Exemple #1
function xr_style_callback($args)
    $rockthemes_browser = rockthemes_get_browser_details();
    $is_ie9_and_lower = false;
    if (strpos($rockthemes_browser['name'], "Explorer") > -1) {
        if (intval($rockthemes_browser['version']) <= 9) {
            $is_ie9_and_lower = true;
    echo '<!--Rock Themes Style-->';
    echo '<style type="text/css" media="all">';
    $default_padding = xr_get_option('content_padding', '15px');
    echo '.padding{padding:' . $default_padding . ';}';
    echo '.padding-2x{padding:' . (2 * rockthemes_fn_px_em_return_num($default_padding) - 3) . 'px;}';
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    $site_general_color = xr_get_option('site_general_color', '#00aae8');
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    echo 'body,html,p{color:' . xr_get_option('default_text_color', '#101010') . ';}';
    $light_font_color = xr_get_option('light_font_color', '#666666');
    /*All link "a" tags with will contain this not attributes. These are the escape class from a color*/
    $a_not = 'a:not(.escapea):not(.button)';
    $ie8 = '.lt-ie9 ';
    /*General Details*/
    echo $a_not . '{color:' . $a_link_color . ';}';
    echo $a_not . ':hover{color:' . $a_link_hover_color . ';}';
    	echo $ie8.'a{color:'.$a_link_color.';}';
    	echo $ie8.'a:hover{color:'.$a_link_hover_color.';}';
    /*Grid details*/
    /*1140px grid*/
    /*960px grid*/
    /*1060px grid*/
    echo '.row{max-width:' . xr_get_option('main_layout_grid', '') . ';}';
    echo '.lt-ie9 .row{width:' . xr_get_option('main_layout_grid', '') . ';}';
    $disable_responsivity = xr_get_option('disable_responsivity', false);
    if ($disable_responsivity) {
        //Responsivity disabled
        /*It was width: before and changed to min-width:*/
        echo '#main-canvas, .main-container{min-width:' . (2 * rockthemes_fn_px_em_return_num($default_padding) + rockthemes_fn_px_em_return_num(xr_get_option('main_layout_grid', ''))) . 'px; }';
        echo '.row{width:' . xr_get_option('main_layout_grid', '') . ';}';
    } else {
        //Responsive Design
    /*General Color Settings*/
    echo '
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		ol.comment-list li.comment .comment-author a.url, .comment-list .reply a, #cancel-comment-reply-link,
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			color:' . $site_general_color . ';	
		#wp-calendar caption, .rockthemes-divider .divider-symbol, .rockthemes-divider .divider-symbol-left,
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			box-shadow:inset 0 0 2px ' . $site_general_color . ';
			border-color:' . $site_general_color . ';
		.rockthemes-before-after-slider .twentytwenty-handle .twentytwenty-left-arrow{
			border-right-color:' . $site_general_color . ';
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			border-left-color:' . $site_general_color . ';
    /*Typography Details*/
    $site_default_font_details = xr_get_option('site_default_font_details', array());
    if (!empty($site_default_font_details)) {
        echo '
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				' . $site_default_font_details['font_family'] . '
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			ul,ol,dl, address, label, input, input:not([type="submit"]), select, button, textarea
			.quasar-pagination .page-numbers, input[type="submit"]:not(.button), .comments-submit, #comments-submit,
			p, a, .vcard .fn, .header-small-contact, .more-link{
				font-size:' . $site_default_font_details['font_size'] . ';	
    $site_heading_font = xr_get_option('site_heading_font_family', '');
    if ($site_heading_font) {
        echo '
		h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, .title-container, .title-container a, .page-title, 
		.sidebar-area caption, .quasar-portfolio-main-title, .team-member-content .member-b,
		.ajax-filtered-gallery-holder .ajax-navigation strong, .searchform label,
		.quasar-breadcrumbs li a, .quasar-breadcrumbs li,
		.rock-iconictext-container .rock-iconictext-header-title,
		.rock-iconictext-container .rock-iconictext-header-title strong,
			' . $site_heading_font . '
    $menu_font_family = xr_get_option('menu_font_family', '');
    if ($menu_font_family) {
        echo '
		#nav, #nav a, #nav ul li{
			' . $menu_font_family . '
