Exemple #1
 * Function to get customfield entries
 * @param string $module - Module name
 * return array  $cflist - customfield entries
function getBlockListEntries($module)
    $tabid = getTabid($module);
    global $adb;
    global $theme;
    global $current_language;
    if ($module == "Events") {
        $module = "Calendar";
    $cur_module_strings = return_specified_module_language($current_language, $module);
    $theme_path = "themes/" . $theme . "/";
    $image_path = $theme_path . "images/";
    $dbQuery = "select blockid,blocklabel,sequence from ec_blocks where tabid={$tabid} and visible = 0 order by sequence";
    $result = $adb->query($dbQuery);
    $row = $adb->fetch_array($result);
    $count = 1;
    $cflist = array();
    if ($row != '') {
        do {
            $cf_element = array();
            $cf_element['no'] = $count;
            if (isset($cur_module_strings[$row["blocklabel"]])) {
                $cf_element['label'] = $cur_module_strings[$row["blocklabel"]];
            } else {
                $cf_element['label'] = $row["blocklabel"];
            $cf_element['sequence'] = $row["sequence"];
            $cf_element['tool'] = '<img src="' . $image_path . 'editfield.gif" border="0" style="cursor:pointer;" onClick="fnvshobj(this,\'createblock\');getCreateCustomBlockForm(\'' . $module . '\',\'' . $row["blockid"] . '\',\'' . $tabid . '\',\'' . $cf_element['label'] . '\',\'' . $row["sequence"] . '\')" alt="Edit" title="Edit"/>&nbsp;|&nbsp;<img style="cursor:pointer;" onClick="deleteCustomBlock(' . $row["blockid"] . ',\'' . $module . '\', \'' . $row["columnname"] . '\', \'' . $row["uitype"] . '\')" src="' . $image_path . 'delete.gif" border="0"  alt="Delete" title="Delete"/></a>';
            $cflist[] = $cf_element;
        } while ($row = $adb->fetch_array($result));
    return $cflist;
Exemple #2
 * Function to get customfield entries
 * @param string $module - Module name
 * return array  $cflist - customfield entries
function getLayoutListEntries($module)
    $tabid = getTabid($module);
    global $adb;
    global $theme;
    global $current_language;
    global $app_strings;
    if ($module == "Events") {
        $module = "Calendar";
    $cur_module_strings = return_specified_module_language($current_language, $module);
    $theme_path = "themes/" . $theme . "/";
    $image_path = $theme_path . "images/";
    $query = "select * from ec_blocks where tabid='" . $tabid . "' order by sequence";
    $block_result = $adb->query($query);
    $blcoklist = array();
    while ($block_row = $adb->fetch_array($block_result)) {
        $blockid = $block_row['blockid'];
        $blocklabel = $block_row['blocklabel'];
        if (isset($cur_module_strings[$blocklabel])) {
            $blocklabel = $cur_module_strings[$blocklabel];
        $dbQuery = "select ec_field.fieldid,ec_field.fieldlabel,ec_field.block,ec_field.sequence,ec_field.typeofdata from ec_field inner join ec_def_org_field on ec_def_org_field.fieldid=ec_field.fieldid where ec_def_org_field.visible=0 and ec_field.tabid={$tabid} and displaytype in(1,2,4) and ec_field.block='" . $blockid . "' order by ec_field.block,ec_field.sequence";
        $result = $adb->query($dbQuery);
        $row = $adb->fetch_array($result);
        $count = 1;
        $cflist = array();
        if ($row != '') {
            do {
                $cf_element = array();
                $cf_element['no'] = $count;
                if (isset($cur_module_strings[$row["fieldlabel"]])) {
                    $cf_element['fieldlabel'] = $cur_module_strings[$row["fieldlabel"]];
                } elseif (isset($app_strings[$row["fieldlabel"]])) {
                    $cf_element['fieldlabel'] = $app_strings[$row["fieldlabel"]];
                } else {
                    $cf_element['fieldlabel'] = $row["fieldlabel"];
                $cf_element['sequence'] = $row["sequence"];
                $typeofdata = $row["typeofdata"];
                if (strpos($typeofdata, "~M") > -1) {
                    $typeofdata = "true";
                } else {
                    $typeofdata = "false";
                $cf_element['typeofdata'] = $typeofdata;
                $cf_element['tool'] = '<img src="' . $image_path . 'editfield.gif" border="0" style="cursor:pointer;" onClick="fnvshobj(this,\'createLayout\');getFieldLayoutForm(\'' . $module . '\',\'' . $row["fieldid"] . '\',\'' . $tabid . '\',\'' . $cf_element['fieldlabel'] . '\',\'' . $blocklabel . '\',\'' . $row["sequence"] . '\',\'' . $row['block'] . '\',\'' . $typeofdata . '\')" alt="' . $app_strings['LNK_EDIT'] . '" title="' . $app_strings['LNK_EDIT'] . '"/>';
                $cflist[] = $cf_element;
            } while ($row = $adb->fetch_array($result));
        $blcoklist[$blocklabel] = $cflist;
    return $blcoklist;
Exemple #3
function getCustomBlocks($module, $tabid)
    //$tabid = getTabid($module);
    global $adb;
    global $theme;
    global $current_language;
    $cur_module_strings = return_specified_module_language($current_language, $module);
    $theme_path = "themes/" . $theme . "/";
    $image_path = $theme_path . "images/";
    $dbQuery = "select blockid,blocklabel,sequence from ec_blocks where tabid={$tabid} and visible = 0 order by sequence";
    $result = $adb->getList($dbQuery);
    $cflist = array();
    foreach ($result as $row) {
        if (isset($cur_module_strings[$row["blocklabel"]])) {
            $cflist[$row['blockid']] = $cur_module_strings[$row["blocklabel"]];
        } else {
            $cflist[$row['blockid']] = $row["blocklabel"];
    return $cflist;
Exemple #4
 function getFenzuModuleInfo($module)
     global $adb;
     global $current_language;
     $current_mod_strings = return_specified_module_language($current_language, $module);
     $block_info = array();
     $tabid = getTabid($module);
     $Sql = "select distinct block,ec_field.tabid,name,blocklabel from ec_field inner join ec_blocks on ec_blocks.blockid=ec_field.block inner join ec_tab on ec_tab.tabid=ec_field.tabid where ec_field.block not in(40,6,75,35,30,54,60,66,72) and ec_tab.tabid='{$tabid}' order by block";
     $result = $adb->query($Sql);
     while ($block_result = $adb->fetch_array($result)) {
         $block_label = $block_result['blocklabel'];
         if (trim($block_label) == '') {
             $block_info[$pre_block_label] = $block_info[$pre_block_label] . "," . $block_result['block'];
         } else {
             if (isset($current_mod_strings[$block_label])) {
                 $lan_block_label = $current_mod_strings[$block_label];
             } else {
                 $lan_block_label = $block_label;
             $block_info[$lan_block_label] = $block_result['block'];
         $pre_block_label = $lan_block_label;
     $this->module_list[$module] = $block_info;
     return $this->module_list;
Exemple #5

require_once "include/database/PearDatabase.php";
global $current_user;
global $adb;
$mod_strings = return_specified_module_language("zh_cn", "Settings");
$now = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
$userid = $_REQUEST['userid'];
if (empty($userid)) {
    die("CurrentUser->ID is null,Please Check it!");
$old_endtime = $_REQUEST['endtime'];
if (empty($old_endtime) || $old_endtime == '0000-00-00 00:00:00') {
    $old_endtime = '';
$price = 6;
$newtcdate = $_REQUEST['newtcdate'];
if ($newtcdate == 'onemonth') {
    if (!empty($old_endtime)) {
        $endtime = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime("1 month", strtotime($old_endtime)));
    } else {
        $endtime = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime("1 month"));
    $chargefee = $price * 1;
if ($newtcdate == 'threemonths') {
    if (!empty($old_endtime)) {
        $endtime = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime("3 months", strtotime($old_endtime)));
    } else {
        $endtime = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime("3 months"));
Exemple #6
function getTranslatedColumnFields($module)
    global $log;
    global $current_language;
    $import_mod_strings = return_specified_module_language($current_language, $module);
    $log->debug("Entering getTranslatedColumnFields() method ...");
    global $adb;
    $column_fld = array();
    $tabid = getTabid($module);
    $sql = "select ec_field.* from ec_field inner join ec_def_org_field on ec_def_org_field.fieldid=ec_field.fieldid where ec_def_org_field.visible=0 and ec_field.tabid='" . $tabid . "' order by block,sequence";
    $result = $adb->query($sql);
    $noofrows = $adb->num_rows($result);
    for ($i = 0; $i < $noofrows; $i++) {
        $fieldname = $adb->query_result($result, $i, "fieldname");
        $fieldlabel = $adb->query_result($result, $i, "fieldlabel");
        if (isset($import_mod_strings[$fieldlabel])) {
            $column_fld[$fieldname] = $import_mod_strings[$fieldlabel];
        } else {
            $column_fld[$fieldname] = $fieldlabel;
    $log->debug("Exiting getTranslatedColumnFields method ...");
    return $column_fld;

$ModuleVar = $_REQUEST["ModuleVar"];
global $adb;
$tabid = getTabid($ModuleVar);
$printArray = array();
$query = "select ec_field.fieldlabel,columnname from ec_field where tabid='" . $tabid . "' and columnname=fieldname and uitype in(1,2,11,13,15,5,70,1021,1022,1023,21,19,87,86,85,88,71,17,7,9,56,33)";
$result = $adb->query($query);
global $current_language;
$cur_module_strings = return_specified_module_language($current_language, $ModuleVar);
//echo $query;
$num_rows = $adb->num_rows($result);
$optionsstr = "<option value=0 selected> " . $app_strings["LBL_NONE"] . " </option>";
$prefix = "var.";
if ($ModuleVar == "Accounts" || $ModuleVar == "Accounts" || $ModuleVar == "Accounts" || $ModuleVar == "Accounts" || $ModuleVar == "Accounts") {
switch ($ModuleVar) {
    case "Accounts":
        $prefix = "var.ACCOUNT_";
    case "Contacts":
        $prefix = "var.CONTACT_";
    case "Vendors":
        $prefix = "var.ACCOUNT_";
    case "Vcontacts":
        $prefix = "var.CONTACT_";
    case "Products":
        $prefix = "product.";

$currentModule = $_REQUEST['relatedmodule'];
$mod_strings = return_specified_module_language($current_language, $currentModule);
include 'include/Ajax/UpdateCollectTotalInf.php';

global $adb, $current_language;
$module = addslashes($_REQUEST["langmod"]);
$mod_lang = return_specified_module_language($current_language, $module);
$module_lang_labels = array_flip($mod_lang);
$module_lang_labels = array_flip($module_lang_labels);
$keys = implode('||', array_keys($module_lang_labels));
$values = implode('||', $module_lang_labels);
echo $keys . '|@|' . $values;
Exemple #10
 function getCustomViewModuleInfo($module)
     global $adb;
     global $current_language;
     $current_mod_strings = return_specified_module_language($current_language, $module);
     $block_info = array();
     $modules_list = explode(",", $module);
     if ($module == "Calendar") {
         $module = "Calendar','Events";
         $modules_list = array('Calendar', 'Events');
     // Tabid mapped to the list of block labels to be skipped for that tab.
