function out($dirty, $filter_method = 'toHtml', $echo = false, $links = true) { if ($filter_method == 'toHtml') { $res = htmlentities($dirty); } else { $filter = new Filter(); $res = $filter->{$filter_method}($dirty); } if ($links) { // Render http:// sections as links. $res = replace_urls($res); } $res = markdown($res); if (!$echo) { return $res; } echo $res; }
function out($dirty, $filter_callback = 'toHtml', $echo = false, $links = true) { if ($filter_callback == 'toHtml') { $res = htmlentities($dirty); } else { $res = $dirty; if ($filter_callback && function_exists($filter_callback)) { $res = $filter_callback($dirty); } } if ($links) { // Render http:// sections as links. $res = replace_urls($res); } $res = markdown($res); if (!$echo) { return $res; } echo $res; }
function smarty_modifier_replace_urls($p_string) { return replace_urls($p_string); }
protected function process($user, $message) { global $socket_url; global $final_url; global $lsdb; // What we have to do $obj = json_decode($message, true); if ($obj['user_area'] == 'admin') { $result = $lsdb->query('SELECT id FROM ' . DB_PREFIX . 'user WHERE idhash = "' . smartsql($obj['ohash']) . '"'); if ($lsdb->affected_rows == 1) { $row = $result->fetch_assoc(); if (!is_numeric($obj['uid'])) { $obj['uid'] = $row['id']; } if ($obj['oplang'] && file_exists($final_url . 'operator/lang/' . $obj['oplang'] . '.ini')) { $tl = parse_ini_file($final_url . 'operator/lang/' . $obj['oplang'] . '.ini', true); } elseif (!$BT_LANGUAGE && file_exists($final_url . 'lang/' . LS_LANG . '.ini')) { $tl = parse_ini_file($final_url . 'operator/lang/' . LS_LANG . '.ini', true); } else { $tl = parse_ini_file($final_url . 'operator/lang/en.ini', true); } // Get the special lang var once for the time define('LS_DAY', $tl['general']['g74']); define('LS_HOUR', $tl['general']['g75']); define('LS_MINUTE', $tl['general']['g76']); define('LS_MULTITIME', $tl['general']['g77']); define('LS_AGO', $tl['general']['g78']); switch ($obj['job']) { case 'check_status': // Now only get the department for the user if ($obj['odep'] && is_numeric($obj['odep'])) { $sqluo = ' AND depid = ' . smartsql($obj['odep']); $sqlw = 'department = ' . smartsql($obj['odep']) . ' AND status = 1 AND operatorid = 0 OR '; $sqlwc = 't1.department = ' . smartsql($obj['odep']) . ' AND t1.status = 1 AND t1.operatorid = 0 OR '; } if ($obj['odep']) { $sqluo = ' AND depid IN(' . smartsql($obj['odep']) . ')'; $sqlw = 'department IN(' . smartsql($obj['odep']) . ') AND status = 1 AND operatorid = 0 OR '; $sqlwc = 't1.department IN(' . smartsql($obj['odep']) . ') AND t1.status = 1 AND t1.operatorid = 0 OR '; } if ($obj['odep'] == 0) { $sqluo = ' AND depid >= 0'; $sqlw = 'department >= 0 AND status = 1 AND operatorid = 0 OR '; $sqlwc = 't1.department >= 0 AND t1.status = 1 AND t1.operatorid = 0 OR '; } $useronline = false; if ($obj['advanceduo']) { $result = $lsdb->query('SELECT, t1.referrer, t1.firstreferrer, t1.agent, t1.hits, t1.ip, t1.lasttime, t1.time, t1.proactive, t1.readtime, t2.initiated, t2.ended FROM ' . DB_PREFIX . 'buttonstats AS t1 LEFT JOIN ' . DB_PREFIX . 'sessions AS t2 ON (t1.session = t2.session) WHERE t1.lasttime > (NOW() - INTERVAL 5 MINUTE)' . $sqluo . ' AND (opid = 0 OR opid = "' . smartsql($obj['uid']) . '") GROUP BY t1.session ORDER BY t1.lasttime DESC LIMIT 50'); if ($lsdb->affected_rows > 0) { $useronline = '<table class="table table-striped"><thead><th>' . $tl["general"]["g169"] . '</th><th>' . $tl["general"]["g170"] . '</th><th>' . $tl["general"]["g171"] . '</th><th>' . $tl["general"]["g172"] . '</th><th>' . $tl["general"]["g11"] . '</th><th>' . $tl["general"]["g173"] . '</th><th>' . $tl["general"]["g174"] . '</th></thead>'; while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) { // Convert time to minutes and hours $row['lasttime'] = LS_base::lsTimesince($row['lasttime'], LS_DATEFORMAT, LS_TIMEFORMAT); $row['time'] = LS_base::lsTimesince($row['time'], LS_DATEFORMAT, LS_TIMEFORMAT); if ($row['proactive'] != 0) { $icon = '<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-bell"></span>'; $uclass = ' class="warning"'; } else { $icon = '<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-user"></span>'; $uclass = ''; } $button = '<a href="javascript:void(0)" id="usero-' . $row['id'] . '" class="btn btn-default btn-xs rhino-online-user">' . $icon . '</a>'; if ($row['readtime'] == 1) { $uclass = ' class="danger"'; } if ($row['readtime'] == 2) { $uclass = ' class="success"'; } if ($row['initiated'] && $row['ended'] == 0) { $button = '<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-comment"></span>'; } $useronline .= '<tr' . $uclass . '><td>' . $row['referrer'] . '</td><td>' . $row['firstreferrer'] . '</td><td>' . $row['agent'] . '</td><td>' . $row['hits'] . '</td><td>' . $row['ip'] . '</td><td>' . $row['time'] . '</td><td>' . $row['lasttime'] . '</td><td>' . $button . '</td></tr>'; } $useronline .= '</table>'; } } else { $result = $lsdb->query('SELECT, t1.referrer, t1.proactive, t1.readtime, t1.agent, t1.ip, t2.initiated, t2.ended FROM ' . DB_PREFIX . 'buttonstats t1 LEFT JOIN ' . DB_PREFIX . 'sessions AS t2 ON (t1.session = t2.session) WHERE t1.lasttime > (NOW() - INTERVAL 5 MINUTE)' . $sqluo . ' AND (opid = 0 OR opid = "' . smartsql($obj['uid']) . '") GROUP BY t1.session ORDER BY t1.lasttime DESC LIMIT 5'); if ($lsdb->affected_rows > 0) { $useronline = '<ul class="list-group">'; while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) { if ($row['proactive'] != 0) { $icon = '<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-bell"></span>'; $uclass = ' list-group-item-warning'; } else { $icon = '<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-user"></span>'; $uclass = ''; } $button = '<div class="pull-right"><a href="javascript:void(0)" id="usero-' . $row['id'] . '" class="btn btn-default btn-xs rhino-online-user" title="' . $row['agent'] . '/' . $row['ip'] . '">' . $icon . '</a></div>'; if ($row['readtime'] == 1) { $uclass = ' list-group-item-danger'; } if ($row['readtime'] == 2) { $uclass = ' list-group-item-success'; } if ($row['initiated'] && $row['ended'] == 0) { $button = '<div class="pull-right"><a href="javascript:void(0)" class="btn btn-info btn-xs"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-comment"></span></a></div>'; } $useronline .