Exemple #1
 public function onRender($args = NULL)
     $page = $this->getPage();
     $pageinfo = $page->get();
     $action = sApp()->request->parameters['ACTION'];
     // check if commenting user is authenticated
     $anonymousUserID = sUserMgr()->getAnonymousID();
     if ((int) sUserMgr()->getCurrentUserID() == $anonymousUserID) {
         $isLoggedIn = false;
     } else {
         $isLoggedIn = true;
     // get comment infos
     $commentError = NULL;
     $commentObject = $page->comments;
     $commentSettings = $commentObject->getSettings();
     $commentStatus = $commentObject->getStatus($pageinfo['ID']);
     $commentPermission = $page->permissions->check(sUserMgr()->getCurrentUserID(), 'RCOMMENT', $pageinfo['ID']);
     // add comment
     if ($action == 'ADD') {
         $commentUser = sApp()->request->parameters['USER'];
         $commentEmail = sApp()->request->parameters['EMAIL'];
         $commentText = sApp()->request->parameters['TEXT'];
         $result = $commentObject->add($commentText, $pageinfo['ID'], $commentUser, $commentEmail);
         if ($result !== ERROR_NONE) {
             switch ($result) {
                     $commentError = 'Minimum post interval was exceeded.';
                     $commentError = 'You have used a blacklisted word.';
                     $commentError = 'Authentication is needed.';
                     $commentError = 'Commenting is closed.';
                     $commentError = 'No permissions to comment.';
                     $commentError = 'An unknown error has occured.';
     // get comments - has to be after add functionaly in order for new comments to show up
     $commentCount = $commentObject->getCommentsCount();
     $comments = $commentObject->getComments($pageinfo['ID'], NULL);
     sSmarty()->assign("isLoggedIn", $isLoggedIn);
     sSmarty()->assign("commentError", $commentError);
     sSmarty()->assign("commentCount", $commentCount);
     sSmarty()->assign("commentPermission", $commentPermission);
     sSmarty()->assign("commentSettings", $commentSettings);
     sSmarty()->assign("commentStatus", $commentStatus);
     sSmarty()->assign("comments", $comments);
function getRequestPathString($request_path)
    $request_path_string = implode('/', $request_path);
    if (strpos($request_path_string, "page/") === 0) {
        $request_path_string = substr($request_path_string, strlen("page/"));
    if (strpos($request_path_string, sApp()->webroot) === 0) {
        $request_path_string = substr($request_path_string, strlen(sApp()->webroot));
    if ($colonPos = strpos($request_path_string, ':')) {
        $request_path_string = substr($request_path_string, 0, $colonPos);
    return $request_path_string;
Exemple #3
 public function onRender()
     $action = sApp()->request->parameters['action'];
     if ($action == "insert") {
         $title = sYDB()->escape_string(sApp()->request->parameters['title']);
         $author = sYDB()->escape_string(sApp()->request->parameters['author']);
         $date = time();
         $tablename = "yg_ext_" . $this->_code . "_exampletable";
         $sql = "INSERT INTO {$tablename} \n\t\t\t\t\t(title, author, creation) VALUES \n\t\t\t\t\t(?, ?, ?);";
         $dbr = sYDB()->Execute($sql, $title, $author, $date);
         if ($dbr === false) {
             throw new \Exception(sYDB()->ErrorMsg());
             return false;
         } else {
             echo "SUCCESS";
Exemple #4
 $y2 = $this->params['y2'] / $zoom;
 $file = sFileMgr()->getFile($id, $version);
 $url = $file->getUrl();
 $fileinfo = $file->get();
 $filedir = getrealpath(getcwd() . "/" . sConfig()->getVar('CONFIG/DIRECTORIES/FILESDIR')) . "/";
 $filename = $fileinfo['FILENAME'];
 $views = $file->views->getAssigned(true);
 for ($i = 0; $i < count($views); $i++) {
     if ($views[$i]["IDENTIFIER"] == $view) {
         $width = $views[$i]["WIDTH"];
         $height = $views[$i]["HEIGHT"];
         $constrainwidth = $views[$i]["CONSTRAINWIDTH"];
         $constrainheight = $views[$i]["CONSTRAINHEIGHT"];
 $procs = sApp()->files_procs;
 $fileproc = $file->filetypes->getProcessor($fileinfo['FILETYPE']);
 $procPathInternal = getcwd() . "/" . sConfig()->getVar("CONFIG/DIRECTORIES/FILES_PROCS");
 $procPath = getcwd() . "/" . sConfig()->getVar("CONFIG/DIRECTORIES/PROCESSORSDIR");
 for ($p = 0; $p < count($procs); $p++) {
     if ($procs[$p]["name"] == $fileproc) {
         if (file_exists(getrealpath($procPathInternal . $procs[$p]["dir"] . "/" . $procs[$p]["classname"] . ".php"))) {
             require_once getrealpath($procPathInternal . $procs[$p]["dir"] . "/" . $procs[$p]["classname"] . ".php");
         } elseif (getrealpath($procPath . $procs[$p]["dir"] . "/" . $procs[$p]["classname"] . ".php")) {
             require_once getrealpath($procPath . $procs[$p]["dir"] . "/" . $procs[$p]["classname"] . ".php");
         } else {
         $classname = (string) $procs[$p]["classname"];
         $namespace = (string) $procs[$p]["namespace"];
         if (strlen($namespace)) {
Exemple #5
  * Gets n last History entries
  * @param int $max (optional) Maximum number of entries
  * @param string|array $text (optional) One or multiple text filters
  * @return array List of History entries
  * @throws Exception
 function getLastChanges($max = 8, $text = '')
     $max = (int) $max;
     $tmpTableName = 'TMP_' . strtoupper(sApp()->request->parameters['us']) . '_' . rand() . '_HISTORY';
     $sql = "DROP TEMPORARY TABLE IF EXISTS `{$tmpTableName}`;";
     $result = sYDB()->Execute($sql);
     if ($result === false) {
         throw new Exception(sYDB()->ErrorMsg());
     $sql = "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE `{$tmpTableName}` (\n\t\t\t\t\t`ID` int(11) NOT NULL,\n\t\t\t\t\t`SOURCEID` varchar(20) NOT NULL,\n\t\t\t\t\t`OID` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',\n\t\t\t\t\t`DATETIME` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,\n\t\t\t\t\t`TEXT` text NOT NULL,\n\t\t\t\t\t`UID` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',\n\t\t\t\t\t`TYPE` int(11) NOT NULL,\n\t\t\t\t\t`TARGETID` int(11) NOT NULL,\n\t\t\t\t\t`OLDVALUE` text NOT NULL,\n\t\t\t\t\t`NEWVALUE` text NOT NULL,\n\t\t\t\t\t`SITEID` int(11) NOT NULL,\n\t\t\t\t\t`FROM` int(11) DEFAULT '0',\n\t\t\t\t\t`TYPE_OID` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,\n\t\t\t\t\tPRIMARY KEY (`ID`),\n\t\t\t\t\tKEY `OID` (`OID`)\n\t\t\t\t);";
     $result = sYDB()->Execute($sql);
     if ($result === false) {
         throw new Exception(sYDB()->ErrorMsg());
     $sqlargs = array();
     if (!is_array($text) && strlen($text) > 1) {
