case 'sharing':
                echo "<p>:: <a href=\"main.php?cat=game&amp;page=message&amp;alliance={$alliance}\">Back to reporting page</a> ::</p>";
                echo "<h3>Report Sharing Computers</h3>";
                echo "<p>Your tribe name and alliance number: {$arrStats['tribe']}(#{$arrStats['kingdom']})</p>";
                echo "<p>List the tribe name(s) and alliance(s) you share IP's with: <br /></p>";
                echo "<form method=\"post\" action=\"main.php?cat=game&amp;page=message&amp;reporttype=sharing\"><textarea name=\"tribes\" rows=\"5\" cols=\"20\"></textarea><br /><input type=\"submit\" name=\"submit\" value=\"Send Computer Sharing Report\" /></form>";
            case 'cf':
                echo "<p>:: <a href=\"main.php?cat=game&amp;page=message&amp;alliance={$alliance}\">Back to reporting page</a> ::</p>";
                echo "<h3>Report Cease Fire</h3>";
                echo "<p>A reported temporary stoppage of aggressive activity, where both alliances agree to suspend all ops and attacks for a MAXIMUM of 12 hours following an undeclared war - (or 24 hours in the case of declared war)</p><p>A 12 hour 'cool down' period is permitted following an unofficial war. To be valid these agreements must be reported to L&amp;O with associated times. L&amp;O is not responsible for policing any CF agreements.</p>";
                echo "<form method=\"post\" action=\"main.php?cat=game&amp;page=message&amp;reporttype=cf\"><p>Your alliance number: {$arrStats['kingdom']}<br />CeaseFire with (Alliance number): <input type=\"text\" name=\"with\" size=\"4\" maxlength=\"4\" /><br /><input type=\"submit\" name=\"submit\" value=\"Send Cease Fire Report\" /></p></form>";
            case 'error':
                echo "<p>:: <a href=\"main.php?cat=game&amp;page=message&amp;alliance={$alliance}\">Back to reporting page</a> ::</p>";
                echo "<h3>Report Error</h3>";
                echo "<p>Please explain the error and also send all applicable information</p>";
                echo "<form method=\"post\" action=\"main.php?cat=game&amp;page=message&amp;reporttype=error\"><textarea name=\"error\" rows=\"10\" cols=\"60\"></textarea><br /><input type=\"submit\" name=\"submit\" value=\"Send Error Report\" /></form>";
            case 'sugg':
                echo "<p>:: <a href=\"main.php?cat=game&amp;page=message&amp;alliance={$alliance}\">Back to reporting page</a> ::</p>";
                echo "<h3>Report Game Suggestion</h3>";
                echo "<p>Please fully explain your suggestion</p>";
                echo "<form method=\"post\" action=\"main.php?cat=game&amp;page=message&amp;reporttype=sugg\"><textarea name=\"suggestion\" rows=\"10\" cols=\"60\"></textarea><br /><input type=\"submit\" name=\"submit\" value=\"Send Suggestion\" /></form>";
            case 'comp':
                echo "<p>:: <a href=\"main.php?cat=game&amp;page=message&amp;alliance={$alliance}\">Back to reporting page</a> ::</p>";
                echo "<h3>Report Complaint</h3>";
                echo "<p>Please fully explain the problem</p>";
                echo "<form method=\"post\" action=\"main.php?cat=game&amp;page=message&amp;reporttype=comp\"><textarea name=\"complaint\" rows=\"10\" cols=\"60\"></textarea><br /><input type=\"submit\" name=\"submit\" value=\"Send Complaint\" /></form>";
            case 'mergename':
                echo "<p>:: <a href=\"main.php?cat=game&amp;page=message&amp;alliance={$alliance}\">Back to reporting page</a> ::</p>";
                echo "<h3>Report Merge/Namechange issues</h3>";
                echo "<p>Please fully explain the problem</p>";
                echo "<form method=\"post\" action=\"main.php?cat=game&amp;page=message&amp;reporttype=mergename\"><textarea name=\"message\" rows=\"10\" cols=\"60\"></textarea><br /><input type=\"submit\" name=\"submit\" value=\"Send Report\" /></form>";
                //             case 'advertsugg':
                //                 echo "<p>:: <a href=\"main.php?cat=game&amp;page=message&amp;alliance=$alliance\">Back to reporting page</a> ::</p>";
                //                 echo "<h2>Report Advertising Suggestion</h2>";
                //                 echo "<p>Please fully explain your suggestion</p>";
                //                 echo "<form method=\"post\" action=\"main.php?cat=game&amp;page=message&amp;reporttype=advertsugg\"><textarea name=\"suggestion\" rows=\"10\" cols=\"60\"></textarea><br /><input type=\"submit\" name=\"submit\" value=\"Send Suggestion\" /></form>";
                //                 break;
                //             case '4crap':
                //                 echo "<p>:: <a href=\"main.php?cat=game&amp;page=message&amp;alliance=$alliance\">Back to reporting page</a> ::</p>";
                //                 echo "<h2>Send crap to #4</h2>";
                //                 echo "<p>Please enter the crap you want to send to #4 here</p>";
                //                 echo "<form method=\"post\" action=\"main.php?cat=game&amp;page=message&amp;reporttype=4crap\"><textarea name=\"crap\" rows=\"10\" cols=\"60\"></textarea><br /><input type=\"submit\" name=\"submit\" value=\"Send crap\" /></form>";
                //                 break;
            //             case 'advertsugg':
            //                 echo "<p>:: <a href=\"main.php?cat=game&amp;page=message&amp;alliance=$alliance\">Back to reporting page</a> ::</p>";
            //                 echo "<h2>Report Advertising Suggestion</h2>";
            //                 echo "<p>Please fully explain your suggestion</p>";
            //                 echo "<form method=\"post\" action=\"main.php?cat=game&amp;page=message&amp;reporttype=advertsugg\"><textarea name=\"suggestion\" rows=\"10\" cols=\"60\"></textarea><br /><input type=\"submit\" name=\"submit\" value=\"Send Suggestion\" /></form>";
            //                 break;
            //             case '4crap':
            //                 echo "<p>:: <a href=\"main.php?cat=game&amp;page=message&amp;alliance=$alliance\">Back to reporting page</a> ::</p>";
            //                 echo "<h2>Send crap to #4</h2>";
            //                 echo "<p>Please enter the crap you want to send to #4 here</p>";
            //                 echo "<form method=\"post\" action=\"main.php?cat=game&amp;page=message&amp;reporttype=4crap\"><textarea name=\"crap\" rows=\"10\" cols=\"60\"></textarea><br /><input type=\"submit\" name=\"submit\" value=\"Send crap\" /></form>";
            //                 break;
            case 'qgen':
                echo "<p>:: <a href=\"main.php?cat=game&amp;page=message&amp;alliance={$alliance}\">Back to reporting page</a> ::</p>";
                echo "<h3>Question / General</h3>";
                echo "<p><p><p>Enter your question below</p>";
                echo "<form method=\"post\" action=\"main.php?cat=game&amp;page=message&amp;reporttype=qgen\"><textarea name=\"question\" rows=\"10\" cols=\"60\"></textarea><br /><input type=\"submit\" name=\"submit\" value=\"Send Report\" /></form>";
                echo "<p>Welcome! This will allow you to contact the ORKFiA Staff Team.</p>";
                echo "<ul><li><a href=\"main.php?cat=game&amp;page=message&amp;reporttype=cheating&amp;alliance=2\">Report Cheating</a> (report to #2)</li>";
                echo "<li><a href=\"main.php?cat=game&amp;page=message&amp;reporttype=sharing&amp;alliance=2\">Report Sharing Computers</a> (report to #2)</li>";
                echo "<li><a href=\"main.php?cat=game&amp;page=message&amp;reporttype=cf&amp;alliance=2\">Report Cease Fire</a> (report to #2)</li>";
                echo "<li><a href=\"main.php?cat=game&amp;page=message&amp;reporttype=error&amp;alliance=3\">Report Game Error</a> (report to #3)</li>";
                echo "<li><a href=\"main.php?cat=game&amp;page=message&amp;reporttype=sugg&amp;alliance=3\">Report Game Suggestion</a> (report to #3)</li>";
                echo "<li><a href=\"main.php?cat=game&amp;page=message&amp;reporttype=comp&amp;alliance=3\">Report Complaint</a> (report to #3)</li>";
                echo "<li><a href=\"main.php?cat=game&amp;page=message&amp;reporttype=mergename&amp;alliance=3\">Report Merge/Namechange issues</a> (report to #3)</li>";
                //                 echo "<li><a href=\"main.php?cat=game&amp;page=message&amp;reporttype=advertsugg&amp;alliance=4\">Report Advertising Suggestion</a> (report to #4)</li>";
                //                 echo "<li><a href=\"main.php?cat=game&amp;page=message&amp;reporttype=4crap&amp;alliance=4\">Send crap to #4</a> (report to #4)</li>";
                echo "<li><a href=\"main.php?cat=game&amp;page=message&amp;reporttype=qgen&amp;alliance=3\">Question / General</a> (report to #3)</li>";
                echo "<li><a href=\"main.php?cat=game&amp;page=mail&amp;set=compose&amp;aid={$alliance}&amp;tribe={$tribe}\">Orkfia Mail</a></li></ul>";
        echo "</div>";
    if ($type == "ingame" && $submit && $message) {
        //changed to use send_mail function - AI 10/12/2006
        send_mail($userid, $tribe, $subject, $message);
    if ($type == "ingame" && $alliance > 10) {
        echo "<p>Message Center</p>";
        echo "<form method=\"post\" action=\"main.php?cat=game&amp;page=message&amp;type=ingame&amp;action=post&amp;tribe={$tribe}&amp;alliance={$alliance}\">";
        echo "<br />Subject: <input type=text name=subject size=30><br /><textarea name=message rows=20 cols=70 wrap=on></textarea><br />";
        echo "<input type=hidden name=submit value='yes'>";
        echo "<input type='submit' value='Send Message'>";
        echo "</form>";
    if ($submit && $reporttype) {
        $error = false;
        $alliance = 0;
        $resortforum = 0;
        $title = false;
        $post = false;
        switch ($reporttype) {
            case 'cheatident':
                $alliance = 2;
                $resortforum = 4;
                $title = 'Report: Identity Cheating';
                $post = "Reporting these tribes:\r\n" . $_POST['tribes'] . "\r\n\r\nAccusing them of the following:\r\n" . $_POST['offence'];
            case 'cheatcont':
                $alliance = 2;
                $resortforum = 4;
                $title = 'Report: Content';
                $post = "Reporting these tribes:\r\n" . $_POST['tribes'] . "\r\n\r\nAccusing them of the following:\r\n" . $_POST['offence'];
            case 'cheatphys':
                $alliance = 2;
                $resortforum = 4;
                $title = 'Report: Physical Cheating';
                $post = "Reporting these tribes:\r\n" . $_POST['tribes'] . "\r\n\r\nAccusing them of the following:\r\n" . $_POST['offence'];
            case 'cheatcoop':
                $alliance = 2;
                $resortforum = 4;
                $title = 'Report: Cooperation';
                $post = "Reporting these tribes:\r\n" . $_POST['tribes'] . "\r\n\r\nAccusing them of the following:\r\n" . $_POST['offence'];
