function save_cache() { $this->CONTENT = ob_get_contents(); //Записываем буфер в переменную rcms_delete_files($this->dir_cache . "/" . $this->hash_code); file_write_contents($this->dir_cache . "/" . $this->hash_code, $this->CONTENT); }
function rcms_delete_files($file, $recursive = false, $wildcard = false) { if ($recursive) { if ($wildcard) { $els = rcms_scandir(dirname($file), basename($file)); } else { $els = rcms_scandir($file); } foreach ($els as $el) { rcms_delete_files($file . '/' . $el, true); } } if (!$wildcard) { if (is_dir($file)) { return rmdir($file); } else { return unlink($file); } } else { $els = rcms_scandir(dirname($file), basename($file)); foreach ($els as $el) { if (is_dir(dirname($file) . '/' . $el)) { rmdir(dirname($file) . '/' . $el); } else { unlink(dirname($file) . '/' . $el); } } } }
function fupload_delete($file, $dir = FILES_PATH) { if (is_file($dir . $file)) { rcms_delete_files($dir . $file); return true; } else { return false; } }
/** * Deletes SMS from local queue * * @param string $filename Existing sms filename * * @return int 0 - ok, 1 - deletion unsuccessful, 2 - file not found */ public function deleteSms($filename) { if (file_exists(self::QUEUE_PATH . $filename)) { rcms_delete_files(self::QUEUE_PATH . $filename); $result = 0; if (file_exists(self::QUEUE_PATH . $filename)) { $result = 1; } } else { $result = 2; } return $result; }
function ucm_delete($id) { $filename = basename($id) . '.ucm'; if (!is_file(DF_PATH . $filename)) { return false; } if (rcms_delete_files(DF_PATH . $filename)) { $config = file_get_contents(CONFIG_PATH . 'menus.ini'); $config = preg_replace('/[0-9]* = "ucm:' . $id . '"\\s/i', '', $config); file_write_contents(CONFIG_PATH . 'menus.ini', $config); return true; } else { return false; } }
function ucm_delete($id, $dir = MENU_MODULES_PATH) { $id = basename($id); $workdir = $dir . 'ucm.' . $id; if (is_dir($workdir)) { if (rcms_delete_files($workdir, true)) { $config = file_get_contents(CONFIG_PATH . 'menus.ini'); $config = preg_replace('/[0-9]* = "ucm.' . $id . '"\\s/i', '', $config); if (!file_write_contents(CONFIG_PATH . 'menus.ini', $config)) { return 6; } return 0; } else { return 4; } } else { return 4; } }
function upload_avatar() { global $avatars_path; global $system; global $avatar_h; global $avatar_w; if (isset($_POST['upload_avatar']) and $_POST['upload_avatar'] == "true" and is_images($_FILES['avatar']['name'])) { $avarez = getimagesize($_FILES['avatar']['tmp_name']); $img = $avarez[2]; switch ($img) { case "1": $img = 'gif'; break; case "2": $img = 'jpg'; break; case "3": $img = 'png'; break; default: $img = 'Too big - deleted!'; break; } //show_window(__('Uploaded images'),'width = '.$avarez[0].' px, '.'height = '.$avarez[1].' px, '.' image: '.$img,'center'); if ($avarez[0] <= "{$avatar_w}" and $avarez[1] <= "{$avatar_h}") { $uploadfile = $avatars_path . $system->user['username']; $exttmp = strtolower(substr(strrev($_FILES['avatar']['name']), 0, 4)); $ext = $exttmp; $ext[0] = $exttmp[2]; $ext[2] = $exttmp[0]; $ext = substr($ext, 0, 3); $tmpupl = $uploadfile; $uploadfile = $uploadfile . '.' . $ext; if ($ext == 'gif' and $img != 'Too big - deleted!') { if (file_exists($tmpupl . '.jpg')) { rcms_delete_files($tmpupl . '.jpg'); } if (file_exists($tmpupl . '.png')) { rcms_delete_files($tmpupl . '.png'); } } if ($ext == 'jpg' and $img != 'Too big - deleted!') { if (file_exists($tmpupl . '.gif')) { rcms_delete_files($tmpupl . '.gif'); } if (file_exists($tmpupl . '.png')) { rcms_delete_files($tmpupl . '.png'); } } if ($ext == 'png' and $img != 'Too big - deleted!') { if (file_exists($tmpupl . '.gif')) { rcms_delete_files($tmpupl . '.gif'); } if (file_exists($tmpupl . '.jpg')) { rcms_delete_files($tmpupl . '.jpg'); } } if (@move_uploaded_file($_FILES['avatar']['tmp_name'], $uploadfile)) { show_window(__('Result'), __('Avatar filesuccessfully uploaded'), 'center'); $config_ext = parse_ini_file(CONFIG_PATH . 