public function __construct($modulename)
     global $config;
     parent::__construct("AdminForm_{$modulename}", "admin_saveSettings");
     if ($m = readConf($modulename . "_name")) {
         $this->addField($modulename . "_inmenu", "", "CHECKBOX", t("", $m))->setValue(readConf($modulename . "_inmenu", "0"));
         $this->addField($modulename . "_startbutton", "", "CHECKBOX", t('', $m))->setValue(readConf($modulename . "_startbutton", "0"));
         $this->addField($modulename . "_sortcode", "", "INPUT_REQUIRED", t(''))->setValue(readConf($modulename . "_sortcode", "0"));
  * get master data
  * @see CTModuleInterface::getMasterData()
  * @return array
 public function getMasterData()
     global $user, $base_url, $files_dir, $config;
     $res = churchdb_getMasterDataTables();
     $res["feldtyp"] = churchcore_getTableData("cdb_feldtyp");
     $res["fields"] = getAllFields();
     $res["groups"] = getAllGroups();
     $res["tags"] = getAllTags();
     $res["FUNachfolgeDomains"] = array("0" => array("id" => "0", "bezeichnung" => "Kein"), "1" => array("id" => "1", "bezeichnung" => $res["fields"]["f_group"]["fields"]["gruppentyp_id"]["text"]), "2" => array("id" => "2", "bezeichnung" => $res["fields"]["f_group"]["fields"]["distrikt_id"]["text"]), "3" => array("id" => "3", "bezeichnung" => t("group")));
     $res["groupMemberTypes"] = getGroupMemberTypes();
     $res["groupFilterTypes"] = churchdb_getGroupFilterTypes();
     // master data information for maintain masterdata and statistics
     if (user_access("edit masterdata", "churchdb") || user_access("view statistics", "churchdb")) {
         $res["masterDataTables"] = churchdb_getMasterDataTablenames();
     $res["user_pid"] = $user->id;
     $res["userid"] = $user->vorname . " " . $user->cmsuserid . " [" . $user->id . "]";
     $res["auth"] = churchdb_getAuthForAjax();
     $res["site_name"] = readConf('site_name', 'ChurchTools');
     $res["modulespath"] = churchdb_getModulesPath();
     $res["files_url"] = $base_url . $files_dir;
     $res["modulename"] = "churchdb";
     $res["max_uploadfile_size_kb"] = readConf('max_uploadfile_size_kb');
     $res["adminemail"] = readConf('site_mail', '');
     $res["max_exporter"] = readConf('churchdb_maxexporter', '150');
     $res["groupnotchoosable"] = readConf('churchdb_groupnotchoosable', 30);
     $res["home_lat"] = readConf('churchdb_home_lat', '53.568537');
     $res["home_lng"] = readConf('churchdb_home_lng', '10.03656');
     $res["settings"] = churchdb_getUserSettings($user->id);
     $res["last_log_id"] = churchdb_getLastLogId();
     $res["mailchimp"] = readConf('churchdb_mailchimp_apikey') != "";
     if (user_access("administer persons", "churchcore")) {
         $res["auth_table"] = churchdb_getAuthTable();
     if (isset($res["auth"]["edit newsletter"])) {
         $nl = churchdb_getTableData("cdb_newsletter");
         $newsletter = array();
         foreach ($res["auth"]["edit newsletter"] as $n) {
             $newsletter = $nl[$n];
         $res["newsletter"] = $newsletter;
     return $res;
 * upload file
function churchcore__uploadfile()
    global $files_dir, $config;
    // list of valid extensions, ex. array("jpeg", "xml", "bmp")
    $allowedExtensions = array();
    // max file size in bytes
    $sizeLimit = ($s = readConf("max_uploadfile_size_kb")) ? $s * 1024 : 10 * 1024 * 1024;
    $uploader = new qqFileUploader($allowedExtensions, $sizeLimit);
    $file_dir = $files_dir . "/files/" . $_GET["domain_type"] . "/";
    if (isset($_GET["domain_id"])) {
        $file_dir .= $_GET["domain_id"];
    if (!file_exists($file_dir)) {
        mkdir($file_dir, 0777, true);
    $result = $uploader->handleUpload($file_dir . "/");
    // to pass data through iframe you will need to encode all html tags