= '<li class="list-group-item' . $uclass . '" title="' . $row['referrer'] . '">' . ls_cut_text($row["referrer"], 35, '...') . $button . '</li>'; } $useronline .= '</ul>'; } } $oponline = false; if ($obj['olist']) { $result = $lsdb->query('SELECT id, username, name, operatorchat FROM ' . DB_PREFIX . 'user WHERE available = 1 AND id != "' . smartsql($obj['uid']) . '" LIMIT 20'); if ($lsdb->affected_rows > 0) { $oponline = '<ul class="list-group">'; while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) { $opchat = ''; if ($obj['opcheck'] && $row['operatorchat']) { $opchat = ' <a href="javascript:void(0)" class="btn btn-info btn-xs rhino-oponline" data-user="******"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-user"></span></a>'; } $oponline .= '<li class="list-group-item">' . $row['name'] . ' <span class="pull-right"><a href="index.php?p=uonline&sp=opstat&ssp=' . $row['id'] . '" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#generalModal" class="btn btn-info btn-xs"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-stats"></span></a>' . $opchat . '</span></li>'; } $oponline .= '</ul>'; } } elseif (!$obj['olist'] && $obj['opcheck']) { $result = $lsdb->query('SELECT id, username, name FROM ' . DB_PREFIX . 'user WHERE available = 1 AND operatorchat = 1 AND id != "' . smartsql($obj['uid']) . '" LIMIT 20'); if ($lsdb->affected_rows > 0) { $oponline = '<ul class="list-group">'; while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) { $oponline .= '<li class="list-group-item">' . $row['name'] . ' <span class="pull-right"><a href="javascript:void(0)" class="btn btn-info btn-xs rhino-oponline" data-user="******"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-user"></span></a></span></li>'; } $oponline .= '</ul>'; } } // Check if there is a new client, message or a transfer is awaiting for approval. $result = $lsdb->query('SELECT id, operatorid, answered, updated, transferid, transfermsg FROM ' . DB_PREFIX . 'sessions WHERE ' . $sqlw . 'operatorid = ' . smartsql($obj['uid']) . ' AND status = 1 OR department = 0 AND status = 1 AND operatorid = 0 OR transferid = ' . smartsql($obj['uid']) . ' AND status = 1'); if ($lsdb->affected_rows > 0) { while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) { // We have a transfer, need to display it! if ($row['transferid'] == $obj['uid']) { if ($row["transfermsg"]) { $split_transfer_msg = explode(':#:', $row["transfermsg"]); } // Display underneath the button $transfer_msg = '<div class="alert alert-danger"><span class="pull-right"><a href="javascript:void(0)" class="btn btn-xs btn-danger" onclick="acceptTransfer(0, ' . $row['transferid'] . ', ' . $row['id'] . ');"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-remove"></span></a> <a href="javascript:void(0)" class="btn btn-xs btn-success" onclick="acceptTransfer(1, ' . $row['transferid'] . ', ' . $row['id'] . ');"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-ok"></span></a></span><p>' . $tl['general']['g110'] . ' ' . $tl['general']['g12'] . ': ' . $split_transfer_msg[0] . '</p><p>' . $split_transfer_msg[1] . '</p></div>'; $transferid = $row['transferid']; } $newConv = 0; $scrollNow = 0; // check for new conversations if ($row['operatorid'] == 0) { $newConv = 1; } if ($row['operatorid'] > 0 && $row['updated'] > $row['answered']) { $newConv = 2; } if ($row['updated'] > time() - 6) { $scrollNow = 1; } } } else { $newConv = 0; $scrollNow = 0; $transferid = 0; $transfer_msg = 0; } // Only go for it if we want to if ($obj['convlist'] == 1) { // Now let's get the conversation list // remove timeout- prevents session duplication $timeout_remove = 43200; $new = array(); $updated = array(); $current = array(); $closed = array(); $count = 0; $result = $lsdb->query('SELECT t1.*, t2.title AS dep_title FROM ' . DB_PREFIX . 'sessions AS t1 LEFT JOIN ' . DB_PREFIX . 'departments AS t2 ON (t1.department = WHERE ' . $sqlwc . 'operatorid = ' . smartsql($obj['uid']) . ' AND t1.status = 1 OR t1.department = 0 AND t1.status = 1 AND t1.operatorid = 0 OR t1.transferid = ' . smartsql($obj['uid']) . ' AND t1.status = 1 AND t1.operatorid != ' . smartsql($obj['uid']) . ' ORDER BY answered ASC'); if ($lsdb->affected_rows > 0) { while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) { if ($row['status']) { if (time() - $row['initiated'] > $timeout_remove && $row['answered'] == 0) { $lsdb->query('UPDATE ' . DB_PREFIX . 'sessions SET status = 0, ended = "' . time() . '" WHERE id = "' . $row['id'] . '"'); $lsdb->query('INSERT INTO ' . DB_PREFIX . 'transcript SET name = "System", message = "' . smartsql($tl['general']['g72']) . '", convid = "' . $row['id'] . '", time = NOW(), class = "notice"'); } elseif ($row['u_status'] && time() - $row['u_status'] > 30) { $lsdb->query('UPDATE ' . DB_PREFIX . 'sessions SET status = 0, ended = "' . time() . '" WHERE id = "' . $row['id'] . '"'); $lsdb->query('INSERT INTO ' . DB_PREFIX . 'transcript SET name = "System", message = "' . $row['name'] . ' ' . smartsql($tl['general']['g168']) . '", convid = "' . $row['id'] . '", time = NOW(), class = "notice"'); } elseif ($row['answered'] > $row['updated']) { if (time() - $row['u_status'] > 600) { $lsdb->query('UPDATE ' . DB_PREFIX . 'sessions SET status = 0, ended = "' . time() . '" WHERE id = "' . $row['id'] . '"'); $lsdb->query('INSERT INTO ' . DB_PREFIX . 