function do_updates()
     // $this->qup("key", "sql statement");
     // eg. $this->qup("new foobar table", "create table foobar (id int not null, primary key(id))");
     /** NOTE: KEY must be unique for each update query */
     $this->qup("new mc_feeds table",
                  "CREATE TABLE mc_feeds (
                  user_id int not null,
                  id int not null auto_increment,
                  primary key(user_id,id),
                  feed_url text not null,
                  feed_name varchar(255)
     // $this->qup("add feed_description to mc_feeds", "ALTER TABLE mc_feeds ADD COLUMN feed_description TEXT");
     // $this->qup("insert default data 1 for relation classifications", "INSERT INTO `relation_classifications` (`relation_type`, `relation_type_id`) VALUES ('acquaintance', '1');");
     // $this->qup("changed id field in review-type movie", "UPDATE review_type SET review_id = 1 WHERE review_name = 'Movie'");
     // finally, run the 'safe' updates in net_extra.php.
     $child_role = array('id' => 9, 'name' => 'Child', 'description' => 'Role for family members with Child status', 'read_only' => 1, 'type' => 'group', 'tasks' => array(12, 13, 15, 16, 22, 30));
     $this->qup_all_networks("2009-09-28, by: Zoran Hron - adding Child role, ID: " . $child_role['id'], "INSERT INTO {roles} (id, name, description, created, changed, read_only, type)\n                                 VALUES (" . $child_role['id'] . ", '" . $child_role['name'] . "', '" . $child_role['description'] . "', " . time() . ", " . time() . ", " . $child_role['read_only'] . ", '" . $child_role['type'] . "')\n                                 ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE name = '" . $child_role['name'] . "', description = '" . $child_role['description'] . "', read_only = " . $child_role['read_only'] . ", type = '" . $child_role['type'] . "'");
     foreach ($child_role['tasks'] as $task_id) {
         $this->qup_all_networks("2009-09-28, by: Zoran Hron - adding tasks/permissions for Child role. ID=" . $child_role['id'] . ", task ID=" . $task_id, "INSERT IGNORE INTO {tasks_roles} (`task_id`, `role_id`) VALUES (" . $task_id . ", " . $child_role['id'] . ");");
  function do_updates()

    // $this->qup("key", "sql statement");
    // eg. $this->qup("new foobar table", "create table foobar (id int not null, primary key(id))");

    /** NOTE: KEY must be unique for each update query */


    /*$this->qup("new mc_feeds table",
      "CREATE TABLE mc_feeds (
      user_id int not null,
      id int not null auto_increment,
        primary key(user_id,id),
      feed_url text not null,
      feed_name varchar(255)
      )"); */


   // $this->qup("add feed_description to mc_feeds", "ALTER TABLE mc_feeds ADD COLUMN feed_description TEXT");

   // $this->qup("insert default data 1 for relation classifications", "INSERT INTO `relation_classifications` (`relation_type`, `relation_type_id`) VALUES ('acquaintance', '1');");


  // $this->qup("changed id field in review-type movie", "UPDATE review_type SET review_id = 1 WHERE review_name = 'Movie'");

  if (!$this->column_exists('users','zipcode')) {
    $this->qup("add zipcode column to users", "ALTER TABLE `users` ADD `zipcode` INT( 11 ) AFTER `last_login`");
  $this->qup("changed forgot_password_id type", "ALTER TABLE `forgot_password` CHANGE `forgot_password_id` `forgot_password_id` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'");

  if (!$this->column_exists('contents','display_on')) {
    $this->qup("display_on added to contents table", "ALTER TABLE `contents` ADD `display_on` TINYINT( 1 ) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL");

  if (!$this->table_exists('tags_networks')) {
    $this->qup("tags_networks table",
      "CREATE TABLE `tags_networks` (
    `tag_id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
    `network_id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0'

if (!$this->table_exists('networks')) {
    $this->qup("networks table",
      "CREATE TABLE `networks` (
      `network_id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
      `name` varchar(50) default NULL,
      `address` varchar(50) default NULL,
      `tagline` varchar(255) default NULL,
      `type` int(1) default '0',
      `maximum_members` int(11) default '0',
      `category_id` int(11) default '0',
      `description` text,
      `header_image` varchar(255) default NULL,
      `inner_logo_image` varchar(255) default NULL,  
      `network_alt_text` varchar(255) default NULL,  
      `is_active` int(1) default '0',
      `created` int(11) default '0',
      `changed` int(11) default '0',
      `stop_after_limit` int(1) default '0',
      `extra` text,
      PRIMARY KEY  (`network_id`)


if (!$this->table_exists('networks_users')) {
  $this->qup("networks_users table",
      "CREATE TABLE `networks_users` (
      `network_id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
      `user_id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
      `user_type` varchar(50) NOT NULL default ''

  if (!$this->table_exists('linkcategories')) {
  $this->qup("linkcategories table",
      "CREATE TABLE `linkcategories` (
    `category_id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
    `category_name` varchar(255) default NULL,
    `user_id` int(11) default NULL,
    `created` int(11) default NULL,
    `changed` int(11) default NULL,
    `is_active` tinyint(1) default NULL,
    PRIMARY KEY  (`category_id`)

 if (!$this->table_exists('links')) {
 $this->qup("links table",
      "CREATE TABLE `links` (
    `link_id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
    `title` varchar(255) default NULL,
    `url` varchar(255) default NULL,
    `category_id` int(11) default NULL,
    `created` int(11) default NULL,
    `changed` int(11) default NULL,
    `is_active` tinyint(1) default NULL,
    PRIMARY KEY  (`link_id`)

//  $this->qup_all_networks("announcements table",
//       "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS {announcements} (
//     `content_id` int(11) NOT NULL default 0,
//     `announcement_time` int(11) NOT NULL default 0,
//     `position` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default 0,
//     `status` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default 0,
//     `is_active` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default 0
//   )");

if (!$this->table_exists('external_feed')) {
  $this->qup("creating table external_feed", "CREATE TABLE `external_feed` (  `feed_id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `import_url` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',  `max_posts` smallint(4) default '5',   `is_active` int(2) default NULL,  `feed_type` varchar(100) NOT NULL default 'user',  `last_build_date` int(11) default NULL,   PRIMARY KEY  (`feed_id`) )"); 

if (!$this->table_exists('feed_data')) {
  $this->qup("creating table feed_data", "CREATE TABLE `feed_data` (   `feed_data_id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,   `feed_id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',   `title` varchar(255) default NULL,   `description` text,   `original_url` varchar(255) default NULL,   PRIMARY KEY  (`feed_data_id`) )");

if (!$this->table_exists('user_feed')) {
  $this->qup("creating table user_feed", "CREATE TABLE `user_feed` (  `user_id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',   `feed_id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0' )");

if (!$this->table_exists('users_online')) {
  $this->qup("create users_online table", "CREATE TABLE `users_online` (`user_id` INT(11) NOT NULL, `timestamp` INT(11) NOT NULL)"); 
  //TO DO::: ALTER TABLE `forgot_password` CHANGE `forgot_password_id` `forgot_password_id` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'
  if (!$this->column_exists('networks','inner_logo_image')) {
    $this->qup("added one column named inner_logo_image in networks table", "ALTER TABLE `networks` ADD `inner_logo_image` VARCHAR( 255 ) AFTER `header_image`");
  if (!$this->column_exists('networks','network_alt_text')) {
    $this->qup("added one column named network_alt_text in networks table", "ALTER TABLE `networks` ADD `network_alt_text` VARCHAR( 255 ) AFTER `description`");
    if (!$this->column_exists('images','image_perm')) {
    $this->qup("added one more column in images table", "ALTER TABLE `images` ADD `image_perm` INT( 2 ) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL AFTER `image_file`");

    if (!$this->column_exists('audios','audio_perm')) {
      $this->qup("added one more column in audios table", "ALTER TABLE `audios` ADD `audio_perm` INT( 2 ) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL AFTER `audio_file`");

    if (!$this->column_exists('videos','video_perm')) {
      $this->qup("added one more column in videos table", "ALTER TABLE `videos` ADD `video_perm` INT( 2 ) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL AFTER `video_file`");

    if ($this->column_exists('users','zipcode')) {
      $this->qup("delete zipcode field from users table", "ALTER TABLE `users` DROP `zipcode`");
    if (!$this->table_exists('configurable_text')) {
      $this->qup("configurable text table",
            "CREATE TABLE `configurable_text` (
              `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
              `caption` varchar(255) default NULL,
              `caption_value` varchar(255) default NULL,
              PRIMARY KEY  (`id`)
            "INSERT INTO `configurable_text` VALUES (1, 'News', 'News')");
            "INSERT INTO `configurable_text` VALUES (2, 'NewsHeading3', 'Google Buys Quebec')");
            "INSERT INTO `configurable_text` VALUES (3, 'NewsHeading2', 'AOL Releases Virginia')");
            "INSERT INTO `configurable_text` VALUES (4, 'NewsHeading1', 'EMI Launches')");
            "INSERT INTO `configurable_text` VALUES (5, 'Standards', ' Standards')");
            "INSERT INTO `configurable_text` VALUES (6, 'Standard1', 'iTags v3.0 Ships')");
            "INSERT INTO `configurable_text` VALUES (7, 'Standard2', 'AOL supports')");
            "INSERT INTO `configurable_text` VALUES (8, 'Standard3', 'Apple Adheres to mRSS')");
            "INSERT INTO `configurable_text` VALUES (9, 'Scene1', 'Marc Canter speaking at current conferences and The Scene...')");      
    // 2006-06: auto-update
    $this->qup("create svn_objects table", "CREATE TABLE svn_objects (path VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, kind VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL, hash VARCHAR(32), revision INT NOT NULL, is_active BOOL NOT NULL DEFAULT 1, PRIMARY KEY(is_active, path, revision), UNIQUE(revision, path))");
    $this->qup("create svn_meta table", "CREATE TABLE svn_meta (revision INT NOT NULL)");
    $this->qup("add repos_root to svn_meta", "ALTER TABLE svn_meta ADD COLUMN repos_root TEXT NOT NULL");
    $this->qup("add repos_path to svn_meta", "ALTER TABLE svn_meta ADD COLUMN repos_path TEXT NOT NULL");
    $this->qup("add held_revision to svn_objecs", "ALTER TABLE svn_objects ADD COLUMN held_revision INT");

    // 2006-09-05: blog badge
    $this->qup_all_networks("create blog_badges table", "CREATE TABLE {blog_badges} (user_id INT NOT NULL, badge_tag VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(user_id, badge_tag), badge_config TEXT NOT NULL)");
    // 2007-01-15: friendly name and the ability to delete badges
    $this->qup_all_networks("add blog_badges.title, blog_badges.is_active and blog_badges.badge_id", "ALTER TABLE {blog_badges}
        ADD PRIMARY KEY(badge_id),
        ADD COLUMN is_active INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 1,
        ADD KEY user_badges (is_active, user_id, badge_tag)");

    // 2006-11-13: run net_extra so $this->qup_all_networks will properly update the home network.
    $this->qup("run net_extra to put the home network into the database - try 2", "run_net_extra_once_only");
    // 2006-11-10: network_links
    $this->qup_all_networks("create network_links table - try 2", "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS {network_links} (
  link_id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
  title varchar(255) default NULL,
  url varchar(255) default NULL,
  category_id int(11) default NULL,
  created int(11) default NULL,
  changed int(11) default NULL,
  is_active tinyint(1) default NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY  (link_id)
  // 2006-11-10: network_linkcategories
   $this->qup_all_networks("create network_linkcategories table - try 2", "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS {network_linkcategories} (
  category_id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
  category_name varchar(255) default NULL,
  user_id int(11) default NULL,
  created int(11) default NULL,
  changed int(11) default NULL,
  is_active tinyint(1) default NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY  (category_id)
) ");


    // 2006-09-07: comment spam tracking
    $this->qup_all_networks("comments.ip_addr column", "ALTER TABLE {comments} ADD COLUMN ip_addr VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL");
    $this->qup_all_networks("comments.referrer column", "ALTER TABLE {comments} ADD COLUMN referrer TEXT NOT NULL");
    $this->qup_all_networks("comments.user_agent column", "ALTER TABLE {comments} ADD COLUMN user_agent VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL");
    $this->qup("create spam_terms table", "CREATE TABLE spam_terms (id INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, PRIMARY KEY(id), term VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL)");
    // spam_state; 0: not spam; 1: manually deleted; 2: bulk-deleted by spam terms; 3: flagged by akismet; 4: deleted by domain blacklist
    $this->qup_all_networks("comments.spam_state column 2", "ALTER TABLE {comments} ADD COLUMN spam_state INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0");
    // 1 if akismet has said this is spam, 0 if not spam, null if we haven't asked akismet
    $this->qup_all_networks("comments.akismet_spam column", "ALTER TABLE {comments} ADD COLUMN akismet_spam BOOL DEFAULT NULL");

