Exemple #1
  * Set the URI String
  * @access	private
  * @param 	string
  * @return	string
 private function _set_uri_string($str)
     // Filter out control characters
     $str = remove_invisible_characters($str, FALSE);
     // If the URI contains only a slash we'll kill it
     $this->uri_string = $str == '/' ? '' : $str;
Exemple #2
  * Filename Security
  * @param	string
  * @return	string
 public function sanitize_filename($str, $relative_path = FALSE)
     $bad = array("../", "<!--", "-->", "<", ">", "'", '"', '&', '$', '#', '{', '}', '[', ']', '=', ';', '?', "%20", "%22", "%3c", "%253c", "%3e", "%0e", "%28", "%29", "%2528", "%26", "%24", "%3f", "%3b", "%3d");
     if (!$relative_path) {
         $bad[] = './';
         $bad[] = '/';
     $str = remove_invisible_characters($str, FALSE);
     return stripslashes(str_replace($bad, '', $str));
Exemple #3
 public function common_functions()
     echo is_php('5.3');
     echo is_really_writable('file.php');
     echo config_item('key');
     echo set_status_header('200', 'text');
     echo remove_invisible_characters('Java\\0script');
     echo html_escape(array());
     echo get_mimes();
     echo is_https();
     echo is_cli();
     echo function_usable('eval');
Exemple #4
  * Escape String
  * @access	public
  * @param	string
  * @param	bool	whether or not the string will be used in a LIKE condition
  * @return	string
 function escape_str($str, $like = FALSE)
     if (is_array($str)) {
         foreach ($str as $key => $val) {
             $str[$key] = $this->escape_str($val, $like);
         return $str;
     // Escape single quotes
     $str = str_replace("'", "''", remove_invisible_characters($str));
     // escape LIKE condition wildcards
     if ($like === TRUE) {
         $str = str_replace(array($this->_like_escape_chr, '%', '_'), array($this->_like_escape_chr . $this->_like_escape_chr, $this->_like_escape_chr . '%', $this->_like_escape_chr . '_'), $str);
     return $str;
Exemple #5
  * Clean Input Data
  * Internal method that aids in escaping data and
  * standardizing newline characters to PHP_EOL.
  * @param	string|string[]	$str	Input string(s)
  * @return	string
 protected function _clean_input_data($str)
     if (is_array($str)) {
         $new_array = array();
         foreach (array_keys($str) as $key) {
             $new_array[$this->_clean_input_keys($key)] = $this->_clean_input_data($str[$key]);
         return $new_array;
     /* We strip slashes if magic quotes is on to keep things consistent
     		   NOTE: In PHP 5.4 get_magic_quotes_gpc() will always return 0 and
     			 it will probably not exist in future versions at all.
     if (!is_php('5.4') && get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
         $str = stripslashes($str);
     // Clean UTF-8 if supported
     if (UTF8_ENABLED === TRUE) {
         $str = $this->uni->clean_string($str);
     // Remove control characters
     $str = remove_invisible_characters($str, FALSE);
     // Standardize newlines if needed
     if ($this->_standardize_newlines === TRUE) {
         return preg_replace('/(?:\\r\\n|[\\r\\n])/', PHP_EOL, $str);
     return $str;
Exemple #6
  * Set URI String
  * @param 	string	$str
  * @return	void
 protected function _set_uri_string($str)
     // Filter out control characters and trim slashes
     $this->uri_string = trim(remove_invisible_characters($str, FALSE), '/');
     if ($this->uri_string !== '') {
         // Remove the URL suffix, if present
         if (($suffix = (string) $this->config->item('url_suffix')) !== '') {
             $slen = strlen($suffix);
             if (substr($this->uri_string, -$slen) === $suffix) {
                 $this->uri_string = substr($this->uri_string, 0, -$slen);
         $this->segments[0] = NULL;
         // Populate the segments array
         foreach (explode('/', trim($this->uri_string, '/')) as $val) {
             $val = trim($val);
             // Filter segments for security
             if ($val !== '') {
                 $this->segments[] = $val;
