Exemple #1
 public function doSwitch()
     global $_W, $_GPC;
     $m = array_merge($_W['modules']['userapi'], $_W['account']['modules'][$_W['modules']['userapi']['mid']]);
     $cfg = $m['config'];
     if ($_W['ispost']) {
         $rids = explode(',', $_GPC['rids']);
         if (is_array($rids)) {
             $cfg = array();
             foreach ($rids as $rid) {
                 $cfg[intval($rid)] = true;
     require model('rule');
     $rs = rule_search("weid = 0 AND module = 'userapi' AND `status`=1");
     $ds = array();
     foreach ($rs as $row) {
         $reply = pdo_fetch('SELECT * FROM ' . tablename($this->tablename) . ' WHERE `rid`=:rid', array(':rid' => $row['id']));
         $r = array();
         $r['title'] = $row['name'];
         $r['rid'] = $row['id'];
         $r['description'] = $reply['description'];
         $r['switch'] = $cfg[$r['rid']] ? ' checked="checked"' : '';
         $ds[] = $r;
     include $this->template('switch');
 public function doManage()
     global $_GPC, $_W;
     include model('rule');
     $pindex = max(1, intval($_GPC['page']));
     $psize = 20;
     $sql = "weid = :weid AND `module` = :module";
     $params = array();
     $params[':weid'] = $_W['weid'];
     $params[':module'] = 'bigwheel';
     if (isset($_GPC['keywords'])) {
         $sql .= ' AND `name` LIKE :keywords';
         $params[':keywords'] = "%{$_GPC['keywords']}%";
     $list = rule_search($sql, $params, $pindex, $psize, $total);
     $pager = pagination($total, $pindex, $psize);
     if (!empty($list)) {
         foreach ($list as &$item) {
             $condition = "`rid`={$item['id']}";
             $item['keywords'] = rule_keywords_search($condition);
             $bigwheel = pdo_fetch("SELECT fansnum, viewnum,starttime,endtime,isshow FROM " . tablename('bigwheel_reply') . " WHERE rid = :rid ", array(':rid' => $item['id']));
             $item['fansnum'] = $bigwheel['fansnum'];
             $item['viewnum'] = $bigwheel['viewnum'];
             $item['starttime'] = date('Y-m-d H:i', $bigwheel['starttime']);
             $endtime = $bigwheel['endtime'] + 86399;
             $item['endtime'] = date('Y-m-d H:i', $endtime);
             $nowtime = time();
             if ($bigwheel['starttime'] > $nowtime) {
                 $item['status'] = '<span class="label label-red">未开始</span>';
                 $item['show'] = 1;
             } elseif ($endtime < $nowtime) {
                 $item['status'] = '<span class="label label-blue">已结束</span>';
                 $item['show'] = 0;
             } else {
                 if ($bigwheel['isshow'] == 1) {
                     $item['status'] = '<span class="label label-green">已开始</span>';
                     $item['show'] = 2;
                 } else {
                     $item['status'] = '<span class="label ">已暂停</span>';
                     $item['show'] = 1;
             $item['isshow'] = $bigwheel['isshow'];
     include $this->template('manage');
Exemple #3
 public function doWebPlaylist()
     //这个操作被定义用来呈现 管理中心导航菜单
     global $_GPC, $_W;
     include model('rule');
     $pindex = max(1, intval($_GPC['page']));
     $psize = 20;
     $module = 'fighting';
     $list = rule_search("weid = '{$_W['weid']}'  AND module = '{$module}'", $params, $pindex, $psize, $total);
     $pager = pagination($total, $pindex, $psize);
     if (!empty($list)) {
         foreach ($list as &$item) {
             $condition = "`rid`={$item['id']}";
             $item['keywords'] = rule_keywords_search($condition);
             $fighting = pdo_fetch("SELECT title,qutype,fansnum, viewnum,starttime,endtime,isshow FROM " . tablename('fighting_reply') . " WHERE rid = :rid ", array(':rid' => $item['id']));