    echo htmlspecialchars(json_encode($result), ENT_NOQUOTES);
function home_main()
    global $config, $files_dir, $mapping;
    if ($m = readConf("admin_message")) {
    $btns = churchcore_getModulesSorted();
    if (isset($_SESSION["family"])) {
    $txt = '
  <div class="hero-unit hidden-phone">
    <h1>' . $config["welcome"] . '</h1>
    <p class="hidden-phone">' . $config["welcome_subtext"] . '</p>
    foreach ($btns as $key) {
        if (isset($config[$key . "_startbutton"]) && $config[$key . "_startbutton"] == "1" && user_access("view", $key)) {
            $txt .= '<a class="btn btn-large" href="?q=' . $key . '">' . $config[$key . "_name"] . '</a>&nbsp;';
    $txt .= '</p>';
    $txt .= '</div>';
    $txt .= '<div class="well visible-phone">
    <h1>' . t("welcome") . '!</h1>
    <p>' . $_SESSION["user"]->vorname . ', ' . t("chose.your.possibilities") . ':</p>
    <ul class="nav nav-pills nav-stacked">';
    foreach ($btns as $key) {
        if (isset($config[$key . "_name"]) && $config[$key . "_name"] != "" && user_access("view", $key)) {
            include_once SYSTEM . '/' . $mapping[$key];
            $txt .= '<li><a class="btn btn-large" href="?q=' . $key . '">' . $config[$key . "_name"] . '</a> ';
    $txt .= '</ul>';
    $txt .= '</div>';
    // blocks[]: label, col(1,2,3) sortkey, html
    $blocks = null;
    foreach ($btns as $key) {
        if (!empty($config[$key . "_name"])) {
            include_once SYSTEM . '/' . $mapping[$key];
            if (function_exists($key . "_blocks")) {
                $b = call_user_func($key . "_blocks");
                foreach ($b as $block) {
                    $blocks[$block["col"]][] = $block;
    $txt .= '<div class="row-fluid">';
    for ($i = 1; $i <= 3; $i++) {
        $txt .= '<ul class="span4">';
        if (isset($blocks[$i])) {
            churchcore_sort($blocks[$i], "sortkey");
            foreach ($blocks[$i] as $block) {
                if ($block["html"] != null && $block["html"] != "") {
                    $txt .= '<li class="ct_whitebox';
                    if (isset($block["class"])) {
                        $txt .= ' ' . $block["class"];
                    $txt .= '">';
                    $txt .= '<label class="ct_whitebox_label">' . $block["label"] . "</label>";
                    if (isset($block["help"])) {
                        $txt .= '<div style="float:right;margin:-34px -12px">';
                        $txt .= '<a href="' . $block["help"] . '" title="' . t("") . '" target="_clean"><i class="icon-question-sign"></i></a>';
                        $txt .= '</div>';
                    $txt .= $block["html"];
        $txt .= '</ul>';
    $txt .= '</div>';
    drupal_add_js(MAIN . '/home.js');
    return $txt;
     if ($q == "login") {
         echo ' class="active"';
     echo '><a href="?q=login"><i class="icon-user icon-white"></i> ' . t("login") . '</a></li>';
           <div class="nav-collapse">
             <ul class="nav">
 $arr = churchcore_getModulesSorted();
 foreach ($arr as $key) {
     if (readConf($key . "_name") && readConf($key . "_inmenu") == "1" && (user_access("view", $key) || in_array($key, $mapping["page_with_noauth"]))) {
         echo "<li ";
         if ($q == $key) {
             echo 'class="active"';
         echo '><a href="?q=' . $key . '">';
         echo $config[$key . "_name"];
         echo "</a></li>" . NL;
               <!--form class="navbar-search pull-right">
                 <input type="text" class="search-query" placeholder="Search">
function admin_main()
    global $config;
    drupal_add_css(ASSETS . '/fileuploader/fileuploader.css');
    drupal_add_js(ASSETS . '/fileuploader/fileuploader.js');
    $model = new CTForm("AdminForm", "admin_saveSettings");