'transcript SET name = "System", message = "' . smartsql($tl['general']['g72']) . '", convid = "' . $row['id'] . '", time = NOW(), class = "notice"'); } } // Get all available chats if ($row['updated'] > $row['answered']) { if ($row['operatorid'] == 0 && $row['answered'] == 0) { $new[$count]["name"] = $row['name']; $new[$count]["convid"] = $row['id']; $new[$count]["countrycode"] = $row['countrycode']; $new[$count]["referrer"] = $row['referrer']; $new[$count]["department"] = $row['dep_title']; $new[$count]["ip"] = $row['ip']; if ($row['u_typing']) { $new[$count]["typing"] = ' <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-pencil"></span>'; } } else { $updated[$count]["name"] = $row['name']; $updated[$count]["convid"] = $row['id']; $updated[$count]["countrycode"] = $row['countrycode']; $updated[$count]["referrer"] = $row['creferrer'] ? $row['creferrer'] : $row['referrer']; $updated[$count]["department"] = $row['dep_title']; $updated[$count]["updated"] = LS_base::lsTimesince($row['updated'], LS_DATEFORMAT, LS_TIMEFORMAT); if ($row['u_typing']) { $updated[$count]["typing"] = ' <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-pencil"></span>'; } } } elseif ($row['updated'] == 0 && $row['answered'] == 0) { $new[$count]["name"] = $row['name']; $new[$count]["convid"] = $row['id']; $new[$count]["countrycode"] = $row['countrycode']; $new[$count]["referrer"] = $row['referrer']; $new[$count]["department"] = $row['dep_title']; $new[$count]["ip"] = $row['ip']; if ($row['u_typing']) { $new[$count]["typing"] = ' <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-pencil"></span>'; } } else { $current[$count]["name"] = $row['name']; $current[$count]["convid"] = $row['id']; $current[$count]["countrycode"] = $row['countrycode']; $current[$count]["referrer"] = $row['creferrer'] ? $row['creferrer'] : $row['referrer']; $current[$count]["department"] = $row['dep_title']; $current[$count]["updated"] = LS_base::lsTimesince($row['answered'], LS_DATEFORMAT, LS_TIMEFORMAT); if ($row['u_typing']) { $current[$count]["typing"] = ' <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-pencil"></span>'; } } } $transfer_name = ''; // We have a transfer, need to display it! if ($row['transferid'] == $obj['uid']) { if ($row["transfermsg"]) { $split_transfer_msg = explode(':#:', $row["transfermsg"]); } // Display underneath the button $transfer_name = '<p>' . $tl['general']['g110'] . ' ' . $tl['general']['g12'] . ': ' . $split_transfer_msg[0] . '</p>'; } if ($row['transferid'] != 0 && $row['transferid'] != $obj['uid']) { $transfer_name = '<p>' . $tl['general']['g117'] . '</p>'; } if (!$row['status']) { if (time() - $row['ended'] > 300 && !$row['hide']) { $lsdb->query('UPDATE ' . DB_PREFIX . 'sessions SET hide = 1 WHERE id = "' . $row['id'] . '"'); $lsdb->query('INSERT INTO ' . DB_PREFIX . 'transcript SET name = "System", message = "' . smartsql($tl['general']['g73']) . '", convid = "' . $row['id'] . '", class = "notice"'); } else { if (!$row['hide']) { $closed[$count]["name"] = $row['name']; $closed[$count]["convid"] = $row['id']; } } } if ($row['hide']) { if (time() - $row['ended'] > $timeout_remove) { $lsdb->query('DELETE FROM ' . DB_PREFIX . 'transcript WHERE convid = "' . $row['id'] . '"'); $lsdb->query('DELETE FROM ' . DB_PREFIX . 'sessions WHERE id = "' . $row['id'] . '"'); } } $count = $count + 1; } shuffle($new); shuffle($updated); shuffle($current); sort($new); sort($updated); sort($current); $newTotal = count($new); $updatedTotal = count($updated); $currentTotal = count($current); if ($newTotal + $updatedTotal + $currentTotal == 0) { $this->send($user, json_encode(array("job" => "check_status", 'status' => 0, "html" => ""))); } for ($i = 0; $i < $newTotal; $i++) { $convlist .= '<div class="panel panel-success">'; $convlist .= '<div class="panel-heading"><img src="img/country/' . $new[$i]['countrycode'] . '.gif" /> <a href="javascript:void(0)" class="alert-link">' . $new[$i]["name"] . $new[$i]["typing"] . '</a> <div class="pull-right"><a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="if(confirm(\'' . $tl["general"]["g203"] . '\')){ls.activeConv = ' . $new[$i]["convid"] . ';denyChat(ls.activeConv, ' . $obj['uid'] . ');}" class="btn btn-danger btn-xs"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-ban-circle"></span></a> <a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="ls.activeConv = ' . $new[$i]["convid"] . ';takeChat(ls.activeConv, ' . $obj['uid'] . ');" class="btn btn-success btn-xs"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-comment"></span></a></div></div><div class="panel-body">'; $convlist .= $tl["general"]["g120"] . $new[$i]["department"] . '<br />' . $tl["general"]["g156"] . $new[$i]["referrer"] . '<br /><strong>' . $tl["general"]["g11"] . '</strong>: ' . $new[$i]["ip"]; $convlist .= '</div></div>'; } for ($i = 0; $i < $updatedTotal; $i++) { $convlist .= '<div class="panel panel-warning" onclick="activeConversation=true;loadchat=true;scrollchat=true;ls.activeConv=' . $updated[$i]["convid"] . ';getInfo(ls.activeConv);getInput(ls.activeConv);">'; $convlist .= '<div class="panel-heading"><img src="img/country/' . $updated[$i]['countrycode'] . '.gif" /> <a href="javascript:void(0)" class="alert-link">' . $updated[$i]["name"] . $updated[$i]["typing"] . '</a> <span class="badge pull-right">' . $updated[$i]['updated'] . '</span></div><div class="panel-body">'; $convlist .= $transfer_name; $convlist .= $tl["general"]["g120"] . $updated[$i]["department"] . '<br />' . $tl["general"]["g156"] . $updated[$i]["referrer"]; $convlist .= '</div></div>'; } for ($i = 0; $i < $currentTotal; $i++) { $convlist .= '<div class="panel panel-info" onclick="activeConversation=true;loadchat=true;scrollchat=true;ls.activeConv=' . $current[$i]["convid"] . ';getInfo(ls.activeConv);getInput(ls.activeConv);">'; $convlist .= '<div class="panel-heading"><img src="img/country/' . $current[$i]['countrycode'] . '.gif" /> <a href="javascript:void(0)">' . $current[$i]["name"] . $current[$i]["typing"] . '</a> <span class="badge pull-right">' . $current[$i]['updated'] . '</span></div><div class="panel-body">'; $convlist .= $transfer_name; $convlist .= $tl["general"]["g120"] . $current[$i]["department"] . '<br />' . $tl["general"]["g156"] . $current[$i]["referrer"]; $convlist .