Exemple #1
function send_mail($to, $template, $params = array())
    $srvEmail = cfg('service/email');
    if (trim($srvEmail) == '') {
        $srvEmail = 'hubbub@' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
    $headers = array('Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"', 'From: ' . cfg('service/server') . ' Hubbub Server <' . $srvEmail . '>', 'Return-Path: ' . $srvEmail, 'Message-ID: <' . randomHashId() . '-hubbub@' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . '>');
    foreach ($params as $k => $v) {
        ${$k} = $v;
    include 'templates/' . $template;
    $body = ob_get_clean();
    ini_set('mail.add_x_header', false);
    return mail($to, $subject, $body, implode(chr(10), $headers), '-f ' . $srvEmail);
Exemple #2
 * On-receive event handler
 * Gets called when this server (A) receives a trust_sendkey1 message from another server (B).
 * Usually this means, server (B) wants to establish contact for the first time or it wants
 * to revoke its existing key. In both cases, the key can only be accepted when this server (A)
 * contacts server (B) to confirm the origin of the trust_sendkey1 message.
 * @param array $data
 * @param object $msg
 * @return boolean
function trust_sendkey1_receive(&$data, &$msg)
    $data['mykey'] = trim($data['mykey']);
    $serverUrl = getDefault($data['author']['server']);
    if ($serverUrl == '') {
        $msg->fail('invalid server field in "author" array');
    if ($data['mykey'] == '') {
        $msg->fail('"mykey" field missing');
    } else {
        // accept the new key (it's not confirmed yet)
        $server = new HubbubServer($serverUrl, true);
        $server->ds['s_newkey_out'] = $data['mykey'];
        $server->ds['s_key_in'] = getDefault($server->ds['s_key_in'], randomHashId());
        DB_UpdateField('servers', $server->ds['s_key'], 's_key_in', $server->ds['s_key_in']);
        logError('notrace', 'received temp outbound key: ' . $data['mykey'] . ' /// ' . dumpArray($server->ds));
        // now, get origin confirmation
        $confirmMsg = new HubbubMessage('trust_sendkey2');
        $confirmMsg->data['mykey'] = $server->ds['s_key_in'];
        $responseData = $confirmMsg->sendtourl($server->ds['s_url'], $server->ds['s_newkey_out']);
        if ($responseData['result'] == 'OK') {
            /* we need to reload, because the server record might have changed in the meantime */
            $server = new HubbubServer($serverUrl, true);
            // okay, the remote server really sent the original message
            $server->ds['s_key_out'] = $server->ds['s_newkey_out'];
            $server->ds['s_status'] = 'OK';
            DB_UpdateField('servers', $server->ds['s_key'], 's_key_out', $data['mykey']);
        } else {
            // this didn't work
            $server->ds['s_newkey_out'] = '';
            $msg->fail('unsuccessful trust_sendkey2: ' . $responseData['reason']);
    return true;
Exemple #3
  RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
  RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
  RewriteRule . index.php [L]

AddHandler php5-script .php');

$_SESSION['installer']['server_base'] = $_REQUEST['serverurl'];
$_SESSION['installer']['admin_password'] = $_REQUEST['adminpw'];
$_SESSION['installer']['remote_cron_svc'] = $_REQUEST['pingsvc'];

$_SESSION['installer']['cfg']['service']['server'] = $_REQUEST['serverurl'];
$_SESSION['installer']['cfg']['service']['adminpw'] = $_REQUEST['adminpw'];
$_SESSION['installer']['cfg']['ping']['remote'] = $_REQUEST['pingsvc'] == 'Y';
$_SESSION['installer']['cfg']['ping']['password'] = getDefault($_SESSION['installer']['cfg']['ping']['password'], randomHashId());
$_SESSION['installer']['cfg']['ping']['server'] = getDefault($_SESSION['installer']['cfg']['ping']['server'], 'http://ping.openfu.net');