  * Sanitize Filename
  * @param	string	$str		Input file name
  * @param 	bool	$relative_path	Whether to preserve paths
  * @return	string
 public function sanitize_filename($str, $relative_path = FALSE)
     $bad = $this->filename_bad_chars;
     if (!$relative_path) {
         $bad[] = './';
         $bad[] = '/';
     $str = remove_invisible_characters($str, FALSE);
     do {
         $old = $str;
         $str = str_replace($bad, '', $str);
     } while ($old !== $str);
     return stripslashes($str);
  * Remove ASCII control characters
  * Removes all ASCII control characters except horizontal tabs,
  * line feeds, and carriage returns, as all others can cause
  * problems in XML
  * @access	public
  * @param	string
  * @return	string
 function safe_ascii_for_xml($str)
     return remove_invisible_characters($str, FALSE);
Exemple #9
  * 处理输入的值
  * sanitizeGlobals() 方法调用
  * @access   private
  * @param    string
  * @return   string
 private function cleanInputData($str)
     if (is_array($str)) {
         $new_array = array();
         foreach ($str as $key => $val) {
             $new_array[$this->cleanInputKeys($key)] = $this->cleanInputData($val);
         return $new_array;
     if (!is_php_version('5.4') && get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
         $str = stripslashes($str);
     // 移除不可见字符
     $str = remove_invisible_characters($str);
     // 移除xss字符
     if ($this->enableXss === TRUE) {
         $str = Secure::xssClean($str);
     // 替换换行符为当前系统换行符
     if ($this->standardizeNewlines == TRUE) {
         if (strpos($str, "\r") !== FALSE) {
             $str = str_replace(array("\r\n", "\r", "\r\n\n"), PHP_EOL, $str);
     return $str;
Exemple #10
 public function xss_clean($str, $is_image = FALSE)
      * Is the string an array?
     if (is_array($str)) {
         while (list($key) = each($str)) {
             $str[$key] = $this->xss_clean($str[$key]);
         return $str;
      * Remove Invisible Characters
     $str = remove_invisible_characters($str);
     // Validate Entities in URLs
     $str = $this->_validate_entities($str);
      * URL Decode
      * Just in case stuff like this is submitted:
      * <a href="http://%77%77%77%2E%67%6F%6F%67%6C%65%2E%63%6F%6D">Google</a>
      * Note: Use rawurldecode() so it does not remove plus signs
     $str = rawurldecode($str);
      * Convert character entities to ASCII
      * This permits our tests below to work reliably.
      * We only convert entities that are within tags since
      * these are the ones that will pose security problems.
     $str = preg_replace_callback("/[a-z]+=([\\'\"]).*?\\1/si", array($this, '_convert_attribute'), $str);
     $str = preg_replace_callback("/<\\w+.*?(?=>|<|\$)/si", array($this, '_decode_entity'), $str);
      * Remove Invisible Characters Again!
     $str = remove_invisible_characters($str);
      * Convert all tabs to spaces
      * This prevents strings like this: ja	vascript
      * NOTE: we deal with spaces between characters later.
      * NOTE: preg_replace was found to be amazingly slow here on
      * large blocks of data, so we use str_replace.
     if (strpos($str, "\t") !== FALSE) {
         $str = str_replace("\t", ' ', $str);
      * Capture converted string for later comparison
     $converted_string = $str;
     // Remove Strings that are never allowed
     $str = $this->_do_never_allowed($str);
      * Makes PHP tags safe
      * Note: XML tags are inadvertently replaced too:
      * <?xml
      * But it doesn't seem to pose a problem.
     if ($is_image === TRUE) {
         // Images have a tendency to have the PHP short opening and
         // closing tags every so often so we skip those and only
         // do the long opening tags.
         $str = preg_replace('/<\\?(php)/i', "&lt;?\\1", $str);
     } else {
         $str = str_replace(array('<?', '?' . '>'), array('&lt;?', '?&gt;'), $str);
      * Compact any exploded words
      * This corrects words like:  j a v a s c r i p t
      * These words are compacted back to their correct state.
