function downloadOutput($output)
    /* // function for force downloading files
    // Must be fresh start
    if (headers_sent()) {
        die('Headers Sent');
    // Required for some browsers
    if (ini_get('zlib.output_compression')) {
        ini_set('zlib.output_compression', 'Off');
    // CHECK IF THE output EXISTS
    if ($output != '') {
        // Read output to standard out
        header("Pragma: public");
        // required
        header("Expires: 0");
        header("Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0");
        header("Cache-Control: private", false);
        // required for certain browsers
        header("Content-Type: application/force-download");
        header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=user-result-summary.xls;");
        header("Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary");
        header("Content-Length: " . strlen($output));
        echo $output;
    } else {
        // Output does not exist, maybe the run failed, or is still running?
        $msg = array();
        $msg['MESSAGE'] = "Error: No resuts was found for your user!";
        respond("NORESULTS", $msg, true);
Exemple #2
 public function testBasic()
     respond('/', function () {
         echo 'x';
     respond('/something', function () {
         echo 'y';
Exemple #3
function subscribe($publisher, $path, $callback)
    global $subscription_file;
    $key = "{$publisher} {$path}";
    $id = md5($key);
    $subscriptions = file($subscription_file) ?: array();
    $subscriptions = array_map(rtrim, $subscriptions);
    array_push($subscriptions, "{$key} {$callback}");
    $subscriptions = array_unique($subscriptions);
    file_put_contents($subscription_file, join("\n", $subscriptions));
function sendMails($maildata)
    $me = '*****@*****.**';
    $them = $maildata["email"];
    $subjectMe = 'New enquiry';
    $subjectThem = 'Thanks for the enquiry!';
    $messageMe = $maildata["message"];
    $messageThem = 'Hi! Thanks for the enquiry. We will respond as soon as we can!';
    $headersMe = 'From: ' . $me . "\n" . 'Reply-To: ' . $them . "\n" . 'X-Mailer: PHP/' . phpversion();
    $headersThem = 'From: ' . $me . "\n" . 'Reply-To: ' . $me . "\n" . 'X-Mailer: PHP/' . phpversion();
    mail($me, $subjectMe, $messageMe, $headersMe);
    mail($them, $subjectThem, $messageThem, $headersThem);
Exemple #5
function generate_slug($length = 4)
    global $db;
    $values = serialize($_POST);
    $length = 4;
    $slug = substr(md5($values . time()), 0, $length);
    $exists = $db->value("\n    SELECT COUNT(id)\n    FROM shift\n    WHERE url_slug = '{$slug}'\n  ");
    if ($length == 32) {
        respond(0, "Could not generate URL slug.");
    if ($exists) {
        return generate_slug($length + 1);
    } else {
        return $slug;
Exemple #6
function consulta($tabla, $columnas = array(), $filtros = array(), $singleRecord = false)
    $sqlColumnas = empty($columnas) ? '*' : implode(', ', $columnas);
    $sqlFiltros = array();
    foreach ($filtros as $index => $element) {
        array_push($sqlFiltros, $index . ' = ' . quoteDb($element));
    $sqlFiltros = !empty($sqlFiltros) ? 'WHERE ' . implode(' AND ', $sqlFiltros) : '';
    $link = connect();
    $result = mysql_query("SELECT {$sqlColumnas} FROM {$tabla} {$sqlFiltros}", $link) or respond(400, mysql_error());
    $arrayResult = array();
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
        array_push($arrayResult, $row);
    if (!empty($singleRecord) && !empty($arrayResult)) {
        $arrayResult = $arrayResult[0];
    return $arrayResult;
 public static function resume()
     function respond($err, $resume = null, $fname = null)
         $data = ['error' => $err, 'resume' => $resume, 'fname' => $fname];
         echo toJSON($data);
     if (!isset($_FILES['file'])) {
         return respond('no file selected');
     switch ($_FILES['file']['error']) {
         case UPLOAD_ERR_OK:
         case UPLOAD_ERR_FORM_SIZE:
             return respond('max file size exceeded');
         case UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE:
             return respond('no file selected');
         case UPLOAD_ERR_INI_SIZE:
             return respond('file too large');
     if ($_FILES['file']['size'] > 10 * 1024 * 1024) {
         return respond('max file size exceeded');
     $filename = $_FILES['file']["name"];
     $ext = pathinfo($filename, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
     $allowed = array("doc", "docx", "rtf", "pdf");
     if (!in_array($ext, $allowed)) {
         return respond('bad file extension');
     require_once $GLOBALS['dirpre'] . 'includes/S3/s3_config.php';
     $fname = $_FILES['file']["tmp_name"];
     $actualFilename = time() . '.' . $ext;
     $res = $s3->putObjectFile($fname, $bucket, $actualFilename, S3::ACL_PUBLIC_READ);
     if (!$res) {
         return respond('upload failed');
     $link = 'http://' . $bucket . '' . $actualFilename;
     return respond(null, $link, $filename);
Exemple #8
function setUserReported($contentOriginTable, $contentID, $isAdmin)
    // get the ID of the user who was reported
    $reportedUserID = Database::selectFirst("SELECT user_id FROM " . $contentOriginTable . " WHERE id = " . intval($contentID));
    $reportedUserID = $reportedUserID['user_id'];
    // get the ID of the message thread that the user was reported in
    if ($contentOriginTable == 'messages') {
        $messageID = $contentID;
    } elseif ($contentOriginTable == 'comments') {
        $messageID = Database::selectFirst("SELECT message_id FROM comments WHERE id = " . $contentID);
        $messageID = $messageID['message_id'];
    } else {
        // we can't handle this request
        respond(array('status' => 'bad_request'));
        // prevent IDE warnings
    // mark the user as reported and possibly ban them temporarily
    $possibleWriteLockEnd = time() + 3600 * 24 * 5;
    $timesReported = $isAdmin ? 2 : 1;
