Exemple #1
     $delim = ' - ';
     //just use space as sometimes not ' - '
     $delimpos = stripos($refdesc, ' ');
     $record['council_reference'] = substr($refdesc, 0, $delimpos);
     $address = $cells[1]->plaintext;
     //can't just use length of delim as don't know how many space of hyphen to strip
     $description = trim(substr($refdesc, $delimpos + 1), ' -');
     //remove address from end of description, if it's there
     $description = removeSuffix($description, $delim . $address);
     //sometimes address has Tasmania, Australia on the end
     $address = removeSuffix($address, ', Australia');
     $description = removeSuffix($description, $delim . $address);
     //sometimes address has just Tasmania on the end
     $address = removeSuffix($address, ', Tasmania');
     //description sometimes includes address with a space-hyphen-space before
     $description = removeSuffix($description, $delim . $address);
     $record['address'] = htmlspecialchars_decode($address . ', Tasmania');
     $record['description'] = htmlspecialchars_decode($description);
     $record['date_received'] = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($cells[2]->plaintext));
     $record['on_notice_to'] = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($cells[3]->plaintext));
     $record['info_url'] = $cells[4]->find('a')[0]->href;
     $record['comment_url'] = 'http://www.huonvalley.tas.gov.au/services/planning-2/how-to-make-a-representation/';
     $record['date_scraped'] = date('Y-m-d');
     scraperwiki::save_sqlite(array('council_reference'), $record, 'data');
 $existingRecords = scraperwiki::select("* from data where `council_reference`='" . $record['council_reference'] . "'");
 if (count($existingRecords) == 0) {
     print "Saving record " . $record['council_reference'] . "\n";
     //        print_r ($record);
     scraperwiki::save_sqlite(array('council_reference'), $record, 'data');
 } else {
Exemple #2
 * @internal        @events         OnPageNotFound,OnLoadWebDocument,OnLoadWebPageCache
 * @internal        @properties     &docid=ID документов через запятую;text; &tablename=Имя таблицы;text;content &fieldname=Уникальное поле в таблице;text;id &prefix=Префикс плейсхолдеров документа;text;custom &pkname=PrimaryKey;text;id &sendparent=При просмотре документа перенаправлять на родителя?;list;true,false;true
if (!function_exists(removeSuffix)) {
    function removeSuffix($url, $folder = '0')
        global $modx;
        $suffix = $folder == '1' && $modx->config['make_folders'] == '1' ? '/' : $modx->config['friendly_url_suffix'];
        $pos = strripos($url, $suffix);
        return $pos === false ? rtrim($url) : substr($url, 0, $pos);
switch ($modx->event->name) {
    case 'OnPageNotFound':
        $_alias = '';
        $q = explode('/', ltrim(removeSuffix($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']), '/'));
        $_alias = array_pop($q);
        $parent_alias = implode('/', $q);
        if ($modx->config['use_alias_path'] == 1) {
            if (isset($modx->documentListing[$parent_alias])) {
                $pid = $modx->documentListing[$parent_alias];
        } else {
            $pid = $modx->documentListing[$parent_alias];
        if (isset($pid)) {
            $parent_template = $modx->db->getValue($modx->db->select('template', $modx->getFullTableName('site_content'), 'id=' . $pid));
            if ($parent_template && $parent_template == $parent_tpl_id) {
                $sql = "SELECT " . $pkname . " FROM " . $modx->getFullTableName($tablename) . " WHERE `" . $fieldname . "`='" . $_alias . "'";
                $res = $modx->db->query($sql);
                if ($modx->db->getRecordCount($res) == 1) {