Exemple #1
 function xml_import($args)
     $filename = $args['xml_import'];
     if (!is_file($filename)) {
         print "error: input filename ({$filename}) doesn't exist.\n";
     _debug("please enter your username:"******"importing {$filename} for user {$username}...\n");
     $result = db_query("SELECT id FROM ttrss_users WHERE login = '******'");
     if (db_num_rows($result) == 0) {
         print "error: could not find user {$username}.\n";
     $owner_uid = db_fetch_result($result, 0, "id");
     $this->perform_data_import($filename, $owner_uid);
Exemple #2
 function greader_import($args)
     $file = $args['greader_import'];
     if (!file_exists($file)) {
         _debug("file not found: {$file}");
     _debug("please enter your username:"******"looking up user: {$username}...");
     $result = db_query("SELECT id FROM ttrss_users\n\t\t\tWHERE login = '******'");
     if (db_num_rows($result) == 0) {
         _debug("user not found.");
     $owner_uid = db_fetch_result($result, 0, "id");
     _debug("processing: {$file} (owner_uid: {$owner_uid})");
     $this->import($file, $owner_uid);
            // authentication success.
            debug("auth: ok");
            return TRUE;
        } else {
            debug("auth: error");
            return FALSE;
    // user not found
    debug("user not found");
    return FALSE;
function read_stdin()
    global $stdin_file;
    global $stdin_term;
    $str = '';
    while (!feof($stdin_file)) {
        $ch = fread($stdin_file, 1);
        if (ord($ch) == $stdin_term) {
        $str .= $ch;
    return $str;
$user = read_stdin();
$pass = read_stdin();
$service = read_stdin();
$ret = authenticate($user, $pass, $service, $main_pass_db);
exit($ret ? 0 : 1);
                $table = $matches[2];
                $statement = "CREATE INDEX {$index} ON {$table}";
                db_query($link, $statement);
    } else {
        _debug("unable to open schema file.");
    _debug("all done.");
if (in_array("-convert-filters", $op)) {
    _debug("WARNING: this will remove all existing type2 filters.");
    _debug("Type 'yes' to continue.");
    if (read_stdin() != 'yes') {
    _debug("converting filters...");
    db_query($link, "DELETE FROM ttrss_filters2");
    $result = db_query($link, "SELECT * FROM ttrss_filters ORDER BY id");
    while ($line = db_fetch_assoc($result)) {
        $owner_uid = $line["owner_uid"];
        // date filters are removed
        if ($line["filter_type"] != 5) {
            $filter = array();
            if (sql_bool_to_bool($line["cat_filter"])) {
                $feed_id = "CAT:" . (int) $line["cat_id"];
            } else {
                $feed_id = (int) $line["feed_id"];
    $chosenMethod = read_stdin();
    $methodName = $methods[$chosenMethod - 1];
    echo "Ok! You've choose algorithm \"" . $algorithmName . "\" and method \"" . $methodName . "\"\n";
    if (!is_null($algorithmMap[$algorithmName]['construct_parameters'])) {
        echo "Algorithm you've choose needs some constructor parameters: \n";
        foreach ($algorithmMap[$algorithmName]['construct_parameters']['parameters'] as $parameterType => $parameterName) {
            echo "\tPlease enter " . $parameterType . " value. It'll be a " . $parameterName . " for " . $algorithmName . " algorithm:\n";
        $constructParameters = read_stdin();
        echo "\n";
        echo "Ok! Parameter is: " . $constructParameters;
        echo "\n\n";
    echo "\n";
    echo "Now, enter word you want to " . $methodName . ": \n";
    $wordToHash = read_stdin();
    $wordToHash = trim($wordToHash);
     * @var \Library\Algorithm\Kakuna|\Library\Algorithm\Seqswap
    try {
        $result = Hasher::createAlgorithm($algorithmName, $constructParameters)->{$methodName}($wordToHash);
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        echo "Error: " . $e->getMessage() . "\n";
    echo "Wow! We've done! Here is result: \n";
    echo $result;
    echo "\n\n";
 function update_self($args)
     _debug("Warning: self-updating is experimental. Use at your own risk.");
     _debug("Please backup your tt-rss directory before continuing. Your database will not be modified.");
     _debug("Type 'yes' to continue.");
     if (read_stdin() != 'yes') {
     $this->update_self_cli($link, in_array("-force", $args));
echo "Payment related_resources:" . $related_resource_count . "(" . $related_resources . ")";
echo "\n \n";
echo "###########################################\n";
echo "Initiating a Payment with PayPal Account... \n";
$url = $host . '/v1/payments/payment';
$payment = array('intent' => 'sale', 'payer' => array('payment_method' => 'paypal'), 'transactions' => array(array('amount' => array('total' => '7.47', 'currency' => 'USD'), 'description' => 'payment using a PayPal account')), 'redirect_urls' => array('return_url' => 'http://www.return.com/?test=123', 'cancel_url' => 'http://www.cancel.com'));
$json = json_encode($payment);
$json_resp = make_post_call($url, $json);
foreach ($json_resp['links'] as $link) {
    if ($link['rel'] == 'execute') {
        $payment_execute_url = $link['href'];