		#nav ul li a{
			font-size:' . xr_get_option('main_nav_font_size', '14px') . ';	
		#nav ul ul li a{
			font-size:' . xr_get_option('main_nav_sub_font_size', '14px') . ';	
    /*End of Typography*/
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        echo '#main-canvas{width:100%; max-width:' . (2 * rockthemes_fn_px_em_return_num($default_padding) + rockthemes_fn_px_em_return_num(xr_get_option('main_layout_grid', ''))) . 'px; }';
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    echo '.main-color{color:' . $site_general_color . ';}';
    /*Real Color 00aae8*/
    echo '.main-boxed-text-color{color:' . xr_get_option('boxed_layout_text_color', '#101010') . ';}';
    /*General Boxed Text Color*/
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    echo '#toTop{background:' . $site_general_color . ';}';
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    $header_large_background_repeat = xr_get_option('header_large_background_repeat', '');
    $header_large_background = xr_get_option('header_large_background', '');
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        echo '.header-top-1{background:' . xr_get_option('header_large_background_color', '') . ';}';
    echo '.header-top-1{color:' . xr_get_option('header_large_font_color', '#333') . ';}';
    echo '.header-top-1 ' . $a_not . '{color:' . xr_get_option('header_large_link_color', '#333') . ';}';
    echo '.header-top-1 ' . $a_not . ':hover{color:' . $a_link_hover_color . ';}';
    echo $ie8 . '.header-top-1 a{color:' . xr_get_option('header_large_link_color', '#333') . ';}';
    echo $ie8 . '.header-top-1 a:hover{color:' . $a_link_hover_color . ';}';
    /*Header Top Area - Header Level 2*/
    echo '.header-top-2{
		background-color:' . xr_get_option('header_top_background_color', '#00aae8') . ';
		color:' . xr_get_option('header_top_font_color', '#F0F0F0') . ';
    echo '.header-top-2 ' . $a_not . '{color:' . xr_get_option('header_top_link_color', '#FAFAFA') . ';}';
    echo '.header-top-2 ' . $a_not . ':hover{color:' . xr_get_option('header_top_link_hover_color', '#DEDEDE') . ';}';
    echo $ie8 . 'body .header-top-2 div a{color:' . xr_get_option('header_top_link_color', '#FAFAFA') . ';}';
    echo $ie8 . '.header-top-2 a:hover{color:' . xr_get_option('header_top_link_hover_color', '#DEDEDE') . ';}';
    echo '.ie.ie8 .header-top-2 div a{color:' . xr_get_option('header_top_link_color', '#FAFAFA') . ' !important;}';
    /*IE8 Style Fix*/
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    $menu_bg_border_bottom_color = xr_get_option('menu_border_bottom_color', '#DDDDDD');
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    $menu_level1_font_hover_color = xr_get_option('menu_level1_font_hover_color', '#666666');
    echo '
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			background: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, color-stop(0%,' . $menu_bg_top_color . '), color-stop(100%,' . $menu_bg_bottom_color . '));
			background: -webkit-linear-gradient(top,  ' . $menu_bg_top_color . ' 0%,' . $menu_bg_bottom_color . ' 100%);
			background: -o-linear-gradient(top,  ' . $menu_bg_top_color . ' 0%,' . $menu_bg_bottom_color . ' 100%);
			background: -ms-linear-gradient(top,  ' . $menu_bg_top_color . ' 0%,' . $menu_bg_bottom_color . ' 100%);
			background: linear-gradient(to bottom,  ' . $menu_bg_top_color . ' 0%,' . $menu_bg_bottom_color . ' 100%);
			filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient( startColorstr="' . $menu_bg_top_color . '", endColorstr="' . $menu_bg_bottom_color . '",GradientType=0 );
			border-top:1px solid ' . $menu_bg_border_top_color . ';
    if (xr_get_option('activate_menu_transparency', true)) {
        $menu_bg_top_color = 'rgba(' . rockthemes_hex2rgba($menu_bg_top_color, 0.8) . ')';
        $menu_bg_bottom_color = 'rgba(' . rockthemes_hex2rgba($menu_bg_bottom_color, 0.8) . ')';
    echo '
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			background: #ffffff;
			background: -moz-linear-gradient(top,  ' . $menu_bg_top_color . ' 0%, ' . $menu_bg_bottom_color . ' 100%);
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			background: -webkit-linear-gradient(top,  ' . $menu_bg_top_color . ' 0%,' . $menu_bg_bottom_color . ' 100%);