= '</div></div>'; } } else { $convlist = ''; } } else { $convlist = ''; } $this->send($user, json_encode(array("job" => "check_status", "useronline" => $useronline, "oponline" => $oponline, 'newc' => $newConv, 'scrollnow' => $scrollNow, 'tid' => $transferid, 'tmsg' => $transfer_msg, "conversation" => $convlist, "noconv" => $tl['general']['g79']))); break; case 'receive_messages': if (!is_numeric($obj['conv'])) { $chatmsg = ''; $statusmsg = false; $chatended = false; } else { $result = $lsdb->query('SELECT id, class, name, message, time FROM ' . DB_PREFIX . 'transcript WHERE convid = "' . smartsql($obj['conv']) . '" ORDER BY time ASC'); if ($lsdb->affected_rows > 0) { $chatmsg = '<ul class="list-group">'; while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) { $chatended = false; if ($row['class'] == "notice") { $chatmsg .= '<li class="list-group-item ' . $row['class'] . '"><span class="user_said"><strong>' . $row['name'] . '</strong> ' . $tl['general']['g66'] . ':</span><p>' . stripcslashes($row['message']) . '</p></li>'; } elseif ($row['class'] == "ended") { $chatmsg .= '<li class="list-group-item ' . $row['class'] . '"><span class="user_said"><strong>' . $row['name'] . '</strong> ' . $tl['general']['g66'] . ':</span><p>' . stripcslashes($row['message']) . '</p></li>'; $chatended = true; } else { $chatmsg .= '<li class="list-group-item ' . $row['class'] . '"><span class="user_said">' . LS_base::lsTimesince($row['time'], LS_DATEFORMAT, LS_TIMEFORMAT) . ' - <strong>' . $row['name'] . '</strong> ' . $tl['general']['g66'] . ':</span><p>' . stripcslashes($row['message']) . '</p></li>'; } } $chatmsg .= "</ul>"; $statusmsg = true; } } $this->send($user, json_encode(array("job" => "receive_messages", 'status' => $statusmsg, 'chatended' => $chatended, 'chat' => $chatmsg))); break; case 'send_message': if ($obj['conv'] == "open" || !is_numeric($obj['id']) && !is_numeric($obj['uid'])) { $this->send($user, json_encode(array("job" => "send_message", 'status' => 0, "html" => $tl['general']['g79']))); } else { $message = trim($obj['msg']); if (empty($message)) { $this->send($user, json_encode(array("job" => "send_message", 'status' => 0, "html" => $tl['error']['e1']))); } else { $result = $lsdb->query('SELECT * FROM ' . DB_PREFIX . 'sessions WHERE id = "' . smartsql($obj['id']) . '"'); if ($lsdb->affected_rows > 0) { $row = $result->fetch_assoc(); define('BASE_URL_IMG', str_replace($socket_url, SOCKET_SUBFOLDER_IF, BASE_URL)); $message = strip_tags($message); $message = filter_var($message, FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING); $message = trim($message); $message = replace_urls(nl2br($message)); if (LS_SMILIES) { require_once $final_url . 'class/class.smileyparser.php'; // More dirty custom work and smiley parser $smileyparser = new LS_smiley(); $message = $smileyparser->parseSmileytext($message); } if ($row['status'] == "closed" && !$row['hide']) { $lsdb->query('UPDATE ' . DB_PREFIX . 'sessions SET status = 1, updated = "' . $row['updated'] . '" WHERE id = "' . $obj['id'] . '"'); } if (!$row['hide']) { $lsdb->query('INSERT INTO ' . DB_PREFIX . 'transcript SET name = "' . smartsql($obj['oname']) . '", message = "' . smartsql($message) . '", user = "******", convid = "' . $obj['id'] . '", time = NOW(), class = "admin"'); $lsdb->query('UPDATE ' . DB_PREFIX . 'sessions SET answered = "' . time() . '", o_typing = 0 WHERE id = "' . $obj['id'] . '"'); $this->send($user, json_encode(array("job" => "send_message", 'status' => 1, 'conv' => $row['id']))); } elseif ($row['hide']) { $lsdb->query('INSERT INTO ' . DB_PREFIX . 'transcript SET name = "' . smartsql($obj['oname']) . '", message = "' . smartsql($tl['general']['g64']) . '", convid = "' . $obj['id'] . '", class = "notice"'); $this->send($user, json_encode(array("job" => "send_message", 'status' => 1, 'conv' => $row['id']))); } else { $this->send($user, json_encode(array("job" => "send_message", 'status' => 0, "html" => $tl['error']['e1']))); } } } } break; case 'op_typing': if (is_numeric($obj['conv'])) { if ($obj['status'] == 1) { $result = $lsdb->query('UPDATE ' . DB_PREFIX . 'sessions SET o_typing = 1 WHERE id = "' . smartsql($obj['conv']) . '"'); } else { $result = $lsdb->query('UPDATE ' . DB_PREFIX . 'sessions SET o_typing = 0 WHERE id = "' . smartsql($obj['conv']) . '"'); } if ($result) { $this->send($user, json_encode(array('job' => 'op_typing', 'tid' => 1))); } else { $this->send($user, json_encode(array('job' => 'op_typing', 'tid' => 0))); } } else { $this->send($user, json_encode(array('job' => 'op_typing', "tid" => 0))); } break; default: } } // User Area } else { // Import the language file if ($BT_LANGUAGE && file_exists($final_url . 'lang/' . $BT_LANGUAGE . '.ini')) { $tl = parse_ini_file($final_url . 'lang/' . $BT_LANGUAGE . '.ini', true); $lang = $BT_LANGUAGE; } elseif (!$BT_LANGUAGE && file_exists($final_url . 'lang/' . LS_LANG . '.ini')) { $tl = parse_ini_file($final_url . 'lang/' . LS_LANG . '.ini', true); $lang = LS_LANG; } else { $tl = parse_ini_file($final_url . 'lang/en.ini', true); $lang = 'en'; } global $LV_DEPARTMENTS; // Get the user session id $rlbid = $obj['sessid']; // Get the proactive cookie $cookproactive = "run"; if ($obj['proact'] == 1) { $cookproactive = "donotrun"; } // Check if user is chatting... $result = $lsdb->query('SELECT id, userid FROM ' . DB_PREFIX . 'sessions WHERE session = "' . smartsql($rlbid) . '" AND status = 1 LIMIT 1'); if ($lsdb->affected_rows == 1) { $row = $result->fetch_assoc(); $usrid = $row['userid']; $usr_status = true; } else { $usrid = 0; $usr_status = false; } switch ($obj['job']) { case 'check_slide_up': // Get the department $dep = ''; if (is_numeric($obj['did'])) { $dep = '&dep=' . $obj['did']; } if (is_numeric($obj['opid'])) { $dep .= '&opid=' . $obj['opid']; } // Now let's check if we want to hide the chat when offline $chi = false; $onoff = online_operators($LV_DEPARTMENTS, $obj['did'], $obj['opid']) ? true : false; if ($obj['chi'] == 1) { $chi = !