     $skipBlocksList = array(getTabid('Contacts') => array('LBL_IMAGE_INFORMATION'), getTabid('HelpDesk') => array('LBL_COMMENTS'), getTabid('Products') => array('LBL_IMAGE_INFORMATION'), getTabid('Faq') => array('LBL_COMMENT_INFORMATION'), getTabid('Quotes') => array('LBL_RELATED_PRODUCTS'), getTabid('PurchaseOrder') => array('LBL_RELATED_PRODUCTS'), getTabid('SalesOrder') => array('LBL_RELATED_PRODUCTS'), getTabid('Invoice') => array('LBL_RELATED_PRODUCTS'));
     $Sql = "select distinct block,vtiger_field.tabid,name,blocklabel from vtiger_field inner join vtiger_blocks on vtiger_blocks.blockid=vtiger_field.block inner join vtiger_tab on vtiger_tab.tabid=vtiger_field.tabid where displaytype != 3 and vtiger_tab.name in (" . generateQuestionMarks($modules_list) . ") and vtiger_field.presence in (0,2) order by block";
     $result = $adb->pquery($Sql, array($modules_list));
     if ($module == "Calendar','Events") {
         $module = "Calendar";
     $pre_block_label = '';
     while ($block_result = $adb->fetch_array($result)) {
         $block_label = $block_result['blocklabel'];
         $tabid = $block_result['tabid'];
         // Skip certain blocks of certain modules
         if (array_key_exists($tabid, $skipBlocksList) && in_array($block_label, $skipBlocksList[$tabid])) {
         if (trim($block_label) == '') {
             $block_info[$pre_block_label] = $block_info[$pre_block_label] . "," . $block_result['block'];
         } else {
             $lan_block_label = $current_mod_strings[$block_label];
             if (isset($block_info[$lan_block_label]) && $block_info[$lan_block_label] != '') {
                 $block_info[$lan_block_label] = $block_info[$lan_block_label] . "," . $block_result['block'];
             } else {
                 $block_info[$lan_block_label] = $block_result['block'];
         $pre_block_label = $lan_block_label;
     $this->module_list[$module] = $block_info;
     return $this->module_list;
global $adb, $current_language, $current_user, $mod_strings;
switch ($_REQUEST["handler"]) {
    case "fill_lang":
        $module = addslashes($_REQUEST["langmod"]);
        $mod_lang = return_specified_module_language($current_language, $module);
        $module_lang_labels = array_flip($mod_lang);
        $module_lang_labels = array_flip($module_lang_labels);
        $keys = implode('||', array_keys($module_lang_labels));
        $values = implode('||', $module_lang_labels);
        echo $keys . '|@|' . $values;
    case "confirm_portal":
        $module = addslashes($_REQUEST["langmod"]);
        $curr_templatename = $_REQUEST["curr_templatename"];
        $mod_lang = return_specified_module_language($current_language, "XMLExport4You");
        $sql = "SELECT filename\n                FROM vtiger_xmlexport4you\n                INNER JOIN vtiger_xmlexport4you_settings USING(templateid)\n                WHERE is_portal=? AND module=?";
        $params = array("1", $module);
        $result = $adb->pquery($sql, $params);
        $confirm = "";
        if ($adb->num_rows($result) > 0) {
            $templatename = $adb->query_result($result, 0, "filename");
            $confirm = $mod_lang["LBL_XMLEXPORT4YOU_TEMPLATE"] . " '" . $templatename . "' " . $mod_lang["LBL_REPLACED_PORTAL_TEMPLATE"] . " '" . $curr_templatename . "' " . $mod_lang["LBL_AS_PORTAL_TEMPLATE"];
        } else {
            $confirm = $mod_lang["LBL_VTIGER_TEMPLATE"] . " " . $mod_lang["LBL_REPLACED_PORTAL_TEMPLATE"] . " '" . $curr_templatename . "' " . $mod_lang["LBL_AS_PORTAL_TEMPLATE"];
        echo $confirm;
    case "templates_order":
        $inStr = $_REQUEST["tmpl_order"];
        $inStr = rtrim($inStr, "#");
Exemple #12
function export_all($type)
    global $log, $list_max_entries_per_page;
    $log->debug("Entering export_all(" . $type . ") method ...");
    global $adb;
    $focus = 0;
    $content = '';
    if ($type != "") {
        //changed by dingjianting on 2009-2-15 for supporting new module
        require_once "modules/{$type}/{$type}.php";
        $focus = new $type();
    $log = LoggerManager::getLogger('export_' . $type);
    $where = '';
    if ( isset($_REQUEST['all']) )
    	$where = '';
    	$where = $_SESSION['export_where'];
    if (!isset($_REQUEST['allids']) || $_REQUEST['allids'] == "") {
        $where = "";
    } else {
        $allids = str_replace(";", ",", $_REQUEST['allids']);
        $allids = substr($allids, 0, -1);
        $where = $crmid . " in (" . $allids . ")";
    $search_type = $_REQUEST['search_type'];
    $export_data = $_REQUEST['export_data'];
    $viewname = $_REQUEST['viewname'];
    $entityArr = getEntityTable($type);
    $ec_crmentity = $entityArr["tablename"];
    $entityidfield = $entityArr["entityidfield"];
    $crmid = $ec_crmentity . "." . $entityidfield;
    $order_by = "";
    $query = $focus->create_export_query($order_by, $where);
    if (isset($_SESSION['export_where']) && $_SESSION['export_where'] != '' && $search_type == 'includesearch') {
        $where = $_SESSION['export_where'];
        $query .= ' and  (' . $where . ') ';
    if (($search_type == 'withoutsearch' || $search_type == 'includesearch') && $export_data == 'selecteddata') {
        $idstring = str_replace(";", ",", $_REQUEST['idstring']);
        $idstring = substr($idstring, 0, -1);
        if ($idstring != "") {
            $query .= ' and ' . $crmid . ' in (' . $idstring . ')';
    if ($export_data == 'vieweddata' && $viewname != "" && $viewname != 0) {
        $oCustomView = new CustomView($type);
        if ($type == "SalesOrder" || $type == "PurchaseOrder") {
            $query = $oCustomView->getExportModifiedCvListQuery($viewname, $query, $type, true);
        } else {
            $query = $oCustomView->getExportModifiedCvListQuery($viewname, $query, $type, false);
    if (isset($_SESSION['nav_start']) && $_SESSION['nav_start'] != '' && $export_data == 'currentpage') {
        $start_rec = $_SESSION['nav_start'];
        $limit_start_rec = $start_rec == 0 ? 0 : $start_rec - 1;
        $query_order_by = $crmid;
        $sorder = "desc";
        $result = $adb->limitQuery2($query, $limit_start_rec, $list_max_entries_per_page, $query_order_by, $sorder);
    } else {
        $query .= " order by " . $crmid . " desc";
        $result = $adb->query($query, true, "Error exporting {$type}: " . "<BR>{$query}");
    $numRows = $adb->num_rows($result);
    $fields_array = $adb->getFieldsArray($result);
    global $current_language;
    $spec_mod_strings = return_specified_module_language($current_language, $type);
    foreach ($fields_array as $key => $fieldlabel) {
        if (isset($spec_mod_strings[$fieldlabel])) {
            $fields_array[$key] = $spec_mod_strings[$fieldlabel];
    $header = implode("\",\"", array_values($fields_array));
    $header = "\"" . $header;
    $header .= "\"\r\n";
    $content .= $header;
    $column_list = implode(",", array_values($fields_array));
    while ($val = $adb->fetchByAssoc($result, -1, false)) {
        $new_arr = array();
        foreach ($val as $key => $value) {
            if ($key == "description") {
                $value = br2nl_vt($value);
            array_push($new_arr, preg_replace("/\"/", "\"\"", $value));
        $line = implode("\",\"", $new_arr);
        $line = "\"" . $line;
        $line .= "\"\r\n";
        $content .= $line;
    $log->debug("Exiting export_all method ...");
    return $content;
Exemple #13
    public function getSelectedValuesToSmarty($smarty_obj = "", $step_name = "")
        if ($smarty_obj != "" && $step_name != "") {
            global $app_strings;
            global $mod_strings;
            global $default_charset;
            global $current_language;
            global $image_path;
            global $theme;
            $theme_path = "themes/" . $theme . "/";
            $image_path = $theme_path . "images/";
            $smarty_obj->assign("THEME", $theme_path);
            $smarty_obj->assign("IMAGE_PATH", $image_path);
            $adb = PEARDatabase::getInstance();
            $get_all_steps = "all";
            if (isset($_REQUEST["record"]) && $_REQUEST['record'] != '') {
                $recordid = vtlib_purify($_REQUEST["record"]);
            } else {
                $recordid = "";
            $smarty_obj->assign("RECORDID", $recordid);
            $smarty_obj->assign("DISPLAY_FILTER_HEADER", false);
            if (in_array($step_name, array("ReportsStep1"))) {
                if (isset($_REQUEST["reportname"]) && $_REQUEST["reportname"] != "") {
                    $reportname = htmlspecialchars(vtlib_purify($_REQUEST["reportname"]));
                } else {
                    $reportname = $this->reportinformations["reports4youname"];
                $smarty_obj->assign("REPORTNAME", $reportname);
                if (isset($_REQUEST["reportdesc"]) && $_REQUEST["reportdesc"] != "") {
                    $reportdesc = htmlspecialchars(vtlib_purify($_REQUEST["reportdesc"]));
                } else {
                    $reportdesc = $this->reportinformations["reportdesc"];
                $smarty_obj->assign("REPORTDESC", $reportdesc);
                $smarty_obj->assign("REP_MODULE", $this->reportinformations["primarymodule"]);
                $smarty_obj->assign("PRIMARYMODULES", $this->getPrimaryModules());
                $smarty_obj->assign("REP_FOLDERS", $this->getReportFolders());
