function WriteConfig()
     $output = '';
     # $output .= "# ID ".$this->id." - first seen in ".$this->defined_in."\n";
     if ($this->config_override != '') {
         $output = $this->config_override . "\n";
     } else {
         # $defdef = $this->owner->defaultlink;
         $dd = $this->owner->links[$this->template];
         wm_debug("Writing config for LINK {$this->name} against {$this->template}\n");
         $basic_params = array(array('width', 'WIDTH', CONFIG_TYPE_LITERAL), array('zorder', 'ZORDER', CONFIG_TYPE_LITERAL), array('overlibwidth', 'OVERLIBWIDTH', CONFIG_TYPE_LITERAL), array('overlibheight', 'OVERLIBHEIGHT', CONFIG_TYPE_LITERAL), array('arrowstyle', 'ARROWSTYLE', CONFIG_TYPE_LITERAL), array('viastyle', 'VIASTYLE', CONFIG_TYPE_LITERAL), array('linkstyle', 'LINKSTYLE', CONFIG_TYPE_LITERAL), array('splitpos', 'SPLITPOS', CONFIG_TYPE_LITERAL), array('duplex', 'DUPLEX', CONFIG_TYPE_LITERAL), array('commentstyle', 'COMMENTSTYLE', CONFIG_TYPE_LITERAL), array('labelboxstyle', 'BWSTYLE', CONFIG_TYPE_LITERAL), array('bwfont', 'BWFONT', CONFIG_TYPE_LITERAL), array('commentfont', 'COMMENTFONT', CONFIG_TYPE_LITERAL), array('bwoutlinecolour', 'BWOUTLINECOLOR', CONFIG_TYPE_COLOR), array('bwboxcolour', 'BWBOXCOLOR', CONFIG_TYPE_COLOR), array('outlinecolour', 'OUTLINECOLOR', CONFIG_TYPE_COLOR), array('commentfontcolour', 'COMMENTFONTCOLOR', CONFIG_TYPE_COLOR), array('bwfontcolour', 'BWFONTCOLOR', CONFIG_TYPE_COLOR));
         # TEMPLATE must come first. DEFAULT
         if ($this->template != 'DEFAULT' && $this->template != ':: DEFAULT ::') {
             $output .= "\tTEMPLATE " . $this->template . "\n";
         foreach ($basic_params as $param) {
             $field = $param[0];
             $keyword = $param[1];
             # $output .= "# For $keyword: ".$this->$field." vs ".$dd->$field."\n";
             if ($this->{$field} != $dd->{$field}) {
                 if ($param[2] == CONFIG_TYPE_COLOR) {
                     $output .= "\t{$keyword} " . render_colour($this->{$field}) . "\n";
                 if ($param[2] == CONFIG_TYPE_LITERAL) {
                     $output .= "\t{$keyword} " . $this->{$field} . "\n";
         $val = $this->usescale . " " . $this->scaletype;
         $comparison = $dd->usescale . " " . $dd->scaletype;
         if ($val != $comparison) {
             $output .= "\tUSESCALE " . $val . "\n";
         if ($this->infourl[IN] == $this->infourl[OUT]) {
             $dirs = array(IN => "");
             // only use the IN value, since they're both the same, but don't prefix the output keyword
         } else {
             $dirs = array(IN => "IN", OUT => "OUT");
             // the full monty two-keyword version
         foreach ($dirs as $dir => $tdir) {
             if ($this->infourl[$dir] != $dd->infourl[$dir]) {
                 $output .= "\t" . $tdir . "INFOURL " . $this->infourl[$dir] . "\n";
         if ($this->overlibcaption[IN] == $this->overlibcaption[OUT]) {
             $dirs = array(IN => "");
             // only use the IN value, since they're both the same, but don't prefix the output keyword
         } else {
             $dirs = array(IN => "IN", OUT => "OUT");
             // the full monty two-keyword version
         foreach ($dirs as $dir => $tdir) {
             if ($this->overlibcaption[$dir] != $dd->overlibcaption[$dir]) {
                 $output .= "\t" . $tdir . "OVERLIBCAPTION " . $this->overlibcaption[$dir] . "\n";
         if ($this->notestext[IN] == $this->notestext[OUT]) {
             $dirs = array(IN => "");
             // only use the IN value, since they're both the same, but don't prefix the output keyword
         } else {
             $dirs = array(IN => "IN", OUT => "OUT");
             // the full monty two-keyword version
         foreach ($dirs as $dir => $tdir) {
             if ($this->notestext[$dir] != $dd->notestext[$dir]) {
                 $output .= "\t" . $tdir . "NOTES " . $this->notestext[$dir] . "\n";
         if ($this->overliburl[IN] == $this->overliburl[OUT]) {
             $dirs = array(IN => "");
             // only use the IN value, since they're both the same, but don't prefix the output keyword
         } else {
             $dirs = array(IN => "IN", OUT => "OUT");
             // the full monty two-keyword version
         foreach ($dirs as $dir => $tdir) {
             if ($this->overliburl[$dir] != $dd->overliburl[$dir]) {
                 $output .= "\t" . $tdir . "OVERLIBGRAPH " . join(" ", $this->overliburl[$dir]) . "\n";
