global $LANG, $langs; echo "<form action='' method='post'>\n<div id='lang'>"; echo lang('Language') . ": " . html_select("lang", $langs, $LANG, "this.form.submit();"); echo " <input type='submit' value='" . lang('Use') . "' class='hidden'>\n"; echo "<input type='hidden' name='token' value='" . get_token() . "'>\n"; // $token may be empty in echo "</div>\n</form>\n"; } if (isset($_POST["lang"]) && verify_token()) { // $error not yet available cookie("adminer_lang", $_POST["lang"]); $_SESSION["lang"] = $_POST["lang"]; // cookies may be disabled $_SESSION["translations"] = array(); // used in compiled version adminer_redirect(remove_from_uri()); } $LANG = "en"; if (isset($langs[$_COOKIE["adminer_lang"]])) { cookie("adminer_lang", $_COOKIE["adminer_lang"]); $LANG = $_COOKIE["adminer_lang"]; } elseif (isset($langs[$_SESSION["lang"]])) { $LANG = $_SESSION["lang"]; } else { $accept_language = array(); preg_match_all('~([-a-z]+)(;q=([0-9.]+))?~', str_replace("_", "-", strtolower($_SERVER["HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE"])), $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER); foreach ($matches as $match) { $accept_language[$match[1]] = isset($match[3]) ? $match[3] : 1; } arsort($accept_language); foreach ($accept_language as $key => $q) {
<?php if (!$error && $_POST["export"]) { dump_headers("sql"); $adminer->dumpTable("", ""); $adminer->dumpData("", "table", $_POST["query"]); exit; } restart_session(); $history_all =& get_session("queries"); $history =& $history_all[DB]; if (!$error && $_POST["clear"]) { $history = array(); adminer_redirect(remove_from_uri("history")); } page_header(isset($_GET["import"]) ? lang('Import') : lang('SQL command'), $error); if (!$error && $_POST) { $fp = false; if (!isset($_GET["import"])) { $query = $_POST["query"]; } elseif ($_POST["webfile"]) { $fp = @fopen(file_exists("adminer.sql") ? "adminer.sql" : "compress.zlib://adminer.sql.gz", "rb"); $query = $fp ? fread($fp, 1000000.0) : false; } else { $query = get_file("sql_file", true); } if (is_string($query)) { // get_file() returns error as number, fread() as false if (function_exists('memory_get_usage')) { @ini_set("memory_limit", max(ini_bytes("memory_limit"), 2 * strlen($query) + memory_get_usage() + 8000000.0)); // @ - may be disabled, 2 - substr and trim, 8e6 - other variables
$exact_count = false; } } echo "<p class='pages'>"; if (+$limit && ($found_rows === false || $found_rows > $limit)) { // display first, previous 4, next 4 and last page $max_page = $found_rows === false ? $page + (count($rows) >= $limit ? 2 : 1) : floor(($found_rows - 1) / $limit); echo '<a href="' . h(remove_from_uri("page")) . "\" onclick=\"pageClick(this.href, +prompt('" . lang('Page') . "', '" . ($page + 1) . "'), event); return false;\">" . lang('Page') . "</a>:"; echo pagination(0, $page) . ($page > 5 ? " ..." : ""); for ($i = max(1, $page - 4); $i < min($max_page, $page + 5); $i++) { echo pagination($i, $page); } echo ($page + 5 < $max_page ? " ..." : "") . ($exact_count && $found_rows !== false ? pagination($max_page, $page) : ' <a href="' . h(remove_from_uri("page") . "&page=last") . '">' . lang('last') . "</a>"); } echo $found_rows !== false ? " (" . ($exact_count ? "" : "~ ") . lang('%d row(s)', $found_rows) . ")" : ""; echo +$limit && ($found_rows === false ? count($rows) + 1 : $found_rows - $page * $limit) > $limit ? ' <a href="' . h(remove_from_uri("page") . "&page=" . ($page + 1)) . '" onclick="return !selectLoadMore(this, ' . +$limit . ', \'' . lang('Loading') . '\');">' . lang('Load more data') . '</a>' : ''; echo " " . checkbox("all", 1, 0, lang('whole result')) . "\n"; if ($adminer->selectCommandPrint()) { ?> <fieldset><legend><?php echo lang('Edit'); ?> </legend><div> <input type="submit" value="<?php echo lang('Save'); ?> "<?php echo $_GET["modify"] ? '' : ' title="' . lang('Double click on a value to modify it.') . '" class="jsonly"'; ?> > <input type="submit" name="edit" value="<?php