            case 'cheataccount':
                $alliance = 2;
                $resortforum = 4;
                $title = 'Report: Account Cheating';
                $post = "Reporting these tribes:\r\n" . $_POST['tribes'] . "\r\n\r\nAccusing them of the following:\r\n" . $_POST['offence'];
            case 'cheatabuse':
                $alliance = 2;
                $resortforum = 4;
                $title = 'Report: Abuse';
                $post = "Reporting these tribes:\r\n" . $_POST['tribes'] . "\r\n\r\nAccusing them of the following:\r\n" . $_POST['offence'];
            case 'cheatwar':
                $alliance = 2;
                $resortforum = 4;
                $title = 'Report: War Cheating';
                $post = "Reporting these alliances:\r\n" . $_POST['allis'] . "\r\n\r\nAccusing them of the following:\r\n" . $_POST['offence'];
            case 'cheatfarm':
                $alliance = 2;
                $resortforum = 4;
                $title = 'Report: Farming';
                $post = "Reporting these tribes:\r\n" . $_POST['tribes'] . "\r\n\r\nDetails of the attack:\r\n" . $_POST['attack'];
            case 'cheatmisc':
                $alliance = 2;
                $resortforum = 4;
                $title = 'Report: Miscellaneous Cheating';
                $post = "Reporting these tribes:\r\n" . $_POST['tribes'] . "\r\n\r\nAccusing them of the following:\r\n" . $_POST['offence'];
            case 'sharing':
                $alliance = 2;
                $resortforum = 4;
                $title = 'Report: Sharing Computers';
                $post = "Declaring to share IP(s) with:\r\n" . $_POST['tribes'];
            case 'cf':
                $alliance = 2;
                $resortforum = 4;
                $title = 'Report: CeaseFire';
                $post = "Declaring a CeaseFire with: " . $_POST['with'];
            case 'error':
                $alliance = 3;
                $resortforum = 5;
                $title = 'Report: Game Error';
                $post = $_POST['error'];
            case 'sugg':
                $alliance = 3;
                $resortforum = 5;
                $title = 'Report: Game Suggestion';
                $post = $_POST['suggestion'];
            case 'comp':
                $alliance = 3;
                $resortforum = 5;
                $title = 'Report: Complaint';
                $post = $_POST['complaint'];
            case 'mergename':
                $alliance = 3;
                $resortforum = 5;
                $title = 'Report: Merge/Namechange issues';
                $post = $_POST['message'];
                //             case 'advertsugg':
                //                 $alliance = 4;
                //                 $title = 'Report: Advertising Suggestion';
                //                 $post = $_POST['suggestion'];
                //                 break;
                //             case '4crap':
                //                 $alliance = 4;
                //                 $title = 'Crap for #4';
                //                 $post = $_POST['crap'];
                //                 break;
            //             case 'advertsugg':
            //                 $alliance = 4;
            //                 $title = 'Report: Advertising Suggestion';
            //                 $post = $_POST['suggestion'];
            //                 break;
            //             case '4crap':
            //                 $alliance = 4;
            //                 $title = 'Crap for #4';
            //                 $post = $_POST['crap'];
            //                 break;
            case 'qgen':
                $alliance = 3;
                $resortforum = 5;
                $title = 'Question / General';
                $post = $_POST['question'];
            case 'n00b':
                $alliance = 1;
                $resortforum = 2;
                $title = 'I am a n00b';
                $post = $_POST['n00bieness'];
                $error .= "The report was of a type that cannot be handled, " . "you're either messing around or the report system " . "isn't finished yet.<br />";
        if ($resortforum > 5 || $resortforum < 2) {
            $error .= "There was no valid recipient for your report, poke " . "someone in Development.<br />";
        if (!$error && $title && $resortforum && $post) {
            $post .= "\r\n\r\n***User id:" . $objSrcUser->get_userid() . "***\r\n" . $arrStats['tribe'] . '(#' . $arrStats['kingdom'] . ')';
            $thread = mysql_query("SELECT post_id FROM forum WHERE poster_kd = 1 AND parent_id = 0 AND title = '{$title}' AND type = {$resortforum}") or die('mysql error: ' . mysql_error());
            if (mysql_num_rows($thread) == 0) {
                mysql_query("INSERT INTO forum (type,poster_kd,title,post,date_time,updated,poster_name,poster_tribe) VALUES ({$resortforum},1,'{$title}','Automated report thread','{$orkTime}','{$orkTime}','Reporter','Reporter')") or die('mysql error: ' . mysql_error());
                $thread = mysql_query("SELECT post_id FROM forum WHERE poster_kd = 1 AND parent_id = 0 AND title = '{$title}' AND type = {$resortforum}") or die('mysql error: ' . mysql_error());
            $thread = mysql_fetch_assoc($thread);
            $thread = $thread['post_id'];
            make_post($objSrcUser->get_userid(), $thread, 0, $resortforum, $post);
        if ($error) {
            echo "The following problem(s) was/were encountered while " . "processing your report:<br />{$error}";
        } else {
            $staffmap = array(1 => "The Orkfian Gods / Development", 2 => "Law and Order", 3 => "Operations", 4 => "Marketing");
            echo "Thank you for your time, " . $staffmap[$alliance] . " has received your report.";
            echo "<br /><a href=\"main.php?cat=game&amp;page=message&amp;alliance=1\">Back to Reporting</a>";
    if ($submit && $type == "forums" && $resortforum < 11 && $alliance < 11 && $report) {
        $message = safeHTML($message);
        echo "<p>{$report}, has been received, If you have any more information " . "regarding <br />your report that can be entered, we would be " . "pleased to receive it also.</p>";
        if ($report == 'Report: Sharing Computers') {
            echo '<p>Please take special notice of the CoC rules applying ' . 'specifically to sharing IPs. Violation of these rules ' . 'results in account suspension and more commonly deletion. ' . 'Ignornance of the law is no excuse.<br /><br />' . 'Here is the link to the CoC:<br />' . '<a href="main.php?cat=game&amp;page=CoC">Code of Conduct</a>' . '<br /><br />' . 'Section 6, and especially 6.5.1 apply to users sharing IPs.' . '<br /><br />' . 'Enjoy the game =)';
            $search = mysql_query("select * from forum where poster_kd = 1 and parent_id  = 0 and title = '{$report}' and type = {$resortforum}");
            $search = @mysql_fetch_array($search);
            if ($search['type'] != $resortforum) {
                // There's no topic yet
                $insert = mysql_query("INSERT INTO forum VALUES ('', '0', {$resortforum}, 1, '0', '{$report}','Automated report thread', '{$orkTime}', '{$orkTime}','Reporter', 'Reporter','0', '0', '0', '0')") or die("insert:" . mysql_error());
            $search = mysql_query("Select * from forum where poster_kd = 1 and parent_id  = 0 and title = '{$report}' and type = {$resortforum}");
            $search = mysql_fetch_array($search);
            $insert = mysql_query("INSERT INTO forum\n              VALUES ('', '{$arrStats['id']}', {$resortforum},\n              1, '{$search['post_id']}', '',\n              '{$message}<br /><br />***User id: {$userid}***<br />{$arrStats['tribe']} (# {$arrStats['kingdom']} )', '{$orkTime}', '{$orkTime}',\n              '{$arrStats['name']}', '{$arrStats['tribe']}',\n              '0', '{$ip}', '0', '0')\n               ");
        } elseif ($report == 'Report: Cheating') {
            $search = mysql_query("select * from forum where poster_kd = 1 and parent_id  = 0 and title = '{$report}' and type = {$resortforum}");
            $search = @mysql_fetch_array($search);
            if ($search['type'] != $resortforum) {
                // There's no topic yet
                $insert = mysql_query("INSERT INTO forum VALUES ('', '0', {$resortforum}, 1, '0', '{$report}','Automated report thread', '{$orkTime}', '{$orkTime}','Reporter', 'Reporter','0', '0', '0', '0')") or die("insert:" . mysql_error());
            $search = mysql_query("Select * from forum where poster_kd = 1 and parent_id  = 0 and title = '{$report}' and type = {$resortforum}");
            $search = mysql_fetch_array($search);
            $insert = mysql_query("INSERT INTO forum\n                          VALUES ('', '{$arrStats['id']}', {$resortforum},\n                          1, '{$search['post_id']}', '',\n                          '{$message}<br /><br />***User id: {$userid}***<br />{$arrStats['tribe']} (# {$arrStats['kingdom']} )', '{$orkTime}', '{$orkTime}',\n                          '{$arrStats['name']}', '{$arrStats['tribe']}',\n                          '0', '{$ip}', '0', '0')\n                           ");
        } elseif ($report == 'Report: CeaseFire') {
            $search = mysql_query("select * from forum where poster_kd = 1 and parent_id  = 0 and title = '{$report}' and type = {$resortforum}");
            $search = @mysql_fetch_array($search);
            if ($search['type'] != $resortforum) {
                // There's no topic yet
                $insert = mysql_query("INSERT INTO forum VALUES ('', '0', '{$resortforum}, 1, '0', '{$report}','Automated report thread', '{$orkTime}', '{$orkTime}','Reporter', 'Reporter','0', '0', '0', '0')") or die("insert:" . mysql_error());
            $search = mysql_query("Select * from forum where poster_kd = 1 and parent_id  = 0 and title = '{$report}' and type = {$resortforum}");
            $search = mysql_fetch_array($search);
            $insert = mysql_query("INSERT INTO forum\n                          VALUES ('', '{$arrStats['id']}', {$resortforum},\n                          1, '{$search['post_id']}', '',\n                          '{$message}<br /><br />***User id: {$userid}***<br />{$arrStats['tribe']} (# {$arrStats['kingdom']} )', '{$orkTime}', '{$orkTime}',\n                          '{$arrStats['name']}', '{$arrStats['tribe']}',\n                          '0', '{$ip}', '0', '0')\n                           ");
        } elseif ($report == 'Report: Game Error') {
            $search = mysql_query("select * from forum where poster_kd = 1 and parent_id  = 0 and title = '{$report}' and type = {$resortforum}");
            $search = @mysql_fetch_array($search);
            if ($search['type'] != $resortforum) {
                // There's no topic yet
