Exemple #1
 * Initial template prefilter (insert additional prefilter to this function)
 * @param string $tplSource
 * @param Smarty $smarty
 * @return string
 * @package application.helper.smarty
 *  @author Integry Systems
function smarty_prefilter_config($source, $smarty)
    $source = $smarty->smarty->applyViewPlugins($smarty->template_resource, $source);
    // AngularJS variables
    $source = str_replace('{{', '{literal}{{', $source);
    $source = str_replace('}}', '}}{/literal}', $source);
    // remove comments
    $source = preg_replace('/\\{\\*(.*)\\*\\}/msU', '', $source);
    // replace `backticks` to {curly braces} for <label>
    $source = preg_replace_callback('|<label for="(.*)">|', 'labelVars', $source);
    // pass block as parameter for another block
    // for example, {maketext text=sometext params=|link user/login|}
    $source = replaceNonLiteral('/{([^\\{\\}\\n]+)\\{([^\\{\\}\\n]+)\\}(.*)}/', '{capture assign=blockAsParamValue}{$2}{/capture}{$1\\$blockAsParamValue$3}', $source);
    // shorthand syntax for foreach
    // for example {foreach $items as $item}
    $source = preg_replace('/{foreach \\$([^ ]+)[ ]+as[ ]+\\$([^ ]+)}/', '{foreach from=\\$$1 item=$2}', $source);
    // link shorthand syntax
    // {link user/login} is equal to {link controller=user action=login}
    $source = preg_replace('/{link ([a-zA-Z0-9]*)\\/([a-zA-Z0-9]*)(.*)}/', '{link controller="$1" action="$2" $3}', $source);
    // translations
    $source = preg_replace('/{tn (.+?)}/', '{translate|escape:"html" text="$1" disableLiveTranslation="true"}', $source);
    $source = preg_replace('/{t ([^\\|]+?)}/', '{translate text="$1"}', $source);
    $source = preg_replace('/{t ([^|]+)\\|([^}]+)}/', '{capture assign="translation_$1"}{translate text=$1}{/capture}{\\$translation_$1|$2}', $source);
    // static content URLs
    $source = preg_replace('/{s (.+?)}/', '{static url="$1"}', $source);
    // roles
    $source = preg_replace('/{role ([\\w.]+)}/', '{role name="$1"}', $source);
    // template customizations - allow to load from a different source
    $source = preg_replace('/{include file="([-_.a-zA-Z0-9@\\/]+)"(.*)}/msU', '{include file="custom:$1"\\2}', $source);
    //$source = preg_replace('/{block (.+?)}/', '{foreach from=\$$1 item=includedBlock key=key}{$includedBlock}{/foreach}', $source);
    $source = preg_replace('/{block (\\S+)}/msU', '{renderBlock block="$1"}', $source);
    $source = preg_replace('/{block (\\S+)([^\\}]+)}/ms', '{renderBlock block="$1"$2}', $source);
    // help system
    $tipPattern = '([\\-_\\.a-zA-Z0-9@\\/\\$]+?)';
    $source = preg_replace('/{tip ' . $tipPattern . ' ' . $tipPattern . '}/', '{toolTip label="$1" hint="$2"}', $source);
    $source = preg_replace('/{tip ' . $tipPattern . '}/', '{toolTip label="$1"}', $source);
    $source = preg_replace('/{help (.+?)}/', '{helpLink id="$1"}', $source);
    $source = preg_replace('/{see (.+?)}/', '{helpSeeAlsoItem id="$1"}', $source);
    // sections
    $source = str_replace('{head}', '{header}', $source);
    $source = str_replace('{cont}', '{/header}{content}', $source);
    $source = preg_replace('/{foot}(.*){\\/sect}/msU', '{/content}{footer}$1{/footer}{/sect}', $source);
    // remove {fetch} tags
    $source = preg_replace('/{fetch (.+?)}/', '', $source);
    return $source;
Exemple #2
 * Initial template prefilter (insert additional prefilter to this function)
 * @param string $tplSource
 * @param Smarty $smarty
 * @return string
 * @package application.helper.smarty
 *  @author Integry Systems
function smarty_prefilter_config($source, $smarty)
    	shorthand syntax for form error handling
    	instead of writing this:
    	<label for="name">Your Name:</label>
    	<fieldset class="error">
