function enterObject(&$email_elements, &$sql_elements, &$warning, &$form_output, $send = 0)
        global $REX;
        $this->label = $this->elements[1];
        $this->request_field = $this->elements[3];
        $field = rex_request($this->request_field, "int", "0");
        $this->user_name = "ddd";
        if ($field != "0" && rex_com_user::createObject($field)) {
            $this->value = $REX["COM_CACHE"]["USER"][$field]->getValue("email");
            $this->user_name = rex_com_showUser(&$REX["COM_CACHE"]["USER"][$field], "name", "", FALSE);
        } else {
            $warning = $this->elements[5];
        $form_output[] = '
			<p class="formtext">
				<input type="hidden" name="' . $this->request_field . '" value="' . htmlspecialchars($field) . '" />
				<label class="text" for="el_' . $this->id . '" >' . $this->elements[2] . '</label>
				<input type="text" class="text inp_disabled" disabled="disabled"  id="el_' . $this->id . '" value="' . htmlspecialchars($this->user_name) . '" />
        $email_elements[$this->elements[1]] = stripslashes($this->value);
        if (!isset($this->elements[4]) || $this->elements[4] != "no_db") {
            $sql_elements[$this->elements[1]] = $this->value;
    function enterObject(&$email_elements, &$sql_elements, &$warning, &$form_output, $send = 0)
        $this->label = $this->elements[1];
        // name="FORM[' . $this->params["form_name"] . '][el_' . $this->id . ']"
        global $REX;
        $this->value = -1;
        $this->user_name = "";
        if (isset($REX["COM_USER"]) && is_object($REX["COM_USER"])) {
            $user_field = $REX["COM_USER"]->getValue($this->elements[2]);
            $this->value = $user_field;
            $user_name = rex_com_showUser(&$REX["COM_USER"], "name", "", FALSE);
            $this->user_name = $user_name;
            // echo '<p>Wert wurde neu gesetzt auf: '.$this->value.'</p>';
        $wc = "";
        if (isset($warning["el_" . $this->getId()])) {
            $wc = $warning["el_" . $this->getId()];
        if (!isset($this->elements[4]) || trim($this->elements[4]) != "hidden") {
            $form_output[] = '
				<p class="formtext">
				<label class="text ' . $wc . '" for="el_' . $this->id . '" >' . $this->elements[3] . '</label>
				<input type="text" class="text inp_disabled" disabled="disabled"  id="el_' . $this->id . '" value="' . htmlspecialchars($this->user_name) . '" />
        $email_elements[$this->elements[1]] = stripslashes($this->value);
        if (!isset($this->elements[5]) || $this->elements[5] != "no_db") {
            $sql_elements[$this->elements[1]] = $this->value;
    function getGuestbook($user_id, $aid, $params = array())
        global $REX;
        $MY = FALSE;
        if (is_object($REX['COM_USER']) && $REX['COM_USER']->getValue("") == $user_id) {
            $MY = TRUE;
        $u = new rex_sql();
        $u->setQuery("select * from rex_com_user where id=" . $user_id);
        if ($u->getRows() != 1) {
            return "";
        // ***** ADD MESSAGE
        if (is_object($REX['COM_USER']) && $_REQUEST["add_message"] != "") {
            $text = $_REQUEST["text"];
            if ($text == "") {
                $errormessage = '<p class="warning" colspan=2>Es wurde keine Nachricht eingetragen !</p>';
            } else {
                $addmsgsql = new rex_sql();
                $addmsgsql->setValue("user_id", $user_id);
                $addmsgsql->setValue("from_user_id", $REX['COM_USER']->getValue("id"));
                $addmsgsql->setValue("text", $text);
                $addmsgsql->setValue("create_datetime", time());
                if ($user_id != $REX['COM_USER']->getValue('')) {