    // index of domain names present in links in comments (for spam detection) (domain = top part of domain, e.g. "" for ""; count = total number of times this domain name has been seen in comments, ever; blacklisted = {0: unknown, 1: blacklisted manually, 2: on a dns blacklist}; whitelisted = {0: unknown, 1: whitelisted manually})
    $this->qup("create spam_domains table", "CREATE TABLE spam_domains (id INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, PRIMARY KEY(id), domain VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, UNIQUE(domain), count INT NOT NULL, blacklisted INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, whitelisted INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0)");
    $this->qup("index blacklist flags on spam_domains", "ALTER TABLE spam_domains ADD KEY blacklisted (blacklisted)");
    $this->qup("spam_domains.active_count", "ALTER TABLE spam_domains ADD COLUMN active_count INT NOT NULL"); // active_count counts how many times the domain appears in *active* comments.
    // linking domain names to comments - so we can go back later on and delete spammy comments *after* a domain gets blacklisted.
    $this->qup("create domains_in_comments table", "CREATE TABLE domains_in_comments (domain_id INT NOT NULL, comment_id INT NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(comment_id, domain_id), KEY(domain_id), occurrences INT NOT NULL)");
    // 2005-10-28 Martin
    $this->qup("alter relation table for external relations", 
      "ALTER TABLE relations ADD `network` VARCHAR( 255 ) NULL,
        ADD `network_uid` VARCHAR( 255 ) NULL, ADD `display_name` VARCHAR( 255 ) NULL,
        ADD `thumbnail_url` TINYTEXT NULL, ADD `profile_url` TINYTEXT NULL");

    // 2006-11-20 Phil
    $this->qup("change length of to 50",
      "ALTER TABLE mc_db_status CHANGE COLUMN network network VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
         ADD PRIMARY KEY(stmt_key, network)");

    // 2006-11-27 Martin
    $this->qup("move profile data: blog_url ", 
    "UPDATE `user_profile_data` 
  SET `field_name` = 'blog_url',
  `field_type` = 'blogs_rss' 
  WHERE `field_name` = 'blog_url'"

    // 2006-11-27 Martin
    $this->qup("move profile data: blog_title ", 
    "UPDATE `user_profile_data` 
  SET `field_name` = 'blog_title',
  `field_type` = 'blogs_rss' 
  WHERE `field_name` = 'blog_title'");

    // 2006-11-27 Martin
    $this->qup("move profile data: flickr id", 
    "UPDATE `user_profile_data` 
  SET `field_name` = 'flickr_email',
  `field_type` = 'external' 
  WHERE `field_name` = 'flickr'");
    // 2006-11-27 Martin
    $this->qup("move profile data: delicious id", 
    "UPDATE `user_profile_data` 
  SET `field_name` = 'delicious',
  `field_type` = 'external' 
  WHERE `field_name` = 'delicious'");
    //2006-11-28 Gurpreet   
    if ($this->column_exists("external_feed", "user_id")) {
	$this->qup("deleting user_id column from external_feed", 
		   "ALTER TABLE `external_feed` DROP `user_id`");
    // 2006-11-28 Martin
    $this->qup("add sequence field to profile: multiple values of one name", 
    "ALTER TABLE `user_profile_data` ADD `seq` INT( 3 ) UNSIGNED ZEROFILL NULL");

    // 2006-11-30 Martin
    $this->qup("ensure sequence is set for blog_url fields", 
    "UPDATE `user_profile_data` 
  SET `seq` = 1
  WHERE `field_name` = 'blog_url'
  AND seq = NULL");

    // 2006-11-30 Martin
    $this->qup("ensure sequence is set for blog_title fields", 
    "UPDATE `user_profile_data` 
  SET `seq` = 1
  WHERE `field_name` = 'blog_title'
  AND seq = NULL");

    // 2006-11-30 Martin
    $this->qup("ensure sequence is set for blog_feed fields", 
    "UPDATE `user_profile_data` 
  SET `seq` = 1
  WHERE `field_name` = 'blog_feed'
  AND seq = NULL");
  // 2006-12-08 Gurpreet
  if (!$this->column_exists("relations", "in_family")) {
    $this->qup("adding in_family field to relations table", 
    "ALTER TABLE `relations` ADD `in_family` INT( 2 ) ");
  // 2007-01-03 Ekta
  if (!$this->column_exists('relations','status')) {
    $this->qup("status added to relations table", "ALTER TABLE `relations` ADD
    `status` ENUM('denied', 'pending', 'approved') DEFAULT 'approved' NOT NULL");
  // 2007-01-04 Kuldeep - creating table moduledata
  // This table is used to hold the values for various modules e.g.
  // Personalised video, emblem modules
  if (!$this->table_exists("moduledata")) {
    $this->qup("creating table moduledata", 
                "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `moduledata` (
                `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
                `modulename` varchar(255) default NULL,
                `caption` varchar(255) default NULL,
                `data` text,
                `created` int(11) default NULL,
                `changed` int(11) default NULL,
                PRIMARY KEY  (`id`),
                UNIQUE KEY `modulename` (`modulename`)
                ) ");
    $this->qup("inserting for LogoModule", 
                  'INSERT INTO `moduledata` (`id`, `modulename`, `caption`, `data`, `created`, `changed`) VALUES (1, \'LogoModule\', NULL, NULL, NULL, 1167849000)');
    $this->qup("inserting for TakeATourModule", 
                  'INSERT INTO `moduledata` (`id`, `modulename`, `caption`, `data`, `created`, `changed`) VALUES (2, \'TakeTour\', NULL, NULL, NULL, 1167849000)');
  // 2007-04-17 Ekta - creating table advertisements
  // This table will be used for manage ad-center at PA
  $this->qup_all_networks("creating table advertisements", 
                "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS {advertisements} (
                `ad_id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
                `user_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
                `ad_image` varchar(255) default NULL,
                `url` varchar(255) default NULL,
                `ad_script` text default NULL,
                `title` varchar(255) default NULL,
                `description` text default NULL,
                `page_id` int(11) default NULL,
                `orientation` int(11) default NULL,
                `is_active` tinyint(1) default NULL,
                `created` int(11) default NULL,
                `changed` int(11) default NULL,
                `display_count` int(11) default 0,
                `hit_count` int(11) default 0,
                PRIMARY KEY  (`ad_id`)
                ) ");
  // Added by Saurabh for the Testimonial 
  if (!$this->table_exists('testimonials')) {
    $this->qup("Creating table Testimonials ","CREATE TABLE `testimonials` (
    `testimonial_id` INT( 11 ) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY ,
    `sender_id` INT( 11 ) NOT NULL ,
    `recipient_id` INT( 11 ) NOT NULL ,
    `body` TEXT NOT NULL ,
    `status` VARCHAR( 50 ) NULL ,
    `is_active` TINYINT( 1 ) NULL ,
    `created` INT( 11 ) NOT NULL ,
    `changed` INT( 11 ) NOT NULL
  // added by saurabh for the Report Abuse
    $this->qup_all_networks("Creating table Report abuse ","CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS {report_abuse} (
      `parent_type` VARCHAR(100) NULL ,
      `parent_id` INT(11) NOT NULL ,
      `reporter_id` INT(11) NULL ,
      `body` TEXT NULL ,
      `created` INT(11) NOT NULL
   // added by saurabh for the comment on everything 
    $this->qup_all_networks("adding parent_type and parent_id into comments table", "ALTER TABLE {comments} ADD `parent_id` INT( 11 ) NULL , ADD `parent_type` VARCHAR( 100 ) NULL ;");

  // Added by saurabh on 11th may
   $this->qup_all_networks("adding created into groups users table", "ALTER TABLE {groups_users} ADD `created` INT( 11 ) NULL; ");

  if (!$this->column_exists('feed_data','publish_date')) {
    $this->qup("add publish_date column to feed_data", "ALTER TABLE `feed_data` ADD `publish_date` INT( 11 ) ");
  $this->qup_all_networks("header_image column in groups", "ALTER TABLE {groups} ADD COLUMN header_image TEXT NULL");
  $this->qup_all_networks("header_image_action column in groups", "ALTER TABLE {groups} ADD COLUMN header_image_action INT(2) NULL");

  $this->qup_all_networks("display_header_image column in groups", "ALTER TABLE {groups} ADD COLUMN display_header_image  varchar(40)  DEFAULT 1");
  // 2007-04-11 Saurabh
  $this->qup_all_networks("extra column in groups", "ALTER TABLE {groups} ADD COLUMN extra TEXT NULL");
    // 2007-01-26 Phil - adding lots of indices
    // First, indices that don't require any extra columns to be added:
    $this->qup("2007-01-25 indices for homepage.php queries (home only)", array(
      'ALTER TABLE relations ADD KEY user_rel (user_id, relation_id)',
      'ALTER TABLE users_online ADD KEY login_order (timestamp),
         ADD UNIQUE user_id (user_id),
         ADD KEY timestamp (timestamp)',
      'ALTER TABLE users ADD KEY count_active (is_active)',
    $this->qup_all_networks("2007-01-26 indices for homepage.php queries (all nets)", array(
      'ALTER TABLE {users_roles} ADD KEY user_id (user_id)',
      'ALTER TABLE {page_settings} ADD KEY user_page (user_id, page_id)',
      'ALTER TABLE {contents} ADD KEY homepage_content (is_active, display_on, collection_id, created),
         ADD KEY homepage_typed_content (is_active, display_on, collection_id, type, created),
         ADD KEY user_content (is_active, collection_id, author_id, created),
         ADD KEY user_typed_content (is_active, collection_id, author_id, type, created)',

    // 2007-01-29 Phil - more scaling
    // Copying created column from users to networks_users to remove a join
    $this->qup("2007-01-29 add created to networks_users; copy from users table", array(
      "ALTER TABLE networks_users ADD COLUMN created INT NOT NULL,
         ADD KEY recent_users (network_id, created)",
      "UPDATE networks_users NU LEFT JOIN users U ON NU.user_id=U.user_id
         SET NU.created=U.created",
    $this->qup("2007-01-30 add (network_id,user_id) key to networks_users",
      "ALTER TABLE networks_users ADD KEY network_user_id (network_id, user_id)");
    $this->qup("2007-01-30 add (network_id,user_type) key to networks_users",
      "ALTER TABLE networks_users ADD KEY network_user_type (network_id, user_type)");

    $this->qup("2007-01-30 copy member count and owner id into networks table from networks_users", array(
      "ALTER TABLE networks ADD COLUMN member_count INT NOT NULL,
         ADD COLUMN owner_id INT NOT NULL",
      "UPDATE networks N SET N.member_count=(SELECT COUNT(NU.user_id) FROM networks_users NU where NU.network_id=N.network_id)",
      "UPDATE networks N SET N.owner_id=(SELECT NU.user_id FROM networks_users NU where NU.network_id=N.network_id AND NU.user_type='owner') WHERE N.member_count > 0",
      "UPDATE networks set owner_id = ".SUPER_USER_ID." WHERE network_id = ".MOTHER_NETWORK_TYPE
      )); //update network query added on 26-10-2007 to set the owner_id as SUPER_USER_ID for mother network.
    $this->qup("2007-01-30 add indices on count, name and created to networks table",
      "ALTER TABLE networks ADD KEY network_member_counts (is_active, type, member_count),
         ADD KEY network_name_alpha (is_active, type, name),
         ADD KEY network_created (is_active, type, created)");
    $this->qup("2007-01-30 add address index on networks",
      "ALTER TABLE networks ADD KEY network_address (address, is_active)");

    $this->qup_all_networks("2007-01-30 add (user_id, group_id) index on groups",
      "ALTER TABLE {groups_users} ADD KEY users_groups (user_id, group_id)");

    // 2007-02-13 Phil - line break conversion option for content, now that we have an html editor for blog posts
    $this->qup_all_networks("2007-02-13 add contents.is_html", array(
      "ALTER TABLE {contents} ADD COLUMN is_html BOOLEAN DEFAULT 1",
      "UPDATE {contents} SET is_html=0 WHERE type < 7",

    // 2007-02-13 Phil - updated persona table defs
    $this->qup("remove old persona tables and add new ones", array(
      "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {personas}, {persona_properties}, {persona_services}, {persona_service_paths}",

      "CREATE TABLE {personas} (
  `persona_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
  `user_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  `persona_service_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  `sequence` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  `name` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
  `configuration` text NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY  (`persona_id`)

      "CREATE TABLE {persona_properties} (
  `persona_property_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
  `parent_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  `persona_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  `name` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
  `content` text NOT NULL,
  `content_type` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
  `content_hash` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
  `serial_number` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  `last_update` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
  `category` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
  `viewer` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
  PRIMARY KEY  (`persona_property_id`),
  KEY `key_index` USING BTREE (`name`)

      "CREATE TABLE {persona_services} (
  `persona_service_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
  `sequence` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  `name` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
  `symbol` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
  `description` text NOT NULL,
  `category` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
  `logo` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
  `configuration` text NOT NULL,
  `enabled` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0',
  PRIMARY KEY  (`persona_service_id`)