     $words = array('javascript', 'expression', 'vbscript', 'script', 'base64', 'applet', 'alert', 'document', 'write', 'cookie', 'window');
     foreach ($words as $word) {
         $temp = '';
         for ($i = 0, $wordlen = strlen($word); $i < $wordlen; $i++) {
             $temp .= substr($word, $i, 1) . "\\s*";
         // We only want to do this when it is followed by a non-word character
         // That way valid stuff like "dealer to" does not become "dealerto"
         $str = preg_replace_callback('#(' . substr($temp, 0, -3) . ')(\\W)#is', array($this, '_compact_exploded_words'), $str);
      * Remove disallowed Javascript in links or img tags
      * We used to do some version comparisons and use of stripos for PHP5,
      * but it is dog slow compared to these simplified non-capturing
      * preg_match(), especially if the pattern exists in the string
     // EDIT: 设定是否存在 img标签
     $have_img = FALSE;
     do {
         $original = $str;
         if (preg_match("/<a/i", $str)) {
             $str = preg_replace_callback("#<a\\s+([^>]*?)(>|\$)#si", array($this, '_js_link_removal'), $str);
         if (preg_match("/<img/i", $str)) {
             $str = preg_replace_callback("#<img\\s+([^>\t]*?)(\\s?/?>|\$)#si", array($this, '_js_img_removal'), $str);
             $have_img = TRUE;
         if (preg_match("/script/i", $str) or preg_match("/xss/i", $str)) {
             $str = preg_replace("#<(/*)(script|xss)(.*?)\\>#si", '[removed]', $str);
     } while ($original != $str);
     // Remove evil attributes such as style, onclick and xmlns
     $str = $this->_remove_evil_attributes($str, $is_image, $have_img);
      * Sanitize naughty HTML elements
      * If a tag containing any of the words in the list
      * below is found, the tag gets converted to entities.
      * So this: <blink>
      * Becomes: &lt;blink&gt;
     // 过滤规则
     // $naughty = 'alert|applet|audio|basefont|base|behavior|bgsound|blink|body|embed|expression|form|frameset|frame|head|html|ilayer|iframe|input|isindex|layer|link|meta|object|plaintext|script|textarea|title|video|xml|xss';
     $naughty = 'alert|applet|audio|basefont|base|behavior|bgsound|blink|body|expression|form|frameset|frame|head|html|ilayer|iframe|input|isindex|layer|link|meta|object|plaintext|script|textarea|title|video|xml|xss';
     $str = preg_replace_callback('#<(/*\\s*)(' . $naughty . ')([^><]*)([><]*)#is', array($this, '_sanitize_naughty_html'), $str);
      * Sanitize naughty scripting elements
      * Similar to above, only instead of looking for
      * tags it looks for PHP and JavaScript commands
      * that are disallowed.  Rather than removing the
      * code, it simply converts the parenthesis to entities
      * rendering the code un-executable.
      * For example:	eval('some code')
      * Becomes:		eval&#40;'some code'&#41;
     $str = preg_replace('#(alert|cmd|passthru|eval|exec|expression|system|fopen|fsockopen|file|file_get_contents|readfile|unlink)(\\s*)\\((.*?)\\)#si', "\\1\\2&#40;\\3&#41;", $str);
     // Final clean up
     // This adds a bit of extra precaution in case
     // something got through the above filters
     $str = $this->_do_never_allowed($str);
      * Images are Handled in a Special Way
      * - Essentially, we want to know that after all of the character
      * conversion is done whether any unwanted, likely XSS, code was found.
      * If not, we return TRUE, as the image is clean.
      * However, if the string post-conversion does not matched the
      * string post-removal of XSS, then it fails, as there was unwanted XSS
      * code found and removed/changed during processing.
     if ($is_image === TRUE) {
         return $str == $converted_string ? TRUE : FALSE;
     log_message('debug', "XSS Filtering completed");
     return $str;
Exemple #11
  * Remove ASCII control characters.
