/** * 删除指定目录及其下的所有文件和子目录 * * 用法: * <code> * // 删除 my_dir 目录及其下的所有文件和子目录 * rmdirs('/path/to/my_dir'); * </code> * * 注意:使用该函数要非常非常小心,避免意外删除重要文件。 * * @param string $dir */ function rmdirs($dir) { $dir = realpath($dir); if ($dir == '' || $dir == '/' || strlen($dir) == 3 && substr($dir, 1) == ':\\') { // 禁止删除根目录 return false; } // 遍历目录,删除所有文件和子目录 if (false !== ($dh = opendir($dir))) { while (false !== ($file = readdir($dh))) { if ($file == '.' || $file == '..') { continue; } $path = $dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file; if (is_dir($path)) { if (!rmdirs($path)) { return false; } } else { unlink($path); } } closedir($dh); rmdir($dir); return true; } else { return false; } }
function rmdirs($dir) { if ($objs = glob($dir . '/*')) { foreach ($objs as $obj) { is_dir($obj) ? rmdirs($obj) : unlink($obj); } } rmdir($dir); }
/** * 删除 */ public function delete($time, $md5, $path) { if ($this->md5($time, $md5)) { if ($path) { return rmdirs($path); } return true; } else { return false; } }
/** * 删除目录(递归删除内容) * @param string $path 目录位置 * @param bool $clean 不删除目录,仅删除目录内文件 * @return bool */ function rmdirs($path, $clean=false) { if(!is_dir($path)) { return false; } $files = glob($path . '/*'); if($files) { foreach($files as $file) { is_dir($file) ? rmdirs($file) : @unlink($file); } } return $clean ? true : @rmdir($path); }
function rmdirs($dir) { $d = dir($dir); while (false !== ($child = $d->read())) { if ($child != '.' && $child != '..') { if (is_dir($dir . '/' . $child)) { rmdirs($dir . '/' . $child); } else { unlink($dir . '/' . $child); } } $d->close(); rmdir($dir); } }
/** * HTML データを作成する。 */ function update_html($trg, $lines) { global $x0401; global $x0402; $tmp = PATH_TMP . "/" . preg_replace("/.*\\//", "", $trg); rmdirs(array($tmp)); mkdirs(array($tmp)); update_html_prefs($tmp); update_html_cities($tmp); update_html_meta($tmp); foreach ($x0402 as $code => $city_name) { update_html_detail($tmp, $code, $city_name, $lines); } log_info("Updated : " . $tmp . "/??/???.html"); move_data($tmp, $trg); return true; }
public function rmdirs($dir) { //error_reporting(0); 函数会返回一个状态,我用error_reporting(0)屏蔽掉输出 //rmdir函数会返回一个状态,我用@屏蔽掉输出 $dir_arr = scandir($dir); foreach ($dir_arr as $key => $val) { if ($val == '.' || $val == '..' || $val == '.svn') { } else { if (is_dir($dir . '/' . $val)) { if (@rmdir($dir . '/' . $val) == 'true') { } else { rmdirs($dir . '/' . $val); } } else { unlink($dir . '/' . $val); } } } }
function rmdirs($dir, $counter = 0) { if (is_dir($dir)) { $dir = realpath($dir) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; } if ($dh = opendir($dir)) { while (($f = readdir($dh)) !== false) { if ($f != '.' && $f != '..') { $f = $dir . $f; if (@is_dir($f)) { $counter += rmdirs($f); } else { if (unlink($f)) { $counter++; } } } } closedir($dh); if (rmdir($dir)) { $counter++; } } return $counter; }
function cache_build_template() { //更新模板 rmdirs(IA_ROOT . '/data/tpl', true); }