         $wheresql .= "TEXT=?";
         array_push($sqlargs, $text);
     } else {
         if (is_array($text) && count($text) > 0) {
             for ($t = 0; $t < count($text); $t++) {
                 $wheresql .= "TEXT = ? ";
                 array_push($sqlargs, $text[$t]);
                 if ($t < count($text) - 1) {
                     $wheresql .= " OR ";
         } else {
             $wheresql .= "1";
     if ($this->_sourceid != "") {
         $sourcesql = "AND SOURCEID = ?";
         array_push($sqlargs, $this->_sourceid);
     $sql = "INSERT INTO `{$tmpTableName}`\n\t\t\t\tSELECT\n\t\t\t\t\t*,\n\t\t\t\t\t((TYPE *1000000) + OID) AS `TYPE_OID`\n\t\t\t\tFROM " . $this->_table . "\n\t\t\t\tWHERE {$wheresql} {$sourcesql}\n\t\t\t\tORDER BY `DATETIME` DESC\n\t\t\t\tLIMIT 0, 2000;";
     array_unshift($sqlargs, $sql);
     $dbr = call_user_func_array(array(sYDB(), 'Execute'), $sqlargs);
     if ($dbr === false) {
         throw new Exception(sYDB()->ErrorMsg());
     // Get folder for embedded cblocks
     $embeddedCblockFolder = (int) sConfig()->getVar('CONFIG/EMBEDDED_CBLOCKFOLDER');
     // Remove all embedded Cblocks from temporary table
     $sql = "DELETE\n\t\t\t\tFROM\n\t\t\t\t\t`{$tmpTableName}`\n\t\t\t\tUSING\n\t\t\t\t\t`{$tmpTableName}`\n\t\t\t\tINNER JOIN\n\t\t\t\t\t`yg_contentblocks_tree`\n\t\t\t\tWHERE\n\t\t\t\t\t(`{$tmpTableName}`.OID = `yg_contentblocks_tree`.ID) AND\n\t\t\t\t\t(`yg_contentblocks_tree`.PARENT = " . $embeddedCblockFolder . ") AND\n\t\t\t\t\t(TYPE = " . HISTORYTYPE_CO . ");";
     $result = sYDB()->Execute($sql);
     if ($result === false) {
         throw new Exception(sYDB()->ErrorMsg());
     $sql = "SELECT *, (SELECT\n\t\t\t\t\t\tMAX(`DATETIME`)\n\t\t\t\t\tFROM\n\t\t\t\t\t\t" . $this->_table . " AS `h2`\n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE\n\t\t\t\t\t\t`h2`.`OID` = `lft`.`OID`) AS `MAXDATETIME`\n\t\t\t\tFROM `{$tmpTableName}` AS `lft`\n\t\t\t\tGROUP BY `TYPE_OID`\n\t\t\t\tORDER BY `DATETIME` DESC\n\t\t\t\tLIMIT 0, {$max};";
     $result = sYDB()->Execute($sql);
     if ($result === false) {
         throw new Exception(sYDB()->ErrorMsg());
     $resultarray = $result->GetArray();
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($resultarray); $i++) {
         $oid = $resultarray[$i]['OID'];
         $rread = false;
         if ($this->permissions == NULL) {
             if ($resultarray[$i]['SITEID'] && $resultarray[$i]['TYPE'] == HISTORYTYPE_PAGE) {
                 $tmpPageMgr = new PageMgr($resultarray[$i]['SITEID']);
                 if ($tmpPageMgr->permissions->checkInternal($this->_uid, $oid, "RREAD")) {
                     $rread = true;
             if ($resultarray[$i]['TYPE'] == HISTORYTYPE_CO) {
                 if (sCblockMgr()->permissions->checkInternal($this->_uid, $oid, "RREAD")) {
                     $rread = true;
             if ($resultarray[$i]['TYPE'] == HISTORYTYPE_FILE) {
                 if (sFileMgr()->permissions->checkInternal($this->_uid, $oid, "RREAD")) {
                     $file = sFileMgr()->getFile($oid);
                     if ($file) {
                         $fileinfo = $file->get();
                         if ($fileinfo["FOLDER"] == 0) {
                             $rread = true;
         } else {
             if ($this->permissions->checkInternal($this->_uid, $oid, "RREAD")) {
                 $rread = true;
         if ($rread) {
             if ($resultarray[$i]['TYPE'] == HISTORYTYPE_CO) {
                 $tmpCblock = sCblockMgr()->getCblock($resultarray[$i]['OID']);
                 if ($tmpCblock) {
                     $tmpCblockInfo = $tmpCblock->get();
                     $embeddedCblockFolder = (int) sConfig()->getVar("CONFIG/EMBEDDED_CBLOCKFOLDER");
                     if ($tmpCblockInfo['PARENT'] != $embeddedCblockFolder) {
                         $ra[] = $resultarray[$i];
             } else {
                 $ra[] = $resultarray[$i];
     return $ra;
Exemple #6
function gen_tree($current, $site = 1, $icons, $imgpath, &$xml_tree, &$tree_id, &$tree_level, $maxlevels, $dnd, $cms, $subnodes, $itext, $action)
    if ($tree_level > $maxlevels) {
    $svrload = 'false';
    if ($tree_level == (int) $maxlevels) {
        $svrload = 'true';
    $oldlevel = 0;
    $urlprefix = "";
    while (list($key, $value) = each($current)) {
        if ($current[$key]["RREAD"] > 0) {
            $iconData = getIconForPage($current[$key]);
            $img = $icons[$iconData['img']];
            $cststyle = $iconData['style'];
            if ($oldlevel != $current[$key]["LEVEL"]) {
                $pnames = sPageMgr($site)->getParents($current[$key]["ID"]);
                $oldlevel = $current[$key]["LEVEL"];
                $urlprefix = "";
                $pi = count($pnames);
                while ($pi > 0) {
                    if ($pnames[$pi - 1][0]["PNAME"] != "") {
                        $urlprefix .= $pnames[$pi - 1][0]["PNAME"] . "/";
            $url = sApp()->webroot . $urlprefix . $current[$key]["PNAME"] . "/";
            // Add path
            if ($img == '' || img != undefined) {
                $img = $imgpath . 'icons/' . $img;
            $node_svrload = 'false';
            if ($svrload == 'true' && $current[$key]['CHILDREN'] != NULL) {
                $node_svrload = $svrload;
            $props = array('TREE_ID' => ++$tree_id, 'TREE_LEVEL' => $tree_level, 'ID' => 'page_' . $current[$key]["ID"], 'CAPTION' => htmlspecialchars($current[$key]["NAME"]), 'URL' => $url, 'IC' => $img, 'EXP' => 'false', 'CHK' => 'false', 'CSTSTYLE' => $cststyle, 'TARGET' => '', 'TITLE' => '', 'DND' => $dnd, 'SVRLOAD' => $node_svrload, 'YG_ID' => $current[$key]["ID"] . '-' . $site, 'YG_TYPE' => 'page', 'YG_PROPERTY' => 'name', 'PNAME' => $current[$key]["PNAME"]);
            array_push($xml_tree, array('OBJECTID' => $tree_id, 'LEVEL' => $tree_level, 'PROPS' => $props));
            if (is_array($current[$key]["CHILDREN"])) {
                gen_tree($current[$key]["CHILDREN"], $site, $icons, $imgpath, $xml_tree, $tree_id, $tree_level, $maxlevels, $dnd, $cms, $subnodes, $itext, $action);
    if (!$action && !$subnodes && $tree_level == 1) {
        $props = array('TREE_ID' => ++$tree_id, 'TREE_LEVEL' => $tree_level, 'ID' => 'page_trash', 'CAPTION' => htmlspecialchars($itext['TXT_TRASHCAN']), 'URL' => $url, 'IC' => $imgpath . 'icons/ico_trashcan_s.png', 'EXP' => 'false', 'CHK' => 'false', 'CSTSTYLE' => 'nodrag nodrop nosub', 'TARGET' => '', 'TITLE' => '', 'DND' => 'false', 'SVRLOAD' => 'false', 'YG_ID' => 'trash-' . $site, 'YG_TYPE' => 'page', 'YG_PROPERTY' => 'name');