         // if formats have been set, but they're just the longform of the built-in styles, set them back to the built-in styles
         if ($this->labelstyle == '--' && $this->bwlabelformats[IN] == FMT_PERC_IN && $this->bwlabelformats[OUT] == FMT_PERC_OUT) {
             $this->labelstyle = 'percent';
         if ($this->labelstyle == '--' && $this->bwlabelformats[IN] == FMT_BITS_IN && $this->bwlabelformats[OUT] == FMT_BITS_OUT) {
             $this->labelstyle = 'bits';
         if ($this->labelstyle == '--' && $this->bwlabelformats[IN] == FMT_UNFORM_IN && $this->bwlabelformats[OUT] == FMT_UNFORM_OUT) {
             $this->labelstyle = 'unformatted';
         // if specific formats have been set, then the style will be '--'
         // if it isn't then use the named style
         if ($this->labelstyle != $dd->labelstyle && $this->labelstyle != '--') {
             $output .= "\tBWLABEL " . $this->labelstyle . "\n";
         // if either IN or OUT field changes, then both must be written because a regular BWLABEL can't do it
         // XXX this looks wrong
         $comparison = $dd->bwlabelformats[IN];
         $comparison2 = $dd->bwlabelformats[OUT];
         if ($this->labelstyle == '--' && ($this->bwlabelformats[IN] != $comparison || $this->bwlabelformats[OUT] != '--')) {
             $output .= "\tINBWFORMAT " . $this->bwlabelformats[IN] . "\n";
             $output .= "\tOUTBWFORMAT " . $this->bwlabelformats[OUT] . "\n";
         $comparison = $dd->labeloffset_in;
         $comparison2 = $dd->labeloffset_out;
         if ($this->labeloffset_in != $comparison || $this->labeloffset_out != $comparison2) {
             $output .= "\tBWLABELPOS " . $this->labeloffset_in . " " . $this->labeloffset_out . "\n";
         $comparison = $dd->commentoffset_in . ":" . $dd->commentoffset_out;
         $mine = $this->commentoffset_in . ":" . $this->commentoffset_out;
         if ($mine != $comparison) {
             $output .= "\tCOMMENTPOS " . $this->commentoffset_in . " " . $this->commentoffset_out . "\n";
         $comparison = $dd->targets;
         if ($this->targets != $comparison) {
             $output .= "\tTARGET";
             foreach ($this->targets as $target) {
                 if (strpos($target[4], " ") == FALSE) {
                     $output .= " " . $target[4];
                 } else {
                     $output .= ' "' . $target[4] . '"';
             $output .= "\n";
         foreach (array(IN, OUT) as $dir) {
             if ($dir == IN) {
                 $tdir = "IN";
             if ($dir == OUT) {
                 $tdir = "OUT";
             $comparison = $dd->comments[$dir];
             if ($this->comments[$dir] != $comparison) {
                 $output .= "\t" . $tdir . "COMMENT " . $this->comments[$dir] . "\n";
         if (isset($this->a) && isset($this->b)) {
             $output .= "\tNODES " . $this->a->name;
             if ($this->a_offset != 'C') {
                 $output .= ":" . $this->a_offset;
             $output .= " " . $this->b->name;
             if ($this->b_offset != 'C') {
                 $output .= ":" . $this->b_offset;
             $output .= "\n";
         if (count($this->vialist) > 0) {
             foreach ($this->vialist as $via) {
                 if (isset($via[2])) {
                     $output .= sprintf("\tVIA %s %d %d\n", $via[2], $via[0], $via[1]);
                 } else {
                     $output .= sprintf("\tVIA %d %d\n", $via[0], $via[1]);
         if ($this->max_bandwidth_in != $dd->max_bandwidth_in || $this->max_bandwidth_out != $dd->max_bandwidth_out || $this->name == 'DEFAULT') {
             if ($this->max_bandwidth_in == $this->max_bandwidth_out) {
                 $output .= "\tBANDWIDTH " . $this->max_bandwidth_in_cfg . "\n";
             } else {
                 $output .= "\tBANDWIDTH " . $this->max_bandwidth_in_cfg . " " . $this->max_bandwidth_out_cfg . "\n";
         foreach ($this->hints as $hintname => $hint) {
             // all hints for DEFAULT node are for writing
             // only changed ones, or unique ones, otherwise
             if ($this->name == 'DEFAULT' || isset($dd->hints[$hintname]) && $dd->hints[$hintname] != $hint || !isset($dd->hints[$hintname])) {
                 $output .= "\tSET {$hintname} {$hint}\n";
         if ($output != '') {
             $output = "LINK " . $this->name . "\n" . $output . "\n";
     return $output;
function WriteConfig($filename)