$onoff; } if ($usr_status) { $this->send($user, json_encode(array("job" => "check_slide_up", "status" => true, "onoff" => $onoff, "chi" => $chi, "form" => '<iframe seamless="seamless" class="jrc_ichat" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" src="' . str_replace($socket_url, SOCKET_SUBFOLDER_IF, BASE_URL) . '/index.php?p=chat&slide=1&lang=' . $lang . $dep . '"></iframe>'))); } else { if ($onoff) { $this->send($user, json_encode(array("job" => "check_slide_up", "status" => false, "onoff" => $onoff, "chi" => $chi, "form" => '<iframe seamless="seamless" class="jrc_ichat" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" src="' . str_replace($socket_url, SOCKET_SUBFOLDER_IF, BASE_URL) . '/index.php?p=start&slide=1&lang=' . $lang . $dep . '"></iframe>'))); } else { $this->send($user, json_encode(array("job" => "check_slide_up", "status" => false, "onoff" => $onoff, "chi" => $chi, "form" => '<iframe seamless="seamless" class="jrc_ichat" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" src="' . str_replace($socket_url, SOCKET_SUBFOLDER_IF, BASE_URL) . '/index.php?p=contact&slide=1&lang=' . $lang . $dep . '"></iframe>'))); } } break; case 'check_proactive': $proactive = true; $lvs_departments = true; $newConv = 0; $newMSG = ''; if ($obj['slide']) { $lvs_departments = online_operators($LV_DEPARTMENTS, $obj['did'], $obj['opid']) ? true : false; } if ($usr_status) { // Update the status for better user handling $lsdb->query('UPDATE ' . DB_PREFIX . 'sessions SET u_status = "' . time() . '" WHERE session = "' . smartsql($rlbid) . '" AND status != "closed"'); $result = $lsdb->query('SELECT id FROM ' . DB_PREFIX . 'sessions AS t1 WHERE session = "' . smartsql($rlbid) . '" AND (answered > updated) AND status != "closed"'); if ($lsdb->affected_rows > 0) { $newConv = 1; $newMSG = $tl["general"]["g22"]; } } if ($lvs_departments) { if ($cookproactive == "run") { // Check if we have an auto proactive $result = $lsdb->query('SELECT t1.message, t1.showalert, t1.wayin, t1.wayout FROM ' . DB_PREFIX . 'autoproactive AS t1 LEFT JOIN ' . DB_PREFIX . 'buttonstats AS t2 ON (t1.path = t2.referrer) WHERE t2.readtime = 0 AND t2.session = "' . smartsql($rlbid) . '" AND t2.hits >= t1.visitedsites AND UNIX_TIMESTAMP(t2.lasttime) <= (UNIX_TIMESTAMP() - t1.timeonsite)'); if ($lsdb->affected_rows > 0) { $row = $result->fetch_assoc(); $proactive = false; $result = $lsdb->query('UPDATE ' . DB_PREFIX . 'buttonstats SET proactive = 999, message = "' . smartsql($row['message']) . '", readtime = 0 WHERE session = "' . smartsql($rlbid) . '"'); $this->send($user, json_encode(array('job' => 'check_proactive', 'proactive' => true, "offline" => false, 'message' => $row['message'], 'showalert' => $row['showalert'], 'wayin' => $row['wayin'], 'wayout' => $row['wayout'], "newmsg" => $newConv, "newmsghtml" => $newMSG))); } } if ($proactive) { // Check if we have an manual proactive $result = $lsdb->query('SELECT message FROM ' . DB_PREFIX . 'buttonstats WHERE proactive = 1 AND session = "' . smartsql($rlbid) . '" AND readtime = 0'); if ($lsdb->affected_rows > 0) { $row = $result->fetch_assoc(); $this->send($user, json_encode(array('job' => 'check_proactive', 'proactive' => true, "offline" => false, 'message' => $row['message'], 'showalert' => LS_PRO_ALERT, 'wayin' => LS_PRO_WAYIN, 'wayout' => LS_PRO_WAYOUT, "newmsg" => $newConv, "newmsghtml" => $newMSG))); } else { $this->send($user, json_encode(array('job' => 'check_proactive', 'proactive' => false, "offline" => false, "newmsg" => $newConv, "newmsghtml" => $newMSG))); } } } else { $this->send($user, json_encode(array('job' => 'check_proactive', 'proactive' => false, "offline" => true, "newmsg" => $newConv, "newmsghtml" => $newMSG))); } break; case 'receive_messages': if (is_numeric($obj['sid']) && $obj['uid'] == $usrid) { // Get the special lang var once for the time define('LS_DAY', $tl['general']['g17']); define('LS_HOUR', $tl['general']['g18']); define('LS_MINUTE', $tl['general']['g19']); define('LS_MULTITIME', $tl['general']['g20']); define('LS_AGO', $tl['general']['g21']); $result = $lsdb->query('SELECT * FROM ' . DB_PREFIX . 'transcript WHERE convid = "' . smartsql($obj['sid']) . '" AND plevel = 1 ORDER BY time ASC'); if ($lsdb->affected_rows > 0) { $chat = '<ul class="list-group">'; while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) { $chat .= '<li class="list-group-item ' . $row['class'] . '"><span class="response_sum">' . LS_base::lsTimesince($row['time'], LS_DATEFORMAT, LS_TIMEFORMAT) . ' ' . $row['name'] . ' ' . $tl['general']['g14'] . ' :</span><br />' . stripcslashes($row['message']) . '</li>'; } $chat .= "</ul>"; $this->send($user, json_encode(array('job' => 'receive_messages', "status" => 1, "html" => $chat))); } } else { $this->send($user, json_encode(array('job' => 'receive_messages', "status" => 0, "html" => ""))); } break; case 'check_chat_status': if (is_numeric($obj['sid']) && $obj['uid'] == $usrid) { $otyping = false; $knockknock = false; $opern = $tl['general']['g59']; $result = $lsdb->query('SELECT, t1.operatorid, t1.initiated, t1.answered, t1.updated, t1.sendfiles, t1.o_typing, t1.msg_status, t1.denied,, t2.picture FROM ' . DB_PREFIX . 'sessions AS t1 LEFT JOIN ' . DB_PREFIX . 'user AS t2 ON(t1.operatorid = t2. id) WHERE userid = "' . smartsql($obj['uid']) . '"'); if ($lsdb->affected_rows > 0) { $newConv = 0; $scrollNow = 0; $operatorid = 0; $showinput = 0; $row = $result->fetch_assoc(); // Get the knock knock if ($row['knockknock'] == 1) { $knockknock = $tl["general"]["g22"]; } // Update the status for better user handling $lsdb->query('UPDATE ' . DB_PREFIX . 'sessions SET u_status = "' . time() . '", knockknock = 0 WHERE id = "' . $row['id'] . '"'); if ($row['denied'] == 1) { $result = $lsdb->query('INSERT INTO ' . DB_PREFIX . 'transcript SET name = "' . smartsql($obj['una']) . '", message = "' . smartsql($tl['general']['g57']) . '", user = "******", convid = "' . $row['id'] . '", time = NOW(), class = "ended"'); $this->send($user, json_encode(array('job' => 'check_chat_status', 'redirect_c' => true))); } if ($row['answered'] == 0 && $row['msg_status'] == 0 && $row['initiated'] < time() - 60) { $lsdb->query('INSERT INTO ' . DB_PREFIX . 'transcript SET name = "' . smartsql($tl["general"]["g56"]) . '", message = "' . smartsql($tl["general"]["g69"]) . '", convid = "' . $row['id'] . '", time = NOW(), class = "admin"'); // update db that we sent the waiting message $lsdb->query('UPDATE ' . DB_PREFIX . 