    $model->addField("site_name", "", "INPUT_REQUIRED", t(""))->setValue($config["site_name"]);
    $model->addField("site_logo", "", "FILEUPLOAD", t(""))->setValue(readConf("site_logo"));
    $model->addField("welcome", "", "INPUT_REQUIRED", t("welcome.message"));
    $model->addField("welcome_subtext", "", "INPUT_REQUIRED", "Untertitel der Willkommensnachricht");
    $model->addField("login_message", "", "INPUT_REQUIRED", "Willkommensnachricht vor dem Login");
    $model->addField("invite_email_text", "", "TEXTAREA", "Text der Einladungs-EMail");
    $model->addField("admin_message", "", "INPUT_OPTIONAL", "Admin-Nachricht auf Login- und Startseite z.B. f&uuml;r geplante Downtimes");
    $model->fields["admin_message"]->setValue(variable_get("admin_message", ""));
    if (!isset($config["site_startpage"])) {
        $config["site_startpage"] = "home";
    $model->addField("site_startpage", "", "INPUT_REQUIRED", "Startseite beim Aufrufen von " . variable_get("site_name") . " (Standard ist <i>home</i>, m&ouml;glich ist z.B. churchwiki, churchcal)");
    $model->addField("site_mail", "", "EMAIL", "E-Mail-Adresse der Website (E-Mails werden von hier aus gesendet)");
    if (!isset($config["admin_mail"])) {
        $config["admin_mail"] = $config["site_mail"];
    $model->addField("admin_mail", "", "EMAIL", "E-Mail-Adressen der Admins f&uuml;r Anfragen von Benutzern (Kommasepariert)");
    // Now iterate through each module for naming the module
    $modules = churchcore_getModulesSorted(false, true);
    foreach ($modules as $module) {
        $model->addField($module . "_name", "", "INPUT_OPTIONAL", "Name f&uuml;r <i>{$module}</i> (Bitte Feld leerlassen, wenn das Modul nicht ben&ouml;tigt wird)");
        $model->fields[$module . "_name"]->setValue(variable_get($module . "_name", ""));
    $model->addField("max_uploadfile_size_kb", "", "INPUT_REQUIRED", "Maximale Upload-Dateigr&ouml;sse in Kilobytes (z.B. 10MB entsprechen hier ca. 10000)");
    $model->addField("cronjob_delay", "", "INPUT_REQUIRED", "Zeit in Sekunden zwischen automatischen Cronjob (0=kein automatischer Cron, sinnvolle Werte z.B. 3600)");
    $model->addField("timezone", "", "INPUT_REQUIRED", "Standard-Zeitzone. Z.b. Europe/Berlin");
    $model->addField("show_remember_me", "", "CHECKBOX", "Anzeige von <i>Zuk&uuml;nftig an mich erinnern</i> auf der Login-Seite");
    $model->addField("mail_enabled", "", "CHECKBOX", "Senden von E-Mails erlauben");
    $model->addField("site_offline", "", "CHECKBOX", "Seite offline schalten");
    $model->addButton("Speichern", "ok");
    $txtCommonForm = $model->render();
    // Now iterate through each module getting the admin forms
    $m = array();
    foreach ($modules as $module) {
        include_once constant(strtoupper($module)) . "/{$module}.php";
        if (function_exists($module . "_getAdminForm")) {
            $model = call_user_func($module . "_getAdminForm");
            if ($model != null) {
                $m[$module] = $model->render();
    $txt = '<h1>' . t("settings.for", variable_get("site_name")) . '</h1><p>Der Administrator kann hier Einstellung vornehmen. Diese gelten f&uuml;r alle Benutzer, bitte vorsichtig anpassen!</p>';
    $txt .= '<div class="tabbable">';
    $txt .= '<ul class="nav nav-tabs">';
    $txt .= '<li class="active"><a href="#tab1" data-toggle="tab">' . t("general") . '</a></li>';
    foreach ($modules as $module) {
        if (isset($m[$module]) && isset($config[$module . "_name"]) && $config[$module . "_name"] != "") {
            $txt .= '<li><a href="#tab' . $module . '" data-toggle="tab">' . $config[$module . "_name"] . '</a></li>';
    $txt .= '</ul>';
    $txt .= '<div class="tab-content">';
    $txt .= '<div class="tab-pane active" id="tab1">';
