Exemple #1
 * This function restores all the needed roles for this course
 * i.e. roles with an assignment in any of the mods or blocks,
 * roles assigned on any user (e.g. parent role) and roles
 * assigned at course levle
 * This function should check for duplicate roles first
 * It isn't now, just overwriting
function restore_create_roles($restore, $xmlfile)
    if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) {
        echo "<li>" . get_string("creatingrolesdefinitions") . '</li>';
    $info = restore_read_xml_roles($xmlfile);
    $sitecontext = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_SYSTEM);
    // the following code creates new roles
    // but we could use more intelligent detection, and role mapping
    // get role mapping info from $restore
    $rolemappings = array();
    if (!empty($restore->rolesmapping)) {
        $rolemappings = $restore->rolesmapping;
    // $info->roles will be empty for backups pre 1.7
    if (isset($info->roles) && $info->roles) {
        foreach ($info->roles as $oldroleid => $roledata) {
            if (empty($restore->rolesmapping)) {
                // if this is empty altogether, we came from import or there's no roles used in course at all
                // in this case, write the same oldid as this is the same site
                // no need to do mapping
                $status = backup_putid($restore->backup_unique_code, "role", $oldroleid, $oldroleid);
                // adding a new id
                // do not create additonal roles;
            // first we check if the roles are in the mappings
            // if so, we just do a mapping i.e. update oldids table
            if (isset($rolemappings[$oldroleid]) && $rolemappings[$oldroleid]) {
                $status = backup_putid($restore->backup_unique_code, "role", $oldroleid, $rolemappings[$oldroleid]);
                // adding a new id
            } else {
                // code to make new role name/short name if same role name or shortname exists
                $fullname = $roledata->name;
                $shortname = $roledata->shortname;
                $currentfullname = "";
                $currentshortname = "";
                $counter = 0;
                do {
                    if ($counter) {
                        $suffixfull = " " . get_string("copyasnoun") . " " . $counter;
                        $suffixshort = "_" . $counter;
                    } else {
                        $suffixfull = "";
                        $suffixshort = "";
                    $currentfullname = $fullname . $suffixfull;
                    // Limit the size of shortname - database column accepts <= 100 chars
                    $currentshortname = substr($shortname, 0, 100 - strlen($suffixshort)) . $suffixshort;
                    $coursefull = get_record("role", "name", addslashes($currentfullname));
                    $courseshort = get_record("role", "shortname", addslashes($currentshortname));
                } while ($coursefull || $courseshort);
                $roledata->name = $currentfullname;
                $roledata->shortname = $currentshortname;
                // done finding a unique name
                $newroleid = create_role(addslashes($roledata->name), addslashes($roledata->shortname), '');
                $status = backup_putid($restore->backup_unique_code, "role", $oldroleid, $newroleid);
                // adding a new id
                foreach ($roledata->capabilities as $capability) {
                    $roleinfo = new object();
                    $roleinfo = (object) $capability;
                    $roleinfo->contextid = $sitecontext->id;
                    $roleinfo->capability = $capability->name;
                    $roleinfo->roleid = $newroleid;
                    insert_record('role_capabilities', $roleinfo);
            /// Now, restore role nameincourse (only if the role had nameincourse in backup)
            if (!empty($roledata->nameincourse)) {
                $newrole = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code, 'role', $oldroleid);
                /// Look for target role
                $coursecontext = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, $restore->course_id);
                /// Look for target context
                if (!empty($newrole->new_id) && !empty($coursecontext)) {
                    /// Check the role hasn't any custom name in context
                    if (!record_exists('role_names', 'roleid', $newrole->new_id, 'contextid', $coursecontext->id)) {
                        $rolename = new object();
                        $rolename->roleid = $newrole->new_id;
                        $rolename->contextid = $coursecontext->id;
                        $rolename->name = addslashes($roledata->nameincourse);
                        insert_record('role_names', $rolename);
    return true;
Exemple #2
/** this function will restore an entire backup.zip into the specified course
 * using standard moodle backup/restore functions, but silently.
 * @param string $pathtofile the absolute path to the backup file.
 * @param int $destinationcourse the course id to restore to.
 * @param boolean $emptyfirst whether to delete all coursedata first.
 * @param boolean $userdata whether to include any userdata that may be in the backup file.
 * @param array $preferences optional, 0 will be used.  Can contain:
 *   metacourse
 *   logs
 *   course_files
 *   messages
function import_backup_file_silently($pathtofile, $destinationcourse, $emptyfirst = false, $userdata = false, $preferences = array())
    global $CFG, $SESSION, $USER;
    // is there such a thing on cron? I guess so..
    if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) {
        define('RESTORE_SILENTLY', true);
        // don't output all the stuff to us.
    $debuginfo = 'import_backup_file_silently: ';
    $cleanupafter = false;
    $errorstr = '';
    // passed by reference to restore_precheck to get errors from.