                $insert = mysql_query("INSERT INTO forum VALUES ('', '0', '{$resortforum}, 1, '0', '{$report}','Automated report thread', '{$orkTime}', '{$orkTime}','Reporter', 'Reporter','0', '0', '0', '0')") or die("insert:" . mysql_error());
            $search = mysql_query("Select * from forum where poster_kd = 1 and parent_id  = 0 and title = '{$report}' and type = {$resortforum}");
            $search = mysql_fetch_array($search);
            $insert = mysql_query("INSERT INTO forum\n                          VALUES ('', '{$arrStats['id']}', {$resortforum},\n                          1, '{$search['post_id']}', '',\n                          '{$message}<br /><br />***User id: {$userid}***<br />{$arrStats['tribe']} (# {$arrStats['kingdom']} )', '{$orkTime}', '{$orkTime}',\n                          '{$arrStats['name']}', '{$arrStats['tribe']}',\n                          '0', '{$ip}', '0', '0')\n                           ");
        } elseif ($report == 'Report: Game Suggestion') {
            $search = mysql_query("select * from forum where poster_kd = 1 and parent_id  = 0 and title = '{$report}' and type = {$resortforum}");
            $search = @mysql_fetch_array($search);
            if ($search['type'] != $resortforum) {
                // There's no topic yet
                $insert = mysql_query("INSERT INTO forum VALUES ('', '0', '{$resortforum}, 1, '0', '{$report}','Automated report thread', '{$orkTime}', '{$orkTime}','Reporter', 'Reporter','0', '0', '0', '0')") or die("insert:" . mysql_error());
            $search = mysql_query("Select * from forum where poster_kd = 1 and parent_id  = 0 and title = '{$report}' and type = {$resortforum}");
            $search = mysql_fetch_array($search);
            $insert = mysql_query("INSERT INTO forum\n                          VALUES ('', '{$arrStats['id']}', {$resortforum},\n                          1, '{$search['post_id']}', '',\n                          '{$message}<br /><br />***User id: {$userid}***<br />{$arrStats['tribe']} (# {$arrStats['kingdom']} )', '{$orkTime}', '{$orkTime}',\n                          '{$arrStats['name']}', '{$arrStats['tribe']}',\n                          '0', '{$ip}', '0', '0')\n                           ");
        } elseif ($report == 'Personal Message') {
            send_mail($userid, $tribe, "Personal Message from {$arrStats['tribe']}(#{$arrStats['kingdom']})", $message);
        } else {
            $search = mysql_query("select * from forum where poster_kd = 1 and parent_id  = 0 and title = '{$report}' and type = {$resortforum}");
            $search = @mysql_fetch_array($search);
            if ($search['type'] != $resortforum) {
                // There's no topic yet
                $insert = mysql_query("INSERT INTO forum VALUES ('', '0', '{$resortforum}, 1, '0', '{$report}','Automated report thread', '{$orkTime}', '{$orkTime}','Reporter', 'Reporter','0', '0', '0', '0')") or die("insert:" . mysql_error());
            $search = mysql_query("Select * from forum where poster_kd = 1 and parent_id  = 0 and title = '{$report}' and type = {$resortforum}");
            $search = mysql_fetch_array($search);
            $insert = mysql_query("INSERT INTO forum\n                          VALUES ('', '{$arrStats['id']}', {$resortforum},\n                              1, '{$search['post_id']}', '',\n                              '{$message}<br /><br />***User id: {$userid}***<br />{$arrStats['tribe']} (# {$arrStats['kingdom']} )', '{$orkTime}', '{$orkTime}',\n                              '{$arrStats['name']}', '{$arrStats['tribe']}',\n                              '0', '{$ip}', '0', '0')\n                               ");
        if ($report != 'Personal Message') {
            // M: Highlight forum users                    November 01, 2007
            $alliance = 1;
            notify_forum_users($objSrcUser, $resortforum);
function display()
    include_once JPATH_BASE . DS . "components" . DS . "com_rsmonials" . DS . "includes" . DS . "admin.rsheader.php";
    global $app;
    $limit1 = 0;
    $limit2 = 0;
    $pa = 0;
    if ($_REQUEST['limit'] > 0) {
        $limit2 = $_REQUEST['limit'];
    } else {
        $limit2 = $app->getCfg('list_limit');
    if ($_REQUEST['page'] > 0) {
        $pa = $_REQUEST['page'];
    } else {
        $pa = 1;
    $limit1 = $limit2 * ($pa - 1);
    $database =& JFactory::getDBO();
    $database->setQuery("select count(*) as tot from `#__" . RSWEBSOLS_TABLE_PREFIX . "_param` where `ordering` > 0");
    $cnt = $database->loadObject();
    $total_page = ceil($cnt->tot / $limit2);
    $database->setQuery("select * from `#__" . RSWEBSOLS_TABLE_PREFIX . "_param` where `ordering` > 0 order by `ordering` limit " . $limit1 . "," . $limit2 . "");
    $items = $database->loadObjectList();
<table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td><h1>Manage Settings</h1></td><td align="right"><a href="index.php?option=<?php 
    echo $_REQUEST['option'];
    echo $_REQUEST['task'];
    echo $_REQUEST['page'];
    echo $_REQUEST['limit'];
" title="Edit All Item"><img src="components/com_rsmonials/images/edit_f2.png" border="0" alt="Edit All" /></a></td></tr></table>
<div id="editcell">
	<table class="adminlist">
			<th class="title" style="text-align:left;" nowrap="nowrap">Parameter Name</th>
			<th class="title" style="text-align:left;">Parameter Description</th>
			<th class="title" style="text-align:left;" nowrap="nowrap">Parameter Value</th>
			<th nowrap="nowrap">ID</th>
			<th class="title">Edit</th>
			<td colspan="9">
				<script type="text/JavaScript">
				function MM_jumpMenu(targ,selObj,restore){ //v3.0
				  if (restore) selObj.selectedIndex=0;
				<del class="container"><div class="pagination">

<div class="limit">Display #:
<select name="limit" id="limit" class="inputbox" size="1" onchange="MM_jumpMenu('parent',this,0)">
	<option value="index.php?option=<?php 
    echo $_REQUEST['option'];
    echo $_REQUEST['task'];
&page=1&limit=5" <?php 
    if ($limit2 == '5') {
	<option value="index.php?option=<?php 
    echo $_REQUEST['option'];
    echo $_REQUEST['task'];
&page=1&limit=10" <?php 
    if ($limit2 == '10') {
	<option value="index.php?option=<?php 
    echo $_REQUEST['option'];
    echo $_REQUEST['task'];
&page=1&limit=15" <?php 
    if ($limit2 == '15') {
	<option value="index.php?option=<?php 
    echo $_REQUEST['option'];
    echo $_REQUEST['task'];
&page=1&limit=20" <?php 
    if ($limit2 == '20') {
	<option value="index.php?option=<?php 
    echo $_REQUEST['option'];
    echo $_REQUEST['task'];
&page=1&limit=25" <?php 
    if ($limit2 == '25') {
	<option value="index.php?option=<?php 
    echo $_REQUEST['option'];
    echo $_REQUEST['task'];
&page=1&limit=30" <?php 
    if ($limit2 == '30') {
	<option value="index.php?option=<?php 
    echo $_REQUEST['option'];
    echo $_REQUEST['task'];
&page=1&limit=50" <?php 
    if ($limit2 == '50') {
	<option value="index.php?option=<?php 
    echo $_REQUEST['option'];
    echo $_REQUEST['task'];
&page=1&limit=100" <?php 
    if ($limit2 == '100') {
	<option value="index.php?option=<?php 
    echo $_REQUEST['option'];
    echo $_REQUEST['task'];
&page=1&limit=999999" <?php 
    if ($limit2 == '999999') {
</select> | Page:
<select name="page" id="page" class="inputbox" size="1" onchange="MM_jumpMenu('parent',this,0)">
    for ($i = 1; $i <= $total_page; $i++) {
	<option value="index.php?option=<?php 
        echo $_REQUEST['option'];
        echo $_REQUEST['task'];
        echo $i;
        echo $limit2;
" <?php 
        if ($i == $pa) {
        echo $i;
</div></del>			</td>
    if (count($items) > 0) {
        $cnt = 1;
        foreach ($items as $item) {
			<tr class="row<?php 
            echo $cnt % 2;
				<td align="center"><?php 
            echo $cnt;
				<td nowrap="nowrap"><?php 
            echo $item->param_name;
            echo nl2br($item->param_description);
				<td nowrap="nowrap"><?php 
            echo safeHTML($item->param_value);
				<td align="center"><?php 
            echo $item->id;
				<td align="center"><a href="index.php?option=<?php 
            echo $_REQUEST['option'];
            echo $_REQUEST['task'];
            echo $item->id;
            echo $_REQUEST['page'];
            echo $_REQUEST['limit'];
" title="Edit Item"><img src="components/com_rsmonials/images/edit_f2.png" border="0" alt="Edit" width="20" /></a></td>
    } else {
			<tr><td colspan="9">No Item Found.</td></tr>
    include_once JPATH_BASE . DS . "components" . DS . "com_rsmonials" . DS . "includes" . DS . "admin.rsfooter.php";
Exemple #5
function include_mail_text()
    global $Host, $d_stats, $tribe, $mid, $subject, $set, $type, $action, $userid, $submit, $kingdom, $userid, $message, $inputBody, $orkTime, $local_stats, $connection, $posts, $replyid;
    include_once 'inc/functions/forums.php';
    require_once 'inc/functions/mail.php';
    $objSrcUser =& $GLOBALS['objSrcUser'];
    $local_stats = $objSrcUser->get_stats();
    if (!$set) {
        $set = "view";
    if (!$kingdom) {
        $kingdom = $local_stats['kingdom'];
    $count = '0';
    $topLinks = '<div class="center">' . "| " . "<a href=\"main.php?cat=game&amp;page=mail&amp;set=compose\">" . "Compose Mail" . "</a>" . " | " . "<a href=\"main.php?cat=game&amp;page=mail&amp;set=view\">" . "View Inbox" . "</a>" . " | " . "<a href=\"main.php?cat=game&amp;page=mail&amp;set=outbox\">" . "View Outbox" . "</a>" . " | " . "<a href=\"main.php?cat=game&amp;page=message&amp;tribe=1&amp;alliance=1\">" . "Send a Report" . "</a>" . " | " . "<a href=\"main.php?cat=game&amp;page=mail&amp;set=block\">" . "Block Mail" . "</a>";
    if ($local_stats['type'] == 'elder') {
        $topLinks .= " | " . "<a href=\"main.php?cat=game&amp;page=mail&amp;set=eldermail\">" . "Alliance Mail" . "</a>";
    $topLinks .= " |</div>";
    echo $topLinks;
    if ($set == "sendmail") {
        send_mail($userid, $tribe, $subject, $message);
        //changed to use send_mail function - AI 10/12/2006
    if ($set == "eldermailsend") {
        $message = safeHTML($message);
        $subject = safeHTML($subject);
        $message = "{$message}<br /><br />Your elder: " . $local_stats['name'];
        if (!$subject) {
            $subject = "No Subject";
        $query = mysql_query("SELECT id FROM stats WHERE kingdom = {$local_stats['kingdom']}");
        while ($datas = mysql_fetch_array($query)) {
            if ($datas["id"] != $userid) {
                $create['message'] = mysql_query("INSERT INTO messages (id, for_user, from_user, date, subject, text, new, action) VALUES ('', '" . $datas['id'] . "', '" . $userid . "', '" . $orkTime . "', '" . $subject . "', '" . $message . "', 'new', 'received')");
                $update['timestamp'] = mysql_query("UPDATE preferences SET last_m ='{$orkTime}' WHERE id= {$tribe}");
        $create['message'] = mysql_query("INSERT INTO messages (id, for_user, from_user, date, subject, text, new, action) VALUES ('', '0', '" . $userid . "', '" . $orkTime . "', '" . $subject . "', '" . $message . "', 'old', 'sent')");
        $set = "eldermail";
