public function blog($url, $blogger = null, $param = null)
     $data['page'] = $this->mysql->get_row('pages', array('url_' . $this->lng => $url));
     $data['method'] = $url;
     if ($param != null) {
         $data['aticle'] = $this->mysql->get_row('blog', array('url_' . $this->lng => $param));
         if ($data['aticle']['status'] != 1) {
         } else {
             $this->mysql->update('blog', array('visits' => $data['aticle']['visits'] + 1), array('url_' . $this->lng => $param));
             $data['current_blogger'] = $this->mysql->get_row('auth_user', array('url' => $blogger));
             $count_articles = count($this->mysql->get_All('blog', array('autor' => $data['current_blogger']['id'], 'status' => 1)));
             $data['current_blogger']['count'] = $count_articles;
             $data['recente'] = $this->mysql->get_All('blog', array('autor' => $data['current_blogger']['id'], 'status' => 1, 'id !=' => $data['aticle']['id']), 0, 5, 'data', 'desc');
             $data['title_page'] = $data['aticle']['title_' . $this->lng];
             $data['description'] = $data['aticle']['descriptions_' . $this->lng];
             $data['keywords'] = $data['aticle']['keywords_' . $this->lng];
             /*FB Share*/
             $data['fb'] = array('og:title' => $data['aticle']['name_' . $this->lng], 'og:image' => base_url() . $data['aticle']['photo_big'], 'og:description' => read_more($data['aticle']['text_' . $this->lng], 50));
             //set the lang links
             $this->lang_links = array('ro' => $data['page']['url_ro'] . '/' . $data['current_blogger']['url'] . '/' . $data['aticle']['url_ro'], 'ru' => $data['page']['url_ru'] . '/' . $data['current_blogger']['url'] . '/' . $data['aticle']['url_ru'], 'en' => $data['page']['url_en'] . '/' . $data['current_blogger']['url'] . '/' . $data['aticle']['url_en']);
             $this->display->frontend('pages/blog_inside', $data);
     } else {
         if ($blogger != null) {
             $data['current_blogger'] = $this->mysql->get_row('auth_user', array('url' => $blogger));
             $data['articles'] = $this->mysql->get_All('blog', array('created_by' => $data['current_blogger']['id'], 'status' => 1), null, null, 'data', 'desc');
             $data['current_blogger']['count'] = count($data['articles']);
             $data['bloggers'] = $this->mysql->get_All('auth_user', array('id_auth_group' => 2));
             $data['current_blogger']['links'] = $data['current_blogger']['links'] != "" ? json_decode($data['current_blogger']['links'])->criterii : array();
             $data['title_page'] = $data['page']['title_' . $this->lng];
             $data['description'] = $data['page']['descriptions_' . $this->lng];
             $data['keywords'] = $data['page']['keywords_' . $this->lng];
             //set the lang links
             $this->lang_links = array('ro' => $data['page']['url_ro'] . '/' . $data['current_blogger']['url'], 'ru' => $data['page']['url_ru'] . '/' . $data['current_blogger']['url'], 'en' => $data['page']['url_en'] . '/' . $data['current_blogger']['url']);
             $this->display->frontend('pages/blog', $data);
         } else {
             $data['bloggers'] = $this->mysql->get_All('auth_user', array('id_auth_group' => 2));
             foreach ($data['bloggers'] as $key => $bloger) {
                 $count_articles = count($this->mysql->get_All('blog', array('created_by' => $bloger['id'], 'status' => 1)));
                 $data['bloggers'][$key]['count'] = $count_articles;
             $data['title_page'] = $data['page']['title_' . $this->lng];
             $data['description'] = $data['page']['descriptions_' . $this->lng];
             $data['keywords'] = $data['page']['keywords_' . $this->lng];
             //set the lang links
             $this->lang_links = array('ro' => $data['page']['url_ro'], 'ru' => $data['page']['url_ru'], 'en' => $data['page']['url_en']);
             $this->display->frontend('pages/bloggers', $data);
 public function cetateanul_activ($url, $param = null)
     $data['page'] = $this->mysql->get_row('pages', array('url_' . $this->lng => $this->uri->segment(2)));
     $data['method'] = $url;
     if ($this->uri->segment(3) && !is_numeric($this->uri->segment(3))) {