'adminpanel.ini'); if ($config_ext['chmod_on']) { chmod($uploadfile, octdec($config_ext['chmod'])); return $_FILES['avatar']['name']; } } else { show_window(__('Result'), __('Your avatar don\'t meet our requirements'), 'center'); } } } else { show_window(__('Result'), __('Your avatar don\'t meet our requirements'), 'center'); } }
} $installer = parse_ini_file(CONFIG_PATH . 'installer.ini', true); $uninstaller = parse_ini_file(CONFIG_PATH . 'uninstaller.ini', true); // Delete installing modules if (!empty($_POST['delete'])) { $result = ''; foreach ($_POST['delete'] as $filename => $cond) { $filename = basename($filename); if (!empty($cond)) { $name = explode('_', $filename); if (empty($_POST['patch'][$uninstaller[$name[0]]['filename']])) { $files = explode(',', $uninstaller[$name[0]]['files']); foreach ($files as $file) { $file = RCMS_ROOT_PATH . $file; if (is_file($file) && $file != "." && $file != "..") { rcms_delete_files($file); $result .= __('File removed') . ': ' . $file . '<br/>'; } if (is_dir($file) && $file != "." && $file != "..") { if (@rmdir($file)) { $result .= __('Directory removed') . ': ' . $file . '<br/>'; } } } if ($file != './') { $result .= __('File removed') . ': ' . $file . '<br/>'; } else { $result .= '------------------------------------------------------<br/>' . __('Module removed') . ': ' . $name[0] . '<br/><br/>'; } if (is_file($installerPath . $filename)) { $installer[$name[0]] = $uninstaller[$name[0]];
function gzfile_write_contents($file, $text, $mode = 'w+') { set_time_limit(0); if (!IGNORE_LOCK_FILES && is_file($file . '.lock')) { return false; } $fp = fopen($file . '.lock', 'w+'); fwrite($fp, 'lock'); fclose($fp); if ($fp = gzopen($file, $mode)) { if (!empty($text) && !gzwrite($fp, $text)) { return false; } gzclose($fp); } else { return false; } rcms_delete_files($file . '.lock'); return true; }
function poll_remove() { if (!is_file(DATA_PATH . 'poll.dat')) { return 13; } if (!($file = @unserialize(@file_get_contents(DATA_PATH . 'poll.dat')))) { return false; } if (!is_file(DATA_PATH . 'poll.old.dat')) { $old = array(); } else { $old = @unserialize(@file_get_contents(DATA_PATH . 'poll.old.dat')); } unset($file['ips']); $old[] = $file; file_write_contents(DATA_PATH . 'poll.old.dat', serialize($old)); rcms_delete_files(DATA_PATH . 'poll.dat'); return 0; }
if ($system->current_point == '__MAIN__') { if ($system->checkForRight('HELP')) { $lang = curlang(); $help_dir = DATA_PATH . 'help/' . $lang; $module = get('edit'); $file = $help_dir . '/' . $module; if (!is_dir(DATA_PATH . 'help/')) { mkdir(DATA_PATH . 'help/', 0777); } if (!is_dir($help_dir)) { mkdir($help_dir, 0777); } if (!empty($_GET['delete'])) { $dfile = $help_dir . '/' . get('delete'); if (rcms_delete_files($dfile)) { show_window(__('Result'), __('File removed')); } else { show_window(__('Result'), __('Error occurred') . ':' . $dfile); } } if (!empty($_POST['save']) && !empty($module)) { file_write_contents($file, $_POST['help_edit']); show_window(__('Result'), __('File updated') . '. ' . __('Show') . ' — ' . show_help($module)); } if (!empty($module)) { $result = file_exists($file) ? file_get_contents($file) : ''; $frm = new InputForm('', 'post', __('Submit')); $frm->hidden('save', '1'); $frm->addrow('', $frm->textarea('help_edit', $result, 55, 15) . tinymce_selector('help_edit'), 'top'); $result = $frm->show(true);