        echo '<div class="center">' . "<h3>Message sent to all your alliance members.</h3></div>";
    if ($set == "eldermail") {
        $eldermail = '<div id="textBig">' . "<h2>Mail your alliance</h2>" . "<form action=\"main.php?cat=game&amp;page=mail&amp;set=eldermailsend\" method=\"post\">" . "<br />" . "Subject: <input type=\"text\" name=\"subject\" size=\"30\" />" . "<br />" . "<textarea name=\"message\" rows=\"10\" cols=\"70\" wrap=\"on\"></textarea>" . "<br />" . "<input type=\"submit\" value=\"Send Message\" />" . "</form>" . "</div>";
        echo $eldermail;
    if ($set == "compose") {
        $sendMailTargets = "<option value=\"spacer\">";
        if (isset($_GET['aid']) && !empty($_GET['aid'])) {
            $kingdom = intval($_GET['aid']);
        if (isset($_GET['tribe']) && !empty($_GET['tribe'])) {
            $replyid = intval($_GET['tribe']);
        $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM stats WHERE kingdom = {$kingdom} ORDER BY tribe");
        while ($kdstats = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC)) {
            $kdstats["tribe"] = stripslashes($kdstats["tribe"]);
            if ($kdstats["id"] == $replyid) {
                $sendMailTargets .= "<option value=\"" . $kdstats['id'] . "\" selected>" . $kdstats['tribe'];
            } else {
                $sendMailTargets .= "<option value=\"" . $kdstats['id'] . "\">" . $kdstats['tribe'];
        $compose = "<br />" . "<table cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" class=\"small\">" . "<tr class=\"header\">" . "<th colspan=\"2\">" . "Compose Mail" . "</th>" . "</tr>" . "<tr class=\"subheader\">" . "<th colspan=\"2\" class=\"center\">" . "Select Target" . "</th>" . "</tr>" . "<tr class=\"data\">" . "<form action=\"main.php?cat=game&amp;page=mail&amp;set=compose\" method=\"post\">" . "<th>" . "Alliance:" . "</th>" . "<td>" . "<input maxlength=\"4\" size=\"3\" name=\"kingdom\" value=\"{$kingdom}\" />" . "<input type=\"submit\" value=\"Change\" />" . "</td>" . "</form>" . "</tr>" . "<form id=\"center\" action=\"main.php?cat=game&amp;page=mail&amp;set=sendmail\" method=\"post\">" . "<tr class=\"data\">" . "<th>" . "Tribe:" . "</th>" . "<td>" . "<select name=\"tribe\">" . $sendMailTargets . "</select>" . "</td>" . "</tr>" . "</table>" . "<br />" . '<div class="center">' . "Subject: <input type=\"text\" name=\"subject\" size=\"30\" />" . "<br />" . "<textarea name=\"message\" rows=\"10\" cols=\"70\" wrap=\"on\"></textarea>" . "<br />" . "<input type=\"submit\" value=\"Send Message\" />" . "</form>" . "</div>";
        echo $compose;
    if ($set == "view") {
        $result = mysql_query("SELECT * from messages WHERE for_user ='******' AND action = 'received' AND new != 'deleted' ORDER BY date DESC") or die(mysql_error());
        $num_mail = mysql_num_rows($result);
        if ($num_mail <= "0") {
            echo "You have no mail in your inbox.<br />";
        $update['timestamp'] = mysql_query("UPDATE preferences SET last_m_check ='{$orkTime}' WHERE id= {$userid}");
        $updated['timestamp'] = mysql_query($update['timestamp'], $connection);
        $inbox = "<form id=\"center\" name=\"mail\" method=\"post\" action=\"main.php?cat=game&amp;page=mail&amp;set=delete2\">" . "<table cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" class=\"big\">" . "<tr class=\"header\">" . "<th colspan=\"5\">" . "Inbox" . "</th>" . "</tr>" . "<tr class=\"subheader\">" . "<th>" . "Subject" . "</th>" . "<td class=\"left\">" . "From" . "</td>" . "<td class=\"left\">" . "Date" . "</td>" . "<td class=\"left\">" . "Status" . "</td>" . "<td class=\"center\">" . "Delete" . "</td>" . "</tr>";
        while ($mail = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
            if ($count == '1') {
                $class = "";
            } else {
                $class = "bsup";
            mysql_grab($mail['from_user'], 'd', 'stats');
            if (empty($mail['subject'])) {
                $mail['subject'] = 'No Subject';
            $inbox .= "<tr class=\"data\">" . "<th class=\"" . $class . "\">" . "<a href=\"main.php?cat=game&amp;page=mail&amp;set=read&amp;mid=" . $mail['id'] . "\">" . cleanHTML($mail['subject']) . "</a>" . "</th>" . "<td class=\"" . $class . " left\">" . cleanHTML($d_stats['tribe']) . "(#" . $d_stats['kingdom'] . ")</td>" . "<td class=\"" . $class . " left\">" . $mail['date'] . "</td>" . "<td class=\"" . $class . " left\">" . $mail['new'] . "</td>" . "<td class=\"" . $class . " center\">" . "<input name=\"posts[]\" type=\"checkbox\" value=\"" . $mail['id'] . "\" />" . "</td>" . "</tr>";
        $inbox .= "</table>" . '<br /><div class="center">' . "| <a href='#' onclick=\"var posts=document.getElementsByName('mail')[0]['posts[]']; for(var i=0,len=posts.length;i<len;i++) posts[i].checked=true;\">Check All</a>" . " | <a href='#' onclick=\"var posts=document.getElementsByName('mail')[0]['posts[]']; for(var i=0,len=posts.length;i<len;i++) posts[i].checked=false;\">Uncheck All</a> |" . "</div><br />" . "<input type=\"submit\" name=\"submit\" value=\"Delete\" />" . "</form>";
        echo $inbox;
    if ($set == "outbox") {
        $result = mysql_query("SELECT * from messages WHERE from_user ='******' AND action = 'sent' AND new != 'deleted' ORDER BY date DESC") or die(mysql_error());
        $num_mail = mysql_num_rows($result);
        if ($num_mail <= "0") {
            echo "<div class=\"center\">You have no mail in your outbox.</div>";
        $outbox = "<form id=\"center\" name=\"mail\" method=\"post\" action=\"main.php?cat=game&amp;page=mail&amp;set=deleteout2\">" . "<table cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" class=\"big\">" . "<tr class=\"header\">" . "<th colspan=\"5\">" . "Outbox" . "</th>" . "</tr>" . "<tr class=\"subheader\">" . "<th>" . "Subject" . "</th>" . "<td class=\"left\">" . "To" . "</td>" . "<td class=\"left\">" . "Date" . "</td>" . "<td class=\"left\">" . "Status" . "</td>" . "<td class=\"center\">" . "Delete" . "</td>" . "</tr>";
        while ($mail = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
            if ($count == '1') {
                $class = "";
            } else {
                $class = "bsup";
            if ($mail['for_user'] == "0") {
                $receiver = "Your Alliance";
            } else {
                $foruser = mysql_query("SELECT tribe, kingdom FROM stats WHERE id = {$mail['for_user']}");
                $foruser = mysql_fetch_array($foruser);
                $receiver = cleanHTML($foruser['tribe']) . "(#{$foruser['kingdom']})";
            if (empty($mail['subject'])) {
                $mail['subject'] = 'No Subject';
            $outbox .= "<tr class=\"data\">" . "<th class=\"" . $class . "\">" . "<a href=\"main.php?cat=game&amp;page=mail&amp;set=readout&amp;mid=" . $mail['id'] . "\">" . cleanHTML($mail['subject']) . "</a>" . "</th>" . "<td class=\"" . $class . " left\">" . $receiver . "</td>" . "<td class=\"" . $class . " left\">" . $mail['date'] . "</td>" . "<td class=\"" . $class . " left\">" . $mail['new'] . "</td>" . "<td class=\"" . $class . " center\">" . "<input name=\"posts[]\" type=\"checkbox\" value=\"" . $mail['id'] . "\" />" . "</td>" . "</tr>";
        $outbox .= "</table>" . "<br /><br />" . "| <a href='#' onclick=\"var posts=document.getElementsByName('mail')[0]['posts[]']; for(var i=0,len=posts.length;i<len;i++) posts[i].checked=true;\">Check All</a>" . " | <a href='#' onclick=\"var posts=document.getElementsByName('mail')[0]['posts[]']; for(var i=0,len=posts.length;i<len;i++) posts[i].checked=false;\">Uncheck All</a> |" . "<br /><br />" . "<input type=\"submit\" name=\"submit\" value=\"Delete\" />" . "</form>";
        echo $outbox;
    if ($set == "readout") {
        $result = mysql_query("SELECT * from messages WHERE from_user ='******' AND id = '{$mid}' AND action = 'sent' AND new != 'deleted'");
        $read = mysql_fetch_array($result);
        $read['subject'] = stripslashes(stripslashes($read['subject']));
        $read['text'] = stripslashes(stripslashes($read['text']));
        if ($read['for_user'] == "0") {
            $receiver = "Your Alliance";
        } else {
            $foruser = mysql_query("SELECT tribe, kingdom FROM stats WHERE id = {$read['for_user']}");
            $foruser = mysql_fetch_array($foruser);
            $receiver = "{$foruser['tribe']}(#{$foruser['kingdom']})";
        $readout = "<table cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" class=\"medium\">" . "<tr class=\"header\">" . "<th>" . "Message to: " . $receiver . "</th>" . "</tr>" . "<tr class=\"subheader\">" . "<th>" . "Subject: " . cleanHTML($read['subject']) . "</th>" . "</tr>" . "<tr class=\"message\">" . "<td>" . "<br />" . cleanHTML($read['text']) . "<br />" . "</td>" . "</tr>" . "</table>" . "<br />" . '<div class="center">' . "| <a href=main.php?cat=game&page=mail&set=deleteout&mid={$mid}>Delete</a> | " . "<a href=main.php?cat=game&page=mail&set=outbox>Return To Outbox</a> |</div>";
        echo $readout;
    if ($set == "read") {
        $result = mysql_query("SELECT * from messages WHERE for_user ='******' AND id = '{$mid}' AND action = 'received' AND new != 'deleted'");
        $read = mysql_fetch_array($result);
        mysql_grab($read['from_user'], 'd', 'stats');
        $read['subject'] = stripslashes(stripslashes($read['subject']));
        $read['text'] = stripslashes(stripslashes($read['text']));
        $readin = "<br /><table cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" class=\"medium\">" . "<tr class=\"header\">" . "<th>" . "Message from: " . stripslashes($d_stats['name']) . "</th>" . "</tr>" . "<tr class=\"subheader\">" . "<th>" . "Subject: " . cleanHTML($read['subject']) . "</th>" . "</tr>" . "<tr class=\"message\">" . "<td>" . "<br />" . cleanHTML($read['text']) . "<br />" . "</td>" . "</tr>" . "</table>" . "<br />" . '<div class="center">' . "| <a href=main.php?cat=game&page=mail&set=reply&mid={$mid}>Reply</a> | " . "<a href=main.php?cat=game&page=mail&set=delete&mid={$mid}>Delete</a> | " . "<a href=main.php?cat=game&page=mail&set=view&mid={$d_stats['id']}>Return To Inbox</a> | " . '</div>';
        echo $readin;
        $old = mysql_query("UPDATE messages SET new ='old' WHERE id ='{$mid}'");
        $mid2 = $mid + 1;
        $select = mysql_query("SELECT action FROM messages WHERE id = '{$mid2}'");
        $select = mysql_fetch_array($select);
        if ($select['action'] == 'sent') {
            $old = mysql_query("UPDATE messages SET new ='old' WHERE id ='{$mid2}'");
    if ($set == "delete") {
        $email_name = "UPDATE messages SET new = 'deleted' WHERE id ='{$mid}' AND for_user = '******' AND action = 'received'";
        $delete = mysql_query($email_name, $connection);
        echo '<div id="textMedium"><p>' . "The message has been deleted.<br /><br />";
        echo "<a href=main.php?cat=game&page=mail&set=view>Return To Inbox</a></p>" . '</div';
    if ($set == "delete2") {