        array_push($xml_tree, array('OBJECTID' => $tree_id, 'LEVEL' => $tree_level, 'PROPS' => $props));
Exemple #7
 public function sendEmail($emailData)
     $mail = new PHPMailer();
     if ((bool) sConfig()->getVar('CONFIG/MAILINGS/DISABLE')) {
         return true;
     // Obtain userdata
     $user = new User($emailData['USER_ID']);
     $userInfo = $user->get();
     $userInfo['PROPERTIES'] = $user->properties->getValues($emailData['USER_ID']);
     // Obtain mailingdata
     $mailingMgr = new MailingMgr();
     $mailing = $mailingMgr->getMailing($emailData['MAILING_ID']);
     if ($emailData['IS_TEST']) {
         $mailingInfo = $mailing->get();
         $mailingVersion = $mailingInfo['VERSION'];
     } else {
         $mailingVersion = $mailing->getLatestApprovedVersion();
         $mailing = $mailingMgr->getMailing($emailData['MAILING_ID'], $mailingVersion);
         $mailingInfo = $mailing->get();
     $templateMgr = new Templates();
     $userId = $userInfo['ID'];
     $userEmail = $userInfo['PROPERTIES']['EMAIL'];
     $userFirstName = $userInfo['PROPERTIES']['FIRSTNAME'];
     $userLastName = $userInfo['PROPERTIES']['LASTNAME'];
     $userName = trim($userFirstName . ' ' . $userLastName);
     $userCompany = $userInfo['PROPERTIES']['COMPANY'];
     $userDepartment = $userInfo['PROPERTIES']['COMPANY'];
     $templateInfo = $templateMgr->getTemplate($mailingInfo['TEMPLATEID']);
     $userInfo['PROPERTIES']['FULLNAME'] = trim($userFirstName . ' ' . $userLastName);
     sSmarty()->assign('recipient', $userInfo);
     sSmarty()->assign('user', $userInfo['PROPERTIES']);
     sApp()->output = '';
     $emailData['FROM'] = $mailingInfo['FROM_EMAIL'];
     $emailData['FROM_NAME'] = $mailingInfo['FROM_NAME'];
     $emailData['FROM_REPLYTO'] = $mailingInfo['FROM_REPLYTO'];
     $emailData['FROM_SENDER'] = $mailingInfo['FROM_SENDER'];
     $emailData['ENCODING'] = $mailingInfo['ENCODING'];
     if ($emailData['ENCODING'] == '') {
         $emailData['ENCODING'] = 'base64';
     $emailData['SUBJECT'] = $this->replaceUserdataVars($mailingInfo['SUBJECT'], $emailData['USER_ID']);
     $emailData['BODY_TEXT'] = $this->replaceUserdataVars($mailingInfo['FALLBACK_TEXT'], $emailData['USER_ID']);
     // Set special smarty delimiters
     sSmarty()->left_delimiter = '[!';
     sSmarty()->right_delimiter = '!]';
     // Parse subject with smarty
     $emailData['SUBJECT'] = sSmarty()->fetch('var:' . $emailData['SUBJECT']);
     //$emailData['BODY_TEXT'] = sSmarty()->fetch('var:'.$emailData['BODY_TEXT']);
     // Reset smarty delimiters
     sSmarty()->left_delimiter = '{';
     sSmarty()->right_delimiter = '}';
     $mailingId = $emailData['MAILING_ID'];
     include getrealpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../output/mailing.php');
     if ($templateInfo['FILENAME']) {
         $emailhtml = sApp()->output;
         $emailhtml = str_replace("\"/neptun/neptun.php", "\"" . $this->request->prefix . "://" . $this->request->http_host . $this->request->script_name, $emailhtml);
         $emailhtml = $this->replaceUserdataVars($emailhtml, $emailData['USER_ID']);
         $emailData['BODY_HTML'] = $emailhtml;
     } else {
         $emailData['BODY_HTML'] = NULL;
     sApp()->output = '';
     $smtpServer = (string) sConfig()->getVar('CONFIG/MAILINGS/SMTP');
     if ($smtpServer) {
         $mail->Host = $smtpServer;
     if ($emailData['ENCODING']) {
         $mail->Encoding = $emailData['ENCODING'];
     if ($emailData['CHARSET']) {
         $mail->CharSet = $emailData['CHARSET'];
     if ($emailData['FROM']) {
         $mail->From = $emailData['FROM'];
     if ($emailData['FROM_NAME']) {
         $mail->FromName = $emailData['FROM_NAME'];
     if ($emailData['FROM_REPLYTO']) {
     if ($emailData['FROM_SENDER']) {
         $mail->Sender = $emailData['FROM_SENDER'];
     if ($emailData['SUBJECT']) {
         $mail->Subject = $emailData['SUBJECT'];
     if ($emailData['BODY_HTML']) {
         $mail->Body = $emailData['BODY_HTML'];
     if ($emailData['BODY_TEXT'] && !$emailData['BODY_HTML']) {
         $mail->Body = $emailData['BODY_TEXT'];
     if ($emailData['BODY_TEXT'] && $emailData['BODY_HTML']) {
         $mail->AltBody = $emailData['BODY_TEXT'];
     $forcedRecipient = (string) sConfig()->getVar('CONFIG/MAILINGS/FORCE_RECIPIENT');
     foreach ($emailData['TO'] as $emailToItem) {
         if ($forcedRecipient) {
             $mail->AddAddress($forcedRecipient, $emailToItem['EMAIL_NAME']);
         } else {
             $mail->AddAddress($emailToItem['EMAIL'], $emailToItem['EMAIL_NAME']);
     foreach ($emailData['CC'] as $emailCcItem) {
         $mail->AddCC($emailCcItem['EMAIL'], $emailCcItem['EMAIL_NAME']);
     foreach ($emailData['BCC'] as $emailBccItem) {
         $mail->AddBCC($emailBccItem['EMAIL'], $emailBccItem['EMAIL_NAME']);
     foreach ($emailData['ATTACHMENTS'] as $emailAttachmentItem) {
         $mail->AddAttachment($emailAttachmentItem['PATH'], $emailAttachmentItem['NAME']);
     $result = $mail->Send();
     $mailingData = array('USERINFO' => $userInfo, 'DATA' => $emailData);
     $mailingMgr->callExtensionHook('onSend', $mailingId, $mailingVersion, $mailingData);
     return $result;
Exemple #8
            $ret *= 1024;
        case 'T':
            $ret *= 1024;
        case 'G':
            $ret *= 1024;
        case 'M':
            $ret *= 1024;
        case 'K':
            $ret *= 1024;
    return $ret;
$max_uploadsize = 0;
$max_uploadsize = min(let_to_num(ini_get('post_max_size')), let_to_num(ini_get('upload_max_filesize')));
$max_uploadsize = $max_uploadsize / (1024 * 1024) . 'mb';
// Check if a custom login-url is set
$customLoginURL = (string) $this->config->getVar('CONFIG/DIRECTORIES/LOGINURL');
if (trim($customLoginURL) != '') {
    $smarty->assign("base", trim($customLoginURL) . basename($this->request->script_name) . '/');
$smarty->assign("webroot", sApp()->webroot);
$smarty->assign("cookiedomain", (string) $this->config->getVar("CONFIG/SESSION/COOKIES/DOMAIN"));
$smarty->assign("devmode", sConfig()->getVar("CONFIG/DEVMODE"));
$smarty->assign("max_uploadsize", $max_uploadsize);
$smarty->assign("guiSyncInterval", sConfig()->getVar("CONFIG/GUISYNC_INTERVAL"));
$smarty->assign("guiSyncTimeout", sConfig()->getVar("CONFIG/GUISYNC_TIMEOUT"));
$smarty->assign("objectRelockInterval", sConfig()->getVar("CONFIG/OBJECTRELOCK_INTERVAL"));
$smarty->assign("userinfo", $userinfo);
$smarty->assign("icon", $icons->icon);
$smarty->display('file:' . $this->page_template);
Exemple #9
  * Post processes a property value (resolves urls, permanent names, etc.)