    Database::update("UPDATE users SET reported_count = reported_count+" . $timesReported . ", write_lock_until = IF(reported_count >= 3, " . intval($possibleWriteLockEnd) . ", write_lock_until), reported_count = IF(reported_count >= 3, 1, reported_count) WHERE id = " . $reportedUserID);
    // send a notice to the violating user
    Database::insert("INSERT INTO subscriptions (message_id, user_id, degree, reasonForBan, counter) VALUES (" . intval($messageID) . ", " . $reportedUserID . ", 3, 1, 1) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE reasonForBan = 1, counter = 1");

// Generic response (don't force the trailing slash: this should catch any accidental laziness)
respond('/?', function ($request, $response, $app) {
    // Let's create a session variable, so we know where to redirect back to
    $redirect_to = $request->param('redirect_to');
    // Let's log the user out
// Let's create a success page
respond('/logout-success/?', function ($request, $response, $app) {
    // Display the template
    $app->tpl->assign('show_page', 'logout-success');
// Let's create a cute little message page... so that PhoneGap users just see a flashing page
respond('/logout-message/?', function ($request, $response, $app) {
    // Display the template
    $app->tpl->assign('show_page', 'logout-message');
respond('POST', '/[i:sgs_id]/[*]', function ($request, $response, $app) {
    $sgs_id = $request->param('sgs_id');
    if ('teacher' === $request->param('target')) {
        $action = $request->param('action');
        if ('add-teacher' === $action) {
            $ss_id = $request->param('student_school_id');
            $app->populate('student_school', TeacherCert\Student\School::get($ss_id));
            $app->teacher_model->student_gate_system_id = $sgs_id;
            $teacher = new TeacherCert\Student\CooperatingTeacher($app->teacher_model->form());
        } else {
            // update existing teacher
            $teacher_id = $request->param('id');
            $teacher = new TeacherCert\Student\CooperatingTeacher($teacher_id);
            if ('Add Voucher' === $action) {
            } elseif ('Remove Voucher' === $action) {
            } elseif ('Remove Teacher' === $action) {
        if ($teacher->save()) {
            $_SESSION['successes'][] = 'Your changes have been saved.';
        } else {
            $_SESSION['errors'][] = 'An error occured saving your changes: ' . htmlentities(PSU::db('banner')->ErrorMsg());
    if ($id = $request->param('id')) {
        $action = 'edit';
        $school = TeacherCert\Student\School::get($id);
        // dump the incoming form data back into the School
        $fields = $app->school_model->form();
        // read-only fields
        foreach ($fields as $key => $value) {
            $school->{$key} = $value;
    } else {
        $action = 'add';
        $school = new TeacherCert\Student\School($app->school_model->form());
        $school->student_gate_system_id = $sgs_id;
    $uri = sprintf("%s/student-school/%d/edit/%d", $GLOBALS['BASE_URL'], $app->student_gate_system->id, $school->id);
    if ($success = $school->save()) {
        if ('edit' === $action) {
            $_SESSION['successes'][] = 'Your changes have been saved.';
        } else {
            $_SESSION['successes'][] = 'The school has been added to this gate system.';
            // need to populate new id into url
            $uri = sprintf("%s/student-school/%d/edit/%d", $GLOBALS['BASE_URL'], $app->student_gate_system->id, $school->id);
    } else {
        $_SESSION['errors'][] = 'Your changes could not be saved: ' . PSU::db('banner')->ErrorMsg();
        $_SESSION['tcert-student-school-save'] = $app->school_model->form();
        // Operation failed; might need to return the user back to
        // the "add a school" screen.
        if ('edit' !== $action) {
            $uri = sprintf("%s/student-school/%d/add", $GLOBALS['BASE_URL'], $app->student_gate_system->id, $school->id);

require_once 'funcs.php';
require_once 'db.php';
if (!isset($_SESSION['user']) || !isset($_SESSION['user']['username'])) {
    header('Location: index.php');
$mysqli = dbConnect();
$query = 'SELECT leave_type as title, start_date as start, end_date as end FROM `leaves_taken` WHERE `person_id` = ' . $_SESSION['user']['person_id'] . '';
$result = $mysqli->query($query);
if ($result->num_rows > 0) {
    $data = [];
    while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {
        $data[] = $row;
    respond(false, "got it", $data);
require_once __DIR__ . '/../base.php';
    // initialization
    $user = init($_POST);
    // force authentication
    $userID = auth($user['username'], $user['password'], false);
    // check if required parameters are set
    if (isset($_POST['contentType']) && isset($_POST['contentID'])) {
        $contentID = intval(base64_decode(trim($_POST['contentID'])));
        if ($_POST['contentType'] == 'message') {
            $authorID = Database::selectFirst("SELECT user_id FROM messages WHERE id = " . intval($contentID));
            if (isset($authorID['user_id']) && $authorID['user_id'] != $userID) {
                Database::insert("INSERT INTO connections (from_user, type, to_user, time_inserted) VALUES (" . intval($userID) . ", 'block', " . intval($authorID['user_id']) . ", " . time() . ") ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE type = VALUES(type)");
            respond(array('status' => 'ok'));
        } elseif ($_POST['contentType'] == 'comment') {
            $authorID = Database::selectFirst("SELECT user_id FROM comments WHERE id = " . intval($contentID));
            if (isset($authorID['user_id']) && $authorID['user_id'] != $userID) {
                Database::insert("INSERT INTO connections (from_user, type, to_user, time_inserted) VALUES (" . intval($userID) . ", 'block', " . intval($authorID['user_id']) . ", " . time() . ") ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE type = VALUES(type)");
            respond(array('status' => 'ok'));
        } else {
            respond(array('status' => 'bad_request'));
    } else {
        respond(array('status' => 'bad_request'));
} else {
    respond(array('status' => 'bad_request'));
* Handles the actual XML between the <template/> tags.