        $sql = "UPDATE messages SET new = 'deleted' WHERE for_user = '******' AND action = 'received' ";
        $sql .= " AND id IN (";
        $posts = $_POST["posts"];
        $postcount = count($posts);
        for ($i = 0; $i < $postcount; $i++) {
            $sql .= "{$posts[$i]}";
            if ($i != $postcount - 1) {
                $sql .= ",";
        $sql .= ")";
        $delete = mysql_query($sql, $connection);
        echo '<div id="textMedium"><p>' . "The selected messages are deleted.<br /><br />";
        echo "<a href=main.php?cat=game&page=mail&set=view>Return To Inbox</a></p>" . '</div';
    if ($set == "deleteout") {
        $email_name = "UPDATE messages SET new = 'deleted' WHERE id ='{$mid}' AND from_user = '******' AND action = 'sent'";
        $delete = mysql_query($email_name, $connection);
        echo '<div id="textMedium"><p>' . "The message has been deleted.<br /><br />";
        echo "<a href=main.php?cat=game&page=mail&set=outbox>Return To Outbox</a></p>" . '</div';
    if ($set == "deleteout2") {
        $sql = "UPDATE messages SET new = 'deleted' WHERE from_user = '******' AND action = 'sent' ";
        $sql .= " AND id IN (";
        $posts = $_POST["posts"];
        $postcount = count($posts);
        for ($i = 0; $i < $postcount; $i++) {
            $sql .= "{$posts[$i]}";
            if ($i != $postcount - 1) {
                $sql .= ",";
        $sql .= ")";
        $delete = mysql_query($sql, $connection);
        echo '<div id="textMedium"><p>' . "The selected messages are deleted.<br /><br />";
        echo "<a href=main.php?cat=game&page=mail&set=outbox>Return To Outbox</a></p>" . '</div';
    if ($set == "reply") {
        if ($action != "post") {
            $result = mysql_query("SELECT * from messages WHERE for_user ='******' AND id = '{$mid}' AND action = 'received'");
            $reply = mysql_fetch_array($result);
            $subject = "Re: " . cleanHTML($reply['subject']) . " ";
            $replyText = "<form action=\"main.php?cat=game&amp;page=mail&amp;set=reply&amp;mid={$mid}&amp;action=post\" method=\"post\">" . "<br />" . "Subject: <input type=\"text\" name=\"subject\" size=\"30\" value=\"" . $subject . "\" />" . "<br />" . "<textarea name=\"message\" rows=\"10\" cols=\"70\" wrap=\"virtual\"></textarea>" . "<br />" . "<input type=\"submit\" name=\"submit\" value=\"Send Message\" />" . "</form>";
            echo $replyText;
        if ($action == "post") {
            $result = mysql_query("SELECT * from messages WHERE for_user ='******' AND id = '{$mid}' AND action = 'received'");
            $reply = mysql_fetch_array($result);
            send_mail($userid, $reply['from_user'], $subject, $message);
            echo "<a href=main.php?cat=game&page=mail>Return To Mailbox</a>";
    if ($set == "block") {
        if (isset($_POST['tribe']) && $_POST['tribe'] != 'spacer' && $action == "block") {
            $blocker_id = $objSrcUser->get_userid();
            $blocked_id = quote_smart($_POST['tribe']);
            $objTrgUser = new clsUser($blocked_id);
            $blocked_name = $objTrgUser->get_stat(TRIBE);
            echo '<br /><div class="center">' . "You have blocked {$blocked_name} from sending you any more mail.</div>";
            block_mail($blocker_id, $blocked_id);
        if (isset($_GET['id']) && $_GET['id'] > 0 && $action == "unblock") {
            $blocker_id = $objSrcUser->get_userid();
            $blocked_id = quote_smart($_GET['id']);
            $objTrgUser = new clsUser($blocked_id);
            $blocked_name = $objTrgUser->get_stat(TRIBE);
            echo '<br /><div class="center">' . "You have unblocked {$blocked_name}, they can send you mail again.</div>";
            unblock_mail($blocker_id, $blocked_id);
        $tribes = mysql_query("select tribe,id from stats where kingdom = {$kingdom} order by tribe");
        $blockTargets = "<option value=\"spacer\"></option";
        while ($allistats = mysql_fetch_assoc($tribes)) {
            $tribe = stripslashes($allistats['tribe']);
            $id = $allistats['id'];
            $blockTargets .= "<option value=\"{$id}\">{$tribe}</option>";
        echo "<br /><table cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" class=\"small\">" . "<tr class=\"header\"><th colspan=\"2\">Block Mail</th></tr>" . "<tr class=\"subheader\"><th colspan=\"2\" class=\"center\">Select spammer</th></tr>" . "<tr class=\"data\"><form action=\"main.php?cat=game&amp;page=mail&amp;set=block\" method=\"post\">" . "<th>Alliance:</th><td><input maxlength=\"4\" size=\"3\" name=\"kingdom\" value=\"{$kingdom}\" />" . "<input type=\"submit\" value=\"Change\" /></td></form></tr>" . "<form action=\"main.php?cat=game&amp;page=mail&amp;set=block&amp;action=block\" method=\"post\">" . "<tr class=\"data\"><th>Tribe:</th><td><select name=\"tribe\">{$blockTargets}</select>" . "<input type=\"submit\" value=\"Block\" name=\"Block\" /></td></tr></form>" . "</table><br /><br />";
        $blocked_users = get_blocks_mail($objSrcUser->get_userid());
        echo "<table cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" class=\"small\">" . "<tr class=\"header\"><th colspan=\"2\">Blocked users</th></tr>" . "<tr class=\"subheader\"><th colspan=\"2\" class=\"center\">Remove?</th></tr>";
        foreach ($blocked_users as $blocked_user) {
            echo "<tr class=\"data\"><th>{$blocked_user['tribe']}</th>" . "<td><a href=\"main.php?cat=game&amp;page=mail&amp;set=block&amp;" . "action=unblock&amp;id={$blocked_user['blocked_id']}\">Remove?</td></tr>";
        echo "</table>";
Exemple #6
function formatText($text, $permalink = '', $post_id = '', $rss = NULL)
    //unify carriage returns between Windows / UNIX, and sanitise HTML against injection
    $text = safeHTML(preg_replace('/\\r\\n?/', "\n", $text));
    //these arrays will hold any portions of text that have to be temporarily removed to avoid interference with the
    //markup processing, i.e code spans / blocks
    $pre = array();
    $code = array();
    /* preformatted text (code blocks):
       -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /* example:                     or: (latex in particular since it uses % as a comment marker)
               % title                 $ title
               ⋮                       ⋮
               %                       $
    while (preg_match('/^(?-s:(\\h*)([%$])(.*?))\\n(.*?)\\n\\h*\\2(["”»]?)$/msu', $text, $m, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE)) {
        //format the code block
        $pre[] = "<pre><span class=\"ct\">{$m[2][0]}{$m[3][0]}</span>\n" . (strlen($m[1][0]) ? preg_replace("/^\\s{1," . strlen($m[1][0]) . "}/m", '', $m[4][0]) : $m[4][0]) . "\n<span class=\"cb\">{$m[2][0]}</span></pre>";
        //replace the code block with a placeholder:
        //(we will have to remove the code chunks from the source text to avoid the other markup processing from
        //munging it and then restore the chunks back later)
        $text = substr_replace($text, "\n&PRE_" . (count($pre) - 1) . ";\n" . $m[5][0], $m[0][1], strlen($m[0][0]));
    /* inline code / teletype text:
       -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    // example: `code` or ``code``
    while (preg_match('/(?<=[\\s\\p{Z}\\p{P}]|^)(`+)(.*?)(?<!`)\\1(?!`)/m', $text, $m, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE)) {
        //format the code block
        $code[] = '<code>' . $m[1][0] . $m[2][0] . $m[1][0] . '</code>';
        //same as with normal code blocks, replace them with a placeholder
        $text = substr_replace($text, '&CODE_' . (count($code) - 1) . ';', $m[0][1], strlen($m[0][0]));
    /* hyperlinks:
       -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    //find full URLs and turn into HTML hyperlinks. we also detect e-mail addresses automatically
    while (preg_match('/(?:
                        ((?:(?:http|ftp)s?|irc)?:\\/\\/)                  # $1 = protocol
                |       ([a-z0-9\\._%+\\-]+@)                             # $2 = email name
                )(                                                      # $3 = friendly URL (no protocol)
                        [-\\.\\p{L}\\p{M}\\p{N}]+                           # domain (letters, diacritics, numbers & dash only)
                        (?:\\.[\\p{L}\\p{M}\\p{N}]+)+                       # TLDs (also letters, diacritics & numbers only)
                )(?(2)|                                                 # email ends here
                        (\\/)?                                           # $4 = slash is excluded from friendly URL
                        (?(4)(                                          # $5 = folders and filename, relative URL
                                (?>                                     # folders and filename
                                        "(?!\\/?&gt;|\\s|$)|              # ignore the end of an HTML hyperlink
                                        \\)(?![:\\.,"”»]?(?:\\s|$))|       # ignore brackets on end with punctuation
                                        [:\\.,”»](?!\\s|$)|               # ignore various characters on the end
                                        [^\\s:)\\.,"”»]                   # the rest, including bookmark
                )/xiu', $text, $m, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE, @($m[0][1] + strlen($replace)))) {
        $text = substr_replace($text, $replace = '<a href="' . ($p = @$m[2][0] ? 'mailto:' . $m[2][0] : ($m[1][0] ? $m[1][0] : 'http://')) . htmlspecialchars($m[3][0] . @$m[4][0] . @$m[5][0], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8', false) . '"' . ($p . $m[3][0] !== FORUM_URL ? ' rel="nofollow external"' : '') . '>' . $m[0][0] . '</a>', $m[0][1], strlen($m[0][0]));
    /* inline formatting:
       -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    $text = preg_replace(array('/(?<=\\s|^)_(?!_)(.*?)(?<!_)_(?=\\s|$)/m', '/(?<![*\\w])\\*(?!\\*)(.*?)(?<!\\*)\\*(?![*\\w])/'), array('<em>_$1_</em>', '<strong>*$1*</strong>'), $text);
    /* divider: "---"
       -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    $text = preg_replace('/(?:\\n|\\A)\\h*(---+)\\h*(?:\\n?$|\\Z)/m', "\n\n<p class=\"hr\">\$1</p>\n", $text);
    /* blockquotes:
       -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /* example:
               “this is the first quote level.
               “this is the second quote level.”
               back to the first quote level.”
    do {
        $text = preg_replace(array('/(?:\\n|\\A)\\h*("(?!\\s+)((?>(?1)|.)*?)\\s*")\\h*(?:\\n?$|\\Z)/msu', '/(?:\\n|\\A)\\h*(“(?!\\s+)((?>(?1)|.)*?)\\s*”)\\h*(?:\\n?$|\\Z)/msu', '/(?:\\n|\\A)\\h*(«(?!\\s+)((?>(?1)|.)*?)\\s*»)\\h*(?:\\n?$|\\Z)/msu'), "\n\n<blockquote>\n\n" . "<span class=\"ql\">&ldquo;</span>\n\$2\n<span class=\"qr\">&rdquo;</span>\n\n" . "</blockquote>\n", $text, -1, $c);
    } while ($c);
    //remove the extra linebreaks addeded between our theme quotes
    //(required so that extra `<br />`s don’t get added!)
