function updateRrds()
     $timeStampNow = time();
     foreach ($this->devices as $device) {
         switch ($device["type"]) {
             case "valve":
                 $rrdPath = $this->rrdBasePath . "valves/peer_" . $device["peerId"] . ".rrd";
                 if (file_exists($rrdPath)) {
                     $options = array(sprintf("%d:%d:%d:%d", $timeStampNow, $device["tempSensor"], $device["targetTemp"], $device["valveState"]));
                     if (!rrd_update($rrdPath, $options)) {
                         echo "RRD ERROR:" . rrd_error() . "\n";
             case "envsensor":
                 $rrdPath = $this->rrdBasePath . "sensors/peer_" . $device["peerId"] . ".rrd";
                 if (file_exists($rrdPath)) {
                     $options = array(sprintf("%d:%d:%d", $timeStampNow, $device["tempSensor"], $device["humidSensor"]));
                     if (!rrd_update($rrdPath, $options)) {
                         echo "RRD ERROR:" . rrd_error() . "\n";
function getMNVotes($testnet = false)
    if ($testnet) {
        $testnetval = "1";
        $testnetstr = "testnet";
    } else {
        $testnetval = "0";
        $testnetstr = "";
    xecho("Retrieving masternodes votes (testnet={$testnetval}): ");
    $result = dmn_api_get("/masternodes/votes?testnet={$testnetval}", array(), $response);
    if ($response['http_code'] == 200) {
        echo "Fetched...";
        $votes = json_decode($result, true);
        if ($votes === false) {
            echo " Failed to JSON decode!\n";
        } elseif (!is_array($votes) || !array_key_exists('data', $votes) || !is_array($votes['data'])) {
            echo " Incorrect data!\n";
        $votes = $votes['data'];
        echo " OK (" . count($votes) . " entries)\n";
    } else {
        echo "Failed [" . $response['http_code'] . "]\n";
        if ($response['http_code'] != 500) {
            $result = json_decode($result, true);
            if ($result !== false) {
                foreach ($result['messages'] as $num => $msg) {
                    xecho("Error #{$num}: {$msg}\n");
    $votesyea = 0;
    $votesnay = 0;
    $votesabstain = 0;
    $votestotal = 0;
    foreach ($votes as $vote) {
        if ($vote["Vote"] == "Yea") {
            $votesyea += $vote["VoteCount"];
        } elseif ($vote["Vote"] == "Nay") {
            $votesnay += $vote["VoteCount"];
        } else {
            $votesabstain += $vote["VoteCount"];
    $votestotal = $votesyea + $votesnay + $votesabstain;
    xecho("Submitting to RRDtool DB (N:{$votesyea}:{$votesnay}:{$votesabstain}:{$votestotal}): ");
    // rrdtool create mnvotes2.rrd --start 1431101864 DS:Yea:GAUGE:600:U:U DS:Nay:GAUGE:600:U:U DS:Abstain:GAUGE:600:U:U DS:Total:GAUGE:600:U:U RRA:MAX:0.5:1:600 RRA:MAX:0.5:6:700 RRA:MAX:0.5:24:775 RRA:MAX:0.5:288:797
    if (rrd_update("mnvotes2{$testnetstr}.rrd", ["N:{$votesyea}:{$votesnay}:{$votesabstain}:{$votestotal}"])) {
        echo "OK\n";
    } else {
        echo "Failed\n";
Exemple #3
 function update($location, $values)
     $input_string = 'N';
     foreach ($values as $value) {
         $input_string .= ":" . $value;
     $result = rrd_update($location, $input_string);
     if ($result) {
         print rrd_error();
         return false;
     return true;
 public function execute()
     if (!file_exists($this->db_path)) {
         throw new Rrdtool_Exception("Rrdtool\\Update() ERROR: rdd file '" . $this->db_path . "' not exists");