			background: -o-linear-gradient(top,  ' . $menu_bg_top_color . ' 0%,' . $menu_bg_bottom_color . ' 100%);
			background: -ms-linear-gradient(top,  ' . $menu_bg_top_color . ' 0%,' . $menu_bg_bottom_color . ' 100%);
			background: linear-gradient(to bottom,  ' . $menu_bg_top_color . ' 0%,' . $menu_bg_bottom_color . ' 100%);
			filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient( startColorstr="' . $menu_bg_top_color . '", endColorstr="' . $menu_bg_bottom_color . '",GradientType=0 );
			border-top:1px solid ' . $menu_bg_border_top_color . ';
    	Currently disabled from .nav-box class
    		border-bottom:1px solid '.$menu_bg_border_bottom_color.';
    $menu_padding_top = xr_get_option('menu_padding_top', '11px');
    $menu_padding_top = $menu_padding_top == "" ? "11px" : $menu_padding_top;
    $menu_padding_bottom = xr_get_option('menu_padding_bottom', '12px');
    $menu_padding_bottom = $menu_padding_bottom == "" ? "11px" : $menu_padding_bottom;
    echo '#nav ul li a{padding:' . $menu_padding_top . ' 30px ' . $menu_padding_bottom . ' 0px;}';
    echo '#nav ul ul a{padding:9px 25px 9px 15px;}';
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    echo '#nav ul li.current-menu-item > ' . $a_not . '{color:' . $site_general_color . ';}';
    echo '#nav ul li ' . $a_not . ':hover{color:' . $site_general_color . ';}';
    echo $ie8 . '#nav ul li.current-menu-item > a{color:' . $site_general_color . ';}';
    echo $ie8 . '#nav ul li a:hover{color:' . $site_general_color . ';}';
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    echo '#nav > ul > li ' . $a_not . ':hover{color:' . $menu_level1_font_hover_color . ';}';
    echo $ie8 . '#nav > ul > li.current-menu-item > a{color:' . $menu_level1_font_hover_color . ';}';
    echo $ie8 . '#nav > ul > li a:hover{color:' . $menu_level1_font_hover_color . ';}';
    echo '#nav ul li a{color:' . $menu_level1_font_color . ';}';
    $menu_level1_font_color = xr_get_option('menu_level1_font_color', '#666');
    echo '#nav ul li.current-menu-item a .desc, #nav ul li.current-menu-item a i{color:' . $menu_level1_font_color . ';}';
    echo '#nav ul li a:hover .desc, #nav ul li a:hover i, #nav ul li ' . $a_not . '{color:' . $menu_level1_font_color . ';}';
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    $menu_level2_bg_hover_color = xr_get_option('menu_level2_bg_hover_color', '#F4F4F4');
    $menu_level2_font_color = xr_get_option('menu_level2_font_color', '#666666');
    $menu_level2_font_hover_color = xr_get_option('menu_level2_font_hover_color', '#F0F0F0');
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    $menu_level2_border_bottom_color = xr_get_option('menu_level2_border_bottom_color', '#E9E9E9');
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    echo '#nav ul ul a, #nav ul ul ul a{color:' . $menu_level2_font_color . ';}';
    echo '#nav ul ul ' . $a_not . ', #nav ul ul ul ' . $a_not . ',{color:' . $menu_level2_font_color . ';}';
    echo '#nav ul ul a{border-top-color:' . $menu_level2_border_top_color . '; border-bottom-color:' . $menu_level2_border_bottom_color . '}';
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    echo '#nav ul ul li ' . $a_not . ':hover, #nav ul ul li:hover > ' . $a_not . '{color:' . $menu_level2_font_hover_color . ';}';
    echo '#nav ul ul li.current-menu-item > ' . $a_not . ', #nav ul ul li.current-menu-parent > ' . $a_not . ', #nav ul ul li.current-menu-ancestor > ' . $a_not . '{color:' . $menu_level2_font_hover_color . ';}';
    echo $ie8 . '#nav ul ul li a:hover, #nav .sub_font_color{color:' . $menu_level2_font_hover_color . ';}';
    echo $ie8 . '#nav ul ul li.current-menu-item > a, ' . $ie8 . '#nav ul ul li.current-menu-parent > a, ' . $ie8 . '#nav ul ul li.current-menu-ancestor > a{color:' . $menu_level2_font_hover_color . ';}';
    echo '#nav .sub-nav-hover, #nav .sub-sub-nav-hover{background-color:' . $menu_level2_bg_hover_color . ';}';
    echo '#nav .sub-sub-nav-hover, #nav .sub-nav-hover{border-radius:' . $menu_level2_border_radius . ';}';
    echo '#nav ul ul{border-bottom-left-radius:' . $menu_level2_border_radius . '; border-bottom-right-radius:' . $menu_level2_border_radius . ';}';
    echo '.special-search-container{
			padding-top:' . xr_get_option('search_icon_padding_top', '13px') . ';