    $text = preg_replace(array('/&ldquo;<\\/span>\\n(?!\\n)/', '/\\n<span class="qr">/'), array('&ldquo;</span>', '<span class="qr">'), $text);
    /* name references:
       -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    //name references (e.g. "@bob") will link back to the last reply in the thread made by that person.
    //this requires that the whole RSS thread is passed to this function to refer to
    if (!is_null($rss)) {
        //first, produce a list of all authors in the thread
        $names = array();
        foreach ($rss->channel->xpath('./item/author') as $name) {
            $names[] = $name[0];
        $names = array_unique($names);
        //remove duplicates
        $names = array_map('strtolower', $names);
        //set all to lowercase
        $names = array_map('safeHTML', $names);
        //HTML encode names as they will be in the source text
        //sort the list of names Z-A so that longer names and names with spaces occur first,
        //this is so that we don’t choose "Bob" over "Bob Monkhouse" when matching names
        //find all possible name references in the text:
        //(that is, any "@" followed by text up to the end of a line. note that this means that what might be
        //matched may include additional text that *isn't* part of the name, e.g. "@bob How are you?")
        $offset = 0;
        while (preg_match('/(?:^|\\s+)(@.+)/m', $text, $m, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE, $offset)) {
            //check each of the known names in the thread and see if one fits the source text reference
            //e.g. does "@bob How are you?" begin with "bob"
            foreach ($names as $name) {
                if (stripos($m[1][0], $name) === 1) {
                    //locate the last post made by that author in the thread to link to
                    foreach ($rss->channel->item as $item) {
                        if (safeHTML(strtolower($item->author)) == $name) {
                            //replace the reference with the link to the post
                            $text = substr_replace($text, '<a href="' . safeHTML($item->link) . '"' . (isMod($name) ? ' class="nnf_mod"' : '') . '>' . substr($m[1][0], 0, strlen($name) + 1) . '</a>', $m[1][1], strlen($name) + 1);
                            //move on to the next reference, no need to check any further names for this one
                            $offset = $m[1][1] + strlen($name) + strlen($item->link) + 15 + 1;
                            break 2;
            //failing any match, continue searching
            //(avoid getting stuck in an infinite loop)
            $offset = $m[1][1] + 1;
    /* titles
       -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    //example: :: title
    $replace = '';
    $titles = array();
    while (preg_match('/(?:\\n|\\A)(::.*)(?:\\n?$|\\Z)/mu', $text, $m, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE, @($m[0][1] + strlen($replace)))) {
        //generate a unique HTML ID for the title:
        //flatten the title text into a URL-safe string of [a-z0-9_]
        $translit = safeTransliterate(strip_tags($m[1][0]));
        //if a title already exsits with that ID, append a number until an available ID is found.
        $c = 0;
        do {
            $id = $translit . ($c++ ? '_' . ($c - 1) : '');
        } while (in_array($id, $titles));
        //add the current ID to the list of used IDs
        $titles[] = $id;
        //remove hyperlinks in the title (since the title will be a hyperlink too)
        //if a user-link is present, keep the mod class if present
        $m[1][0] = preg_replace('/<a href="[^"]+"( class="nnf_mod")?>(.*?)<\\/a>/', "<b\$1>\$2</b>", $m[1][0]);
        //create the replacement HTML, including an anchor link
        $text = substr_replace($text, $replace = "\n\n<h2 id=\"{$post_id}::{$id}\">" . "<a href=\"" . safeHTML($permalink) . "#{$post_id}::{$id}\">" . $m[1][0] . "</a>" . "</h2>\n", $m[0][1], strlen($m[0][0]));
    /* finalise:
       -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    //add paragraph tags between blank lines
    foreach (preg_split('/\\n{2,}/', safeTrim($text), -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY) as $chunk) {
        //if not a blockquote, title, hr or pre-block, wrap in a paragraph
        if (!preg_match('/^<\\/?(?:bl|h2|p)|^&PRE_/', $chunk)) {
            $chunk = "<p>\n" . str_replace("\n", "<br />\n", $chunk) . "\n</p>";
        $text = @($result .= "\n{$chunk}");
    //restore code spans/blocks
    foreach ($code as $i => $html) {
        $text = str_replace("&CODE_{$i};", $html, $text);
    foreach ($pre as $i => $html) {
        $text = str_replace("&PRE_{$i};", $html, $text);
    return $text;
Exemple #7
 $f = fopen("{$FILE}.rss", 'r+');
 flock($f, LOCK_EX);
 $xml = simplexml_load_string(fread($f, filesize("{$FILE}.rss"))) or (require FORUM_LIB . 'error_xml.php');
 //find the post using the ID (we need to know the numerical index for later)
 for ($i = 0; $i < count($xml->channel->item); $i++) {
     if (strstr($xml->channel->item[$i]->link, '#') == "#{$ID}") {
 $post = $xml->channel->item[$i];
 /* has the un/pw been submitted to authenticate the append?
    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 if (AUTH && TEXT && CAN_REPLY && (IS_MOD || strtolower(NAME) == strtolower($post->author) && (!FORUM_LOCK || FORUM_LOCK == 'threads' || IS_MEMBER))) {
     //append the given text to the reply
     //(see 'theme.config.php' if it exists, otherwise 'theme.config.default.php' for `THEME_APPEND`)
     $post->description .= "\n" . sprintf(THEME_APPEND, safeHTML(NAME), gmdate('r', time()), date(DATE_FORMAT, time())) . formatText(TEXT, $xml);
     //commit the data
     ftruncate($f, 0);
     fwrite($f, $xml->asXML());
     //close the lock / file
     flock($f, LOCK_UN);
     //try set the modified date of the file back to the time of the last reply
     //(appending to a post does not push the thread back to the top of the index)
     //note: this may fail if the file is not owned by the Apache process
     @touch("{$FILE}.rss", strtotime($xml->channel->item[0]->pubDate));
     //regenerate the folder's RSS file
     //return to the appended post
     header('Location: ' . FORUM_URL . url('thread', PATH_URL, $FILE, $PAGE) . "#{$ID}", true, 303);
Exemple #8
function generateComments($id)
    global $db, $PMF_LANG;
    $result = $db->query("SELECT usr, email, comment, datum FROM " . SQLPREFIX . "faqcomments WHERE id = " . $id);
    $output = "";
    if ($db->num_rows($result) > 0) {
        while ($row = $db->fetch_object($result)) {
            $output .= "<p class=\"comment\">\n";
            $output .= "<strong>" . $PMF_LANG["msgCommentBy"] . "<a href=\"mailto:" . safeEmail($row->email) . "\">" . $row->usr . "</a> (" . date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $row->datum) . "):</strong>\n";
            $output .= "<br />" . safeHTML($row->comment) . "\n</p>";
    return $output;
function submit()
    $session = JFactory::getSession();
    $session->set('RSM_error', '');
    $session->set('RSM_post', '');
    $session->set('RSM_rc', '');
    $isfalse = false;
    $RSM_error = array();
    if (fetchParam('login_to_submit_testimonial') == 'true') {
        $user =& JFactory::getUser();
        $usr_id = $user->get('id');
        if ($usr_id > 0) {
        } else {
            $isfalse = true;
            $RSM_error[] = JText::_('RSM_MSG_ERR_LOGIN_FAIL');
    if (fetchParam('show_single_name_field') != 'false') {
        if (trim($_POST['fname']) == '') {
            $isfalse = true;
            $RSM_error[] = JText::_('RSM_MSG_ERR_NAME');
    } else {
        if (trim($_POST['fname']) == '') {
            $isfalse = true;
            $RSM_error[] = JText::_('RSM_MSG_ERR_FNAME');
        if (trim($_POST['lname']) == '') {
            $isfalse = true;
            $RSM_error[] = JText::_('RSM_MSG_ERR_LNAME');
    if (!eregi("^[_a-z0-9-]+(\\.[_a-z0-9-]+)*@[a-z0-9-]+(\\.[a-z0-9-]+)*(\\.[a-z]{2,3})\$", trim($_POST['email']))) {
        $isfalse = true;
        $RSM_error[] = JText::_('RSM_MSG_ERR_EMAIL');
    if (fetchParam('show_image') == 'true') {
        if (is_uploaded_file($_FILES['testi_pic']['tmp_name'])) {
            $max_s = fetchParam('image_max_size');
            $max_h = fetchParam('image_max_height');
            $max_w = fetchParam('image_max_width');
            $err = '';
            $img_settings = getimagesize($_FILES['testi_pic']['tmp_name']);
            if ($img_settings[2] != 1 && $img_settings[2] != 2 && $img_settings[2] != 3) {
                $isfalse = true;
                $RSM_error[] = JText::_('RSM_MSG_ERR_PICTURE_NOT_SUPPORTED');
            } else {
                if ($_FILES['testi_pic']['size'] > $max_s * 1024) {
                    $isfalse = true;
                    $RSM_error[] = JText::sprintf('RSM_MSG_ERR_PICTURE_IS_OVER_SIZE', $max_w, $max_h, $max_s);
                } else {
                    if ($img_settings[0] > $max_w) {
                        $isfalse = true;
                        $RSM_error[] = JText::sprintf('RSM_MSG_ERR_PICTURE_IS_OVER_SIZE', $max_w, $max_h, $max_s);
                    } else {
                        if ($img_settings[1] > $max_h) {
                            $isfalse = true;
                            $RSM_error[] = JText::sprintf('RSM_MSG_ERR_PICTURE_IS_OVER_SIZE', $max_w, $max_h, $max_s);
                        } else {
    if (fetchParam('show_captcha') != 'false') {
        if (fetchParam('use_recaptcha') == 'true') {
            require_once JPATH_BASE . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_rsmonials' . DS . 'includes' . DS . 'recaptchalib.php';
            $rs_rc_privatekey = fetchParam('recaptcha_private_key');
            $rs_rc_resp = recaptcha_check_answer($rs_rc_privatekey, $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"], $_POST["recaptcha_challenge_field"], $_POST["recaptcha_response_field"]);
            if ($rs_rc_resp->is_valid) {
            } else {
                $rs_rc_error = $rs_rc_resp->error;
                $isfalse = true;
                $RSM_error[] = JText::_('RSM_MSG_ERR_SECURITY_CODE');
        } else {
            if ($session->get("RSM_code") != $_POST['security_code']) {
                $isfalse = true;
                $RSM_error[] = JText::_('RSM_MSG_ERR_SECURITY_CODE');
    if (trim($_POST['comments']) == '') {
        $isfalse = true;
        $RSM_error[] = JText::_('RSM_MSG_ERR_COMMENTS');
    if ($isfalse == false) {
        foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) {
            $_POST[$key] = safeHTML($value);
        $database =& JFactory::getDBO();
        if (fetchParam('auto_approval') == 'true') {
            $tesistatus = 1;
        } else {
            $tesistatus = 2;
        $database->setQuery("insert into `#__" . RSWEBSOLS_TABLE_PREFIX . "`(`id`, `fname`, `lname`, `about`, `location`, `website`, `email`, `comment`, `date`, `status`) values('', '" . $database->getEscaped($_POST['fname']) . "', '" . $database->getEscaped($_POST['lname']) . "', '" . $database->getEscaped($_POST['about']) . "', '" . $database->getEscaped($_POST['location']) . "', '" . $database->getEscaped($_POST['website']) . "', '" . $database->getEscaped($_POST['email']) . "', '" . $database->getEscaped($_POST['comments']) . "', '" . date('Y-m-d') . "', '" . $tesistatus . "')");
        if (is_uploaded_file($_FILES['testi_pic']['tmp_name'])) {
            $new_t_id = $database->insertid();
            $upload_dir_path = JPATH_ROOT . DS . 'images' . DS . 'com_rsmonials';
            if (!file_exists($upload_dir_path)) {
                mkdir($upload_dir_path, 0755);
            $upload_path = $upload_dir_path . DS . $new_t_id . '.';
            $img_settings = getimagesize($_FILES['testi_pic']['tmp_name']);
            if ($img_settings[2] == 1) {
                $upload_path .= 'gif';
            } else {
                if ($img_settings[2] == 2) {
                    $upload_path .= 'jpg';
                } else {
                    if ($img_settings[2] == 3) {
                        $upload_path .= 'png';
            move_uploaded_file($_FILES['testi_pic']['tmp_name'], $upload_path);
        if (fetchParam('admin_email_alert') == 'true') {
            $smFrom = $_POST['email'];
            $smName = $_POST['fname'] . ' ' . $_POST['lname'];
            $smSubject = JText::_('RSM_EMAIL_ADMIN_SUBJECT');
            $smBody = JText::_('RSM_EMAIL_ADMIN_BODY');
            sendMail($smFrom, $smName, $smSubject, $smBody);
        header('location:' . JRoute::_("index.php?option=com_rsmonials&Itemid=" . $_REQUEST['Itemid'] . "&saved=true", false) . '');
    } else {
        //$_SESSION['RSM_error'] = $RSM_error;
        //$_SESSION['RSM_post'] = $_POST;
        $session->set('RSM_error', $RSM_error);
        $session->set('RSM_post', $_POST);
        $session->set('RSM_rc', $rs_rc_error);
        header('location:' . JRoute::_("index.php?option=com_rsmonials&Itemid=" . $_REQUEST['Itemid'] . "&err=true#submitform", false) . '');
Exemple #10
 $xml = simplexml_load_string(fread($f, filesize("{$FILE}.rss"))) or die('Malformed XML');
 if (!(NAME == $xml->channel->item[0]->author && formatText(TEXT) == $xml->channel->item[0]->description && !$xml->channel->xpath("category[text()='locked']"))) {
     //where to?