         $data['stire'] = $this->mysql->get_row('cetatean', array('url_' . $this->lng => $param));
         if ($data['stire']['status'] != 1) {
         } else {
             $this->mysql->update('cetatean', array('visits' => $data['stire']['visits'] + 1), array('url_' . $this->lng => $param));
             $data['stiri_recente'] = $this->mysql->get_All('cetatean', array('id !=' => $data['stire']['id'], 'status' => 1), 5, 0, 'data', 'desc');
             $data['title_page'] = $data['stire']['title_' . $this->lng];
             $data['description'] = $data['stire']['descriptions_' . $this->lng];
             $data['keywords'] = $data['stire']['keywords_' . $this->lng];
             /*FB Share*/
             $data['fb'] = array('og:title' => $data['stire']['name_' . $this->lng], 'og:image' => base_url() . $data['stire']['photo_big'], 'og:description' => read_more($data['stire']['text_' . $this->lng], 50));
             //set the lang links
             $this->lang_links = array('ro' => $data['page']['url_ro'] . '/' . $data['stire']['url_ro'], 'ru' => $data['page']['url_ru'] . '/' . $data['stire']['url_ru'], 'en' => $data['page']['url_en'] . '/' . $data['stire']['url_en']);
             $this->display->frontend('pages/stiri_inside', $data);
     } else {
         $settings = $this->mysql->get_row('settings');
         $total_row = count($this->mysql->get_all('cetatean', array('status' => 1)));
         $per_page_site = $settings['per_page_site'];
         if ($this->uri->segment(3)) {
             $uri_pag = $this->uri->segment(3);
         } else {
             $uri_pag = 0;
         $data['stiri'] = $this->mysql->get_All('cetatean', array('status' => 1), $per_page_site, $uri_pag, 'data', 'desc');
         $data['pagination'] = $this->_pagination($this->lng . '/' . $url, $total_row, $per_page_site, 3);
         $data['ultima_stire'] = $this->mysql->get_All('cetatean', array('status' => 1), 1, 0, 'data', 'desc');
         $data['stiri_recente'] = $this->mysql->get_All('cetatean', array('status' => 1), 5, 0, 'data', 'desc');
         $data['title_page'] = $data['page']['title_' . $this->lng];
         $data['description'] = $data['page']['descriptions_' . $this->lng];
         $data['keywords'] = $data['page']['keywords_' . $this->lng];
         //set the lang links
         $this->lang_links = array('ro' => $data['page']['url_ro'], 'ru' => $data['page']['url_ru'], 'en' => $data['page']['url_en']);
         $this->display->frontend('pages/stiri', $data);
 public function investigatii($url, $cat, $param = null)
     $data['page'] = $this->mysql->get_row('pages', array('url_' . $this->lng => $url));
     /* all pages */
     $data['method'] = $url;
     $data['categorie'] = $cat;
     $data['caterg'] = $this->mysql->get_row('categorii', array('url_' . $this->lng => $cat));
     /* all pages */
     //if ($param == null || is_numeric($param)){
     if ($this->uri->segment(4) && !is_numeric($this->uri->segment(4))) {
         $data['investigatie'] = $this->mysql->get_row('investigatii', array('url_' . $this->lng => $param));
         if ($data['investigatie']['status'] != 1) {
         } else {
             $this->mysql->update('investigatii', array('visits' => $data['investigatie']['visits'] + 1), array('url_' . $this->lng => $param));
             $data['slider'] = $this->mysql->get_All('slider', array('parent' => $data['investigatie']['id']));
             $data['asemanatoare'] = $this->mysql->get_All('investigatii', array('url_' . $this->lng . '!=' => $param, 'cats' => $data['caterg']['id_categorii'], 'status' => 1), 0, 10, 'data', 'desc');
             $data['title_page'] = $data['investigatie']['title_' . $this->lng];
             $data['description'] = $data['investigatie']['descriptions_' . $this->lng];
             $data['keywords'] = $data['investigatie']['keywords_' . $this->lng];
             /*FB Share*/
             $data['fb'] = array('og:title' => $data['investigatie']['name_' . $this->lng], 'og:image' => base_url() . $data['investigatie']['photo_big'], 'og:description' => read_more($data['investigatie']['text_' . $this->lng], 50));
             //set the lang links