    		{textfield name="name"}
    		<div class="errorText hidden{error for="name"} visible{/error}">{error for="name"}{$msg}{/error}</div>
    	it is possible to write this:
    	{err for="name"}
    		{{label Your Name}}
    $source = preg_replace('/{err for="(.*)"}(^\\/err)\\<label(.*)\\>(.*)\\<\\/label\\>(.*){\\/err}/msU', '{{err for="\\1"}}\\2<label\\3><span class="label">\\4</span></label>\\5{/err}', $source);
    $source = preg_replace('/{{1,2}err for="(.*)"}{1,2}(.*)\\{\\{label (.*)\\}\\}(.*){\\/err}/msU', '{{err for="\\1"}}\\2<label for="\\1"><span class="label">\\3</span></label>\\4{/err}', $source);
    // @todo: user/checkout.tpl doesn't compile correctly
    if (strpos($source, '{label') !== false) {
        $source = preg_replace('/{{1,2}err for="(.*)"}{1,2}(.*)\\{label (.*)\\}(.*){\\/err}/msU', '{{err for="\\1"}}\\2<label for="\\1"><span class="label">{t \\3}</span></label>\\4{/err}', $source);
    // replace `backticks` to {curly braces} for <label>
    $source = preg_replace_callback('|<label for="(.*)">|', 'labelVars', $source);
    $source = preg_replace('/{{1,2}err for="(.*)"\\}{1,}?(.*){(calendar|checkbox|filefield|password|radio|selectfield|textfield|textarea)(.*)}(.*){\\/err}/msU', '\\2<fieldset class="error">{\\3 name="\\1" \\4}\\5
	<div class="errorText hidden{error for="\\1"} visible{/error}">{error for="\\1"}{$msg}{/error}</div>
	</fieldset>', $source);
    // pass block as parameter for another block
    // for example, {maketext text=sometext params=|link user/login|}
    $source = replaceNonLiteral('/{([^\\{\\}\\n]+)\\{([^\\{\\}\\n]+)\\}(.*)}/', '{capture assign=blockAsParamValue}{$2}{/capture}{$1\\$blockAsParamValue$3}', $source);
    // shorthand syntax for foreach
    // for example {foreach $items as $item}
    $source = preg_replace('/{foreach \\$([^ ]+)[ ]+as[ ]+\\$([^ ]+)}/', '{foreach from=\\$$1 item=$2}', $source);
    // link shorthand syntax
    // {link user/login} is equal to {link controller=user action=login}
    $source = preg_replace('/{link ([a-zA-Z0-9]*)\\/([a-zA-Z0-9]*)(.*)}/', '{link controller="$1" action="$2" $3}', $source);
    // translations
    $source = preg_replace('/{tn (.+?)}/', '{translate|escape:"html" text="$1" disableLiveTranslation="true"}', $source);
    $source = preg_replace('/{t ([^\\|]+?)}/', '{translate text="$1"}', $source);
    $source = preg_replace('/{t ([^|]+)\\|([^}]+)}/', '{capture assign="translation_$1"}{translate text=$1}{/capture}{\\$translation_$1|$2}', $source);
    // roles
    $source = preg_replace('/{role ([\\w.]+)}/', '{role name="$1"}', $source);
    // template customizations - allow to load from a different source
    $source = preg_replace('/{include file="([-_.a-zA-Z0-9@\\/]+)"(.*)}/msU', '{include file="custom:$1"\\2}', $source);
    //$source = preg_replace('/{block (.+?)}/', '{foreach from=\$$1 item=includedBlock key=key}{$includedBlock}{/foreach}', $source);
    $source = preg_replace('/{block (.+?)}/', '{renderBlock block=$1}', $source);
    // help system
    $tipPattern = '([\\-_\\.a-zA-Z0-9@\\/\\$]+?)';
    $source = preg_replace('/{tip ' . $tipPattern . ' ' . $tipPattern . '}/', '{toolTip label=$1 hint=$2}', $source);
    $source = preg_replace('/{tip ' . $tipPattern . '}/', '{toolTip label=$1}', $source);
    $source = preg_replace('/{help (.+?)}/', '{helpLink id=$1}', $source);
    $source = preg_replace('/{see (.+?)}/', '{helpSeeAlsoItem id=$1}', $source);
    // sections
    $source = str_replace('{head}', '{header}', $source);
    $source = str_replace('{cont}', '{/header}{content}', $source);
    $source = preg_replace('/{foot}(.*){\\/sect}/msU', '{/content}{footer}$1{/footer}{/sect}', $source);
    // remove {fetch} tags
    $source = preg_replace('/{fetch (.+?)}/', '', $source);
    return $source;