'sessions SET msg_status = 1 WHERE id = "' . $row['id'] . '"'); $newConv = 1; $scrollNow = 1; } if ($row['answered'] == 0 && $row['msg_status'] == 1 && $row['initiated'] < time() - 180) { $lsdb->query('INSERT INTO ' . DB_PREFIX . 'transcript SET name = "' . smartsql($tl["general"]["g56"]) . '", message = "' . smartsql($tl["general"]["g70"]) . '", convid = "' . $row['id'] . '", time = NOW(), class = "admin"'); // update db that we sent the waiting message $lsdb->query('UPDATE ' . DB_PREFIX . 'sessions SET msg_status = 2 WHERE id = "' . $row['id'] . '"'); $newConv = 1; $scrollNow = 1; } if ($row['answered'] == 0 && $row['msg_status'] == 2 && $row['initiated'] < time() - 480 && LS_WAIT_MESSAGE3 == 1) { $lsdb->query('UPDATE ' . DB_PREFIX . 'sessions SET status = 0, fcontact = 1, ended = "' . time() . '" WHERE id = "' . $row['id'] . '"'); $result = $lsdb->query('INSERT INTO ' . DB_PREFIX . 'transcript SET name = "' . smartsql($obj['una']) . '", message = "' . smartsql($tl['general']['g57']) . '", user = "******", convid = "' . $row['id'] . '", time = NOW(), class = "ended"'); $this->send($user, json_encode(array('job' => 'check_chat_status', 'redirect_c' => true))); } // Check the rest if ($row['answered'] > $row['updated']) { $newConv = 1; } if ($row['answered'] > time() - 6) { $scrollNow = 1; } if ($row['operatorid']) { $operatorid = 1; } if ($row['o_typing']) { $otyping = str_replace("%s", $row['name'], $tl["general"]["g37"]); } if ($row['name']) { $opern = $tl["general"]["g52"] . ': ' . $row['name']; } if ($row['answered'] != 0) { $showinput = 1; } $this->send($user, json_encode(array('job' => 'check_chat_status', 'redirect_c' => false, 'knockknock' => $knockknock, 'operator' => $operatorid, 'newmsg' => $newConv, 'scrollnow' => $scrollNow, 'files' => $row['sendfiles'], 'typing' => $otyping, 'oname' => $opern, 'opicture' => $row['picture'], 'showinput' => $showinput))); } else { $this->send($user, json_encode(array('job' => 'check_chat_status', 'redirect_c' => false, 'knockknock' => $knockknock, 'operator' => 0, 'newmsg' => 0, 'scrollnow' => 0, 'files' => 0, 'typing' => $otyping, 'oname' => false, 'opicture' => false, 'showinput' => false))); } } else { $lsdb->query('UPDATE ' . DB_PREFIX . 'sessions SET status = 0, ended = "' . time() . '" WHERE id = "' . $row['id'] . '"'); $this->send($user, json_encode(array('job' => 'check_chat_status', "redirect_c" => false))); } break; case 'send_message': if (is_numeric($obj['sid']) && $obj['uid'] == $usrid) { $message = strip_tags($obj['msg']); if ($message) { $result = $lsdb->query('SELECT * FROM ' . DB_PREFIX . 'sessions WHERE userid = "' . smartsql($obj['uid']) . '"'); if ($lsdb->affected_rows > 0) { $row = $result->fetch_assoc(); define('BASE_URL_IMG', str_replace($socket_url, SOCKET_SUBFOLDER_IF, BASE_URL)); $message = filter_var($message, FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING); $message = trim($message); $message = nl2br(replace_urls($message)); if (LS_SMILIES) { require_once $final_url . 'class/class.smileyparser.php'; // More dirty custom work and smiley parser $smileyparser = new LS_smiley(); $message = $smileyparser->parseSmileytext($message); } if ($row['status'] && $message != "") { $lsdb->query('INSERT INTO ' . DB_PREFIX . 'transcript SET name = "' . smartsql($obj['una']) . '", message = "' . smartsql($message) . '", user = "******", convid = "' . smartsql($obj['sid']) . '", time = NOW(), class = "user"'); $lsdb->query('UPDATE ' . DB_PREFIX . 'sessions SET updated = "' . time() . '", u_typing = 0 WHERE userid = "' . smartsql($obj['uid']) . '"'); $this->send($user, json_encode(array('job' => 'send_message', "status" => 1, "msg" => '<li class="list-group-item user"><span class="response_sum">' . LS_base::lsTimesince(time(), LS_DATEFORMAT, LS_TIMEFORMAT) . ' ' . $obj['una'] . ' ' . $tl['general']['g14'] . ' :</span><br />' . stripcslashes($message) . '</li>'))); } elseif (!$row['status'] && !$row['hide']) { $lsdb->query('INSERT INTO ' . DB_PREFIX . 'transcript SET name = "' . smartsql($obj['una']) . '", message = "' . smartsql($message) . '", user = "******", convid = "' . smartsql($obj['sid']) . '", time = NOW(), class = "user"'); $lsdb->query('UPDATE ' . DB_PREFIX . 'sessions SET updated = "' . time() . '", ended = 0, status = 1, u_typing = 0 WHERE userid = "' . smartsql($obj['uid']) . '"'); $this->send($user, json_encode(array('job' => 'send_message', "status" => 1, "msg" => '<li class="list-group-item user"><span class="response_sum">' . LS_base::lsTimesince(time(), LS_DATEFORMAT, LS_TIMEFORMAT) . ' ' . $obj['una'] . ' ' . $tl['general']['g14'] . ' :</span><br />' . stripcslashes($message) . '</li>'))); } elseif (!$row['status']) { $lsdb->query('INSERT INTO ' . DB_PREFIX . 'transcript SET name = "' . smartsql($obj['una']) . '", message = "' . smartsql($tl['general']['g13']) . '", user = "******", convid = "' . smartsql($obj['sid']) . '", time = NOW(), class = "notice"'); $lsdb->query('UPDATE ' . DB_PREFIX . 'sessions SET updated = "' . time() . '", ended = 0, u_typing = 0 WHERE userid = "' . smartsql($obj['uid']) . '"'); $this->send($user, json_encode(array('job' => 'send_message', "status" => 1, "msg" => '<li class="list-group-item notice"><span class="response_sum">' . LS_base::lsTimesince(time(), LS_DATEFORMAT, LS_TIMEFORMAT) . ' ' . $obj['una'] . ' ' . $tl['general']['g14'] . ' :</span><br />' . stripcslashes($tl['general']['g13']) . '</li>'))); } else { $this->send($user, json_encode(array('job' => 'send_message', "status" => 0, "msg" => $tl['error']['e2']))); } } } else { $this->send($user, json_encode(array('job' => 'send_message', "status" => 0, "msg" => $tl['error']['e2']))); } } else { $this->send($user, json_encode(array('job' => 'send_message', "status" => 0, "msg" => $tl['error']['e2']))); } break; case 'usr_typing': if (is_numeric($obj['sid']) && $obj['uid'] == $usrid) { if ($obj['status'] == 1) { $result = $lsdb->query('UPDATE ' . DB_PREFIX . 'sessions SET u_typing = 1 WHERE id = "' . smartsql($obj['sid']) . '"'); } else { $result = $lsdb->query('UPDATE ' . DB_PREFIX . 'sessions SET u_typing = 0 WHERE id = "' . smartsql($obj['sid']) . '"'); } if ($result) { $this->send($user, json_encode(array('job' => 'usr_typing', 'tid' => 1))); } else { $this->send($user, json_encode(array('job' => 'usr_typing', 'tid' => 0))); } } else { $this->send($user, json_encode(array('job' => 'usr_typing', "tid" => 0))); } break; default: } } }
