Exemple #1
    //echo 'avem poze > '.$total;
	<tr class="sa_table_row">
		<td colspan="2" class="sa_table_cell">
echo $rezult->anunt;
		<tr class="sa_table_row">
		<td colspan="2" class="sa_table_cell" align="right">
report_now($rezult->raportat, $anunt_id, $uid);
	<tr class="sa_table_row">
		<td colspan="2" class="sa_table_cell">
		<div style="margin-top:20px;">
			<table width="100%" class="sa_table_class">
//preluam ofertele facute
$img_path = JURI::base() . "components/com_sauto/assets/images/";
$img_path2 = JURI::base() . "components/com_sauto/assets/users/";
$query = "SELECT `p`.`companie`, `p`.`calificative`, `p`.`poza`, `p`.`telefon`, `l`.`localitate`, `a`.`abonament` FROM #__sa_profiles as `p` JOIN #__sa_localitati as `l` JOIN #__sa_abonament as `a` ON `p`.`uid` = '" . $firma . "' AND `p`.`localitate` = `l`.`id` AND `p`.`abonament` = `a`.`id`";
$rasp = $db->loadObject();
    echo '<div style="position:relative;float:right;">';
    echo '<div class="sa_table_cell sa_phone sa_min_width sa_hover">';
    echo '<span class="sa_oferte_span">';
    $link_delete_anunt = JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_sauto&view=delete&id=' . $id);
    echo '<a href="' . $link_delete_anunt . '" class="sa_delete_box">';
    echo JText::_('SAUTO_DELETE_REQUEST');
    echo '</a>';
    echo '</span>';
    echo '</div>';
    echo '</div>';
    echo '</div>';
			<div style="float:right;">
report_now($rezult->raportat, $id, $uid);
		<hr class="sauto_hr"/>
	<div style="margin-top:20px;">
//preluam ofertele facute
$img_path2 = JURI::base() . "components/com_sauto/assets/users/";
$query = "SELECT `r`.`firma`, `r`.`id`, `r`.`mesaj`, `r`.`status_raspuns`, `r`.`data_adaugarii`, `r`.`pret_oferit`, `p`.`companie`, `p`.`calificative`, \n\t\t`p`.`poza`, `p`.`telefon`, `l`.`localitate`, `m`.`m_scurt`, `ab`.`abonament`, `u`.`block`, `p`.`reprezentant`, `p`.`f_principal` \n\t\tFROM #__sa_raspunsuri as `r` \n\t\tJOIN #__sa_profiles as `p` \n\t\tJOIN #__sa_localitati as `l` \n\t\tJOIN #__sa_moneda as `m` \n\t\tJOIN #__sa_abonament as `ab` \n\t\tJOIN #__users AS `u` \n\t\tON `r`.`anunt_id` = '" . $id . "' AND `r`.`firma` = `p`.`uid` AND `p`.`localitate` = `l`.`id` AND `r`.`moneda` = `m`.`id` \n\t\tAND `p`.`abonament` = `ab`.`id` AND `p`.`uid` = `u`.`id`";
$rasps = $db->loadObjectList();
$z = 1;
foreach ($rasps as $r) {
    if ($r->block == 0) {
        if ($style == ' sa-row1 ') {