	$fd=fopen($filename, "w");

	if ($fd)
		$output.="# Automatically generated by php-weathermap v$WEATHERMAP_VERSION\n\n";

		if (count($this->fonts) > 0)
			foreach ($this->fonts as $fontnumber => $font)
				if ($font->type == 'truetype')
					$output.=sprintf("FONTDEFINE %d %s %d\n", $fontnumber, $font->file, $font->size);

				if ($font->type == 'gd')
					$output.=sprintf("FONTDEFINE %d %s\n", $fontnumber, $font->file);


		$basic_params = array(

		foreach ($basic_params as $param)
			$field = $param[0];
			$keyword = $param[1];

			if ($this->$field != $this->inherit_fieldlist[$field])
				if($param[2] == CONFIG_TYPE_COLOR) $output.="$keyword " . render_colour($this->$field) . "\n";
				if($param[2] == CONFIG_TYPE_LITERAL) $output.="$keyword " . $this->$field . "\n";

		if (($this->timex != $this->inherit_fieldlist['timex'])
			|| ($this->timey != $this->inherit_fieldlist['timey'])
			|| ($this->stamptext != $this->inherit_fieldlist['stamptext']))
				$output.="TIMEPOS " . $this->timex . " " . $this->timey . " " . $this->stamptext . "\n";

		if (($this->mintimex != $this->inherit_fieldlist['mintimex'])
			|| ($this->mintimey != $this->inherit_fieldlist['mintimey'])
			|| ($this->minstamptext != $this->inherit_fieldlist['minstamptext']))
				$output.="MINTIMEPOS " . $this->mintimex . " " . $this->mintimey . " " . $this->minstamptext . "\n";
		if (($this->maxtimex != $this->inherit_fieldlist['maxtimex'])
			|| ($this->maxtimey != $this->inherit_fieldlist['maxtimey'])
			|| ($this->maxstamptext != $this->inherit_fieldlist['maxstamptext']))
				$output.="MAXTIMEPOS " . $this->maxtimex . " " . $this->maxtimey . " " . $this->maxstamptext . "\n";
		if (($this->titlex != $this->inherit_fieldlist['titlex'])
			|| ($this->titley != $this->inherit_fieldlist['titley']))
				$output.="TITLEPOS " . $this->titlex . " " . $this->titley . "\n";


		foreach ($this->colours as $scalename=>$colours)
		  // not all keys will have keypos but if they do, then all three vars should be defined
		if ( (isset($this->keyx[$scalename])) && (isset($this->keyy[$scalename])) && (isset($this->keytext[$scalename]))
		    && (($this->keytext[$scalename] != $this->inherit_fieldlist['keytext'])
			|| ($this->keyx[$scalename] != $this->inherit_fieldlist['keyx'])
			|| ($this->keyy[$scalename] != $this->inherit_fieldlist['keyy'])))
			     // sometimes a scale exists but without defaults. A proper scale object would sort this out...
			     if($this->keyx[$scalename] == '') { $this->keyx[$scalename] = -1; }
			     if($this->keyy[$scalename] == '') { $this->keyy[$scalename] = -1; }