                if (isset($this->primarymodule) && $this->primarymodule != '') {
                    $rel_modules = $this->getReportRelatedModules($this->primarymoduleid);
                    foreach ($rel_modules as $key => $relmodule) {
                        $restricted_modules .= $relmodule['id'] . ":";
                    $smarty_obj->assign("REL_MODULES_STR", trim($restricted_modules, ":"));
                    $smarty_obj->assign("RELATEDMODULES", $rel_modules);
                $smarty_obj->assign("FOLDERID", vtlib_purify($_REQUEST['folder']));
            if (in_array($step_name, array("ReportsStep2", $get_all_steps))) {
                if (isset($this->primarymodule) && $this->primarymodule != '') {
                    $rel_modules = $this->getReportRelatedModules($this->primarymoduleid);
                    foreach ($rel_modules as $key => $relmodule) {
                        $restricted_modules .= $relmodule['id'] . ":";
                    $smarty_obj->assign("REL_MODULES_STR", trim($restricted_modules, ":"));
                    $smarty_obj->assign("RELATEDMODULES", $rel_modules);
            if (in_array($step_name, array("ReportGrouping", $get_all_steps))) {
                // TIMELINE COLUMNS DEFINITION CHANGED New Code 13.5.2014 11:58
                // ITS4YOU-CR SlOl | 13.5.2014 11:53
                if (isset($_REQUEST["primarymodule"]) && $_REQUEST["primarymodule"] != "") {
                    $primary_moduleid = $_REQUEST["primarymodule"];
                    $primary_module = vtlib_getModuleNameById($_REQUEST["primarymodule"]);
                    if (vtlib_isModuleActive($primary_module)) {
                        $primary_df_arr = getPrimaryTLStdFilter($primary_module, $this);
                } else {
                    $primary_module = $this->primarymodule;
                    $primary_moduleid = $this->primarymoduleid;
                    $primary_df_arr = getPrimaryTLStdFilter($primary_module, $this);
                $date_options = array();
                if (!empty($primary_df_arr)) {
                    foreach ($primary_df_arr as $val_arr) {
                        foreach ($val_arr as $val_dtls) {
                            $date_options[] = $val_dtls["value"];
                $date_options_json = Zend_JSON::encode($date_options);
                $smarty_obj->assign("date_options_json", $date_options_json);
                $timelinecolumn = $this->getTimeLineColumnHTML();
                $smarty_obj->assign("timelinecolumn", $timelinecolumn);
                // ITS4YOU-END 13.5.2014 11:53
                if (isset($_REQUEST["record"]) && $_REQUEST['record'] != '') {
                    $reportid = vtlib_purify($_REQUEST["record"]);
                    $secondarymodule = '';
                    $secondarymodules = array();
                    if (!empty($this->related_modules[$primary_module])) {
                        foreach ($this->related_modules[$primary_module] as $key => $value) {
                            if (isset($_REQUEST["secondarymodule_" . $value])) {
                                $secondarymodules[] = vtlib_purify($_REQUEST["secondarymodule_" . $value]);
                    if ($primary_moduleid == getTabid('Invoice')) {
                        $secondarymodules[] = getTabid('Products');
                        $secondarymodules[] = getTabid('Services');
                    $secondarymodule = implode(":", $secondarymodules);
                    if ($secondarymodule != '') {
                        $this->secondarymodules .= $secondarymodule;
                    if (isset($_REQUEST["summaries_limit"])) {
                        $summaries_limit = vtlib_purify($_REQUEST["summaries_limit"]);
                    } else {
                        $summaries_limit = $this->reportinformations["summaries_limit"];
                } else {
                    $secondarymodule = '';
                    $secondarymodules = array();
                    foreach ($this->secondarymodules as $key => $secmodid) {
                    $summaries_limit = "20";
                $smarty_obj->assign("SUMMARIES_MAX_LIMIT", $summaries_limit);
                for ($tc_i = 1; $tc_i < 4; $tc_i++) {
                    $timelinecol = $selected_timeline_column = "";
                    if (isset($_REQUEST["group{$tc_i}"]) && $_REQUEST["group{$tc_i}"] != "" && $step_name != "ReportGrouping") {
                        $group = vtlib_purify($_REQUEST["group{$tc_i}"]);
                        if (isset($_REQUEST["timeline_column{$tc_i}"]) && $_REQUEST["timeline_column{$tc_i}"] != "") {
                            $selected_timeline_column = vtlib_purify($_REQUEST["timeline_column{$tc_i}"]);
                    } else {
                        $group = $this->reportinformations["Group{$tc_i}"];
                        $selected_timeline_column = $this->reportinformations["timeline_columnstr{$tc_i}"];
                    if (isset($selected_timeline_column) && !in_array($selected_timeline_column, array("", "none", "@vlv@"))) {
                        $timelinecol = $this->getTimeLineColumnHTML($tc_i, $selected_timeline_column);
                        $smarty_obj->assign("timelinecolumn" . $tc_i . "_html", $timelinecol);
                    $RG_BLOCK = getPrimaryColumns_GroupingHTML($primary_module, $group, $this);
                    $smarty_obj->assign("RG_BLOCK{$tc_i}", $RG_BLOCK);
                    if ($tc_i > 1) {
                        if (isset($_REQUEST["timeline_type{$tc_i}"]) && $_REQUEST["timeline_type{$tc_i}"] != "") {
                            $timeline_type = vtlib_purify($_REQUEST["timeline_type{$tc_i}"]);
                        } else {
                            $timeline_type = $this->reportinformations["timeline_type{$tc_i}"];
                        $smarty_obj->assign("timeline_type{$tc_i}", $timeline_type);
                for ($sci = 1; $sci < 4; $sci++) {
                    if (isset($_REQUEST["sort" . $sci]) && $_REQUEST["sort" . $sci] != "") {
                        $sortorder = vtlib_purify($_REQUEST["sort" . $sci]);
                    } else {
                        $sortorder = $this->reportinformations["Sort" . $sci];
                    $sa = $sd = "";
                    if ($sortorder != "Descending") {
                        $sa = "checked";
                    } else {
                        $sd = "checked";
                    $shtml = '<input type="radio" id="Sort' . $sci . 'a" name="Sort' . $sci . '" value="Ascending" ' . $sa . '>' . vtranslate('Ascending') . ' &nbsp; 
				              <input type="radio" id="Sort' . $sci . 'd" name="Sort' . $sci . '" value="Descending" ' . $sd . '>' . vtranslate('Descending');
                    $smarty_obj->assign("ASCDESC" . $sci, $shtml);
                // ITS4YOU-CR SlOl 5. 3. 2014 14:50:45 SUMMARIES START
                $module_id = $primary_moduleid;
                $modulename_prefix = "";
                $module_array["module"] = $primary_module;
                $module_array["id"] = $module_id;
                $selectedmodule = $module_array["id"];
                $modulename = $module_array["module"];
                $modulename_lbl = vtranslate($modulename, $modulename);
                $availModules[$module_array["id"]] = $modulename_lbl;
                $modulename_id = $module_array["id"];
                if (isset($selectedmodule)) {
                    $secondarymodule_arr = $this->getReportRelatedModules($module_array["id"]);
                    $RG_BLOCK4 = sgetSummariesHTMLOptions($module_array["id"], $module_id);
                    $available_modules[] = array("id" => $module_id, "name" => $modulename_lbl, "checked" => "checked");
                    foreach ($secondarymodule_arr as $key => $value) {
                        $exploded_mid = explode("x", $value["id"]);
                        if (strtolower($exploded_mid[1]) != "mif") {
                            $available_modules[] = array("id" => $value["id"], "name" => "- " . $value["name"], "checked" => "");
                    $smarty_obj->assign("RG_BLOCK4", $RG_BLOCK4);
                $smarty_obj->assign("SummariesModules", $available_modules);
                $SumOptions = sgetSummariesOptions($selectedmodule);
                if (empty($SumOptions)) {
                    $SumOptions = vtranslate("NO_SUMMARIES_COLUMNS", $this->currentModule);
                $SPSumOptions[$module_array["id"]][$module_array["id"]] = $SumOptions;
                $smarty_obj->assign("SUMOPTIONS", $SPSumOptions);
                if (isset($_REQUEST["selectedSummariesString"])) {
                    $selectedSummariesString = vtlib_purify($_REQUEST["selectedSummariesString"]);
                    $selectedSummariesArr = explode(";", $selectedSummariesString);
                    $summaries_orderby = vtlib_purify($_REQUEST["summaries_orderby"]);
                    $RG_BLOCK6 = sgetSelectedSummariesHTMLOptions($selectedSummariesArr, $summaries_orderby);
                } else {
                    if (!empty($this->reportinformations["summaries_columns"])) {
                        foreach ($this->reportinformations["summaries_columns"] as $key => $summaries_columns_arr) {
                            $selectedSummariesArr[] = $summaries_columns_arr["columnname"];
                    $selectedSummariesString = implode(";", $selectedSummariesString);