    $txt .= $txtCommonForm;
    $txt .= '</div>';
    foreach ($modules as $module) {
        if (isset($m[$module])) {
            $txt .= '<div class="tab-pane" id="tab' . $module . '">';
            $txt .= $m[$module];
            $txt .= '</div>';
    $txt .= '</div></div>';
    return $txt;
 * send person an invitation with singleuse loginstring per email 
 * @param int $id          
function churchdb_invitePersonToSystem($id)
    global $base_url;
    $loginstr = churchcore_createOnTimeLoginKey($id);
    $content = "<h3>Hallo [Vorname],</h3><P>";
    $content .= htmlize(readConf('invite_email_text', "", readConf('site_name', 'ChurchTools')));
    $content .= '<p><a href="' . $base_url . "?q=profile&loginstr={$loginstr}&id={$id}" . '" class="btn btn-royal">Auf %sitename anmelden</a>';
    $res = churchcore_sendEMailToPersonIds($id, "Einladung zu " . readConf('site_name', 'ChurchTools'), $content, readConf('site_mail'), true);
    cdb_log("Person {$id} wurde zu " . readConf('site_name', 'ChurchTools') . " eingeladen:" . $content, 2, $id);
 * echo ical for services to do from user id (read from request)
function churchservice_ical()
    global $base_url, $config;
    if (!($id = readVar("id"))) {
        echo t("");
    drupal_add_http_header('Content-Type', 'text/calendar;charset=utf-8', false);
    drupal_add_http_header('Content-Disposition', 'inline;filename="ChurchTools.ics"', false);
    drupal_add_http_header('Cache-Control', 'must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0', false);
    drupal_add_http_header('Cache-Control', 'private', false);
    $content = drupal_get_header();
    include_once './' . CHURCHSERVICE . '/churchservice_db.php';
    $arr = churchservice_getUserCurrentServices($id);
    // TODO: use txt Template
    $txt = "";
    foreach ($arr as $res) {
        $txt .= "BEGIN:VEVENT\r\n";
        $txt .= "ORGANIZER:MAILTO:" . readConf('site_mail', '') . "\r\n";
        if ($res->zugesagt_yn == 1) {
            $txt .= "SUMMARY:" . $res->dienst . " (" . $res->servicegroup . ")\r\n";
        } else {
            $txt .= "SUMMARY:Anfrage: " . $res->dienst . " (" . $res->servicegroup . ")?\r\n";
        $txt .= "X-MICROSOFT-CDO-BUSYSTATUS:BUSY\r\n";
        $txt .= "URL:" . $base_url . "/?q=churchservice/entrylist\r\n";
        if ($res->ort != "") {
            $txt .= "LOCATION:" . $res->ort . "\r\n";
        $txt .= "DESCRIPTION:" . $res->dienst . " (" . $res->servicegroup . ") bei " . $res->event . ".";
        if ($res->zugesagt_yn == 1) {
            $txt .= "\r\n";
        } else {
            $txt .= " " . t("request.from") . " {$res->vorname} {$res->name} [{$res->modified_pid}]\r\n";
        $txt .= "DTSTAMP:" . $res->modified_date . "\r\n";
        $txt .= "UID:" . $res->eventservice_id . "\r\n";
        $txt .= "DTSTART;TZID=" . $config["timezone"] . ":" . $res->datum_start . "\r\n";
        $txt .= "DTEND;TZID=" . $config["timezone"] . ":" . $res->datum_end . "\r\n";
        $txt .= "END:VEVENT\r\n";
    echo surroundWithVCALENDER($txt);
  * process uploaded files (test, save to DB + upload dir)
  * @param string $uploadDirectory         
  * @param bool $replaceOldFile       
  * @return array ('success'=>true) or ('error'=>'error message')
 function handleUpload($uploadDirectory, $replaceOldFile = false)
     global $user;
     if (!is_writable($uploadDirectory)) {
         return array('error' => t("uploaddircetdory.not.writable"));
     if (!$this->file) {
         return array('error' => t('no.uploaded.files'));
     $size = $this->file->getSize();
     if ($size == 0) {
         return array('error' => t(''));
     if ($size > $this->sizeLimit) {
         return array('error' => t(''));
     $pathinfo = pathinfo($this->file->getName());
     $bezeichnung = $pathinfo['filename'];
