public function testDisplayNoRandomFeaturedItems() { $this->_createFeaturedItems(false); $this->dispatch('/'); $html = random_featured_items(); $this->assertContains('<p>No featured items are available.</p>', $html); }
</div> </div> <!--Side Bar--> <?php if (get_theme_option('Display Featured Item') !== '0') { ?> <!-- Featured Item --> <div id="featured-item"> <h2><?php echo __('Featured Item'); ?> </h2> <?php $featuredItemHTML = random_featured_items(1); //if this substring isn't present then no featured item was found and the placeholder HTML was returned if (!($beginRemoval = strpos($featuredItemHTML, '<p class="item-description">'))) { echo $featuredItemHTML; } else { //put the heading after the image so it can float right of the image above the description $headingStart = strpos($featuredItemHTML, '<h3>'); $imageStart = strpos($featuredItemHTML, '</h3>') + 5; $descriptionStart = strpos($featuredItemHTML, '<p class'); $descriptionEnd = strpos($featuredItemHTML, '</p>'); echo '<div class="item record">' . substr($featuredItemHTML, $imageStart, $descriptionStart - $imageStart) . substr($featuredItemHTML, $headingStart, $imageStart - $headingStart) . substr($featuredItemHTML, $descriptionStart, $descriptionEnd - $descriptionStart) . '</div>'; } ?> </div> <!--end featured-item--> <?php
?> </div><!-- end class="item-meta" --> </div><!-- end class="item hentry" --> <?php } ?> <?php echo fire_plugin_hook('public_items_browse', array('items' => $items, 'view' => $this)); ?> <?php echo pagination_links(); ?> </div> <div id="secondary"> <!-- Featured Item --> <div id="featured-item" class="featured"> <h2><?php echo __('Featured Item'); ?> </h2> <?php echo random_featured_items(1); ?> </div><!--end featured-item--> </div><!-- end primary --> <?php echo foot();