Exemple #1
$stations = $DB->getAll("SELECT id,name,external_id FROM stations");
foreach ($stations as $station) {
    $prices = fetchStationPrices($station['external_id']);
    if (empty($prices) || !array_key_exists('super', $prices)) {
    foreach ($prices as $fuel => $price) {
        //echo "$fuel $price {$station['name']}\n";
        $fuel_id = $DB->getOne("SELECT id FROM fuels WHERE name='" . es($fuel) . "' LIMIT 1");
        if (empty($fuel_id)) {
            $fuel_id = dbInsert('fuels', array('name' => es($fuel)));
        $DB->query("UPDATE prices SET is_latest=0 WHERE fuel_id='" . ei($fuel_id) . "' AND station_id=" . ei($station['id']));
        dbInsert('prices', array('station_id' => ei($station['id']), 'fuel_id' => ei($fuel_id), 'price' => ef($price), 'is_latest' => 1));
        $t = intval(time() / 900) * 900;
        rammsteinUpdateRRD($station['id'], $fuel_id, $price, $t);
function fetchStationPrices($station_id)
    $url = 'http://www.oeamtc.at/spritapp/ShowGasStation.do?spritaction=show&gsid=' . intval($station_id);
    $html = fetchHtml($url);
    #file_put_contents('dump/'.$station_id.'_'.time().'.html', $html);
    $html = preg_replace("/[\r\n\t ]+/", " ", $html);
    if (!preg_match('#pricesBox.*<tr>.*?Super.*?</tr>.*</div>#', $html, $m)) {
        return false;
    if (!preg_match('#<table class="infoTable stationDetailsInfoTable">.*?</table>#', $m[0], $m)) {
        return false;
    $m[0] = utf8_encode($m[0]);
Exemple #2
#!/usr/bin/env php
// fix path
require_once 'init.inc.php';
$fuels = $DB->getAll("SELECT * FROM fuels ORDER BY name ASC");
$stations = $DB->getAll("SELECT * FROM stations ORDER BY name ASC");
foreach ($fuels as $fuel) {
    foreach ($stations as &$station) {
        $prices = $DB->getAll("SELECT * FROM prices WHERE station_id=" . ei($station['id']) . " AND fuel_id=" . ei($fuel['id']) . " ORDER BY ts ASC");
        $start_t = strtotime($prices[0]['ts']) - 450;
        $end_t = strtotime($prices[sizeof($prices) - 1]['ts']);
        echo "start {$start_t}\n";
        rammsteinCreateRRD($station['id'], $fuel['id'], $start_t);
        foreach ($prices as $price) {
            $t = strtotime($price['ts']);
            $t = intval($t / 900) * 900;
            rammsteinUpdateRRD($station['id'], $fuel['id'], $price['price'], $t);