     $insert = "N";
     foreach ($this->datas as $data) {
         $insert .= ':' . $data;
     $return = rrd_update($this->db_path, $insert);
     if (!$return) {
         throw new Rrdtool_Exception("rrd_update() ERROR: " . rrd_error());
     } else {
         return $return;
Exemple #5
function rrd_xload()
    $filetime = "/etc/artica-postfix/pids/rrd.load.time";
    $unix = new unix();
    if (!$GLOBALS["FORCE"]) {
        $timeN = $unix->file_time_sec($filetime);
        if ($timeN < 120) {
            if ($GLOBALS["VERBOSE"]) {
                echo "{$timeN}/120, abroting\n";
    @file_put_contents($filetime, time());
    if (!is_dir("/usr/share/artica-postfix/ressources/databases/rrd")) {
        @mkdir("/usr/share/artica-postfix/ressources/databases/rrd", 0755, true);
    if (!is_file("/usr/share/artica-postfix/ressources/databases/rrd/load.rrd")) {
        echo "Creating load.rrd\n";
        $opts = array("--step", "120", "--start", 0, "DS:load:GAUGE:120:U:U", "RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:1:1440", "RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:6:1800", "RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:24:1800", "RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:288:1800", "RRA:MIN:0.5:1:1440", "RRA:MIN:0.5:6:1800", "RRA:MIN:0.5:24:1800", "RRA:MIN:0.5:288:1800", "RRA:MAX:0.5:1:1440", "RRA:MAX:0.5:6:1800", "RRA:MAX:0.5:24:1800", "RRA:MAX:0.5:288:1800");
        $ret = @rrd_create("/usr/share/artica-postfix/ressources/databases/rrd/load.rrd", $opts, count($opts));
        if ($ret == 0) {
            $err = rrd_error();
            echo "Create error: {$err}\n";
    $array_load = sys_getloadavg();
    $internal_load = $array_load[0];
    $t = time();
    echo "Load:{$internal_load}\n";
    //$internal_load=str_replace(".", ",", $internal_load);
    $ret = rrd_update("/usr/share/artica-postfix/ressources/databases/rrd/load.rrd", "{$t}:{$internal_load}");
    if ($ret == 0) {
        $err = rrd_error();
        echo "update error: {$err}\n";
    create_graph("/usr/share/artica-postfix/ressources/logs/web/load.png", "-1h", "Load Hourly");
Exemple #6
 public function build($action, $settings)
     global $config, $_theme, $argv;
     if (!$settings) {
         error('This theme is not currently installed.');
     $this->boards = explode(' ', $settings['boards']);
     $this->spans = array('hour', 'day', 'week', 'month', 'year');
     // exclude boards from the "combined" graph
     $this->combined_exclude = array();
     if ($action == 'cron') {
         if (!file_exists($settings['path'])) {
         if (!file_exists($settings['images'])) {
         foreach ($this->boards as &$board) {
             $file = $settings['path'] . '/' . $board . '.rrd';
             if (!file_exists($file)) {
                 // Create graph
                 if (!rrd_create($file, array('-s 60', 'DS:posts:COUNTER:86400:0:10000', 'RRA:AVERAGE:0:1:60', 'RRA:AVERAGE:0:1:1440', 'RRA:AVERAGE:0:30:10080', 'RRA:AVERAGE:0:120:43829', 'RRA:AVERAGE:0:1440:525948', 'RRA:AVERAGE:0:2880:1051897', 'RRA:MAX:0:1:60', 'RRA:MAX:0:1:1440', 'RRA:MAX:0:30:10080', 'RRA:MAX:0:120:43829', 'RRA:MAX:0:1440:525948', 'RRA:MAX:0:2880:1051897'))) {
                     error('RRDtool failed: ' . htmlentities(rrd_error()));
             // debug just the graphing (not updating) with the --debug switch
             if (!isset($argv[1]) || $argv[1] != '--debug') {
