static function load() { global $Opt; if (!self::$loaded) { self::$loaded = true; foreach (expand_includes("src/sa/*.php") as $f) { include $f; } if (isset($Opt["searchaction_include"]) && $Opt["searchaction_include"]) { read_included_options($Opt["searchaction_include"]); } } }
static function load_confid($confid) { global $Opt; $save_opt = $Opt; $Opt = self::$original_opt; self::assign_confid($Opt, $confid); if (get($Opt, "include")) { read_included_options($Opt["include"]); } $newconf = get($Opt, "missing") ? null : new Conf($Opt, true); $Opt = $save_opt; return $newconf; }
} if (!@$Opt["loaded"]) { if (defined("HOTCRP_OPTIONS")) { if (@(include HOTCRP_OPTIONS) !== false) { $Opt["loaded"] = true; } } else { if (@(include "{$ConfSitePATH}/conf/options.php") !== false || @(include "{$ConfSitePATH}/conf/") !== false || @(include "{$ConfSitePATH}/Code/") !== false) { $Opt["loaded"] = true; } } if (@$Opt["multiconference"]) { Multiconference::init(); } if (@$Opt["include"]) { read_included_options($ConfSitePATH, $Opt["include"]); } } if (!@$Opt["loaded"] || @$Opt["missing"]) { Multiconference::fail_bad_options(); } // Allow lots of memory function set_memory_limit() { global $Opt; if (!@$Opt["memoryLimit"]) { $suf = array("" => 1, "k" => 1 << 10, "m" => 1 << 20, "g" => 1 << 30); if (preg_match(',\\A(\\d+)\\s*([kmg]?)\\z,', strtolower(ini_get("memory_limit")), $m) && $m[1] * $suf[$m[2]] < 128 << 20) { $Opt["memoryLimit"] = "128M"; } }
} if (!get($Opt, "loaded")) { if (defined("HOTCRP_OPTIONS")) { if (@(include HOTCRP_OPTIONS) !== false) { $Opt["loaded"] = true; } } else { if (@(include "{$ConfSitePATH}/conf/options.php") !== false || @(include "{$ConfSitePATH}/conf/") !== false || @(include "{$ConfSitePATH}/Code/") !== false) { $Opt["loaded"] = true; } } if (get($Opt, "multiconference")) { Multiconference::init(); } if (get($Opt, "include")) { read_included_options($Opt["include"]); } } if (!get($Opt, "loaded") || get($Opt, "missing")) { Multiconference::fail_bad_options(); } if (get($Opt, "dbLogQueries")) { Dbl::log_queries($Opt["dbLogQueries"]); } // Allow lots of memory function set_memory_limit() { global $Opt; if (!get($Opt, "memoryLimit")) { $suf = array("" => 1, "k" => 1 << 10, "m" => 1 << 20, "g" => 1 << 30); if (preg_match(',\\A(\\d+)\\s*([kmg]?)\\z,', strtolower(ini_get("memory_limit")), $m) && $m[1] * $suf[$m[2]] < 128 << 20) {
$contact_info_map = $row->replace_contact_info_map(null); $contacts = array(); while ($contact = edb_orow($result)) { $row->assign_contact_info($contact, $contact->contactId); self::send_to(Contact::make($contact), $template, $row, $rest); $contacts[] = Text::user_html($contact); } $row->replace_contact_info_map($contact_info_map); if ($Me->allow_administer($row) && !$row->has_author($Me) && count($contacts)) { $endmsg = isset($rest["infoMsg"]) ? ", " . $rest["infoMsg"] : "."; $Conf->infoMsg("Sent email to paper #{$row->paperId}’s " . pluralx($contacts, "reviewer") . ", " . commajoin($contacts) . $endmsg); } } static function send_manager($template, $row, $rest = array()) { if ($row && $row->managerContactId && ($c = Contact::find_by_id($row->managerContactId))) { self::send_to($c, $template, $row, $rest); } else { self::send_to(Contact::site_contact(), $template, $row, $rest); } } } // load mail templates, including local ones if any global $ConfSitePATH, $Opt; require_once "{$ConfSitePATH}/src/mailtemplate.php"; if (@(include "{$ConfSitePATH}/conf/mailtemplate-local.php") !== false) { /* do nothing */ } if (@$Opt["mailtemplate_include"]) { read_included_options($ConfSitePATH, $Opt["mailtemplate_include"]); }
if ($p = self::prepare_to($contact, $template, $row, $rest)) { $preps[] = $p; $contacts[] = Text::user_html($contact); } } self::send_combined_preparations($preps); $row->replace_contact_info_map($contact_info_map); if ($Me->allow_administer($row) && !$row->has_author($Me) && count($contacts)) { $endmsg = isset($rest["infoMsg"]) ? ", " . $rest["infoMsg"] : "."; $Conf->infoMsg("Sent email to paper #{$row->paperId}’s " . pluralx($contacts, "reviewer") . ", " . commajoin($contacts) . $endmsg); } } static function send_manager($template, $row, $rest = array()) { $rest["combination_type"] = 2; if ($row && $row->managerContactId && ($c = Contact::find_by_id($row->managerContactId))) { self::send_to($c, $template, $row, $rest); } else { self::send_to(Contact::site_contact(), $template, $row, $rest); } } } // load mail templates, including local ones if any global $ConfSitePATH, $Opt; require_once "{$ConfSitePATH}/src/mailtemplate.php"; if (@(include "{$ConfSitePATH}/conf/mailtemplate-local.php") !== false || @(include "{$ConfSitePATH}/conf/") !== false || @(include "{$ConfSitePATH}/Code/") !== false) { /* do nothing */ } if (isset($Opt["mailtemplate_include"]) && $Opt["mailtemplate_include"]) { read_included_options($Opt["mailtemplate_include"]); }