private function _load_config()
     $fpath_config_dist = $this->home . '/';
     $fpath_config = $this->home . '/';
     if (is_file($fpath_config_dist) and is_readable($fpath_config_dist)) {
         $found_config_dist = true;
     if (is_file($fpath_config) and is_readable($fpath_config)) {
         $found_config = true;
     if ($found_config_dist or $found_config) {
         if ($found_config_dist) {
             include $fpath_config_dist;
             $vboxadm_config_dist = $vboxadm_config;
         if ($found_config) {
             include $fpath_config;
         $config_array = array_merge($vboxadm_config_dist, $vboxadm_config);
         $this->config = $config_array;
     } else {
         raise_error(array('code' => 527, 'type' => 'php', 'message' => "Failed to load vboxadm plugin config"), true, true);
Exemple #2
 public static function filter($type, DirItem $item)
     if (is_array($type)) {
         foreach ($type as $_type) {
             if (self::filter($_type, $item)) {
                 return true;
      * Обработаем callback
     if (is_callable($type)) {
         return !!call_user_func($type, $item);
     $type = $type ? $type : self::ALL;
     switch ($type) {
         case self::ALL:
             return true;
         case self::IMAGES:
             return $item->isImg();
         case self::DIRS:
             return $item->isDir();
         case self::FILES:
             return $item->isFile();
         case self::ARCHIVES:
             return $item->checkExtension(array(PsConst::EXT_RAR, PsConst::EXT_ZIP));
             //Если ни один из фильтров не подошел, проверим, может мы фильтруем по расшерению?
             if (PsConst::hasExt($type)) {
                 return $item->checkExtension($type);
             raise_error("Unknown dir item filter type: [{$type}].");
Exemple #3
function __autoload($class)
    // parse the class into the correct file format
    $class_file = strtolower($class) . '.php';
    // an array of possible paths containing the class
    $paths = array('library/', 'application/controllers/', 'application/models/', 'application/library');
    // get the config object
    $config = get_config();
    // get the system path
    $sys_path = $config->get('path.system');
    // loop through the paths
    foreach ($paths as $path) {
        // append the system path
        $path = $sys_path . '/' . $path;
        // append the class file to each path
        $path .= $class_file;
        // check if the file exists
        if (file_exists($path)) {
            // include the class
            require_once $path;
            // break once we have a matching path
    // check if we have the class
    if (!class_exists($class)) {
        // fake the class' existence if not
        eval("class " . $class . "{}");
        // raise custom error
        raise_error('Cannot find class: ' . $class);
Exemple #4
  * Основной метод получения экземпляра.
  * @param type $silentOnDoubleTry - признак, стоит ли нам ругаться, если мы 
  * обнаруживаем зацикливание при попытке получения экземпляра класса.
  * Это нужно для классов, которые выполняют сложную логику в конструкторе, которая
  * может привести к повторному вызову ::inst() внутри этого конструктора.
  * Классы, которые используют эту возможность:
  * @link DbChangeListener - менеджер прослушивания изменений в БД
 protected static function inst($silentOnDoubleTry = false)
     $class = get_called_class();
     if (array_key_exists($class, self::$_insts_)) {
         return self::$_insts_[$class];
     if (array_key_exists($class, self::$_instsrq_)) {
         if ($silentOnDoubleTry) {
             return null;
         raise_error("Double try to get singleton of [{$class}]");
     self::$_instsrq_[$class] = true;
     //Создаём экземпляр
     $sec = Secundomer::startedInst("Creating singleton of {$class}");
     self::$_insts_[$class] = new $class();
     //Экземпляр успешно создан
     //Теперь добавим в профайлер. Всё это нужно для защиты от зацикливания.
     PsProfiler::inst(__CLASS__)->add($class, $sec);
     //Добавим к глобальному секундомеру - текущий
     $SECUNDOMER = self::$_secundomer_ ? self::$_secundomer_ : (self::$_secundomer_ = Secundomer::inst());
     PsLogger::inst(__CLASS__)->info("+ {$class} ({$sec->getAverage()} / {$SECUNDOMER->getTotalTimeRounded()})");
     return self::$_insts_[$class];
* Dovecot Password File Driver (dovecotpfd)
* Roundcube password plugin driver that adds functionality to change passwords stored in
* Dovecot passwd/userdb files (see:
* Copyright (C) 2011, Charlie Orford
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2
* as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
* with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.     