			padding-bottom:' . xr_get_option('search_icon_padding_bottom', '15px') . ';
    //search icon
    echo '.special-search-overlay-box{
		background:' . xr_get_option('search_box_color', '#FAFAFA') . '; 
		border-radius:' . xr_get_option('layout_border_radius', '0px') . ';
		margin-top:' . xr_get_option('search_icon_padding_bottom', '15px') . ';
    //Search Box
    //Stiky Menu Wordpress Admin Bar Fix
    if (is_admin_bar_showing()) {
        echo '.fixed-top-nav{top:28px;};';
    //End of Menu Settings
    //Widget Sidebar Custom Menu
    echo '
	.widget_nav_menu .menu li.active > a{
    echo '.widget_nav_menu .menu a:hover, .widget_nav_menu .menu li.active > a{
		color:' . $menu_level2_font_hover_color . ';	
		background-color:' . $site_general_color . ';
    //End of Sidebar Custom Menu
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				background-size:' . $title_area_background_image_width . ' ' . $title_area_background_image_height . '
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			.quasar-title-breadcrumbs{background-image:url("' . $title_area_background_image_retina . '");}
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    echo '.quasar-title-breadcrumbs, .quasar-title-breadcrumbs .page-title{color:' . xr_get_option('title_area_font_color', '#333') . ';}';
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    echo '.quasar-title-breadcrumbs ' . $a_not . ':hover{color:' . $a_link_hover_color . ';}';
    echo $ie8 . '.quasar-title-breadcrumbs a{color:' . xr_get_option('title_area_link_color', '#333') . ';}';
    echo $ie8 . '.quasar-title-breadcrumbs a:hover{color:' . $a_link_hover_color . ';}';
    //End of Title Breadcrumbs Area
    //Footer Large Area
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				background-size:' . $footer_large_background_image_width . ' ' . $footer_large_background_image_height . '
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    echo '.footer-large ' . $a_not . ':hover{color:' . $a_link_hover_color . ';}';
    echo '.footer-large{padding:30px 0 60px;}';
    echo $ie8 . '.footer-large a{color:' . xr_get_option('footer_large_link_color', '#333') . ';}';
    echo $ie8 . '.footer-large a:hover{color:' . $a_link_hover_color . ';}';
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    echo 'hr.footer-inline-hr{border-top-color:' . $footer_large_border_top_color . '; border-bottom-color:' . $footer_large_border_bottom_color . ';}';
    echo '
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			border-color:' . $footer_large_border_bottom_color . ';	
    if (xr_get_option('footer_large_top_border', true)) {
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    //End of Footer Large Area
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    echo '.footer-bottom{background:' . xr_get_option('footer_bottom_background_color', '') . ';}';
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    echo $ie8 . '.footer-bottom a{color:' . xr_get_option('footer_bottom_link_color', '#333') . ';}';
    echo $ie8 . '.footer-bottom a:hover{color:' . $a_link_hover_color . ';}';
    //End of Footer Bottom
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    echo 'h3{color:' . xr_get_option('font_h3_color', '') . ';}';
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    echo 'h6{color:' . xr_get_option('font_h6_color', '') . ';}';
    //End of General Font Colors
    //Blog Colors
    echo '
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	.edit-link a:before,
	.attachment .entry-title:before,
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	.comment-reply-title small a:before,
	.bypostauthor > .comment-body .fn:before,
	.error404 .page-title:before,
		color:' . $site_general_color . ';
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    echo '.post-format-container{background-color:' . $site_general_color . '; color:' . xr_get_option('blog_post_type_icon_color', '#FFF') . ';}';
    //End of Blog Colors
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		background: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, color-stop(0%,' . $main_gradient_top_color . '), color-stop(100%,' . $main_gradient_bottom_color . '));
		background: -webkit-linear-gradient(top,  ' . $main_gradient_top_color . ' 0%,' . $main_gradient_bottom_color . ' 100%);