  * Removes all ASCII control characters except horizontal tabs,
  * line feeds, and carriage returns, as all others can cause
  * problems in XML
  * @param	string
  * @return string
 public function safe_ascii_for_xml($str)
     return remove_invisible_characters($str, false);
Exemple #12
  * Set URI String
  * @param 	string	$str
  * @return	void
 protected function _set_uri_string($str)
     // Filter out control characters and trim slashes
     $this->uri_string = trim(remove_invisible_characters($str, FALSE), '/');
  * Platform-dependant string escape
  * @param	string
  * @return	string
 protected function _escape_str($str)
     return $this->conn_id->escapeString(remove_invisible_characters($str));
  * Prep data
  * Prep all data we need to create an entry
  * @access	private
  * @param	mixed
  * @param	mixed
  * @return	void
 function _prepare_data(&$data, &$mod_data, $autosave = FALSE)
     ee()->api_channel_categories->initialize(array('categories' => array(), 'cat_parents' => array(), 'cat_array' => array()));
     // Category parents - we toss the rest
     if (isset($data['category']) and is_array($data['category'])) {
         foreach ($data['category'] as $cat_id) {
             ee()->api_channel_categories->cat_parents[] = $cat_id;
         if (ee()->api_channel_categories->assign_cat_parent == TRUE) {
     // Remove invisible characters from entry title
     if (isset($data['title'])) {
         $data['title'] = remove_invisible_characters($data['title']);
     // Prep y / n values
     $data['allow_comments'] = isset($data['allow_comments']) && $data['allow_comments'] == 'y' ? 'y' : 'n';
     if (isset($data['cp_call']) && $data['cp_call'] == TRUE) {
         $data['allow_comments'] = ($data['allow_comments'] !== 'y' or $this->c_prefs['comment_system_enabled'] == 'n') ? 'n' : 'y';
     if ($this->c_prefs['enable_versioning'] == 'n') {
         $data['versioning_enabled'] = 'y';
     } else {
         if (isset($data['versioning_enabled'])) {
             $data['versioning_enabled'] = 'y';
         } else {
             $data['versioning_enabled'] = 'n';
             // In 1.6, this happened right before inserting new revisions,
             // but it makes more sense here.
             $this->c_prefs['enable_versioning'] = 'n';
     $result_array = $this->_get_custom_fields();
     foreach ($result_array as $row) {
         $field_name = 'field_id_' . $row['field_id'];
         // @todo remove in 2.1.2
         // backwards compatible for some incorrect code noticed in a few third party modules.
         // Will be removed in 2.1.2, and a note to that effect is in the 2.1.1 update notes
         // $this->field_id should be used instead as documented
         // http://ellislab.com/expressionengine/user-guide/development/fieldtypes.html#class-variables
         ee()->api_channel_fields->settings[$row['field_id']]['field_id'] = $row['field_id'];
         if (isset($data[$field_name]) or isset($mod_data[$field_name])) {
             ee()->api_channel_fields->apply('_init', array(array('content_id' => $this->entry_id)));
             // Break out module fields here
             if (isset($data[$field_name])) {
                 if (!$autosave) {
                     $data[$field_name] = ee()->api_channel_fields->apply('save', array($data[$field_name]));
             } elseif (isset($mod_data[$field_name])) {
                 if (!$autosave) {
                     $mod_data[$field_name] = ee()->api_channel_fields->apply('save', array($mod_data[$field_name]));
  * Escape String
  * @access  public
  * @param   string
  * @param	bool	whether or not the string will be used in a LIKE condition
  * @return  string
 public function escape_str($str, $like = FALSE)
     if (is_array($str)) {
         foreach ($str as $key => $val) {
             $str[$key] = $this->escape_str($val, $like);
         return $str;
     $str = remove_invisible_characters($str);
     if ($like === TRUE) {
         $str = str_replace(array('%', '_', $this->_like_escape_chr), array($this->_like_escape_chr . '%', $this->_like_escape_chr . '_', $this->_like_escape_chr . $this->_like_escape_chr), $str);
     return $str;
 function _clean_input_data($str)
     if (is_array($str)) {
         $new_array = array();
         foreach ($str as $key => $val) {
             $new_array[$this->_clean_input_keys($key)] = $this->_clean_input_data($val);
         return $new_array;
     if (!is_php('5.4') && get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
         $str = stripslashes($str);
     if (UTF8_ENABLED === TRUE) {
         $str = $this->uni->clean_string($str);
     $str = remove_invisible_characters($str);
     if ($this->_enable_xss === TRUE) {
         $str = $this->security->xss_clean($str);
     if ($this->_standardize_newlines == TRUE) {
         if (strpos($str, "\r") !== FALSE) {
             $str = str_replace(array("\r\n", "\r", "\r\n\n"), PHP_EOL, $str);
     return $str;
Exemple #17
  * Escape String.