    $course = null;
    if ($destinationcourse && !($course = get_record('course', 'id', $destinationcourse))) {
        mtrace($debuginfo . 'Course with id $destinationcourse was not a valid course!');
        return false;
    // first check we have a valid file.
    if (!file_exists($pathtofile) || !is_readable($pathtofile)) {
        mtrace($debuginfo . 'File ' . $pathtofile . ' either didn\'t exist or wasn\'t readable');
        return false;
    // now make sure it's a zip file
    require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/lib/filelib.php';
    $filename = substr($pathtofile, strrpos($pathtofile, '/') + 1);
    $mimetype = mimeinfo("type", $filename);
    if ($mimetype != 'application/zip') {
        mtrace($debuginfo . 'File ' . $pathtofile . ' was of wrong mimetype (' . $mimetype . ')');
        return false;
    // restore_precheck wants this within dataroot, so lets put it there if it's not already..
    if (strstr($pathtofile, $CFG->dataroot) === false) {
        // first try and actually move it..
        if (!check_dir_exists($CFG->dataroot . '/temp/backup/', true)) {
            mtrace($debuginfo . 'File ' . $pathtofile . ' outside of dataroot and couldn\'t move it! ');
            return false;
        if (!copy($pathtofile, $CFG->dataroot . '/temp/backup/' . $filename)) {
            mtrace($debuginfo . 'File ' . $pathtofile . ' outside of dataroot and couldn\'t move it! ');
            return false;
        } else {
            $pathtofile = 'temp/backup/' . $filename;
            $cleanupafter = true;
    } else {
        // it is within dataroot, so take it off the path for restore_precheck.
        $pathtofile = substr($pathtofile, strlen($CFG->dataroot . '/'));
    if (!backup_required_functions()) {
        mtrace($debuginfo . 'Required function check failed (see backup_required_functions)');
        return false;
    @ini_set("max_execution_time", "3000");
    if (empty($CFG->extramemorylimit)) {
    } else {
    if (!($backup_unique_code = restore_precheck($destinationcourse, $pathtofile, $errorstr, true))) {
        mtrace($debuginfo . 'Failed restore_precheck (error was ' . $errorstr . ')');
        return false;
    global $restore;
    // ick
    $restore = new StdClass();
    // copy back over the stuff that gets set in restore_precheck
    $restore->course_header = $SESSION->course_header;
    $restore->info = $SESSION->info;
    $xmlfile = "{$CFG->dataroot}/temp/backup/{$backup_unique_code}/moodle.xml";
    $info = restore_read_xml_roles($xmlfile);
    $restore->rolesmapping = array();
    if (isset($info->roles) && is_array($info->roles)) {
        foreach ($info->roles as $id => $info) {
            if ($newroleid = get_field('role', 'id', 'shortname', $info->shortname)) {
                $restore->rolesmapping[$id] = $newroleid;
    // add on some extra stuff we need...
    $restore->metacourse = isset($preferences['restore_metacourse']) ? $preferences['restore_metacourse'] : 0;
    $restore->course_id = $destinationcourse;
    if ($destinationcourse) {
        $restore->restoreto = RESTORETO_CURRENT_ADDING;
        $restore->course_startdateoffset = $course->startdate - $restore->course_header->course_startdate;
    } else {
        $restore->restoreto = RESTORETO_NEW_COURSE;
        $restore->restore_restorecatto = 0;
        // let this be handled by the headers
        $restore->course_startdateoffset = 0;
    $restore->users = $userdata;
    $restore->user_files = $userdata;
    $restore->deleting = $emptyfirst;
    $restore->groups = isset($preferences['restore_groups']) ? $preferences['restore_groups'] : RESTORE_GROUPS_NONE;
    $restore->logs = isset($preferences['restore_logs']) ? $preferences['restore_logs'] : 0;
    $restore->messages = isset($preferences['restore_messages']) ? $preferences['restore_messages'] : 0;
    $restore->blogs = isset($preferences['restore_blogs']) ? $preferences['restore_blogs'] : 0;
    $restore->course_files = isset($preferences['restore_course_files']) ? $preferences['restore_course_files'] : 0;
    $restore->site_files = isset($preferences['restore_site_files']) ? $preferences['restore_site_files'] : 0;
    $restore->backup_version = $restore->info->backup_backup_version;
    $restore->original_wwwroot = $restore->info->original_wwwroot;
    // now copy what we have over to the session
    // this needs to happen before restore_setup_for_check
    // which for some reason reads the session
    $SESSION->restore =& $restore;
    // rename the things that are called differently
    $SESSION->restore->restore_course_files = $restore->course_files;
    $SESSION->restore->restore_site_files = $restore->site_files;
    $SESSION->restore->backup_version = $restore->info->backup_backup_version;
    restore_setup_for_check($restore, $backup_unique_code);
    // maybe we need users (defaults to 2 (none) in restore_setup_for_check)
    // so set this again here
    if (!empty($userdata)) {
        $restore->users = 1;
    // we also need modules...
    if ($allmods = get_records("modules")) {
        foreach ($allmods as $mod) {
            $modname = $mod->name;
            //Now check that we have that module info in the backup file
            if (isset($restore->info->mods[$modname]) && $restore->info->mods[$modname]->backup == "true") {
                $restore->mods[$modname]->restore = true;
                $restore->mods[$modname]->userinfo = $userdata;
            } else {
                // avoid warnings
                $restore->mods[$modname]->restore = false;
                $restore->mods[$modname]->userinfo = false;
    if (!($status = restore_execute($restore, $restore->info, $restore->course_header, $errorstr))) {
        mtrace($debuginfo . 'Failed restore_execute (error was ' . $errorstr . ')');
        return false;
    // now get out the new courseid and return that
    if ($restore->restoreto = RESTORETO_NEW_COURSE) {
        if (!empty($SESSION->restore->course_id)) {
            return $SESSION->restore->course_id;
        return false;
    return true;