                    $summaries_orderby = "";
                    if (isset($this->reportinformations["summaries_orderby_columns"][0]) && $this->reportinformations["summaries_orderby_columns"][0] != "") {
                        $summaries_orderby = $this->reportinformations["summaries_orderby_columns"][0];
                    $RG_BLOCK6 = sgetSelectedSummariesHTMLOptions($selectedSummariesArr, $summaries_orderby);
                // sum_group_columns for group filters start
                $sm_arr = sgetSelectedSummariesOptions($selectedSummariesArr);
                $sm_str = "";
                foreach ($sm_arr as $key => $opt_arr) {
                    if ($sm_str != "") {
                        $sm_str .= "(|@!@|)";
                    $sm_str .= $opt_arr["value"] . "(|@|)" . $opt_arr["text"];
                $smarty_obj->assign("sum_group_columns", $sm_str);
                // sum_group_columns for group filters end
                $smarty_obj->assign("selectedSummariesString", $selectedSummariesString);
                $smarty_obj->assign("RG_BLOCK6", $RG_BLOCK6);
                $RG_BLOCKx2 = array();
                $all_fields_str = "";
                foreach ($SPSumOptions as $module_key => $SumOptions) {
                    $RG_BLOCKx2 = "";
                    $r_modulename = vtlib_getModuleNameById($module_key);
                    $r_modulename_lbl = vtranslate($r_modulename, $r_modulename);
                    foreach ($SumOptions as $SumOptions_key => $SumOptions_value) {
                        if (is_array($SumOptions_value)) {
                            foreach ($SumOptions_value as $optgroup => $optionsdata) {
                                if ($RG_BLOCKx2 != "") {
                                    $RG_BLOCKx2 .= "(|@!@|)";
                                $RG_BLOCKx2 .= $optgroup;
                                $RG_BLOCKx2 .= "(|@|)";
                                $RG_BLOCKx2 .= Zend_JSON::encode($optionsdata);
                        } else {
                            $RG_BLOCKx2 .= $SumOptions_value;
                            $RG_BLOCKx2 .= "(|@|)";
                            $optionsdata[] = array("value" => "none", "text" => vtranslate("LBL_NONE", $this->currentModule));
                            $RG_BLOCKx2 .= Zend_JSON::encode($optionsdata);
                        $all_fields_str .= $module_key . "(!#_ID@ID_#!)" . $r_modulename_lbl . "(!#_ID@ID_#!)" . $RG_BLOCKx2;
                $smarty_obj->assign("ALL_FIELDS_STRING", $all_fields_str);
                // ITS4YOU-END 5. 3. 2014 14:50:47  SUMMARIES END
                if (isset($_REQUEST["summaries_orderby"]) && $_REQUEST["summaries_orderby"] != "" && isset($_REQUEST["summaries_orderby_type"]) && $_REQUEST["summaries_orderby_type"] != "") {
                    $summaries_orderby = vtlib_purify($_REQUEST["summaries_orderby"]);
                    $summaries_orderby_type = vtlib_purify($_REQUEST["summaries_orderby_type"]);
                } elseif (isset($this->reportinformations["summaries_orderby_columns"]) && !empty($this->reportinformations["summaries_orderby_columns"])) {
                    $summaries_orderby = $this->reportinformations["summaries_orderby_columns"][0]["column"];
                    $summaries_orderby_type = $this->reportinformations["summaries_orderby_columns"][0]["type"];
                } else {
                    $summaries_orderby = "none";
                    $summaries_orderby_type = "ASC";
                $smarty_obj->assign("summaries_orderby", $summaries_orderby);
                $smarty_obj->assign("summaries_orderby_type", $summaries_orderby_type);
            if (in_array($step_name, array("ReportColumns", $get_all_steps))) {
                if (isset($_REQUEST["record"]) && $_REQUEST['record'] != '') {
                    $RC_BLOCK1 = getPrimaryColumnsHTML($this->primarymodule);
                    $secondarymodule = '';
                    $secondarymodules = array();
                    if (!empty($this->related_modules[$this->primarymodule])) {
                        foreach ($this->related_modules[$this->primarymodule] as $key => $value) {
                            if (isset($_REQUEST["secondarymodule_" . $value])) {
                                $secondarymodules[] = $_REQUEST["secondarymodule_" . $value];
                    $secondarymodule = implode(":", $secondarymodules);
                    $RC_BLOCK2 = $this->getSelectedColumnsList($this->selected_columns_list_arr);
                    $smarty_obj->assign("RC_BLOCK1", $RC_BLOCK1);
                    $smarty_obj->assign("RC_BLOCK2", $RC_BLOCK2);
                    $sreportsortsql = "SELECT columnname, sortorder FROM  its4you_reports4you_sortcol WHERE reportid =? AND sortcolid = 4";
                    $result_sort = $adb->pquery($sreportsortsql, array($recordid));
                    $num_rows = $adb->num_rows($result_sort);
                    if ($num_rows > 0) {
                        $columnname = $adb->query_result($result_sort, 0, "columnname");
                        $sortorder = $adb->query_result($result_sort, 0, "sortorder");
                        $RC_BLOCK3 = $this->getSelectedColumnsList($this->selected_columns_list_arr, $columnname);
                    } else {
                        $RC_BLOCK3 = $RC_BLOCK2;
                    $smarty_obj->assign("RC_BLOCK3", $RC_BLOCK3);
                    $this->secmodule = $secondarymodule;
                    $RC_BLOCK4 = "";
                    $RC_BLOCK4 = getSecondaryColumnsHTML($this->relatedmodulesstring, $this);
                    $smarty_obj->assign("RC_BLOCK4", $RC_BLOCK4);
                } else {
                    $primarymodule = vtlib_purify($_REQUEST["primarymodule"]);
                    $RC_BLOCK1 = getPrimaryColumnsHTML($primarymodule);
                    if (!empty($this->related_modules[$primarymodule])) {
                        foreach ($this->related_modules[$primarymodule] as $key => $value) {
                            $RC_BLOCK1 .= getSecondaryColumnsHTML($_REQUEST["secondarymodule_" . $value], $this);
                    $smarty_obj->assign("RC_BLOCK1", $RC_BLOCK1);
                    $this->reportinformations["columns_limit"] = "20";
                $smarty_obj->assign("MAX_LIMIT", $this->reportinformations["columns_limit"]);
                if ($sortorder != "DESC") {
                    $shtml = '<input type="radio" name="SortOrderColumn" value="ASC" checked>' . vtranslate('Ascending') . ' &nbsp; 
								<input type="radio" name="SortOrderColumn" value="DESC">' . vtranslate('Descending');
                } else {
                    $shtml = '<input type="radio" name="SortOrderColumn" value="ASC">' . vtranslate('Ascending') . ' &nbsp; 
								<input type="radio" name="SortOrderColumn" value="DESC" checked>' . vtranslate('Descending');
                $smarty_obj->assign("COLUMNASCDESC", $shtml);
                $timelinecolumns .= '<input type="radio" name="TimeLineColumn" value="DAYS" checked>' . $mod_strings['TL_DAYS'] . ' ';
                $timelinecolumns .= '<input type="radio" name="TimeLineColumn" value="WEEK" >' . $mod_strings['TL_WEEKS'] . ' ';
                $timelinecolumns .= '<input type="radio" name="TimeLineColumn" value="MONTH" >' . $mod_strings['TL_MONTHS'] . ' ';
                $timelinecolumns .= '<input type="radio" name="TimeLineColumn" value="YEAR" >' . $mod_strings['TL_YEARS'] . ' ';
                $timelinecolumns .= '<input type="radio" name="TimeLineColumn" value="QUARTER" >' . $mod_strings['TL_QUARTERS'] . ' ';
                $smarty_obj->assign("TIMELINE_FIELDS", $timelinecolumns);
                // ITS4YOU-CR SlOl  19. 2. 2014 16:30:20
                $SPSumOptions = $availModules = array();
                $RC_BLOCK0 = "";
                $smarty_obj->assign("availModules", $availModules);
                $smarty_obj->assign("ALL_FIELDS_STRING", $RC_BLOCK0);
                // ITS4YOU-END 19. 2. 2014 16:30:23
                $smarty_obj->assign("currentModule", $this->currentModule);
            if (in_array($step_name, array("ReportColumnsTotal", $get_all_steps))) {
                $Objects = array();
                $curl_array = array();
                if (isset($_REQUEST["curl"])) {
                    $curl = vtlib_purify($_REQUEST["curl"]);
                    $curl_array = explode('$_@_$', $curl);
                    $selectedColumnsString = str_replace("@AMPKO@", "&", $_REQUEST["selectedColumnsStr"]);
                    $R_Objects = explode("<_@!@_>", $selectedColumnsString);
                } else {
                    $curl_array = $this->getSelectedColumnsToTotal($this->record);
                    $curl = implode('$_@_$', $curl_array);
                    $selectedColumnsString = str_replace("@AMPKO@", "&", $this->reportinformations["selectedColumnsString"]);
                    $R_Objects = explode(";", $selectedColumnsString);
                $smarty_obj->assign("CURL", $curl);
                $Objects = sgetNewColumnstoTotalHTMLScript($R_Objects);
                $this->columnssummary = $Objects;
                $CT_BLOCK1 = $this->sgetNewColumntoTotalSelected($recordid, $R_Objects, $curl_array);
                $smarty_obj->assign("CT_BLOCK1", $CT_BLOCK1);
                //added to avoid displaying "No data avaiable to total" when using related modules in report.
