Exemple #1
 * Créer une URL
 * @param  string $script
 *     Nom du script à exécuter
 * @param  string|array $args
 *     Arguments à transmettre a l'URL, soit sous la forme d'un string
 *     tel que `arg1=yy&arg2=zz` soit sous la forme d'un array tel que
 *    `array( arg1 => yy, arg2 => zz )`
 * @param bool $no_entities
 *     Si false : transforme les & en &
 * @param boolean $public
 *     URL relative ? false : l’URL sera complète et contiendra l’URL du site.
 *     true : l’URL sera relative.
 * @return string
 *     URL
function generer_url_action($script, $args = "", $no_entities = false, $public = false)
    // si l'on est dans l'espace prive, on garde dans l'url
    // l'exec a l'origine de l'action, qui permet de savoir si il est necessaire
    // ou non de proceder a l'authentification (cas typique de l'install par exemple)
    $url = (_DIR_RACINE and !$public) ? generer_url_ecrire(_request('exec')) : generer_url_public('', '', false, false);
    $url = parametre_url($url, 'action', $script);
    if ($args) {
        $url .= quote_amp('&' . $args);
    if ($no_entities) {
        $url = str_replace('&', '&', $url);
    return $url;
function redirige_formulaire($url, $equiv = '', $format = 'message')
    if (!_AJAX and !headers_sent() and !_request('var_ajax')) {
        redirige_par_entete(str_replace('&', '&', $url), $equiv);
    } elseif ($format == 'ajaxform' and preg_match(',^#[0-9a-z\\-_]+$,i', $url)) {
        return array("<a href='{$url}' name='ajax_ancre' style='display:none;'>anchor</a>", '');
    } else {
        // ne pas laisser passer n'importe quoi dans l'url
        $url = str_replace(array('<', '"'), array('&lt;', '&quot;'), $url);
        $url = strtr($url, "\n\r", "  ");
        # en theorie on devrait faire ca tout le temps, mais quand la chaine
        # commence par ? c'est imperatif, sinon l'url finale n'est pas la bonne
        if ($url[0] == '?') {
            $url = url_de_base() . $url;
        $url = str_replace('&amp;', '&', $url);
        spip_log("redirige formulaire ajax: {$url}");
        if ($format == 'ajaxform') {
            return array('<a href="' . quote_amp($url) . '" name="ajax_redirect"  style="display:none;">' . _T('navigateur_pas_redirige') . '</a>', '<br /><a href="' . quote_amp($url) . '">' . _T('navigateur_pas_redirige') . '</a>');
        } else {
            return "<script type='text/javascript'>if (parent.window){parent.window.document.location.replace(\"{$url}\");} else {document.location.replace(\"{$url}\");}</script>" . http_img_pack('searching.gif', '') . '<br />' . '<a href="' . quote_amp($url) . '">' . _T('navigateur_pas_redirige') . '</a>';
Exemple #3
 * Ecrire le js pour relancer la procedure de dump
 * @param string $redirect
 * @return string
function migrer_vers_relance($redirect){
	if (!headers_sent()){
		redirige_par_entete(str_replace('&amp;','&',$redirect), $equiv);
	// si Javascript est dispo, anticiper le Time-out
	return "<script type='text/javascript'>document.location.replace(\"$redirect\");</script>"
		. str_repeat(" ", 256)."<pre></pre>"
		. '<br />'
		. '<a href="'.quote_amp($redirect).'">'._T('navigateur_pas_redirige')."</a><br />\r\n";
Exemple #4
function debusquer_navigation($tableau, $caption = array(), $id = 'debug-nav')
    if (_request('exec') == 'valider_xml') {
        return '';
    $GLOBALS['bouton_admin_debug'] = true;
    $res = '';
    $href = quote_amp(parametre_url($GLOBALS['REQUEST_URI'], 'var_mode', 'debug'));
    foreach ($tableau as $i => $err) {
        $boucle = $ligne = $skel = '';
        list($msg, $lieu) = $err;
        if (is_object($lieu)) {
            $ligne = $lieu->ligne;
            $boucle = $lieu->id_boucle ? $lieu->id_boucle : '';
            if (isset($lieu->descr['nom'])) {
                $nom_code = $lieu->descr['nom'];
                $skel = $lieu->descr['sourcefile'];
                $h2 = parametre_url($href, 'var_mode_objet', $nom_code);
                $h3 = parametre_url($h2, 'var_mode_affiche', 'squelette') . '#L' . $ligne;
                $skel = "<a href='{$h3}'><b>{$skel}</b></a>";
                if ($boucle) {
                    $h3 = parametre_url($h2 . $boucle, 'var_mode_affiche', 'boucle');
                    $boucle = "<a href='{$h3}'><b>{$boucle}</b></a>";
        $j = $i + 1;
        $res .= "<tr id='req{$j}'><td style='text-align: right'>" . $j . "&nbsp;</td><td style='text-align: left'>" . (is_array($msg) ? implode('', $msg) : $msg) . "</td><td style='text-align: left'>" . ($skel ? $skel : "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;/&nbsp;&nbsp;") . "</td><td class='spip-debug-arg' style='text-align: left'>" . ($boucle ? $boucle : "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;/&nbsp;&nbsp;") . "</td><td style='text-align: right'>" . $ligne . "</td></tr>\n";
    return "\n<table id='{$id}'>" . "<caption onclick=\"x = document.getElementById('{$id}'); (x.style.display == '' ? x.style.display = 'none' : x.style.display = '');\">" . $caption[0] . "</caption>" . (!empty($caption[1]) ? $caption[1] : '') . "<tr><th>" . _T('numero') . "</th><th>" . _T('public:message') . "</th><th>" . _T('squelette') . "</th><th>" . _T('zbug_boucle') . "</th><th>" . _T('ligne') . "</th></tr>" . $res . "</table>";
Exemple #5
function traiter_lien_explicite ($ref, $texte='', $pour='url', $connect='')
	if (preg_match(_EXTRAIRE_LIEN, $ref))
		return ($pour != 'tout') ? '' : array('','','','');