message($r['message'], url('cloud/profile'), 'error'); } $info = cloud_m_upgradeinfo($id); if ($_W['isajax'] && $type == 'getinfo') { message($info, '', 'ajax'); } if (is_error($info)) { message($info['message'], referer(), 'error'); } if (!is_error($info)) { if (empty($_GPC['flag'])) { if (intval($_GPC['branch']) > $info['version']['branch_id']) { header('location: ' . url('cloud/redirect/buybranch', array('m' => $id, 'branch' => intval($_GPC['branch']), 'is_upgrade' => 1))); exit; } rmdirs($modulepath, true); header('location: ' . url('cloud/process', array('m' => $id, 'is_upgrade' => 1))); exit; } else { define('ONLINE_MODULE', true); $packet = cloud_m_build($id); $manifest = ext_module_manifest_parse($packet['manifest']); } } } if (empty($manifest)) { message('模块安装配置文件不存在或是格式不正确!', '', 'error'); } manifest_check($id, $manifest); if (ver_compare($module['version'], $manifest['application']['version']) != -1) { message('已安装的模块版本不低于要更新的版本, 操作无效.');
break; } if ($f['download']) { $success++; } } unset($f); $upgrade['files'] = $files; $tmpdir = IA_ROOT . '/addons/ewei_shop/' . date('ymd'); if (!is_dir($tmpdir)) { mkdirs($tmpdir); } file_put_contents($tmpdir . '/file.txt', json_encode($upgrade)); die(json_encode(array('result' => 1, 'total' => count($files), 'success' => $success . '(' . $path . ')'))); } } else { if (!empty($upgrade['upgrade'])) { $updatefile = IA_ROOT . '/addons/ewei_shop/upgrade.php'; file_put_contents($updatefile, base64_decode($upgrade['upgrade'])); require $updatefile; @unlink($updatefile); } file_put_contents(IA_ROOT . '/addons/ewei_shop/version.php', '<?php if(!defined(\'IN_IA\')) {exit(\'Access Denied\');}if(!defined(\'EWEI_SHOP_VERSION\')) {define(\'EWEI_SHOP_VERSION\', \'' . $upgrade['version'] . '\');}'); $tmpdir = IA_ROOT . '/addons/ewei_shop/' . date('ymd'); @rmdirs($tmpdir); die(json_encode(array('result' => 2))); } } } } include $this->template('web/sysset/upgrade');
function rmdirs($d) { $f = glob($d . '*', GLOB_MARK); foreach ($f as $z) { if (is_dir($z)) { rmdirs($z); } else { unlink($z); } } if (is_dir($d)) { rmdir($d); } }
if (compress($massType, $massValue, $massBufferArr)) { $counter++; return $counter; } } else { foreach ($massBufferArr as $k) { $path = trim($k); if (file_exists($path)) { $preserveTimestamp = filemtime($path); if ($massType == 'delete') { if (is_file($path)) { if (unlink($path)) { $counter++; } } elseif (is_dir($path)) { if (rmdirs($path) > 0) { $counter++; } } } elseif ($massType == 'cut') { $dest = $massPath . basename($path); if (rename($path, $dest)) { $counter++; touch($dest, $preserveTimestamp); } } elseif ($massType == 'copy') { $dest = $massPath . basename($path); if (is_dir($path)) { if (copys($path, $dest) > 0) { $counter++; }
<?php global $_W, $_GPC; //check_shop_auth('', $this -> pluginname); $operation = !empty($_GPC['op']) ? $_GPC['op'] : 'display'; if ($operation == 'display') { ca('poster.view'); if (checksubmit('submit')) { ca('poster.clear'); load()->func('file'); @rmdirs(IA_ROOT . '/addons/ewei_shop/data/poster/' . $_W['uniacid']); @rmdirs(IA_ROOT . '/addons/ewei_shop/data/qrcode/' . $_W['uniacid']); $acid = pdo_fetchcolumn("SELECT acid FROM " . tablename('account_wechats') . " WHERE `uniacid`=:uniacid LIMIT 1", array(':uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'])); pdo_update('ewei_shop_poster_qr', array('mediaid' => ''), array('acid' => $acid)); plog('poster.clear', '清除海报缓存'); message('缓存清除成功!', referer(), 'success'); } $pindex = max(1, intval($_GPC['page'])); $psize = 10; $params = array(':uniacid' => $_W['uniacid']); $condition = " and uniacid=:uniacid "; if (!empty($_GPC['keyword'])) { $_GPC['keyword'] = trim($_GPC['keyword']); $condition .= ' AND `title` LIKE :title'; $params[':title'] = '%' . trim($_GPC['keyword']) . '%'; } if (!empty($_GPC['type'])) { $condition .= ' AND `type` = :type'; $params[':type'] = intval($_GPC['type']); } $list = pdo_fetchall("SELECT * FROM " . tablename('ewei_shop_poster') . " WHERE 1 {$condition} ORDER BY isdefault desc,createtime desc LIMIT " . ($pindex - 1) * $psize . ',' . $psize, $params);