             $this->lang_links = array('ro' => $data['page']['url_ro'] . '/' . $data['caterg']['url_ro'] . '/' . $data['investigatie']['url_ro'], 'ru' => $data['page']['url_ru'] . '/' . $data['caterg']['url_ru'] . '/' . $data['investigatie']['url_ru'], 'en' => $data['page']['url_en'] . '/' . $data['caterg']['url_en'] . '/' . $data['investigatie']['url_en']);
             $this->display->frontend('pages/investigatii_inside', $data);
     } else {
         if (isset($cat)) {
             $COND = array('cats' => $data['caterg']['id_categorii'], 'status' => 1);
         } else {
             $COND = array('status' => 1);
         $data['investigatii'] = $this->mysql->get_All('investigatii', $COND, null, null, 'data', 'desc');
         $data['investigatii_last'] = $this->mysql->get_All('investigatii', $COND, 1, 0, 'data', 'desc');
         $data['investigatii_recente'] = $this->mysql->get_All('investigatii', $COND, 5, 0, 'data', 'desc');
         $data['title_page'] = $data['page']['title_' . $this->lng];
         $data['description'] = $data['page']['descriptions_' . $this->lng];
         $data['keywords'] = $data['page']['keywords_' . $this->lng];
         //set the lang links
         $this->lang_links = array('ro' => $data['page']['url_ro'], 'ru' => $data['page']['url_ru'], 'en' => $data['page']['url_en']);
         $this->display->frontend('pages/investigatii', $data);
function zboomusic_block_shortcode($atts, $content)
    $service_att = extract(shortcode_atts(array('number' => '3'), $atts));
    $blockitem = new WP_Query(array('post_type' => 'zoomusic_service', 'posts_per_page' => $number));
    while ($blockitem->have_posts()) {
		<div class="col-1-3">
			<div class="wrap-col box">
				<div class="more"><a href="<?php 
    $service_block = ob_get_clean();
    return $service_block;
 public function interviu($url = null, $param = null)
     $data['page'] = $this->mysql->get_row('pages', array('url_' . $this->lng => $url));
     $data['method'] = $url;
     if ($param == null || is_numeric($param)) {
         $data['interview'] = $this->mysql->get_All('interviu', array('status' => 1), null, null, 'data', 'desc');
         $data['interview_last'] = $this->mysql->get_All('interviu', array('status' => 1), null, null, 'data', 'desc');
         $data['interview_recente'] = $this->mysql->get_All('interviu', array('status' => 1), 5, 0, 'data', 'desc');
         $data['title_page'] = $data['page']['title_' . $this->lng];
         $data['description'] = $data['page']['descriptions_' . $this->lng];
         $data['keywords'] = $data['page']['keywords_' . $this->lng];
         //set the lang links
         $this->lang_links = array('ro' => $data['page']['url_ro'], 'ru' => $data['page']['url_ru'], 'en' => $data['page']['url_en']);
         $this->display->frontend('pages/interviu', $data);
     } else {
         $data['stire'] = $this->mysql->get_row('interviu', array('url_' . $this->lng => $param));
         if ($data['stire']['status'] != 1) {
         } else {
             $this->mysql->update('interviu', array('visits' => $data['stire']['visits'] + 1), array('url_' . $this->lng => $param));
             $data['interview_recente'] = $this->mysql->get_All('interviu', array('id !=' => $data['stire']['id'], 'status' => 1), 5, 0, 'data', 'desc');
             $data['title_page'] = $data['stire']['title_' . $this->lng];
             $data['description'] = $data['stire']['descriptions_' . $this->lng];
             $data['keywords'] = $data['stire']['keywords_' . $this->lng];
             /*FB Share*/
             $data['fb'] = array('og:title' => $data['stire']['name_' . $this->lng], 'og:image' => base_url() . $data['stire']['photo_big'], 'og:description' => read_more($data['stire']['text_' . $this->lng], 50));
             //set the lang links
             $this->lang_links = array('ro' => $data['page']['url_ro'] . '/' . $data['stire']['url_ro'], 'ru' => $data['page']['url_ru'] . '/' . $data['stire']['url_ru'], 'en' => $data['page']['url_en'] . '/' . $data['stire']['url_en']);
             $this->display->frontend('pages/interviu_inside', $data);
Exemple #6
							<div class="info">[By <?php 
on <?php 
        the_time('F d,Y');
with <?php 
        comments_popup_link("No comments", "Eaktacomment", "comments", "% comment", "mamun", "comment off");