function articles_delete_category($id, $dir = ARTICLES_PATH) { if (!is_dir($dir . $id)) { return 12; } $catprefix = $dir . $id . '/'; $articles = rcms_scandir($dir); foreach ($articles as $article) { if (is_dir($catprefix . $article)) { articles_delete($id, $article, $dir); } } rcms_delete_files($catprefix, true); return 0; }
function removeImage($filename) { $this->unregisterInIndex($filename); if (is_file(GALLERY_IMAGES_DIR . $filename)) { rcms_delete_files(GALLERY_IMAGES_DIR . $filename); } if (is_file(GALLERY_COMMENTS_DIR . $filename . '.dat')) { rcms_delete_files(GALLERY_COMMENTS_DIR . $filename . '.dat'); } if (is_file(GALLERY_THUMBS_DIR . $filename . '.jpg')) { rcms_delete_files(GALLERY_THUMBS_DIR . $filename . '.jpg'); } return true; }
} //downloading mysql dump if (wf_CheckGet(array('download'))) { if (cfr('ROOT')) { $filePath = base64_decode($_GET['download']); zb_DownloadFile($filePath); } else { show_error(__('Access denied')); } } //deleting dump if (wf_CheckGet(array('deletedump'))) { if (cfr('ROOT')) { $deletePath = base64_decode($_GET['deletedump']); if (file_exists($deletePath)) { rcms_delete_files($deletePath); log_register('BACKUP DELETE `' . $deletePath . '`'); rcms_redirect('?module=backups'); } else { show_error(__('Not existing item')); } } else { show_error(__('Access denied')); } } function web_AvailableDBBackupsList() { $backupsPath = DATA_PATH . 'backups/sql/'; $availbacks = rcms_scandir($backupsPath); $result = __('No existing DB backups here'); if (!empty($availbacks)) {
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Copyright (C) 2004 ReloadCMS Development Team // // // // // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, without even the implied warranty of // // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. // // // // This product released under GNU General Public License v2 // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (isset($_POST['deletebackupility'])) { $d = opendir(BACKUP_PATH); while ($f = readdir($d)) { if (is_file(BACKUP_PATH . $f)) { rcms_delete_files(BACKUP_PATH . $f); } } closedir($d); } if (!empty($_POST['backupit'])) { $bkupfilename = './backups/backup_' . date('H-i-s_d.m.Y') . '.tar.gz'; $bkp = new gzip_file($bkupfilename); $bkp->set_options(array('basedir' => RCMS_ROOT_PATH, 'overwrite' => 1, 'level' => 9)); $bkp->add_files('config'); $bkp->add_files('content'); $bkp->create_archive(); $frm = new InputForm("", "post", $lang['admincp']['general']['backup']['getit']); $frm->addbreak($lang['admincp']['general']['backup']['done']); $frm->hidden('getit', basename($bkupfilename)); $frm->show();