  * @param string $type Property type
  * @param string $value Property value
  * @return mixed Post processed property value
 function postProcessValue($type, $value)
     switch ($type) {
         case 'LINK':
             $linkInfo = checkLinkInternalExternal(resolveSpecialURL($value));
             if ($linkInfo['TYPE'] == 'internal') {
                 return resolveSpecialURL($linkInfoJSON['href']);
             } elseif ($linkInfo['TYPE'] == 'file') {
                 $pname = sFileMgr()->getPNameByFileId($linkInfo['INFO']['FILE_ID']);
                 if ($pname) {
                     return sApp()->webroot . 'download/' . $pname;
             } else {
                 if ($value != '') {
                     return $value;
                 } else {
                     return NULL;
         case 'PAGE':
             $pageInfo = json_decode($value, true);
             $tmpPageMgr = sPageMgr($pageInfo['site']);
             $tmpPage = $tmpPageMgr->getPage($pageInfo['page']);
             if ($tmpPage) {
                 $tmpUrl = $tmpPage->getUrl();
                 $tmpPname = $tmpPageMgr->getPNameByPageId($pageInfo['page']);
                 return array('SITE_ID' => $pageInfo['site'], 'PAGE_ID' => $pageInfo['page'], 'URL' => $tmpUrl, 'PNAME' => $tmpPname, 'VALUE' => $value);
             } else {
                 return NULL;
         case 'FILE':
             $pname = sFileMgr()->getPNameByFileId($value);
             if ($pname) {
                 return array('FILE_ID' => $value, 'URL' => sApp()->webroot . 'download/' . $pname, 'IMAGE_URL' => sApp()->webroot . 'image/' . $pname, 'PNAME' => $pname, 'VALUE' => $value);
             } else {
                 return NULL;
         case 'RICHTEXT':
             return replaceSpecialURLs($value);
         case 'CBLOCK':
             $pname = sCblockMgr()->getPNameByCblockId($value);
             if ($pname) {
                 return array('CBLOCK_ID' => $value, 'PNAME' => $pname, 'VALUE' => $value);
             } else {
                 return NULL;
         case 'TAG':
             $tagInfo = sTags()->get($value);
             if ($tagInfo) {
                 return array('TAG_ID' => $value, 'NAME' => $tagInfo['NAME'], 'VALUE' => $value);
             } else {
                 return NULL;
             return $value;
Exemple #10
$mailing = $mailingMgr->getMailing($mailingId, $mailingVersion);
// Mailing Properties
$mailingInfo = $mailing->get();
$mailingProperties = $mailing->properties->get();
$mailingInfo = array_merge($mailingProperties, $mailingInfo);
// Template
$templateMgr = new Templates();
$templateInfo = $templateMgr->getTemplate($mailingInfo['TEMPLATEID']);
$templatefilename = $templateInfo['FILENAME'];
$templatefullpath = $templateMgr->getDir() . $templateInfo['PATH'] . $templatefilename;
// Content
$content = $mailing->getContent();
$mailingcnt = array('USERINFO' => $userInfo, 'FILTER' => $filter, 'CONTENTAREAS' => &$content);
$mailingMgr->callExtensionHook('onRender', $mailingId, $mailingVersion, $mailingcnt);
sSmarty()->assign('pageinfo', $mailingInfo);
sSmarty()->assign('contentareas', $content);
if (!$output_tmp) {
    $output_tmp = sSmarty()->fetch('file:' . $templatefullpath);
// 2nd pass
sSmarty()->left_delimiter = '[!';
sSmarty()->right_delimiter = '!]';
sApp()->output = sSmarty()->fetch('var:' . $output_tmp);
// 3rd pass (replace special urls with normal urls)
sApp()->output = replaceSpecialURLs(sApp()->output, true);
// Replace relative URLs with aboslute URLs
sApp()->output = $mailing->absolutizeURLs(sApp()->output);
// Output everthing if we are in preview mode
if ($previewMode) {
    echo sApp()->output;
Exemple #11
// Access Control
$user = new User($userID);
$userroles = $user->getUsergroups();
// Map untitled parameters into app::request object
$fullpath = implode('/', sApp()->request->path);
if ($colonPos = strpos($fullpath, ':')) {
    $untitledParams = substr($fullpath, $colonPos + 1);
    $untitledparams = explode(':', $untitledParams);
    foreach ($untitledparams as $key => $value) {
        if (is_null($value) || $value == '') {
    $untitledparams = array_values($untitledparams);
    sApp()->request->untitled_parameters = $untitledparams;
// Cache Management
if ($_SERVER["CACHE_BROWSER"] == 1) {
    $cachetimes = array();
    $cachetimes[] = $cms->pages->cache->cached_object["timestamp"];
    $cachetimes[] = sCblockMgr()->cache->cached_object["timestamp"];
    $cachetimes[] = $cms->pages->tags->cache->cached_object["timestamp"];
    $cachetimes[] = $cms->fileobjects->cache->cached_object["timestamp"];
    $cachetimes[] = $cms->users->cache->cached_object["timestamp"];
    for ($modulesi = 0; $modulesi <= count($this->modules); $modulesi++) {
        if (strlen($this->modules[$modulesi]["frontendcode"]) > 0) {
            $modulecache = new \framework\Cache("", $this->modules[$modulesi]["id"] . $this->_db->databaseName, 0);
            $cachetimes[] = $modulecache->cached_object["timestamp"];
Exemple #12
 public function onRender($args = NULL)
     $action = sApp()->request->parameters["action"];
     sSmarty()->assign("action", $action);
     /* LOGIN */
     if ($action == "login") {
         $email = sApp()->request->parameters['email'];
         $password = sApp()->request->parameters['password'];
         $yg_login_referrer = sApp()->request->parameters["yg_login_referrer"];
         $extproperties = $this->extensionProperties->get();
         if ($yg_login_referrer == '') {
             $yg_login_referrer = $extproperties['STANDARD_REFERRER']['URL'];
         sSmarty()->assign("yg_login_referrer", $yg_login_referrer);
         $userid = sUserMgr()->validate($email, $password);
         if ($userid === false) {
             sSmarty()->assign("yg_login_error_code", "1");
             sSmarty()->assign('action', $action);
             sSmarty()->assign("email", $email);
         } else {
             sApp()->session->setPSessionVar("username", $email);
             sApp()->session->setPSessionVar("password", $password);
             sApp()->session->setPSessionVar("isvalidated", true);
             sApp()->session->setPSessionVar("keepLoggedIn", true);
             sApp()->session->cookie_time = time() + 60 * 60 * 24 * 365;
     /* LOGOUT */
     if ($action == $this->extensionProperties->getValue('LOGOUT_ACTION')) {
         $extproperties = $this->extensionProperties->get();
         $logout_referrer = $extproperties['STANDARD_LOGOUT_REFERRER']['URL'];
         sApp()->session->setPSessionVar('username', '');
         sApp()->session->setPSessionVar('password', '');
         sApp()->session->setPSessionVar('isvalidated', false);
         sApp()->session->setPSessionVar('keepLoggedIn', false);
     if ($action == "pwd_step1") {
         $email = sApp()->request->parameters["user_email"];
         $user_info = sUserMgr()->getByLogin($email);
         if ($user_info) {
             $user = sUserMgr()->getUser($user_info['ID']);
             $expireTS = time() + 60 * 60 * 24;
             $token = $user->generateToken($expireTS);
             $page = $this->getPage();
             $pageUrl = $page->getUrl();
             // Generate path for recovery URL
             $passwordResetUrl = sApp()->request->prefix . '://' . sApp()->request->http_host;
             $passwordResetUrl .= $pageUrl . '?action=pwd_step2&user_token=' . urlencode($token);
             echo $passwordResetUrl;