*  - PHP 5.3.0 or higher, shell access and the ability to run php scripts from the CLI
*  - chgdovecotpw and dovecotpfd-setuid.c (these two files should have been bundled with this driver)
*  - dovecotpfd-setuid.c must be compiled and the resulting dovecotpfd-setuid binary placed in the same directory
*    as this script (see dovecotpfd-setuid.c source for compilation instructions, security info and options)
*  - chgdovecotpw must be placed in a location where dovecotpfd-setuid can access it once it has changed UID (normally /usr/sbin is a good choice)
*  - chgdovecotpw should only be executable by the user dovecotpfd-setuid changes UID to
*  - the dovecot passwd/userdb file must be accessible and writable by the same user dovecotpfd-setuid changes UID to
*  - dovecotpw (usually packaged with dovecot itself and found in /usr/sbin) must be available and executable by chgdovecotpw
* @version 1.1 (2011-09-08)
* @author Charlie Orford (
function password_save($currpass, $newpass)
    $rcmail = rcmail::get_instance();
    $currdir = realpath(dirname(__FILE__));
    list($user, $domain) = explode("@", $_SESSION['username']);
    $username = rcmail::get_instance()->config->get('password_dovecotpfd_format') == "%n" ? $user : $_SESSION['username'];
    $scheme = rcmail::get_instance()->config->get('password_dovecotpfd_scheme');
    // Set path to dovecot passwd/userdb file
    // (the example below shows how you can support multiple passwd files, one for each domain. If you just use one file, replace sprintf with a simple string of the path to the passwd file)
    $passwdfile = sprintf("/home/mail/%s/passwd", $domain);
    // Build command to call dovecotpfd-setuid wrapper
    $exec_cmd = sprintf("%s/dovecotpfd-setuid -f=%s -u=%s -s=%s -p=\"%s\" 2>&1", $currdir, escapeshellcmd(realpath($passwdfile)), escapeshellcmd($username), escapeshellcmd($scheme), escapeshellcmd($newpass));
    // Call wrapper to change password
    if ($ph = @popen($exec_cmd, "r")) {
        $response = "";
        while (!feof($ph)) {
            $response .= fread($ph, 8192);
        if (pclose($ph) == 0) {
            return PASSWORD_SUCCESS;
        raise_error(array('code' => 600, 'type' => 'php', 'file' => __FILE__, 'line' => __LINE__, 'message' => "Password plugin: {$currdir}/dovecotpfd-setuid returned an error"), true, false);
        return PASSWORD_ERROR;
    } else {
        raise_error(array('code' => 600, 'type' => 'php', 'file' => __FILE__, 'line' => __LINE__, 'message' => "Password plugin: error calling {$currdir}/dovecotpfd-setuid"), true, false);
        return PASSWORD_ERROR;
  * Основной метод, регистрирующий класс для закрытия
  * @param Destructable $inst - Экземпляр класса, которй будет гарантированно закрыт в свою очередь
  * @param int $order - порядок закрытия
 public static function registerDestructable(Destructable $inst, $order)
      * Класс получаем через get_called_class(), так как PsShotdownSdk может быть переопределён проектным
     $class = get_called_class();
      * Проверяем, что нам передан валидный order
     $order = PsUtil::assertClassHasConstVithValue($class, null, PsCheck::int($order));
      * Регистрируем shutdown
     if (is_null(self::$DESTRUCTS)) {
         self::$DESTRUCTS = array();
         register_shutdown_function(array(__CLASS__, '_doShotdown'));
      * Проверим, что нет попытки повторной регистрации с тем-же order
     if (array_key_exists($order, self::$DESTRUCTS)) {
         raise_error("Попытка повторно зарегистрировать Destructable с порядком [{$order}] для класса " . get_class($inst));
      * Регистрируем класс на закрытие
     self::$DESTRUCTS[$order] = $inst;
 public function __construct($name, $comment)
     check_condition(defined($name), "Глобальное свойство [{$name}] не определено.");
     $this->name = $name;
     $this->val = constant($name);
     $this->comment = $comment;
     $type = gettype($this->val);
     //Определим тип
     switch ($type) {
         case PsConst::PHP_TYPE_BOOLEAN:
             $this->type = self::TYPE_BOOLEAN;
         case PsConst::PHP_TYPE_INTEGER:
         case PsConst::PHP_TYPE_DOUBLE:
         case PsConst::PHP_TYPE_FLOAT:
             $this->type = self::TYPE_NUMERIC;
         case PsConst::PHP_TYPE_STRING:
             $this->type = self::TYPE_STRING;
              * "array"
              * "object"
              * "resource"
              * "NULL"
              * "unknown type"
             raise_error("Неизвестный тип [{$type}] для глобального свойства {$name}.");
     $this->info = "{$this->name} ({$this->type})";
  * Метод регистрируем маппинг
 protected final function register(Mapping $mapping)
     if (array_key_exists($mapping->getHash(), $this->mappings)) {
         raise_error("Маппинг '{$mapping}' уже заругистрирован");
     } else {
         $this->mappings[$mapping->getHash()] = $mapping;
Exemple #9
 function load($file)
     if (!file_exists($file)) {
         raise_error("{$file}: File does not exist", 'YamlParserError');
         return false;
     return Spyc::YAMLLoad($file);
Exemple #10
 function save($currpass, $newpass)
     $rcmail = rcmail::get_instance();
     $format = $rcmail->config->get('password_virtualmin_format', 0);
     $username = $_SESSION['username'];
     switch ($format) {
         case 1:
             // username%domain
             $domain = substr(strrchr($username, "%"), 1);
         case 2:
             // username.domain (could be bogus)
             $pieces = explode(".", $username);
             $domain = $pieces[count($pieces) - 2] . "." . end($pieces);
         case 3:
             // domain.username (could be bogus)
             $pieces = explode(".", $username);
             $domain = $pieces[0] . "." . $pieces[1];
         case 4:
             // username-domain
             $domain = substr(strrchr($username, "-"), 1);
         case 5:
             // domain-username
             $domain = str_replace(strrchr($username, "-"), "", $username);
         case 6:
             // username_domain
             $domain = substr(strrchr($username, "_"), 1);
         case 7:
             // domain_username
             $pieces = explode("_", $username);
             $domain = $pieces[0];
         case 8:
             // domain taken from alias, username left as it was
             $email = $rcmail->user->data['alias'];
             $domain = substr(strrchr($email, "@"), 1);
             // username@domain
             $domain = substr(strrchr($username, "@"), 1);
     $username = escapeshellcmd($username);
     $domain = escapeshellcmd($domain);
     $newpass = escapeshellcmd($newpass);
     $curdir = INSTALL_PATH . 'plugins/password/helpers';
     exec("{$curdir}/chgvirtualminpasswd modify-user --domain {$domain} --user {$username} --pass {$newpass}", $output, $returnvalue);
     if ($returnvalue == 0) {
         return PASSWORD_SUCCESS;
     } else {
         raise_error(array('code' => 600, 'type' => 'php', 'file' => __FILE__, 'line' => __LINE__, 'message' => "Password plugin: Unable to execute {$curdir}/chgvirtualminpasswd"), true, false);
     return PASSWORD_ERROR;
 private function _db_connect($mode)
     $this->db = rcube_db::factory($this->config['db_dsn'], '', false);
     // check DB connections and exit on failure
     if ($err_str = $this->db->is_error()) {
         raise_error(array('code' => 603, 'type' => 'db', 'message' => $err_str), FALSE, TRUE);
  * Constructor
  * @param string $lang Language code
 function __construct($lang = 'en')
     $this->rc = rcmail::get_instance();
     $this->engine = $this->rc->config->get('spellcheck_engine', 'googie');
     $this->lang = $lang ? $lang : 'en';
     if ($this->engine == 'pspell' && !extension_loaded('pspell')) {
         raise_error(array('code' => 500, 'type' => 'php', 'file' => __FILE__, 'line' => __LINE__, 'message' => "Pspell extension not available"), true, true);
     $this->options = array('ignore_syms' => $this->rc->config->get('spellcheck_ignore_syms'), 'ignore_nums' => $this->rc->config->get('spellcheck_ignore_nums'), 'ignore_caps' => $this->rc->config->get('spellcheck_ignore_caps'), 'dictionary' => $this->rc->config->get('spellcheck_dictionary'));
Exemple #13
 * chpasswd Driver
 * Driver that adds functionality to change the systems user password via
 * the 'chpasswd' command.