if ($id != $newid && is_file(PAGES_PATH . $newid)) { return false; } $page = array('title' => $title, 'text' => $text, 'description' => $description, 'keywords' => $keywords, 'mode' => $mode, 'author_nick' => $system->user['nickname'], 'author_name' => $system->user['username'], 'date' => sql_to_unix_time($date)); if (!file_write_contents(PAGES_PATH . $id, serialize($page))) { return false; } rcms_rename_file(PAGES_PATH . $id, PAGES_PATH . $newid); return true; } //API $result = ''; if (!empty($_POST['delete']) && is_array($_POST['delete'])) { foreach ($_POST['delete'] as $id => $cond) { if ($cond) { if (rcms_delete_files(DATA_PATH . 'pages/' . $id)) { $result .= __('Article removed') . ': ' . $id . '<br />'; } else { $result .= __('Error occurred') . ': ' . $id . '<br />'; } } } unset($_POST['edit']); } elseif (!empty($_POST['newsave'])) { if (page_create($_POST['id'], $_POST['mode'], $_POST['date'])) { $result .= __('Article saved'); } else { $result .= __('Error occurred'); } } elseif (!empty($_POST['edit']) && !empty($_POST['save'])) { if (page_change($_POST['edit'], $_POST['id'], $_POST['title'], $_POST['text'], $_POST['description'], $_POST['keywords'], $_POST['mode'], $_POST['date'])) {
function statistic_clean() { return rcms_delete_files(DATA_PATH . 'stats.dat'); }
if (!empty($cond)) { if (rcms_delete_files(BACKUP_PATH . $backup_entry)) { $result .= __('File removed') . ': ' . $backup_entry . '<br/>'; } else { $result .= __('Error occurred') . ': ' . $backup_entry . '<br/>'; } } } } //Restore ./content and ./config from archive if (!empty($_POST['browse_archive']) and empty($_POST['delete'])) { if (!empty($_POST['restore'])) { $restorefilename = BACKUP_PATH . $_POST['restore']; if (is_file($restorefilename)) { rcms_delete_files(CONFIG_PATH, true); rcms_delete_files(DATA_PATH, true); $Archive = new archiveTar(); $Archive->archive_name = $restorefilename; $success = $Archive->restoreArchive(RCMS_ROOT_PATH); if (!$success) { $Errors = $Archive->showErrors(basename($restorefilename)); } if (!empty($Errors)) { $result .= $Errors; } else { $result .= __('Restoring done') . ' (' . basename($restorefilename) . ')'; } } else { $result .= __('Nothing founded') . ': (' . basename($restorefilename) . ')'; } }
<?php //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Copyright (C) ReloadCMS Development Team // // // // This product released under GNU General Public License v2 // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Initialisation $skin = str_replace('.php', '', basename(__FILE__)); $css_file = DATA_PATH . 'skins/' . $skin . '.ini'; //API if (!empty($_POST['css_config'])) { file_write_contents($css_file, serialize($_POST['css_config'])); rcms_showAdminMessage(__('Configuration updated')); } if (!empty($_POST['reset'])) { rcms_delete_files($css_file); } if (is_file($css_file)) { $css_config = unserialize(file_get_contents($css_file)); } else { include SKIN_PATH . $skin . '/style.default.php'; } // Interface generation ?> <div id="dialog" title="<?php echo __('Skin') . ' ' . $skin . ' — ' . __('Configuration'); ?> " style="font-size:0.8em;"> <?php //Skin configuration $frm = new InputForm('', 'post', __('Save'));
$action = ''; } } } else { show_error(__('You cannot archive this topic')); } } else { show_error(__('There is no topic with this id')); } } elseif ($action == 'del_topic') { $topic_id = empty($_GET['t']) ? 0 : (int) $_GET['t']; if (!empty($topics[$topic_id])) { if ($system->checkForRight('FORUM') || $system->user['username'] != 'guest' && $system->user['username'] == $topics[$topic_id]['author_name'] && $topics[$topic_id]['replies'] == 0) { rcms_remove_index($topic_id, $topics, true); if (is_file(FORUM_PATH . 'topic.' . $topic_id . '.dat')) { rcms_delete_files(FORUM_PATH . 'topic.' . $topic_id . '.dat'); } if (file_write_contents(FORUM_PATH . 'topic_index.dat', serialize($topics))) { rcms_redirect('?module=' . $module, true); $action = ''; } } else { show_error(__('You cannot delete this topic')); } } else { show_error(__('There is no topic with this id')); } } elseif ($action == 'del_post') { $topic_id = empty($_GET['t']) ? 0 : (int) $_GET['t']; $post_id = empty($_GET['p']) ? 0 : (int) $_GET['p'] - 2; if (!empty($topics[$topic_id])) {