      "INSERT INTO {persona_services} VALUES
(1,1,'MySpace','MySpace','This is the MySpace service.','default','','{\"category\": \"default\", \"name\": \"MySpace\", \"sequence\": 1, \"enabled\": 1, \"persona_service_id\": 1, \"logo\": \"\"}',1),
(2,2,'Facebook','Facebook','This is the Facebook service.','default','','{\"category\": \"default\", \"name\": \"Facebook\", \"sequence\": 2, \"enabled\": 1, \"persona_service_id\": 2, \"logo\": \"\"}',1),
(3,3,'Google','Google','This is the Google service.','default','','{\"category\": \"default\", \"name\": \"Google\", \"sequence\": 3, \"enabled\": 1, \"persona_service_id\": 3, \"logo\": \"\"}',1),
(4,4,'YouTube','YouTube','This is the YouTube service.','default','','{\"category\": \"default\", \"name\": \"YouTube\", \"sequence\": 4, \"enabled\": 1, \"persona_service_id\": 4, \"logo\": \"\"}',1),
(5,5,'AIM','AIM','This is the AIM service.','default','','{\"category\": \"default\", \"name\": \"AIM\", \"sequence\": 5, \"enabled\": 1, \"persona_service_id\": 5, \"logo\": \"\"}',1),
(6,6,'Yahoo','Yahoo','This is the Yahoo service.','default','','{\"category\": \"default\", \"name\": \"Yahoo\", \"sequence\": 6, \"enabled\": 1, \"persona_service_id\": 6, \"logo\": \"\"}',0),
(7,7,'Flickr','Flickr','This is the Flickr service.','default','','{\"category\": \"default\", \"name\": \"Flickr\", \"sequence\": 7, \"enabled\": 1, \"persona_service_id\": 7, \"logo\": \"\"}',1),
(8,8,'Blip TV','BlipTV','This is the Blip TV service.','default','','{\"category\": \"default\", \"name\": \"Blip TV\", \"sequence\": 8, \"enabled\": 1, \"persona_service_id\": 8, \"logo\": \"\"}',0),
(9,9,'LiveJournal','LiveJournal','This is the LiveJournal service.','default','','{\"category\": \"default\", \"name\": \"LiveJournal\", \"sequence\": 9, \"enabled\": 1, \"persona_service_id\": 9, \"logo\": \"\"}',0),
(10,10,'VOX','VOX','This is the VOX service.','default','','{\"category\": \"default\", \"name\": \"VOX\", \"sequence\": 10, \"enabled\": 1, \"persona_service_id\": 10, \"logo\": \"\"}',0),
(11,11,'Multiply','Multiply','This is the Multiply service.','default','','{\"category\": \"default\", \"name\": \"Multiply\", \"sequence\": 11, \"enabled\": 1, \"persona_service_id\": 11, \"logo\": \"\"}',0),
(12,12,'Dabble','Dabble','This is the Dabble service.','default','','{\"category\": \"default\", \"name\": \"Dabble\", \"sequence\": 12, \"enabled\": 1, \"persona_service_id\": 12, \"logo\": \"\"}',0),
(13,13,'','Delicious','This is the service.','default','','{\"category\": \"default\", \"name\": \"\", \"sequence\": 13, \"enabled\": 1, \"persona_service_id\": 13, \"logo\": \"\"}',0),
(14,14,'Amazon','Amazon','This is the Amazon service.','default','','{\"category\": \"default\", \"name\": \"Amazon\", \"sequence\": 14, \"enabled\": 1, \"persona_service_id\": 14, \"logo\": \"\"}',0),
(15,15,'eBay','eBay','This is the eBay service.','default','','{\"category\": \"default\", \"name\": \"eBay\", \"sequence\": 15, \"enabled\": 1, \"persona_service_id\": 15, \"logo\": \"\"}',0),
(16,16,'RSS','RSS','This is the RSS service.','default','','{\"category\": \"default\", \"name\": \"RSS\", \"sequence\": 16, \"enabled\": 1, \"persona_service_id\": 16, \"logo\": \"\"}',0),
(17,17,'OPML','OPML','This is the OPML service.','default','','{\"category\": \"default\", \"name\": \"OPML\", \"sequence\": 17, \"enabled\": 1, \"persona_service_id\": 17, \"logo\": \"\"}',0),
(18,18,'Blogger','Blogger','This is the Blogger service.','default','','{\"category\": \"default\", \"name\": \"Blogger\", \"sequence\": 18, \"enabled\": 1, \"persona_service_id\": 18, \"logo\": \"\"}',0),
(19,19,'Meta-Weblog','MetaWeblog','This is the Meta-Weblog service.','default','','{\"category\": \"default\", \"name\": \"Meta-Weblog\", \"sequence\": 19, \"enabled\": 1, \"persona_service_id\": 19, \"logo\": \"\"}',0),
(20,20,'Atom','Atom','This is the Atom service.','default','','{\"category\": \"default\", \"name\": \"Atom\", \"sequence\": 20, \"enabled\": 1, \"persona_service_id\": 20, \"logo\": \"\"}',0),
(21,21,'XML','XML','This is the XML service.','default','','{\"category\": \"default\", \"name\": \"XML\", \"sequence\": 21, \"enabled\": 1, \"persona_service_id\": 21, \"logo\": \"\"}',0),
(22,22,'JSON','JSON','This is the JSON service.','default','','{\"category\": \"default\", \"name\": \"JSON\", \"sequence\": 22, \"enabled\": 1, \"persona_service_id\": 22, \"logo\": \"\"}',0),
(23,23,'Text','Text','This is the Text service.','default','','{\"category\": \"default\", \"name\": \"Text\", \"sequence\": 23, \"enabled\": 1, \"persona_service_id\": 23, \"logo\": \"\"}',0)",

      "CREATE TABLE {persona_service_paths} (
  `persona_service_path_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
  `persona_service_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  `name` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
  `title` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
  `category` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
  `configuration` text NOT NULL,
  `sequence` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  `enabled` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0',
  PRIMARY KEY  (`persona_service_path_id`)

      "INSERT INTO {persona_service_paths} VALUES

(1,1,'MyUploadedVideos','My Uploaded Videos','video','{\"category\": \"video\", \"name\": \"MyUploadedVideos\", \"title\": \"My Uploaded Videos\", \"url\": \"http:\\/\\/\\/index.cfm?fuseaction=vids.myvideos\", \"gui\": \"button\", \"sequence\": 1, \"viewer\": \"VideoList\", \"persona_service_id\": 1, \"persona_service_path_id\": 1, \"content_type\": \"json\", \"path\": \"Video_MyUploadedVideos\", \"login\": true, \"type\": \"video\", \"method\": \"FetchVideoList\"}',1,1),

(2,1,'MyFavoriteVideos','My Favorite Videos','video','{\"category\": \"video\", \"name\": \"MyFavoriteVideos\", \"title\": \"My Favorite Videos\", \"url\": \"http:\\/\\/\\/index.cfm?fuseaction=vids.myfavorites\", \"gui\": \"button\", \"sequence\": 2, \"viewer\": \"VideoList\", \"persona_service_id\": 1, \"persona_service_path_id\": 2, \"content_type\": \"json\", \"path\": \"Video_MyFavoriteVideos\", \"login\": true, \"type\": \"video\", \"method\": \"FetchVideoList\"}',2,1),

(3,1,'MyFriends','My Friends','user','{\"category\": \"user\", \"name\": \"MyFriends\", \"title\": \"My Friends\", \"url\": null, \"gui\": \"button\", \"sequence\": 3, \"viewer\": \"FriendList\", \"persona_service_id\": 1, \"persona_service_path_id\": 3, \"content_type\": \"json\", \"path\": \"User_MyFriends\", \"login\": true, \"type\": \"user\", \"method\": \"FetchFriendList\"}',3,1),

(4,1,'SearchVideos','Search MySpace Videos','video','{\"category\": \"video\", \"name\": \"SearchVideos\", \"sequence\": 4, \"url\": \"http:\\/\\/\\/index.cfm?fuseaction=vids.fullsearch&fullSearch=Search+Video&t=\", \"gui\": \"search\", \"title\": \"Search MySpace Videos\", \"viewer\": \"VideoList\", \"persona_service_id\": 1, \"persona_service_path_id\": 4, \"content_type\": \"json\", \"path\": \"Video_Search\", \"login\": true, \"type\": \"video\", \"method\": \"FetchVideoList\"}',4,1),

(5,1,'InboxMessages','Inbox','message','{\"category\": \"message\", \"name\": \"InboxMessages\", \"title\": \"Inbox\", \"url\": null, \"gui\": \"button\", \"sequence\": 5, \"viewer\": \"MessageList\", \"persona_service_id\": 1, \"persona_service_path_id\": 5, \"content_type\": \"json\", \"path\": \"User_Inbox\", \"login\": true, \"type\": \"user\", \"method\": \"FetchInbox\"}',5,1),

(6,1,'FriendMessages','Friend Requests','message','{\"category\": \"message\", \"name\": \"FriendMessages\", \"title\": \"Friend Requests\", \"url\": null, \"gui\": \"button\", \"sequence\": 6, \"viewer\": \"MessageList\", \"persona_service_id\": 1, \"persona_service_path_id\": 6, \"content_type\": \"json\", \"path\": \"User_FriendRequests\", \"login\": true, \"type\": \"user\", \"method\": \"FetchFriendRequests\"}',6,1),

(7,1,'BlogMessages','Blog Comments','message','{\"category\": \"message\", \"name\": \"BlogMessages\", \"title\": \"Blog Comments\", \"url\": null, \"gui\": \"button\", \"sequence\": 7, \"viewer\": \"MessageList\", \"persona_service_id\": 1, \"persona_service_path_id\": 7, \"content_type\": \"json\", \"path\": \"User_BlogComments\", \"login\": true, \"type\": \"user\", \"method\": \"FetchBlogComments\"}',7,1),

(8,1,'PictureMessages','Picture Comments','message','{\"category\": \"message\", \"name\": \"PictureMessages\", \"title\": \"Picture Comments\", \"url\": null, \"gui\": \"button\", \"sequence\": 8, \"viewer\": \"MessageList\", \"persona_service_id\": 1, \"persona_service_path_id\": 8, \"content_type\": \"json\", \"path\": \"User_PictureComments\", \"login\": true, \"type\": \"user\", \"method\": \"FetchPictureComments\"}',8,1),

(9,1,'VideoMessages','Video Comments','message','{\"category\": \"message\", \"name\": \"VideoMessages\", \"title\": \"Video Comments\", \"url\": null, \"gui\": \"button\", \"sequence\": 9, \"viewer\": \"MessageList\", \"persona_service_id\": 1, \"persona_service_path_id\": 9, \"content_type\": \"json\", \"path\": \"User_VideoComments\", \"login\": true, \"type\": \"user\", \"method\": \"FetchVideoComments\"}',9,1),

(10,3,'MyLiveVideos','My Live Videos','video','{\"category\": \"video\", \"name\": \"MyLiveVideos\", \"title\": \"My Live Videos\", \"url\": \"https:\\/\\/\\/Status?f=l&hl=en\", \"gui\": \"button\", \"sequence\": 1, \"viewer\": \"VideoList\", \"persona_service_id\": 3, \"persona_service_path_id\": 10, \"content_type\": \"json\", \"path\": \"Video_Live\", \"login\": true, \"type\": \"video\", \"method\": \"FetchVideoList\"}',1,1),

(11,3,'Top100Videos','Top 100','video','{\"category\": \"video\", \"name\": \"Top100Videos\", \"title\": \"Top 100\", \"url\": \"http:\\/\\/\\/videoranking\", \"gui\": \"button\", \"sequence\": 2, \"viewer\": \"VideoList\", \"persona_service_id\": 3, \"persona_service_path_id\": 11, \"content_type\": \"json\", \"path\": \"Video_Top\", \"login\": false, \"type\": \"video\", \"method\": \"FetchVideoList\"}',2,1),

(12,3,'ComedyVideos','Comedy','video','{\"category\": \"video\", \"name\": \"ComedyVideos\", \"title\": \"Comedy\", \"url\": \"http:\\/\\/\\/videosearch?q=genre:comedy\", \"gui\": \"button\", \"sequence\": 3, \"viewer\": \"VideoList\", \"persona_service_id\": 3, \"persona_service_path_id\": 12, \"content_type\": \"json\", \"path\": \"Video_Comedy\", \"login\": false, \"type\": \"video\", \"method\": \"FetchVideoList\"}',3,1),

(13,3,'MusicVideos','Music Videos','video','{\"category\": \"video\", \"name\": \"MusicVideos\", \"title\": \"Music Videos\", \"url\": \"http:\\/\\/\\/videosearch?q=type:music_video\", \"gui\": \"button\", \"sequence\": 4, \"viewer\": \"VideoList\", \"persona_service_id\": 3, \"persona_service_path_id\": 13, \"content_type\": \"json\", \"path\": \"Video_Music\", \"login\": false, \"type\": \"video\", \"method\": \"FetchVideoList\"}',4,1),

(14,3,'MovieVidoes','Movies','video','{\"category\": \"video\", \"name\": \"MovieVidoes\", \"title\": \"Movies\", \"url\": \"http:\\/\\/\\/movietrailers.html\", \"gui\": \"button\", \"sequence\": 5, \"viewer\": \"VideoList\", \"persona_service_id\": 3, \"persona_service_path_id\": 14, \"content_type\": \"json\", \"path\": \"Video_Movies\", \"login\": false, \"type\": \"video\", \"method\": \"FetchVideoList\"}',5,1),