             $item['title'] = $fighting['title'];
             $item['qutype'] = $fighting['qutype'];
             $item['fansnum'] = $fighting['fansnum'];
             $item['viewnum'] = $fighting['viewnum'];
             $item['starttime'] = date('Y/m/d H:i', $fighting['starttime']);
             $item['endtime'] = date('Y/m/d H:i', $fighting['endtime']);
             $nowtime = time();
             if ($fighting['starttime'] > $nowtime) {
                 $item['status'] = '<span class="label label-red">未开始</span>';
                 $item['show'] = 1;
             } elseif ($fighting['endtime'] < $nowtime) {
                 $item['status'] = '<span class="label label-blue">已结束</span>';
                 $item['show'] = 0;
             } else {
                 if ($fighting['isshow'] == 1) {
                     $item['status'] = '<span class="label label-satgreen">已开始</span>';
                     $item['show'] = 2;
                 } else {
                     $item['status'] = '<span class="label ">已暂停</span>';
                     $item['show'] = 1;
     include $this->template('plays');
Exemple #4

include model('rule');

if(!empty($_GPC['rule'])) {
    $rid = intval($_GPC['rule']);
    $rule = rule_single($rid);
    if(!isset($_GPC['page']) && !isset($_GPC['keyword'])) {
        $isSingle = true;

$pindex = max(1, intval($_GPC['page']));
$psize = 10;
$total = 0;
$list = rule_search("weid = '{$_W['weid']}' " . (!empty($_GPC['keyword']) ? " AND `name` LIKE '%{$_GPC['keyword']}%'" : ''), $pindex, $psize, $total);
if (!empty($list)) {
    foreach($list as &$item) {
        $condition = "`rid`={$item['id']}";
        $item['keywords'] = rule_keywords_search($condition);
$pager = pagination($total, $pindex, $psize, create_url('menu/search'), array('ajaxcallback'=>'ajaxpager'));

$wechat = $_W['account'];
$temp = iunserializer($wechat['default']);
if (is_array($temp)) {
    $wechat['default'] = $temp;
    $wechat['defaultrid'] = $temp['id'];
$temp = iunserializer($wechat['welcome']);
if ($do == 'display') {
    require model('rule');
    $pindex = max(1, intval($_GPC['page']));
    $psize = 20;
    $types = array('', '等价', '包含', '正则表达式匹配');
    $condition = 'weid = 0 AND module = \'userapi\'';
    $params = array();
    if (isset($_GPC['status'])) {
        $condition .= " AND status = :status";
        $params[':status'] = intval($_GPC['status']);
    if (isset($_GPC['keyword'])) {
        $condition .= ' AND `name` LIKE :keyword';
        $params[':keyword'] = "%{$_GPC['keyword']}%";
    $ds = rule_search($condition, $params, $pindex, $psize, $total);
    $pager = pagination($total, $pindex, $psize);
    if (!empty($ds)) {
        foreach ($ds as &$item) {
            $reply = pdo_fetch('SELECT * FROM ' . tablename('userapi_reply') . ' WHERE `rid`=:rid', array(':rid' => $item['id']));
            $item['description'] = $reply['description'];
    $import = false;
    $apis = implode('\',\'', array_keys($predefines));
    $apis = "'{$apis}'";
    $sql = 'SELECT DISTINCT `apiurl` FROM ' . tablename('userapi_reply') . ' AS `e` LEFT JOIN ' . tablename('rule') . " AS `r` ON (`e`.`rid`=`r`.`id`) WHERE `r`.`weid`='0' AND `apiurl` IN ({$apis})";
    $apiurls = pdo_fetchall($sql);
    if (count($apiurls) != count($predefines)) {
        $import = true;
Exemple #6
 public function doWebManage()
     global $_W, $_GPC;
     $foo = !empty($_GPC['foo']) ? $_GPC['foo'] : 'display';
     if ($foo == 'display') {
         require model('rule');
         $pindex = max(1, intval($_GPC['page']));
         $psize = 20;
         $types = array('', '等价', '包含', '正则表达式匹配');
         $condition = 'weid = 0 AND module = \'userapi\'';
         $params = array();
         if (isset($_GPC['status'])) {