/** * Deletes HTML document template from FS * * @param string $template */ function zb_DocsDeleteTemplate($template) { $docpath = DATA_PATH . 'documents/'; $headerspath = $docpath . 'headers/'; $templatespath = $docpath . 'templates/'; rcms_delete_files($headerspath . $template); rcms_delete_files($templatespath . $template); log_register("DOCS TEMPLATE DELETE " . $template); }
//Analog Widget Logic from WP $select_menus = "<select name=\\'modules[]\\' onChange=\\'if (\$(this).val()!=0) \$(this).prev().val(\$(this).val());\\'>" . "<option value=\\'0\\'>" . __('Select') . '</option>'; foreach ($current as $element => $text) { if (substr($element, 0, 1) != '/') { $select_menus .= "<option value=\\'" . $element . "\\'>" . $text . '</option>'; } } $select_menus .= '</select> '; if (!empty($_POST['logic'])) { //delete self host $_POST['logic']['modules'] = str_replace('http://www.' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . '/', '', $_POST['logic']['modules']); $_POST['logic']['modules'] = str_replace('http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . '/', '', $_POST['logic']['modules']); //safe config to logicing file_write_contents(CONFIG_PATH . 'logic.ini', serialize(str_replace('http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . '/', '', $_POST['logic']))); } elseif (post('settingschange')) { rcms_delete_files(CONFIG_PATH . 'logic.ini'); } if (is_file(CONFIG_PATH . 'logic.ini')) { $logic = unserialize(file_get_contents(CONFIG_PATH . 'logic.ini')); } $frm = new InputForm('', 'post', __('Submit'), '', '', '', 'addlogic'); //logic $add_logic = '<div>+ ' . __('Module') . " <input type=\\'text\\' name=\\'logic[modules][]\\' size=\\'15\\' /> " . $select_menus . __('Logic') . "<input type=\\'text\\' name=\\'logic[expression][]\\' size=\\'35\\'/> " . "<img src=\\'" . IMAGES_PATH . "skins/neok.gif\\' title=\\'" . __('Delete') . "\\' style=\\'cursor:pointer;display:table-cell;vertical-align:middle;\\' onClick=\\'\$(\$(this).parents().get(0)).remove();\\'>" . '</div>'; $frm->addbreak(__('Logic') . ' <img onClick="$(\'#add_logic\').append(\'' . $add_logic . '\');" title="' . __('Add') . '" src="' . IMAGES_PATH . 'skins/plus.gif" style="cursor:pointer;display:table-cell;vertical-align:middle;"/> '); if (!empty($logic['modules'])) { foreach ($logic['modules'] as $i => $value) { if (!empty($logic['modules'][$i])) { $frm->addrow(__('Module') . ' ' . $frm->text_box('logic[modules][]', @$logic['modules'][$i], 15) . stripslashes($select_menus), ' ' . __('Logic') . ' ' . $frm->text_box('logic[expression][]', @$logic['expression'][$i], 35) . '<img src="' . IMAGES_PATH . 'neok.gif" style="cursor:pointer;display:table-cell;vertical-align:middle;" onClick="$($(this).parents(\'tr\').get(0)).remove();">'); } } }