                $rows_count = 0;
                $rows_count = count($CT_BLOCK1);
                $smarty_obj->assign("ROWS_COUNT", $rows_count);
            if (in_array($step_name, array("ReportLabels", $get_all_steps))) {
                // selected labels from url
                $lbl_url_string = html_entity_decode(vtlib_purify($_REQUEST["lblurl"]), ENT_QUOTES, $default_charset);
                if ($lbl_url_string != "") {
                    $lbl_url_arr = explode('$_@_$', $lbl_url_string);
                    foreach ($lbl_url_arr as $key => $lbl_value) {
                        if (strpos($lbl_value, 'hidden_') === false) {
                            if (strpos($lbl_value, '_SC_lLbLl_') !== false) {
                                $temp = explode('_SC_lLbLl_', $lbl_value);
                                $temp_lbls = explode('_lLGbGLl_', $temp[1]);
                                $lbl_key = trim($temp_lbls[0]);
                                $lbl_value = trim($temp_lbls[1]);
                                $lbl_url_selected["SC"][$lbl_key] = $lbl_value;
                            if (strpos($lbl_value, '_SM_lLbLl_') !== false) {
                                $temp = explode('_SM_lLbLl_', $lbl_value);
                                $temp_lbls = explode('_lLGbGLl_', $temp[1]);
                                $lbl_key = trim($temp_lbls[0]);
                                $lbl_value = trim($temp_lbls[1]);
                                $lbl_url_selected["SM"][$lbl_key] = $lbl_value;
                            if (strpos($lbl_value, '_CT_lLbLl_') !== false) {
                                $temp = explode('_CT_lLbLl_', $lbl_value);
                                $temp_lbls = explode('_lLGbGLl_', $temp[1]);
                                $lbl_key = trim($temp_lbls[0]);
                                $lbl_value = trim($temp_lbls[1]);
                                $lbl_url_selected["CT"][$lbl_key] = $lbl_value;
                // COLUMNS labeltype SC
                if (isset($_REQUEST["selectedColumnsStr"]) && $_REQUEST["selectedColumnsStr"] != "") {
                    $selectedColumnsString = vtlib_purify($_REQUEST["selectedColumnsStr"]);
                    $selectedColumnsString = html_entity_decode($selectedColumnsString, ENT_QUOTES, $default_charset);
                    $selected_columns_array = explode("<_@!@_>", $selectedColumnsString);
                    $decode_labels = true;
                } else {
                    $selectedColumnsString = html_entity_decode($this->reportinformations["selectedColumnsString"], ENT_QUOTES, $default_charset);
                    $selected_columns_array = explode(";", $selectedColumnsString);
                    $decode_labels = false;
                $labels_html["SC"] = $this->getLabelsHTML($selected_columns_array, "SC", $lbl_url_selected, $decode_labels);
                // SUMMARIES labeltype SM
                $selectedSummariesString = vtlib_purify($_REQUEST["selectedSummariesString"]);
                if ($selectedSummariesString != "") {
                    $selectedSummaries_array = explode(";", trim($selectedSummariesString, ";"));
                } else {
                    foreach ($this->reportinformations["summaries_columns"] as $key => $sum_arr) {
                        $selectedSummaries_array[] = $sum_arr["columnname"];
                $labels_html["SM"] = $this->getLabelsHTML($selectedSummaries_array, "SM", $lbl_url_selected, $decode_labels);
                $smarty_obj->assign("labels_html", $labels_html);
                $smarty_obj->assign("LABELS", $curl);
                //added to avoid displaying "No data avaiable to total" when using related modules in report.
                $rows_count = count($labels_html);
                foreach ($labels_html as $key => $labels_type_arr) {
                    $rows_count += count($labels_type_arr);
                $smarty_obj->assign("ROWS_COUNT", $rows_count);
            if (in_array($step_name, array("ReportFilters", $get_all_steps))) {
                require_once 'modules/ITS4YouReports/FilterUtils.php';
                if (isset($_REQUEST["primarymodule"]) && $_REQUEST["primarymodule"] != "") {
                    $primary_moduleid = $_REQUEST["primarymodule"];
                    $primary_module = vtlib_getModuleNameById($_REQUEST["primarymodule"]);
                } else {
                    $primary_module = $this->primarymodule;
                    $primary_moduleid = $this->primarymoduleid;
                // NEW ADVANCE FILTERS START
                $sel_fields = Zend_Json::encode($this->adv_sel_fields);
                $smarty_obj->assign("SEL_FIELDS", $sel_fields);
                if (isset($_REQUEST["reload"])) {
                    $criteria_groups = $this->getRequestCriteria($sel_fields);
                } else {
                    $criteria_groups = $this->advft_criteria;
                $smarty_obj->assign("CRITERIA_GROUPS", $criteria_groups);
                $smarty_obj->assign("EMPTY_CRITERIA_GROUPS", empty($criteria_groups));
                $smarty_obj->assign("SUMMARIES_CRITERIA", $this->summaries_criteria);
                $FILTER_OPTION = getAdvCriteriaHTML();
                $smarty_obj->assign("FOPTION", $FILTER_OPTION);
                $COLUMNS_BLOCK_JSON = $this->getAdvanceFilterOptionsJSON($primary_module);
                $smarty_obj->assign("COLUMNS_BLOCK", $COLUMNS_BLOCK);
                if ($mode != "ajax") {
                    echo "<textarea style='display:none;' id='filter_columns'>" . $COLUMNS_BLOCK_JSON . "</textarea>";
                    $smarty_obj->assign("filter_columns", $COLUMNS_BLOCK_JSON);
                    $sel_fields = Zend_Json::encode($this->adv_sel_fields);
                    $smarty_obj->assign("SEL_FIELDS", $sel_fields);
                    global $default_charset;
                    $std_filter_columns = $this->getStdFilterColumns();
                    $std_filter_columns_js = implode("<%jsstdjs%>", $std_filter_columns);
                    $std_filter_columns_js = html_entity_decode($std_filter_columns_js, ENT_QUOTES, $default_charset);
                    $smarty_obj->assign("std_filter_columns", $std_filter_columns_js);
                    $std_filter_criteria = Zend_Json::encode($this->Date_Filter_Values);
                    $smarty_obj->assign("std_filter_criteria", $std_filter_criteria);
                $rel_fields = $this->adv_rel_fields;
                $smarty_obj->assign("REL_FIELDS", Zend_Json::encode($rel_fields));
                // NEW ADVANCE FILTERS END
                $BLOCKJS = $this->getCriteriaJS();
                $smarty_obj->assign("BLOCKJS_STD", $BLOCKJS);
            if (in_array($step_name, array("ReportSharing", $get_all_steps))) {
                $roleid = $this->current_user->column_fields['roleid'];
                $user_array = getRoleAndSubordinateUsers($roleid);
                $userIdStr = "";
                $userNameStr = "";
                $m = 0;
                foreach ($user_array as $userid => $username) {
                    if ($userid != $this->current_user->id) {
                        if ($m != 0) {
                            $userIdStr .= ",";
                            $userNameStr .= ",";
                        $userIdStr .= "'" . $userid . "'";
                        $userNameStr .= "'" . escape_single_quotes(decode_html($username)) . "'";
                require_once 'include/utils/GetUserGroups.php';
                // ITS4YOU-UP SlOl 26. 4. 2013 9:47:59
                $template_owners = get_user_array(false);
                if (isset($this->reportinformations["owner"]) && $this->reportinformations["owner"] != "") {
                    $selected_owner = $this->reportinformations["owner"];
                } else {
                    $selected_owner = $this->current_user->id;
                $smarty_obj->assign("TEMPLATE_OWNERS", $template_owners);
                $owner = isset($_REQUEST['template_owner']) && $_REQUEST['template_owner'] != '' ? $_REQUEST['template_owner'] : $selected_owner;
                $smarty_obj->assign("TEMPLATE_OWNER", $owner);
                $sharing_types = array("public" => vtranslate("PUBLIC_FILTER"), "private" => vtranslate("PRIVATE_FILTER"), "share" => vtranslate("SHARE_FILTER"));
                $smarty_obj->assign("SHARINGTYPES", $sharing_types);
                $sharingtype = "public";
                if (isset($_REQUEST['sharing']) && $_REQUEST['sharing'] != '') {
                    $sharingtype = $_REQUEST['sharing'];
                } elseif (isset($this->reportinformations["sharingtype"]) && $this->reportinformations["sharingtype"] != "") {
                    $sharingtype = $this->reportinformations["sharingtype"];
                $smarty_obj->assign("SHARINGTYPE", $sharingtype);
                $cmod = return_specified_module_language($current_language, "Settings");
                $smarty_obj->assign("CMOD", $cmod);
                $sharingMemberArray = array();
                if (isset($_REQUEST['sharingSelectedColumns']) && $_REQUEST['sharingSelectedColumns'] != '') {
                    $sharingMemberArray = explode("|", trim($_REQUEST['sharingSelectedColumns'], "|"));
                } elseif (isset($this->reportinformations["members_array"]) && !empty($this->reportinformations["members_array"])) {