             $mail = new \PHPMailer();
             $mail->Encoding = '8bit';
             $mail->CharSet = 'utf-8';
             $mail->From = $this->extensionProperties->getValue("FROM_EMAIL");
             $mail->FromName = $this->extensionProperties->getValue("FROM_NAME");
             $mail->Subject = $this->extensionProperties->getValue("SUBJECT");
             $mail->Body = $this->extensionProperties->getValue("BODY_PT1");
             $mail->Body .= "\n" . $passwordResetUrl . "\n";
             $mail->Body .= $this->extensionProperties->getValue("BODY_PT2");
             $smtpServer = (string) sapp()->config->getVar('CONFIG/MAILINGS/SMTP');
             if ($smtpServer) {
                 $mail->Host = $smtpServer;
             sSmarty()->assign('recovery_mail_sent', true);
         } else {
             if (strlen(trim($email)) > 0) {
                 sSmarty()->assign('error_step1', true);
     if ($action == "pwd_step2") {
         $error_step2 = false;
         $form_send = sApp()->request->parameters['form_send'];
         sSmarty()->assign('form_send', $form_send);
         $token = sApp()->request->parameters['user_token'];
         sSmarty()->assign('user_token', $token);
         $valid_token = \sUserMgr()->getUserIdByToken($token);
         if (!$valid_token) {
             $error_step2 = true;
             $error_token = true;
             sSmarty()->assign('error_step2', $error_step2);
             sSmarty()->assign('error_token', $error_token);
         if ($form_send == true) {
             $user_password = sapp()->request->parameters['user_password'];
             $user_password_repeat = sapp()->request->parameters['user_password_repeat'];
             $user_id = sUserMgr()->getUserIdByToken($token);
             $user = sUserMgr()->getUser($user_id);
             $user_info = $user->get();
             if ($user_info) {
                 // Check if password is repeated correctly
                 if ($user_password != $user_password_repeat) {
                     $error_repeat = true;
                     sSmarty()->assign('error_repeat', $error_repeat);
                     $error_step2 = true;
                 // Check if password is secure enough
                 $password_ok = sUserMgr()->verifyPasswordStrength($user_password);
                 if (!$password_ok) {
                     $error_chars = true;
                     sSmarty()->assign('error_chars', $error_chars);
                     $error_step2 = true;
                 if (!$error_step2) {
                     $user = sUserMgr()->getUser($user_info['ID']);
                 } else {
                     sSmarty()->assign('error_step2', $error_step2);
             } else {
                 $error_step2 = true;
                 sSmarty()->assign('error_step2', $error_step2);
     return true;
Exemple #13
  * Gets the URL of this File
  * @return string URL of this File
 function getUrl()
     $fileID = $this->_id;
     if ($this->permissions->checkInternal($this->_uid, $fileID, "RREAD")) {
         $info = $this->get();
         $url = sApp()->webroot . "download/" . $info['PNAME'] . "/";
         return $url;
     } else {
         return false;
     $tp = $file->tags->tree->getParents($tags[$t]['ID']);
     $tp2 = array();
     for ($p = 0; $p < count($tp); $p++) {
         $tinfo = $file->tags->get($tp[$p]);
         $tp2[$p]['ID'] = $tinfo['ID'];
         $tp2[$p]['NAME'] = $tinfo['NAME'];
     $tp2[count($tp2) - 1]['NAME'] = $itext['TXT_TAGS'] != '' ? $itext['TXT_TAGS'] : '$TXT_TAGS';
     $tags[$t]['PARENTS'] = $tp2;
 $filelist[$i]['TAGS'] = $tags;
 $filelist[$i]['THUMB'] = 0;
 $filelist[$i]['CLASSNAME'] = '';
 $filelist[$i]['IMAGE'] = 0;
 $webroot = sApp()->webroot;
 $filelist[$i]['DOWNLOAD_URL'] = $webroot . 'download/' . $filelist[$i]['PNAME'];
 $scheduledJobs = sFileMgr()->scheduler->getSchedule($filelist[$i]['OBJECTID']);
 $hiddenViewsToProcess = 0;
 foreach ($scheduledJobs as $scheduledJob) {
     if ($scheduledJob['PARAMETERS']['VIEW']['HIDDEN']) {
 $hiddenviews = $file->views->getHiddenViews();
 foreach ($hiddenviews as $hiddenview) {
     if ($hiddenview['IDENTIFIER'] == 'yg-thumb' || $hiddenview['IDENTIFIER'] == 'yg-list') {
         $tmpviewinfo = $file->views->getGeneratedViewInfo($hiddenview['ID']);
         if ($tmpviewinfo[0]['TYPE'] == FILE_TYPE_WEBIMAGE) {
             $filelist[$i]['THUMB'] = 1;
Exemple #15
  * Adds a Comment to the Object
  * @param int $objectId Object Id
  * @param string $commentText Text of the comment
  * @param int $parentCommentId (optional) Id of the parent Comment
  * @param string $userName (optional) Name to be used when user in Anonymous usergroup
  * @param string $userEmail (optional) Email to be used when user in Anonymous usergroup
  * @return int ERROR_NONE on success or other error code
 function add($commentText = '', $parentCommentId = 0, $userName = '', $userEmail = '')
     $objectId = (int) $this->_object->getID();
     $parentCommentId = (int) $parentCommentId;
     $commentText = sYDB()->escape_string($commentText);
     $userName = sYDB()->escape_string($userName);
     $userEmail = sYDB()->escape_string($userEmail);
     $currentTS = time();
     $currentSettings = $this->getSettings();
     $spamWordsArray = explode("\n", $currentSettings['SPAMLIST']);
     $blacklistWordsArray = explode("\n", $currentSettings['BLACKLIST']);
     if ((int) $objectId == 0) {
         $objectId = (int) $this->_object->getID();
     // Check UserID vs. UserName/UserEmail
     $userID = (int) $this->_uid;
     // Check if approval is needed
     if ($currentSettings['FORCE_APPROVAL']) {
         $approved = 0;
     } else {
         $approved = 1;
     // But only require approval when user is not a moderator
     if ($this->permissions->checkInternal($this->_uid, $objectId, 'RMODERATE')) {
         $approved = 1;
     // Check if dereferrer is wanted
     if ($currentSettings['SE_RANK_DENIAL']) {
         $regexp_href = '<a\\s[^>]*href=("??)([^" >]*?)\\1[^>]*>(.*)<\\/a>';
         if (preg_match_all("/{$regexp_href}/siU", stripslashes($commentText), $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER) > 0) {
             foreach ($matches as $match) {
                 $targetUrl = $match[2];
                 $commentText = str_replace($targetUrl, sApp()->base . 'dereferrer/?' . urlencode($targetUrl), $commentText);
     // Check if a minimum time between postings is set
     if ($currentSettings['MINIMUM_INTERVAL']) {
         $anonymousUserID = (int) sConfig()->getVar('CONFIG/SYSTEMUSERS/ANONUSERID');
         $lastTS = NULL;
         if ($this->_uid == $anonymousUserID) {
             // Anonymous user, try to check via sessioncoookie
             $lastTS = (int) sSession()->getSessionVar('last_post');
             // Set to NULL if not set
             if (!$lastTS) {
                 $lastTS = NULL;
         } else {
             // Real user, try to check via database
             $lastComment = $this->getLatestCommentByUser($this->_uid);
             $lastTS = (int) $lastComment['CREATEDTS'];
         $currentTS = (int) time();
         if ($lastTS && $lastTS + $currentSettings['MINIMUM_INTERVAL'] > $currentTS) {
     // Check if content of the post is blacklisted
     $isBlacklisted = false;
     foreach ($blacklistWordsArray as $blacklistWord) {
         if (stripos($commentText, $blacklistWord) !== false) {