function deleteArticle($cat_id, $art_id) { $cat_id = (int) $cat_id; $art_id = (int) $art_id; if (empty($this->container)) { $this->last_error = __('No section selected!'); return false; } global $system; if ($this->container !== '#root' && $this->container !== '#hidden') { if (!($category = $this->getCategory($cat_id))) { $this->last_error = __('There are no category with this ID'); return false; } if ($category['accesslevel'] > (int) @$system->user['accesslevel'] && !$system->checkForRight('-any-')) { $this->last_error = __('Access denied'); return false; } $art_prefix = ARTICLES_PATH . $this->container . '/' . $cat_id . '/' . $art_id . '/'; $art_data =& $this->articles[$this->container][$cat_id][$art_id]; } else { $art_prefix = ARTICLES_PATH . $this->container . '/' . $art_id . '/'; $art_data =& $this->articles[$this->container][$art_id]; } rcms_delete_files($art_prefix, true); if ($this->container !== '#root' && $this->container !== '#hidden') { rcms_remove_index($art_id, $this->index[$cat_id], true); unset($this->index[$cat_id][$art_id]); } else { rcms_remove_index($art_id, $this->index, true); } $this->saveIndex(); return true; }
function user_delete($username) { $username = basename($username); if (!rcms_delete_files(USERS_PATH . $username)) { return 5; } user_remove_from_cache($username, $cache); user_activate_admin($username); return 0; }
function logMerge($title, $t_d, $t_m, $t_y, $f_d = 1, $f_m = 1, $f_y = 1980) { $logs = rcms_scandir($this->logging); $f = mktime(0, 0, 0, $f_m, $f_d, $f_y); $t = mktime(0, 0, 0, $t_m, $t_d, $t_y); $to_merge = array(); foreach ($logs as $log_entry) { if (preg_match("/^(.*?)-(.*?)-(.*?)\\.log(|.gz)\$/i", $log_entry, $matches)) { $c = mktime(0, 0, 0, $matches[2], $matches[3], $matches[1]); if ($c >= $f && $c <= $t) { $to_merge[] = $log_entry; } } } if (!empty($to_merge)) { if ($this->logging_gz) { $suffix = '.gz'; } else { $suffix = ''; } $merged_file = $this->logging . $title . '.tar' . $suffix; $merged = new tar(); $merged->isGzipped = $this->logging_gz; $merged->filename = $merged_file; $path = getcwd(); chdir($this->logging); foreach ($to_merge as $file) { $merged->addFile($file, substr($file, -3) == '.gz'); } chdir($path); if ($merged->saveTar()) { foreach ($to_merge as $file) { rcms_delete_files($this->logging . $file); } } } return true; }
$_POST['nconfig']['admin_file'] = $admin_file; } } write_ini_file($_POST['nconfig'], CONFIG_PATH . 'config.ini'); rcms_showAdminMessage(__('Configuration updated')); } if (!empty($_POST['redirect'])) { //delete self host $_POST['redirect']['from_arr'] = str_replace('http://www.' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . '/', '', $_POST['redirect']['from_arr']); $_POST['redirect']['from_arr'] = str_replace('http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . '/', '', $_POST['redirect']['from_arr']); $_POST['redirect']['to_arr'] = str_replace('http://www.' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . '/', '', $_POST['redirect']['to_arr']); $_POST['redirect']['to_arr'] = str_replace('http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . '/', '', $_POST['redirect']['to_arr']); //safe config to redirecting file_write_contents(CONFIG_PATH . 'redirect.ini', serialize(str_replace('http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . '/', '', $_POST['redirect']))); } elseif (isset($_POST['meta_tags']) && is_file(CONFIG_PATH . 'redirect.ini')) { rcms_delete_files(CONFIG_PATH . 'redirect.ini'); } if (isset($_POST['meta_tags'])) { file_write_contents(DATA_PATH . 'meta_tags.html', $_POST['meta_tags']); } if (isset($_POST['welcome_mesg'])) { file_write_contents(DATA_PATH . 'intro.html', $_POST["welcome_mesg"]); } if (isset($_POST['clear_cache'])) { rcms_clear_directory(CACHE_DIR); } $system->config = parse_ini_file(CONFIG_PATH . 'config.ini'); $config =& $system->config; if (is_file(CONFIG_PATH . 'redirect.ini')) { $redirect = unserialize(file_get_contents(CONFIG_PATH . 'redirect.ini')); }
