function adminProUsers() { $r = redisLink(); $prousers = $r->smembers("global:prousers"); echo "<table>"; foreach ($prousers as $uid) { uid2html($r, $uid); } echo "</table>"; }
function logTodayTrend() { $uid = reqUserId(); $r = redisLink(); $t = time() - time() % (3600 * 24); $pageviews = $visitors = 0; $n = $r->get("day:pv:{$uid}:{$t}"); if ($n) { $pageviews = $n; } $n = $r->get("day:uv:{$uid}:{$t}"); if ($n) { $visitors = $n; } return array("pageviews" => $pageviews, "visitors" => $visitors); }
function reqUserId() { global $_COOKIE; $r = redisLink(); if (!isset($_COOKIE['requser'])) { return userId(); } $username = $_COOKIE['requser']; if (($id = getIdFromUsername($username)) == -1) { return userId(); } if ($r->sismember("uid:{$id}:allowing", userId())) { return $id; } else { return userId(); } }
<?php require "lib.php"; $username = g('usernameReg'); $password = g("passReg"); $email = g("email"); if (g("passReg", "") != g("repassReg", "")) { panic("Some var is emtpy or pass != repass after javascript test"); } if (strlen($password) < 5) { panic("Pass is shorter than 5 chars after javascript test"); } $r = redisLink(); if ($r->get("username:{$username}:id")) { panic("Username already in use"); } # Everything is ok, Register the user! $userid = $r->incr("global:nextUserId"); $r->set("username:{$username}:id", $userid); $r->set("uid:{$userid}:username", $username); $r->set("uid:{$userid}:hashpass", bcrypt_hash($password)); $r->set("uid:{$userid}:email", $email); $r->set("uid:{$userid}:regtime", time()); $r->set("uid:{$userid}:excludemyvisits", '0'); $authsecret = getrand(); $r->set("uid:{$userid}:auth", $authsecret); $r->set("auth:{$authsecret}", $userid); # Manage a Set with all the users, may be userful in the future $r->sadd("global:users", $userid); # User registered! Login this guy $now = time() + 3600 * 24 * 365;
function getAllUsers() { $r = redisLink(); $allusers = $r->sort("global:users", array('GET' => 'uid:*:username')); return $allusers; }
function recv() { global $_SERVER; $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; # get data $type = g('type', 'pageview'); $uid = readSecureId(g('u', ''), "userid"); if ($uid == -1) { return; } $location = trim(g('l', '')); if (strlen($location) == 0) { return; } $referer = trim(g('r', '')); $width = gi('w', 0); $height = gi('h', 0); $historylen = gi('hl', 0); $agent = g('a', ''); $cookies = strtolower(trim(g('c', 'na'))); if ($cookies != 'na' && $cookies != 'y' && $cookies != 'n') { $cookies = 'na'; } # split domain info $url = parseurl($location); if ($url === false) { return; } $time = time(); $ispro = isPro($uid); $eventid = LOG_EVENT_PAGEVIEW; if ($type == 'adclick') { $eventid = LOG_EVENT_ADCLICK; } if (!$ispro && $eventid != LOG_EVENT_PAGEVIEW) { return; } # Log the visit. We assign a new event ID to every logged event. # Note that PHP running on 32 bit systems will overflow the ID soon # or later. $r = redisLink(); $logid = $r->incr("global:nextLogId"); $aux = array("time" => $time, "user_id" => $uid, "event_id" => $eventid, "location" => $location, "proto" => $url['proto'], "domain" => $url['domain'], "path" => $url['path'], "query" => $url['query'], "ref" => $referer, "swidth" => $width, "sheight" => $height, "cookies" => $cookies, "ip" => $ip, "agent" => $agent, "historylen" => $historylen, "id" => $logid); # Insert new $r->push("last:{$uid}", serialize($aux), false); # History length is different for PRO / non PRO user. $r->ltrim("last:{$uid}", 0, $ispro ? 1000 : 50); if ($eventid != LOG_EVENT_PAGEVIEW) { return; } # Update stats $nv = gi('nv', 0); $rv = gi('rv', 0); $t = time(); $t = $t - $t % (3600 * 24); # Update unique visits if ($nv) { $r->incr("day:uv:{$uid}:{$t}"); if ($rv) { $r->incr("day:rv:{$uid}:{$t}"); } } $r->incr("day:pv:{$uid}:{$t}"); }