 * For installation instructions please read the README file.
 * @version 1.0
 * @author Alex Cartwright <
function password_save($currpass, $newpass)
    $cmd = sprintf('echo \'%1$s:%2$s\' | %3$s; echo $?', addcslashes($_SESSION['username'], "'"), addcslashes($newpass, "'"), rcmail::get_instance()->config->get('password_chpasswd_cmd'));
    if (exec($cmd) == 0) {
        return PASSWORD_SUCCESS;
    } else {
        raise_error(array('code' => 600, 'type' => 'php', 'file' => __FILE__, 'message' => "Password plugin: Unable to execute {$cmd}"), true, false);
    return PASSWORD_ERROR;
Exemple #14
 public static function ident($item)
     if ($item instanceof AbstractPost) {
         return self::postId($item->getPostType(), $item->getIdent());
     if ($item instanceof Rubric) {
         return self::rubricId($item->getPostType(), $item->getIdent());
     raise_error('В IdHelper передан элемент неподдрживаемого типа: ' . PsUtil::getClassName($item));
Exemple #15
  * Метод ищет в строке подстроки, удовлетворяющие шаблону и заменяет их по очереди на подстановки,
  * переданные в виде массива.  Поиск идёт по регулярному выражению!
  * @param string $pattern - шаблон
  * @param string $text - текст
  * @param array $tokens - массив подстановок
  * @return string
 public static function replace($pattern, $text, array $tokens)
     self::$inst = self::$inst ? self::$inst : new PregReplaceCyclic();
     self::$inst->tokens = check_condition($tokens, 'Не переданы элементы для замены');
     if (is_assoc_array($tokens)) {
         raise_error('Недопустим ассоциативный массив подстановок. Передан: ' . array_to_string($tokens, true));
     self::$inst->idx = 0;
     self::$inst->count = count($tokens);
     return preg_replace_callback($pattern, array(self::$inst, '_replace'), $text);
  * Название класса
 public static final function isInScope($scope)
     switch ($scope) {
         case ENTITY_SCOPE_ALL:
             return true;
         case ENTITY_SCOPE_SDK:
             return self::isSdk();
         case ENTITY_SCOPE_PROJ:
             return !self::isSdk();
     return raise_error("Invalid entity scope [{$scope}]");
Exemple #17
 public static final function inst($type)
     switch ($type) {
         case PsLogger::OUTPUT_FILE:
             return new FileLogWriter();
         case PsLogger::OUTPUT_CONSOLE:
             return new ConsoleLogWriter();
         case PsLogger::OUTPUT_BROWSER:
             return new BrowserLogWriter();
     raise_error("Unknown log writer type: [{$type}].");
 protected function executeImpl(ArrayAdapter $params)
     $action = $params->str('action');
     switch ($action) {
         case 'saveIni':
             ConfigIni::saveIniContent($params->str('scope'), $params->str('content'));
             raise_error("Неизвестный тип действия: [{$action}]");
     return new AjaxSuccess();
function db_query($query)
    global $debug_mode;
    // Perform Query
    $result = mysql_query($query);
    // Check result
    // This shows the actual query sent to MySQL, and the error. Useful for debugging.
    if (!$result) {
        raise_error(604, mysql_errno() . " " . mysql_error() . " : " . $query);
    return $result;
Exemple #20
  * Метод декодирования шаблонных сообщений
  * @return TemplateMessageContent
 public function decodeTemplateMsg(DiscussionMsg $msg)
     try {
         check_condition($msg->isTemplated(), "Сообщение {$msg} не шаблонизировано");
         $result = $this->getFoldedEntityByDbCode($msg->getTemplateId())->getClassInst()->decodeMsg($msg);
         if ($result instanceof TemplateMessageContent) {
             return $result;
         raise_error(is_string($result) && !isEmpty($result) ? $result : 'Шаблонное сообщение обработано некорректно');
     } catch (Exception $ex) {
         return new TemplateMessageError($ex);
Exemple #21
 * Virtualmin Password Driver
 * Driver that adds functionality to change the users Virtualmin password.
 * The code is derrived from the Squirrelmail "Change Cyrus/SASL Password" Plugin
 * by Thomas Bruederli.
 * It only works with virtualmin on the same host where RoundCube runs
 * and requires shell access and gcc in order to compile the binary.