* Recognises the different tags, access the different functions to process each individual tag. Notes by the original developer: <br/>
* Why isn't this a huge switch statement? Because it has to do more comlicated checking than just string comparison to figure out what it should do. <br/>
* How can I organize this better? Good question.
* @todo It seems to me that this function could modelled similarly to the custom tag system. Where there is a seperate function for each tag.
* @uses getid()
* @uses getfdate()
* @uses getsize()
* @uses upperkeysarray()
* @uses debugger()
* @uses recursechildren()
* @uses respond()
* @uses botget()
* @uses gender()
* @uses getinput()
* @uses bset()
* @uses insertgossip()
* @uses firstthird()
* @uses firstsecond()
* @uses getthat()
* @uses realchild()
* @param mixed $xmlnode               Getting either a string or an array from recursechildren() func.
* @param array $inputstar             If a matched pattern includes *'s then what is covere by the * is found here.
* @param array $thatstar              if a used that contains a star, then what is covered by the * is found here.
* @param array $topicstar             if a used topic contains a star, then what is covered by the * is found here.
* @return string                      The bot's response.
function handlenode($xmlnode, $inputstar, $thatstar, $topicstar)
    if (!is_array($xmlnode)) {
        return $xmlnode;
    } elseif (strtoupper($xmlnode["tag"]) == "ID") {
        return getid();
    } elseif (strtoupper($xmlnode["tag"]) == "DATE") {
        //		return getfdate(); // deprecated
        $mynode = upperkeysarray($xmlnode["attributes"]);
        // Get the value of an attribute
        $date_format = $mynode["FORMAT"];
        return getfdate($date_format);
    } elseif (strtoupper($xmlnode["tag"]) == "VERSION") {
        return PROGRAMEVERSION;
    } elseif (strtoupper($xmlnode["tag"]) == "SIZE") {
        return getsize();
    } elseif (strtoupper($xmlnode["tag"]) == "STAR") {
        $mynode = upperkeysarray($xmlnode["attributes"]);
        if (!(is_array($mynode) && isset($mynode["INDEX"]))) {
            $mynode["INDEX"] = "";
        $starindex = $mynode["INDEX"];
        if ($starindex == "") {
            $starindex = "1";
        debugger("starindex: {$starindex}", 3);
        return $inputstar[$starindex - 1];
    } elseif (strtoupper($xmlnode["tag"]) == "THATSTAR") {
        $mynode = upperkeysarray($xmlnode["attributes"]);
        if (!(is_array($mynode) && isset($mynode["INDEX"]))) {
            $mynode["INDEX"] = "";
        $starindex = $mynode["INDEX"];
        if ($starindex == "") {
            $starindex = "1";
        debugger("starindex: {$starindex}", 3);
        return $thatstar[$starindex - 1];
    } elseif (strtoupper($xmlnode["tag"]) == "TOPICSTAR") {
        $mynode = upperkeysarray($xmlnode["attributes"]);
        if (!(is_array($mynode) && isset($mynode["INDEX"]))) {
            $mynode["INDEX"] = "";
        $starindex = $mynode['INDEX'];
        if ($starindex == "") {
            $starindex = "1";
        debugger("starindex: {$starindex}", 3);
        return $topicstar[$starindex - 1];
    } elseif (strtoupper($xmlnode["tag"]) == "SRAI") {
        // Build up a new response inside of here (using recursechildren function and then call response with it.