exit; } if (!empty($packet) && (!empty($packet['upgrade']) || !empty($packet['install']))) { $schemas = array(); if (!empty($packet['schemas'])) { foreach ($packet['schemas'] as $schema) { $schemas[] = substr($schema['tablename'], 4); } } $scripts = array(); if (empty($packet['install'])) { $updatefiles = array(); if (!empty($packet['scripts'])) { $updatedir = IA_ROOT . '/data/update/'; load()->func('file'); rmdirs($updatedir, true); mkdirs($updatedir); $cversion = IMS_VERSION; $crelease = IMS_RELEASE_DATE; foreach ($packet['scripts'] as $script) { if ($script['release'] <= $crelease) { continue; } $fname = "update({$crelease}-{$script['release']}).php"; $crelease = $script['release']; $script['script'] = @base64_decode($script['script']); if (empty($script['script'])) { $script['script'] = <<<DAT <?php load()->model('setting'); setting_upgrade_version('{$packet['family']}', '{$script['version']}', '{$script['release']}');
function cache_clean($dir = '') { $dir = $dir ? "{$GLOBALS['config']['cache']['dir']}/{$dir}" : "{$GLOBALS['config']['cache']['dir']}"; rmdirs($dir, true); }
function step3() { if (!@rmdirs(DIAMONDMVC_ROOT . DS . 'firstinstallation')) { include dirname(__FILE__) . '/step3.php'; } else { redirect(DIAMONDMVC_URL); } }
/** * Recurrsively removes everything in the given path, i.e. all files and subdirectories within the * given directory. * @param string $path * @return boolean True if the directory was successfully deleted, otherwise false. In case of an error, see the logs. */ function rmdirs($path) { // Make sure the file even is a file. :I if (!is_dir($path)) { logMsg('rmdirs: attempted to recurrsively remove directories in path ' . $path . ', but its not a directory!', 5, 5); return false; } // Make directory separators platform-specifically uniform. $files = glob("{$path}/*"); foreach ($files as $file) { if (is_dir($file)) { rmdirs($file); } else { unlink($file); } } if (!is_dir_empty($path)) { logMsg('rmdirs: failed to delete everything in the directory', 5, 5); return false; } return rmdir($path); }
} } pdo_delete('rule', "id IN ('" . implode("','", $deleteid) . "')"); } $subaccount = pdo_fetchall("SELECT acid FROM " . tablename('account') . " WHERE uniacid = :uniacid", array(':uniacid' => $id)); if (!empty($subaccount)) { foreach ($subaccount as $account) { @unlink(IA_ROOT . '/attachment/qrcode_' . $account['acid'] . '.jpg'); @unlink(IA_ROOT . '/attachment/headimg_' . $account['acid'] . '.jpg'); } $acid = intval($_GPC['acid']); if (empty($acid)) { load()->func('file'); rmdirs(IA_ROOT . '/attachment/images/' . $id); @rmdir(IA_ROOT . '/attachment/images/' . $id); rmdirs(IA_ROOT . '/attachment/audios/' . $id); @rmdir(IA_ROOT . '/attachment/audios/' . $id); } } $tables = pdo_fetchall("SHOW TABLES;"); if (!empty($tables)) { foreach ($tables as $table) { $table = array_shift($table); if (strpos($table, $GLOBALS['_W']['config']['db']['tablepre']) !== 0) { continue; } $tablename = str_replace($GLOBALS['_W']['config']['db']['tablepre'], '', $table); if (pdo_fieldexists($tablename, 'uniacid')) { pdo_delete($tablename, array('uniacid' => $id)); } if (pdo_fieldexists($tablename, 'weid')) {