 * @version 1.0
 * @author Martijn de Munnik
function password_save($currpass, $newpass)
    $curdir = realpath(dirname(__FILE__));
    $username = escapeshellcmd($_SESSION['username']);
    $domain = substr(strrchr($username, "@"), 1);
    exec("{$curdir}/chgvirtualminpasswd modify-user --domain {$domain} --user {$username} --pass {$newpass}", $output, $returnvalue);
    if ($returnvalue == 0) {
        return PASSWORD_SUCCESS;
    } else {
        raise_error(array('code' => 600, 'type' => 'php', 'file' => __FILE__, 'message' => "Password plugin: Unable to execute {$curdir}/chgvirtualminpasswd"), true, false);
    return PASSWORD_ERROR;
Exemple #22
 * chpasswd Driver
 * Driver that adds functionality to change the systems user password via
 * the 'chpasswd' command.
 * For installation instructions please read the README file.
 * @version 1.0
 * @author Alex Cartwright <
function password_save($currpass, $newpass)
    $cmd = rcmail::get_instance()->config->get('password_chpasswd_cmd');
    $username = $_SESSION['username'];
    $handle = popen($cmd, "w");
    fwrite($handle, "{$username}:{$newpass}\n");
    if (pclose($handle) == 0) {
        return PASSWORD_SUCCESS;
    } else {
        raise_error(array('code' => 600, 'type' => 'php', 'file' => __FILE__, 'line' => __LINE__, 'message' => "Password plugin: Unable to execute {$cmd}"), true, false);
    return PASSWORD_ERROR;
Exemple #23
 function password_save($currpass, $newpass)
     $curdir = RCUBE_PLUGINS_DIR . 'password/helpers';
     $username = escapeshellcmd($_SESSION['username']);
     $args = rcmail::get_instance()->config->get('password_dbmail_args', '');
     exec("{$curdir}/chgdbmailusers -c {$username} -w {$newpass} {$args}", $output, $returnvalue);
     if ($returnvalue == 0) {
         return PASSWORD_SUCCESS;
     } else {
         raise_error(array('code' => 600, 'type' => 'php', 'file' => __FILE__, 'line' => __LINE__, 'message' => "Password plugin: Unable to execute {$curdir}/chgdbmailusers"), true, false);
     return PASSWORD_ERROR;
Exemple #24
  * Метод возвращает текстовое описание состояния кода
 public function getStateDescr()
     $state = $this->getState();
     switch ($state) {
         case UserCodesBean::CODE_STATUS_NOT_EXISTS:
             return 'Код не зарегестрирован';
         case UserCodesBean::CODE_STATUS_INVALID:
             return 'Код некорректен';
         case UserCodesBean::CODE_STATUS_ACTIVE:
             return 'Код активен';
         case UserCodesBean::CODE_STATUS_USED:
             return 'Код уже использован';
     raise_error("Неизвестное состояние кода [{$this->code}]: {$state}");
 function load_con_config()
     $config = $this->api->dir . 'ispconfig3_account/config/';
     if (file_exists($config)) {
         if (!$this->rcmail_inst->config->load_from_file($config)) {
             raise_error(array('code' => 527, 'type' => 'php', 'message' => "Failed to load config from {$config}"), TRUE, FALSE);
     } else {
         if (file_exists($config . ".dist")) {
             if (!$this->rcmail_inst->config->load_from_file($config . '.dist')) {
                 raise_error(array('code' => 527, 'type' => 'php', 'message' => "Failed to load config from {$config}"), TRUE, FALSE);
 function load_config()
     $config = $this->home . '/config/';
     if (file_exists($config)) {
         if (!$this->rcmail_inst->config->load_from_file($config)) {
             raise_error(array('code' => 527, 'type' => 'php', 'message' => "Failed to load config from {$config}"), true, false);
     } else {
         if (file_exists($config . ".dist")) {
             if (!$this->rcmail_inst->config->load_from_file($config . '.dist')) {
                 raise_error(array('code' => 527, 'type' => 'php', 'message' => "Failed to load config from {$config}"), true, false);
Exemple #27
 * PAM Password Driver
 * @version 1.0
 * @author Aleksander Machniak
function password_save($currpass, $newpass)
    $user = $_SESSION['username'];
    if (extension_loaded('pam')) {
        if (pam_auth($user, $currpass, $error, false)) {
            if (pam_chpass($user, $currpass, $newpass)) {
                return PASSWORD_SUCCESS;
        } else {
            raise_error(array('code' => 600, 'type' => 'php', 'file' => __FILE__, 'message' => "Password plugin: PAM authentication failed for user {$user}: {$error}"), true, false);
    } else {
        raise_error(array('code' => 600, 'type' => 'php', 'file' => __FILE__, 'message' => "Password plugin: PECL-PAM module not loaded"), true, false);
    return PASSWORD_ERROR;
Exemple #28
 * SASL Password Driver
 * Driver that adds functionality to change the users Cyrus/SASL password.