$result = $sitemap->sitemapFileName . ' ' . __('added successfully') . '<br/>'; if (!empty($_POST['gz'])) { $sitemap->createGZipFile = true; $result .= $_POST['filename'] . '.gz ' . __('added successfully') . '<br/>'; } $sitemap->createSitemap(); // create sitemap in memory $sitemap->writeSitemap(); // write sitemap as file if (isset($_POST['robots_txt'])) { file_write_contents(RCMS_ROOT_PATH . 'robots.txt', $_POST['robots_txt']); } //save robots.txt if (!empty($_POST['robots'])) { //build new robots.txt rcms_delete_files(RCMS_ROOT_PATH . 'robots.txt'); $sitemap->updateRobots(); $result .= 'robots.txt ' . __('added successfully') . '<br/>'; } if (!empty($_POST['engines'])) { // submit sitemaps to search engines $result .= "<pre>"; $result .= $sitemap->submitSitemap(''); $result .= "</pre>"; } $result .= __('Memory peak usage: ') . number_format(memory_get_peak_usage() / (1024 * 1024), 2) . "MB"; $time2 = explode(" ", microtime()); $time2 = $time2[1]; $result .= '<br/>' . __('Execution time: ') . number_format($time2 - $time) . "s<br/>"; $result .= __('Done') . '<br/>'; $result .= __('Look at') . ' <a href="' . $_POST['filename'] . '" target="_blank"> sitemap.xml </a> <br/>';
$frm->hidden('browse_archive', '1'); $frm->hidden('browse', $_POST['archive']); $frm->show(); $_POST['archive'] = basename($_POST['archive']); if (@is_readable($system->logging . $_POST['archive'])) { $output = ''; $archive = new tar(); $archive->openTAR($system->logging . $_POST['archive']); foreach ($_POST['viewlog'] as $logfile) { $logfile = basename($logfile); if ($gz_contents = $archive->getFile($logfile)) { $gz_contents = $gz_contents['file']; if (substr($logfile, -3) == '.gz') { file_write_contents($system->logging . $logfile, $gz_contents); $contents = gzfile_get_contents($system->logging . $logfile); rcms_delete_files($system->logging . $logfile); } else { $contents =& $gz_contents; } $output .= rcms_parse_text('[quote=' . $logfile . ']' . $contents . '[/quote]', true, false, true); } } unset($archive); } rcms_showAdminMessage($output); } elseif (!empty($_POST['browse_archive']) && !empty($_POST['browse'])) { $frm = new InputForm('', 'post', '<<< ' . __('Back')); $frm->show(); $_POST['browse'] = basename($_POST['browse']); if (is_readable($system->logging . $_POST['browse'])) { $archive = new tar();
$msg = __('Nothing founded'); rcms_mkdir(RCMS_ROOT_PATH . 'uploads/' . $system->user['username']); //rcms_redirect(''); } } if (empty($_GET['path'])) { $user_path = $start_path; } else { $user_path = realpath($_GET['path']); if (strlen($start_path) > strlen($user_path)) { $user_path = $start_path; } } $user_path = str_replace('\\', '/', $user_path) . '/'; if (user_can_delete(get('delete'))) { if (!rcms_delete_files($user_path . $_GET['delete'], true)) { $msg .= __('Error occurred') . ' ' . $_GET['delete']; } else { $msg .= __('Deleted') . ' ' . $_GET['delete']; } } ?> <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=<?php echo $system->config['encoding']; ?> "> <?php rcms_show_element('meta');
function deleteUser($username) { if (USERS_MYSQL) { $username = mysql_real_escape_string($username); nr_query("DELETE FROM `users` WHERE `username`='" . $username . "'"); } else { $username = basename($username); if (!rcms_delete_files(USERS_PATH . $username)) { return false; } } user_remove_from_cache($username, $cache); return true; }