(15,3,'SportsVideos','Sports','video','{\"category\": \"video\", \"name\": \"SportsVideos\", \"title\": \"Sports\", \"url\": \"http:\\/\\/\\/videosearch?q=type%3Asports%20OR%20genre%3Asports\", \"gui\": \"button\", \"sequence\": 6, \"viewer\": \"VideoList\", \"persona_service_id\": 3, \"persona_service_path_id\": 15, \"content_type\": \"json\", \"path\": \"Video_Sports\", \"login\": false, \"type\": \"video\", \"method\": \"FetchVideoList\"}',6,1),

(16,3,'AnimationVideos','Animation','video','{\"category\": \"video\", \"name\": \"AnimationVideos\", \"title\": \"Animation\", \"url\": \"http:\\/\\/\\/videosearch?q=genre:animation\", \"gui\": \"button\", \"sequence\": 7, \"viewer\": \"VideoList\", \"persona_service_id\": 3, \"persona_service_path_id\": 16, \"content_type\": \"json\", \"path\": \"Video_Animation\", \"login\": false, \"type\": \"video\", \"method\": \"FetchVideoList\"}',7,1),

(17,3,'TVVideos','TV Shows','video','{\"category\": \"video\", \"name\": \"TVVideos\", \"title\": \"TV Shows\", \"url\": \"http:\\/\\/\\/videosearch?q=type%3Atvshow\", \"gui\": \"button\", \"sequence\": 8, \"viewer\": \"VideoList\", \"persona_service_id\": 3, \"persona_service_path_id\": 17, \"content_type\": \"json\", \"path\": \"Video_TV\", \"login\": false, \"type\": \"video\", \"method\": \"FetchVideoList\"}',8,1),

(18,3,'PicksVideos','Google Picks','video','{\"category\": \"video\", \"name\": \"PicksVideos\", \"title\": \"Google Picks\", \"url\": \"http:\\/\\/\\/videosearch?q=type%3Agpick&so=1\", \"gui\": \"button\", \"sequence\": 9, \"viewer\": \"VideoList\", \"persona_service_id\": 3, \"persona_service_path_id\": 18, \"content_type\": \"json\", \"path\": \"Video_Picks\", \"login\": false, \"type\": \"video\", \"method\": \"FetchVideoList\"}',9,1),

(19,3,'SearchVideos','Search Google Videos','video','{\"category\": \"video\", \"name\": \"SearchVideos\", \"title\": \"Search Google Videos\", \"url\": \"http:\\/\\/\\/videosearch?q=\", \"gui\": \"search\", \"sequence\": 10, \"viewer\": \"VideoList\", \"persona_service_id\": 3, \"persona_service_path_id\": 19, \"content_type\": \"json\", \"path\": \"Video_Search\", \"login\": true, \"type\": \"video\", \"method\": \"FetchVideoList\"}',10,1),

(20,4,'MyVideos','My Videos','video','{\"category\": \"video\", \"name\": \"MyVideos\", \"title\": \"My Videos\", \"url\": \"http:\\/\\/\\/my_videos\", \"gui\": \"button\", \"sequence\": 1, \"viewer\": \"VideoList\", \"persona_service_id\": 4, \"persona_service_path_id\": 20, \"content_type\": \"json\", \"path\": \"Video_MyVideos\", \"login\": true, \"type\": \"video\", \"method\": \"FetchVideoList\"}',1,1),

(21,4,'FavoriteVideos','My Favorites','video','{\"category\": \"video\", \"name\": \"FavoriteVideos\", \"title\": \"My Favorites\", \"url\": \"http:\\/\\/\\/my_favorites\", \"gui\": \"button\", \"sequence\": 2, \"viewer\": \"VideoList\", \"persona_service_id\": 4, \"persona_service_path_id\": 21, \"content_type\": \"json\", \"path\": \"Video_Favorites\", \"login\": true, \"type\": \"video\", \"method\": \"FetchVideoList\"}',2,1),

(22,4,'SubscriptionVideos','My Subscriptions','video','{\"category\": \"video\", \"name\": \"SubscriptionVideos\", \"title\": \"My Subscriptions\", \"url\": \"http:\\/\\/\\/subscription_center\", \"gui\": \"button\", \"sequence\": 3, \"viewer\": \"VideoList\", \"persona_service_id\": 4, \"persona_service_path_id\": 22, \"content_type\": \"json\", \"path\": \"Video_Subscriptions\", \"login\": true, \"type\": \"video\", \"method\": \"FetchVideoList\"}',3,1),

(23,4,'MostRecentVideos','Most Recent','video','{\"category\": \"video\", \"name\": \"MostRecentVideos\", \"title\": \"Most Recent\", \"url\": \"http:\\/\\/\\/browse?s=mr\", \"gui\": \"button\", \"sequence\": 4, \"viewer\": \"VideoList\", \"persona_service_id\": 4, \"persona_service_path_id\": 23, \"content_type\": \"json\", \"path\": \"Video_MostRecent\", \"login\": false, \"type\": \"video\", \"method\": \"FetchVideoList\"}',4,1),

(24,4,'MostViewedVideos','Most Viewed','video','{\"category\": \"video\", \"name\": \"MostViewedVideos\", \"title\": \"Most Viewed\", \"url\": \"http:\\/\\/\\/browse?s=mp\", \"gui\": \"button\", \"sequence\": 5, \"viewer\": \"VideoList\", \"persona_service_id\": 4, \"persona_service_path_id\": 24, \"content_type\": \"json\", \"path\": \"Video_MostViewed\", \"login\": false, \"type\": \"video\", \"method\": \"FetchVideoList\"}',5,1),

(25,4,'TopRatedVideos','Top Rated','video','{\"category\": \"video\", \"name\": \"TopRatedVideos\", \"title\": \"Top Rated\", \"url\": \"http:\\/\\/\\/browse?s=tr\", \"gui\": \"button\", \"sequence\": 6, \"viewer\": \"VideoList\", \"persona_service_id\": 4, \"persona_service_path_id\": 25, \"content_type\": \"json\", \"path\": \"Video_TopRated\", \"login\": false, \"type\": \"video\", \"method\": \"FetchVideoList\"}',6,1),

(26,4,'MostDiscussedVideos','Most Discussed','video','{\"category\": \"video\", \"name\": \"MostDiscussedVideos\", \"title\": \"Most Discussed\", \"url\": \"http:\\/\\/\\/browse?s=md\", \"gui\": \"button\", \"sequence\": 7, \"viewer\": \"VideoList\", \"persona_service_id\": 4, \"persona_service_path_id\": 26, \"content_type\": \"json\", \"path\": \"Video_MostDiscussed\", \"login\": false, \"type\": \"video\", \"method\": \"FetchVideoList\"}',7,1),

(27,4,'TopFavoriteVideos','Top Favorites','video','{\"category\": \"video\", \"name\": \"TopFavoriteVideos\", \"title\": \"Top Favorites\", \"url\": \"http:\\/\\/\\/browse?s=mf\", \"gui\": \"button\", \"sequence\": 8, \"viewer\": \"VideoList\", \"persona_service_id\": 4, \"persona_service_path_id\": 27, \"content_type\": \"json\", \"path\": \"Video_TopFavorites\", \"login\": false, \"type\": \"video\", \"method\": \"FetchVideoList\"}',8,1),

(28,4,'MostLinkedVideos','Most Linked','video','{\"category\": \"video\", \"name\": \"MostLinkedVideos\", \"title\": \"Most Linked\", \"url\": \"http:\\/\\/\\/browse?s=mrd\", \"gui\": \"button\", \"sequence\": 9, \"viewer\": \"VideoList\", \"persona_service_id\": 4, \"persona_service_path_id\": 28, \"content_type\": \"json\", \"path\": \"Video_MostLinked\", \"login\": false, \"type\": \"video\", \"method\": \"FetchVideoList\"}',9,1),

(29,4,'RecentlyFeaturedVideos','Recently Featured','video','{\"category\": \"video\", \"name\": \"RecentlyFeaturedVideos\", \"title\": \"Recently Featured\", \"url\": \"http:\\/\\/\\/browse?s=rf\", \"gui\": \"button\", \"sequence\": 10, \"viewer\": \"VideoList\", \"persona_service_id\": 4, \"persona_service_path_id\": 29, \"content_type\": \"json\", \"path\": \"Video_RecentlyFeatured\", \"login\": false, \"type\": \"video\", \"method\": \"FetchVideoList\"}',10,1),

(30,4,'SearchVideos','Search YouTube Videos','video','{\"category\": \"video\", \"name\": \"SearchVideos\", \"sequence\": 11, \"url\": \"http:\\/\\/\\/results?search=Search&search_query=\", \"gui\": \"search\", \"title\": \"Search YouTube Videos\", \"viewer\": \"VideoList\", \"persona_service_id\": 4, \"persona_service_path_id\": 30, \"content_type\": \"json\", \"path\": \"Video_Search\", \"login\": true, \"type\": \"video\", \"method\": \"FetchVideoList\"}',11,1),

(31,2,'Profile','My Profile','user','{\"category\": \"user\", \"name\": \"Profile\", \"sequence\": 1, \"url\": \"\", \"gui\": \"button\", \"title\": \"My Profile\", \"viewer\": \"Profile\", \"persona_service_id\": 2, \"persona_service_path_id\": 31, \"content_type\": \"json\", \"path\": \"User_Profile\", \"login\": true, \"type\": \"profile\", \"method\": \"FetchUserProfile\"}',1,1),

(32,2,'Friends','My Friends','friends','{\"category\": \"user\", \"name\": \"Friends\", \"sequence\": 2, \"url\": \"\", \"gui\": \"button\", \"title\": \"My Friends\", \"viewer\": \"Friends\", \"persona_service_id\": 2, \"persona_service_path_id\": 32, \"content_type\": \"json\", \"path\": \"User_Friends\", \"login\": true, \"type\": \"friends\", \"method\": \"FetchFriends\"}',2,1),

(33,2,'Messages','My Messages','messages','{\"category\": \"messages\", \"name\": \"Messages\", \"sequence\": 3, \"url\": \"\", \"gui\": \"button\", \"title\": \"My Messages\", \"viewer\": \"Messages\", \"persona_service_id\": 2, \"persona_service_path_id\": 33, \"content_type\": \"json\", \"path\": \"User_Messages\", \"login\": true, \"type\": \"messages\", \"method\": \"FetchMessages\"}',3,1)",
    $this->qup_all_networks("recent_media_track table added to handle recent media on homepage", "CREATE TABLE {recent_media_track} (`id` INT( 11 ) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT , `cid` INT( 11 ) , `type` INT( 1 ) , `created` INT( 11 ) , PRIMARY KEY ( `id` ) )");

    $this->qup("adding Flickr Friends to persona_service_paths",
   "INSERT INTO {persona_service_paths} VALUES
(36,7,'Friends','My Friends','friends','{\"category\": \"user\", \"name\": \"Friends\", \"sequence\": 2, \"url\": \"\", \"gui\": \"button\", \"title\": \"My Friends\", \"viewer\": \"Friends\", \"persona_service_id\": 7, \"persona_service_path_id\": 36, \"content_type\": \"json\", \"path\": \"User_Friends\", \"login\": true, \"type\": \"friends\", \"method\": \"FetchFriends\"}',3,1)"
//2007-02-17, david disabling services that aren't complete
    $this->qup("disabling incomplete Flickr for pre1 release", 
  "UPDATE persona_services
  SET enabled = 0
  WHERE name = 'Flickr'");
    $this->qup("disabling MySpace features not now supported in scraper, e.g. reflecting MySpace site changes", 
  "UPDATE persona_service_paths
  SET enabled = 0
  WHERE persona_service_id = 1");
//2007-02-17, david enabling updated MySpace My Friends
    $this->qup("enable newly re-supported MySpace My Friends feature",
  "UPDATE persona_service_paths
  SET enabled = 1
  WHERE persona_service_path_id = 3");

    // 2007-02-20 Phil - create cache for things like recently fetched delicious and flickr data.
    // This sort of thing could go in the profile space, as with everything from the scraper, but
    // for the moment let's just throw it in here.
    $this->qup("create ext_cache table 2",
       "CREATE TABLE ext_cache (
          id VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id),
          created DATETIME NOT NULL, KEY (created),
          user_id INT NOT NULL, KEY (user_id, id, created),
          data TEXT NOT NULL)");

    // 2007-02-22 Phil - moved from Ekta's web/refine_group_access.php
    $this->qup_all_networks("get rid of group moderation", array(
      // remove access type and is_moderated entry from existing groups
      "UPDATE {groups} SET access_type = 0, is_moderated = 0",
      // to remove contents, waiting for moderation
      create_function("", '
        $res = Dal::query("SELECT content_id FROM {contents} WHERE is_active = 2");
        global $network_prefix;
        while($row = Dal::row_object($res)) {
    // 2007-02-22, martin re enabling Flickr
    $this->qup("re enabling Flickr Service", 
  "UPDATE persona_services
  SET enabled = 1
  WHERE name = 'Flickr'");