        $newresponse = recursechildren(realchild($xmlnode), $inputstar, $thatstar, $topicstar);
        debugger("newresponts: {$newresponse}", 3);
        return respond($newresponse);
    } elseif (strtoupper($xmlnode["tag"]) == "SR") {
        return respond($inputstar[0]);
    } elseif (strtoupper($xmlnode["tag"]) == "RANDOM") {
        $liarray = array();
        $children = $xmlnode["children"];
        for ($randomc = 0; $randomc < sizeof($children); $randomc++) {
            if (strtoupper($children[$randomc]["tag"]) == "LI") {
                $liarray[] = $randomc;
        // Pick a random number from 0 to sizeof($liarray)-1
        mt_srand((double) microtime() * 1000000);
        $lirandom = mt_rand(0, sizeof($liarray) - 1);
        return recursechildren(realchild($children[$liarray[$lirandom]]), $inputstar, $thatstar, $topicstar);
    } elseif (strtoupper($xmlnode["tag"]) == "THINK") {
        recursechildren(realchild($xmlnode), $inputstar, $thatstar, $topicstar);
        return "";
    } elseif (strtoupper($xmlnode["tag"]) == "BOT") {
        $mynode = upperkeysarray($xmlnode["attributes"]);
        $name = $mynode["NAME"];
        return botget($name);
    } elseif (strtoupper($xmlnode["tag"]) == "GET") {
        $mynode = upperkeysarray($xmlnode["attributes"]);
        $name = $mynode["NAME"];
        return bget($name);
    } elseif (strtoupper($xmlnode["tag"]) == "SET") {
        $mynode = upperkeysarray($xmlnode["attributes"]);
        $name = $mynode["NAME"];
        $value = recursechildren(realchild($xmlnode), $inputstar, $thatstar, $topicstar);
        bset($name, $value);
        return $value;
    } elseif (strtoupper($xmlnode["tag"]) == "UPPERCASE") {
        $value = recursechildren(realchild($xmlnode), $inputstar, $thatstar, $topicstar);
        return strtoupper($value);
    } elseif (strtoupper($xmlnode["tag"]) == "FORMAL") {
        $nvalue = "";
        $value = recursechildren(realchild($xmlnode), $inputstar, $thatstar, $topicstar);
        $value = strtolower($value);
        $words = split(" ", $value);
        for ($x = 0; $x < sizeof($words); $x++) {
            if ($x != 0) {
                $nvalue .= " ";
            $nvalue .= ucfirst($words[$x]);
        return $nvalue;
    } elseif (strtoupper($xmlnode["tag"]) == "LOWERCASE") {
        $value = recursechildren(realchild($xmlnode), $inputstar, $thatstar, $topicstar);
        return strtolower($value);
    } elseif (strtoupper($xmlnode["tag"]) == "GENDER") {
        $value = recursechildren(realchild($xmlnode), $inputstar, $thatstar, $topicstar);
        return gender($value);
    } elseif (strtoupper($xmlnode["tag"]) == "SENTENCE") {
        $value = recursechildren(realchild($xmlnode), $inputstar, $thatstar, $topicstar);
        return ucfirst($value);
    } elseif (strtoupper($xmlnode["tag"]) == "INPUT") {
        $mynode = upperkeysarray($xmlnode["attributes"]);
        //$index = $xmlnode["attributes"]["INDEX"];
        if (!(is_array($mynode) && isset($mynode["INDEX"]))) {
            $mynode["INDEX"] = "";
        $index = $mynode["INDEX"];
        if ($index == "") {
            $index = 1;
        $index = $index - 1;
        return getinput($index);
    } elseif (strtoupper($xmlnode["tag"]) == "GOSSIP") {
        $value = recursechildren(realchild($xmlnode), $inputstar, $thatstar, $topicstar);
        return $value;
    } elseif (strtoupper($xmlnode["tag"]) == "PERSON") {
        $value = recursechildren(realchild($xmlnode), $inputstar, $thatstar, $topicstar);
        if ($value == "") {
            $value = $inputstar[0];
        return firstthird($value);
    } elseif (strtoupper($xmlnode["tag"]) == "PERSON2") {
        $value = recursechildren(realchild($xmlnode), $inputstar, $thatstar, $topicstar);
        if ($value == "") {
            $value = $inputstar[0];
        return firstsecond($value);
    } elseif (strtoupper($xmlnode["tag"]) == "THAT") {
        $mynode = upperkeysarray($xmlnode["attributes"]);
        //$indexes = $xmlnode["attributes"]["INDEX"];
        if (is_array($mynode) && isset($mynode["INDEX"])) {
            $indexes = $mynode["INDEX"];
        } else {
            $indexes = "";
        $indexes = split(",", $indexes);
        if (sizeof($indexes) < 2) {
            $indexes = array();
            $indexes[] = 1;
            $indexes[] = 1;
        return getthat($indexes[0], $indexes[1]);
    } elseif (strtoupper($xmlnode["tag"]) == "CONDITION") {
        $mynode = upperkeysarray($xmlnode["attributes"]);
        // First do multi condition name=value
        if (is_array($mynode) && isset($mynode["NAME"])) {
            $condname = $mynode["NAME"];
        } else {
            $condname = "";
        if (is_array($mynode) && isset($mynode["VALUE"])) {
            $condvalue = $mynode["VALUE"];
        } else {
            $condvalue = "";
        if (is_array($mynode) && isset($mynode["CONTAINS"])) {
            $condcontains = $mynode["CONTAINS"];
        } else {
            $condcontains = "";
        if (is_array($mynode) && isset($mynode["EXISTS"])) {
            $condexists = $mynode["EXISTS"];
        } else {
            $condexists = "";
        // If this is a multi condition
        if ($condname != "" && $condvalue != "") {
            if ($condvalue != "") {
                $condtype = "VALUE";
            } elseif ($condcontains != "") {
                $condtype = "CONTAINS";
            } elseif ($condexists != "") {
                $condtype = "EXISTS";
            if ($condtype == "VALUE") {
                $condvalue = "^" . str_replace("*", "(.*)", $condvalue);
                //if ((bget($condname))==$condvalue){
                #				if (eregi($condvalue,bget($condname))){
                if (stripos(bget($condname), $condvalue) !== false) {
                    return recursechildren(realchild($xmlnode), $inputstar, $thatstar, $topicstar);
        } elseif ($condname != "" && $condvalue == "") {
            $children = $xmlnode["children"];
            $checkval = bget($condname);
            // After a match break. If no match then execute last if no name or val