	$lien = entites_html(trim($ref));

	// Liens explicites
	if (!$texte) {
		$texte = str_replace('"', '', $lien);
		// evite l'affichage de trops longues urls.
		$lien_court = charger_fonction('lien_court', 'inc');
		$texte = $lien_court($texte);
		$texte = "<html>".quote_amp($texte)."</html>";

	// petites corrections d'URL
	if (preg_match('/^www\.[^@]+$/S',$lien))
		$lien = "http://".$lien;
	else if (strpos($lien, "@") && email_valide($lien)) {
		if (!$texte) $texte = $lien;
		$lien = "mailto:".$lien;
	if ($pour == 'url') return $lien;

	if ($pour == 'titre') return $texte;

	return array('url' => $lien, 'titre' => $texte);
Exemple #6
function http_calendrier_avec_heure($evenement, $amj)
	$jour_debut = substr($evenement['DTSTART'], 0,8);
	$jour_fin = substr($evenement['DTEND'], 0, 8);
	if ($jour_fin <= 0) $jour_fin = $jour_debut;
	if (($jour_debut <= 0) OR ($jour_debut > $amj) OR ($jour_fin < $amj))
	  return "";
	$desc = PtoBR(propre($evenement['DESCRIPTION']));
	$sum = $evenement['SUMMARY'];
	$u = $GLOBALS['meta']['pcre_u'];
	$sum = typo($sum);
	if (!$sum) $sum = $desc;
	if ($lieu = $evenement['LOCATION'])
	  $sum .= '<br />' . $lieu;
	if ($perso = construire_personne_ics($evenement['ATTENDEE']))
	  $sum .=  '<br />' . $perso;
	if ($evenement['URL'])
	  $sum = http_href(quote_amp($evenement['URL']), $sum, attribut_html($desc), 'border: 0');