    // 2007-02-26 Phil - speeding things up
    // queries seen on badge_create.php
    $this->qup("2007-02-26 optimization", array(
      // replace (user_id) key with (user_id, field_type, field_name)
      "ALTER TABLE {user_profile_data} DROP KEY user_id,
         ADD KEY profile_fields (user_id, field_type(32), field_name(32))", // Phil: modified 2007-05-30 to avoid crash on UTF-8 MySQL
      // remove duplicate (user_id) key on relations
      "ALTER TABLE {relations} DROP KEY user_id",
      // message folder lookup
      "ALTER TABLE {message_folder} ADD KEY name_to_fid (uid, name)",
      // fid index on user_message_folder
      "ALTER TABLE {user_message_folder} ADD KEY fid (fid)",

    // 2007-02-27 Phil - speeding up ContentCommentsTest
    $this->qup_all_networks("2007-02-27 content and comments", array(
      // fetch all comments for a content item
      "ALTER TABLE {comments} ADD KEY comments_for_content (is_active, content_id, created)",
      // fetch all trackbacks for a content item
      "ALTER TABLE {trackback_contents} ADD KEY trackbacks_for_content (content_id)",
      // fetch tags for a content item, or content tagged with a tag
      "ALTER TABLE {tags_contents} ADD KEY tag_to_content (tag_id, content_id),
         ADD KEY content_to_tags (content_id, tag_id)",
//2007-03-09, david enabling updated Flickr My Pictures and My Profile
/* NOTE: this couldn't work, as those entries were never in the DB to begin with
*  adding them below (Martin)
$this->qup("enable Flickr My Friends and User Profile features",
 "UPDATE persona_service_paths
  SET enabled = 1
  WHERE persona_service_path_id = 35
  OR persona_service_path_id = 34");

    $this->qup("2007-03-12 Martin: adding Flickr Profile and Photos",
   "INSERT INTO {persona_service_paths} VALUES
   (34,7,'UserProfile','My Profile','user','{\"category\": \"user\", \"name\": \"MyProfile\", \"sequence\": 1, \"url\": \"\", \"gui\": \"button\", \"title\": \"My Profile\", \"viewer\": \"Profile\", \"persona_service_id\": 2, \"persona_service_path_id\": 34, \"content_type\": \"json\", \"path\": \"User_Profile\", \"login\": true, \"type\": \"profile\", \"method\": \"FetchUserProfile\"}',1,1),
   (35,7,'MyPictures','My Pictures','pictures','{\"category\": \"pictures\", \"name\": \"MyPictures\", \"sequence\": 1, \"url\": \"\", \"gui\": \"button\", \"title\": \"My Pictures\", \"viewer\": \"Pictures\", \"persona_service_id\": 2, \"persona_service_path_id\": 35, \"content_type\": \"json\", \"path\": \"MyPictures\", \"login\": true, \"type\": \"pictures\", \"method\": \"FetchUserPictures\"}',2,1)");

    $this->qup("replace profile_fields key with profile_fields_seq", "ALTER TABLE {user_profile_data}
      DROP KEY profile_fields,
      ADD KEY profile_fields_seq (user_id, field_type(32), field_name(32), seq)"); // Phil: modified 2007-05-30 to avoid crash on UTF-8 MySQL

    $this->qup("add expires column to ext_cache table", array(
      "TRUNCATE TABLE {ext_cache}",
      "ALTER TABLE {ext_cache}
        DROP KEY created,
        DROP KEY user_id,
        ADD KEY item (user_id, id, expires)",

    // so we can completely index comment content in spam_terms
    $this->qup("add blacklist+frequency columns to spam_terms table", "ALTER TABLE {spam_terms}
      ADD KEY by_word (term),
      ADD KEY by_freq (blacklist, frequency, term),
      ADD KEY bad_words (blacklist, term)");

    // {{{ 2007-03-19 Marek + Phil - Adding indexes all over the place
    $this->qup("2007-03-19 database optimization - global tables", array(
      // default_announcements no longer used
      "ALTER TABLE {default_announcements}
        ADD INDEX content_id ( `content_id` ),
        ADD INDEX is_active ( `is_active` )",
      "ALTER TABLE {external_feed} ADD INDEX is_active ( `is_active` )",
      "ALTER TABLE {feed_data} ADD INDEX feed_content ( `feed_id`, `publish_date` )",
      "ALTER TABLE {forgot_password}
        ADD PRIMARY KEY (forgot_password_id),
        ADD INDEX user_status_id ( `user_id` , `status` , `forgot_password_id` )",
      "ALTER TABLE {linkcategories} ADD INDEX user_categories ( `user_id` , `is_active` , `created`)",
      "ALTER TABLE {links} ADD INDEX cat_active_created ( `category_id`, `is_active`, `created` )",
      "ALTER TABLE {moduledata} ADD INDEX created ( `created` )",
      "ALTER TABLE {networks_users}
        DROP KEY network_user_id,
        ADD INDEX network_user_id_type ( `network_id`, `user_id`, `user_type` )",
      "ALTER TABLE {persona_properties}
        ADD INDEX parent_id ( `parent_id` ),
        ADD INDEX persona_id ( `persona_id` )",
      "ALTER TABLE {persona_service_paths} ADD INDEX persona_service_id ( `persona_service_id` )",
      "ALTER TABLE {personas}
        ADD INDEX persona_service_id ( `persona_service_id` ),
        ADD INDEX user_id ( `user_id` )",
      "ALTER TABLE {private_messages} ADD INDEX sender_when ( `sender_id`, `sent_time` )",
      "ALTER TABLE {relation_classifications}
        ADD INDEX relation_type_id ( `relation_type_id` ),
        ADD INDEX relation_type ( `relation_type` )",
      "ALTER TABLE {relations} ADD INDEX network_uid ( `network_uid` )",
      "ALTER TABLE {roles} ADD PRIMARY KEY ( `role_id` )",
      "ALTER TABLE {spam_terms} ADD INDEX term ( `term` )",
      "ALTER TABLE {svn_meta} ADD INDEX revision ( `revision` )",
      "ALTER TABLE {tags_networks}
        ADD INDEX `network_to_tag` ( `network_id`, `tag_id` ),
        ADD INDEX `tag_to_network` ( `tag_id`, `network_id` )",
      "ALTER TABLE {tags_users}
        ADD INDEX `tag_to_user` ( `tag_id`, `user_id` ),
        ADD INDEX `user_to_tag` ( `user_id`, `tag_id` )",
      "ALTER TABLE {user_feed}
        ADD INDEX `feed_to_user` ( `feed_id`, `user_id` ),
        ADD INDEX `user_to_feed` ( `user_id`, `feed_id` )",
      "ALTER TABLE {user_message_folder} ADD INDEX mid ( `mid` )",
      "ALTER TABLE {user_profile_data} ADD INDEX user_id ( `user_id` )",
      "ALTER TABLE {users} ADD INDEX email ( `email` )",
    $this->qup_all_networks("2007-03-19 database optimization", array(
      "ALTER TABLE {audios} ADD PRIMARY KEY ( `content_id` )",
      "ALTER TABLE {boardmessages}
        ADD INDEX parent_id ( `parent_id` ),
        ADD INDEX parent_type ( `parent_type` ),
        ADD INDEX user_id ( `user_id` )",
      "ALTER TABLE {categories_boardmessages}
        ADD INDEX `boardmessage_to_category` ( `boardmessage_id` , `category_id` ),
        ADD INDEX `category_to_boardmessage` ( `category_id`, `boardmessage_id` )",
      "ALTER TABLE {categories} ADD INDEX active_position ( `is_active`, `position` )",
      "ALTER TABLE {comments} ADD INDEX comments_by_user ( `is_active`, `user_id`, `created` )",
      "ALTER TABLE {content_routing_destinations} ADD INDEX user_id ( `user_id` )",
      "ALTER TABLE {content_types} ADD INDEX name ( `name` )",
      "ALTER TABLE {contentcollections_albumtype}
        ADD INDEX `album_type_to_contentcollection` ( `album_type_id`, `contentcollection_id` ),
        ADD INDEX `contentcollections_to_album_type` ( `contentcollection_id`, `album_type_id` )",
      "ALTER TABLE {contentcollections} ADD INDEX is_active ( `is_active` )",
      "ALTER TABLE {contents_sbmicrocontents}
        ADD INDEX `content_to_microcontent` ( `content_id`, `microcontent_id` ),
        ADD INDEX `microcontent_to_content` ( `microcontent_id`, `content_id` )",
      "ALTER TABLE {groups} ADD INDEX category_id ( `category_id` )",
      "ALTER TABLE {images} ADD PRIMARY KEY ( `content_id` )",
      "ALTER TABLE {invitations}
        ADD INDEX inv_collection_id ( `inv_collection_id` ),
        ADD INDEX inv_status ( `inv_status` ),
        ADD INDEX user_id ( `user_id` )",
      "ALTER TABLE {moderation_queue} ADD INDEX collection_id ( `collection_id` )",
      // modules_settings not used any more?
      "ALTER TABLE {modules_settings}
        ADD INDEX is_active ( `is_active` ),
        ADD INDEX module_id ( `module_id` )",
      "ALTER TABLE {network_linkcategories}
        ADD INDEX user_cat ( `user_id`, `category_name`, `category_id` ),
        ADD INDEX user_active ( `user_id` , `is_active` )",
      "ALTER TABLE {network_links}
        ADD INDEX cat_title ( `category_id`, `title` ),
        ADD INDEX is_active ( `is_active` )",
      "ALTER TABLE {recent_media_track} ADD INDEX cid ( `cid` )",
      "ALTER TABLE {tags_contentcollections}
        ADD INDEX `contentcollection_to_tag` ( `collection_id`, `tag_id` ),
        ADD INDEX `tag_to_contentcollection` ( `tag_id`, `collection_id` )",
      "ALTER TABLE {users_roles}
        ADD INDEX `role_to_user` ( `role_id`, `user_id` ),
        ADD INDEX `user_to_role` ( `user_id`, `role_id` )",
      "ALTER TABLE {videos} ADD PRIMARY KEY ( `content_id` )",
    // }}}

    $this->qup("2007-03-31 Martin adding event table for class Event", 
  "CREATE TABLE `events` (
    cid TEXT NOT NULL, 
    uid INT NOT NULL, KEY (uid),
    title TEXT NOT NULL,
    start_time DATETIME NOT NULL, KEY (start_time),
    end_time DATETIME NOT NULL, KEY (end_time),
    event_data TEXT NULL,
    KEY delta (start_time, end_time)
    $this->qup("2007-04-02 Martin renaming fields to be inline with PA naming conventions", 
  "ALTER TABLE `events` 
    CHANGE eid event_id INT( 11 ) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
    CHANGE cid content_id TEXT NOT NULL,
    CHANGE uid user_id INT( 11 ) NOT NULL,
    CHANGE title event_title TEXT NOT NULL");

    $this->qup("2007-04-03 Martin adding event_assosciations table for class EventAssociations", 
  "CREATE TABLE `events_associations` (
    event_id INT NOT NULL, KEY (event_id),
    user_id INT NOT NULL, KEY (user_id),
    assoc_target_type VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL, KEY (assoc_target_type),
    assoc_target_id INT NOT NULL, KEY (assoc_target_id),
    assoc_target_name TEXT NOT NULL,
    event_title TEXT NOT NULL,
    start_time DATETIME NOT NULL, KEY (start_time),
    end_time DATETIME NOT NULL, KEY (end_time),
    event_data TEXT NULL,
    KEY target (assoc_target_type, assoc_target_id)

    $this->qup("2007-04-07 Martin correcting name for assoc_data", 
  "ALTER TABLE `events_associations` 
    CHANGE event_data assoc_data TEXT NULL");

    $this->qup("2007-04-23 Arvind added a table for admin_roles", 
      "CREATE TABLE `admin_roles` (
      `id` INT( 11 ) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT ,
      `name` VARCHAR( 100 ) ,
      `description` TINYTEXT,
      `created` INT( 11 ) ,
      `changed` INT( 11 ) ,
      PRIMARY KEY ( `id` )
      ) TYPE = MYISAM ");  

    $this->qup("2007-04-17 Phil fixing ext_cache",
        CHANGE COLUMN id cache_key VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL");

    $this->qup("2007-04-23 Arvind added a table for tasks_roles", 
      "CREATE TABLE `tasks_roles` (
      `task_id` INT( 11 ) NOT NULL  ,
      `role_id` INT( 11 ) NOT NULL
      ) TYPE = MYISAM ");  

    $this->qup("2007-04-23 Arvind added a table for tasks", 
      "CREATE TABLE `tasks` (
      `id` INT( 11 ) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT ,
      `name` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL,
      `description` TINYTEXT,
       PRIMARY KEY (`id`)
      ) TYPE = MYISAM ");  

    //adding a column task_value. We will put the checks according to this value
    //as it is more readable
    $this->qup("2007-05-02 Arvind altered table for tasks to have task_value",
	       " ALTER TABLE `tasks` ADD `task_value` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL ;");

    $this->qup("2007-04-26 Arvind added a task - Manage settings in tasks", 
      " INSERT INTO `tasks` (id, name, description) VALUES (1, 'Manage Settings', 'Manage settings of your network.'); ");  

    $this->qup("2007-04-26 Arvind added a task - meta network in tasks", 
      "INSERT INTO `tasks` (id, name, description) VALUES (2, 'Meta network', 'Manage meta network controls here.'); ");  

