Exemple #1
// The cert is valid and the user is trying to log in, so extract their athena
$athena = strstr($_SERVER['SSL_CLIENT_S_DN_Email'], '@', true);
// Assert the existence of the user session prefs
if (!isset($_SESSION['user'])) {
    $_SESSION['user'] = getDefaultUserPrefs();
// Try to determine the user's class year from LDAP data
if (!CourseRoadDB::userExists($athena)) {
    $ldap_data = fetchDataFromLDAP($athena);
    $cur_year = @$ldap_data['mitDirStudentYear'] ?: 1;
    $_SESSION['user']['class_year'] = getCurrentAcademicYear() + 4 - $cur_year;
    $_SESSION['user']['edited'] = true;
// Create a row for the user (default values are chosen for class_year et al)
if ($_SESSION['user']['edited']) {
    CourseRoadDB::updateUserPrefs($athena, $_SESSION['user']);
// We've attempted auth
$_SESSION['triedcert'] = true;
$_SESSION['athena'] = $athena;
$_SESSION['saveas'] = $_SESSION['crhash'] . '';
// If we're also trying to Save with Log In, then update the hash and copy
// the old row.
if (isset($_SESSION['trycert'])) {
    $_SESSION['trycert'] = false;
    $_SESSION['saveas'] = defaultOwnedHashName($_SESSION['athena']);
    CourseRoadDB::copyRoad($_SESSION['crhash'], $_SESSION['saveas'], $athena);
Exemple #2
    // SESSION.add_new_term holds onto the new term's data
    $_SESSION['add_new_term'] = array('year' => $_GET['year'], 'term' => $_GET['term'], 'classes' => explode(',', $_GET['addclasses']));
    if (!(isset($_GET['hash']) && CourseRoadDB::hashExists($_GET['hash']))) {
        $_GET['hash'] = '';
// Record failed login attempts (when user denies login after pressing Login)
if (isset($_GET['triedlogin'])) {
    $_SESSION['triedcert'] = true;
// A visible "?hash=" in the URL is unwanted, so we redirect to remove it,
// but first store the hash to make loading faster.
if (isset($_GET['hash'])) {
// Store that we've been to index.php.
$_SESSION['wenttoindex'] = true;
// We originally add add_new_term to SESSION to protect over the redirect above.
// Now we read it into a variable and clear the SESSION version.
$add_new_term = false;
if (isset($_SESSION['add_new_term'])) {
    $add_new_term = $_SESSION['add_new_term'];
    $json = array();
    foreach ($add_new_term['classes'] as $classname) {
        $classdata = pullClass(rtrim($classname, 'J'), $add_new_term['year'], $add_new_term['term']);
        if (!isset($classdata['error'])) {
            $json[] = $classdata;