global $LANG, $langs; echo "<form action='' method='post'>\n<div id='lang'>"; echo lang('Language') . ": " . html_select("lang", $langs, $LANG, "this.form.submit();"); echo " <input type='submit' value='" . lang('Use') . "' class='hidden'>\n"; echo "<input type='hidden' name='token' value='" . get_token() . "'>\n"; // $token may be empty in echo "</div>\n</form>\n"; } if (isset($_POST["lang"]) && verify_token()) { // $error not yet available cookie("adminer_lang", $_POST["lang"]); $_SESSION["lang"] = $_POST["lang"]; // cookies may be disabled $_SESSION["translations"] = array(); // used in compiled version redirect(remove_from_uri()); } $LANG = "en"; if (isset($langs[$_COOKIE["adminer_lang"]])) { cookie("adminer_lang", $_COOKIE["adminer_lang"]); $LANG = $_COOKIE["adminer_lang"]; } elseif (isset($langs[$_SESSION["lang"]])) { $LANG = $_SESSION["lang"]; } else { $accept_language = array(); preg_match_all('~([-a-z]+)(;q=([0-9.]+))?~', str_replace("_", "-", strtolower($_SERVER["HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE"])), $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER); foreach ($matches as $match) { $accept_language[$match[1]] = isset($match[3]) ? $match[3] : 1; } arsort($accept_language); foreach ($accept_language as $key => $q) {
/** Generate page number for pagination * @param int * @param int * @return string */ function pagination($page, $current) { return " " . ($page == $current ? $page + 1 : '<a href="' . h(remove_from_uri("page") . ($page ? "&page={$page}" . ($_GET["next"] ? "&next=" . urlencode($_GET["next"]) : "") : "")) . '">' . ($page + 1) . "</a>"); }
<?php $row = $_POST; if ($_POST && !$error && !isset($_POST["add_x"])) { // add is an image and PHP changes add.x to add_x restart_session(); $name = trim($row["name"]); if ($_POST["drop"]) { $_GET["db"] = ""; // to save in global history queries_adminer_redirect(remove_from_uri("db|database"), lang('Database has been dropped.'), drop_databases(array(DB))); } elseif (DB !== $name) { // create or rename database if (DB != "") { $_GET["db"] = $name; queries_adminer_redirect(preg_replace('~\\bdb=[^&]*&~', '', ME) . "db=" . urlencode($name), lang('Database has been renamed.'), rename_database($name, $row["collation"])); } else { $databases = explode("\n", str_replace("\r", "", $name)); $success = true; $last = ""; foreach ($databases as $db) { if (count($databases) == 1 || $db != "") { // ignore empty lines but always try to create single database if (!create_database($db, $row["collation"])) { $success = false; } $last = $db; } } queries_adminer_redirect(ME . "db=" . urlencode($last), lang('Database has been created.'), $success); }
function print_page($page) { echo " " . ($page == $_GET["page"] ? $page + 1 : '<a href="' . htmlspecialchars(remove_from_uri("page") . ($page ? "&page={$page}" : "")) . '">' . ($page + 1) . "</a>"); }
flush(); $found_rows = $connection->result("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . table($TABLE) . ($where ? " WHERE " . implode(" AND ", $where) : "")); } else { $exact_count = false; } } echo "<p class='pages'>"; if (+$limit && $found_rows > $limit) { // display first, previous 4, next 4 and last page $max_page = floor(($found_rows - 1) / $limit); echo '<a href="' . h(remove_from_uri("page")) . "\" onclick=\"pageClick(this.href, +prompt('" . lang('Page') . "', '" . ($page + 1) . "'), event); return false;\">" . lang('Page') . "</a>:"; echo pagination(0, $page) . ($page > 5 ? " ..." : ""); for ($i = max(1, $page - 4); $i < min($max_page, $page + 5); $i++) { echo pagination($i, $page); } echo ($page + 5 < $max_page ? " ..." : "") . ($exact_count ? pagination($max_page, $page) : ' <a href="' . h(remove_from_uri() . "&page=last") . '">' . lang('last') . "</a>"); } echo " (" . ($exact_count ? "" : "~ ") . lang('%d row(s)', $found_rows) . ") " . checkbox("all", 1, 0, lang('whole result')) . "\n"; if ($adminer->selectCommandPrint()) { ?> <fieldset><legend><?php echo lang('Edit'); ?> </legend><div> <input type="submit" value="<?php echo lang('Save'); ?> "<?php echo $_GET["modify"] ? '' : ' title="' . lang('Double click on a value to modify it.') . '" class="jsonly"'; ?> >
/** Query printed in select before execution * @param string query to be executed * @return string */ function selectQuery($query) { global $jush; return "<p><a href='" . h(remove_from_uri("page")) . "&page=last' title='" . lang('Last page') . "'>>></a> <code class='jush-{$jush}'>" . h(str_replace("\n", " ", $query)) . "</code> <a href='" . h(ME) . "sql=" . urlencode($query) . "'>" . lang('Edit') . "</a></p>\n"; // </p> - required for IE9 inline edit }
/** Generate page number for pagination * @param int * @return string */ function pagination($page, $current) { return " " . ($page == $current ? $page + 1 : '<a href="' . h(remove_from_uri("page") . ($page ? "&page={$page}" : "")) . '">' . ($page + 1) . "</a>"); }