    $this->qup("2007-04-26 Arvind added a task - manage ads in tasks", 
      "INSERT INTO `tasks` (id, name, description) VALUES (3, 'Manage Ads', 'Manage Ads which will appear on the pages of networks.'); ");  

    $this->qup("2007-04-26 Arvind added a task - notifications in tasks", 
      "INSERT INTO `tasks` (id, name, description) VALUES (4, 'Notifications', 'Email and personal message box notifications.'); ");  

    $this->qup("2007-04-26 Arvind added a task - links of network in tasks", 
      "INSERT INTO `tasks` (id, name, description) VALUES (5, 'Manage Links', 'Manage the links of the network the user will get at the time of registration.');");  

    $this->qup("2007-04-26 Arvind  added a task - manage content in tasks", 
      "INSERT INTO `tasks` (id, name, description) VALUES (6, 'Manage content', 'Manage you content, comments, forums.');");  

    $this->qup("2007-04-26 Arvind added a task - default settings in task", 
      "INSERT INTO `tasks` (id, name, description) VALUES (7, 'User defaults', 'Manage the default settings that user wil get.'); ");  

    $this->qup("2007-04-26 Arvind added a task - manage themes", 
      "INSERT INTO `tasks` (id, name, description) VALUES (8, 'Themes', 'Manage themes and customize them.');");

    //updating the table entries to contain the task values
    $tasks = array(1=>'manage_settings', 2=>'meta_networks', 3=>'manage_ads',4=>'notifications', 5=>'manage_links', 6=>'manage_content', 7=>'user_defaults', 8=>'manage_themes');
    foreach($tasks as $key=>$val){
      $this->qup("2007-05-02 Arvind updated the row of task table having id = $key", 
		 "UPDATE tasks SET task_value = '$val' WHERE id = $key");
   // db entry for configurable email : Ekta 30/07/2007
    $this->qup_all_networks("create email_messages table email_messages",
           "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS {email_messages} (
            id INT( 11 ) NOT NULL ,
            type VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL ,
            description VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL ,
            subject VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL ,
            message TEXT NOT NULL ,
            configurable_variables TEXT NOT NULL ,
            PRIMARY KEY ( id , type )
    global $email_messages, $path_prefix;
   $this->qup_all_networks("2007-08-07 truncate the rows of email_messages having", "TRUNCATE TABLE {email_messages}");
    foreach ($email_messages as $type_id=>$data) {
      $type = $data['type'];// need to insert description
      $description = mysql_escape_string($data['description']);
      $subject = mysql_escape_string($data['subject']);
      $message_file = $data['message'];
      $EmailMessageFile = "$path_prefix/web/includes/email_msg_text/$message_file";
      $fh = fopen($EmailMessageFile, 'r');
      if (filesize($EmailMessageFile)) {
        $theData = fread($fh, filesize($EmailMessageFile));
        $theData = mysql_escape_string($theData);
      $configurable_data = mysql_escape_string(serialize($data['configurable_variables']));
      $this->qup_all_networks("2007-07-30 Ekta Inserted the rows of email_messages having type = $type", "INSERT INTO {email_messages} (id, type, description, subject, message, configurable_variables) VALUES ($type_id, '$type', '$description', '$subject', '$theData', '$configurable_data')");
  $this->qup("2007-04-23 Arvind added a table for users_adminroles", 
      "CREATE TABLE `users_adminroles` (
      `user_id` INT( 11 ) NOT NULL  ,
      `role_id` INT( 11 ) NOT NULL
      ) TYPE = MYISAM "); 

//Fixed a bug in ad center for all the networks
$this->qup_all_networks("2007-06-21 Arvind altered table for advertisements on all networks", 
      "ALTER TABLE {advertisements} CHANGE `orientation` `orientation` VARCHAR( 255 ) NULL DEFAULT NULL ");

  if (!$this->table_exists('site_ranking_parameters')) {
      $this->qup("site_ranking_parameters table",
        "CREATE TABLE `site_ranking_parameters` (
        `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
        `name` varchar(50) NOT NULL,
        `description` text NOT NULL,
        `point` int(11) NOT NULL,
        PRIMARY KEY  (`id`)
        ) ");      
   if ($this->table_exists('site_ranking_parameters')) {     
     $this->qup("insert default data for site_ranking_parameters1", "INSERT INTO `site_ranking_parameters` (`id`, `name`, `description`, `point`) VALUES 
     (1, 'Uploading a Picture', 'Points will be give to user who has uploaded his picture. ', 1)");
     $this->qup("insert default data for site_ranking_parameters2", "INSERT INTO `site_ranking_parameters` (`id`, `name`, `description`, `point`) VALUES 
     (2, 'Profile Views', 'Whenever user provile is viewed by anyone he get points.', 1)");
     $this->qup("insert default data for site_ranking_parameters3", "INSERT INTO `site_ranking_parameters` (`id`, `name`, `description`, `point`) VALUES 
     (3, 'Number of friends in buddy list', 'More number of friends a user have, more points he get.', 1)");
     $this->qup("insert default data for site_ranking_parameters4", "INSERT INTO `site_ranking_parameters` (`id`, `name`, `description`, `point`) VALUES 
     (4, 'Albums Uploaded', 'More images a user upload, more points he get.', 1)");
     $this->qup("insert default data for site_ranking_parameters5", "INSERT INTO `site_ranking_parameters` (`id`, `name`, `description`, `point`) VALUES 
     (5, 'Number of group created by user', 'More group a user create, more points he get.', 1)");
     $this->qup("insert default data for site_ranking_parameters6", "INSERT INTO `site_ranking_parameters` (`id`, `name`, `description`, `point`) VALUES 
     (6, 'Number of hour spent by user on the site', 'More time a user spent on the site, more points he get.', 1)");
   if (!$this->table_exists('config_variables')) {
      $this->qup("config_variables table",
        "CREATE TABLE `config_variables` (
        `variable` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
        `value` tinytext NOT NULL,
        PRIMARY KEY  (`variable`)
        ) ");
    // adding manage_events
    $this->qup("2007-05-27 Martin added a task - manage events", 
      "INSERT INTO `tasks` (task_value, name, description) VALUES ('manage_events', 'Events', 'Create events and manage them.');");

    // 2007-05-30 Phil: preparing for utf-8
    $this->qup("2007-05-30 Phil utf-8 preparation", array(
      // Key 'user_id' reappeared accidentally in the 2007-03-19
      // change, and key 'profile_fields_seq' needs shortening to work
      // with UTF-8.
      "ALTER TABLE user_profile_data DROP KEY user_id,
       DROP KEY profile_fields_seq,
       ADD KEY profile_fields_seq (user_id, field_type(32), field_name(32), seq)",

    // 2007-06-12 Phil: last minute bugfix for 1.2pre5: clear out old custom settings so all users get new modules and the external feed selector
    $this->qup_all_networks("2007-06-12 blow away page_settings", "DELETE FROM {page_settings}");

    // 2007-06-15 Phil: proper persistent logins
    $this->qup("2007-06-15 login_cookies table 2", "CREATE TABLE login_cookies (
      user_id INT NOT NULL,
      series VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL,
      token VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL,
      PRIMARY KEY(user_id, series),
      expires DATETIME NOT NULL,
      KEY expires (expires),
      user_agent VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
      ip_addr VARCHAR(16) NOT NULL
    // 2007-07-04 Gurpreet: is_configurable field to page_default_settings
    $this->qup_all_networks("adding is_configurable field to page_default_settings", "ALTER TABLE {page_default_settings} 
    ADD `is_configurable` BINARY( 1 ) DEFAULT '0' ");

// 2007-07-10 Arvind: long network names
    $this->qup("2007-07-10 Altering network table for long title and subtitle", "ALTER TABLE `networks` CHANGE `name` `name` VARCHAR( 255 )  DEFAULT NULL");
   // 2007-07-04 Ekta - creating table footer_links
  // This table will be used for managing footer links at PA
  $this->qup_all_networks("creating table footer_links", 
                "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS {footer_links} (
                `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
                `caption` varchar(255) default NULL,
                `url` varchar(255) default NULL,
                `is_active` tinyint(1) default NULL,
                `extra` text,
                PRIMARY KEY  (`id`)
                ) ");
 // This table will be used for managing static pages at PA
  $this->qup_all_networks("create static_pages table",
           "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS {static_pages}
             (`id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
              `caption` varchar(255),
              `url` varchar(255),
              `page_text` text,
              PRIMARY KEY (`id`)

    $this->qup("create files table", "CREATE TABLE files (
        PRIMARY KEY(file_id),
      filename VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
      file_class VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL,
      mime_type VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
      incomplete BOOL NOT NULL DEFAULT 1,
      created DATETIME NOT NULL,
      link_count INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
      storage_backend VARCHAR(32),
      local_id VARCHAR(255)
    $this->qup("modify files and add file_links table", array(
     "ALTER TABLE files
        ADD COLUMN last_linked DATETIME,
        ADD COLUMN last_unlinked DATETIME",
     "CREATE TABLE file_links (
        PRIMARY KEY(link_id),
      file_id INT NOT NULL,
      role VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL,
      user_id INT,
      network_id INT,
      group_id INT,
      ad_id INT,
      content_id INT,
      parent_file_id INT,
      dim VARCHAR(32),
        KEY thumbnail_lookup (role, parent_file_id, dim),
        KEY user_files (user_id, role)
    $this->qup("add index for cleanupFiles reaping query",
     "ALTER TABLE files
        DROP KEY link_count,
        ADD KEY cleanup_search (link_count, last_unlinked, created)");
    $this->qup("changing index on file_links to include file_id",
     "ALTER TABLE file_links
        DROP KEY file_id,
        ADD PRIMARY KEY (file_id, link_id)");

    // 2007-08-03 Saurabh - creating table for Rating
    $this->qup_all_networks("creating rating table for rating various entities in the system",
      "CREATE TABLE {rating} (
      `index_id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
      `rating_type` enum('user','content','collection','tag','comment','network') NOT NULL default 'content',
      `type_id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
      `attribute_id` smallint(3) NOT NULL default '-1',
      `rating` mediumint(5) NOT NULL default '0',
      `max_rating` mediumint(5) NOT NULL default '0',
      `user_id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
      PRIMARY KEY  (`index_id`) )");
   // This line is added for new content
    $this->qup("adding new content type question on 3-aug", "INSERT INTO {content_types} VALUES (8, 'Question', 'Question')");

  // 2007-08-03 Himanshu - Creating table for Activity Log and User Popularity
   $this->qup("creating activity_log table for storing list of all the activities performed by all the users on the system", 
              "CREATE TABLE {activity_log} (
              `type` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL,
              `subject` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL,
              `object` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL,
              `extra` TEXT NULL,
              `time` INT( 11 ) NOT NULL,
              `status` VARCHAR( 10 ) NOT NULL)");
    $this->qup("Inserting index as pair of subject and time ",
               "ALTER TABLE `activity_log` ADD INDEX `chrono_user_activity` ( `subject` , `time` )"); 
    $this->qup("creating table user_popularity for having popularity of each user according to the point alloted to each activity performed by user",
                "CREATE TABLE {user_popularity} (
                `user_id` INT NOT NULL ,
                `popularity` INT NOT NULL ,
                `time` INT( 11 ) NOT NULL,
                PRIMARY KEY ( `user_id` )
                ) ");

    $this->qup/*_all_networks*/("adding reviews table",
      "CREATE TABLE {reviews} (
        review_id INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, -- id of this review
          PRIMARY KEY (review_id),
        is_active BOOL NOT NULL DEFAULT 1, -- set to 0 to delete this review
        subject_type VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL, -- class being reviewed ('content', 'ext_movie', 'ext_tvshow', etc).
        subject_id INT NOT NULL, -- actual id of thing being reviews (item id, content id, external movie id, etc)
        author_id INT NOT NULL, -- user_id of the reviewer
          KEY by_subject (is_active, subject_type, subject_id),
        title VARCHAR(255), -- title of review
        body TEXT NOT NULL, -- review content
        created DATETIME NOT NULL, -- when written
        updated DATETIME NOT NULL, -- when edited
          KEY by_freshness (is_active, subject_type, created)

    $this->qup("2007-10-23 Martin adding 'in_reply_to' field to keep track of threads",
      "ALTER TABLE `private_messages` ADD `in_reply_to` INT(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'");
    $this->qup("Inserting index for threading",
               "ALTER TABLE `private_messages` ADD INDEX `threading` ( `message_id`, `in_reply_to` )"); 

    $this->qup("2007-10-24 Martin adding 'conversation_id' field to keep track of conversations",
      "ALTER TABLE `private_messages` ADD `conversation_id` INT(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'");
    $this->qup("Inserting index for conversations",
               "ALTER TABLE `private_messages` ADD INDEX `conversations` ( `conversation_id` )"); 