     // $filename = "aaaaa";
     $filename = md5(uniqid());
     $ext = $pathinfo['extension'];
     if ($this->allowedExtensions && !in_array(strtolower($ext), $this->allowedExtensions)) {
         return array('error' => t('', implode(', ', $this->allowedExtensions)));
     if ($domainType = readConf("domain_type") && ($domainId = readConf("domain_id"))) {
         $dt = new DateTime();
         $id = db_insert('cc_file')->fields(array("domain_type" => $domainType, "domain_id" => $domainId, "filename" => $filename . '.' . $ext, "bezeichnung" => $bezeichnung . '.' . $ext, "modified_date" => $dt->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'), "modified_pid" => $user->id))->execute();
     } else {
         $id = null;
     $filename_absolute = "{$uploadDirectory}{$filename}.{$ext}";
     if ($this->file->save($filename_absolute)) {
         // If image should be resized
         if ($resize = readVar("resize") && $this->check_jpeg($filename_absolute)) {
             list($width, $height) = getimagesize($filename_absolute);
             if ($width > $height) {
                 $new_width = $resize;
                 $new_height = $height * $new_width / $width;
             } else {
                 $new_height = $resize;
                 $new_width = $width * $new_height / $height;
             $image_p = imagecreatetruecolor($new_width, $new_height);
             $image = imagecreatefromjpeg($filename_absolute);
             imagecopyresampled($image_p, $image, 0, 0, 0, 0, $new_width, $new_height, $width, $height);
             // Output
             imagejpeg($image_p, $filename_absolute, 100);
         return array('success' => true, "id" => $id, "filename" => "{$filename}.{$ext}", "bezeichnung" => "{$bezeichnung}.{$ext}");
     } else {
         return array('error' => t(''));
 * Main entry point for churchtools.
 * This will be called from /index.php
 * Function loads i18n, configuration, check data security.
 * If everything is ok, it calls churchtools_processRequest()
function churchtools_app()
    global $q, $q_orig, $currentModule, $add_header, $config, $mapping, $content, $base_url, $files_dir, $user, $embedded, $i18n;
    include_once CHURCHCORE . "/churchcore_db.php";
    $files_dir = DEFAULT_SITE;
    // which module is requested?
    $q = $q_orig = readVar("q", userLoggedIn() ? "home" : readConf("site_startpage", "home"));
    // $currentModule is needed for class autoloading and maybe other include paths
    list($currentModule) = explode('/', readVar("q"));
    // get first part of $q or churchcore
    $embedded = readVar("embedded", false);
    $base_url = getBaseUrl();
    $config = loadConfig();
    if ($config) {
        if (db_connect()) {
            // DBConfig overwrites the config files
            date_default_timezone_set(variable_get("timezone", "Europe/Berlin"));
            if (isset($_COOKIE["language"])) {
                $config["language"] = $_COOKIE["language"];
            // Load i18n churchcore-bundle
            if (!isset($config["language"])) {
                if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'])) {
                    $config["language"] = substr($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'], 0, 2);
                } else {
                    $config["language"] = "de";
            $i18n = new TextBundle(CHURCHCORE . "/resources/messages");
            $i18n->load("churchcore", $config["language"] != null ? $config["language"] : null);
            // Session Init
            if (!file_exists($files_dir . "/tmp")) {
                @mkdir($files_dir . "/tmp", 0775, true);
            if (!file_exists($files_dir . "/tmp")) {
                // Admin should act accordingly, default suggestion is 0755.