            for ($randomc = 0; $randomc < sizeof($children); $randomc++) {
                if (strtoupper($children[$randomc]["tag"]) == "LI") {
                    $mynode = upperkeysarray($children[$randomc]["attributes"]);
                    if (!(is_array($mynode) && isset($mynode["VALUE"]))) {
                        $mynode["VALUE"] = "";
                    $condvalue = $mynode["VALUE"];
                    $condvalue = "^" . str_replace("*", "(.*)", $condvalue) . "\$";
                    #					if ((eregi($condvalue,$checkval))||($condvalue=="^\$")){
                    if (preg_match("/" . $condvalue . "/i", $checkval) || $condvalue == "^\$") {
                        return recursechildren(realchild($children[$randomc]), $inputstar, $thatstar, $topicstar);
        } elseif ($condname == "" && $condvalue == "") {
            $children = $xmlnode["children"];
            // After a match break. If no match then execute last if no name or val
            for ($randomc = 0; $randomc < sizeof($children); $randomc++) {
                if (strtoupper($children[$randomc]["tag"]) == "LI") {
                    $mynode = upperkeysarray($children[$randomc]["attributes"]);
                    if (is_array($mynode) && isset($mynode["NAME"])) {
                        $condname = $mynode["NAME"];
                    } else {
                        $condname = "";
                    if (is_array($mynode) && isset($mynode["VALUE"])) {
                        $condvalue = $mynode["VALUE"];
                    } else {
                        $condvalue = "";
                    $condvalue = "^" . str_replace("*", "(.*)", $condvalue) . "\$";
                    #					if ((eregi($condvalue,bget($condname))) || (($condvalue=="^\$")&&($condname==""))){
                    if (preg_match("/" . $condvalue . "/i", bget($condname)) || $condvalue == "^\$" && $condname == "") {
                        return recursechildren(realchild($children[$randomc]), $inputstar, $thatstar, $topicstar);
    } elseif (strtoupper($xmlnode["tag"]) == "SYSTEM") {
        $command = recursechildren(realchild($xmlnode), $inputstar, $thatstar, $topicstar);
        exec($command, $execoutput);
        for ($x = 0; $x < sizeof($execoutput); $x++) {
            $allout = $allout . $execoutput[$x];
        return $allout;
    } elseif (strtoupper($xmlnode["tag"]) == "PHP") {
        $phpcode = recursechildren(realchild($xmlnode), $inputstar, $thatstar, $topicstar);
        $evaled = ob_get_contents();
        return $evaled;
    } elseif (strtoupper($xmlnode["tag"]) == "JUSTBEFORETHAT") {
        $indexes = array();
        $indexes[] = 2;
        $indexes[] = 1;
        return getthat($indexes[0], $indexes[1]);
    } elseif (strtoupper($xmlnode["tag"]) == "JUSTTHAT") {
        $index = 2;
        $index = $index - 1;
        return getinput($index);
    } elseif (strtoupper($xmlnode["tag"]) == "BEFORETHAT") {
        $index = 3;
        $index = $index - 1;
        return getinput($index);
    } elseif (strtoupper($xmlnode["tag"]) == "GET_IP") {
        return getid();
    } elseif (strtoupper($xmlnode["tag"]) == "GETNAME") {
        $name = "NAME";
        return bget($name);
    } elseif (strtoupper($xmlnode["tag"]) == "GETSIZE") {
        return getsize();
    } elseif (strtoupper($xmlnode["tag"]) == "GETTOPIC") {
        $name = "TOPIC";
        return bget($name);
    } elseif (strtoupper($xmlnode["tag"]) == "GETVERSION") {
        return PROGRAMEVERSION;
    } elseif (substr(strtoupper($xmlnode["tag"]), 0, 4) == "GET_") {
        $name = substr($xmlnode["tag"], 4);
        return bget($name);
    } elseif (strtoupper($xmlnode["tag"]) == "SETNAME") {
        $name = "NAME";
        $value = recursechildren(realchild($xmlnode), $inputstar, $thatstar, $topicstar);
        bset($name, $value);
        return $value;
    } elseif (strtoupper($xmlnode["tag"]) == "SETTOPIC") {
        $name = "TOPIC";
        $value = recursechildren(realchild($xmlnode), $inputstar, $thatstar, $topicstar);
        bset($name, $value);
        return $value;
    } elseif (substr(strtoupper($xmlnode["tag"]), 0, 4) == "SET_") {
        $name = substr($xmlnode["tag"], 4);
        $value = recursechildren(realchild($xmlnode), $inputstar, $thatstar, $topicstar);
        bset($name, $value);
        return $value;
    } elseif (isdeprecated(strtoupper($xmlnode["tag"]), $ttag)) {
        $name = $ttag;
        return botget($name);
    } elseif (iscustomtag(strtoupper($xmlnode["tag"]), $ctfunction)) {
        return $ctfunction($xmlnode, $inputstar, $thatstar, $topicstar);
    } else {
        $name = $xmlnode["tag"];
        $atts = $xmlnode["attributes"];
        $atttext = "";
        if ($atts != NULL) {
            foreach ($atts as $key => $value) {
                $atttext .= " {$key}=\"{$value}\"";
        $value = "<{$name}" . $atttext;
        if (isset($xmlnode["children"]) || strcmp($xmlnode["value"], "") != 0) {
            $value .= ">" . recursechildren(realchild($xmlnode), $inputstar, $thatstar, $topicstar) . "</{$name}>";
        } else {
            $value .= "/>";
        return $value;
Exemple #14
 public function test405Routes()
     $resultArray = array();
     respond(function () {
         echo '_';
     respond('GET', null, function () {
         echo 'fail';
     respond(array('GET', 'POST'), null, function () {
         echo 'fail';
     respond(405, function ($a, $b, $c, $d, $methods) use(&$resultArray) {
         $resultArray = $methods;
     dispatch('/sure', 'DELETE');
     $this->assertCount(2, $resultArray);
     $this->assertContains('GET', $resultArray);
     $this->assertContains('POST', $resultArray);
    $GLOBALS['TEMPLATES'] = PSU_BASE_DIR . '/app/%CUSTDIR%/templates';
    if (file_exists(PSU_BASE_DIR . '/debug/%CUSTDIR%-debug.php')) {
        include PSU_BASE_DIR . '/debug/%CUSTDIR%-debug.php';
    $response->denied = function () use($app) {
        // Is it ok to die here, or do we need a way to skip
        // future routes? (For example, if there is a final cleanup
        // routine.)