    $this->qup/*_all_networks*/("adding comments2 table",
      "CREATE TABLE {comments2} (
        comment_id INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, -- id of this comment
          PRIMARY KEY (comment_id),
        is_active BOOL NOT NULL DEFAULT 1, -- set to 0 to delete this comment
        subject_type VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL, -- class being commented ('content', 'ext_movie', 'ext_tvshow', etc).
        subject_id VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL, -- actual id of thing being commented (item id, content id, external movie id, etc. This ia a varchar as we can't assume everyone will use integer keys for their items)
        author_id INT NOT NULL, -- user_id of the commenter
          KEY by_subject (is_active, subject_type, subject_id),
        title VARCHAR(255), -- title of comment
        body TEXT NOT NULL, -- comment content
        created DATETIME NOT NULL, -- when written
        updated DATETIME NOT NULL, -- when edited
          KEY by_freshness (is_active, subject_type, created)
    $this->qup/*_all_networks*/("adding movie, actor and tv_show as valid Rating targets",
      "ALTER TABLE {rating} CHANGE rating_type rating_type ENUM( 'user', 'content', 'collection', 'tag', 'comment', 'network', 'movie', 'actor', 'tv_show')"

    // "items" - shadow records for external rateable/reviewable/commentable things like movies, tv shows.
    $this->qup("adding items table",
      "CREATE TABLE {items} (
           PRIMARY KEY (item_id),
         subject_type VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL,
         subject_id VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL,
           UNIQUE (subject_type, subject_id),
         title VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, -- name of item (movie title etc)
         thumbnail VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, -- url of thumbnail
         thumbnail_width INT NOT NULL,
         thumbnail_height INT NOT NULL,
         genres VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL

    // PP 2007-09-19 - without this index we end up doing a full table scan on users and user_profile_data to locate a shadow user - ouch!
    $this->qup("indexing user_profile_data for shadow users",
       "ALTER TABLE {user_profile_data} ADD KEY field_without_user (field_type(32), field_name(32), field_value(64))");
    $this->qup_all_networks("indexing rating for summary/fetch",
       array("ALTER TABLE {rating} ADD KEY summary_idx (rating_type, type_id, attribute_id)",
	     "ALTER TABLE {rating} ADD KEY user_rating (user_id, rating_type, type_id, attribute_id)"));

    // martin 2007-09-19 One-liners for Ratings (mini reviews)
    $this->qup/*_all_networks*/("adding oneliners table",
      "CREATE TABLE {oneliners} (
        oneliner_id INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, -- id of this oneliner^
          PRIMARY KEY (oneliner_id),
        is_active BOOL NOT NULL DEFAULT 1, -- set to 0 to delete
        genre VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL, -- what Genre does this apply to
        rating INT NOT NULL, -- the rating level
        author_id INT NOT NULL, -- user_id of the person submittingnthe oneliner
          KEY by_genre (is_active, genre, rating),
        body VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, -- the actual oneliner
        created DATETIME NOT NULL, -- when written
          KEY by_freshness (is_active, genre, created)
    // martin 2007-09-19 One-liners for Ratings (mini reviews)
    $mycnt = 0;
    $this->qup/*_all_networks*/("populating oneliners table INSERT " . $mycnt++,
      "INSERT INTO {oneliners} (author_id, is_active, genre, rating, body)
VALUES (0, 1, \"action\", 1, \"There's more action in a lawn bowling.\")");
    $this->qup/*_all_networks*/("populating oneliners table INSERT " . $mycnt++,
      "INSERT INTO {oneliners} (author_id, is_active, genre, rating, body)
VALUES (0, 1, \"action\", 2, \"A garden gnome is more high-octance.\")");
    $this->qup/*_all_networks*/("populating oneliners table INSERT " . $mycnt++,
      "INSERT INTO {oneliners} (author_id, is_active, genre, rating, body)
VALUES (0, 1, \"action\", 3, \"Raising pulses in retirement communities across Canada!\")");
    $this->qup/*_all_networks*/("populating oneliners table INSERT " . $mycnt++,
      "INSERT INTO {oneliners} (author_id, is_active, genre, rating, body)
VALUES (0, 1, \"action\", 4, \"Solid.\")");
    $this->qup/*_all_networks*/("populating oneliners table INSERT " . $mycnt++,
      "INSERT INTO {oneliners} (author_id, is_active, genre, rating, body)
VALUES (0, 1, \"action\", 5, \"Made Chuck Norris Cry.\")");

    $this->qup/*_all_networks*/("populating oneliners table INSERT " . $mycnt++,
      "INSERT INTO {oneliners} (author_id, is_active, genre, rating, body)
VALUES (0, 1, \"romance\", 1, \"I cried, but not because the story was sad.\")");
    $this->qup/*_all_networks*/("populating oneliners table INSERT " . $mycnt++,
      "INSERT INTO {oneliners} (author_id, is_active, genre, rating, body)
VALUES (0, 1, \"romance\", 2, \"You had me at 'The End'.\")");
    $this->qup/*_all_networks*/("populating oneliners table INSERT " . $mycnt++,
      "INSERT INTO {oneliners} (author_id, is_active, genre, rating, body)
VALUES (0, 1, \"romance\", 3, \"Brangelina would adopt this.  But they adopt anything.\")");
    $this->qup/*_all_networks*/("populating oneliners table INSERT " . $mycnt++,
      "INSERT INTO {oneliners} (author_id, is_active, genre, rating, body)
VALUES (0, 1, \"romance\", 4, \"Great, but one hug away from phenomenal.\")");
    $this->qup/*_all_networks*/("populating oneliners table INSERT " . $mycnt++,
      "INSERT INTO {oneliners} (author_id, is_active, genre, rating, body)
VALUES (0, 1, \"romance\", 5, \"Scientology has nothing on this movie.\")");

    $this->qup/*_all_networks*/("populating oneliners table INSERT " . $mycnt++,
      "INSERT INTO {oneliners} (author_id, is_active, genre, rating, body)
VALUES (0, 1, \"comedy\", 1, \"Watching grass grow is a better time.\")");
    $this->qup/*_all_networks*/("populating oneliners table INSERT " . $mycnt++,
      "INSERT INTO {oneliners} (author_id, is_active, genre, rating, body)
VALUES (0, 1, \"comedy\", 2, \"Maybe I had to be there.\")");
    $this->qup/*_all_networks*/("populating oneliners table INSERT " . $mycnt++,
      "INSERT INTO {oneliners} (author_id, is_active, genre, rating, body)
VALUES (0, 1, \"comedy\", 3, \"A bit of 'funny ha-ha' with a touch of 'funny-strange.'\")");
    $this->qup/*_all_networks*/("populating oneliners table INSERT " . $mycnt++,
      "INSERT INTO {oneliners} (author_id, is_active, genre, rating, body)
VALUES (0, 1, \"comedy\", 4, \"A guilty pleasure.\")");
    $this->qup/*_all_networks*/("populating oneliners table INSERT " . $mycnt++,
      "INSERT INTO {oneliners} (author_id, is_active, genre, rating, body)
VALUES (0, 1, \"comedy\", 5, \"You'll laugh your a** off!\")");

    $this->qup/*_all_networks*/("populating oneliners table INSERT " . $mycnt++,
      "INSERT INTO {oneliners} (author_id, is_active, genre, rating, body)
VALUES (0, 1, \"documentary\", 1, \"Larry King wants to find out where it all went wrong.\")");
    $this->qup/*_all_networks*/("populating oneliners table INSERT " . $mycnt++,
      "INSERT INTO {oneliners} (author_id, is_active, genre, rating, body)
VALUES (0, 1, \"documentary\", 2, \"Huh, what? Sorry - I was dozing.\")");
    $this->qup/*_all_networks*/("populating oneliners table INSERT " . $mycnt++,
      "INSERT INTO {oneliners} (author_id, is_active, genre, rating, body)
VALUES (0, 1, \"documentary\", 3, \"Only got up to scope the fridge twice.\")");
    $this->qup/*_all_networks*/("populating oneliners table INSERT " . $mycnt++,
      "INSERT INTO {oneliners} (author_id, is_active, genre, rating, body)
VALUES (0, 1, \"documentary\", 4, \"It's no 'mating habits of the eastern ant', but well done.\")");
    $this->qup/*_all_networks*/("populating oneliners table INSERT " . $mycnt++,
      "INSERT INTO {oneliners} (author_id, is_active, genre, rating, body)
VALUES (0, 1, \"documentary\", 5, \"This movie should run for office.\")");

    $this->qup/*_all_networks*/("populating oneliners table INSERT " . $mycnt++,
      "INSERT INTO {oneliners} (author_id, is_active, genre, rating, body)
VALUES (0, 1, \"horror\", 1, \"The only thing that made me jump was the end of this film.\")");
    $this->qup/*_all_networks*/("populating oneliners table INSERT " . $mycnt++,
      "INSERT INTO {oneliners} (author_id, is_active, genre, rating, body)
VALUES (0, 1, \"horror\", 2, \"I wouldn't break a mild jog if this movie was chasing me.\")");
    $this->qup/*_all_networks*/("populating oneliners table INSERT " . $mycnt++,
      "INSERT INTO {oneliners} (author_id, is_active, genre, rating, body)
VALUES (0, 1, \"horror\", 3, \"Bring a lantern if your going camping (but just one).\")");
    $this->qup/*_all_networks*/("populating oneliners table INSERT " . $mycnt++,
      "INSERT INTO {oneliners} (author_id, is_active, genre, rating, body)
VALUES (0, 1, \"horror\", 4, \"I would see it again, with a friend holding my hand.\")");
    $this->qup/*_all_networks*/("populating oneliners table INSERT " . $mycnt++,
      "INSERT INTO {oneliners} (author_id, is_active, genre, rating, body)
VALUES (0, 1, \"horror\", 5, \"Scarier than finding a corpse in your closet.\")");

    $this->qup/*_all_networks*/("populating oneliners table INSERT " . $mycnt++,
      "INSERT INTO {oneliners} (author_id, is_active, genre, rating, body)
VALUES (0, 1, \"sf/fantasy\", 1, \"Cryogenically freeze this and smash it on a floor.\")");
    $this->qup/*_all_networks*/("populating oneliners table INSERT " . $mycnt++,
      "INSERT INTO {oneliners} (author_id, is_active, genre, rating, body)
VALUES (0, 1, \"sf/fantasy\", 2, \"If this were launched into orbit, it would get sent back.\")");
    $this->qup/*_all_networks*/("populating oneliners table INSERT " . $mycnt++,
      "INSERT INTO {oneliners} (author_id, is_active, genre, rating, body)
VALUES (0, 1, \"sf/fantasy\", 3, \"A hobbit or two wouldn't hurt, wait maybe it would.\")");
    $this->qup/*_all_networks*/("populating oneliners table INSERT " . $mycnt++,
      "INSERT INTO {oneliners} (author_id, is_active, genre, rating, body)
VALUES (0, 1, \"sf/fantasy\", 4, \"The Best Film of 2123.\")");
    $this->qup/*_all_networks*/("populating oneliners table INSERT " . $mycnt++,
      "INSERT INTO {oneliners} (author_id, is_active, genre, rating, body)
VALUES (0, 1, \"sf/fantasy\", 5, \"Peter Jackson needs to make three of these.\")");

    $this->qup/*_all_networks*/("populating oneliners table INSERT " . $mycnt++,
      "INSERT INTO {oneliners} (author_id, is_active, genre, rating, body)
VALUES (0, 1, \"family\", 1, \"Like a substitute teacher:  different but boring.\")");
    $this->qup/*_all_networks*/("populating oneliners table INSERT " . $mycnt++,
      "INSERT INTO {oneliners} (author_id, is_active, genre, rating, body)
VALUES (0, 1, \"family\", 2, \"How do I spell 'skip it'\")");
    $this->qup/*_all_networks*/("populating oneliners table INSERT " . $mycnt++,
      "INSERT INTO {oneliners} (author_id, is_active, genre, rating, body)
VALUES (0, 1, \"family\", 3, \"Watch it once shame on me, watch it twice...well I won't.\")");
    $this->qup/*_all_networks*/("populating oneliners table INSERT " . $mycnt++,
      "INSERT INTO {oneliners} (author_id, is_active, genre, rating, body)
VALUES (0, 1, \"family\", 4, \"Better than any movie you'd see in Health Class.\")");
    $this->qup/*_all_networks*/("populating oneliners table INSERT " . $mycnt++,
      "INSERT INTO {oneliners} (author_id, is_active, genre, rating, body)
VALUES (0, 1, \"family\", 5, \"Even my parents like this one!\")");

    $this->qup("add items.url", "ALTER TABLE {items} ADD COLUMN url VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL");

    $this->qup("add comment/review counts", array(
      "ALTER TABLE {items}
        ADD COLUMN is_active INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 1, -- not used yet, but might be in future
        ADD COLUMN comment_count INT NOT NULL,
        ADD COLUMN review_count INT NOT NULL,
        ADD COLUMN rating_count INT NOT NULL,
        -- indices for 'most commented' etc.
        ADD KEY by_comment_count (is_active, comment_count),
        ADD KEY by_review_count (is_active, review_count),
        ADD KEY by_rating_count (is_active, rating_count)",
      "ALTER TABLE {users}
        ADD COLUMN comment_count INT NOT NULL,
        ADD COLUMN review_count INT NOT NULL,
        ADD COLUMN rating_count INT NOT NULL,
        -- indices for 'top review' etc.
        ADD KEY by_comment_count (is_active, comment_count),
        ADD KEY by_review_count (is_active, review_count),
        ADD KEY by_rating_count (is_active, rating_count)",
    $this->qup("more comments2 indices", array(
      "ALTER TABLE {comments2}
        ADD KEY by_author (is_active, author_id, created)",
      "ALTER TABLE {reviews}
        ADD KEY by_author (is_active, author_id, created)",
    $this->qup("ratings on items", array(
      "ALTER TABLE {items}
        ADD COLUMN average_rating FLOAT NOT NULL,
        ADD KEY by_rating (is_active, average_rating)",