                 // Update graph
                 $query = query(sprintf("SELECT MAX(`id`) AS `count` FROM `posts_%s`", $board));
                 $count = $query->fetch();
                 $count = $count['count'];
                 if (!rrd_update($file, array('-t', 'posts', 'N:' . $count))) {
                     error('RRDtool failed: ' . htmlentities(rrd_error()));
             foreach ($this->spans as &$span) {
                 // Graph graph
                 if (!rrd_graph($settings['images'] . '/' . $board . '-' . $span . '.png', array('-s -1' . $span, '-t Posts on ' . sprintf($config['board_abbreviation'], $board) . ' this ' . $span, '--lazy', '-l 0', '-h', $settings['height'], '-w', $settings['width'], '-a', 'PNG', '-R', 'mono', '-W', 'Powered by Tinyboard', '-E', '-X', '0', '-Y', '-v posts/' . $settings['rate'], 'DEF:posts-second=' . $file . ':posts:AVERAGE', 'CDEF:posts-minute=posts-second,60,*', 'CDEF:posts-hour=posts-minute,60,*', 'CDEF:posts-day=posts-hour,24,*', 'CDEF:posts-week=posts-day,7,*', 'CDEF:posts-month=posts-day,28,*', 'CDEF:posts-year=posts-day,365,*', 'DEF:posts=' . $file . ':posts:AVERAGE', 'LINE2:posts-' . $settings['rate'] . '#663300:Posts', 'GPRINT:posts-' . $settings['rate'] . ':MAX:Max\\: %5.2lf', 'GPRINT:posts-' . $settings['rate'] . ':AVERAGE:Average\\: %5.2lf', 'GPRINT:posts-' . $settings['rate'] . ':LAST:Current\\: %5.2lf posts/' . $settings['rate'], 'HRULE:0#000000'))) {
                     error('RRDtool failed: ' . htmlentities(rrd_error()));
         // combined graph
         foreach ($this->spans as &$span) {
             $options = array('-s -1' . $span, '-t Posts this ' . $span, '--lazy', '-l 0', '-h', $settings['height'], '-w', $settings['width'], '-a', 'PNG', '-R', 'mono', '-W', 'Powered by Tinyboard', '-E', '-X', '0', '-Y', '-v posts/' . $settings['rate']);
             $red = 0;
             $green = 0;
             $blue = 0;
             $c = 0;
             $cc = 0;
             $c = 1;
             $cc = 0;
             $red = 2;
             foreach ($this->boards as &$board) {
                 if (in_array($board, $this->combined_exclude)) {
                 $color = str_pad(dechex($red * 85), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . str_pad(dechex($green * 85), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . str_pad(dechex($blue * 85), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
                 $options[] = 'DEF:posts' . $board . '-second=' . $settings['path'] . '/' . $board . '.rrd' . ':posts:AVERAGE';
                 $options[] = 'CDEF:posts' . $board . '-minute=posts' . $board . '-second,60,*';
                 $options[] = 'CDEF:posts' . $board . '-hour=posts' . $board . '-minute,60,*';
                 $options[] = 'CDEF:posts' . $board . '-day=posts' . $board . '-hour,24,*';
                 $options[] = 'CDEF:posts' . $board . '-week=posts' . $board . '-day,7,*';
                 $options[] = 'CDEF:posts' . $board . '-month=posts' . $board . '-day,28,*';
                 $options[] = 'CDEF:posts' . $board . '-year=posts' . $board . '-day,365,*';
                 $options[] = 'LINE2:posts' . $board . '-' . $settings['rate'] . '#' . $color . ':' . sprintf($config['board_abbreviation'], $board);
                 // Randomize colors using this horrible undocumented algorithm I threw together while debugging
                 if ($c == 0) {
                 } elseif ($c == 1) {
                 } elseif ($c == 2) {