    $app->tpl = new \PSU\Template();
    $app->user = PSUPerson::get($_SESSION['wp_id']);
     * Not all apps need this cool breadcrumb
     * functionality, so delete it if you aren't going to 
     * use it. If you are, then uncomment it.
     * $app->breadcrumbs = new \PSU\Template\Breadcrumbs;
     * $app->breadcrumbs->push( new \PSU\Template\Breadcrumb( 'Home', $app->config->get( '%CUSTDIR', 'base_url' ) . '/' ) );
    $app->tpl->assign('user', $app->user);
    $app->tpl->assign('back_url', $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']);
// Nothing specific requested; show list of gatesystems
respond('GET', '/', function ($request, $response, $app) {
Exemple #16

// Generic response (don't force the trailing slash: this should catch any accidental laziness)
respond('/?', function ($request, $response, $app) {
    // Let's create a session variable, so we know where to redirect back to
    $app->params['called_url'] = $request->param('redirect_to');
    $app->params['back_button_url'] = $request->param('came_from');
    // Authenticate the user
    // If we got here, we must be authenticated
    // Redirect by changing the URL to send a success Flag to the JavaScript onLocationChange API
// Let's make sure to redirect them to the originally called URL if they requested to
respond('/login-success/?', function ($request, $response, $app) {
    if (!empty($app->params['called_url'])) {
        // Redirect to the originally intended authentication url
Exemple #17
            if ($app->rave_user->unsubscribeFromGroup($ugroup)) {
                $_SESSION['successes'][] = 'Successfully unsubscribed from group: ' . $app->groups[$ugroup]['name'];
            } else {
                $_SESSION['errors'][] = 'Failed to unsubscribe from group: ' . $app->groups[$ugroup]['name'];
            //end else
        //end if
    //end foreach
// klein catch-all
respond('/', function ($request, $response, $app) {
    if (isset($app->rave_user)) {
        foreach ($app->groups as &$group) {
            $group['subscribed'] = in_array($group['id'], $app->user_groups) ? 'checked="checked"' : '';
        //end foreach
        $app->tpl->assign('groups', $app->groups);
        $app->tpl->assign('rave_user', $app->rave_user);
    //end if
$app_routes = array();
foreach ($app_routes as $base) {
    with("/{$base}", $GLOBALS['BASE_DIR'] . "/routes/{$base}.php");
//end foreach

// Make sure user is logged in
// Load shift from storage
$url_slug = $db->escape($_POST['id']);
$shift = $db->row("\n  SELECT id, user_id\n  FROM shift\n  WHERE url_slug = '{$url_slug}'\n");
// Sanity checks
if (empty($shift)) {
    respond(0, "Shift not found.");
} else {
    if ($shift->user_id != $user->id) {
        respond(0, "You don't have permission to delete that shift.");
// Delete the shift
$db->query("\n  DELETE\n  FROM shift\n  WHERE id = {$shift->id}\n");
// Done
respond(1, "Success.");
Exemple #19
// Generic request
respond('/', function ($request, $response, $app) {
    // Grab a couple of the request parameters
    $app->params['phonegap'] = $request->param('phonegap');
    $app->params['cordova'] = $request->param('cordova');
    $app->params['client_app'] = $request->param('client-app');
    // Remove the variables if they're null
    if (is_null($app->params['phonegap'])) {
    if (is_null($app->params['cordova'])) {
    if (is_null($app->params['client_app'])) {
    // Show the index on a generic request
$app_routes = array('newsfeed', 'campusmap', 'feedback', 'clusters', 'directory', 'events', 'login', 'logout', 'schedule', 'upgrade');
foreach ($app_routes as $base) {
    with("/{$base}", $GLOBALS['BASE_DIR'] . "/routes/{$base}.php");
//end foreach
// Let's do some cleanup
respond(function ($request, $response, $app) {
    // Remove our "back button url" session var. It was only needed for a reload.