  * @param	string
  * @param	bool	whether or not the string will be used in a LIKE condition
  * @return string
 public function escape_str($str, $like = false)
     if (is_array($str)) {
         foreach ($str as $key => $val) {
             $str[$key] = $this->escape_str($val, $like);
         return $str;
     // ODBC doesn't require escaping
     $str = remove_invisible_characters($str);
     // escape LIKE condition wildcards
     if ($like === true) {
         $str = str_replace(['%', '_', $this->_like_escape_chr], [$this->_like_escape_chr . '%', $this->_like_escape_chr . '_', $this->_like_escape_chr . $this->_like_escape_chr], $str);
     return $str;
Exemple #18
  * XSS Clean
  * Sanitizes data so that Cross Site Scripting Hacks can be
  * prevented.  This function does a fair amount of work but
  * it is extremely thorough, designed to prevent even the
  * most obscure XSS attempts.  Nothing is ever 100% foolproof,
  * of course, but I haven't been able to get anything passed
  * the filter.
  * Note: This function should only be used to deal with data
  * upon submission.  It's not something that should
  * be used for general runtime processing.
  * This function was based in part on some code and ideas I
  * got from Bitflux: http://channel.bitflux.ch/wiki/XSS_Prevention
  * To help develop this script I used this great list of
  * vulnerabilities along with a few other hacks I've
  * harvested from examining vulnerabilities in other programs:
  * http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
  * @access	public
  * @param	mixed	string or array
  * @return	string
 public function xss_clean($str, $is_image = FALSE)
      * Is the string an array?
     if (is_array($str)) {
         while (list($key) = each($str)) {
             $str[$key] = $this->xss_clean($str[$key]);
         return $str;
      * Remove Invisible Characters
     $str = remove_invisible_characters($str);
      * Protect GET variables in URLs
     // 901119URL5918AMP18930PROTECT8198
     $str = preg_replace('|\\&([a-z\\_0-9\\-]+)\\=([a-z\\_0-9\\-]+)|i', $this->xss_hash() . "\\1=\\2", $str);
      * Validate standard character entities
      * Add a semicolon if missing.  We do this to enable
      * the conversion of entities to ASCII later.
     $str = preg_replace('#(&\\#?[0-9a-z]{2,})([\\x00-\\x20])*;?#i', "\\1;\\2", $str);
      * Validate UTF16 two byte encoding (x00)
      * Just as above, adds a semicolon if missing.
     $str = preg_replace('#(&\\#x?)([0-9A-F]+);?#i', "\\1\\2;", $str);
      * Un-Protect GET variables in URLs
     $str = str_replace($this->xss_hash(), '&', $str);
      * URL Decode
      * Just in case stuff like this is submitted:
      * <a href="http://%77%77%77%2E%67%6F%6F%67%6C%65%2E%63%6F%6D">Google</a>
      * Note: Use rawurldecode() so it does not remove plus signs
     $str = rawurldecode($str);
      * Convert character entities to ASCII
      * This permits our tests below to work reliably.
      * We only convert entities that are within tags since
      * these are the ones that will pose security problems.
     $str = preg_replace_callback("/[a-z]+=([\\'\"]).*?\\1/si", array($this, '_convert_attribute'), $str);
     $str = preg_replace_callback("/<\\w+.*?(?=>|<|\$)/si", array($this, '_decode_entity'), $str);
      * Remove Invisible Characters Again!
     $str = remove_invisible_characters($str);
      * Convert all tabs to spaces
      * This prevents strings like this: ja	vascript
      * NOTE: we deal with spaces between characters later.