                    rex_com_user::exeAction($user_id, "sendemail_guestbook", array("user_id" => $REX['COM_USER']->getValue(''), "firstname" => $REX['COM_USER']->getValue('rex_com_user.firstname'), "name" => $REX['COM_USER']->getValue(''), "login" => $REX['COM_USER']->getValue('rex_com_user.login'), "to_user_id" => $u->getValue(''), "to_firstname" => $u->getValue('rex_com_user.firstname'), "to_name" => $u->getValue(''), "to_login" => $u->getValue('rex_com_user.login')));
        } elseif ($MY && $_REQUEST["delete_message"] != "") {
            $msg_id = (int) $_REQUEST["msg_id"];
            if ($msg_id == 0) {
                $errormessage = '<p class="warning">Es wurde keine Nachricht ausgewählt!</p>';
            } else {
                $addmsgsql = new rex_sql();
                // $addmsgsql->debugsql = 1;
                $addmsgsql->setQuery('delete from rex_com_guestbook where id=' . $msg_id . ' and user_id="' . $REX['COM_USER']->getValue("id") . '"');
        // ***** SHOW MESSAGES
        $guestsql = new rex_sql();
        $guestsql->debugsql = 0;
        $guestsql->setQuery("SELECT * \n\t\t\tFROM  rex_com_guestbook \n\t\t\tLEFT JOIN rex_com_user ON \n\t\t\tWHERE rex_com_guestbook.user_id='" . $user_id . "' \n\t\t\tORDER BY rex_com_guestbook.create_datetime desc");
        if ($guestsql->getRows() <= 0) {
            $echo .= '<p class="com-whitebox">Kein Gästebucheintrag vorhanden !</p>';
        } else {
            $cl = "";
            for ($i = 0; $i < $guestsql->getRows(); $i++) {
                // $cl
                $echo .= '
				<div class="com-guestbook">
					<div class="com-image">
						<p class="image">' . rex_com_showUser($guestsql, "image") . '</p>

					<div class="com-content">
					<div class="com-content-2">
						<div class="com-content-name">
							<p><span class="color-1">' . rex_com_showUser($guestsql, "name") . ', ' . rex_com_showUser($guestsql, "city", "", FALSE) . '</span>
								<br />' . rex_com_formatter($guestsql->getValue("rex_com_guestbook.create_datetime"), 'datetime') . '
						<p><b>' . nl2br(htmlspecialchars($guestsql->getValue("rex_com_guestbook.text"))) . '</b></p>';
                if ($guestsql->getValue("rex_com_user.motto") != '') {
                    $echo .= '<p>Motto: ' . $guestsql->getValue("rex_com_user.motto") . '</p>';
                if ($MY) {
                    $link_params = array_merge($params, array("user_id" => $user_id, "delete_message" => 1, "msg_id" => $guestsql->getValue("")));
                    $echo .= '<br /><p class="link-button"><a href="' . rex_getUrl($aid, '', $link_params) . '"><span>Löschen</span></a></p>';
                $echo .= '</div></div>
					<div class="clearer"> </div>
                if ($cl == "") {
                    $cl = ' class="alternative"';
                } else {
                    $cl = "";
        //		$echo .= '</tr></table>';
        if (is_object($REX['COM_USER'])) {
            $echo .= '<div id="rex-form" class="com-guestbook-form spcl-bgcolor">
			<form action="' . $REX["FRONTEND_FILE"] . '" method="post" id="guestbookform">
			<h2>Einen neuen Eintrag schreiben</h2>

			' . $errormessage . '
			<input type="hidden" name="add_message" value="1" />
			<input type="hidden" name="user_id" value="' . $user_id . '" />
			<input type="hidden" name="article_id" value="' . $aid . '" />
            foreach ($params as $k => $v) {
                $echo .= '<input type="hidden" name="' . $k . '" value="' . htmlspecialchars($v) . '" />';
            $echo .= '
				<p class="formtextarea">
					<label for="f-message">Nachricht:</label>
					<textarea id="f-message" name="text" cols="40" rows="4" /></textarea>
				<p class="link-save">
					<a href="javascript:void(0);"  onclick="document.getElementById(\'guestbookform\').submit()"><span>Speichern</span></a></p>
			<div class="clearer"> </div>
        return $echo;
    function enterObject(&$email_elements, &$sql_elements, &$warning, &$form_output, $send = 0)
        global $REX;
