Exemple #1
        if (isset($_SESSION['user']) && $_SESSION['user'] != '') {
            // User is logged in, check if they can edit the property
            if ($_SESSION['type'] == 3) {
                // User had admin privileges
                $canDelete = true;
            } else {
                if ($_SESSION['type'] == 1) {
                    // User is an owner, check if they own the property
                    $canDelete = isOwner($photo['property'], $_SESSION['user']);
        if ($canDelete) {
            echo "<a href='photo/delete.php?id={$_GET['id']}'>Delete photo</a><br>";
        echo '<label>' . readable_date($photo['date']) . '</label>';
        echo "<p>{$photo['description']}</p>";
    } else {
        // Photo not found
        echo '<label>Photo not found</label>';
} else {
    echo '<label>Invalid Photo ID</label>';
require $relative . 'data/php/site/footer.inc';
Exemple #2
 //$quotereplace[3]="<span class='sig'>\\1</span>";
 $quotereplace[4] = "<span class='quoteirrel'>\\1</span>";
 $quotereplace[5] = "<span class='quoteirrel'>\\1</span>";
 $quotereplace[6] = "<span class='quoteirrel'>\\1</span>";
 $quotereplace[7] = "<span class='quote1'>\\1</span>";
 $quotereplace[8] = "<span class='quote2'>\\1</span>";
 $quotereplace[9] = "<span class='quote3'>\\1</span>";
 $updatebody = preg_replace($quote, $quotereplace, $updatebody);
 $updatebody = bbcode($updatebody);
 //$updatebody = emotion($updatebody);
 // [\n\t ]+
 $updatebody = preg_replace("!([\n\t ]+)(http[s]?:/{2}[\\w\\.]{2,}[/\\w\\-\\.\\?\\&\\=\\#\$\\%|;|\\[|\\]~:]*)!e", "'\\1<a href=\"\\2\" title=\"\\2\">'.(strlen('\\2')>=70 ? substr('\\2',0,70).'...':'\\2').'</a>'", $updatebody);
 // Lookup some extra data
 $updateuser = user_realname($update->userid, TRUE);
 $updatetime = readable_date($update->timestamp);
 $currentowner = user_realname($update->currentowner, TRUE);
 $currentstatus = incident_status($update->currentstatus);
 echo "<div class='detailhead' align='center'>";
 //show update type icon
 if (array_key_exists($update->type, $updatetypes)) {
     if (!empty($update->sla) and $update->type == 'slamet') {
         echo icon($slatypes[$update->sla]['icon'], 16, $update->type);
     echo icon($updatetypes[$update->type]['icon'], 16, $update->type);
 } else {
     echo icon($updatetypes['research']['icon'], 16, $strResearch);
     if ($update->sla != '') {
         echo icon($slatypes[$update->sla]['icon'], 16, $update->type);
 * Produces HTML of all notes assigned to an item
 * @param $linkid int The link type
 * @param $refid int The ID of the item the notes are linked to
 * @param $delete bool Whether its possible to delet notes (default TRUE)
 * @return string HTML of the notes
function show_notes($linkid, $refid, $delete = TRUE)
    global $sit, $iconset, $dbNotes;
    $sql = "SELECT * FROM `{$dbNotes}` WHERE link='{$linkid}' AND refid='{$refid}' ORDER BY timestamp DESC, id DESC";
    $result = mysql_query($sql);
    if (mysql_error()) {
        trigger_error(mysql_error(), E_USER_WARNING);
    $countnotes = mysql_num_rows($result);
    if ($countnotes >= 1) {
        while ($note = mysql_fetch_object($result)) {
            $html .= "<div class='detailhead note'> <div class='detaildate'>" . readable_date(mysqlts2date($note->timestamp));
            if ($delete) {
                $html .= "<a href='note_delete.php?id={$note->id}&amp;rpath=";
                $html .= "{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}?{$_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']}' ";
                $html .= "onclick=\"return confirm_action('{$strAreYouSureDelete}');\">";
                $html .= icon('delete', 16) . "</a>";
            $html .= "</div>\n";
            // /detaildate
            $html .= icon('note', 16) . " ";
            $html .= sprintf($GLOBALS['strNoteAddedBy'], user_realname($note->userid, TRUE));
            $html .= "</div>\n";
            // detailhead
            $html .= "<div class='detailentry note'>";
            $html .= nl2br(bbcode($note->bodytext));
            $html .= "</div>\n";
    return $html;
 //delete all the notes
 $sql = "DELETE FROM `{$dbNotes}` WHERE refid='{$id}'";
 $result = mysql_query($sql);
 if (mysql_error()) {
     trigger_error(mysql_error(), E_USER_ERROR);
 $enddate = $now;
 $duration = round(($enddate - $startdate) / 60);
 $startdate = readable_date($startdate, 'system');
 $enddate = readable_date($enddate, 'system');
 $updatehtml = sprintf($SYSLANG['strActivityStarted'], $startdate) . "\n\n";
 for ($i = $numnotes - 1; $i >= 0; $i--) {
     $updatehtml .= "[b]";
     $updatehtml .= readable_date(mysql2date($notesarray[$i]->timestamp), 'system');
     $updatehtml .= "[/b]\n" . mysql_escape_string($notesarray[$i]->bodytext) . "\n\n";
 $updatehtml .= sprintf($SYSLANG['strActivityCompleted'], $enddate, $duration);
 $owner = incident_owner($incident);
 //create update
 $sql = "INSERT INTO `{$dbUpdates}` (incidentid, userid, type, ";
 $sql .= "currentowner, currentstatus, bodytext, timestamp, duration) ";
 $sql .= "VALUES('{$incident}', '{$sit[2]}', 'fromtask', ";
 $sql .= "'{$owner}', '{$status}', '{$updatehtml}', '{$now}', '{$duration}')";
 if (mysql_error()) {
     trigger_error(mysql_error(), E_USER_ERROR);
     echo "<p class='error'>";
     echo "Couldn't add update, update will need to be done manually: {$sql}'</p>";
 function view()
     $application_id = $this->request->route('id');
     $data['application_details'] = $application_details = $this->application->getApplicationViewDetails($application_id);
     $data['attachment'] = Attachment::where('lead_id', $data['application_details']->lead->id)->first();
     $data['statuses'] = Status::lists('name', 'id');
     $completed = array();
     foreach ($application_details->statuses as $key => $completed_stat) {
         $completed[$completed_stat->status_id]['id'] = $completed_stat->status_id;
         $completed[$completed_stat->status_id]['date_created'] = readable_date($completed_stat->date_created);
         $completed[$completed_stat->status_id]['updated_by'] = get_user_name($completed_stat->updated_by);
     $data['completed'] = $completed;
     return view('system.application.overview.show', $data);