                 } elseif ($c == 3) {
                 } elseif ($c == 4) {
                 if ($cc > 2) {
                     $cc = 0;
                 if ($c > 4) {
                     $c = 0;
                 if ($red > 3) {
                     $red = 0;
                 if ($green > 3) {
                     $green = 0;
                 if ($blue > 3) {
                     $blue = 0;
             $options[] = 'HRULE:0#000000';
             if (!rrd_graph($settings['images'] . '/combined-' . $span . '.png', $options)) {
                 error('RRDtool failed: ' . htmlentities(rrd_error()));
 public function fillHardwareRRDData()
     if (!$this->checkHardwareRRDFile()) {
     $data = array();
     $data[] = time();
     $hardwareDS = RRD::getDSFromRRDFile($this->rrdHardwareFile);
     $tmphardware = array();
     foreach ($this->nodeHardware as $key => $value) {
         $hardKey = $this->hardwareMapper->addNameToMapping($key);
         if (!in_array($hardKey, $hardwareDS)) {
             $hardwareDS[] = $key;
             RRD::addDS2RRDFile($this->rrdHardwareFile, $hardKey, "GAUGE", 600, 0, "U");
         $tmphardware[$hardKey] = $value;
     foreach ($hardwareDS as $hard) {
         //echo $firm."\n";
         $data[] = $tmphardware[$hard];
     $string = implode(":", $data);
     $ret = rrd_update($this->rrdHardwareFile, array($string));
     echo rrd_error();
Exemple #8
		 * Update data in RRD
		 * @param array $data
		 * @param integer $timestamp UNIX TimeStamp
		 * @return bool
		function Update($data, $timestamp = "N")
			$arg = "{$timestamp}";
			foreach ($data as $val)
				$arg .= ":{$val}";
			if(rrd_update($this->DBPath, $arg))
				return true;
				Core::RaiseError(_("Cannot update RRD: ".rrd_error()));

$path = "/home/rrd/rrd/";
$password = '******';
$url = 'http://speedport.ip/';
if (!file_exists($path . 'dsl.rrd')) {
    $options = array("--step", "60", "DS:uactual:GAUGE:120:0:100000", "DS:dactual:GAUGE:120:0:200000", "DS:uattainable:GAUGE:120:0:100000", "DS:dattainable:GAUGE:120:0:200000", "DS:uSNR:GAUGE:120:0:1000", "DS:dSNR:GAUGE:120:0:1000", "DS:uSignal:GAUGE:120:0:1000", "DS:dSignal:GAUGE:120:0:200000", "DS:uLine:GAUGE:120:0:2000", "DS:dLine:GAUGE:120:0:2000", "DS:uCRC:DERIVE:120:0:10000000", "DS:dCRC:DERIVE:120:0:10000000", "DS:uHEC:DERIVE:120:0:10000000", "DS:dHEC:DERIVE:120:0:10000000", "DS:uFEC:DERIVE:120:0:10000000", "DS:dFEC:DERIVE:120:0:10000000", "RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:1:2880", "RRA:MAX:0.5:1:2880", "RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:10:144", "RRA:MAX:0.5:10:144");
    rrd_create($path . 'dsl.rrd', $options);
if (!file_exists($path . 'lteinfo.rrd')) {
    $options = array("--step", "60", "DS:rsrp:GAUGE:120:-200:0", "DS:rsrq:GAUGE:120:-200:0", "RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:1:2880", "RRA:MAX:0.5:1:2880", "RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:10:144", "RRA:MAX:0.5:10:144");
    rrd_create($path . 'lteinfo.rrd', $options);
require_once '../SpeedportHybrid.class.php';
$sp = new SpeedportHybrid($url);
$data = $sp->getData('dsl');
$options = array(time() . ':' . $data['Line']['uactual'] . ':' . $data['Line']['dactual'] . ':' . $data['Line']['uattainable'] . ':' . $data['Line']['dattainable'] . ':' . $data['Line']['uSNR'] . ':' . $data['Line']['dSNR'] . ':' . $data['Line']['uSignal'] . ':' . $data['Line']['dSignal'] . ':' . $data['Line']['uLine'] . ':' . $data['Line']['dLine'] . ':' . $data['Line']['uCRC'] . ':' . $data['Line']['dCRC'] . ':' . $data['Line']['uHEC'] . ':' . $data['Line']['dHEC'] . ':' . $data['Line']['uFEC'] . ':' . $data['Line']['dFEC']);