     // Check if the post contains spam
     $isSpam = 0;
     foreach ($spamWordsArray as $spamWord) {
         if (stripos($commentText, $spamWord) !== false) {
             $isSpam = 1;
     // Get userid of anonymous user
     $anonymousUserID = (int) sConfig()->getVar('CONFIG/SYSTEMUSERS/ANONUSERID');
     // Check if authentication is needed
     if ($currentSettings['FORCE_AUTHENTICATION'] && $userID == $anonymousUserID) {
     // Check if HTML is allowed (if not, strip all tags - but allow BRs)
     if (!$currentSettings['ALLOW_HTML']) {
         $commentText = strip_tags($commentText, '<br><BR><br /><BR />');
     // Check permissions (RCOMMENT is required)
     if ($this->permissions->checkInternal($this->_uid, $objectId, 'RCOMMENT')) {
         // Check if commenting is allowed
         $commentStatus = $this->getStatus();
         if ($commentStatus != 0 || $this->permissions->checkInternal($this->_uid, $objectId, 'RMODERATE')) {
             // Insert into comments-table
             $commentText = sYDB()->escape_string($commentText);
             $sql = "INSERT INTO `yg_comments`\n\t\t\t\t\t( `ID` , `COMMENT`, `PARENT`, `USERID`, `USERNAME`, `USEREMAIL`, `APPROVED`, `SPAM`, `CREATEDTS`, `CHANGEDTS`)\n\t\t\t\t\tVALUES\n\t\t\t\t\t( NULL, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?);";
             $result = sYDB()->Execute($sql, $commentText, $parentCommentId, $userID, $userName, $userEmail, $approved, $isSpam, $currentTS, $currentTS);
             if ($result === false) {
                 throw new Exception(sYDB()->ErrorMsg());
             $newCommentID = sYDB()->Insert_ID();
             // Insert into link-table
             $sql = "INSERT INTO `" . $this->_object->getCommentsLinkTable() . "`\n\t\t\t\t\t( `ID` , `OID`, `COMMENTID`, `ORDERPROD`)\n\t\t\t\t\tVALUES\n\t\t\t\t\t( NULL, ?, ?, '9999');";
             $result = sYDB()->Execute($sql, $objectId, $newCommentID);
             if ($result === false) {
                 throw new Exception(sYDB()->ErrorMsg());
             // Write into session
             sSession()->setPSessionVar('last_post', time());
             if (Singleton::cache_config()->getVar("CONFIG/INVALIDATEON/COMMENT_ADD") == "true") {
             return ERROR_NONE;
         } else {
     } else {
Exemple #16
  * Gets the URL of this Page
  * @return string URL of this Page
 function getUrl()
     $pageID = $this->_id;
     if ($this->permissions->checkInternal($this->_uid, $pageID, "RREAD")) {
         $pageMgr = new PageMgr($this->_site);
         $pnames = $pageMgr->getParents($pageID);
         $pi = count($pnames);
         while ($pi > 0) {
             if ($pnames[$pi - 1][0]["PNAME"] != "") {
                 $url .= $pnames[$pi - 1][0]["PNAME"] . "/";
         $pinfo = $this->get();
         return sApp()->webroot . $url . $pinfo["PNAME"] . "/";
     } else {
         return false;
Exemple #17
  * Function to push the script output to the client
 private function scriptOutput($script)
     if (sApp()->frontendMode != 'true') {
         $output = "<script>\n";
         $output .= "parent.Koala.yg_cleanStyles();\n";
         $output .= $script;
         $output .= "</script>";
         print $output;
Exemple #18
  * Returns an instance of the specified Extension
  * @param string $code Extension code
  * @param int $objectId (optional) Object Id
  * @param int $objectVersion (optional) Object version
  * @param int $objectSite (optional) Object Site
  * @return Extension|false Extension or FALSE in case of an error
 function getExtension($code, $objectId = NULL, $objectVersion = NULL, $objectSite = NULL)
     $id = $this->getIdByCode($code);
     $extInfo = $this->get($id);
     if ($extInfo['INTERNAL'] == 1) {
         // Internal extension, search in yeager/extensions
         $dir = getrealpath(sApp()->app_root) . '/extensions/';
     } else {
         // Normal extension, search in configured extension directory
         $dir = getrealpath(sApp()->app_root . sApp()->extensiondir) . '/';
     $path = $extInfo["PATH"];
     if (file_exists($dir . $path . "/extension.php") && file_exists($dir . $path . "/extension.xml")) {
         $extConfig = new \framework\Config($dir . $path . "/extension.xml");
         $extApiVersion = explode('.', (string) $extConfig->getVar("extension/api"));
         if ($extApiVersion[0] != EXTENSION_VERSION_MAJOR) {
             sLog()->error('Extension-API Version mismatch. Expected v' . EXTENSION_VERSION_MAJOR . '.x, Extension has v' . $extApiVersion[0] . '.x!');
             return false;
         require_once $dir . $path . "/extension.php";
         $namespace = (string) $extConfig->getVar("extension/namespace");
         $classname = $namespace . "\\" . (string) $extConfig->getVar("extension/class");
         try {
             return new $classname($code, $objectId, $objectVersion, $objectSite);
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             $msg = $e->getMessage();
             if (strlen($msg) == 0) {
                 $msg = $itext['TXT_EXCEPTION_HAS_OCCURED'] . "<br />";
                 $msg .= $itext['TXT_EXCEPTION_FILE'] . ": " . $e->getFile() . "<br />";
                 $msg .= $itext['TXT_EXCEPTION_LINE'] . ": " . $e->getLine();
             return false;
Exemple #19
function renderPage($page, $version, $pageInfo, $pageMgr, $siteInfo)
    $templateMgr = new Templates();
    $pageID = $pageInfo["OBJECTID"];
    $templateInfo = $templateMgr->getTemplate($pageInfo["TEMPLATEID"]);
    $templatefilename = $templateInfo["FILENAME"];
    $templatefullpath = $templateMgr->getDir() . $templateInfo["PATH"] . $templatefilename;
    $content = $page->getContent();
    // navi
    $tree = $pageMgr->getList($pageID, array($filter));
    $tree = $pageMgr->getAdditionalTreeInfo($pageID, $tree, true);
    $oldlevel = 0;
    for ($xt = 0; $xt < count($tree); $xt++) {
        if ($oldlevel != $tree[$xt]["LEVEL"] || !$pnames) {
            $tree[$xt]["PARENTS"] = $pnames = $pageMgr->getParents($tree[$xt]["ID"]);
            $oldlevel = $tree[$xt]["LEVEL"];
        } else {
            $tree[$xt]["PARENTS"] = $pnames;
        if ($pageID == $tree[$xt]["ID"]) {
            $pageInfo["PARENTS"] = $pnames;
        $url = "";
        $pi = count($pnames);
        while ($pi > 0) {
            $url .= $pnames[$pi - 1][0]["PNAME"] . "/";
        $tree[$xt]["PURL"] = $url . $tree[$xt]["PNAME"] . "/";
        $tree[$xt]["URL"] = sApp()->webroot . $url . $tree[$xt]["PNAME"] . "/";
        if ($tree[$xt]["HIDDEN"] == 0 && $tree[$xt]["SHOW"] == 1) {
            $xtc = $xtc + 1;
    $pageMgr->callExtensionHook("onRender", $siteInfo["ID"], $pageID, $version, array("FILTER" => $filter, "CONTENTAREAS" => &$content));
    // Fill userinfo with data from current user
    $currUser = new User(sUserMgr()->getCurrentUserID());
    $userInfo = $currUser->get();
    $userInfo['FULLNAME'] = trim($userInfo['FIRSTNAME'] . ' ' . $userInfo['LASTNAME']);
    sApp()->smarty->assign("user", $userInfo);
    sApp()->smarty->assign("devmode", (string) sApp()->devmode);
    sApp()->smarty->assign("pageinfo", $pageInfo);
    sApp()->smarty->assign("contentareas", $content);
    sApp()->smarty->assign("tree", $tree);
    sApp()->smarty->assign("site", $siteInfo["ID"]);
    sApp()->smarty->assign("siteinfo", $siteInfo);
    sApp()->smarty->assign("sitename", $siteInfo["PNAME"]);