     //(we won’t use `page=last` here as we are effecitvely handing the user a permalink here)
     $page = ceil(count($xml->channel->item) / FORUM_POSTS);
     $url = FORUM_URL . PATH_URL . $FILE . ($page > 1 ? "?page={$page}" : '') . '#' . base_convert(microtime(), 10, 36);
     //add the comment to the thread
     $item = $xml->channel->item[0]->insertBefore('item');
     //add the "RE:" prefix, and reply number to the title
     //(see 'theme.config.php' if it exists, otherwise 'theme.config.deafult.php',
     //in the theme's folder for the definition of `THEME_RE`)
     $item->addChild('title', safeHTML(sprintf(THEME_RE, count($xml->channel->item) - 1, $xml->channel->title)));
     $item->addChild('link', $url);
     $item->addChild('author', safeHTML(NAME));
     $item->addChild('pubDate', gmdate('r'));
     $item->addChild('description', safeHTML(formatText(TEXT)));
     //write the file: first move the write-head to 0, remove the file's contents, and then write new ones
     ftruncate($f, 0);
     fwrite($f, $xml->asXML());
 } else {
     //if a double-post, link back to the previous post
     $url = $xml->channel->item[0]->link;
 //close the lock / file
 flock($f, LOCK_UN);
 //regenerate the forum / sub-forums's RSS file
 //refresh page to see the new post added
 header("Location: {$url}", true, 303);
Exemple #11
 flock($f, LOCK_EX);
 $xml = simplexml_load_string(fread($f, filesize("{$FILE}.rss"))) or (require FORUM_LIB . 'error_xml.php');
 //find the post using the ID (we need to know the numerical index for later)
 for ($i = 0; $i < count($xml->channel->item); $i++) {
     if (strstr($xml->channel->item[$i]->link, '#') == "#{$ID}") {
 $post = $xml->channel->item[$i];
 /* has the un/pw been submitted to authenticate the append?
    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 if (AUTH && TEXT && CAN_REPLY && (IS_MOD || strtolower(NAME) == strtolower($post->author) && (FORUM_LOCK != 'posts' || IS_MEMBER))) {
     //check for duplicate append:
     if (substr(unformatText($post->description), -strlen($_ = unformatText(formatText(TEXT)))) !== $_) {
         //append the given text to the reply
         $post->description = formatText(unformatText($post->description) . "\n\n" . sprintf(THEME_APPENDED, safeHTML(NAME), date(DATE_FORMAT, time())) . "\n\n" . TEXT, FORUM_URL . url(PATH_URL, $FILE, $PAGE), $ID, $xml);
         //commit the data
         ftruncate($f, 0);
         fwrite($f, $xml->asXML());
         //close the lock / file
         flock($f, LOCK_UN);
         //try set the modified date of the file back to the time of the last reply
         //(appending to a post does not push the thread back to the top of the index)
         //note: this may fail if the file is not owned by the Apache process
         @touch("{$FILE}.rss", strtotime($xml->channel->item[0]->pubDate));
         //regenerate the folder's RSS file
     //return to the appended post
* http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
* basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
* under the License.
if (!defined('IS_VALID_PHPMYFAQ')) {
    header('Location: http://' . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']));
$captcha = new PMF_Captcha($db, $sids, $pmf->language, $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
if (isset($_POST['user']) && $_POST['user'] != '' && isset($_POST['mail']) && checkEmail($_POST['mail']) && isset($_POST['comment']) && $_POST['comment'] != '' && IPCheck($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) && checkBannedWord(htmlspecialchars(strip_tags($_POST['comment']))) && checkCaptchaCode()) {
    $id = isset($_POST["id"]) ? (int) $_POST["id"] : 0;
    Tracking("save_comment", $id);
    $helped = "";
    // not used in this version - maybe in the future
    $comment = nl2br($db->escape_string(safeHTML($_POST["comment"])));
    $comment_by_user = $db->escape_string(safeHTML($_POST["user"]));
    $comment_by_mail = $db->escape_string(safeHTML($_POST["mail"]));
    $result = $db->query("INSERT INTO " . SQLPREFIX . "faqcomments (id_comment, id, usr, email, comment, datum, helped) VALUES (" . $db->nextID(SQLPREFIX . "faqcomments", "id_comment") . ", " . $id . ", '" . $comment_by_user . "', '" . $comment_by_mail . "', '" . $comment . "', " . time() . ", '" . $helped . "')");
    $tpl->processTemplate("writeContent", array("msgCommentHeader" => $PMF_LANG["msgWriteComment"], "Message" => $PMF_LANG["msgCommentThanks"]));
} else {
    if (IPCheck($_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]) == FALSE) {
        $tpl->processTemplate("writeContent", array("msgCommentHeader" => $PMF_LANG["msgWriteComment"], "Message" => $PMF_LANG["err_bannedIP"]));
    } else {
        Tracking("error_save_comment", $id);
        $tpl->processTemplate("writeContent", array("msgCommentHeader" => $PMF_LANG["msgWriteComment"], "Message" => $PMF_LANG["err_SaveComment"]));
$tpl->includeTemplate("writeContent", "index");
Exemple #13
function formatText($text)
    //unify carriage returns between Windows / UNIX, and sanitise HTML against injection
    $text = safeHTML(preg_replace('/\\r\\n?/', "\n", $text));
    /* preformatted text (code blocks):
       -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /* example:			or: (latex in partiular since it uses % as a comment marker)
    		% title 		$ title
    		⋮			⋮
    		%			$
    $pre = array();
    while (preg_match('/^(?-s:(\\h*)([%$])(.*?))\\n(.*?)\\n\\h*\\2(["”»]?)$/msu', $text, $m, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE)) {
        //format the code block
        $pre[] = "<pre><span class=\"ct\">{$m[2][0]}{$m[3][0]}</span>\n" . (strlen($m[1][0]) ? preg_replace("/^\\s{1," . strlen($m[1][0]) . "}/m", '', $m[4][0]) : $m[4][0]) . "\n<span class=\"cb\">{$m[2][0]}</span></pre>";
        //replace the code block with a placeholder:
        //(we will have to remove the code chunks from the source text to avoid the other markup processing from
        //munging it and then restore the chunks back later)
        $text = substr_replace($text, "\n&__PRE__;" . $m[5][0], $m[0][1], strlen($m[0][0]));
    /* inline code / teletype text:
       -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    // example: `code` or ``code``
    $code = array();
    while (preg_match('/(?<=\\s|^)(`+)(.*?)(?<!`)\\1(?!`)/m', $text, $m, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE)) {
        //format the code block
        $code[] = '<code>' . $m[1][0] . $m[2][0] . $m[1][0] . '</code>';
        //same as with normal code blocks, replace them with a placeholder
        $text = substr_replace($text, "&__CODE__;", $m[0][1], strlen($m[0][0]));
    /* hyperlinks:
       -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    //find full URLs and turn into HTML hyperlinks. we also detect e-mail addresses automatically
    $text = preg_replace('/(?:
			((?:(?:http|ftp)s?|irc)?:\\/\\/)				# $1 = protocol
			(							# $2 = friendly URL (no protocol)
				[a-z0-9\\.\\-]{1,}(?:\\.[a-z]{2,6})+		# domain name
			)(\\/)?							# $3 = slash is excluded from friendly URL
			(?(3)(							# $4 = folders and filename, relative URL
				(?>						# folders and filename
					\\)(?![:\\.,"”»]?(?:\\s|$))|		# ignore brackets on end with punctuation
					[:\\.,"”»](?!\\s|$)|			# ignore various characters on the end
					[^\\s:)\\.,"”»]				# the rest, including bookmark
			([a-z0-9\\._%+\\-]+@[a-z0-9\\.\\-]{1,}(?:\\.[a-z]{2,6})+)	# $5 = e-mail
		)/exiu', '"<a href=\\"".("$5"?"mailto:$5":("$1"?"$1":"http://")."$2$3$4")."\\" rel=\\"nofollow\\">$0</a>"', $text);
    /* inline formatting:
       -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    $text = preg_replace(array('/(?<!\\w)_(?!_)(.*?)(?<!_)_(?!\\w)/', '/(?<![*\\w])\\*(?!\\*)(.*?)(?<!\\*)\\*(?![*\\w])/'), array('<em>_$1_</em>', '<strong>*$1*</strong>'), $text);
    /* titles and dividers
       -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /* example: (titles)	/	(dividers)
    		:: title		---
    $text = preg_replace(array('/(?:\\n|\\A)(::.*)(?:\\n?$|\\Z)/mu', '/(?:\\n|\\A)\\h*(---+)\\h*(?:\\n?$|\\Z)/m'), array("\n\n<h2>\$1</h2>\n", "\n\n<p class=\"hr\">\$1</p>\n"), $text);
    /* blockquotes:
       -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /* example:
    		“this is the first quote level.