        $SEL = new rex_select();
        $SEL->setName('FORM[' . $this->params["form_name"] . '][el_' . $this->id . ']');
        $SEL->setId("el_" . $this->id);
        if (isset($REX["COM_USER"]) && is_object($REX["COM_USER"])) {
            $user_id = $REX["COM_USER"]->getValue("id");
        $sql = '
					and rex_com_contact.user_id="' . $user_id . '" 
					and rex_com_contact.accepted=1';
        $teams = new rex_sql();
        // $teams->debugsql = 1;
        $sqlnames = array();
        $user_id = -1;
        if (isset($_REQUEST["user_id"])) {
            $user_id = (int) $_REQUEST["user_id"];
        $no_user = true;
        for ($t = 0; $t < $teams->getRows(); $t++) {
            $SEL->addOption(rex_com_showUser(&$teams, "name", '', FALSE), $teams->getValue("id"));
            $sqlnames[$teams->getValue("id")] = rex_com_showUser(&$teams, "name", '', FALSE);
            if ($teams->getValue("id") == $user_id) {
                $this->value = $user_id;
                $user_id = -1;
            $no_user = false;
        if ($user_id > 0) {
            $sql = 'select * from rex_com_user where id="' . $user_id . '" and status=1';
            $gu = new rex_sql();
            // $gu->debugsql = 1;
            if ($gu->getRows() == 1) {
                $SEL->addOption(rex_com_showUser(&$gu, "name", '', FALSE), $gu->getValue("id"));
                $sqlnames[$gu->getValue("id")] = rex_com_showUser(&$gu, "name", '', FALSE);
                $this->value = $user_id;
                $form_output[] .= '<input type="hidden" name="user_id" value="' . $user_id . '" />';
                $no_user = false;
        $out = $SEL->get();
        $wc = "";
        if (isset($warning["el_" . $this->getId()])) {
            $wc = $warning["el_" . $this->getId()];
        if ($no_user) {
            $warning["el_" . $this->getId()] = $this->params["error_class"];
            $out = "Kein User ausgewählt. Kein Versand möglich.";
        $SEL->setStyle(' class="select ' . $wc . '"');
        $form_output[] = '
			<p class="formselect">
			<label class="select ' . $wc . '" for="el_' . $this->id . '" >' . $this->elements[2] . '</label>
			' . $out . '
        $email_elements[$this->elements[1]] = stripslashes($this->value);
        if (isset($sqlnames[$this->value])) {
            $email_elements[$this->elements[1] . '_SQLNAME'] = stripslashes($sqlnames[$this->value]);
        if (!isset($this->elements[8]) || $this->elements[8] != "no_db") {
            $sql_elements[$this->elements[1]] = $this->value;
    function showMessage()
        global $REX;
        $msql = new rex_sql();
        if ($this->debug) {
            $msql->debugsql = 1;
        $msql->setQuery("select * from rex_com_board {$this->userjoin_query} where rex_com_board.re_message_id='0' and rex_com_board.board_id='" . $this->boardname . "' and rex_com_board.message_id='" . $this->msg["bb_msg_id"] . "' and rex_com_board.status='1'");
        if ($msql->getRows() == 1) {
            $mout = '
					<div class="com-tab com-tab-no-navi com-board">
					<div class="com-tab-cntnt">
					<div class="com-tab-cntnt-2">
					<div class="com-tab-cntnt-3">
						<div class="com-board-info">
							<p>' . $this->text[10] . ' <a href="' . $this->getLink() . '">' . $this->realboardname . '</a></p>
							<h2>' . $msql->getValue("rex_com_board.subject") . '</h2>
						<div class="com-comment-topic com-comment">
							<div class="com-image">
								<p class="image">' . rex_com_showUser(&$msql, "image", "", TRUE, FALSE) . '</p>
							<div class="com-content">
							<div class="com-content-2">
								<p class="user-name"><span>' . rex_com_showUser(&$msql, "name", "", TRUE) . '</span> ' . $this->text[501] . ' ' . date($this->text[150], $msql->getValue("rex_com_board.stamp")) . ':</p>
								<p class="message">' . nl2br(htmlspecialchars($msql->getValue("rex_com_board.message"))) . '</p>';