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		background: -webkit-linear-gradient(top,  ' . $pagination_hover_top_color . ' 0%,' . $main_gradient_bottom_color . ' 100%);
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		background: linear-gradient(to bottom,  ' . $pagination_hover_top_color . ' 0%,' . $main_gradient_bottom_color . ' 100%);
		filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient( startColorstr="' . $pagination_hover_top_color . '", endColorstr="' . $main_gradient_bottom_color . '",GradientType=0 );
    echo '
	.quasar-pagination .page-numbers.current, .quasar-pagination .page-numbers:active, .quasar-link_pages > span.page-numbers, 
	.button.active, .button.current, .button.active:hover, .button.current:hover .button.active:active, .button.current:active{
		background:' . $site_general_color . ';	 
    /*End of Main Gradients*/
    /*Hover effect mask*/
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				background-size:' . $main_boxed_layout_bg_image_width . ' ' . $main_boxed_layout_bg_image_height . '
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    } else {
        echo '#main-canvas{background:' . $main_boxed_layout_bg_color . ';}';
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			background-size:' . $main_bg_image_width . ' ' . $main_bg_image_height . '
    if ($main_bg_image_retina !== '') {
        echo '
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			body.custom-background{background-image:url("' . $main_bg_image_retina . '");}
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    echo '.boxed-layout{background-color:' . xr_get_option('boxed_layout_element_background_color', '#666666') . ';}';
    echo '.rockthemes-parallax .boxed-layout{background-color:' . $boxed_layout_bg . ';}';
    echo '.boxed-layout.boxed-colors, .boxed-layout.boxed-colors p, .boxed-layout.boxed-colors h1,
	 .boxed-layout.boxed-colors h2, .boxed-layout.boxed-colors h3, .boxed-layout.boxed-colors h4,
	 .boxed-layout.boxed-colors h5, .boxed-layout.boxed-colors h6,
	 .boxed-layout.boxed-colors div, .boxed-layout.boxed-colors span{color:' . xr_get_option('boxed_layout_text_color', '#101010') . ';}';
    /*Boxed layout text color*/
    echo '.boxed-layout.boxed-colors a:not(.button){color:' . xr_get_option('boxed_layout_a_link_color', '#eeeeee') . ';}';
    echo '.boxed-layout.boxed-colors a:not(.button):hover{color:' . xr_get_option('boxed_layout_a_link_hover_color', '#ffffff') . ';}';
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    echo '.rock-iconictext-container .rockicon-circle-box i,
	.rock-iconictext-container .rockicon-rounded-box i{color:' . xr_get_option('boxed_layout_text_color', '#101010') . ';}';
    echo '.rock-iconictext-container .rockicon-circle-box i,
	.rock-iconictext-container .rockicon-rounded-box i,
	.rock-iconictext-container .rockicon-quasar-box i{color:#f3f3f3;}';
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    $tabs_border_color = xr_get_option('tabs_toggles_border_color', '#E4E4E4');
    $tabs_bg_color = xr_get_option('tabs_toggles_bg_color', '#F0F0F0');
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    echo '.boxed-layout .rock-toggles-container .active .rock-toggle-header{background-color:' . $site_general_color . '; color:' . $menu_level2_font_hover_color . ';}';
    echo '.rock-toggles-container .rock-toggle-header{color:' . $a_link_color . ';}';
    echo '.rock-toggles-container .rock-toggle-header:hover{color:' . $site_general_color . ';}';
    echo '.rock-toggle-content{background:' . $tabs_bg_color . ';}';
    echo '
		.boxed-layout .rock-toggles-container .rock-toggle-header:hover{color:' . $site_general_color . ';}
		.boxed-layout .rock-toggles-container .rock-toggle-header{color:' . xr_get_option('boxed_layout_a_link_color', '#eeeeee') . ';}
		.boxed-layout .rock-toggles-container .active .rock-toggle-header{color:' . $menu_level2_font_hover_color . ';}
    echo '
	.rock-tabs-container .rock-tabs-header-container .rock-tab-header.active,
	.rock-tabs-container .rock-tabs-header-container .rock-tab-header:hover{color:' . $site_general_color . ';}
    echo '.rock-tabs-container .rock-tabs-header-container .rock-tab-header{color:' . $a_link_color . ';}';
    echo '