             $condition .= " AND status = :status";
             $params[':status'] = intval($_GPC['status']);
         if (isset($_GPC['keyword'])) {
             $condition .= ' AND `name` LIKE :keyword';
             $params[':keyword'] = "%{$_GPC['keyword']}%";
         $ds = rule_search($condition, $params, $pindex, $psize, $total);
         $pager = pagination($total, $pindex, $psize);
         if (!empty($ds)) {
             foreach ($ds as &$item) {
                 $reply = pdo_fetch('SELECT * FROM ' . tablename($this->tablename) . ' WHERE `rid`=:rid', array(':rid' => $item['id']));
                 $item['description'] = $reply['description'];
         $import = false;
         $apis = implode('\',\'', array_keys($this->predefines));
         $apis = "'{$apis}'";
         $sql = 'SELECT DISTINCT `apiurl` FROM ' . tablename($this->tablename) . ' AS `e` LEFT JOIN ' . tablename('rule') . " AS `r` ON (`e`.`rid`=`r`.`id`) WHERE `r`.`weid`='0' AND `apiurl` IN ({$apis})";
         $apiurls = pdo_fetchall($sql);
         if (count($apiurls) != count($this->predefines)) {
             $import = true;
         include $this->template('display');
     if ($foo == 'import') {
         $apis = implode('\',\'', array_keys($this->predefines));
         $apis = "'{$apis}'";
         $sql = 'SELECT DISTINCT `apiurl` FROM ' . tablename($this->tablename) . ' AS `e` LEFT JOIN ' . tablename('rule') . " AS `r` ON (`e`.`rid`=`r`.`id`) WHERE `r`.`weid`='0' AND `apiurl` IN ({$apis})";
         $apiurls = pdo_fetchall($sql);
         $as = array();
         foreach ($apiurls as $url) {
             $as[] = $url['apiurl'];
         foreach ($this->predefines as $key => $v) {
             if (!in_array($key, $as)) {
                 $rule = array('weid' => 0, 'cid' => 0, 'name' => $v['title'], 'module' => 'userapi', 'displayorder' => 255, 'status' => 1);
                 pdo_insert('rule', $rule);
                 $rid = pdo_insertid();
                 if (!empty($rid)) {
                     foreach ($v['keywords'] as $row) {
                         $data = array('content' => $row[1], 'type' => $row[0], 'rid' => $rid, 'weid' => 0, 'module' => 'userapi', 'status' => $rule['status'], 'displayorder' => $rule['displayorder']);
                         pdo_insert('rule_keyword', $data);
                     $reply = array('rid' => $rid, 'description' => $v['description'], 'apiurl' => $key, 'token' => '', 'default_text' => '', 'cachetime' => 0);
                     pdo_insert($this->tablename, $reply);
         message('成功导入.', referer());
     if ($foo == 'delete') {
         $rid = intval($_GPC['rid']);
         $sql = 'DELETE FROM ' . tablename('rule') . " WHERE `weid`=0 AND `module`='userapi' AND `id`={$rid}";
         $sql = 'DELETE FROM ' . tablename('rule_keyword') . " WHERE `weid`=0 AND `module`='userapi' AND `rid`={$rid}";
         $sql = 'DELETE FROM ' . tablename($this->tablename) . " WHERE `rid`={$rid}";
         message('成功删除.', referer());
     if ($foo == 'post') {
         $rid = intval($_GPC['id']);
         require model('rule');
         if (checksubmit()) {
             if (empty($_GPC['name'])) {
             if ($_GPC['type'] && empty($_GPC['apiurl']) || empty($_GPC['type']) && empty($_GPC['apilocal'])) {
             if ($_GPC['type'] && empty($_GPC['token'])) {
             $rule = array('weid' => 0, 'cid' => 0, 'name' => $_GPC['service'], 'module' => 'userapi', 'displayorder' => 255, 'status' => intval($_GPC['status']));
             if ($rid) {
                 pdo_update('rule', $rule, array('id' => $rid));
             } else {
                 pdo_insert('rule', $rule);
                 $rid = pdo_insertid();
             if (empty($rid)) {
                 message('增加服务失败, 请稍后重试. ');