define('LS_HOUR', $tl['general']['g18']); define('LS_MINUTE', $tl['general']['g19']); define('LS_MULTITIME', $tl['general']['g20']); define('LS_AGO', $tl['general']['g21']); if (!$_POST['msg']) { die(json_encode(array("status" => 0, "html" => $tl['error']['e2']))); } if (is_numeric($_POST['conv'])) { $result = $lsdb->query('SELECT * FROM ' . DB_PREFIX . 'sessions WHERE userid = "' . smartsql($_POST['userid']) . '"'); if ($lsdb->affected_rows > 0) { $row = $result->fetch_assoc(); define('BASE_URL_IMG', str_replace('include/', '', BASE_URL)); $message = strip_tags($_POST['msg']); $message = filter_var($message, FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING); $message = trim($message); $message = nl2br(replace_urls($message)); if (LS_SMILIES) { require_once '../class/class.smileyparser.php'; // More dirty custom work and smiley parser $smileyparser = new LS_smiley(); $message = $smileyparser->parseSmileytext($message); } if ($row['status'] && $message != "") { $lsdb->query('INSERT INTO ' . DB_PREFIX . 'transcript SET name = "' . smartsql($_POST['name']) . '", message = "' . smartsql($message) . '", user = "******", convid = "' . smartsql($_POST['conv']) . '", time = NOW(), class = "user"'); $lsdb->query('UPDATE ' . DB_PREFIX . 'sessions SET
$tl = parse_ini_file(APP_PATH . 'lang/' . LS_LANG . '.ini', true); } else { $tl = parse_ini_file(APP_PATH . 'lang/en.ini', true); } if (!$_POST['msg']) { die(json_encode(array("status" => 0, "html" => $tl['error']['e2']))); } if (is_numeric($_POST['conv'])) { $result = $lsdb->query('SELECT * FROM ' . DB_PREFIX . 'jrc_sessions WHERE userid = "' . smartsql($_POST['userid']) . '"'); if ($lsdb->affected_rows > 0) { $row = $result->fetch_assoc(); define('BASE_URL_IMG', str_replace('include/', '', BASE_URL)); $message = $_POST['msg']; $message = filter_var($message, FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING); $message = trim($message); $message = replace_urls($message); if (LS_SMILIES) { require_once '../class/class.smileyparser.php'; // More dirty custom work and smiley parser $smileyparser = new LS_smiley(); $message = $smileyparser->parseSmileytext($message); } if ($row['status'] && $message != "") { $lsdb->query('INSERT INTO ' . DB_PREFIX . 'jrc_transcript SET name = "' . smartsql($_POST['name']) . '", message = "' . smartsql($message) . '", user = "******", convid = "' . smartsql($_POST['conv']) . '", time = NOW(), class = "user"'); $lsdb->query('UPDATE ' . DB_PREFIX . 'jrc_sessions SET
function replace_urls($string) { return replace_urls($string); // Use the lib_output.php function. }
function loop($id_usr, $type, $userloop, $follow, $tabnumber, $id_group) { include './inc/config.php'; $connuni = @mysql_connect($host, $user, $pass); @mysql_select_db($db, $connuni); echo "<!-- START TAB " . $tabnumber . " -->"; echo "<div id=\"country" . $tabnumber . "\" class=\"tabcontent\">\n\t<div id=\"statuses\">"; //Choose type! if ($type == "Public timeline") { $sql0 = "SELECT status_id,user_id,status, DATE_FORMAT(date_set,'%M %e, %Y @ %l:%i:%s %p') AS ds FROM mt_statuses ORDER BY date_set DESC"; } elseif ($type == "Following") { $long = strlen($follow); //echo $long; $long_m = $long - 1; //echo $long_m; $follow_m = substr($follow, -$long, $long_m); //echo $follow_m; $sql0 = "SELECT status_id,user_id,status, DATE_FORMAT(date_set,'%M %e, %Y @ %l:%i:%s %p') AS ds FROM mt_statuses WHERE user_id IN (" . avoid_injection($follow_m) . ") ORDER BY date_set DESC"; //This is to show user updates with following option to show OR user_id='$id_usr' } elseif ($type == "User") { $usern = name_hide($userloop); $sql0 = "SELECT status_id,user_id,status, DATE_FORMAT(date_set,'%M %e, %Y @ %l:%i:%s %p') AS ds FROM mt_statuses WHERE user_id='" . avoid_injection($userloop) . "' OR status LIKE '%@" . avoid_injection($usern) . "%' ORDER BY date_set DESC"; } /*For all*/ /*get page*/ $registros = 15; $pagina = $_GET["pagina"]; if (!$pagina) { $inicio = 0; $pagina = 1; } else { $inicio = ($pagina - 1) * $registros; } /*end get page*/ $r0 = mysql_query($sql0, $connuni) or die('La consulta falló:' . mysql_error($enlace)); $total_registros = mysql_num_rows($r0); if ($type == "User") { $usern = name_hide($userloop); $query = "SELECT status_id,user_id,status, DATE_FORMAT(date_set,'%M %e, %Y @ %l:%i:%s %p') AS ds FROM mt_statuses WHERE user_id='" . avoid_injection($userloop) . "' OR status LIKE '%@" . avoid_injection($usern) . "%' ORDER BY date_set DESC LIMIT {$inicio}, {$registros}"; } elseif ($type == "Following") { $long = strlen($follow); //echo $long; $long_m = $long - 1; //echo $long_m; $follow_m = substr($follow, -$long, $long_m); //echo $follow_m; $query = "SELECT status_id,user_id,status, DATE_FORMAT(date_set,'%M %e, %Y @ %l:%i:%s %p') AS ds FROM mt_statuses WHERE user_id IN (" . avoid_injection($follow_m) . ") ORDER BY date_set DESC LIMIT {$inicio}, {$registros}"; //This is to show user updates with following option to show OR user_id='$id_usr' } elseif ($type == "Public timeline") { $query = "SELECT status_id,user_id,status, DATE_FORMAT(date_set,'%M %e, %Y @ %l:%i:%s %p') AS ds FROM mt_statuses ORDER BY date_set DESC LIMIT {$inicio}, {$registros}"; } $result = mysql_query($query, $connuni) or die(mysql_error() . ': ' . $query); $total_paginas = ceil($total_registros / $registros); //This table was for pagination but I changed it for another one without js //Page links an title echo "<table width=\"445\"><thead>\n\t\n\t<tr>\n\t<td>"; if ($id_group != "") { echo "<form style=\"float: right;margin-top: 3px; margin-right: 3px; position: absolute;\" action=\"\" name=\"delete_group\" method=\"post\">"; echo "<input type=\"image\" src=\"" . $pth . "inc/icons/gr_dl.png\" name=\"delete_group_id\" value=\"" . $id_group . "\">"; echo "</form>"; $des = "SELECT group_desc, members FROM mt_group WHERE id_group='" . avoid_injection($id_group) . "'"; $resultdes = mysql_query($des, $connuni) or die(mysql_error() . ': ' . $query); while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($resultdes)) { echo "<div style=\"margin-left: 25px;\">"; echo $row["group_desc"]; $members_message = explode(",", $row["members"]); $b = 0; while ($members_message[$b]) { $namem = name_hide($members_message[$b]); $group_replie .