      * NOTE: preg_replace was found to be amazingly slow here on large blocks of data,
      * so we use str_replace.
     if (strpos($str, "\t") !== FALSE) {
         $str = str_replace("\t", ' ', $str);
      * Capture converted string for later comparison
     $converted_string = $str;
      * Not Allowed Under Any Conditions
     foreach ($this->never_allowed_str as $key => $val) {
         $str = str_replace($key, $val, $str);
     foreach ($this->never_allowed_regex as $key => $val) {
         $str = preg_replace("#" . $key . "#i", $val, $str);
      * Makes PHP tags safe
      *  Note: XML tags are inadvertently replaced too:
      *	<?xml
      * But it doesn't seem to pose a problem.
     if ($is_image === TRUE) {
         // Images have a tendency to have the PHP short opening and closing tags every so often
         // so we skip those and only do the long opening tags.
         $str = preg_replace('/<\\?(php)/i', "&lt;?\\1", $str);
     } else {
         $str = str_replace(array('<?', '?' . '>'), array('&lt;?', '?&gt;'), $str);
      * Compact any exploded words
      * This corrects words like:  j a v a s c r i p t
      * These words are compacted back to their correct state.
     $words = array('javascript', 'expression', 'vbscript', 'script', 'applet', 'alert', 'document', 'write', 'cookie', 'window');
     foreach ($words as $word) {
         $temp = '';
         for ($i = 0, $wordlen = strlen($word); $i < $wordlen; $i++) {
             $temp .= substr($word, $i, 1) . "\\s*";
         // We only want to do this when it is followed by a non-word character
         // That way valid stuff like "dealer to" does not become "dealerto"
         $str = preg_replace_callback('#(' . substr($temp, 0, -3) . ')(\\W)#is', array($this, '_compact_exploded_words'), $str);
      * Remove disallowed Javascript in links or img tags
      * We used to do some version comparisons and use of stripos for PHP5, but it is dog slow compared
      * to these simplified non-capturing preg_match(), especially if the pattern exists in the string
     do {
         $original = $str;
         if (preg_match("/<a/i", $str)) {
             $str = preg_replace_callback("#<a\\s+([^>]*?)(>|\$)#si", array($this, '_js_link_removal'), $str);
         if (preg_match("/<img/i", $str)) {
             $str = preg_replace_callback("#<img\\s+([^>]*?)(\\s?/?>|\$)#si", array($this, '_js_img_removal'), $str);
         if (preg_match("/script/i", $str) or preg_match("/xss/i", $str)) {
             $str = preg_replace("#<(/*)(script|xss)(.*?)\\>#si", '[removed]', $str);
     } while ($original != $str);
      * Remove JavaScript Event Handlers
      * Note: This code is a little blunt.  It removes
      * the event handler and anything up to the closing >,
      * but it's unlikely to be a problem.
     $event_handlers = array('[^a-z_\\-]on\\w*', 'xmlns');
     if ($is_image === TRUE) {
          * Adobe Photoshop puts XML metadata into JFIF images, including namespacing,
          * so we have to allow this for images. -Paul
         unset($event_handlers[array_search('xmlns', $event_handlers)]);
     $str = preg_replace("#<([^><]+?)(" . implode('|', $event_handlers) . ")(\\s*=\\s*[^><]*)([><]*)#i", "<\\1\\4", $str);
      * Sanitize naughty HTML elements
      * If a tag containing any of the words in the list
      * below is found, the tag gets converted to entities.
      * So this: <blink>
      * Becomes: &lt;blink&gt;
     $naughty = 'alert|applet|audio|basefont|base|behavior|bgsound|blink|body|embed|expression|form|frameset|frame|head|html|ilayer|iframe|input|isindex|layer|link|meta|object|plaintext|style|script|textarea|title|video|xml|xss';
     $str = preg_replace_callback('#<(/*\\s*)(' . $naughty . ')([^><]*)([><]*)#is', array($this, '_sanitize_naughty_html'), $str);
      * Sanitize naughty scripting elements
      * Similar to above, only instead of looking for
      * tags it looks for PHP and JavaScript commands
      * that are disallowed.  Rather than removing the
      * code, it simply converts the parenthesis to entities
      * rendering the code un-executable.
