Exemple #1

// error_reporting(E_ALL);
define(CACHE_PATH, 'cache');
$maxSize = 10000000;
// [bytes], max size of file
$maxTime = 60;
// [s], max download time
$cacheExpireSeconds = 60;
// echo "Fetching ".$_REQUEST['url'];
function retrieveFile($url)
    $contents = file_get_contents($url);
    $f = CACHE_PATH . "/tmp-" . time() . "-" . rand(0, 1024 * 1024) . "-" . basename($url);
    file_put_contents("./" . $f, $contents);
    $data = array('filename' => basename($url), 'file' => CACHE_PATH . "/" . basename($f), 'url' => $url);
    echo json_encode($data);
function cleanUpExpired()
    // Remove cached files that expired
    $files = glob("" . CACHE_PATH . "/*");
    foreach ($files as $file) {
        if (time() - filemtime($file) > $cacheExpireSeconds) {
    if (fileValid($bucket, $file, $interval)) {
        if (retrieveFile($bucket, $file)) {
    // file expired, create a token, see if search can be done
    $token = $file . ".token";
    $expiryInterval = 60 * 60;
    // someone tried to search 1 hr ago, 1 hr is where fb updates quotas
    if (fileValid($bucket, $token, $expiryInterval)) {
        // someone else is searching, so retrieve existing file
        // XXX: IF I forcefully remove this events file, and if token says someone else is searching, then
        // console will have an error saying 404 (file not found). This will go to client and client says
        // (I print in jsonStore function) that client has a problem try later. This should be ok. Just
        // forcefully remove token file to start search.
        retrieveFile($bucket, $file);
        // if this fails, do nothing
    } else {
        // either token is not there, or its old and carried over from previous search
        // or someone created token, tried to search but aborted search
        // renew token
        $content = "foo";
        if (storeGCS($content, $bucket, $token) != 0) {
            $msg = 'zouk calendar: failed to store token ' . $file;
            syslog(LOG_EMERG, $msg);
        // file not valid, send json object as error
        echo "{ \"error\": \"zouk calendar: file not found\" }";
} else {