    sApp()->smarty->assign("untitledparams", sApp()->request->untitled_parameters);
    if (!sApp()->output_tmp) {
        if ($templateInfo == NULL) {
            sApp()->output_tmp = "";
        } else {
            sApp()->output_tmp = sApp()->smarty->fetch("file:" . $templatefullpath);
    //2nd pass
    sApp()->smarty->left_delimiter = '[!';
    sApp()->smarty->right_delimiter = '!]';
    sApp()->output = sApp()->smarty->fetch("var:" . sApp()->output_tmp);
    //3rd pass (replace special urls with normal urls)
    sApp()->output = replaceSpecialURLs(sApp()->output);
    echo sApp()->output;
Exemple #20
  * Gets path to User image
  * @param string $userId User Id
  * @param string $width (optional) width in pixels
  * @param string $height (optional) height in pixels
  * @return User|bool User image path or FALSE in case of an error
 function getUserImage($userId, $width = 0, $height = 0)
     if (file_exists(sApp()->approot . sApp()->userpicdir . $userId . '-picture.jpg')) {
         $imagePath = sApp()->webroot . 'userimage/' . $userId;
         if ($width != 0) {
             $imagePath .= '/' . $width . "x" . $height;
         return $imagePath;
     return false;
Exemple #21
$smarty->assign("RSITES", $user->checkPermission("RSITES"));
$smarty->assign("RTEMPLATES", $user->checkPermission("RTEMPLATES"));
$smarty->assign("REXTENSIONS_PAGE", $user->checkPermission("REXTENSIONS_PAGE"));
$smarty->assign("REXTENSIONS_MAILING", $user->checkPermission("REXTENSIONS_MAILING"));
$smarty->assign("REXTENSIONS_FILE", $user->checkPermission("REXTENSIONS_FILE"));
$smarty->assign("REXTENSIONS_CBLOCK", $user->checkPermission("REXTENSIONS_CBLOCK"));
$smarty->assign("RENTRYMASKS", $user->checkPermission("RENTRYMASKS"));
$smarty->assign("REXPORT", $user->checkPermission("REXPORT"));
$smarty->assign("RIMPORT", $user->checkPermission("RIMPORT"));
$smarty->assign("REXTENSIONS_CBLISTVIEW", $user->checkPermission("REXTENSIONS_CBLISTVIEW"));
$smarty->assign("RUPDATER", $user->checkPermission("RUPDATER"));
$smarty->assign("RPROPERTIES", $user->checkPermission("RPROPERTIES"));
$smarty->assign("RFILETYPES", $user->checkPermission("RFILETYPES"));
$smarty->assign("RCOMMENTCONFIG", $user->checkPermission("RCOMMENTCONFIG"));
$smarty->assign("RMAILINGCONFIG", $user->checkPermission("RMAILINGCONFIG"));
$smarty->assign("RVIEWS", $user->checkPermission("RVIEWS"));
$smarty->assign("browser", $browser);
$smarty->assign("browserversion", $browserversion);
$smarty->assign("platform", $platform);
$smarty->assign("user_session", $koala->genSequence());
$smarty->assign("username", $userinfo['PROPS']['FIRSTNAME'] . ' ' . $userinfo['PROPS']['LASTNAME']);
$smarty->assign("userid", sUserMgr()->getCurrentUserID());
$smarty->assign("preview", $this->request->parameters['preview']);
$smarty->assign("objecttype", $this->request->parameters['objecttype']);
$smarty->assign("objectid", $this->request->parameters['id']);
$smarty->assign("objectsite", $this->request->parameters['site']);
$smarty->assign("objectview", $this->request->parameters['view']);
$smarty->assign("previewversion", $this->request->parameters['version']);
$smarty->assign("devmode", (string) sApp()->devmode);
$smarty->assign("queueid", $queueid);
$smarty->display('file:' . $this->page_template);
Exemple #22
  * Gets all outstanding updates
  * @return array Array containing update information with version/revision/date information
 function getUpdates()
     $currVersionNumeric = $this->current_version;
     $postFields = array('INFO' => serialize($_SERVER), 'VERSION' => $currVersionNumeric);
     $xmlString = getStringFromURL(YEAGER_UPDATER_URL . '?' . http_build_query($postFields), (int) YEAGER_UPDATER_TIMEOUT);
     if ($xmlString !== false) {
         // Online Mode
         $updateDataXML = new SimpleXMLElement($xmlString);
         $updatesArray = array();
         foreach ($updateDataXML->update as $updateItem) {
             $currDate = explode('-', (string) $updateItem->date);
             $currDate = gmmktime(0, 0, 0, $currDate[1], $currDate[2], $currDate[0]);
             $updateVersion = prettifyVersionString((string) $updateItem->version);
             $updateVersionNumeric = (int) str_replace('.', '', (string) $updateItem->version);
             $updatesArrayItem = array('TITLE' => stripCDATA((string) $updateItem->title), 'DATE' => $currDate, 'VERSION' => $updateVersion, 'VERSION_NUMERIC' => $updateVersionNumeric, 'REVISION' => (string) $updateItem->revision, 'DESCRIPTION' => stripCDATA((string) $updateItem->description), 'URL' => (string) $updateItem->url_update);
             foreach ($updateItem->dependencies->version as $dependencyItem) {
                 $updatesArrayItem['DEPENDENCIES'][] = (string) $dependencyItem;
             $updatesArray[] = $updatesArrayItem;
     } else {
         // Offline Mode
         $updatesDirectory = sApp()->approot . sConfig()->getVar('CONFIG/DIRECTORIES/UPDATES');
         $updatePackages = glob($updatesDirectory . 'yeager_*_r*.php');
         // Read out package information
         $updatesArray = array();
         foreach ($updatePackages as $updatePackage) {
             $currArchive = new PayloadTar($updatePackage, true);
             $metaData = $currArchive->extractInString('installer/config.xml');
             $metaDataXML = new SimpleXMLElement($metaData);
             $currDate = explode('-', (string) $metaDataXML->date);
             $currDate = gmmktime(0, 0, 0, $currDate[1], $currDate[2], $currDate[0]);
             $updateVersion = prettifyVersionString((string) $metaDataXML->version);
             $updateVersionNumeric = (int) str_replace('.', '', (string) $metaDataXML->version);
             $updatesArrayItem = array('TITLE' => stripCDATA((string) $metaDataXML->title), 'DATE' => $currDate, 'VERSION' => $updateVersion, 'VERSION_NUMERIC' => $updateVersionNumeric, 'REVISION' => (string) $metaDataXML->revision, 'DESCRIPTION' => str_replace('\\n', "\n", stripCDATA((string) $metaDataXML->description)), 'URL' => 'file://' . $updatePackage);
             foreach ($metaDataXML->dependencies->version as $dependencyItem) {
                 $updatesArrayItem['DEPENDENCIES'][] = (string) $dependencyItem;
             $updatesArray[] = $updatesArrayItem;
     $neededUpdates = array();
     foreach ($updatesArray as $allUpdatesItem) {
         if ($allUpdatesItem['VERSION_NUMERIC'] > $currVersionNumeric) {
             $neededUpdates[] = $allUpdatesItem;
     $updatesArray = $neededUpdates;
     usort($updatesArray, function ($a, $b) {
         if ($a['REVISION'] == $b['REVISION']) {
             return 0;
         return version_compare($b['VERSION'], $a['VERSION'], '>=') ? -1 : 1;
         /*return true;*/
     return $updatesArray;
Exemple #23
  * Gets the URL of this Mailing
  * @return string URL of this Mailing
 function getUrl()
     $mailingID = $this->_id;
     if ($this->permissions->checkInternal($this->_uid, $mailingID, "RREAD")) {
         $mailingMgr = new MailingMgr();
         $pnames = $mailingMgr->getParents($mailingID);
         $pi = count($pnames);
         while ($pi > 0) {
             $url .= $pnames[$pi - 1][0]["PNAME"] . "/";
         $pinfo = $this->get();
         return sApp()->webroot . $url . $tree[$xt]["PNAME"] . $pinfo["PNAME"] . "/";
     } else {
         return false;
Exemple #24
function getAdditionalFormfieldData(&$controlFormfields)
    $entrymaskMgr = new Entrymasks();