    // 2007-11-21 martin adding language column to oneliners
    $this->qup("martin adding language column to oneliners", array(
      "ALTER TABLE {oneliners}
        ADD COLUMN language VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'english',
        ADD KEY by_genre_lang (genre, language)"
    $this->qup("adding french oneliners INSERT " . $mycnt++,
      "INSERT INTO {oneliners} (author_id, is_active, language, genre, rating, body)
VALUES (0, 1, \"french\", \"action\", 1, \"À côté, une partie de curling est un feu roulant d'action\")");
    $this->qup("adding french oneliners INSERT " . $mycnt++,
      "INSERT INTO {oneliners} (author_id, is_active, language, genre, rating, body)
VALUES (0, 1, \"french\", \"action\", 2, \"Bouge moins qu'un nain de jardin\")");
    $this->qup("adding french oneliners INSERT " . $mycnt++,
      "INSERT INTO {oneliners} (author_id, is_active, language, genre, rating, body)
VALUES (0, 1, \"french\", \"action\", 3, \"La tension grimpe dans les villages de retraités\")");
    $this->qup("adding french oneliners INSERT " . $mycnt++,
      "INSERT INTO {oneliners} (author_id, is_active, language, genre, rating, body)
VALUES (0, 1, \"french\", \"action\", 4, \"Du solide\")");
    $this->qup("adding french oneliners INSERT " . $mycnt++,
      "INSERT INTO {oneliners} (author_id, is_active, language, genre, rating, body)
VALUES (0, 1, \"french\", \"action\", 5, \"De quoi essouffler Chuck Norris\")");

    $this->qup("adding french oneliners INSERT " . $mycnt++,
      "INSERT INTO {oneliners} (author_id, is_active, language, genre, rating, body)
VALUES (0, 1, \"french\", \"romance\", 1, \"J'ai pleuré, mais pas à cause de l'histoire\")");
    $this->qup("adding french oneliners INSERT " . $mycnt++,
      "INSERT INTO {oneliners} (author_id, is_active, language, genre, rating, body)
VALUES (0, 1, \"french\", \"romance\", 2, \"Vous avez réussi à m'avoir à la fin\")");
    $this->qup("adding french oneliners INSERT " . $mycnt++,
      "INSERT INTO {oneliners} (author_id, is_active, language, genre, rating, body)
VALUES (0, 1, \"french\", \"romance\", 3, \"Brangelina l'adopterait. Mais ce n'est pas une référence...\")");
    $this->qup("adding french oneliners INSERT " . $mycnt++,
      "INSERT INTO {oneliners} (author_id, is_active, language, genre, rating, body)
VALUES (0, 1, \"french\", \"romance\", 4, \"Tout sucre tout miel, mais manque un peu de guimauve\")");
    $this->qup("adding french oneliners INSERT " . $mycnt++,
      "INSERT INTO {oneliners} (author_id, is_active, language, genre, rating, body)
VALUES (0, 1, \"french\", \"romance\", 5, \"Même l'Église de Scientologie n'aurait rien à reprocher à ce film\")");

    $this->qup("adding french oneliners INSERT " . $mycnt++,
      "INSERT INTO {oneliners} (author_id, is_active, language, genre, rating, body)
VALUES (0, 1, \"french\", \"comedy\", 1, \"Moins divertissant que de regarder l'herbe pousser\")");
    $this->qup("adding french oneliners INSERT " . $mycnt++,
      "INSERT INTO {oneliners} (author_id, is_active, language, genre, rating, body)
VALUES (0, 1, \"french\", \"comedy\", 2, \"Peut-être fallait-il être là pour trouver ça drôle...\")");
    $this->qup("adding french oneliners INSERT " . $mycnt++,
      "INSERT INTO {oneliners} (author_id, is_active, language, genre, rating, body)
VALUES (0, 1, \"french\", \"comedy\", 3, \"Un peu d'humour noir... qui fait rire jaune\")");
    $this->qup("adding french oneliners INSERT " . $mycnt++,
      "INSERT INTO {oneliners} (author_id, is_active, language, genre, rating, body)
VALUES (0, 1, \"french\", \"comedy\", 4, \"Un plaisir coupable\")");
    $this->qup("adding french oneliners INSERT " . $mycnt++,
      "INSERT INTO {oneliners} (author_id, is_active, language, genre, rating, body)
VALUES (0, 1, \"french\", \"comedy\", 5, \"À piss** de rire\")");

    $this->qup("adding french oneliners INSERT " . $mycnt++,
      "INSERT INTO {oneliners} (author_id, is_active, language, genre, rating, body)
VALUES (0, 1, \"french\", \"documentary\", 1, \"Paul Arcand veut connaître le fond de l'affaire\")");
    $this->qup("adding french oneliners INSERT " . $mycnt++,
      "INSERT INTO {oneliners} (author_id, is_active, language, genre, rating, body)
VALUES (0, 1, \"french\", \"documentary\", 2, \"Hein, quoi ? Non, non, je ne dormais pas\")");
    $this->qup("adding french oneliners INSERT " . $mycnt++,
      "INSERT INTO {oneliners} (author_id, is_active, language, genre, rating, body)
VALUES (0, 1, \"french\", \"documentary\", 3, \"Je n'ai investigué le frigo que deux fois pendant le film\")");
    $this->qup("adding french oneliners INSERT " . $mycnt++,
      "INSERT INTO {oneliners} (author_id, is_active, language, genre, rating, body)
VALUES (0, 1, \"french\", \"documentary\", 4, \"Intéressant, même s'il n'est pas question de l'accouplement de la mante religieuse\")");
    $this->qup("adding french oneliners INSERT " . $mycnt++,
      "INSERT INTO {oneliners} (author_id, is_active, language, genre, rating, body)
VALUES (0, 1, \"french\", \"documentary\", 5, \"Le réalisateur devrait se porter candidat aux élections\")");

    $this->qup("adding french oneliners INSERT " . $mycnt++,
      "INSERT INTO {oneliners} (author_id, is_active, language, genre, rating, body)
VALUES (0, 1, \"french\", \"horror\", 1, \"La seule chose qui m'a fait sursauter, c'est le générique de la fin\")");
    $this->qup("adding french oneliners INSERT " . $mycnt++,
      "INSERT INTO {oneliners} (author_id, is_active, language, genre, rating, body)
VALUES (0, 1, \"french\", \"horror\", 2, \"À hurler... de rire !\")");
    $this->qup("adding french oneliners INSERT " . $mycnt++,
      "INSERT INTO {oneliners} (author_id, is_active, language, genre, rating, body)
VALUES (0, 1, \"french\", \"horror\", 3, \"Assurez-vous d'avoir une lampe de poche (pas plus !) si vous allez camper\")");
    $this->qup("adding french oneliners INSERT " . $mycnt++,
      "INSERT INTO {oneliners} (author_id, is_active, language, genre, rating, body)
VALUES (0, 1, \"french\", \"horror\", 4, \"Je ne reverrai ce film que si quelqu'un me tient la main\")");
    $this->qup("adding french oneliners INSERT " . $mycnt++,
      "INSERT INTO {oneliners} (author_id, is_active, language, genre, rating, body)
VALUES (0, 1, \"french\", \"horror\", 5, \"Plus terrifiant qu'un squelette dans votre placard\")");

    $this->qup("adding french oneliners INSERT " . $mycnt++,
      "INSERT INTO {oneliners} (author_id, is_active, language, genre, rating, body)
VALUES (0, 1, \"french\", \"sf/fantasy\", 1, \"À cryogéniser pour pouvoir mieux le fracasser contre le sol\")");
    $this->qup("adding french oneliners INSERT " . $mycnt++,
      "INSERT INTO {oneliners} (author_id, is_active, language, genre, rating, body)
VALUES (0, 1, \"french\", \"sf/fantasy\", 2, \"Si l'on envoyait ce film dans l'espace, on nous le renverrait à coup sûr\")");
    $this->qup("adding french oneliners INSERT " . $mycnt++,
      "INSERT INTO {oneliners} (author_id, is_active, language, genre, rating, body)
VALUES (0, 1, \"french\", \"sf/fantasy\", 3, \"Il ne ferait pas de tort d'y ajouter un Hobbit ou deux... Ou peut-être que si ?\")");
    $this->qup("adding french oneliners INSERT " . $mycnt++,
      "INSERT INTO {oneliners} (author_id, is_active, language, genre, rating, body)
VALUES (0, 1, \"french\", \"sf/fantasy\", 4, \"Meilleur film de l'année 2123\")");
    $this->qup("adding french oneliners INSERT " . $mycnt++,
      "INSERT INTO {oneliners} (author_id, is_active, language, genre, rating, body)
VALUES (0, 1, \"french\", \"sf/fantasy\", 5, \"Peter Jackson en tirera sûrement une trilogie\")");

    $this->qup("adding french oneliners INSERT " . $mycnt++,
      "INSERT INTO {oneliners} (author_id, is_active, language, genre, rating, body)
VALUES (0, 1, \"french\", \"family\", 1, \"À l'image d'un suppléant : différent mais embêtant\")");
    $this->qup("adding french oneliners INSERT " . $mycnt++,
      "INSERT INTO {oneliners} (author_id, is_active, language, genre, rating, body)
VALUES (0, 1, \"french\", \"family\", 2, \"Comment s'épelle le mot « moche »?\")");
    $this->qup("adding french oneliners INSERT " . $mycnt++,
      "INSERT INTO {oneliners} (author_id, is_active, language, genre, rating, body)
VALUES (0, 1, \"french\", \"family\", 3, \"L'avoir vu une première fois : quelle honte ! Le voir une deuxième fois : JAMAIS !\")");
    $this->qup("adding french oneliners INSERT " . $mycnt++,
      "INSERT INTO {oneliners} (author_id, is_active, language, genre, rating, body)
VALUES (0, 1, \"french\", \"family\", 4, \"Meilleur que n'importe quel film visionné dans mon cours de sexo\")");
    $this->qup("adding french oneliners INSERT " . $mycnt++,
      "INSERT INTO {oneliners} (author_id, is_active, language, genre, rating, body)
VALUES (0, 1, \"french\", \"family\", 5, \"Même mes parents ont adoré !\")");

    // change ratings enum into varchar, to match reviews and comments2
    $this->qup("2007-12-06 changing rating.rating_type into a varchar",
        "ALTER TABLE {rating} CHANGE rating_type rating_type VARCHAR(32)");

    // change ratings rating_id into varchar, to match Items
    $this->qup("2007-12-07 changing rating.type_id into a varchar",
        "ALTER TABLE {rating} CHANGE type_id type_id VARCHAR(64)");

    // change reviews subject_id into varchar, to match Items
    $this->qup("2007-12-07 changing reviews.subject_id into a varchar",
        "ALTER TABLE {reviews} CHANGE subject_id subject_id VARCHAR(64)");

    $this->qup/*_all_networks*/("2008-03-19 adding fans table",
      "CREATE TABLE {fans} (
          PRIMARY KEY (fan_id),
        is_active BOOL NOT NULL DEFAULT 1,
        subject_type VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL,
        subject_id VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL, 
        user_id INT NOT NULL,
          KEY by_subject (is_active, subject_type, subject_id),
        user_displayname VARCHAR(255), 
        user_fullname VARCHAR(255),
        created DATETIME NOT NULL,
        updated DATETIME NOT NULL,
          KEY by_freshness (is_active, subject_type, created)

    $this->qup/*_all_networks*/("2008-05-10 adding itemtags table",
      "CREATE TABLE {itemtags} (
          PRIMARY KEY (tag_id),
        subject_type VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL,
        subject_id VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL, 
        user_id INT NOT NULL,
          KEY by_subject (subject_type, subject_id),
          KEY by_subject_and_user (subject_type, subject_id, user_id),
        tag_string VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL,
          KEY tg_search (tag_string)
    $this->qup/*_all_networks*/("2008-06-4 adding created to itemtags",
    "ALTER TABLE {itemtags} 
    ADD  KEY recent_tg (created, tag_string)"

    // finally, run the 'safe' updates in net_extra.php.

  }//__endof__ do_updates
                    if (!isset($extra['notify_owner'][$key])) {
                        $extra['notify_owner'][$key] = $value;
                // save array to the data base
                Dal::query("update {networks} set  extra = ? where  network_id = ? ", array(serialize($extra), $net->network_id));
                //        echo $net->name . ' has been updated with extra notifications';
        // End if old network exist
// End of class
// This is called from db_update.php, ONCE, i.e. during installation.
function run_net_extra_once_only()
    $ne = new net_extra();
// This is called at the end of every db_update.php run, and if you
// run net_extra.php at the command line.
function run_net_extra()
    $ne = new net_extra();
// if we're browsing to this script directly, run everything now.
if (count(@$_SERVER['argv']) && basename($_SERVER['argv'][0]) == basename(__FILE__)) {