= "@" . $namem . " "; $b = $b + 1; } echo " <a href=\"#\" style=\"border: 0px;float: right;\" onclick=\"insertAtCaret('status','" . $group_replie . "');\"><img border=0 src=\"./inc/icons/group_go.png\"></a>"; echo "</div>"; } } echo "</td></tr></thead><tbody>"; //loop while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { echo '<tr><td> <div class="status-box"> <div style="float: left; width: 430px;">'; echo "<form style=\"float: right;\" action=\"\" method=\"post\">"; if ($id_usr == $row['user_id']) { echo "<input type=\"image\" src=\"" . $pth . "inc/icons/dl.png\" name=\"status_id\" value=\"" . $row["status_id"] . "\">"; } echo "</form>"; echo "<form style=\"float: right;\" action=\"\" method=\"post\">"; if ($id_usr != $row['user_id']) { if (strstr($follow, $row['user_id']) == true) { } else { echo "<input type=\"image\" src=\"" . $pth . "inc/icons/+.png\" name=\"status_id_mas\" value=\"" . $row["user_id"] . "\">"; } } echo "</form>"; echo "<form style=\"float: right; "; if (strstr($follow, $row['user_id']) == true) { } else { echo "margin-top: 12px; margin-right: -9px;"; } echo "\" action=\"\" method=\"post\">"; if ($id_usr != $row['user_id']) { if (strstr($follow, $row['user_id']) == true) { echo "<input type=\"image\" src=\"" . $pth . "inc/icons/-.png\" name=\"status_id_menos\" value=\"" . $row["user_id"] . "\">"; } else { } } echo "</form>"; //avatar if (gravatar($row['user_id']) == "yes") { $grav_correo = correo($row["user_id"]); echo "<a class=\"avatar\" href=\"index.php?user="******"user_id"] . "\">"; echo "<img width=\"48\" height=\"48\" align=\"left\" style=\"margin-right: 5px;\" border=\"1\" src=\""; echo getGravatarUrl($grav_correo, $defImg, "80", "G"); echo "\" alt=\"Gravatar\"></a>"; } else { if (file_exists("./avatar/" . $row['user_id'] . ".jpg") == true) { echo "<a class=\"avatar\" href=\"index.php?user="******"user_id"] . "\">"; echo '<img align="left" width="48" height="48" style="margin-right: 5px;" border=\\"1\\" src="' . $pth . 'avatar/', $row['user_id'], '.jpg"></a>'; } else { echo "<a class=\"avatar\" href=\"index.php?user="******"user_id"] . "\">"; echo '<img align="left" width="48" height="48" style="margin-right: 5px;" border=\\"1\\" src="' . $defImg . '"></a>'; } } //user echo "<b>"; echo "<a href=\"#\" onclick=\"insertAtCaret('status','@"; name($row['user_id']); echo " ');\">"; name($row['user_id']); echo "</a>"; echo " </b>"; //sms //echo replies(emoticons(replace_urls(stripslashes($row['status'])))) $status = replace_urls(stripslashes($row['status'])); $status = replace_unu($status); $status = emoticons($status); $status = channels($status); echo replies($status); echo '</div><span class="time">', $row['ds'], '</span>'; echo " <a href=\"index.php?user="******"\" style=\"border: 0px;\">\n\t<img style=\"border: 0px;\" src=\"" . $pth . "inc/icons/u.png\" alt=\"u\"/></a> \n\t<a href=\"#\" style=\"border: 0px;\" onclick=\"insertAtCaret('status','@"; name($row['user_id']); echo " ');\">\n\t<img style=\"border: 0px;\" src=\"" . $pth . "inc/icons/r.png\" alt=\"r\"/></a>"; //echo "<img src=\"inc/icons/d.png\" alt=\"d\"/> //<img src=\"inc/icons/f.png\" alt=\"f\"/> "; echo "</div></td></tr>"; } ?> <!-- foot table with link pages buttoms--> </tbody> <tfoot> <td> <center> <?php if ($pagina - 1 > 0) { if ($type == "User") { echo "<a id=\"nuevo\" href=\"index.php?user="******"&pagina=" . ($pagina - 1) . "\"> Newer </a>"; } else { echo "<a id=\"nuevo\" href=\"index.php?pagina=" . ($pagina - 1) . "\"> Newer </a>"; } } else { if ($type == "User") { echo "<a id=\"nuevorss\" href=\"rss.php?user="******"\"> Rss </a>"; } else { echo "<a id=\"nuevorss\" href=\"rss.php\"> Rss </a>"; } } if ($pagina + 1 <= $total_paginas) { if ($type == "User") { echo "<a id=\"viejo\" href=\"index.php?user="******"&pagina=" . ($pagina + 1) . "\"> Older </a>"; } else { echo "<a id=\"viejo\" href=\"index.php?pagina=" . ($pagina + 1) . "\"> Older </a>"; } } else { } ?> </center> </td> </tfoot> </table> </div> <br><br> <div style="clear: both;"></div> <!-- END TAB <?php echo $tabnumber; ?> --> </div> <?php }
} if ($_POST['conv'] == "open" || !is_numeric($_POST['id']) && !is_numeric($_POST['uid'])) { die(json_encode(array('status' => 0, "html" => $tl['general']['g79']))); } $message = trim($_POST['msg']); if (empty($message)) { die(json_encode(array('status' => 0, "html" => $tl['error']['e1']))); } $result = $lsdb->query('SELECT * FROM ' . DB_PREFIX . 'sessions WHERE id = "' . smartsql($_POST['id']) . '"'); if ($lsdb->affected_rows > 0) { $row = $result->fetch_assoc(); define('BASE_URL_IMG', str_replace('operator/ajax/', '', BASE_URL)); $message = strip_tags($message); $message = filter_var($message, FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING); $message = trim($message); $message = replace_urls(nl2br($message)); if (LS_SMILIES) { require_once '../../class/class.smileyparser.php'; // More dirty custom work and smiley parser $smileyparser = new LS_smiley(); $message = $smileyparser->parseSmileytext($message); } if ($row['status'] == "closed" && !$row['hide']) { $lsdb->query('UPDATE ' . DB_PREFIX . 'sessions SET status = 1, updated = "' . $row['updated'] . '" WHERE id = "' . $_POST['id'] . '"'); } if (!$row['hide']) { $lsdb->query('INSERT INTO ' . DB_PREFIX . 'transcript SET name = "' . smartsql($_POST['oname']) . '", message = "' . smartsql($message) . '", user = "******", convid = "' . $_POST['id'] . '",