	$sum = pipeline('agenda_rendu_evenement',array('args'=>array('evenement'=>$evenement,'type'=>'avec_heure'),'data'=>$sum));
	$deb_h = substr($evenement['DTSTART'],-6,2);
	$deb_m = substr($evenement['DTSTART'],-4,2);
	$fin_h = substr($evenement['DTEND'],-6,2);
	$fin_m = substr($evenement['DTEND'],-4,2);
	$opacity = $evenement['CATEGORIES'];
	if ($amj != $jour_debut AND $amj != $jour_fin) {
	    $opacity .= ' calendrier-opacity';
	  } else {
	  if ($deb_h >0 OR $deb_m > 0) {
	    if ((($deb_h > 0) OR ($deb_m > 0)) AND $amj == $jour_debut)
	      { $deb = $deb_h . ':' . $deb_m;}
	    else { 
	      $deb = '...'; 
	    if ((($fin_h > 0) OR ($fin_m > 0)) AND $amj == $jour_fin)
	      { $fin = $fin_h . ':' . $fin_m;}
	    else { 
	      $fin = '...'; 
	    $sum = "<div style='font-weight: bold;'>$deb-$fin</div>$sum";
	return "\n<div class='calendrier-arial10 calendrier-evenement $opacity'>$sum\n</div>\n"; 
function action_crayons_store_args($store = 'crayons_store')
    header("Content-Type: text/plain; charset=" . $GLOBALS['meta']['charset']);
    $r = $store();
    // Si on a ete appeles par jQuery, on renvoie tout, c'est le client
    // crayons.js qui va traiter l'affichage du resultat et status
    # Attention le test $_SERVER["HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH"] === "XMLHttpRequest"
    # n'est pas bon car le cas d'un fichier uploade via iframe n'est pas detecte
    // S'il y a une adresse de redirection, on renvoie vers elle
    // En cas d'erreur il faudrait ajouter &err=... dans l'url ?
    if (_request('redirect')) {
        if (!$r['$erreur'] or $r['$annuler']) {
        } else {
            echo "<h4 class='status'>" . $r['$erreur'] . "</h4>\n";
            foreach ($r as $wid => $v) {
                if ($wid !== '$erreur') {
                    echo "<div id='{$wid}'>{$v}</div><hr />\n";
            echo "<a href='" . quote_amp(_request('redirect')) . "'>" . quote_amp(_request('redirect')) . "</a>\n";
    } else {
        echo crayons_json_export($r);
Exemple #8
function chrono_requete($temps)
	$total = 0;
	$hors = "<i>" . _T('zbug_hors_compilation') . "</i>";
	$t = $q = $n = $d = array();
	// Totaliser les temps et completer le Explain
	foreach ($temps as $key => $v) {
		list($dt, $nb, $boucle, $query, $explain, $res, $contexte) = $v;
		if (is_array($contexte)) {
			$k = ($contexte[0] . " $boucle");
			$env = reconstruire_contexte_compil($contexte);
		} else $k = $env = $boucle;

		$total += $dt;
		$t[$key] = $dt;
		$q[$key] = $nb;
		$d[$k]+= $dt;
		if ($k) @++$n[$k];

		if (!is_array($explain))
			$explain = array();
		foreach($explain as $j => $v) {
			$explain[$j] = "<tr><th>$j</th><td>"
			  . str_replace(';','<br />',$v)
			  . "</td></tr>";
		$e = "<table class='explain'>"
		. "<caption>"
		. $query
		. "</caption>"
		. "<tr><th>Time</th><td>$dt</td></tr>"
		. "<tr><th>Order</th><td>$nb</td></tr>"
		. "<tr><th>Res</th><td>$res</td></tr>"
		. join('', $explain)
		. "</table>";