        $payment_execute_method = $link['method'];
    } else {
        if ($link['rel'] == 'approval_url') {
            $payment_approval_url = $link['href'];
            $payment_approval_method = $link['method'];
echo "Payment Created successfully: " . $json_resp['id'] . " with state '" . $json_resp['state'] . "'\n\n";
echo "Please goto " . $payment_approval_url . " in your browser and approve the payment with a PayPal Account.\n";
echo "Enter PayerId from the return url to continue:";
$payerId = read_stdin();
echo "\n \n";
echo "###########################################\n";
echo "Executing the PayPal Payment for PayerId (" . $payerId . ")... \n";
$payment_execute = array('payer_id' => $payerId);
$json = json_encode($payment_execute);
$json_resp = make_post_call($payment_execute_url, $json);
echo "Payment Execute processed " . $json_resp['id'] . " with state '" . $json_resp['state'] . "'";
echo "\n \n";
 function update_self($args)
     _debug("* It is suggested to backup your tt-rss directory first.");
     _debug("* Your database will not be modified.");
     _debug("* Your current tt-rss installation directory will not be modified. It will be renamed and left in the parent directory. You will be able to migrate all your customized files after update finishes.");
     _debug("Type 'yes' to continue.");
     $input = read_stdin();
     if ($input != 'yes' && $input != 'force') {
     $this->update_self_cli($input == 'force');
Exemple #9
if ($yorn == 'y') {
    if (INST_SHELL == 'brew') {
    } elseif (INST_SHELL == 'apt-get') {
        $cmd = "sudo apt-get install zsh git-core";
        e($cmd, 'run');
    } elseif (INST_SHELL == 'yum') {
        $cmd = 'yum install ncurses-devel;sudo yum install autojump';
        e("yum install ag -> http://www.9enjoy.com/ag-the_silver_searcher/", 'yellow');
        e($cmd, 'run');
    $cmd = "curl -L# http://install.ohmyz.sh > " . getenv('HOME') . "install.ohmyz.sh;sh " . getenv('HOME') . "install.ohmyz.sh;rm " . getenv('HOME') . '/install.ohmyz.sh';
    e($cmd, 'run');
    $cmd = "mv ~/.zshrc ~/.zshrc__old;ln -s " . _HOME . "/zshrc ~/.zshrc";
    e($cmd, 'run');
    e('cd ' . _HOME . ';git clone git://github.com/joelthelion/autojump.git;cd autojump;./install.py', 'run');
e("Change your shell to zsh  ! [y/n] !");
$yorn = read_stdin();
if ($yorn == 'y') {
    system('chsh -s /bin/zsh;source ~/.zshrc');
e("Install heisoo tools!");
$incFile = HS_LIB . '/hs_sync.phar';
$cmd = "sudo mkdir -p " . HS_LIB . ";sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/bin/;curl -L# https://raw.githubusercontent.com/poyu007/heisoo_env/master/build/hs_sync.phar  > ./hs_sync.phar;sudo mv ./hs_sync.phar {$incFile};sudo chmod +x {$incFile}; ln -s " . HS_LIB . "/hs_sync.phar /usr/local/bin/hs_sync;";
e($cmd, 'run');
$cmd = "curl -L# http://get.sensiolabs.org/php-cs-fixer.phar > ./php-cs-fixer.phar;sudo chmod a+x ./php-cs-fixer.phar; sudo mv ./php-cs-fixer.phar " . HS_LIB . "/php-cs-fixer.phar;ln -s " . HS_LIB . '/php-cs-fixer.phar /usr/local/bin/php-cs-fixer.phar';
e($cmd, 'run');
# ln -s $dir/tmux.conf ~/.tmux.conf`;
# #brew install ctags # vim +PluginInstall +qall now
Exemple #10
echo "What days you want to limit\n";
echo "ex MRF = Mondays, Thursdays, and Fridays\n";
echo ">";
$limit = read_stdin();
echo "Choose what time to not have classes (starting)\n";
echo "ex 800  It must follow this format\n";
echo "If it doesn't matter leave it blank\n";
$from = read_stdin();
echo "Ending time\n";
$to = read_stdin();
echo "Do you want it to be in University City campus only or not\n";
echo "(1 for University City campus 0 for all campuses)\n";
$campus = read_stdin();
echo "Do you want to allow closed classes or not\n";
echo "(1 for closed classes 0 for no closed classes\n";
$close = read_stdin();
#For loop to decipher the combinations
for ($i = 0; $i < count($list); $i = $i + 1) {
    $list_combos = multiply($list[$i], $list_combos, $from, $to, $limit, $campus, $close);
$list_combos_final = array();
for ($i = 0; $i < count($list_combos); $i = $i + 1) {
    if (count($list_combos[$i]) == count($list)) {
        array_push($list_combos_final, $list_combos[$i]);
$list_combos = $list_combos_final;
#print the list combinations
echo count($list_combos);
echo " possible schedules\n\n";
echo "==========================\n";
Exemple #11

    // show them a message to enter their name
    echo "Tell us your name: " . PHP_EOL;

    // the script will wait here until the user has entered something and hit ENTER
    $name = read_stdin();

    // This will display the thank you message including their name they entered.
    echo "Thank you $name. Welcome to my site" . PHP_EOL;

    // our function to read from the command line
    function read_stdin()
            $fr=fopen("php://stdin","r");   // open our file pointer to read from stdin
            $input = fgets($fr,128);        // read a maximum of 128 characters
            $input = rtrim($input);         // trim any trailing spaces.
            fclose ($fr);                   // close the file handle
            return $input;                  // return the text entered