function rmdirs($s) { $s = substr($s, -1) == '/' ? $s : $s . '/'; if ($dh = opendir($s)) { while (($f = readdir($dh)) !== false) { if ($f != '.' && $f != '..') { $f = $s . $f; if (@is_dir($f)) { rmdirs($f); } else { @unlink($f); } } } closedir($dh); @rmdir($s); } }
/** * 数据管理 * * @return array */ public function deletefile($array) { $dir = DBBACKUP_PATH . '/' . $array['name'] . '/'; if (file_exists($dir)) { if (rmdirs($dir)) { return true; } else { return false; } } else { return false; } }
pdo_delete('account_wechats', array('acid' => $acid, 'uniacid' => $uniacid)); pdo_delete('account_yixin', array('acid' => $acid, 'uniacid' => $uniacid)); } $oauth = uni_setting($uniacid, array('oauth')); if ($oauth['oauth']['account'] == $acid && $account['type'] == 1) { $account_u = pdo_fetch('SELECT * FROM ' . tablename('account_wechats') . " WHERE uniacid = :id AND level = 4 AND secret != '' AND `key` != ''", array(':id' => $uniacid)); if (!empty($account_u)) { $oauth_u = iserializer(array('status' => 1, 'account' => $account_u['acid'])); } else { $oauth_u = ''; } pdo_update('uni_settings', array('oauth' => $oauth_u), array('uniacid' => $uniacid)); } @unlink(IA_ROOT . '/attachment/' . $acid . '/qrcode_' . $acid . '.jpg'); @unlink(IA_ROOT . '/attachment/' . $acid . '/headimg_' . $acid . '.jpg'); rmdirs(IA_ROOT . '/attachment/' . $acid, true); message('删除子公众号成功!', referer(), 'success'); } if ($do == 'details') { load()->func('tpl'); $account = account_fetch($acid); if (empty($account)) { message('公众号不存在或已被删除', '', 'error'); } $_W['page']['title'] = $account['name'] . ' - 公众号详细信息'; $uniaccount = pdo_fetchcolumn('SELECT name FROM ' . tablename('uni_account') . ' WHERE uniacid = :uniacid', array(':uniacid' => $account['uniacid'])); $uid = pdo_fetchcolumn('SELECT uid FROM ' . tablename('uni_account_users') . ' WHERE uniacid = :uniacid', array(':uniacid' => $account['uniacid'])); $username = pdo_fetchcolumn('SELECT username FROM ' . tablename('users') . ' WHERE uid = :uid', array(':uid' => $uid)); $scroll = intval($_GPC['scroll']); $add_num = pdo_fetchcolumn('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ' . tablename('mc_mapping_fans') . ' WHERE acid = :acid AND uniacid = :uniacid AND follow = :follow AND followtime >= :starttime AND followtime <= :endtime', array(':acid' => $acid, ':uniacid' => $uniacid, ':starttime' => strtotime(date('Y-m-d')) - 86400, ':endtime' => strtotime(date('Y-m-d')), ':follow' => 1)); $cancel_num = pdo_fetchcolumn('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ' . tablename('mc_mapping_fans') . ' WHERE acid = :acid AND uniacid = :uniacid AND follow = :follow AND unfollowtime >= :starttime AND unfollowtime <= :endtime', array(':acid' => $acid, ':uniacid' => $uniacid, ':starttime' => strtotime(date('Y-m-d')) - 86400, ':endtime' => strtotime(date('Y-m-d')), ':follow' => 0));
function rmdirs($s_d) { $s_d = substr($s_d, -1) == '/' ? $s_d : $s_d . '/'; $dh = opendir($s_d); while (($item = readdir($dh)) !== false) { $item = $s_d . $item; if (basename($item) == ".." || basename($item) == ".") { continue; } $type = filetype($item); if ($type == "dir") { rmdirs($item); } else { @unlink($item); } } closedir($dh); @rmdir($s_d); }
<?php // 删除数据表 $uninstallSql = <<<uninstallSql \tDROP TABLE IF EXISTS `{$_W['config']['db']['tablepre']}qiyue_qiuqian`; uninstallSql; $row = pdo_run($uninstallSql); //删除附件 load()->func('file'); $path = IA_ROOT . '/attachment/images/' . $_W['uniacid'] . '/qiuqian/'; rmdirs($path);