      * For example:	eval('some code')
      * Becomes:		eval&#40;'some code'&#41;
     $str = preg_replace('#(alert|cmd|passthru|eval|exec|expression|system|fopen|fsockopen|file|file_get_contents|readfile|unlink)(\\s*)\\((.*?)\\)#si', "\\1\\2&#40;\\3&#41;", $str);
      * Final clean up
      * This adds a bit of extra precaution in case
      * something got through the above filters
     foreach ($this->never_allowed_str as $key => $val) {
         $str = str_replace($key, $val, $str);
     foreach ($this->never_allowed_regex as $key => $val) {
         $str = preg_replace("#" . $key . "#i", $val, $str);
      *  Images are Handled in a Special Way
      *  - Essentially, we want to know that after all of the character conversion is done whether
      *  any unwanted, likely XSS, code was found.  If not, we return TRUE, as the image is clean.
      *  However, if the string post-conversion does not matched the string post-removal of XSS,
      *  then it fails, as there was unwanted XSS code found and removed/changed during processing.
     if ($is_image === TRUE) {
         if ($str == $converted_string) {
             return TRUE;
         } else {
             return FALSE;
     log_message('debug', "XSS Filtering completed");
     return $str;
Exemple #19
  * Set the URI String
  * @access	public
  * @param 	string
  * @return	string
 function _set_uri_string($str)
     // Filter out control characters
     $str = remove_invisible_characters($str, FALSE);
     // 		var_dump($GLOBALS['REQUEST']->server['path_info'],$str);
     // If the URI contains only a slash we'll kill it
     $this->uri_string = $str == '/' ? '' : $str;
Exemple #20
  * Clean Input Data
  * This is a helper function. It escapes data and
  * standardizes newline characters to \n
  * @access	private
  * @param	string
  * @return	string
 function _clean_input_data($str)
     if (is_array($str)) {
         $new_array = array();
         foreach ($str as $key => $val) {
             $new_array[$this->_clean_input_keys($key)] = $this->_clean_input_data($val);
         return $new_array;
     // We strip slashes if magic quotes is on to keep things consistent
     if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
         $str = stripslashes($str);
     // Clean UTF-8 if supported
     if (UTF8_ENABLED === TRUE) {
         $str = $this->uni->clean_string($str);
     // Remove control characters
     $str = remove_invisible_characters($str);
     // Should we filter the input data?
     if ($this->_enable_xss === TRUE) {
         $str = $this->security->xss_clean($str);
     // Standardize newlines if needed
     if ($this->_standardize_newlines == TRUE) {
         if (strpos($str, "\r") !== FALSE) {
             $str = str_replace(array("\r\n", "\r"), "\n", $str);
     return $str;
 public function _set_uri_string($str)
     // Filter out control characters and trim slashes
     $this->uri_string = trim(remove_invisible_characters($str, FALSE), '/');
     // Removed by Ivan Tcholakov, 19-JAN-2014.
     // TODO: This is for supporting HMVC library, resolve at first chance.
     //if ($this->uri_string !== '')
     //	// Remove the URL suffix, if present
     //	if (($suffix = (string) $this->config->item('url_suffix')) !== '')
     //	{
     //		$slen = strlen($suffix);
     //		if (substr($this->uri_string, -$slen) === $suffix)
     //		{
     //			$this->uri_string = substr($this->uri_string, 0, -$slen);
     //		}
     //	}
     //	$this->segments[0] = NULL;
     //	// Populate the segments array
     //	foreach (explode('/', trim($this->uri_string, '/')) as $val)
     //	{
     //		$val = trim($val);
     //		// Filter segments for security
     //		$this->filter_uri($val);
     //		if ($val !== '')
     //		{
     //			$this->segments[] = $val;
     //		}
     //	}
     //	unset($this->segments[0]);
Exemple #22
  * Filename Security.