 * The code is derrived from the Squirrelmail "Change SASL Password" Plugin
 * by Galen Johnson.
 * It only works with saslpasswd2 on the same host where RoundCube runs
 * and requires shell access and gcc in order to compile the binary.
 * For installation instructions please read the README file.
 * @version 1.0
 * @author Thomas Bruederli
function password_save($currpass, $newpass)
    $curdir = realpath(dirname(__FILE__));
    $username = escapeshellcmd($_SESSION['username']);
    $args = rcmail::get_instance()->config->get('password_saslpasswd_args', '');
    if ($fh = popen("{$curdir}/chgsaslpasswd -p {$args} {$username}", 'w')) {
        fwrite($fh, $newpass . "\n");
        $code = pclose($fh);
        if ($code == 0) {
            return PASSWORD_SUCCESS;
    } else {
        raise_error(array('code' => 600, 'type' => 'php', 'file' => __FILE__, 'message' => "Password plugin: Unable to execute {$curdir}/chgsaslpasswd"), true, false);
    return PASSWORD_ERROR;
Exemple #29
  * Основной метод, выполняющий обновление пользователя
  * @param type $userId
  * @param array $whatAssoc
  * @param array $whereAssoc
  * @return type
 private function updateUser($userId, array $whatAssoc, array $whereAssoc = array())
     //Сразу валидируем код пользователя
     $userId = AuthManager::validateUserId($userId);
     //В апдейте можно использовать только ассоциативные параметры
     //Получим список обновляемых колонок
     $columns = check_condition(array_keys($whatAssoc), 'Не переданы параметры обновления пользователя');
     //Проверим на наличие запрещённых полей
     $denyColumns = array_intersect(self::$UPDATE_DENY_FIELDS, $columns);
     if ($denyColumns) {
         raise_error('Cледующие параметры пользователя не могут быть обновлены: ' . array_to_string(array_values($denyColumns)));
     //Проверим на наличие неизвестных полей
     $unknownColumns = array_diff($columns, self::getColumns());
     if ($unknownColumns) {
         raise_error('Попытка обновить недопустимые параметры пользователя: ' . array_to_string(array_values($unknownColumns)));
     //Загружаем текущее состояние, на всякий случай предварительно сбросив кеш
     $OLD = $this->getUserDataById($this->reset($userId));
     //Сбрасываем кеш и выполняем обновление
     $whereAssoc[self::FIELD_ID] = $this->reset($userId);
     $updated = $this->update(Query::update('users', $whatAssoc, $whereAssoc));
     if ($updated <= 0) {
     //Загружаем новое состояние
     $NEW = $this->getUserDataById($this->reset($userId));
     //Сравним и запишем аудит
     $DIF = array();
     foreach ($OLD as $column => $oldValue) {
         if (in_array($column, self::$SKIP_AUDIT_ON_UPDATE_FIELDS)) {
         $newValue = $NEW[$column];
         if (strcmp(trim($oldValue), trim($newValue)) != 0) {
             $DIF[$column] = $newValue;
     if (empty($DIF)) {
     UserAudit::inst()->onUpdate($userId, $DIF);
function db_query($query)
    global $b_debugmode;
    // Perform Query
    $result = mysql_query($query);
    // Check result
    // This shows the actual query sent to MySQL, and the error. Useful for debugging.
    if (!$result) {
        if ($b_debugmode) {
            // echo mysql_errno() . ": " . mysql_error() . "\n<br>";
            $message = '<b>Invalid query:</b><br>' . mysql_error() . '<br><br>';
            $message .= '<b>Whole query:</b><br>' . $query . '<br><br>';
            // die($message);
        raise_error('db_query_error: ' . $message);
    return $result;