	.rock-tabs-container .rock-tabs-content-container .tabs-motion-container,
	.rock-tabs-container .rock-tabs-header-container .rock-tab-header.active{
		background:' . $tabs_bg_color . ';
    echo '
		.boxed-layout .rock-tabs-container .rock-tabs-header-container .rock-tab-header{color:' . xr_get_option('boxed_layout_a_link_color', '#eeeeee') . ';}
		.boxed-layout .rock-tabs-container .rock-tabs-header-container .rock-tab-header.active,
		.boxed-layout .rock-tabs-container .rock-tabs-header-container .rock-tab-header:hover{color:' . xr_get_option('boxed_layout_a_link_hover_color', '#ffffff') . ';}
    echo '.rock-tabs-container.tab-top .rock-tabs-header-container .rock-tab-header.active:first-child,
	.rock-tabs-container.tab-top .rock-tabs-header-container .rock-tab-header.active,
	.rock-tabs-container.tab-top .rock-tabs-header-container .rock-tab-header.active{
		border-left-color:' . $tabs_border_color . ';
		border-right-color:' . $tabs_border_color . ';
		border-top-color:' . $tabs_border_color . ';
    echo '.rock-tabs-container.tab-top .rock-tabs-header-container .rock-tab-header.active{
		border-bottom-color:' . $tabs_bg_color . ';
    /*Border Radius of boxed layouts*/
    $layout_border_radius = xr_get_option('layout_border_radius', '0px');
    echo '.boxed-layout{border-radius:' . $layout_border_radius . ';}';
    /*Ajax Filtered Gallery Details*/
    $ajax_filtered_gallery_width = xr_get_option('ajax_filtered_hover_width', '590px');
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    $ajax_filtered_gallery_image_height = rockthemes_fn_px_em_return_num($ajax_filtered_gallery_height) + rockthemes_fn_px_em_return_num($default_padding);
    echo '
		width:' . $ajax_filtered_gallery_image_width . 'px; 
		height:' . ($ajax_filtered_gallery_image_height + 90) . 'px;
		background:' . xr_get_option('ajax_filtered_hover_box_bg', '#FAFAFA') . ';
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		color:' . xr_get_option('ajax_filtered_hover_box_font', '666666') . ';
    echo '.ajax-filtered-hover-box > ajax-filtered-image{width:' . $ajax_filtered_gallery_width . '; height:' . $ajax_filtered_gallery_height . ';}';
    echo '
	.ajax-filtered-gallery-holder.category-names-in-border .ajax-navigation ul li a,
	.ajax-filtered-gallery-holder.category-names-in-border .ajax-filtered-footer a{
		border-color:' . xr_get_option('ajax_filtered_hover_box_font', '666666') . ';
    echo '
	.ajax-filtered-gallery-holder.category-names-in-border .ajax-navigation ul li a:hover,
	.ajax-filtered-gallery-holder.category-names-in-border .ajax-filtered-footer a:hover,
	.ajax-filtered-gallery-holder.category-names-in-border .ajax-navigation ul li.active a{
		border-color:' . $site_general_color . ';
    /*Social Icons*/
    echo '.header-top-1 .rock-social-icon a .social-icon-regular{color:' . xr_get_option('social_media_icons_default_color', '#999') . ' !important;}';
    echo '.header-top-2 .social-icon-regular{color:' . xr_get_option('header_top_link_color', '#FAFAFA') . ' !important;}';
    echo $ie8 . '.header-top-2 .social-icon-regular{color:' . xr_get_option('header_top_link_color', '#FAFAFA') . ' !important;}';
    echo '.rock-social-icon a .social-icon-hover{color:' . xr_get_option('header_top_link_hover_color', '#FFFFFF') . ' !important;}';
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		box-shadow:0 0 3px ' . $site_general_color . ';
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		-moz-box-shadow:0 0 3px ' . $site_general_color . ';
    /*Team Members*/
    echo '.team-member-content .team-member-i{color:' . $site_general_color . ';}';
    echo '.team-member-article.current {
		border-bottom: 20px solid ' . xr_get_option('boxed_layout_element_background_color', '#666666') . ';
    echo '
			color:' . $site_general_color . ';
			border-color:' . $site_general_color . ';
    /*Custom Button Colors*/
    $custom_button_color_1 = xr_get_option('custom_button_color_1', '');
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    $custom_button_color_4 = xr_get_option('custom_button_color_4', '');
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    echo '
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		background: linear-gradient(to bottom,  ' . $custom_button_color_2 . ' 0%,' . $custom_button_color_3 . ' 82%,' . $custom_button_color_4 . ' 100%); 