    		“this is the second quote level.”
    		back to the first quote level.”
    do {
        $text = preg_replace(array('/(?:\\n|\\A)\\h*("(?!\\s+)((?>(?1)|.)*?)\\s*")\\h*(?:\\n?$|\\Z)/msu', '/(?:\\n|\\A)\\h*(“(?!\\s+)((?>(?1)|.)*?)\\s*”)\\h*(?:\\n?$|\\Z)/msu', '/(?:\\n|\\A)\\h*(«(?!\\s+)((?>(?1)|.)*?)\\s*»)\\h*(?:\\n?$|\\Z)/msu'), "\n\n<blockquote>\n\n<span class=\"ql\">&ldquo;</span>\n\$2\n<span class=\"qr\">&rdquo;</span>\n\n</blockquote>\n", $text, -1, $c);
    } while ($c);
    //remove the extra linebreaks addeded between our theme quotes
    //(required so that extra `<br />`s don’t get added!)
    $text = preg_replace(array('/&ldquo;<\\/span>\\n/', '/\\n<span class="qr">/'), array('&ldquo;</span>', '<span class="qr">'), $text);
    /* finalise:
       -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    //add paragraph tags between blank lines
    foreach (preg_split('/\\n{2,}/', trim($text), -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY) as $chunk) {
        //if not a blockquote, title or hr, wrap in a paragraph
        if (!preg_match('/^<\\/?(?:bl|h2|p)|^&_/', $chunk)) {
            $chunk = "<p>\n" . str_replace("\n", "<br />\n", $chunk) . "\n</p>";
        $text = @($result .= "\n{$chunk}");
    //restore code blocks/spans
    foreach ($pre as $html) {
        $text = preg_replace('/&__PRE__;/', $html, $text, 1);
    foreach ($code as $html) {
        $text = preg_replace('/&__CODE__;/', $html, $text, 1);
    return $text;
Exemple #14
function make_post($poster_id, $thread, $alli, $type, $post)
    $objTmpUser = new clsUser($poster_id);
    $arrStats = $objTmpUser->get_stats();
    $post = safeHTML($post);
    $orkTime = $GLOBALS['orkTime'];
    mysql_query("INSERT INTO forum (poster_id,type,poster_kd,parent_id,post,date_time,updated,poster_name,poster_tribe,level) VALUES ({$poster_id},{$type},{$alli},{$thread},'{$post}','{$orkTime}','{$orkTime}','" . get_coloured_name($poster_id, $type) . "','{$arrStats['tribe']}',{$arrStats['level']})") or die('mysql error: ' . mysql_error());
    mysql_query("UPDATE forum SET updated = '{$orkTime}' WHERE post_id = {$thread}") or die('mysql error: ' . mysql_error());
    mysql_query("UPDATE user,stats SET allianceforum = allianceforum + 1 WHERE user.id = stats.id AND kingdom = {$alli}") or die('mysql error: ' . mysql_error());
function formatText($text, $rss = NULL)
    //unify carriage returns between Windows / UNIX, and sanitise HTML against injection
    $text = safeHTML(preg_replace('/\\r\\n?/', "\n", $text));
    /* preformatted text (code blocks):
       -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /* example:			or: (latex in partiular since it uses % as a comment marker)
    		% title 		$ title
    		⋮			⋮
    		%			$
    $pre = array();
    while (preg_match('/^(?-s:(\\h*)([%$])(.*?))\\n(.*?)\\n\\h*\\2(["”»]?)$/msu', $text, $m, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE)) {
        //format the code block
        $pre[] = "<pre><span class=\"ct\">{$m[2][0]}{$m[3][0]}</span>\n" . (strlen($m[1][0]) ? preg_replace("/^\\s{1," . strlen($m[1][0]) . "}/m", '', $m[4][0]) : $m[4][0]) . "\n<span class=\"cb\">{$m[2][0]}</span></pre>";
        //replace the code block with a placeholder:
        //(we will have to remove the code chunks from the source text to avoid the other markup processing from
        //munging it and then restore the chunks back later)
        $text = substr_replace($text, "\n&__PRE__;" . $m[5][0], $m[0][1], strlen($m[0][0]));
    /* inline code / teletype text:
       -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    // example: `code` or ``code``
    $code = array();
    while (preg_match('/(?<=\\s|^)(`+)(.*?)(?<!`)\\1(?!`)/m', $text, $m, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE)) {
        //format the code block
        $code[] = '<code>' . $m[1][0] . $m[2][0] . $m[1][0] . '</code>';
        //same as with normal code blocks, replace them with a placeholder
        $text = substr_replace($text, "&__CODE__;", $m[0][1], strlen($m[0][0]));
    /* hyperlinks:
       -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    //find full URLs and turn into HTML hyperlinks. we also detect e-mail addresses automatically
    while (preg_match('/(?:
			((?:(?:http|ftp)s?|irc)?:\\/\\/)			# $1 = protocol
		|	([a-z0-9\\._%+\\-]+@)				# $2 = email name
		)(							# $3 = friendly URL (no protocol)
			[^\\p{Z}\\p{C}\\.\\/&\\x{23}@"”»]+			# domain name (not "separator", "other" and slash)
			(?:\\.[^\\p{Z}\\p{C}\\.\\/&\\x{23}@"”»]+)+		# top-level domain
		)(?(2)|							# email ends here
			(\\/)?						# $4 = slash is excluded from friendly URL
			(?(4)(						# $5 = folders and filename, relative URL
				(?>					# folders and filename
					"(?!\\/?&gt;|\\s|$)|		# ignore the end of an HTML hyperlink
					\\)(?![:\\.,"”»]?(?:\\s|$))|	# ignore brackets on end with punctuation
					[:\\.,”»](?!\\s|$)|		# ignore various characters on the end
					[^\\s:)\\.,"”»]			# the rest, including bookmark
		)/xiu', $text, $m, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE, @($m[0][1] + strlen($replace)))) {
        $text = substr_replace($text, $replace = '<a href="' . (@$m[2][0] ? 'mailto:' . $m[2][0] : ($m[1][0] ? $m[1][0] : 'http://')) . htmlspecialchars($m[3][0] . @$m[4][0] . @$m[5][0], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8', false) . '" rel="nofollow">' . $m[0][0] . '</a>', $m[0][1], strlen($m[0][0]));
    /* inline formatting:
       -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    $text = preg_replace(array('/(?<!\\w)_(?!_)(.*?)(?<!_)_(?!\\w)/', '/(?<![*\\w])\\*(?!\\*)(.*?)(?<!\\*)\\*(?![*\\w])/'), array('<em>_$1_</em>', '<strong>*$1*</strong>'), $text);
    /* titles and dividers
       -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /* example: (titles)	/	(dividers)
    		:: title		---
    $text = preg_replace(array('/(?:\\n|\\A)(::.*)(?:\\n?$|\\Z)/mu', '/(?:\\n|\\A)\\h*(---+)\\h*(?:\\n?$|\\Z)/m'), array("\n\n<h2>\$1</h2>\n", "\n\n<p class=\"hr\">\$1</p>\n"), $text);
    /* blockquotes:
       -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /* example:
    		“this is the first quote level.
    		“this is the second quote level.”
    		back to the first quote level.”
    do {
        $text = preg_replace(array('/(?:\\n|\\A)\\h*("(?!\\s+)((?>(?1)|.)*?)\\s*")\\h*(?:\\n?$|\\Z)/msu', '/(?:\\n|\\A)\\h*(“(?!\\s+)((?>(?1)|.)*?)\\s*”)\\h*(?:\\n?$|\\Z)/msu', '/(?:\\n|\\A)\\h*(«(?!\\s+)((?>(?1)|.)*?)\\s*»)\\h*(?:\\n?$|\\Z)/msu'), "\n\n<blockquote>\n\n<span class=\"ql\">&ldquo;</span>\n\$2\n<span class=\"qr\">&rdquo;</span>\n\n</blockquote>\n", $text, -1, $c);
    } while ($c);
    //remove the extra linebreaks addeded between our theme quotes
    //(required so that extra `<br />`s don’t get added!)
    $text = preg_replace(array('/&ldquo;<\\/span>\\n/', '/\\n<span class="qr">/'), array('&ldquo;</span>', '<span class="qr">'), $text);
    /* name references:
       -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    //name references (e.g. "@bob") will link back to the last reply in the thread made by that person.
    //this requires that the whole RSS thread is passed to this function to refer to
    if (!is_null($rss)) {
        //first, produce a list of all authors in the thread
        $names = array();
        foreach ($rss->channel->xpath('./item/author') as $name) {
            $names[] = $name[0];
        $names = array_map('strtolower', $names);
        //set all to lowercase
        $names = array_map('safeHTML', $names);
        //HTML encode names as they will be in the source text
        $names = array_unique($names);
        //remove duplicates
        //sort the list of names Z-A so that longer names and names with spaces occur first,
        //this is so that we don’t choose "Bob" over "Bob Monkhouse" when matching names
        //find all possible name references in the text:
        //(that is, any "@" followed by text up to the end of a line. note that this means that what might be
        //matched may include additional text that *isn't* part of the name, e.g. "@bob How are you?")
        $offset = 0;
        while (preg_match('/(?:^|\\s+)(@.+)/m', $text, $m, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE, $offset)) {
            //check each of the known names in the thread and see if one fits the source text reference
            //e.g. does "@bob How are you?" begin with "bob"
            foreach ($names as $name) {
                if (stripos($m[1][0], $name) === 1) {
                    //locate the last post made by that author in the thread to link to
                    foreach ($rss->channel->item as $item) {
                        if (safeHTML(strtolower($item->author)) == $name) {
                            //replace the reference with the link to the post
                            $text = substr_replace($text, '<a href="' . $item->link . '">' . substr($m[1][0], 0, strlen($name) + 1) . '</a>', $m[1][1], strlen($name) + 1);
                            //move on to the next reference, no need to check any further names for this one
                            $offset = $m[1][1] + strlen($name) + strlen($item->link) + 15 + 1;
                            break 2;
            //failing any match, continue searching
            //(avoid getting stuck in an infinite loop)
            $offset = $m[1][1] + 1;
    /* finalise:
       -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    //add paragraph tags between blank lines
    foreach (preg_split('/\\n{2,}/', trim($text), -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY) as $chunk) {
        //if not a blockquote, title or hr, wrap in a paragraph
        if (!preg_match('/^<\\/?(?:bl|h2|p)|^&_/', $chunk)) {
            $chunk = "<p>\n" . str_replace("\n", "<br />\n", $chunk) . "\n</p>";
        $text = @($result .= "\n{$chunk}");
    //restore code blocks/spans
    foreach ($pre as $html) {
        $text = preg_replace('/&__PRE__;/', $html, $text, 1);
    foreach ($code as $html) {
        $text = preg_replace('/&__CODE__;/', $html, $text, 1);
    return $text;
Exemple #16
 $datum = date("YmdHis");
 $content = $db->escape_string(safeHTML(nl2br($_POST["content"])));
 $contentlink = $db->escape_string(safeHTML($_POST["contentlink"]));
 if (substr($contentlink, 7) != "") {
     $content = $content . "<br />" . $PMF_LANG["msgInfo"] . "<a href=\"http://" . substr($contentlink, 7) . "\" target=\"_blank\">" . $contentlink . "</a>";
     $lang = trim(strtolower(substr($_SERVER["HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE"], 0, 2)));
 } else {
     $lang = "en";
 $thema = $db->escape_string(safeHTML($_POST["thema"]));
 $selected_category = $_POST["rubrik"];
 $keywords = $db->escape_string(safeHTML($_POST["keywords"]));
 $author = $db->escape_string(safeHTML($_POST["username"]));
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