				$output.="KEYPOS " . $scalename." ". $this->keyx[$scalename] . " " . $this->keyy[$scalename] . " " . $this->keytext[$scalename] . "\n";

		if ( (isset($this->keystyle[$scalename])) &&  ($this->keystyle[$scalename] != $this->inherit_fieldlist['keystyle']['DEFAULT']) )
			if ( (isset($this->keysize[$scalename])) &&  ($this->keysize[$scalename] != $this->inherit_fieldlist['keysize']['DEFAULT']) )
				$extra = " ".$this->keysize[$scalename];
			$output.="KEYSTYLE  " . $scalename." ". $this->keystyle[$scalename] . $extra . "\n";
		$locale = localeconv();
		$decimal_point = $locale['decimal_point'];

			foreach ($colours as $k => $colour)
				if (!isset($colour['special']) || ! $colour['special'] )
					$top = rtrim(rtrim(sprintf("%f",$colour['top']),"0"),$decimal_point);
					$bottom= rtrim(rtrim(sprintf("%f",$colour['bottom']),"0"),$decimal_point);

                                        if ($bottom > 1000) {
                                            $bottom = nice_bandwidth($colour['bottom'], $this->kilo);

                                        if ($top > 1000) {
                                            $top = nice_bandwidth($colour['top'], $this->kilo);

					$tag = (isset($colour['tag'])? $colour['tag']:'');

					if( ($colour['red1'] == -1) && ($colour['green1'] == -1) && ($colour['blue1'] == -1))
						$output.=sprintf("SCALE %s %-4s %-4s   none   %s\n", $scalename,
							$bottom, $top, $tag);
					elseif (!isset($colour['red2']))
						$output.=sprintf("SCALE %s %-4s %-4s %3d %3d %3d  %s\n", $scalename,
							$bottom, $top,
							$colour['red1'],            $colour['green1'], $colour['blue1'],$tag);
						$output.=sprintf("SCALE %s %-4s %-4s %3d %3d %3d   %3d %3d %3d    %s\n", $scalename,
							$bottom, $top,
							$colour['green1'],                     $colour['blue1'],
							$colour['red2'],                       $colour['green2'],
							$colour['blue2'], $tag);
				else { $output.=sprintf("%sCOLOR %d %d %d\n", $k, $colour['red1'], $colour['green1'],
					$colour['blue1']); }
			$output .= "\n";

		foreach ($this->hints as $hintname=>$hint)
			$output .= "SET $hintname $hint\n";
		// this doesn't really work right, but let's try anyway
			$output .= "\n# Included files\n";
			foreach ($this->included_files as $ifile)
				$output .= "INCLUDE $ifile\n";

		$output.="\n# End of global section\n\n";

		fwrite($fd, $output);

		## fwrite($fd,$this->nodes['DEFAULT']->WriteConfig());
		## fwrite($fd,$this->links['DEFAULT']->WriteConfig());

		# fwrite($fd, "\n\n# Node definitions:\n");

		foreach (array("template","normal") as $which)
			if($which == "template") fwrite($fd,"\n# TEMPLATE-only NODEs:\n");
			if($which == "normal") fwrite($fd,"\n# regular NODEs:\n");
			foreach ($this->nodes as $node)
					if($node->defined_in == $this->configfile)

						if($which=="template" && $node->x === NULL)  { wm_debug("TEMPLATE\n"); fwrite($fd,$node->WriteConfig()); }
						if($which=="normal" && $node->x !== NULL) { fwrite($fd,$node->WriteConfig()); }
			if($which == "template") fwrite($fd,"\n# TEMPLATE-only LINKs:\n");
			if($which == "normal") fwrite($fd,"\n# regular LINKs:\n");
			foreach ($this->links as $link)
					if($link->defined_in == $this->configfile)
						if($which=="template" && $link->a === NULL) fwrite($fd,$link->WriteConfig());
						if($which=="normal" && $link->a !== NULL) fwrite($fd,$link->WriteConfig());

		fwrite($fd, "\n\n# That's All Folks!\n");

		wm_warn ("Couldn't open config file $filename for writing");
		return (FALSE);