...<a href="<?php 
">Read More</a>
						<ul id="pagi">
    the_posts_pagination(array('show_all' => true, 'prev_text' => 'PREV', 'next_text' => 'NEXT', 'screen_reader_text' => '  '));
                                    <div class="col-md-<?php 
        echo file_exists($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . $item->photo_big) ? 17 : 24;
" style="margin: 16px 0px;">
                                        <div class="arhiv-box-text">
                                            <p style="cursor:pointer;" onclick="window.location='/<?php 
        echo $lng . '/' . get_pre_url_table($lng, $item->table, $item->id) . $item->{'url_' . $lng};
'" ><?php 
        echo $item->{'name_' . $lng};
        echo read_more($item->{'text_' . $lng}, 50);
                                                <a href="/<?php 
        echo $lng . '/' . get_pre_url_table($lng, $item->table, $item->id) . $item->{'url_' . $lng};
                                        <div class="date-social-arhiv">
                                            <span class="name"><?php 
        echo $item->autor;
                                            <div class="date-time-arhiv">
                                                <span><i class="mdi mdi-calendar-clock"></i><?php 
Exemple #8
                                    <div class="last-release-block">
                                        <div class="col-md-12">
                                            <div class="row">
    $ls = 1;
    foreach ($sesizari as $key => $item) {
                                                <div class="col-sm-24">
                                                    <div class="release pink-border">
                                                        <span class="rel-title"><?php 
        echo $item['title_ro'];
        echo read_more($item['text_ro'], 35);
                                                        <a href="/<?php 
        echo $lng . '/' . $sesizari_page['url_' . $lng] . '/' . $item['url'];
        echo $vars[70][$lng];
                                                        <span class="rel-date"><i class="mdi mdi-calendar-clock"></i><?php 
        echo show_date($item['date_publish']);
            <li style="background-image:url(<?php 
    echo $asem['photo_biggest'];
                <div class="black"></div>
                <div class="container">
                    <div class="row">
                        <div class="col-md-3"></div>
                        <div class="col-md-18 slide_post_info">
    echo $asem['name_' . $lng];
    echo strip_tags(read_more($asem['text_' . $lng], 100), '<b><strong>');
                            <button class="button" onclick="window.location = '/<?php 
    echo $lng;
    echo $method;
    echo $categorie;
    echo $asem['url_' . $lng];
'">Vezi mai Mult</button>
                    <div class="col-md-12">
                        <div class="posts-block">                                   
                            <div class="post-block-title">
                                <h3 class="art-title"><a href="/<?php 
    echo $lng . '/' . $method . '/' . $item['url'];
    echo $item['title_ro'];
                            <div class="post-body">
    echo read_more($item["text_ro"], 50);
                            <div class="date-social-posts">
                                <div class="date-time-posts"><span><i class="mdi mdi-calendar-clock"></i><?php 
    echo show_date($item['date_publish']);
 public function sesizari($url, $param = null, $filtre = null)
     $data['page'] = $this->mysql->get_row('pages', array('url_' . $this->lng => $url));
     $data['method'] = $url;
     if ($this->uri->segment(3) && !is_numeric($this->uri->segment(3))) {
         $data['harta_page'] = $this->mysql->get_row('pages', array('id_pages' => 4));
         $data['sesizari_page'] = $this->mysql->get_row('pages', array('id_pages' => 17));
         $data['sesizare'] = $this->mysql->get_row('sesizari', array('url' => $param));
         $data['sesizari_count'] = $this->mysql->count_All('sesizari', array('instituti' => $data['sesizare']['instituti'], 'status' => 1));
