include_once "includes/";
include_once "config.php";
$options = getopt("d");
if (isset($options['d'])) {
// for compatability
include_once "includes/";
include "includes/";
print_message("%g" . OBSERVIUM_PRODUCT . " " . OBSERVIUM_VERSION . "\n%W重命名设备%n\n", 'color');
// Remove a host and all related data from the system
if ($argv[1] && $argv[2]) {
    $host = strtolower($argv[1]);
    $id = get_device_id_by_hostname($host);
    if ($id) {
        $tohost = strtolower($argv[2]);
        $toid = get_device_id_by_hostname($tohost);
        if ($toid) {
            print_error("没有重命名. 新的主机名 {$tohost} 已经存在.");
        } else {
            if (renamehost($id, $tohost, 'console')) {
                print_message("主机 {$host} 重命名为 {$tohost}.");
    } else {
        print_error("主机 {$host} 不存在.");
} else {
    print_message("%n\n使用方法:\n{$scriptname} <原主机名> <新主机名>\n\n%r无效的参数!%n", 'color', FALSE);
// EOF
include "includes/";
print_message("%g" . OBSERVIUM_PRODUCT . " " . OBSERVIUM_VERSION . "\n%WRename Device%n\n", 'color');
if (OBS_DEBUG) {
$options = array();
if (isset($options['p'])) {
    $options['ping_skip'] = 1;
// Remove a host and all related data from the system
if ($argv[1] && $argv[2]) {
    $host = strtolower($argv[1]);
    $id = get_device_id_by_hostname($host);
    if ($id) {
        $tohost = strtolower($argv[2]);
        $toid = get_device_id_by_hostname($tohost);
        if ($toid) {
            print_error("NOT renamed. New hostname {$tohost} already exists.");
        } else {
            if (renamehost($id, $tohost, 'console', $options)) {
                print_message("Host {$host} renamed to {$tohost}.");
    } else {
        print_error("Host {$host} doesn't exist.");
} else {
    print_message("%n\nUSAGE:\n{$scriptname} <old hostname> <new hostname>\n\nOPTIONS:\n -p                                          Skip icmp echo checks, device renamed only by SNMP checks\n\nDEBUGGING OPTIONS:\n -d                                          Enable debugging output.\n -dd                                         More verbose debugging output.\n\n%rInvalid arguments!%n", 'color', FALSE);
// EOF
Exemple #3
 #FIXME needs more sanity checking! and better feedback
 $param = array('purpose' => $vars['descr'], 'type' => $vars['type'], 'ignore' => $vars['ignore'], 'disabled' => $vars['disabled']);
 $rows_updated = dbUpdate($param, 'devices', '`device_id` = ?', array($device['device_id']));
 if ($rows_updated > 0 || $updated) {
     $update_message = "Device record updated.";
     $updated = 1;
     $device = dbFetchRow("SELECT * FROM `devices` WHERE `device_id` = ?", array($device['device_id']));
 } elseif ($rows_updated = '-1') {
     $update_message = "Device record unchanged. No update necessary.";
     $updated = -1;
 } else {
     $update_message = "Device record update error.";
 if (isset($_POST['hostname']) && $_POST['hostname'] !== '' && $_POST['hostname'] !== $device['hostname']) {
     if (is_admin()) {
         $result = renamehost($device['device_id'], $_POST['hostname'], 'webui');
         if ($result == "") {
             print_message("Hostname updated from {$device['hostname']} to {$_POST['hostname']}");
             echo '
                     var loc = window.location;
                     window.location.replace(loc.protocol + "//" + + loc.pathname +;
         } else {
             print_error($result . ".  Does your web server have permission to modify the rrd files?");
     } else {
         print_error('Only administrative users may update the device hostname');
Exemple #4
include "includes/";
include "config.php";
include "includes/functions.php";
# Remove a host and all related data from the system
if ($argv[1] && $argv[2]) {
    $host = strtolower($argv[1]);
    $id = getidbyname($host);
    if ($id) {
        renamehost($id, $argv[2]);
        echo "Renamed {$host}\n";
    } else {
        echo "Host doesn't exist!\n";
} else {
    echo "Host Rename Tool\nUsage: ./renamehost.php <old hostname> <new hostname>\n";