                    $sharingMemberArray = $this->reportinformations["members_array"];
                $sharingMemberArray = array_unique($sharingMemberArray);
                if (count($sharingMemberArray) > 0) {
                    $outputMemberArr = array();
                    foreach ($sharingMemberArray as $setype => $shareIdArr) {
                        $shareIdArr = explode("::", $shareIdArr);
                        $shareIdArray = array();
                        $shareIdArray[$shareIdArr[0]] = $shareIdArr[1];
                        foreach ($shareIdArray as $shareType => $shareId) {
                            switch ($shareType) {
                                case "groups":
                                    $memberName = fetchGroupName($shareId);
                                    $memberDisplay = "Group::";
                                case "roles":
                                    $memberName = getRoleName($shareId);
                                    $memberDisplay = "Roles::";
                                case "rs":
                                    $memberName = getRoleName($shareId);
                                    $memberDisplay = "RoleAndSubordinates::";
                                case "users":
                                    $memberName = getUserFullName($shareId);
                                    $memberDisplay = "User::";
                            $outputMemberArr[] = $shareType . "::" . $shareId;
                            $outputMemberArr[] = $memberDisplay . $memberName;
                    $smarty_obj->assign("MEMBER", array_chunk($outputMemberArr, 2));
                // ITS4YOU-END
                $userGroups = new GetUserGroups();
                $user_groups = $userGroups->user_groups;
                $groupIdStr = "";
                $groupNameStr = "";
                $l = 0;
                foreach ($user_groups as $i => $grpid) {
                    $grp_details = getGroupDetails($grpid);
                    if ($l != 0) {
                        $groupIdStr .= ",";
                        $groupNameStr .= ",";
                    $groupIdStr .= "'" . $grp_details[0] . "'";
                    $groupNameStr .= "'" . escape_single_quotes(decode_html($grp_details[1])) . "'";
                $visiblecriteria = getVisibleCriteria();
                $smarty_obj->assign("VISIBLECRITERIA", $visiblecriteria);
                $smarty_obj->assign("GROUPNAMESTR", $groupNameStr);
                $smarty_obj->assign("USERNAMESTR", $userNameStr);
                $smarty_obj->assign("GROUPIDSTR", $groupIdStr);
                $smarty_obj->assign("USERIDSTR", $userIdStr);
            if (in_array($step_name, array("ReportScheduler", $get_all_steps))) {
                // SEE ReportScheduler.php for this step for a reason of problem with incomplemete ReportScheduler object
            if (in_array($step_name, array("ReportGraphs", $get_all_steps))) {
                if (isset($_REQUEST["chart_type"]) && $_REQUEST["chart_type"] != "" && $_REQUEST["chart_type"] != "none") {
                    $selected_chart_type = vtlib_purify($_REQUEST["chart_type"]);
                } else {
                    $selected_chart_type = $this->reportinformations["charts"]["charttype"];
                $smarty_obj->assign("IMAGE_PATH", $chart_type);
                if (isset($_REQUEST["data_series"]) && $_REQUEST["data_series"] != "" && $_REQUEST["data_series"] != "none") {
                    $selected_data_series = vtlib_purify($_REQUEST["data_series"]);
                } else {
                    $selected_data_series = $this->reportinformations["charts"]["dataseries"];
                if (isset($_REQUEST["charttitle"]) && $_REQUEST["charttitle"] != "") {
                    $selected_charttitle = htmlspecialchars(vtlib_purify($_REQUEST["charttitle"]));
                } else {
                    $selected_charttitle = $this->reportinformations["charts"]["charttitle"];
                $chart_type["horizontal"] = array("value" => vtranslate("LBL_CHART_horizontal", $this->currentModule), "selected" => $selected_chart_type == "horizontal" ? "selected" : "");
                $chart_type["vertical"] = array("value" => vtranslate("LBL_CHART_vertical", $this->currentModule), "selected" => $selected_chart_type == "vertical" ? "selected" : "");
                $chart_type["linechart"] = array("value" => vtranslate("LBL_CHART_linechart", $this->currentModule), "selected" => $selected_chart_type == "linechart" ? "selected" : "");
                $chart_type["pie"] = array("value" => vtranslate("LBL_CHART_pie", $this->currentModule), "selected" => $selected_chart_type == "pie" ? "selected" : "");
                $chart_type["pie3d"] = array("value" => vtranslate("LBL_CHART_pie3D", $this->currentModule), "selected" => $selected_chart_type == "pie3d" ? "selected" : "");
                $chart_type["funnel"] = array("value" => vtranslate("LBL_CHART_funnel", $this->currentModule), "selected" => $selected_chart_type == "funnel" ? "selected" : "");
                $smarty_obj->assign("CHART_TYPE", $chart_type);
                // selected labels from url
                if (isset($_REQUEST["lblurl"])) {
                    global $default_charset;
                    $lbl_url_string = html_entity_decode(vtlib_purify($_REQUEST["lblurl"]), ENT_QUOTES, $default_charset);
                $lbl_url_string = str_replace("@AMPKO@", "&", $lbl_url_string);
                if ($lbl_url_string != "") {
                    $lbl_url_arr = explode('$_@_$', $lbl_url_string);
                    foreach ($lbl_url_arr as $key => $lbl_value) {
                        if (strpos($lbl_value, 'hidden_') === false) {
                            if (strpos($lbl_value, '_SC_lLbLl_') !== false) {
                                $temp = explode('_SC_lLbLl_', $lbl_value);
                                $temp_lbls = explode('_lLGbGLl_', $temp[1]);
                                $lbl_key = $temp_lbls[0];
                                $lbl_value = $temp_lbls[1];
                                $lbl_url_selected["SC"][$lbl_key] = $lbl_value;
                            if (strpos($lbl_value, '_SM_lLbLl_') !== false) {
                                $temp = explode('_SM_lLbLl_', $lbl_value);
                                $temp_lbls = explode('_lLGbGLl_', $temp[1]);
                                $lbl_key = $temp_lbls[0];
                                $lbl_value = $temp_lbls[1];
                                $lbl_url_selected["SM"][$lbl_key] = $lbl_value;
                            if (strpos($lbl_value, '_CT_lLbLl_') !== false) {
                                $temp = explode('_CT_lLbLl_', $lbl_value);
                                $temp_lbls = explode('_lLGbGLl_', $temp[1]);
                                $lbl_key = $temp_lbls[0];
                                $lbl_value = $temp_lbls[1];
                                $lbl_url_selected["CT"][$lbl_key] = $lbl_value;
                $selectedSummariesString = vtlib_purify($_REQUEST["selectedSummariesString"]);
                if ($selectedSummariesString != "") {
                    $selectedSummariesArray = explode(";", $selectedSummariesString);
                    if (!empty($selectedSummariesArray)) {
                        foreach ($selectedSummariesArray as $column_str) {
                            if ($column_str != "") {
                                if (isset($lbl_url_selected["SM"][$column_str]) && $lbl_url_selected["SM"][$column_str] != "") {
                                    $column_lbl = $lbl_url_selected["SM"][$column_str];
                                } else {
                                    $column_str_arr = explode(":", $column_str);
                                    $translate_arr = explode("_", $column_str_arr[2]);
                                    $translate_module = $translate_arr[0];
                                    $translate_str = implode("_", $translate_arr);
                                    $translate_mod_str = return_module_language($current_language, $translate_module);
                                    if (isset($translate_mod_str[$translate_str])) {
                                        $column_lbl = $translate_mod_str[$translate_str];
                                    } else {
                                        $column_lbl = $translate_str;
                                $data_series[$column_str] = array("value" => $column_lbl, "selected" => $column_str == $selected_data_series ? "selected" : "");
                if (empty($data_series) && $selected_data_series != "") {
                    $column_lbl = $this->getColumnStr_Label($selected_data_series, "SM");
                    $data_series[$selected_data_series] = array("value" => $column_lbl, "selected" => "selected");
                $smarty_obj->assign("DATA_SERIES", $data_series);
                $smarty_obj->assign("CHART_TITLE", $selected_charttitle);
            return $smarty_obj;
Exemple #14
 private function x21($efocus)
     global $x0b, $x0c, $x0d, $x0e, $x0f, $x10, $x11, $x12, $x13, $x14, $x15, $x16, $x17, $x18, $x19, $x1a, $x1b, $x1c, $x1d, $x1e, $x1f, $x20, $x21, $x22, $x23, $x24, $x25, $x26;
     $commentlist = "";
     $prefix = "";
     if ($efocus->column_fields["record_module"] == "HelpDesk") {