		border-color: ' . $custom_button_color_1 . ';
		color: white;
		text-shadow: 0 -1px 1px rgba(0, 40, 50, 0.35);

	.button-custom:hover {
		background-color: ' . $custom_button_color_4 . ';
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		background: linear-gradient(top, ' . $custom_button_color_4 . ', ' . $custom_button_color_1 . ');

	.button-custom:active {
		background: ' . $custom_button_color_5 . ';
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	.button-flat-custom {
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		box-shadow: none;
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		transition-property: background;
		-webkit-transition-duration: 0.3s;
		-moz-transition-duration: 0.3s;
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		transition-duration: 0.3s;
		background: ' . $custom_button_color_3 . ';
		color: white;
		text-shadow: none;
		border: none;
	.button-flat-custom:hover {
		background: ' . $custom_button_color_4 . ';
	.button-flat-custom:active {
		-webkit-transition-duration: 0s;
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		-o-transition-duration: 0s;
		transition-duration: 0s;
		background: ' . $custom_button_color_5 . ';
		color: #EEE;
    /*All escape classes*/
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		border:none !important;
		margin:0 !important;
		top:0px !important;
		font-weight:normal !important;
		float:none !important;

	.boxed-colors .escape_button_style{
		color:' . xr_get_option('boxed_layout_a_link_color', '#ffffff') . ' !important;	

		color:' . $a_link_color . ' !important;	
	.boxed-colors .escape_button_style:hover{
		color:' . xr_get_option('boxed_layout_a_link_hover_color', '#ffffff') . ' !important;	

		color:' . $a_link_hover_color . ' !important;	
    echo '.error-404-icon{color:' . $site_general_color . ';}';
    echo '.error-404-header, .error-404-description{color:' . $light_font_color . ';}';
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    /*Extra Styling from user*/
    echo xr_get_option('extra_css_code', '');
    echo '</style>';
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function makeCurvySlider($atts)
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				var loader_container_top = jQuery(window).width() * 700 / 1920 / 2 - 10;
				jQuery("#curvy-slider-main-container-' . $curvy_html_id . '").parent().find(".loader-container").css({"margin-top":loader_container_top, "opacity":"1"});
				jQuery.curvySlider("' . $id . '","curvy-slider-main-container-' . $curvy_html_id . '", "' . $canvasID . '", "' . $auto_play . '", ' . $saved_settings . ');
    $under_curvy_slider = '';
    switch ($slider_bottom_divider) {
        case '':
        case 'use_border':
            $under_curvy_slider = '<div class="curvy-slider-bottom curvy-border-margin"><div class="curvy-border-bottom"></div></div>';
        case 'use_shadow':
            $under_curvy_slider = '<div class="curvy-slider-bottom"><div class="shadow-divider-down"><img src="' . CURVY_URI . 'images/shadow-divider-down.png" /></div></div>';
    $under_curvy_slider = apply_filters('under_curvy_slider', $under_curvy_slider);
    return $return . $under_curvy_slider . $navigation . '</div></div>' . $style . $script;
    //This closing div is closing the main container id div
            if (!$response) {
                return false;
            set_site_transient('browser_' . $key, $response, 604800);
            // cache for 1 week
        return $response;
**	Global Browser variable
**	This variable contains browser details. For more information about browser details
**	check the "rockthemes_get_browser_details" function
$rockthemes_browser = rockthemes_get_browser_details();
**	Check if the browser is lower than IE9. This functions detects the browser and if it's IE8 and lower returns true.
**	This function is more like a shortcut to for feature detection
**	@param	:	This function does not require any params
**	@return	:	Boolean,	True if browser IE8 and lower false if IE9 or other browsers
function rockthemes_ie_lower_nine()
    global $rockthemes_browser;
    if ($rockthemes_browser && strpos($rockthemes_browser['name'], 'xplorer') > -1 && intval($rockthemes_browser['version']) < 9) {
        return true;
    return false;