  * @param	string
  * @param 	bool
  * @return string
 public function sanitize_filename($str, $relative_path = false)
     $bad = ['../', '<!--', '-->', '<', '>', "'", '"', '&', '$', '#', '{', '}', '[', ']', '=', ';', '?', '%20', '%22', '%3c', '%253c', '%3e', '%0e', '%28', '%29', '%2528', '%26', '%24', '%3f', '%3b', '%3d'];
     if (!$relative_path) {
         $bad[] = './';
         $bad[] = '/';
     $str = remove_invisible_characters($str, false);
     return stripslashes(str_replace($bad, '', $str));
Exemple #23
  * Platform-dependant string escape
  * @param	string
  * @return	string
 protected function _escape_str($str)
     return remove_invisible_characters($str);
Exemple #24
  * Clean Input Data
  * This is a helper function. It escapes data and
  * standardizes newline characters to \n
  * @access	private
  * @param	string
  * @return	string
 function _clean_input_data($str)
     if (is_array($str)) {
         $new_array = array();
         foreach ($str as $key => $val) {
             $new_array[$this->{$key}] = $this->_clean_input_data($val);
         return $new_array;
     // Clean UTF-8 if supported
     if (UTF8_ENABLED === TRUE) {
         $str = $this->uni->clean_string($str);
     // Remove control characters
     $str = remove_invisible_characters($str);
     // Should we filter the input data?
     if ($this->_enable_xss === TRUE) {
         $str = $this->security->xss_clean($str);
     // Standardize newlines if needed
     if ($this->_standardize_newlines == TRUE) {
         if (strpos($str, "\r") !== FALSE) {
             $str = str_replace(array("\r\n", "\r", "\r\n\n"), PHP_EOL, $str);
     return $str;
  * Platform-dependant string escape
  * @param	string
  * @return	string
 protected function _escape_str($str)
     return str_replace("'", "''", remove_invisible_characters($str));
Exemple #26
  * Extend _sanitize_globals to allow css
  * For action requests we need to fully allow GET variables, so we set
  * an exception in EE_Config. For css, we only need that one and it's a
  * path, so we'll do some stricter cleaning.
  * @param	string
  * @return	string
 function _sanitize_globals()
     $_css = $this->get('css');
     if ($_css) {
         $_GET['css'] = remove_invisible_characters($_css);
Exemple #27
  * Clean Input Data
  * This is a helper function. It escapes data and
  * standardizes newline characters to \n
  * @access	private
  * @param	string
  * @return	string
 function _clean_input_data($str)
     if (is_array($str)) {
         $new_array = array();
         foreach ($str as $key => $val) {
             $new_array[$this->_clean_input_keys($key)] = $this->_clean_input_data($val);
         return $new_array;
     /* We strip slashes if magic quotes is on to keep things consistent
     		   NOTE: In PHP 5.4 get_magic_quotes_gpc() will always return 0 and
     			 it will probably not exist in future versions at all.
     if (!is_php('5.4') && get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
         $str = stripslashes($str);
     // Clean UTF-8 if supported
     if (UTF8_ENABLED === TRUE) {
         $str = $this->uni->clean_string($str);
     // Remove control characters
     $str = remove_invisible_characters($str);
     // Should we filter the input data?
     if ($this->_enable_xss === TRUE) {
         $str = $this->security->xss_clean($str);
     // Standardize newlines if needed
     if ($this->_standardize_newlines == TRUE) {
         if (strpos($str, "\r") !== FALSE) {
             $str = str_replace(array("\r\n", "\r", "\r\n\n"), PHP_EOL, $str);
     return $str;
Exemple #28
 function _set_uri_string($str)
     $str = remove_invisible_characters($str, FALSE);
     $this->uri_string = $str == '/' ? '' : $str;
  * Sanitize Filename
  * @param	string	$str		Input file name
  * @param 	bool	$relative_path	Whether to preserve paths
  * @return	string
 public function sanitize_filename($str, $relative_path = FALSE)
     $bad = array('../', '<!--', '-->', '<', '>', "'", '"', '&', '$', '#', '{', '}', '[', ']', '=', ';', '?', '%20', '%22', '%3c', '%253c', '%3e', '%0e', '%28', '%29', '%2528', '%26', '%24', '%3f', '%3b', '%3d');
     if (!$relative_path) {
         $bad[] = './';
         $bad[] = '/';
     $str = remove_invisible_characters($str, FALSE);
     do {
         $old = $str;
         $str = str_replace($bad, '', $str);
     } while ($old !== $str);
     return stripslashes($str);
 private function direction_check($str)
     $r = remove_invisible_characters($str);
     $r = html_escape($r);
     return strip_tags($r);