         $prefix = "ticket";
     } elseif ($efocus->column_fields["record_module"] == "Faq") {
         $prefix = "faq";
     if ($prefix != "") {
         $mod_lang = return_specified_module_language($this->language, $efocus->column_fields["record_module"]);
         $sql = "SELECT * FROM vtiger_" . $prefix . "comments WHERE " . $prefix . "id=" . $efocus->id;
         $result = $this->db->query($sql);
         while ($row = $this->db->fetchByAssoc($result)) {
             $comment = $row["comments"];
             $crtime = getValidDisplayDate($row["createdtime"]);
             $body = "";
             if ($prefix == "ticket") {
                 $author = $this->x19($row["ownerid"]);
                 $body = $comment . "<br />" . $mod_lang["LBL_AUTHOR"] . ": " . $author . "<br />" . $mod_lang["Created Time"] . ": " . $crtime . "<br /><br />";
             } else {
                 $body = $comment . "<br />" . $mod_lang["Created Time"] . ": " . $crtime . "<br /><br />";
             $commentlist .= $body;
     return $commentlist;
Exemple #15
 function getCollectColumnOpts()
     global $adb;
     global $app_strings, $current_language;
     $current_module = $this->reportmodule;
     $tabid = getTabid($current_module);
     $mod_strings = return_specified_module_language($current_language, $current_module);
     $collectopts = "";
     $selected = "";
     if ($this->type == 'count') {
         $selected = "selected";
     $collectopts .= "<option value='count' {$selected}>记录数</option>";
     if ($this->type == 'sum') {
         $selectoptval = implode(";", $this->collectcolumnfield);
     $ssql = "select ec_field.* from ec_field INNER JOIN ec_def_org_field ON ec_def_org_field.fieldid=ec_field.fieldid AND ec_def_org_field.visible=0 inner join ec_tab on ec_tab.tabid = ec_field.tabid where ec_field.uitype != 50 and ec_field.tabid=" . $tabid . " and ec_field.displaytype = 1  union select * from ec_field where ec_field.displaytype=3 and ec_field.tabid=" . $tabid . "  order by sequence";
     //		echo $ssql;
     $result = $adb->query($ssql);
     while ($row = $adb->fetch_array($result)) {
         $fieldtablename = $row["tablename"];
         $fieldcolname = $row["columnname"];
         $fieldname = $row["fieldname"];
         $fieldtype = $row["typeofdata"];
         $fieldtype = explode("~", $fieldtype);
         $fieldtypeofdata = $fieldtype[0];
         $fieldlabel = $row["fieldlabel"];
         if (isset($mod_strings[$fieldlabel])) {
             $fieldlabel = $mod_strings[$fieldlabel];
         } elseif (isset($app_strings[$fieldlabel])) {
             $fieldlabel = $app_strings[$fieldlabel];
         $optionvalue = "{$fieldlabel};{$fieldname};{$fieldtablename};{$fieldcolname}";
         $columnname = substr($fieldcolname, -2);
         if (($fieldtype[0] == "N" || $fieldtype[0] == "NN" || $fieldtype[0] == "I") && $columnname != "id") {
             $selected = "";
             if ($this->type == 'sum' && $optionvalue == $selectoptval) {
                 $selected = "selected";
             $collectopts .= "<option value='{$optionvalue}' {$selected}>{$fieldlabel}</option>";
     return $collectopts;
 $query = "update ec_field set block='" . $blockid . "',sequence=" . $order . ",typeofdata='" . $new_typeofdata . "' where fieldid=" . $fieldid;
 global $current_language;
 global $root_directory;
 if (!is_dir($root_directory . "cache/modules/" . $fld_module)) {
     mkdir($root_directory . "cache/modules/" . $fld_module);
 if (!is_dir($root_directory . "cache/modules/" . $fld_module . "/language/")) {
     mkdir($root_directory . "cache/modules/" . $fld_module . "/language/");
 $language_file_path = $root_directory . "cache/modules/" . $fld_module . "/language/" . $current_language . ".lang.php";
 if (!is_file($language_file_path)) {
 if (is_writable($language_file_path)) {
     $cur_module_strings = return_specified_module_language($current_language, $fld_module);
     $custom_module_strings = return_custom_module_language($current_language, $fld_module);
     $query = "select fieldlabel from ec_field  where fieldid=" . $fieldid;
     $result = $adb->query($query);
     $src_fieldlabel = $adb->query_result($result, 0, 'fieldlabel');
     if (isset($cur_module_strings[$src_fieldlabel])) {
         $bk = chr(10);
         // The sign of line break
         $qo = '  ';
         // The sign for quote
         $string = '';
         $fd = fopen($language_file_path, 'w');
         fwrite($fd, '<?php' . $bk);
         //'$mod_strings = array ('.$bk
         if (is_array($custom_module_strings)) {
             $custom_module_strings[$src_fieldlabel] = $fieldlabel;
Exemple #17
function getProductFieldLabelList($basemodule)
    $fieldLabelList = array();
    global $log;
    //$fieldlist = array("productname","productcode","serialno","unit_price","catalogname");
    $log->debug("Entering getProductFieldLabelList() method ...");
    $key = "inventory_product_fieldlabellist_" . $basemodule;
    $fieldLabelList = getSqlCacheData($key);
    if (!$fieldLabelList) {
        global $adb;
        global $current_language;
        $product_mod_strings = return_specified_module_language($current_language, "Products");
        $fieldLabelList = array();
        $sql = "select ec_productfieldlist.*,ec_field.fieldlabel from ec_productfieldlist inner join ec_field on ec_field.columnname=ec_productfieldlist.fieldname where ec_productfieldlist.module='" . $basemodule . "' and ec_field.tabid=14 order by ec_productfieldlist.id";
        $result = $adb->query($sql);
        $noofrows = $adb->num_rows($result);
        for ($i = 0; $i < $noofrows; $i++) {
            $fieldarr = array();
            //$fieldname = $adb->query_result($result,$i,"fieldname");
            //if($fieldname == "catalogid") $fieldname = "catalogname";
            //elseif($fieldname == "vendor_id") $fieldname = "vendorname";
            $fieldlabel = $adb->query_result($result, $i, "fieldlabel");
            if (isset($product_mod_strings[$fieldlabel])) {
                $fieldlabel = $product_mod_strings[$fieldlabel];
            $width = $adb->query_result($result, $i, "width");
            $fieldarr["LABEL"] = $fieldlabel;
            $fieldarr["LABEL_WIDTH"] = $width;
            $fieldLabelList[] = $fieldarr;
        setSqlCacheData($key, $fieldLabelList);
    $log->debug("Exiting getProductFieldLabelList method ...");
    return $fieldLabelList;
$smarty->assign("ALL_RELATED_MODULES", $All_Related_Modules);
if ($select_module != "") {
    foreach ($All_Related_Modules[$select_module] as $rel_module) {
        $Related_Modules[$rel_module] = getTranslatedString($rel_module);
$smarty->assign("RELATED_MODULES", $Related_Modules);
foreach ($ModuleFields as $module => $Blocks) {
    $Optgroupts = array();
    if (file_exists("modules/{$module}/language/{$default_language}.lang.php")) {
        //kontrola na $default_language pretoze vo funkcii return_specified_module_language sa kontroluje $current_language a ak neexistuje tak sa pouzije $default_language
        $current_mod_strings = return_specified_module_language($current_language, $module);
    } else {
        $current_mod_strings = return_specified_module_language("en_us", $module);
    $b = 0;
    foreach ($Blocks as $block_label => $block_fields) {
        $Options = array();
        if (isset($current_mod_strings[$block_label]) and $current_mod_strings[$block_label] != "") {
            $optgroup_value = $current_mod_strings[$block_label];
        } elseif (isset($app_strings[$block_label]) and $app_strings[$block_label] != "") {
            $optgroup_value = $app_strings[$block_label];
        } elseif (isset($mod_strings[$block_label]) and $mod_strings[$block_label] != "") {
            $optgroup_value = $mod_strings[$block_label];
        } else {
            $optgroup_value = $block_label;
        $Optgroupts[] = '"' . $optgroup_value . '","' . $b . '"';
$detail_permissions = $Calendar4You->CheckPermissions("DETAIL", $record);
if (!$detail_permissions) {
if ($_SESSION['mail_send_error'] != "") {
    echo '<b><font color=red>' . $mod_strings["LBL_NOTIFICATION_ERROR"] . '</font></b><br>';
if (function_exists('session_unregister')) {
} else {
$c_mod_strings = return_specified_module_language($current_language, "Calendar");
$focus = CRMEntity::getInstance("Calendar");
$smarty = new vtigerCRM_Smarty();
$activity_mode = vtlib_purify($_REQUEST['activity_mode']);
//If activity_mode == null
if (empty($activity_mode)) {
    $activity_mode = getEventActivityMode($record);
if ($activity_mode == 'Task') {
    $tab_type = 'Calendar';
    $rel_tab_type = 'Calendar4You';
    $smarty->assign("SINGLE_MOD", $c_mod_strings['LBL_TODO']);
} elseif ($activity_mode == 'Events') {
    $rel_tab_type = $tab_type = 'Events';
    $smarty->assign("SINGLE_MOD", $c_mod_strings['LBL_EVENT']);
Exemple #20
 function getSortView($modname)
     global $adb;
     $entityname = getModTabName($modname);
     $query = "select fieldid,columnname,fieldlabel from ec_field where \n\t\t\t\t\ttabid = {$entityname['tabid']} and uitype in (15,16,111) ";
     $result = $adb->getList($query);
     $numrows = $adb->num_rows($result);
     $treeproj = array();
     $tree["treeid"] = 'tree';
     $tree["treename"] = $app_strings["Category"];
     $tree["click"] = '';
     $tree["treeparent"] = '-1';
