Exemple #1
  * Constructor...
  * @param Array $args The argument list being parsed
 public function __construct(array $argv)
     $doubleDash = FALSE;
     foreach ($argv as $arg) {
         if ($doubleDash) {
             $this->args[] = array(self::TYPE_ARG, $arg);
         } else {
             if ($arg == "--") {
                 $doubleDash = TRUE;
             } elseif (\r8\str\startsWith($arg, "--")) {
             } else {
                 if (\r8\str\startsWith($arg, "-")) {
                 } else {
                     if (!isset($this->script)) {
                         $this->script = $arg;
                     } else {
                         $this->args[] = array(self::TYPE_ARG, $arg);
  * @see \r8\iface\Log\Matcher::matches
 public function matches(\r8\Log\Message $message)
     $message = $message->getCode();
     foreach ($this->codes as $code) {
         if (\r8\str\startsWith($message, $code)) {
             return TRUE;
     return FALSE;
Exemple #3
  * Validates an e-mail address
  * @param mixed $value The value to validate
  * @return String|NULL Any errors encountered
 protected function process($value)
     $value = (string) $value;
     if (\r8\isEmpty($value)) {
         return "Email Address must not be empty";
     $atCount = substr_count($value, "@");
     if ($atCount == 0) {
         return "Email Address must contain an 'at' (@) symbol";
     if ($atCount > 1) {
         return "Email Address must only contain one 'at' (@) symbol";
     if (\r8\str\contains(" ", $value)) {
         return "Email Address must not contain spaces";
     if (\r8\str\contains("\n", $value) || \r8\str\contains("\r", $value)) {
         return "Email Address must not contain line breaks";
     if (\r8\str\contains("\t", $value)) {
         return "Email Address must not contain tabs";
     if (preg_match('/\\.\\.+/', $value)) {
         return "Email Address must not contain repeated periods";
     if (preg_match('/[^a-z0-9' . preg_quote('!#$%&\'*+-/=?^_`{|}~@.[]', '/') . ']/i', $value)) {
         return "Email Address contains invalid characters";
     if (\r8\str\endsWith($value, ".")) {
         return "Email Address must not end with a period";
     list($local, $domain) = explode("@", $value);
     if (\r8\str\startsWith($local, ".")) {
         return "Email Address must not start with a period";
     // This is hard to describe to a user, so just give them a vague description
     if (\r8\str\endsWith($local, ".")) {
         return "Email Address is not valid";
     if (strlen($local) > 64 || strlen($domain) > 255) {
         return "Email Address is too long";
     $regex = '/' . '^' . '[\\w!#$%&\'*+\\/=?^`{|}~.-]+' . '@' . '(?:[a-z\\d][a-z\\d-]*(?:\\.[a-z\\d][a-z\\d-]*)?)+' . '\\.(?:[a-z][a-z\\d-]+)' . '$' . '/iD';
     // Do a final regex to match the basic form
     if (!preg_match($regex, $value)) {
         return "Email Address is not valid";
Exemple #4
  * Sets the basename for this file
  * This sets the extension and filename at once
  * @param String $basename The new basename
  * @return \r8\FileSys\File Returns a self reference
 public function setBasename($basename)
     $basename = trim((string) $basename);
     $basename = pathinfo($basename);
     // Handle filenames that start with a dot, like ".htaccess"
     if (\r8\str\startsWith($basename['basename'], ".")) {
         $basename = pathinfo(substr($basename['basename'], 1));
         $basename['filename'] = "." . $basename['filename'];
     if (isset($basename['filename'])) {
     } else {
     if (isset($basename['extension'])) {
     } else {
     return $this;
Exemple #5
 public function testStartsWith()
     $this->assertTrue(\r8\str\startsWith('string with content', 'string'));
     $this->assertTrue(\r8\str\startsWith('string with content', 'String'));
     $this->assertTrue(\r8\str\startsWith('string with content', 'string', TRUE));
     $this->assertTrue(\r8\str\startsWith('string with content', 'String', TRUE));
     $this->assertTrue(\r8\str\startsWith('string with content', 'string', FALSE));
     $this->assertFalse(\r8\str\startsWith('string with content', 'String', FALSE));
     $this->assertFalse(\r8\str\startsWith('string with content', 'strn', FALSE));
Exemple #6
 * Removes a head from a string if it exists
 * @param String $string The base string
 * @param String $head The string to remove from the beginning of the base string, if it is there
 * @param Boolean $ignoreCase Whether the comparison should be case sensitive
 * @return String Returns the decapitated string
function stripHead($string, $head, $ignoreCase = TRUE)
    $string = (string) $string;
    $head = (string) $head;
    if (!\r8\str\startsWith($string, $head, $ignoreCase)) {
        return $string;
    return substr($string, strlen($head)) ?: "";
Exemple #7
  * Attempts to find a file given a relative path
  * @param \r8\Finder\Tracker $tracker $file The tracker to use when determining
  *      if a base/path combination is valid
  * @param String $base The base directory to look for the path in
  * @param String $path The path being looked for
  * @return \r8\Finder\Result|NULL Returns a result, or NULL if the file couldn't be found
 public function find(\r8\Finder\Tracker $tracker, $base, $path)
     $origPath = $path;
     $path = trim((string) $path, "/");
     $path = \r8\FileSys::resolvePath($path);
     // Iterate over each possible mutation and determine if it should be applied
     foreach ($this->mutations as $mutate) {
         $result = NULL;
         // Check for a partial match
         if (\r8\str\startsWith($path, $mutate["from"] . "/")) {
             $result = $this->wrapped->find($tracker, $base, $mutate["to"] . "/" . ltrim(substr($path, strlen($mutate["from"])), "/"));
         } else {
             if (strcasecmp($path, $mutate["from"]) == 0) {
                 $result = $this->wrapped->find($tracker, $base, $mutate["to"]);
         if ($result instanceof \r8\Finder\Result) {
             return $result;
     return $this->wrapped->find($tracker, $base, $origPath);