    $tagMgr = new Tags();
    $filetypeMgr = new Filetypes();
    for ($w = 0; $w < count($controlFormfields); $w++) {
        $controlFormfields[$w]['LVALUES'] = NULL;
        $controlFormfields[$w]['DISPLAYNAME'] = NULL;
        // Date & Datetime
        if ($controlFormfields[$w]['TYPE'] == 'DATE' || $controlFormfields[$w]['TYPE'] == 'DATETIME') {
            if ($controlFormfields[$w]['VALUE']) {
                $controlFormfields[$w]['VALUE'] = TStoLocalTS($controlFormfields[$w]['VALUE']);
        // Link
        if ($controlFormfields[$w]['TYPE'] == 'LINK') {
            $special_url = resolveSpecialURL($controlFormfields[$w]['URL']);
            if ($special_url !== false) {
                $special_url_info = getSpecialURLInfo($controlFormfields[$w]['VALUE01']);
                if ($special_url_info['TYPE'] == 'IMG' || $special_url_info['TYPE'] == 'DOWN') {
                    $controlFormfields[$w]['IS_FILE'] = true;
                    $file = sFileMgr()->getFile($special_url_info['ID']);
                    $link_fileinfo = $file->get();
                    $controlFormfields[$w]['DISPLAYNAME'] = $link_fileinfo['NAME'];
                    $link_filetype = $filetypeMgr->get($link_fileinfo['FILETYPE']);
                    $controlFormfields[$w]['IDENTIFIER'] = $link_filetype['IDENTIFIER'];
                    $controlFormfields[$w]['TYPECODE'] = $link_filetype['CODE'];
                    $controlFormfields[$w]['COLOR'] = $link_filetype['COLOR'];
                    $controlFormfields[$w]['FILE_ID'] = $special_url_info['ID'];
                } else {
                    $pageMgr = new PageMgr($special_url_info['SITE']);
                    $page = $pageMgr->getPage($special_url_info['ID']);
                    $link_pageInfo = $page->get();
                    $controlFormfields[$w]['DISPLAYNAME'] = $link_pageInfo['NAME'];
                    $controlFormfields[$w]['IS_INTERNAL'] = true;
            } else {
                if (preg_match_all(sApp()->URLRegEx1, $controlFormfields[$w]['VALUE01'], $internal) > 0) {
                    if ($internal[2][0] == 'download') {
                        $controlFormfields[$w]['IS_FILE'] = true;
                        $link_file = str_replace('/', '', $internal[3][0]);
                        $file = sFileMgr()->getFile($link_file);
                        $link_fileinfo = $file->get();
                        $controlFormfields[$w]['DISPLAYNAME'] = $link_fileinfo['NAME'];
                        $link_filetype = $filetypeMgr->get($link_fileinfo['FILETYPE']);
                        $controlFormfields[$w]['IDENTIFIER'] = $link_filetype['IDENTIFIER'];
                        $controlFormfields[$w]['TYPECODE'] = $link_filetype['CODE'];
                        $controlFormfields[$w]['COLOR'] = $link_filetype['COLOR'];
                        $controlFormfields[$w]['FILE_ID'] = $link_file;
                    } else {
                        $link_site = $internal[3][0];
                        $link_page = str_replace('/', '', $internal[5][0]);
                        $pageMgr = new PageMgr($link_site);
                        $page = $pageMgr->getPage($link_page);
                        $link_pageInfo = $page->get();
                        $controlFormfields[$w]['DISPLAYNAME'] = $link_pageInfo['NAME'];
                        $controlFormfields[$w]['IS_INTERNAL'] = true;
                } elseif (substr($controlFormfields[$w]['URL'], 0, 7) == 'mailto:') {
                    $controlFormfields[$w]['IS_EMAIL'] = true;
                } else {
                    $linkInfo = checkLinkInternalExternal($controlFormfields[$w]['URL']);
                    switch ($linkInfo['TYPE']) {
                        case 'external':
                            $controlFormfields[$w]['DISPLAYNAME'] = $controlFormfields[$w]['URL'];
                        case 'internal':
                            $controlFormfields[$w]['DISPLAYNAME'] = $linkInfo['NAME'];
                            $controlFormfields[$w]['IS_INTERNAL'] = true;
                        case 'file':
                            $controlFormfields[$w]['IS_FILE'] = true;
                            $controlFormfields[$w]['DISPLAYNAME'] = $linkInfo['NAME'];
                            $controlFormfields[$w]['IDENTIFIER'] = $linkInfo['INFO']['IDENTIFIER'];
                            $controlFormfields[$w]['TYPECODE'] = $linkInfo['INFO']['CODE'];
                            $controlFormfields[$w]['COLOR'] = $linkInfo['INFO']['COLOR'];
                            $controlFormfields[$w]['FILE_ID'] = $linkInfo['INFO']['FILE_ID'];
        // File
        if ($controlFormfields[$w]['TYPE'] == 'FILE') {
            if (trim($controlFormfields[$w]['FILE_ID'])) {
                $file = sFileMgr()->getFile($controlFormfields[$w]['FILE_ID']);
                if ($file) {
                    $fileInfo = $file->get();
                    $controlFormfields[$w]['DISPLAYNAME'] = $fileInfo['NAME'];
                    $controlFormfields[$w]['IDENTIFIER'] = $fileInfo['IDENTIFIER'];
                    $controlFormfields[$w]['TYPECODE'] = $fileInfo['CODE'];
                    $controlFormfields[$w]['COLOR'] = $fileInfo['COLOR'];
        // File
        if ($controlFormfields[$w]['TYPE'] == 'FILEFOLDER') {
            if (trim($controlFormfields[$w]['FILE_ID'])) {
                $file = sFileMgr()->getFile($controlFormfields[$w]['FILE_ID']);
                if ($file) {
                    $fileInfo = $file->get();
                    $controlFormfields[$w]['DISPLAYNAME'] = $fileInfo['NAME'];
        // Contentblock
        if ($controlFormfields[$w]['TYPE'] == 'CO') {
            if (trim($controlFormfields[$w]['CBLOCK_ID'])) {
                $cb = sCblockMgr()->getCblock($controlFormfields[$w]['CBLOCK_ID']);
                $info = $cb->get();
                $controlFormfields[$w]['DISPLAYNAME'] = $info['NAME'];
        // Tag
        if ($controlFormfields[$w]['TYPE'] == 'TAG') {
            if (trim($controlFormfields[$w]['TAG_ID'])) {
                $info = $tagMgr->get($controlFormfields[$w]['TAG_ID']);
                $controlFormfields[$w]['DISPLAYNAME'] = $info['NAME'];
        // Page
        if ($controlFormfields[$w]['TYPE'] == 'PAGE') {
            if (trim($controlFormfields[$w]['SITE_ID']) && trim($controlFormfields[$w]['PAGE_ID'])) {
                $tmpPageMgr = new PageMgr($controlFormfields[$w]['SITE_ID']);
                $tmpPage = $tmpPageMgr->getPage($controlFormfields[$w]['PAGE_ID']);
                $info = $tmpPage->get();
                $info['RWRITE'] = $tmpPage->permissions->checkInternal(sUserMgr()->getCurrentUserID(), $controlFormfields[$w]['PAGE_ID'], "RWRITE");
                $info['RDELETE'] = $tmpPage->permissions->checkInternal(sUserMgr()->getCurrentUserID(), $controlFormfields[$w]['PAGE_ID'], "RDELETE");
                $iconData = getIconForPage($info);
                $controlFormfields[$w]['ICON'] = $iconData['iconclass'];
                $controlFormfields[$w]['STYLE'] = $iconData['style'];
                $controlFormfields[$w]['DISPLAYNAME'] = $info['NAME'];
        // List
        if ($controlFormfields[$w]['TYPE'] == 'LIST') {
            if (trim($controlFormfields[$w]['ENTRYMASKFORMFIELD'])) {
                $controlFormfields[$w]['LIST_VALUES'] = $entrymaskMgr->getListValuesByLinkID($controlFormfields[$w]['ENTRYMASKFORMFIELD']);