Exemple #20
        $stmt = $mysqli->prepare("DELETE s, f\n                                FROM services s\n                                LEFT OUTER JOIN files f ON = f.service_id\n                                WHERE = ?\n                                AND s.owner = ?\n                                ;");
        $stmt->bind_param('ss', $SID, $uid);
        $msg = array();
        if (strlen($ifolder) > 3 and strlen($sfolder) > 3) {
            $path = "{$ifolder}/Services/{$sfolder}";
            //$path = str_replace("'", "", "$ifolder/$sfolder"));
            // CHECK FILE EXISTS
            if (is_dir($path)) {
                // DELETE FOLDER AND FILES
                $cmd = "rm -rf " . escapeshellarg($path);
                $msg['CMD'] = $cmd;
            } else {
                $status = 'NOFOLDER';
                $msg['FOLDER'] = $path;
        respond($status, $msg);
    } else {
        respond($status, '');
} else {
    echo "<html><head><title>Unauthorized Usage!</title></head><body>Get Lost!!!</body></html>";
Exemple #21
            $default->log->error("Cannot upload file '{$filename}'. Temp location: '{$tempfile}'. " . $lastMessage);
        if ($result !== false) {
            $file['tmp_name'] = $result;
            $added[$key] = $file;
        } else {
if ($failed) {
    respond(7, 'Could not add files to the system. Please inspect the log file. ' . $lastMessage);
} else {
    respond(0, '', $added);
function respond($code, $msg, $uploads = array())
    global $output;
    $response = array('status_code' => $code, 'msg' => $msg, 'upload_status' => $uploads);
    switch ($output) {
        case 'xml':
            $xml = "<response>\n";
            $xml .= "\t<status_code>{$code}</status_code>\n";
            $xml .= "\t<msg>{$msg}</msg>\n";
            $xml .= "\t<upload_status>\n";
            $i = 0;
            foreach ($uploads as $key => $value) {
                $servername = $value['tmp_name'];
                $filesize = $value['size'];
Exemple #22
function ejecutarAccion($data)
    switch ($data['accion']) {
        case 'crear':
        case 'actualizar':
        case 'eliminar':
        case 'consultar':
        case 'listar':
        case 'listadeestudiantes':
        case 'listademenciones':
            respond(400, 'Accion no definida');
            makeOrderDetailPizza($orderId, $detail[1], $pizzaId);
            //orderId, Quantity, pizzaId
        case 1:
            //Specialty Pizza
            makeOrderDetailPizza($orderId, $detail[1], $detail[2]);
            //orderId, Quantity, pizzaId
        case 2:
            makeOrderDetailItem($orderId, $detail[1], $detail[2]);
            //orderId, Quantity, pizzaId
respond(0, $orderId);
//echo $message;
if ($removeData) {
    mysqli_query($GLOBALS["conn"], "TRUNCATE TABLE Pizza_Toppings;");
    mysqli_query($GLOBALS["conn"], "TRUNCATE TABLE Order_Details;");
    mysqli_query($GLOBALS["conn"], "TRUNCATE TABLE Pizza_Toppings;");
    mysqli_query($GLOBALS["conn"], "DELETE FROM Pizza WHERE pizzaId > 9");
    mysqli_query($GLOBALS["conn"], "TRUNCATE TABLE Orders;");
    mysqli_query($GLOBALS["conn"], "TRUNCATE TABLE Student;");
 * Status Codes:
 *      0: Success. No issues.
 *      1: Student already has an order.
Exemple #24
function auth($username, $password, $requiresWrite)
    $u = Database::escape(makeHash($username));
    $pUnescaped = makeHash($password);
    Database::insert("INSERT INTO users (username, password, time_last_active, time_registered) VALUES (" . $u . ", " . Database::escape($pUnescaped) . ", " . time() . ", " . time() . ") ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE time_registered = IF(time_registered IS NULL, VALUES(time_registered), time_registered), password = IF(password IS NULL, VALUES(password), password), time_last_active = VALUES(time_last_active)");
    $res = Database::selectFirst("SELECT id, password, write_lock_until, login_throttled_until FROM users WHERE username = "******"SELECT action_count FROM throttling WHERE username = "******" AND date_str = " . $date_str . " AND action_type = 'failed_login'");
                // if the number of failed attempts has reached the critical threshold
                if (isset($throttling['action_count']) && $throttling['action_count'] >= CONFIG_THROTTLING_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS) {
                    // throttle the user's login for some time
                    $throttlingTimeout = intval(time() + 3600 * CONFIG_THROTTLING_LOGIN_HOURS);
                    Database::update("UPDATE users SET login_throttled_until = " . $throttlingTimeout . " WHERE username = "******"INSERT INTO throttling (username, date_str, action_type) VALUES (" . $u . ", " . $date_str . ", 'failed_login') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE action_count = action_count+1");
                respond(array('status' => 'not_authorized'));
    } else {
        respond(array('status' => 'not_authorized'));
    return NULL;
    // suppress IDE warnings
respond('/?', function ($request, $response, $app) {
    // Get the available clusters with the PSU REST API
    $clusters = (array) \PSU::api('backend')->get('clusters');
    // Sort the returned clusters array
    /* This sort's the clusters array by this priority:
     * Number of computer's free
     * Building name
     * Cluster name
    usort($clusters, function ($a, $b) {
        // If the number of computers free are the same
        if ($a->num_computers_free == $b->num_computers_free) {
            // If the buildings are the same
            if ($a->building == $b->building) {
                // If the cluster name is the same
                if ($a->name == $b->name) {
                    // Return 0. They're equal
                    return 0;
                } else {