         $data['sesizari_related'] = $this->mysql->related('sesizari', $data['sesizare']['instituti'], 'instituti', $data['sesizare']['id_sesizari']);
         $data['instituti'] = $this->mysql->get_row('location', array('id_location' => $data['sesizare']['instituti']));
         $data['raioane'] = $this->mysql->get_row('location', array('id_location' => $data['sesizare']['raioane']));
         $data['localitati'] = $this->mysql->get_row('location', array('id_location' => $data['sesizare']['localitati']));
         if ($data['sesizare']['status'] == 0) {
         } else {
             $this->mysql->update('sesizari', array('visits' => $data['sesizare']['visits'] + 1), array('url' => $param));
             $data['sesizari_recente'] = $this->mysql->get_All('sesizari', array('id_sesizari !=' => $data['sesizare']['id_sesizari'], 'status' => 1), 5, 0, 'date', 'desc');
             $data['title_page'] = $data['sesizare']['title_ro'];
             $data['description'] = read_more($data['sesizare']['text_ro'], 50);
             $data['keywords'] = "";
             /*FB Share*/
             $data['fb'] = array('og:type' => 'Article', 'og:title' => $data['sesizare']['title_ro'], 'og:description' => read_more($data['sesizare']['text_ro'], 50), 'og:url' => current_url(), 'og:image' => "" . $data['instituti']['mappos_lat'] . "," . $data['instituti']['mappos_lng'] . "&zoom=16&size=600x300&maptype=roadmap&markers=color:red%7C%7C" . $data['instituti']['mappos_lat'] . "," . $data['instituti']['mappos_lng'] . "&key=AIzaSyBypjopI_9Pvzn_Aj8ptimdoYTUwiOtelE", 'og:site_name' => "Anticoruptie");
             /*Twitter Share*/
             $data['twitter'] = array('twitter:site' => 'Anticoruptie', 'twitter:title' => $data['sesizare']['title_ro'], 'twitter:image:src' => "" . $data['instituti']['mappos_lat'] . "," . $data['instituti']['mappos_lng'] . "&zoom=16&size=600x300&maptype=roadmap&markers=color:red%7C%7C" . $data['instituti']['mappos_lat'] . "," . $data['instituti']['mappos_lng'] . "&key=AIzaSyBypjopI_9Pvzn_Aj8ptimdoYTUwiOtelE");
             //set the lang links
             $this->lang_links = array('ro' => $data['page']['url_ro'] . '/' . $data['sesizare']['url'], 'ru' => $data['page']['url_ru'] . '/' . $data['sesizare']['url'], 'en' => $data['page']['url_en'] . '/' . $data['sesizare']['url']);
             $this->display->frontend('pages/sesizari_inside', $data);
     } else {
         if ($filtre == 'filtre') {
             $data['sesizari'] = $this->mysql->get_All('sesizari', array('status' => 1, 'instituti' => $param), '', '', 'ord', 'desc');
             $data['pagination'] = "";
         } else {
             $settings = $this->mysql->get_row('settings');
             $total_row = count($this->mysql->get_all('sesizari', array('status' => 1)));
             $per_page_site = $settings['per_page_site'];
             if ($this->uri->segment(3)) {
                 $uri_pag = $this->uri->segment(3);
             } else {
                 $uri_pag = 0;
             $data['sesizari'] = $this->mysql->get_All('sesizari', array('status' => 1), $per_page_site, $uri_pag, 'ord', 'desc');
             $data['pagination'] = $this->_pagination($this->lng . '/' . $url, $total_row, $per_page_site, 3);
         $data['sesizari_count_all'] = $this->mysql->count_All('sesizari', array('status' => 1));
         if (!empty($data['sesizari_count_all'])) {
             $incurs = $this->mysql->count_All('sesizari', array('status' => 1, 'starea' => 0));
             $rezolvate = $this->mysql->count_All('sesizari', array('status' => 1, 'starea' => 1));
             $trimis = $this->mysql->count_All('sesizari', array('status' => 1, 'starea' => 2));
             $data['percent_incurs'] = round(100 * $incurs / $data['sesizari_count_all']);
             $data['percent_rezolvate'] = round(100 * $rezolvate / $data['sesizari_count_all']);
             $data['percent_trimis'] = round(100 * $trimis / $data['sesizari_count_all']);
         $data['ultima_sesizare'] = $this->mysql->get_All('sesizari', array('status' => 1), 1, 0, 'date', 'desc');
         $data['sesizari_recente'] = $this->mysql->get_All('sesizari', array('status' => 1), 5, 0, 'date', 'desc');
         $data['title_page'] = $data['page']['title_' . $this->lng];