	return (TRUE);
 function WriteConfig()
     $output = '';
     # $output .= "# ID ".$this->id." - first seen in ".$this->defined_in."\n";
     // This allows the editor to wholesale-replace a single node's configuration
     // at write-time - it should include the leading NODE xyz line (to allow for renaming)
     if ($this->config_override != '') {
         $output = $this->config_override . "\n";
     } else {
         # $defdef = $this->owner->defaultnode;
         $dd = $this->owner->nodes[$this->template];
         wm_debug("Writing config for NODE {$this->name} against {$this->template}\n");
         # $field = 'zorder'; $keyword = 'ZORDER';
         $basic_params = array(array('label', 'LABEL', CONFIG_TYPE_LITERAL), array('zorder', 'ZORDER', CONFIG_TYPE_LITERAL), array('labeloffset', 'LABELOFFSET', CONFIG_TYPE_LITERAL), array('labelfont', 'LABELFONT', CONFIG_TYPE_LITERAL), array('labelangle', 'LABELANGLE', CONFIG_TYPE_LITERAL), array('overlibwidth', 'OVERLIBWIDTH', CONFIG_TYPE_LITERAL), array('overlibheight', 'OVERLIBHEIGHT', CONFIG_TYPE_LITERAL), array('aiconoutlinecolour', 'AICONOUTLINECOLOR', CONFIG_TYPE_COLOR), array('aiconfillcolour', 'AICONFILLCOLOR', CONFIG_TYPE_COLOR), array('labeloutlinecolour', 'LABELOUTLINECOLOR', CONFIG_TYPE_COLOR), array('labelfontshadowcolour', 'LABELFONTSHADOWCOLOR', CONFIG_TYPE_COLOR), array('labelbgcolour', 'LABELBGCOLOR', CONFIG_TYPE_COLOR), array('labelfontcolour', 'LABELFONTCOLOR', CONFIG_TYPE_COLOR));
         # TEMPLATE must come first. DEFAULT
         if ($this->template != 'DEFAULT' && $this->template != ':: DEFAULT ::') {
             $output .= "\tTEMPLATE " . $this->template . "\n";
         foreach ($basic_params as $param) {
             $field = $param[0];
             $keyword = $param[1];
             #	$comparison=($this->name == 'DEFAULT' ? $this->inherit_fieldlist[$field] : $defdef->$field);
             if ($this->{$field} != $dd->{$field}) {
                 if ($param[2] == CONFIG_TYPE_COLOR) {
                     $output .= "\t{$keyword} " . render_colour($this->{$field}) . "\n";
                 if ($param[2] == CONFIG_TYPE_LITERAL) {
                     $output .= "\t{$keyword} " . $this->{$field} . "\n";
         // IN/OUT are the same, so we can use the simpler form here
         #			print_r($this->infourl);
         #$comparison=($this->name == 'DEFAULT'
         #? $this->inherit_fieldlist['infourl'][IN] : $defdef->infourl[IN]);
         if ($this->infourl[IN] != $dd->infourl[IN]) {
             $output .= "\tINFOURL " . $this->infourl[IN] . "\n";
         #$comparison=($this->name == 'DEFAULT'
         #? $this->inherit_fieldlist['overlibcaption'][IN] : $defdef->overlibcaption[IN]);
         if ($this->overlibcaption[IN] != $dd->overlibcaption[IN]) {
             $output .= "\tOVERLIBCAPTION " . $this->overlibcaption[IN] . "\n";
         // IN/OUT are the same, so we can use the simpler form here
         # $comparison=($this->name == 'DEFAULT'
         # ? $this->inherit_fieldlist['notestext'][IN] : $defdef->notestext[IN]);
         if ($this->notestext[IN] != $dd->notestext[IN]) {
             $output .= "\tNOTES " . $this->notestext[IN] . "\n";
         # $comparison=($this->name == 'DEFAULT'
         # ? $this->inherit_fieldlist['overliburl'][IN] : $defdef->overliburl[IN]);
         if ($this->overliburl[IN] != $dd->overliburl[IN]) {
             $output .= "\tOVERLIBGRAPH " . join(" ", $this->overliburl[IN]) . "\n";
         $val = $this->iconscalew . " " . $this->iconscaleh . " " . $this->iconfile;
         $comparison = $dd->iconscalew . " " . $dd->iconscaleh . " " . $dd->iconfile;
         if ($val != $comparison) {
             $output .= "\tICON ";
             if ($this->iconscalew > 0) {
                 $output .= $this->iconscalew . " " . $this->iconscaleh . " ";
             $output .= ($this->iconfile == '' ? 'none' : $this->iconfile) . "\n";
         # $comparison=($this->name == 'DEFAULT'