function showLastUsers() { $r = redisLink(); $users = $r->sort("global:users","GET uid:*:username DESC LIMIT 0 10"); echo("<div>"); foreach($users as $u) { echo("<a class=\"username\" href=\"profile.php?u=".urlencode($u)."\">".utf8entities($u)."</a> "); } echo("</div><br>"); }
function showLastUsers() { $r = redisLink(); $users = $r->zrevrange("users_by_time",0,9); echo("<div>"); foreach($users as $u) { echo("<a class=\"username\" href=\"profile.php?u=".urlencode($u)."\">".utf8entities($u)."</a> "); } echo("</div><br>"); }
function getIdFromUsername($username) { $username = str_replace(" ", "_", $username); $r = redisLink(); $id = $r->get("username:{$username}:id"); if (!$id) { return -1; } else { return $id; } }
function removetrafficRule($hkey) { $r = redisLink(); $result = $r->HDEL('setting:traffic_custom_rules', $hkey); return $result; }
public static function getArticleTitle($aid) { return redisLink()->get("aid:{$aid}:ArticleTitle"); }
function poll() { $numres = 1; $r = redisLink(); $uid = reqUserId(); $minid = gi("minid", 0); $proto = gi("proto", 1); $loadhistory = 0; if ($minid == 0) { # First client request. Just return the latest entry $latest = unserialize($r->lindex("last:{$uid}", 0)); $minid = $latest['id']; } else { if ($minid < 0) { # minid < 0 means: load history, with abs(minid) elements $numres = abs($minid); if ($numres > 1000) { $numres = 1000; } $loadhistory = 1; } } $rows = $r->lrange("last:{$uid}", 0, $numres - 1); # Handle free accounts timeouts. # NOTE: this is actually disabled, left here for historical reasons # and because the javascript still handles it. $ispro = isPro($uid); if (0 && !$ispro) { $startpoll = $r->get("startpoll:{$uid}"); if (!$startpoll) { $r->set("startpoll:{$uid}", time()); } else { $delta = time() - $r->get("startpoll:{$uid}"); if ($delta > FREE_MAXTIME + FREE_WAIT) { $r->delete("startpoll:{$uid}"); } else { if ($delta > FREE_MAXTIME) { echo "TRYLATER:" . floor(1 + (FREE_MAXTIME + FREE_WAIT - $delta) / 60); exit; } } } } # Empty list? if (count($rows) == 0) { echo "NODATA"; exit; } # Check if even the most recent element (the first one) # is still too old. If so, no new data to return. $latest = unserialize($rows[0]); if ($latest['id'] < $minid) { echo "NODATA"; exit; } # Try to get all the data required. Up to 50 elements for request while (!$loadhistory) { $oldest = unserialize($rows[count($rows) - 1]); if ($oldest['id'] > $minid && $numres < 50) { # We need more data $numres = ($numres + 1) * 2; if ($numres > 50) { $numres = 50; } $rows = $r->lrange("last:{$uid}", 0, $numres - 1); } else { break; } } # Ok now reverse the array to sort ascending and return data to ajax. $rows = array_reverse($rows); $gi = geoip_open("geoipdata/GeoIP.dat", GEOIP_STANDARD); foreach ($rows as $srow) { $row = unserialize($srow); if ($row['id'] < $minid) { continue; } $keys = array("time", "location", "domain", "ref", "swidth", "sheight", "cookies", "ip", "agent", "historylen"); $aux = array(); foreach ($keys as $k) { $aux[$k] = $row[$k]; } $aux['country'] = geoip_country_name_by_addr($gi, $aux['ip']); $aux['type'] = 'pageview'; # At some point LLOOGG supported the ability to display user clicks # adsense ADs. Now the javascript we inject no longer support this # but the support inside LLOOGG itself remains. if ($row['event_id'] == LOG_EVENT_ADCLICK) { $aux['type'] = 'adclick'; } $t[] = $aux; if ($row['id'] > $maxid) { $maxid = $row['id']; } } geoip_close($gi); $t[] = $maxid + 1; if ($proto >= 2) { $t[] = logTodayVisitors(); $t[] = logTodayPageviews(); } $json = new Services_JSON(); $output = $json->encode($t); echo $output; }