rrd_update($path . 'dsl.rrd', $options);
$data = $sp->getData('lteinfo');
$options = array(time() . ':' . $data['rsrp'] . ':' . $data['rsrq']);
rrd_update($path . 'lteinfo.rrd', $options);

$fname = "/home/pi/temperature.rrd";
$opts = array("-s", "300", "DS:temp:GAUGE:600:U:U", "RRA:MAX:0.5:1:600", "RRA:MAX:0.5:6:700", "RRA:MAX:0.5:24:775", "RRA:MAX:0.5:288:797");
if (file_exists($fname)) {
    $datenow = date('U');
    $temp = exec('sudo python /home/pi/');
    $updatevalue = array($datenow . ":" . $temp);
    $ret = rrd_update($fname, $updatevalue);
    if ($ret == 0) {
        $err = rrd_error();
        echo "ERROR occurred: {$err}\n";
    } else {
        echo "Temperature " . $temp . " logged at " . $datenow;
} else {
    $ret = rrd_create($fname, $opts);
    if ($ret == 0) {
        $err = rrd_error();
        echo "Create error: {$err}\n";
    } else {
        echo "Tempearture database created";
 public function fillRRDData()
     if (!$this->checkRRDFileExists()) {
     $data = array();
     $data[] = time();
     //TODO: Memory Usage
     $memoryUsage = $this->getStatistics()->getMemoryUsage() * 100;
     $data[] = $memoryUsage;
     //$data[] = time();
     //TODO: clients
     $clients = $this->getStatistics()->getClients();
     $data[] = $clients;
     //TODO: rootfs_usage
     $rootfs = $this->getStatistics()->getRootfsUsage() * 100;
     $data[] = $rootfs;
     //TODO: loadavg
     $loadavg = $this->getStatistics()->getLoadavg();
     $data[] = $loadavg;
     //TODO: traffic
     $trafficMgmtRxbytes = $this->getStatistics()->getTraffic()->getMgmtRx()->getBytes();
     $data[] = $trafficMgmtRxbytes;
     $trafficMgmtRxpackets = $this->getStatistics()->getTraffic()->getMgmtRx()->getPackets();
     $data[] = $trafficMgmtRxpackets;
     $trafficMgmtTxbytes = $this->getStatistics()->getTraffic()->getMgmtTx()->getBytes();
     $data[] = $trafficMgmtTxbytes;
     $trafficMgmtTxpackets = $this->getStatistics()->getTraffic()->getMgmtTx()->getPackets();
     $data[] = $trafficMgmtTxpackets;
     $trafficRxbytes = $this->getStatistics()->getTraffic()->getRx()->getBytes();
     $data[] = $trafficRxbytes;
     $trafficRxpackets = $this->getStatistics()->getTraffic()->getRx()->getPackets();
     $data[] = $trafficRxpackets;
     $trafficTxbytes = $this->getStatistics()->getTraffic()->getTx()->getBytes();
     $data[] = $trafficTxbytes;
     $trafficTxpackets = $this->getStatistics()->getTraffic()->getTx()->getPackets();
     $data[] = $trafficTxpackets;
     $trafficForwardedBytes = $this->getStatistics()->getTraffic()->getForward()->getBytes();
     $data[] = $trafficForwardedBytes;
     $trafficForwardedPackets = $this->getStatistics()->getTraffic()->getForward()->getPackets();
     $data[] = $trafficForwardedPackets;
     $string = implode(":", $data);
     $ret = rrd_update($this->getRRDFileName(), array($string));
Exemple #12
 public function update($arr, $time = false)
     // Mimics the internal methods of the extension
     $ds_names = '';
     $ds_vals = '';
     if (!$time) {
         $time = 'N';
     $ds_count = count($arr);
     foreach ($arr as $k => $v) {
         if (strlen($ds_names) > 0) {
             $ds_names .= ':';
         } else {