         $data['description'] = $data['page']['descriptions_' . $this->lng];
         $data['keywords'] = $data['page']['keywords_' . $this->lng];
         //set the lang links
         $this->lang_links = array('ro' => $data['page']['url_ro'], 'ru' => $data['page']['url_ru'], 'en' => $data['page']['url_en']);
         $this->display->frontend('pages/sesizari', $data);
Exemple #12
    echo $method;
    echo $categorie;
    echo $investigatii_last[0]['url'];
    echo $investigatii_last[0]['name_' . $lng];
    echo strip_tags(read_more($investigatii_last[0]['text_' . $lng], 50), '<b><strong><i>');
                        <div class="citeste-mai-mult">
                            <a href="/<?php 
    echo $lng;
    echo $method;
    echo $categorie;
    echo $investigatii_last[0]['url'];
Exemple #13


  <section id="aboutus">
    <aside class="more text-center">
      <span id="awards">
        <a  class="showAwards btn btn-awards"><?php 
echo read_more();
    <div class="openedPress">

      <div id="copertine">
          <div class="openTab">

            <div class="container" style="padding-top: 20px; padding-bottom: 20px">
              <div class="clearfix"></div>
Exemple #14
                <div class="col-md-<?php 
    echo $ultima_stire[0]['photo_big'] != '' ? 10 : 24;
                    <div class="categorii-info">
                        <div class="categorii-info-text">
                            <span class="categorii-info-title"><a href="/<?php 
    echo $lng . '/' . $method . '/' . $ultima_stire[0]['url_' . $lng];
    echo $ultima_stire[0]['name_' . $lng];
    echo strip_tags(read_more($ultima_stire[0]['text_' . $lng], 50), '<b><strong><i>');
                        <div class="citeste-mai-mult">
                            <a href="/<?php 
    echo $lng . '/' . $method . '/' . $ultima_stire[0]['url_' . $lng];
    echo $vars[18][$lng];
                        <div class="date-social-posts">
                            <div class="soc-thumb">
                                <!--<img class="img-responsive" src="/assets/images/articles/thumb1.jpg">-->
                            <li><i class="fa fa-tags"></i><a href="<?php 
    						<li><i class="fa fa-comments"></i><a href="#"><?php 
    comments_popup_link('No comments yet', '1 comment', '% comments', 'comments-link', 'Comments are off for this post');
                        <p class="post-content"><?php 
                        <a href="<?php 
" class="btn btn-primary readmore">Read more</a>
                <!-- End Blog Post -->                
                <!-- Start Pagination -->
								<div class="info">[By <?php 
 on <?php 
    the_time('F d,Y');
 with <?php 
			<div class="col-1-3">
Exemple #17

foreach ($posts as $post) {
	<div class="post">
		<h2 class="post-title"><a href="<?php 
    echo site_url('posts/view/' . $post->id);
    echo $post->title;
		<div class="post-content">
    echo read_more(markdown($post->body));
    echo '<p class="read-more">' . anchor('posts/view/' . $post->id, 'read more >>') . '</p>';
		</div> <!--END OF post-content-->
		<p class="post-meta">Published on <?php 
    echo format_date($post->created_at);
 by <?php 
    echo $post->username;
	</div> <!--END OF post-->

Exemple #18
    echo $news_pag['url'];
    echo $new['url'];
    echo $new['name_' . $lng];
    echo $new['data'];
    echo read_more($new['text_' . $lng], 20);
    if (in_array($i, array(4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36, 40, 44, 48, 52, 56, 60))) {
        echo "\n                            </div>\n                        </li>\n                    <li data-orbit-slide='headline-{$i4}'>\n                        <div>";
                        <div class="categorii-info-text">
                            <span class="categorii-info-title"><a href="/<?php 
    echo $lng;
    echo $method;
    echo $interview_last[0]['url_' . $lng];
    echo $interview_last[0]['name_' . $lng];
    echo strip_tags(read_more($interview_last[0]['text_' . $lng], 50), '<b><strong><i>');
                        <div class="citeste-mai-mult">
                            <a href="/<?php 
    echo $lng;
    echo $method;
    echo $interview_last[0]['url_' . $lng];
    echo $vars[18][$lng];