             $sql = 'DELETE FROM ' . tablename('rule_keyword') . ' WHERE `rid`=:rid AND `weid`=0';
             $pars = array();
             $pars[':rid'] = $rid;
             pdo_query($sql, $pars);
             $rows = array();
             $rowtpl = array('rid' => $rid, 'weid' => 0, 'module' => $rule['module'], 'status' => $rule['status'], 'displayorder' => $rule['displayorder']);
             if (!empty($_GPC['keyword-name'])) {
                 foreach ($_GPC['keyword-name'] as $id => $row) {
                     if (empty($row) && strlen($row) == 0 && intval($_GPC['keyword-type'][$id]) != 4) {
                     $rowtpl['content'] = $row;
                     $rowtpl['type'] = intval($_GPC['keyword-type'][$id]);
                     if ($rowtpl['type'] == 4) {
                         $rowtpl['content'] = '';
                     $rows[md5($rowtpl['type'] . $rowtpl['content'])] = $rowtpl;
             if (!empty($_GPC['keyword-name-new'])) {
                 foreach ($_GPC['keyword-name-new'] as $id => $row) {
                     if (empty($row) && strlen($row) == 0 && intval($_GPC['keyword-type-new'][$id]) != 4) {
                     $rowtpl['content'] = $row;
                     $rowtpl['type'] = intval($_GPC['keyword-type-new'][$id]);
                     if ($rowtpl['type'] == 4) {
                         $rowtpl['content'] = '';
                     $rows[md5($rowtpl['type'] . $rowtpl['content'])] = $rowtpl;
             if (!empty($_GPC['keywords'])) {
                 $kwds = explode(',', trim($_GPC['keywords']));
                 foreach ($kwds as $kwd) {
                     $kwd = trim($kwd);
                     if (empty($kwd)) {
                     $rowtpl['content'] = $kwd;
                     $rowtpl['type'] = 1;
                     $rows[md5($rowtpl['type'] . $rowtpl['content'])] = $rowtpl;
             foreach ($rows as $krow) {
                 $result = pdo_insert('rule_keyword', $krow);
             $reply = array('rid' => $rid, 'description' => htmlspecialchars_decode($_GPC['description']), 'apiurl' => empty($_GPC['type']) ? $_GPC['apilocal'] : $_GPC['apiurl'], 'token' => $_GPC['wetoken'], 'default_text' => $_GPC['default-text'], 'cachetime' => intval($_GPC['cachetime']));
             if ($_GPC['id']) {
                 if (pdo_update($this->tablename, $reply, array('rid' => $rid)) !== false) {
                     message('编辑服务成功. ', 'refresh');
                 } else {
                     message('编辑服务失败, 请稍后重试. ');
             } else {
                 if (pdo_insert($this->tablename, $reply)) {
                     message('增加服务成功. ', 'refresh');
                 } else {
                     message('增加服务失败, 请稍后重试. ');
         $rid = intval($_GPC['id']);
         if (!empty($rid)) {
             $rule = rule_single($rid);
             $rule['kwd-adv'] = false;
             $rule['keywords'] = array();
             foreach ($rule['keyword'] as $kwd) {
                 if ($kwd['type'] != '1') {
                     $rule['kwd-adv'] = true;
                 } else {
                     $rule['keywords'][] = $kwd['content'];
             $rule['keywords'] = implode(',', $rule['keywords']);
             $row = pdo_fetch("SELECT * FROM " . tablename($this->tablename) . " WHERE rid = :rid ORDER BY `id` DESC", array(':rid' => $rid));
             if (!strexists($row['apiurl'], 'http://') && !strexists($row['apiurl'], 'https://')) {
                 $row['apilocal'] = $row['apiurl'];
                 $row['apiurl'] = '';
         } else {
             $row = array('cachetime' => 0);