                addErrorMessage(t("permission.denied.write.dir", $files_dir));
            } else {
                session_save_path($files_dir . "/tmp");
            session_name("ChurchTools_" . $config["db_name"]);
            // Check for offline mode. If it's activated display message and return false;
            if (readConf("site_offline") == 1) {
                if (!isset($_SESSION["user"]) || !in_array($_SESSION["user"]->id, readconf("admin_ids"))) {
                    echo t("");
                    return false;
            $embedded = readVar("embedded", false);
            $mapping = loadMapping();
            $success = true;
            // Check for DB-Updates and loginstr only if this is not an ajax call.
            if (strrpos($q, "ajax") === false) {
                $success = checkForDBUpdates();
            if ($success) {
                // Is there a loginstr which does not fit to the current logged in user?
                if (readVar("loginstr") && readVar("id") && userLoggedIn() && $_SESSION["user"]->id != readVar("id")) {
                } else {
            if ($success) {
                if (isset($_SESSION['user'])) {
                    $user = $_SESSION['user'];
                // Accept data security?
                if (userLoggedIn() && !isset($_SESSION["simulate"]) && $q != "logout" && isset($config["accept_datasecurity"]) && $config["accept_datasecurity"] == 1 && !isset($user->acceptedsecurity)) {
                    $content .= pleaseAcceptDatasecurity();
                } else {
                    $content .= churchtools_processRequest($q);
    include INCLUDES . "/header.php";
    echo $content;
    include INCLUDES . "/body.php";
function churchservice_inform_leader()
    global $base_url;
    include_once "churchservice_db.php";
    // Hole erst mal die Gruppen_Ids, damit ich gleich nicht alle Personen holen mu�
    $res = db_query("SELECT cdb_gruppen_ids FROM {cs_service} where cdb_gruppen_ids!='' and cdb_gruppen_ids is not null");
    $arr = array();
    foreach ($res as $g) {
        $arr[] = $g->cdb_gruppen_ids;
    if (count($arr) == 0) {
        return false;
    // Hole nun die Person/Gruppen wo die Person Leiter oder Co-Leiter ist
    $res = db_query("SELECT person_id, gpg.gruppe_id,, p.vorname, p.cmsuserid FROM {cdb_person} p, {cdb_gemeindeperson_gruppe} gpg, {cdb_gemeindeperson} gp\n      where and and status_no>=1 and status_no<=2\n      and gpg.gruppe_id in (" . implode(",", $arr) . ")");
    // Aggregiere nach Person_Id P1[G1,G2,G3],P2[G3]
    $persons = array();
    foreach ($res as $p) {
        $data = churchcore_getUserSettings("churchservice", $p->person_id);
        // Darf er �berhaupt noch, und wenn ja dann schaue ob der Leiter es will.
        // (Wenn noch nicht best�tigt, dann wird davon ausgegangen
        $auth = getUserAuthorization($p->person_id);
        if (isset($auth["churchservice"]["view"]) && (!isset($data["informLeader"]) || $data["informLeader"] == 1)) {
            if (!isset($data["informLeader"])) {
                $data["informLeader"] = 1;
                churchcore_saveUserSetting("churchservice", $p->person_id, "informLeader", "1");
            if (isset($persons[$p->person_id])) {
                $arr = $persons[$p->person_id]["group"];
            } else {
                $persons[$p->person_id] = array();
                $arr = array();
                $persons[$p->person_id]["service"] = array();
                $persons[$p->person_id]["person"] = $p;
            $arr[] = $p->gruppe_id;
            $persons[$p->person_id]["group"] = $arr;
    // Gehe nun die Personen durch und schaue wer seit einer Zeit keine Mail mehr bekommen hatte.