         # ? $this->inherit_fieldlist['targets'] : $defdef->targets);
         if ($this->targets != $dd->targets) {
             $output .= "\tTARGET";
             foreach ($this->targets as $target) {
                 if (strpos($target[4], " ") == FALSE) {
                     $output .= " " . $target[4];
                 } else {
                     $output .= ' "' . $target[4] . '"';
             $output .= "\n";
         #	$comparison = ($this->name == 'DEFAULT' ? $this->inherit_fieldlist['usescale'] : $defdef->usescale) . " " .
         #		($this->name == 'DEFAULT' ? $this->inherit_fieldlist['scalevar'] : $defdef->scalevar);
         $val = $this->usescale . " " . $this->scalevar . " " . $this->scaletype;
         $comparison = $dd->usescale . " " . $dd->scalevar . " " . $dd->scaletype;
         if ($val != $comparison) {
             $output .= "\tUSESCALE " . $val . "\n";
         #			$comparison = ($this->name == 'DEFAULT'
         #				? $this->inherit_fieldlist['useiconscale'] : $defdef->useiconscale) . " " .
         #				($this->name == 'DEFAULT' ? $this->inherit_fieldlist['iconscalevar'] : $defdef->iconscalevar);
         $val = $this->useiconscale . " " . $this->iconscalevar;
         $comparison = $dd->useiconscale . " " . $dd->iconscalevar;
         if ($val != $comparison) {
             $output .= "\tUSEICONSCALE " . $val . "\n";
         #$comparison = ($this->name == 'DEFAULT'
         #? $this->inherit_fieldlist['labeloffsetx'] : $defdef->labeloffsetx) . " " . ($this->name == 'DEFAULT'
         #		? $this->inherit_fieldlist['labeloffsety'] : $defdef->labeloffsety);
         $val = $this->labeloffsetx . " " . $this->labeloffsety;
         $comparison = $dd->labeloffsetx . " " . $dd->labeloffsety;
         if ($comparison != $val) {
             $output .= "\tLABELOFFSET " . $val . "\n";
         #$comparison=($this->name == 'DEFAULT' ? $this->inherit_fieldlist['x'] : $defdef->x) . " " .
         #			($this->name == 'DEFAULT' ? $this->inherit_fieldlist['y'] : $defdef->y);
         $val = $this->x . " " . $this->y;
         $comparison = $dd->x . " " . $dd->y;
         if ($val != $comparison) {
             if ($this->relative_to == '') {
                 $output .= "\tPOSITION " . $val . "\n";
             } else {
                 if ($this->polar) {
                     $output .= "\tPOSITION " . $this->relative_to . " " . $this->original_x . "r" . $this->original_y . "\n";
                 } else {
                     $output .= "\tPOSITION " . $this->relative_to . " " . $this->original_x . " " . $this->original_y . "\n";
         if ($this->max_bandwidth_in != $dd->max_bandwidth_in || $this->max_bandwidth_out != $dd->max_bandwidth_out || $this->name == 'DEFAULT') {
             if ($this->max_bandwidth_in == $this->max_bandwidth_out) {
                 $output .= "\tMAXVALUE " . $this->max_bandwidth_in_cfg . "\n";
             } else {
                 $output .= "\tMAXVALUE " . $this->max_bandwidth_in_cfg . " " . $this->max_bandwidth_out_cfg . "\n";
         foreach ($this->hints as $hintname => $hint) {
             // all hints for DEFAULT node are for writing
             // only changed ones, or unique ones, otherwise
             if ($this->name == 'DEFAULT' || isset($dd->hints[$hintname]) && $dd->hints[$hintname] != $hint || !isset($dd->hints[$hintname])) {
                 $output .= "\tSET {$hintname} {$hint}\n";
         if ($output != '') {
             $output = "NODE " . $this->name . "\n{$output}\n";
     return $output;
 function getConfig()
     $output = "# Automatically generated by php-weathermap v{$WEATHERMAP_VERSION}\n\n";
     $output .= $this->fonts->getConfig();