             $ds_names .= '--template=';
         $ds_names .= $k;
         if (strlen($ds_vals) == 0) {
             $ds_vals .= $time;
         $ds_vals .= ':';
         $ds_vals .= $v;
     $ret = rrd_update($this->path, array($ds_names, $ds_vals));
     if (!$ret) {
         $this->error = rrd_error();
     return $ret;
         $values = array();
         $values = array_chunk($recData1, 2);
         $recData = array();
         foreach ($values as $bytes) {
             array_push($recData, PhpType::bytes2signedInt($bytes));
     // Get signed integer from INT interpretation
     $t = time();
     $wert1 = array_merge((array) $t, (array) $recData);
     // zeit und daten zusammenfügen
     $wert2 = implode(":", $wert1);
     // ausgabe für rrd vorbereiten
     $wert3 = array($wert2);
     $ret = rrd_update($filename, $wert3);
     // rrd updaten
     if (!$ret) {
         $rrd_error = rrd_error();
         System_Daemon::info('{appName} Graph error %s', $rrd_error);
         //echo "<b>Graph error, </b>".rrd_error()."\n";
 } else {
     // wenn das rrd file noch nicht vorhanden ist neues anlagen
     $options = array("--step", "5", "--start", "-30 days");
     $zaehler = $start + $anzahl;
     //echo("Start: ".$start."Ende: ".$zaehler."");
     for ($i = $start; $i < $zaehler; $i++) {
         // anzahl der trends Name ist aus Datenbanck IWx
         array_push($options, "DS:" . $art . $i . ":GAUGE:5:U:U");
Exemple #14
 | GNU General Public License for more details.                            |
 | Swmon: Solution For Switch Edge-Core ES3528M, ES3552M and ES3510        |
 | This code is designed, written, and maintained by the X-sys Group. See  |
 | about.php and/or the AUTHORS file for specific developer information.   |
 |                                                |
include dirname(__FILE__) . "/include/config.php";
/* Удалить все картинки с загрузками на портах */
system("rm {$homedir}/tmp/*");
/* Выводит список портов */
$sql = "SELECT, d.ip, p.port\n\tFROM device d \n\tLEFT JOIN ports p \n\tON \n\tWHERE d.state_id=1\n\tAND p.state_id=1\n\tAND p.trank=0\n\tAND not like '%FAIL%' \n\tAND not like '%rezerv%'";
$alldev = mysql_query($sql);
while ($rowoct = mysql_fetch_row($alldev)) {
    if (@fopen("{$homedir}/rrd/" . $rowoct[0] . "_" . $rowoct[2] . ".rrd", "r")) {
        /* Получить данные с порта */
        $getinoct = snmpget("{$rowoct['1']}", "public", "ifInOctets.{$rowoct['2']}");
        $strinoct = substr($getinoct, 11, strlen($getinoct) - 11);
        $getoutoct = snmpget("{$rowoct['1']}", "public", "ifOutOctets.{$rowoct['2']}");
        $stroutoct = substr($getoutoct, 11, strlen($getoutoct) - 11);
        /* Относительно пользователя, для относительно оборудования поменять местами $str*oct */
        rrd_update("{$homedir}/rrd/" . $rowoct[0] . "_" . $rowoct[2] . ".rrd", "N:{$stroutoct}:{$strinoct}");
    } else {
        $rrdadd = array("--step", "300", "--start", 0, "DS:in:COUNTER:600:U:U", "DS:out:COUNTER:600:U:U", "RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:1:600", "RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:6:700", "RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:24:775", "RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:288:797", "RRA:MAX:0.5:1:600", "RRA:MAX:0.5:6:700", "RRA:MAX:0.5:24:775", "RRA:MAX:0.5:288:797");
        rrd_create("{$homedir}/rrd/" . $rowoct[0] . "_" . $rowoct[2] . ".rrd", $rrdadd, count($rrdadd));