$data = array_filter($data, function ($row) { global $filter; foreach ($filter as $field => $val) { if ($row[$field] != $val) { return false; } } return true; }); $recordsFiltered = count($data); // Slice data based of start and limit $data = array_slice($data, $start, $limit); $recordsReturned = count($data); // Replace picture property with holder.js foreach ($data as &$row) { list($fg, $bg) = randColor($row['id']); $row['picture'] = "holder.js/80x80/#{$fg}:#{$bg}"; } // delay if requested, to simulate database overhead if (isset($_GET['delay'])) { if (empty($_GET['delay'])) { // random delay $delay = $randDelays[array_rand($randDelays)]; } else { $delay = min(intval($_GET['delay']), 5000); } usleep($delay * 1000); } // Output data as JSON header('Content-Type: application/json'); header('X-Request-Input: ' . json_encode($_REQUEST));
$green = hexdec(substr($color, 2, 2)); $blue = hexdec(substr($color, 4, 2)); $out = ImageColorAllocate($image, $red, $green, $blue); return $out; } $wordBox = imageftbbox($fontSize, 0, $font, $verify_string); $wordBoxWidth = $wordBox[2]; $wordBoxHeight = $wordBox[1] + abs($wordBox[7]); $containerWidth = $wordBoxWidth + $padding * 2; $containerHeight = $wordBoxHeight + $padding * 2; $textX = $padding; $textY = $containerHeight - $padding; $captchaImage = imagecreate($containerWidth, $containerHeight); $red = randColor(); $green = randColor(); $blue = randColor(); $backgroundColor = ImageColorAllocate($captchaImage, $red, $green, $blue); $rred = 255 - $red; $rgreen = 255 - $green; $rblue = 255 - $blue; $textColor = ImageColorAllocate($captchaImage, $rred, $rgreen, $rblue); imagefttext($captchaImage, $fontSize, 0, $textX, $textY, $textColor, $font, $verify_string); $angle = mt_rand(-3, 3); $captchaImage = imagerotate($captchaImage, $angle, $backgroundColor); $line = ImageColorAllocate($captchaImage, $rred, $rgreen, $rblue); for ($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++) { $xStart = mt_rand(0, $containerWidth); $yStart = mt_rand(0, $containerHeight); $xEnd = mt_rand(0, $containerWidth); $yEnd = mt_rand(0, $containerHeight); imageline($captchaImage, $xStart, $yStart, $xEnd, $yEnd, $line);
/** * 显示标签 * @param string $parse 解析模版 * @param number $limit 显示条数 为0时表示显示全部 * @param string $sort 排序字段 * @param number $desc 默认为0,表示倒序 * @return void */ function showTagCloud($parse = null, $limit = 30, $sort = 'mid', $desc = 0) { $parse = is_null($parse) ? '<li><a href="{permalink}" title="{count}个话题" style="{background}">{name}({count})</a></li>' : $parse; Typecho_Widget::widget('Widget_Metas_Tag_Cloud', 'sort=' . $sort . '&ignoreZeroCount=1&desc=' . $desc . '&limit=' . $limit)->to($tags); $output = ''; if ($tags->have()) { while ($tags->next()) { $color = 'color: rgb(' . randColor() . ');'; $background = 'background-' . $color; $output .= str_replace(array('{permalink}', '{count}', '{name}', '{background}', '{color}'), array($tags->permalink, $tags->count, $tags->name, $background, $color), $parse); } } echo $output; }
<body> <table <tbody> <?php for ($tr = 0; $tr < 10; $tr++) { ?> <?php echo $tr; ?> <?php for ($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++) { ?> <?php echo '<td style="background-color:#' . randColor() . ';">' . randColor() . '<br /><span style="color:#ffffff;">' . randColor() . '</span></td>'; ?> <?php } ?> <?php echo '</tr>'; ?> <?php } ?> </tbody> </body> </html>
$thumb = thumbnail($this, null, true); if ($thumb) { ?> <a href="<?php $this->permalink(); ?> " class="post-thumb" style="background-image:url('<?php echo $thumb; ?> ');"></a> <div class="post-body"> <?php } else { ?> <div class="post-body post-text" style="background-color:#<?php echo randColor(); ?> "> <?php } ?> <div class="post-category"><?php $this->category(','); ?> </div> <h2 class="post-title" itemprop="name headline"><a itemtype="url" href="<?php $this->permalink(); ?> "><?php $this->title(); ?>
/** * 标签云 * @params string 配置字符串 * @format string 格式化输出 * @return void */ function tagCloud($params = null, $format = '<a href="{permalink}" style="{fontsize};{color};" title="{count}篇文章">{name}</a>') { Typecho_Widget::widget('Widget_Metas_Tag_Cloud', $params)->to($tags); $list = $counts = array(); while ($tags->next()) { $list[] = array('mid' => $tags->mid, 'name' => $tags->name, 'permalink' => $tags->permalink, 'count' => $tags->count); $counts[] = $tags->count; } if (empty($counts)) { echo '暂无标签'; return; } $min_count = min($counts); $spread = max($counts) - $min_count; $params = new Typecho_Config($params); $params->setDefault(array('smallest' => 8, 'largest' => 22, 'unit' => 'pt')); if ($spread <= 0) { $spread = 1; } $font_spread = $params->largest - $params->smallest; if ($font_spread < 0) { $font_spread = 1; } $font_step = $font_spread / $spread; $html = ''; foreach ($list as $tag) { $color = 'color:#' . randColor(); $fontsize = 'font-size:' . ($params->smallest + ($tag['count'] - $min_count) * $font_step) . $params->unit; $html .= str_replace(array('{name}', '{permalink}', '{count}', '{fontsize}', '{color}'), array($tag['name'], $tag['permalink'], $tag['count'], $fontsize, $color), $format); } echo $html; }
<?php /** * Created by PhpStorm. * User: just * Date: 19.01.16 * Time: 11:03 */ function randColor() { $red = dechex(rand(0, 255)); $green = dechex(rand(0, 255)); $blue = dechex(rand(0, 255)); $color = '#' . $red . $green . $blue; return ['color' => $color]; } $test = [randColor(), randColor(), randColor()];