} else { $sql = file_get_contents($path . $restore['restore_name'] . "/volume-{$restore['restore_prefix']}-{$restore['restore_volume']}.sql"); pdo_run($sql); $volume = $restore['restore_volume']; $restore['restore_volume']++; isetcookie('__restore', base64_encode(json_encode($restore))); message('正在恢复数据备份, 请不要关闭浏览器, 当前第 ' . $volume . ' 卷.', url('system/database/restore')); } } else { message('非法访问', 'error'); } } if ($_GPC['d']) { $d = $_GPC['d']; if ($ds[$d]) { rmdirs($path . $d); message('删除备份成功.', url('system/database/restore')); } } } if ($do == 'trim') { if ($_W['ispost']) { $type = $_GPC['type']; $data = $_GPC['data']; $table = $_GPC['table']; if ($type == 'field') { $sql = "ALTER TABLE `{$table}` DROP `{$data}`"; if (false !== pdo_query($sql, $params)) { exit('success'); } } elseif ($type == 'index') {
function rmdirs($dir) { if (is_dir($dir)) { $objects = scandir($dir); foreach ($objects as $object) { if ($object != "." && $object != "..") { if (filetype("{$dir}/{$object}") == "dir") { rmdirs("{$dir}/{$object}"); } else { unlink("{$dir}/{$object}"); } } } reset($objects); return @rmdir($dir); } return true; }
$info = cloud_t_info($id); $upgrade_info = cloud_t_upgradeinfo($id); if (is_error($upgrade_info)) { message($upgrade_info['message'], referer(), 'error'); } if ($_W['isajax']) { message($upgrade_info, '', 'ajax'); } if (!is_error($info)) { if (empty($_GPC['flag'])) { if (intval($_GPC['branch']) > $upgrade_info['version']['branch_id']) { header('location: ' . url('cloud/redirect/buybranch', array('m' => $id, 'branch' => intval($_GPC['branch']), 'type' => 'theme', 'is_upgrade' => 1))); exit; } load()->func('file'); rmdirs(IA_ROOT . '/app/themes/' . $id, true); header('Location: ' . url('cloud/process', array('t' => $id, 'is_upgrade' => 1))); exit; } else { $packet = cloud_t_build($id); $manifest = ext_template_manifest_parse($packet['manifest']); } } if (empty($manifest)) { if ($batch == 1) { cache_write('upgrade:template', iserializer($wait_upgrade)); message($theme['title'] . ' 模块安装配置文件不存在或是格式不正确。系统将进入下一个模板的更新。<br>请勿关闭浏览器', url('extension/theme/upgrade', array('batch' => 1)), 'success'); } message('模块安装配置文件不存在或是格式不正确!', '', 'error'); } if (ver_compare($theme['version'], $packet['version']) != -1) {
/** * 删除文件夹 * * @access public * @param string $path 要删除的文件夹路径 * @return bool */ function rmdirs($path) { $error_level = error_reporting(0); if ($dh = opendir($path)) { while (false !== ($file = readdir($dh))) { if ($file != '.' && $file != '..') { $file_path = $path . '/' . $file; is_dir($file_path) ? rmdirs($file_path) : unlink($file_path); } } closedir($dh); } $result = rmdir($path); error_reporting($error_level); return $result; }
/** * [WeEngine System] Copyright (c) 2014 WE7.CC * WeEngine is NOT a free software, it under the license terms, visited http://www.we7.cc/ for more details. */ function cache_build_template() { load()->func('file'); rmdirs(IA_ROOT . '/data/tpl', true); }
function rmdirs($dir, $df = true) { if ($dh = @opendir($dir)) { while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false) { if ($file != "." && $file != "..") { $path = $dir . '/' . $file; is_dir($path) ? rmdirs($path, $df) : ($df ? @unlink($path) : null); } } closedir($dh); } return @rmdir($dir); }