         $types = array(2 => array('name' => '包含关键字', 'description' => '用户进行交谈时,对话中包含上述关键字就执行这条规则。'), 3 => array('name' => '正则表达式匹配', 'description' => "用户进行交谈时,对话内容符合述关键字中定义的模式才会执行这条规则。<br/><strong>注意:如果你不明白正则表达式的工作方式,请不要使用正则匹配</strong> <br/><strong>注意:正则匹配使用MySQL的匹配引擎,请使用MySQL的正则语法</strong> <br /><br /><strong>示例: </strong><br/><b>^微赞</b>匹配以“微赞”开头的语句<br /><b>微赞\$</b>匹配以“微赞”结尾的语句<br /><b>^微赞\$</b>匹配等同“微赞”的语句<br /><b>微赞</b>匹配包含“微赞”的语句<br /><b>[0-9\\.\\-]</b>匹配所有的数字,句号和减号<br /><b>^[a-zA-Z_]\$</b>所有的字母和下划线<br /><b>^[[:alpha:]]{3}\$</b>所有的3个字母的单词<br /><b>^a{4}\$</b>aaaa<br /><b>^a{2,4}\$</b>aa,aaa或aaaa<br /><b>^a{2,}\$</b>匹配多于两个a的字符串"), 4 => array('name' => '直接接管', 'description' => "如果没有比这条回复优先级更高的回复被触发,那么直接使用这条回复。<br/><strong>注意:如果你不明白这个机制的工作方式,请不要使用直接接管</strong>"));
         $path = IA_ROOT . '/source/modules/userapi/api';
         if (is_dir($path)) {
             $apis = array();
             if ($handle = opendir($path)) {
                 while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) {
                     if ($file != "." && $file != "..") {
                         $apis[] = $file;
         include $this->template('post');
Exemple #7
 public function doWebList()
     //这个操作被定义用来呈现 管理中心导航菜单
     global $_GPC, $_W;
     include model('rule');
     $pindex = max(1, intval($_GPC['page']));
     $psize = 20;
     $sql = "weid = :weid AND `module` = :module";
     $params = array();
     $params[':weid'] = $_W['weid'];
     $params[':module'] = 'photowall';
     if (isset($_GPC['keywords'])) {
         $sql .= ' AND `name` LIKE :keywords';
         $params[':keywords'] = "%{$_GPC['keywords']}%";
     $list = rule_search($sql, $params, $pindex, $psize, $total);
     $pager = pagination($total, $pindex, $psize);
     if (!empty($list)) {
         foreach ($list as &$item) {
             $condition = "`rid`={$item['id']}";
             $item['keywords'] = rule_keywords_search($condition);
             $photowall = pdo_fetch("SELECT sendtimes,daysendtimes,starttime,endtime,isshow,isdes,status FROM " . tablename('photowall_reply') . " WHERE rid = :rid ", array(':rid' => $item['id']));
             $item['starttime'] = date('Y-m-d H:i', $photowall['starttime']);
             $endtime = $photowall['endtime'] + 86399;
             $item['endtime'] = date('Y-m-d H:i', $endtime);
             $nowtime = time();
             if ($photowall['starttime'] > $nowtime || $photowall['status'] == '0') {
                 $item['statuss'] = '<span class="label label-red">未开始</span>';
                 $item['show'] = 1;
             } elseif ($endtime < $nowtime || $photowall['status'] == '3') {
                 $item['statuss'] = '<span class="label label-blue">已结束</span>';
                 $item['show'] = 0;
             } elseif ($photowall['status'] == '2') {
                 $item['statuss'] = '<span class="label ">已暂停</span>';
             } elseif ($photowall['status'] == '1') {
                 $item['statuss'] = '<span class="label label-green">已开始</span>';
             } else {
                 $item['statuss'] = '<span class="label label-green">状态未知</span>';
             $item['sendtimes'] = $photowall['sendtimes'];
             $item['daysendtimes'] = $photowall['daysendtimes'];
             $item['isshow'] = $photowall['isshow'];
             $item['isdes'] = $photowall['isdes'];
             $item['status'] = $photowall['status'];
     include $this->template('manage');
Exemple #8
if (!empty($_GPC['cate_2'])) {
	$cid = intval($_GPC['cate_2']);
	$condition = " AND cid = '{$cid}'";
} elseif (!empty($_GPC['cate_1'])) {
	$cid = intval($_GPC['cate_1']);
	$cids = array();
	if (!empty($children[$cid])) {
		$cids = array_keys($children[$cid]);
	$cids[] = $cid;
	$condition = " AND cid IN (".implode(',', $cids).")";

$modules = cache_load('modules');