     $basic_params = array(array('background', 'BACKGROUND', CONFIG_TYPE_LITERAL), array('width', 'WIDTH', CONFIG_TYPE_LITERAL), array('height', 'HEIGHT', CONFIG_TYPE_LITERAL), array('htmlstyle', 'HTMLSTYLE', CONFIG_TYPE_LITERAL), array('kilo', 'KILO', CONFIG_TYPE_LITERAL), array('keyfont', 'KEYFONT', CONFIG_TYPE_LITERAL), array('timefont', 'TIMEFONT', CONFIG_TYPE_LITERAL), array('titlefont', 'TITLEFONT', CONFIG_TYPE_LITERAL), array('title', 'TITLE', CONFIG_TYPE_LITERAL), array('htmloutputfile', 'HTMLOUTPUTFILE', CONFIG_TYPE_LITERAL), array('dataoutputfile', 'DATAOUTPUTFILE', CONFIG_TYPE_LITERAL), array('htmlstylesheet', 'HTMLSTYLESHEET', CONFIG_TYPE_LITERAL), array('imageuri', 'IMAGEURI', CONFIG_TYPE_LITERAL), array('imageoutputfile', 'IMAGEOUTPUTFILE', CONFIG_TYPE_LITERAL));
     foreach ($basic_params as $param) {
         $field = $param[0];
         $keyword = $param[1];
         if ($this->{$field} != $this->inherit_fieldlist[$field]) {
             $type = $param[2];
             if ($type == CONFIG_TYPE_COLOR) {
                 $output .= "{$keyword} " . render_colour($this->{$field}) . "\n";
             if ($type == CONFIG_TYPE_LITERAL) {
                 $output .= "{$keyword} " . $this->{$field} . "\n";
     $output .= $this->getConfigForPosition("TIMEPOS", array("timex", "timey", "stamptext"), $this, $this->inherit_fieldlist);
     $output .= $this->getConfigForPosition("MINTIMEPOS", array("mintimex", "mintimey", "minstamptext"), $this, $this->inherit_fieldlist);
     $output .= $this->getConfigForPosition("MAXTIMEPOS", array("maxtimex", "maxtimey", "maxstamptext"), $this, $this->inherit_fieldlist);
     $output .= $this->getConfigForPosition("TITLEPOS", array("titlex", "titley"), $this, $this->inherit_fieldlist);
     $output .= "\n";
     foreach ($this->colours as $scalename => $colours) {
         // not all keys will have keypos but if they do, then all three vars should be defined
         if (isset($this->keyx[$scalename]) && isset($this->keyy[$scalename]) && isset($this->keytext[$scalename]) && ($this->keytext[$scalename] != $this->inherit_fieldlist['keytext'] || $this->keyx[$scalename] != $this->inherit_fieldlist['keyx'] || $this->keyy[$scalename] != $this->inherit_fieldlist['keyy'])) {
             // sometimes a scale exists but without defaults. A proper scale object would sort this out...
             if ($this->keyx[$scalename] == '') {
                 $this->keyx[$scalename] = -1;
             if ($this->keyy[$scalename] == '') {
                 $this->keyy[$scalename] = -1;
             $output .= "KEYPOS " . $scalename . " " . $this->keyx[$scalename] . " " . $this->keyy[$scalename] . " " . $this->keytext[$scalename] . "\n";
         if (isset($this->keystyle[$scalename]) && $this->keystyle[$scalename] != $this->inherit_fieldlist['keystyle']['DEFAULT']) {
             $extra = '';
             if (isset($this->keysize[$scalename]) && $this->keysize[$scalename] != $this->inherit_fieldlist['keysize']['DEFAULT']) {
                 $extra = " " . $this->keysize[$scalename];
             $output .= "KEYSTYLE  " . $scalename . " " . $this->keystyle[$scalename] . $extra . "\n";
     $output .= "# new colourtable stuff (duplicated above right now TODO)\n";
     foreach ($this->colourtable as $k => $c) {
         $output .= sprintf("%sCOLOR %s\n", $k, $c->asConfig());
     $output .= "\n";
     foreach ($this->scales as $s) {
         $output .= $s->getConfig();
     $output .= "\n";
     foreach ($this->hints as $hintname => $hint) {
         $output .= "SET {$hintname} {$hint}\n";
     // this doesn't really work right, but let's try anyway
     if ($this->has_includes) {
         $output .= "\n# Included files\n";
         foreach ($this->included_files as $ifile) {
             $output .= "INCLUDE {$ifile}\n";
     $output .= "\n# End of global section\n\n";
     $allMapItems = $this->buildAllItemsList();
     usort($allMapItems, array($this, 'getConfigSort'));
     foreach ($allMapItems as $mapItem) {
         if ($mapItem->getDefined() == $this->configfile) {
             if (!preg_match("/^::\\s/", $mapItem->name)) {
                 $output .= $mapItem->getConfig();
     $output .= "\n\n# That's All Folks!\n";
     return $output;