    foreach ($persons as $person_id => $p) {
        if (!churchcore_checkUserMail($person_id, "informLeaderService", -1, 6 * 24)) {
            $persons[$person_id] = null;
    // Suche nun dazu die passenden Services
    $res = db_query("SELECT cdb_gruppen_ids, bezeichnung, id service_id FROM {cs_service} where cdb_gruppen_ids is not null");
    foreach ($res as $d) {
        $gruppen_ids = explode(",", $d->cdb_gruppen_ids);
        foreach ($persons as $key => $person) {
            if ($person != null) {
                foreach ($person["group"] as $person_group) {
                    if (in_array($person_group, $gruppen_ids)) {
                        $persons[$key]["service"][] = $d->service_id;
    // Gehe nun die Personen durch und suche nach Events
    foreach ($persons as $person_id => $person) {
        if ($person != null) {
            $res = db_query("SELECT, c.bezeichnung event, DATE_FORMAT(e.startdate, '%d.%m.%Y %H:%i') datum,, s.bezeichnung service \n         FROM {cs_event} e, {cs_eventservice} es, {cs_service} s, {cc_cal} c \n         where e.valid_yn=1 and and es.service_id in (" . implode(",", $person["service"]) . ")\n          and and and es.valid_yn=1 and zugesagt_yn=0\n          and e.startdate>current_date and datediff(e.startdate,CURRENT_DATE)<=60 order by e.startdate");
            $txt = '';
            foreach ($res as $es) {
                $txt .= "<li>" . $es->datum . " " . $es->event . " - Dienst " . $es->service . ": ";
                $txt .= '<font style="color:red">';
                if ($es->name == null) {
                    $txt .= "?";
                } else {
                    $txt .= $es->name . "?";
                $txt .= '</font>';
            if ($txt != '') {
                $txt = "<h3>Hallo " . $person["person"]->vorname . "!</h3><p>Es sind in den nächsten 60 Tagen noch folgende Dienste offen:<ul>" . $txt . "</ul>";
                $txt .= '<p><a href="' . $base_url . '/?q=churchservice" class="btn">' . t("more.information") . '</a>&nbsp';
                $txt .= '<p><a href="' . $base_url . '/?q=churchservice#SettingsView" class="btn">Benachrichtigung deaktivieren</a>';
                churchservice_send_mail("[" . readConf('site_name', 'ChurchTools') . "] Offene Dienste", $txt, $person["person"]->email);
Exemple #12
require "s3.php";
$confFile = "/data/up2S3/Resources/Publish/updateConfigFiles.txt";
$ResFile = "/data/up2S3/Resources/Publish/updateReouceFiles.txt";
$s3Conf = "Resources/Configuration/";
$s3Res = "Resources/";
$localConf = "/data/up2S3/Resources/Configuration/";
$localRes = "/data/up2S3/Resources/";
readConf($confFile, $localConf, $s3Conf);
readConf($ResFile, $localRes, $s3Res);
upVersionFile($s3Res, $confFile);
upVersionFile($s3Res, $ResFile);
echo "version file update successed!" . PHP_EOL;
function upVersionFile($s3path, $file)
    putFile2AmazonS3($s3path . "Publish" . strrchr($file, "/"), $file);
function readConf($file, $path, $s3Conf)
    $fh = fopen($file, "r") or die("Unable to open file!");
    $line = fgets($fh);
    while (!feof($fh)) {
        $line = fgets($fh);
        $arr = explode("\t", $line, 2);
        if (isset($arr[0]) && isset($arr[1])) {
            $newFile = $arr[0] . "_" . $arr[1];
            $newFile = trim($newFile);
            $localF = $path . $newFile;
            $S3F = $s3Conf . $newFile;