if($_REQUEST['pingsvc'] == 'Y')
  newFile('conf/pingpassword', $_SESSION['installer']['cfg']['ping']['password']);
  $pingRequest = cqrequest($_SESSION['installer']['cfg']['ping']['server'], array('origin' => 'http://'.$_SESSION['installer']['server_base'].'/cron.php', 'request' => 'activate', 
    'password' => $_SESSION['installer']['cfg']['ping']['password']), 2);   
  if($pingRequest['data']['result'] == 'OK')
    $msg .= '<div class="green">✔ &nbsp; Joined remote ping service ('.$_SESSION['installer']['cfg']['ping']['server'].')</div>';
    $pingStatus = $pingRequest['data'];
    $pingStatus['server'] = $pingServer;
Exemple #4
  $msg .= '<div class="red">✘ &nbsp; please install JSON support</div>';
$c = $_SESSION['installer'];

  case(0): {
    $msg .= '<div class="green">✔ &nbsp; Installing...</div>';
  case(1): {
    $cv = array();
    $_SESSION['installer']['cfg']['service']['salt'] = randomHashId();
    $myUserName = trim(shell_exec('whoami'));
    $myUserName = getDefault($myUserName, 'root');
    $tmplFile = '<? $GLOBALS[$cfgCategory] = json_decode(\''.json_format(json_encode($_SESSION['installer']['cfg'])).'\', true); ?>';
    $cfgFileName = 'conf/default.php';
      @chmod('conf', 0777);
      WriteToFile($cfgFileName, $tmplFile);
      $cfgWritable = trim(file_get_contents($cfgFileName)) == trim($tmplFile);
      if(!$_SESSION['installer']['cfg']['ping']['remote']) $cronInfo = l10n('cron.setup').'
          <pre>* * * * * '.$myUserName.' php -f '.$GLOBALS['APP.BASEDIR'].'/cron.php > /dev/null 2>&1</pre>
          <a href="ext/installer/cronhelp.php" target="_blank">&gt; More information / help</a><br/>';
        $msg .= '<div class="green">✔ &nbsp; Config file written</div>
Exemple #5

$params['ia_recovery'] = randomHashId();
DB_UpdateDataset('idaccounts', $params);

$subject = 'Recover Your Hubbub Password';

?>Dear Hubbub user,

you (or someone using your email address) requested that your Hubbub
password on server <?php 
echo cfg('service/server');
 be reset. 

Please click on the following link to change it:

echo actionUrl('reset', 'signin', array('i' => $params['ia_recovery']), true);

If you did not request a reset, simply ignore this message. The 
request was made from the following IP address:


Exemple #6
 function msg_trust_sendkey1()
     // make a trust_sendkey1 message
     $msg = new HubbubMessage('trust_sendkey1');
     $msg->data['author'] = $this->localEntity();
     // make new key if there is none
     $this->ds['s_key_in'] = getDefault($this->ds['s_key_in'], randomHashId());
     if ($this->ds['s_url'] != '') {
         DB_UpdateField('servers', $this->ds['s_key'], 's_key_in', $this->ds['s_key_in']);
     $msg->data['mykey'] = $this->ds['s_key_in'];
     // we need to save at this point because the other server will try to make a trust_sendkey2-request in the meantime
     // send message to other server
     $responseData = $msg->sendToUrl($this->ds['s_url']);
     if ($responseData['result'] == 'OK') {
         $this->ds['s_status'] = 'OK';
         $ret = result_ok();
     } else {
         $this->ds['s_status'] = 'fail';
         $this->ds['s_key_in'] = '';
         logError('notrace', '[OUT] trust_sendkey1 failed, server ' . $this->ds['s_url'] . ' says: ' . getDefault($responseData['reason'], $responseData['result']));
         $ret = result_fail('trust_sendkey1 failed: ' . getDefault($responseData['reason'], $responseData['result']));
     return $ret;