$list = rule_search("weid = '{$_W['weid']}' $condition ". ($module == 'all' ? '' : " AND module = '$module'") . (!empty($_GPC['keyword']) ? " AND name LIKE '%{$_GPC['keyword']}%'" : ''), $pindex, $psize, $total);
$pager = pagination($total, $pindex, $psize);

if (!empty($list)) {
	foreach($list as &$item) {
		$condition = "`rid`={$item['id']}";
		$item['keywords'] = rule_keywords_search($condition);
		$cate = $category[$item['cid']];
		if (!empty($cate['parentid'])) {
			$item['cate'][0] = $category[$cate['parentid']];
			$item['cate'][1] = $cate;
		} else {
			$item['cate'][0] = $cate;
		$item['menus'] = '';
		if (!empty($modules[$item['module']]['menus'])) {
if (isset($_GET["tabs"])) {
if (isset($_GET["items"])) {
if (isset($_GET["tab-gpid"])) {
if (isset($_GET["table-gpid-search"])) {
if (isset($_GET["ruleid"])) {
if (isset($_POST["SaveRule"])) {
if (isset($_POST["enable_id"])) {
if (isset($_POST["delete-id"])) {
 public function doManage()
     global $_GPC, $_W;
     include model('rule');
     $pindex = max(1, intval($_GPC['page']));
     $psize = 20;
     $sql = "weid = :weid AND `module` = :module";
     $params = array();
     $params[':weid'] = $_W['weid'];
     $params[':module'] = 'vote';
     if (isset($_GPC['keywords'])) {
         $sql .= ' AND `name` LIKE :keywords';
         $params[':keywords'] = "%{$_GPC['keywords']}%";
     $list = rule_search($sql, $params, $pindex, $psize, $total);
     $pager = pagination($total, $pindex, $psize);
     if (!empty($list)) {
         foreach ($list as &$item) {
             $condition = "`rid`={$item['id']}";
             $item['keywords'] = rule_keywords_search($condition);
             $vote = pdo_fetch("SELECT title,votenum,votetimes,votelimit,votetotal,viewnum,starttime,endtime,status FROM " . tablename('vote_reply') . " WHERE rid = :rid ", array(':rid' => $item['id']));
             $item['title'] = $vote['title'];
             $item['votenum'] = $vote['votenum'];
             $item['votetimes'] = $vote['votetimes'];
             $item['viewnum'] = $vote['viewnum'];
             $item['starttime'] = date('Y-m-d H:i', $vote['starttime']);
             $endtime = $vote['endtime'] + 86399;
             $item['endtime'] = date('Y-m-d H:i', $endtime);
             $limits = "";
             if ($vote['votelimit'] == 1) {
                 $limits = "允许投票 " . $vote['votetotal'] . " 人";
             } else {
                 $limits = "投票期限: " . date('Y-m-d H:i', $vote['starttime']) . " 至 " . date('Y-m-d H:i', $endtime);
             $item['limits'] = $limits;
             $nowtime = time();
             if ($item['votelimit'] == 1) {
                 if ($item['votetotal'] > 0 && $item['votenum'] >= $item['votetotal']) {
                     $item['status'] = '<span class="label label-blue">已结束</span>';
                     $item['show'] = 0;
                 } else {
                     $item['status'] = '<span class="label label-satgreen">已开始</span>';
                     $item['show'] = 2;
             } else {
                 if ($vote['starttime'] > $nowtime) {
                     $item['status'] = '<span class="label label-red">未开始</span>';
                     $item['show'] = 1;
                 } elseif ($vote['endtime'] + 86399 < $nowtime) {
                     $item['status'] = '<span class="label label-blue">已结束</span>';
                     $item['show'] = 0;
                 } else {
                     if ($vote['status'] == 1) {
                         $item['status'] = '<span class="label label-satgreen">已开始</span>';
                         $item['show'] = 2;
                     } else {
                         $item['status'] = '<span class="label ">已暂停</span>';
                         $item['show'] = 1;
     include $this->template('manage');