            if ($this->admin) {
                $mout .= '		<p class="link-button"><a href="' . $this->getLink(array("bb_func" => "deleteMessage", "bb_msg_id" => $msql->getValue("rex_com_board.message_id"))) . '"><span>' . $this->text[270] . '</span></a></p>';
            $mout .= '		</div></div>
							<div class="clearer"> </div>
            $mrsql = new rex_sql();
            if ($this->debug) {
                $mrsql->debugsql = 1;
            $mrsql->setQuery("select * from rex_com_board {$this->userjoin_query} where rex_com_board.re_message_id='" . $this->msg["bb_msg_id"] . "' and rex_com_board.status=1");
            if ($mrsql->getRows() > 0) {
                $mout .= '
						<div class="com-board-info">
							<h3>' . $this->text[60] . '</h3>
                for ($i = 0; $i < $mrsql->getRows(); $i++) {
                    $mout .= '
						<div class="com-comment">
							<div class="com-image">
								<p class="image">' . rex_com_showUser(&$mrsql, "image", "", TRUE, FALSE) . '</p>
							<div class="com-content">
							<div class="com-content-2">
								<p class="user-name"><span>' . rex_com_showUser(&$mrsql, "name", "", TRUE) . '</span> ' . $this->text[501] . ' ' . date($this->text[150], $mrsql->getValue("rex_com_board.stamp")) . ':</p>
								<p class="message">' . nl2br(htmlspecialchars($mrsql->getValue("rex_com_board.message"))) . '</p>';
                    if ($this->admin) {
                        $mout .= '<p class="link-button"><a href="' . $this->getLink(array("bb_func" => "deleteMessage", "bb_msg_id" => $mrsql->getValue("rex_com_board.message_id"))) . '"><span>' . $this->text[280] . '</span></a></p>';
                    $mout .= '
							<div class="clearer"> </div>
            } else {
                $mout .= '
						<div class="com-board-info">
							<h3>' . $this->text[170] . '</h3>
            if ($this->checkVars()) {
                $mout .= '<div class="com-answer">
						<div class="com-board-info">
							<h3>' . $this->text[180] . '</h3>
                $mout .= $this->warning(2);
                $form = $this->getFormDetails(array("bb_func" => "reply", "bb_msg_id" => $this->msg["bb_msg_id"]));
                $mout .= '<div id="rex-form">';
                $mout .= $form["form"] . $form["hidden"];
                if (!$this->anonymous) {
                    $mout .= '	<div class="com-image">
									<p class="image">' . rex_com_showUser(&$REX["COM_USER"]->USER, "image", "", FALSE) . '</p>
                $mout .= '<div class="com-content">
							<div class="com-content-2">';
                if ($this->anonymous) {
                    $mout .= '
						<p class="formtext">
							<label class="text" for="f-bb-msg-anouser" >' . $this->text[290] . '</label>
							<input type="text" class="text" id="f-bb-msg-anouser" name="bb_msg_anouser" maxlength="30" value="' . stripslashes(htmlspecialchars($this->msg["bb_msg_anouser"])) . '" />
                } else {
                    $mout .= '
						<p class="formtext">
							<label class="text" for="f-bb-msg-user" >' . $this->text[290] . '</label>
							<input type="text" class="inp_disabled" id="f-bb-msg-user" name="bb_msg_user" disabled="disabled" value="' . rex_com_showUser(&$REX["COM_USER"]->USER, "name", "", FALSE) . '" />
                $mout .= '
						<p class="formtextarea">
							<label class="textarea" for="f-bb-msg-message" >' . $this->text[200] . '</label>
							<textarea class="textarea " name="bb_msg_message" id="f-bb-msg-message" cols="80" rows="10">' . stripslashes(htmlspecialchars($this->msg["bb_msg_message"])) . '</textarea>
						<div class="clearer"> </div>
						' . $form["submit"];
                $mout .= '</div></div>
							<div class="clearer"> </div>
                $mout .= '</div>';
            $mout .= '
        return $mout;