                    // Return the name in alphabetical order
                    return $a->name < $b->name ? -1 : 1;
                //end else
            } else {
                // Return the name of the building in alphabetical order
                return $a->building < $b->building ? -1 : 1;
            //end else
        } else {
            // Return the number of computers free, descending from the highest
            return $a->num_computers_free > $b->num_computers_free ? -1 : 1;
        //end else
    // Assign the clusters array to the template
    $app->tpl->assign('clusters', $clusters);
    // Display the template
    $app->tpl->assign('show_page', 'clusters');
Exemple #26
// Bring up a detail page for each computer of a certain model
respond('/item/model/[:model]/list/?', function ($request, $response, $app) {
    $items = ITSurplusAPI::by_model(array('model' => array($request->model)));
    $app->tpl->assign('items', $items[$request->model]['machines']);
respond('/item/price/[:price]/?', function ($request, $response, $app) {
    if (strpos($request->price, 'to')) {
        $price = str_replace('to', '-', $request->price);
    } else {
        $price = $request->price . ' - ' . $request->price;
    $response->redirect($GLOBALS['BASE_URL'] . "/?price=" . $price);
// Bring up a detail page for a particular model
respond('/item/[:item]/?', function ($request, $response, $app) {
    $items = ITSurplusAPI::items(array('search_term' => $request->item));
    $app->tpl->assign('item', $items[0]);
// Bring up a detail page for a particular model
respond('/howto/?', function ($request, $response, $app) {
Exemple #27
	$op = $cl->load("storage.upload", ECROOT);
	$model['filekey'] = 'stgfile';
	$model['rename'] = $storage['filename'];
	$model['savepath'] = $storage['filepath'];
	$model = $kernel->run($op, $model);
		respond('<p class="error">'.$model['msg'].'</p>');
	$op = $cl->load("storage.update", ECROOT);
	$model['stgid'] = $storage['stgid'];
	$model['mime'] = $_POST['stgmime'];
	$model = $kernel->run($op, $model);
		respond('<p class="error">'.$model['msg'].'</p>');
	$op = $cl->load("space.edit", ECROOT);
	$model['spvfname'] = $model['filename'];
	$model = $kernel->run($op, $model);
		respond('<p class="success">File successfully uploaded</p>');
	else {
		respond('<p class="error">'.$model['msg'].'</p>');


PSU::get()->banner = PSU::db('psc1');
respond('/?', function ($request, $response, $app) {
    $ecommerce_running = shell_exec('ps ef | grep ecommerce_process.php | grep -v grep');
    if ($ecommerce_running) {
        $_SESSION['messages'][] = 'The ECommerce processing script is currently running. Reload to check the status.';
        $app->tpl->assign('ecommerce_processing', true);
    //end if
    $app->tpl->assign('ecommerce_pending_files', \PSU\Ecommerce::pending_files());
    $app->tpl->assign('ecommerce_pending', \PSU\Ecommerce::pending());
    $app->tpl->assign('ecommerce_files', \PSU\Ecommerce::file_info());
    $app->tpl->assign('ecommerce_report', \PSU\Ecommerce::report());
respond('/process', function ($request, $response, $app) {
    $user = PSU::isDev() ? 'nrporter' : 'webguru';
    if (PSU::isDev() && !IDMObject::authN('mis')) {
    //end if
    $command = '~' . $user . '/scripts/ecommerce_process.php --instance=' . strtolower(PSU::db('banner')->database) . ' &';
    $_SESSION['successes'][] = 'The ECommerce processing script has begun.  Please check back shortly.';
Exemple #29
 * 74cms 支付响应页面
 * ============================================================================
 * 版权所有: 骑士网络,并保留所有权利。
 * 网站地址:;
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * 这不是一个自由软件!您只能在不用于商业目的的前提下对程序代码进行修改和
 * 使用;不允许对程序代码以任何形式任何目的的再发布。
 * ============================================================================
define('IN_QISHI', true);
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../';
require_once QISHI_ROOT_PATH . 'include/mysql.class.php';
$db = new mysql($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpass, $dbname);
$funtype = array('1' => 'include/fun_company.php');
require_once QISHI_ROOT_PATH . $funtype[$_SESSION['utype']];
require_once QISHI_ROOT_PATH . "include/payment/alipay.php";
if (respond()) {
    $orderurl = array('1' => 'company_service.php?act=order_list');
    $link[0]['text'] = "查看订单";
    $link[0]['href'] = get_member_url($_SESSION['utype'], true) . $orderurl[$_SESSION['utype']];
    $link[1]['text'] = "会员中心";
    $link[1]['href'] = url_rewrite('QS_login');
    $link[2]['text'] = "网站首页";
    $link[2]['href'] = $_CFG['site_dir'];
    showmsg("付款成功!", 2, $link, false);
} else {
    $link[0]['text'] = "会员中心";
    $link[0]['href'] = get_member_url($_SESSION['utype']);
    showmsg("付款失败!请联系网站管理员", 0, $link);
Exemple #30
    respond('POST', '/[:user]/[:id]', function ($request, $response) {
        $categoryid = $request->id;
        $userid = $request->user;
        $list = new UserList();
        $save = $list->addUserCategory($categoryid, $userid);
with('/api/usercategories/delete', function () {
    respond('POST', '/[:user]/[:id]', function ($request, $response) {
        $categoryid = $request->id;
        $userid = $request->user;
        $list = new UserList();
        $save = $list->deleteUserCategory($categoryid, $userid);
with('/api/usercategories/list', function () {
    respond('GET', '/[:user]', function ($request, $response) {
        $userid = $request->user;
        $list = new UserList();
        $save = $list->getUserCategories($userid);
        $output = json_encode($save, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT);
        echo $output;
with('/api', function () {
    respond('GET', '/', function ($request, $response) {
        header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf8');
        require_once 'api.html';