     $treeproj[] = $tree;
     if ($numrows > 0) {
         $mod_strings = return_specified_module_language("zh_cn", $modname);
         for ($i = 0; $i < $numrows; $i++) {
             $fieldid = $adb->query_result($result, $i, "fieldid");
             $columnname = $adb->query_result($result, $i, "columnname");
             $fieldlabel = $adb->query_result($result, $i, "fieldlabel");
             if ($app_strings[$fieldlabel]) {
                 $fieldtitle = $app_strings[$fieldlabel];
             } else {
                 if ($mod_strings[$fieldlabel]) {
                     $fieldtitle = $mod_strings[$fieldlabel];
                 } else {
                     $fieldtitle = $fieldlabel;
             $tree = array();
             $tree["treeid"] = $fieldid;
             $tree["treename"] = $fieldtitle;
             $tree["click"] = '';
             $tree["treeparent"] = 'tree';
             $treeproj[] = $tree;
             if ($columnname == 'account_type') {
                 $colname = "accounttype";
             } else {
                 $colname = $columnname;
             $picksql = "select colvalue from ec_picklist where colname = '{$colname}' order by sequence ";
             $pickresult = $adb->getList($picksql);
             $pickrows = $adb->num_rows($pickresult);
             if ($pickrows && $pickrows > 0) {
                 for ($j = 0; $j < $pickrows; $j++) {
                     $colvalue = $adb->query_result($pickresult, $j, "colvalue");
                     $tree = array();
                     $tree["treeid"] = $colvalue;
                     $tree["treename"] = $colvalue;
                     $tree["click"] = "search_field={$entityname['tablename']}.{$columnname}&\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tsearch_text={$colvalue}&sortview={$sortview}";
                     $tree["treeparent"] = $fieldid;
                     $treeproj[] = $tree;
     require_once "include/Zend/Json.php";
     $json = new Zend_Json();
     $jsontree = $json->encode($treeproj);
     return $jsontree;
function getByModule_ColumnsList($module, $columnslist, $selected = "")
    global $oCustomView, $current_language, $theme;
    global $app_list_strings;
    $advfilter = array();
    $mod_strings = return_specified_module_language($current_language, $module);
    $check_dup = array();
    foreach ($oCustomView->module_list[$module] as $key => $value) {
        $advfilter = array();
        $label = $key;
        if (isset($columnslist[$module][$key])) {
            foreach ($columnslist[$module][$key] as $field => $fieldlabel) {
                if (!in_array($fieldlabel, $check_dup)) {
                    if (isset($mod_strings[$fieldlabel])) {
                        if ($selected == $field) {
                            $advfilter_option['value'] = $field;
                            $advfilter_option['text'] = $mod_strings[$fieldlabel];
                            $advfilter_option['selected'] = "selected";
                        } else {
                            $advfilter_option['value'] = $field;
                            $advfilter_option['text'] = $mod_strings[$fieldlabel];
                            $advfilter_option['selected'] = "";
                    } else {
                        if ($selected == $field) {
                            $advfilter_option['value'] = $field;
                            $advfilter_option['text'] = $fieldlabel;
                            $advfilter_option['selected'] = "selected";
                        } else {
                            $advfilter_option['value'] = $field;
                            $advfilter_option['text'] = $fieldlabel;
                            $advfilter_option['selected'] = "";
                    $advfilter[] = $advfilter_option;
                    $check_dup[] = $fieldlabel;
            $advfilter_out[$label] = $advfilter;
    // Special case handling only for Calendar moudle - Not required for other modules.
    if ($module == 'Calendar') {
        $finalfield = array();
        $finalfield1 = array();
        $finalfield2 = array();
        $newLabel = $mod_strings['LBL_CALENDAR_INFORMATION'];
        if (isset($advfilter_out[$mod_strings['LBL_TASK_INFORMATION']])) {
            $finalfield1 = $advfilter_out[$mod_strings['LBL_TASK_INFORMATION']];
        if (isset($advfilter_out[$mod_strings['LBL_EVENT_INFORMATION']])) {
            $finalfield2 = $advfilter_out[$mod_strings['LBL_EVENT_INFORMATION']];
        $finalfield[$newLabel] = array_merge($finalfield1, $finalfield2);
        if (isset($advfilter_out[$mod_strings['LBL_CUSTOM_INFORMATION']])) {
            $finalfield[$mod_strings['LBL_CUSTOM_INFORMATION']] = $advfilter_out[$mod_strings['LBL_CUSTOM_INFORMATION']];
        $advfilter_out = $finalfield;
    return $advfilter_out;
Exemple #22
/** to get the standard filter criteria  
 * @param $module(module name) :: Type String 
 * @param $elected (selection status) :: Type String (optional)
 * @returns  $filter Array in the following format
 * $filter = Array( 0 => array('value'=>$tablename:$colname:$fieldname:$fieldlabel,'text'=>$mod_strings[$field label],'selected'=>$selected),
 * 		     1 => array('value'=>$$tablename1:$colname1:$fieldname1:$fieldlabel1,'text'=>$mod_strings[$field label1],'selected'=>$selected),	
function getStdFilterHTML($module, $selected = "")
    global $app_list_strings;
    global $oCustomView;
    global $current_language;
    $stdfilter = array();
    $result = $oCustomView->getStdCriteriaByModule($module);
    $mod_strings = return_specified_module_language($current_language, $module);
    if (isset($result)) {
        foreach ($result as $key => $value) {
            if (isset($mod_strings[$value])) {
                if ($key == $selected) {
                    $filter['value'] = $key;
                    $filter['text'] = $app_list_strings['moduleList'][$module] . " - " . $mod_strings[$value];
                    $filter['selected'] = "selected";
                } else {
                    $filter['value'] = $key;
                    $filter['text'] = $app_list_strings['moduleList'][$module] . " - " . $mod_strings[$value];
                    $filter['selected'] = "";
            } else {
                if ($key == $selected) {
                    $filter['value'] = $key;
                    $filter['text'] = $app_list_strings['moduleList'][$module] . " - " . $value;
                    $filter['selected'] = 'selected';
                } else {
                    $filter['value'] = $key;
                    $filter['text'] = $app_list_strings['moduleList'][$module] . " - " . $value;
                    $filter['selected'] = '';
            $stdfilter[] = $filter;
    return $stdfilter;
Exemple #23
 private function x26($x93)
     global $x15d, $x15e, $x15f, $x160, $x161, $x162, $x163, $x164, $x165, $x166, $x167, $x168, $x169, $x16a, $x16b, $x16c, $x16d, $x16e, $x16f, $x170, $x171, $x172, $x173, $x174, $x175, $x176, $x177, $x178;
     $x13d = "";
     $x13e = "";
     if ($x93->column_fields["record_module"] == "HelpDesk") {
         $x13e = "ticket";
     } elseif ($x93->column_fields["record_module"] == "Faq") {
         $x13e = "faq";
     if ($x13e != "") {
         $xb6 = return_specified_module_language(self::$x0d, $x93->column_fields["record_module"]);
         $x3d = "SELECT * FROM vtiger_" . $x13e . "comments WHERE " . $x13e . "id=" . $x93->id;
         $x3e = self::$x0f->query($x3d);
         while ($x42 = self::$x0f->fetchByAssoc($x3e)) {
             $xd9 = $x42["comments"];
             $x13f = getValidDisplayDate($x42["createdtime"]);
             $x1b = "";
             if ($x13e == "ticket") {
                 $x140 = $this->x1e($x42["ownerid"]);
                 $x1b = $xd9 . "<br />" . $xb6["LBL_AUTHOR"] . ": " . $x140 . "<br />" . $xb6["Created Time"] . ": " . $x13f . "<br /><br />";
             } else {
                 $x1b = $xd9 . "<br />" . $xb6["Created Time"] . ": " . $x13f . "<br /><br />";
             $x13d .= $x1b;
     return $x13d;
Exemple #24
 if (!$treeproj) {
     if ($modname == 'Contacts') {
         $modname = 'Accounts';
         $entityname = getModTabName("Accounts");
     $query = "select fieldid,columnname,fieldlabel from ec_field where \n\t\t\t\t\ttabid = {$entityname['tabid']} and uitype in (15,16,111) ";
     $result = $adb->getList($query);
     $numrows = $adb->num_rows($result);
     $treeproj = array();
     $tree["treeid"] = 'tree';
     $tree["treename"] = $app_strings["Category"];
     $tree["click"] = '';
     $tree["treeparent"] = '-1';
     $treeproj[] = $tree;
     if ($numrows > 0) {
         $mod_strings = return_specified_module_language("zh_cn", $modname);
         for ($i = 0; $i < $numrows; $i++) {
             $fieldid = $adb->query_result($result, $i, "fieldid");
             $columnname = $adb->query_result($result, $i, "columnname");
             $fieldlabel = $adb->query_result($result, $i, "fieldlabel");
             if ($app_strings[$fieldlabel]) {
                 $fieldtitle = $app_strings[$fieldlabel];
             } else {
                 if ($mod_strings[$fieldlabel]) {
                     $fieldtitle = $mod_strings[$fieldlabel];
                 } else {
                     $fieldtitle = $fieldlabel;
             $tree = array();
             $tree["treeid"] = $fieldid;