		$temps[$key] = array($e, $env, $k);
	// Trier par temps d'execution decroissant
	array_multisort($t, SORT_DESC, $q, $temps);
	$i = 1;
	$t = array();
	// Fabriquer les liens de navigations dans le tableau des temps
	foreach($temps as $k => $v) {
		$titre = strip_tags($v[2]);
		$href = quote_amp($GLOBALS['REQUEST_URI'])."#req$i";

		$t[$v[2]][]= "<span class='spip-debug-arg'> "
		. "<a title='$titre' href='$href'>$i</a>"
		. '</span>'
		. ((count($t[$v[2]]) % 10 == 9) ?  "<br />" : '');

	if ($d['']) {
		$d[$hors] = $d[''];
		$n[$hors] = $n[''];
		$t[$hors] = $t[''];
	// Fabriquer le tableau des liens de navigation dans le grand tableau
	foreach ($d as $k => $v) {
		$d[$k] =  $n[$k] . "</td><td>$k</td><td class='time'>$v</td><td class='liste-reqs'>"
		  . join('',$t[$k]);

	$navigation = 
	  . "<table style='text-align: left; border: 1px solid;'><tr><td>"
		. join("</td></tr>\n<tr><td>", $d)
	  . "</td></tr>\n"
	  .  (# _request('var_mode_objet') ? '' : 
	     ("<tr><td>" .  count($temps) . "</td><td>" . _T('info_total') . '</td><td class="time">' . $total . "</td><td></td></tr>"))
	  . "</table>";

	return array($temps, $navigation);
Exemple #9
function couper($texte, $taille = 50, $suite = '&nbsp;(...)')
    if (!($length = strlen($texte)) or $taille <= 0) {
        return '';
    $offset = 400 + 2 * $taille;
    while ($offset < $length and strlen(preg_replace(",<[^>]+>,Uims", "", substr($texte, 0, $offset))) < $taille) {
        $offset = 2 * $offset;
    if ($offset < $length && ($p_tag_ouvrant = strpos($texte, '<', $offset)) !== NULL) {
        $p_tag_fermant = strpos($texte, '>', $offset);
        if ($p_tag_fermant && $p_tag_fermant < $p_tag_ouvrant) {
            $offset = $p_tag_fermant + 1;
        // prolonger la coupe jusqu'au tag fermant suivant eventuel
    $texte = substr($texte, 0, $offset);
    /* eviter de travailler sur 10ko pour extraire 150 caracteres */
    // on utilise les \r pour passer entre les gouttes
    $texte = str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $texte);
    $texte = str_replace("\r", "\n", $texte);
    // sauts de ligne et paragraphes
    $texte = preg_replace("/\n\n+/", "\r", $texte);
    $texte = preg_replace("/<(p|br)( [^>]*)?" . ">/", "\r", $texte);
    // supprimer les traits, lignes etc
    $texte = preg_replace("/(^|\r|\n)(-[-#\\*]*|_ )/", "\r", $texte);
    // supprimer les tags
    $texte = supprimer_tags($texte);
    $texte = trim(str_replace("\n", " ", $texte));
    $texte .= "\n";
    // marquer la fin
    // travailler en accents charset
    $texte = unicode2charset(html2unicode($texte, true));
    if (!function_exists('nettoyer_raccourcis_typo')) {
    $texte = nettoyer_raccourcis_typo($texte);
    // corriger la longueur de coupe
    // en fonction de la presence de caracteres utf
    if ($GLOBALS['meta']['charset'] == 'utf-8') {
        $long = charset2unicode($texte);
        $long = spip_substr($long, 0, max($taille, 1));
        $nbcharutf = preg_match_all('/(&#[0-9]{3,5};)/S', $long, $matches);
        $taille += $nbcharutf;
    // couper au mot precedent
    $long = spip_substr($texte, 0, max($taille - 4, 1));
    $u = $GLOBALS['meta']['pcre_u'];
    $court = preg_replace("/([^\\s][\\s]+)[^\\s]*\n?\$/" . $u, "\\1", $long);
    $points = $suite;
    // trop court ? ne pas faire de (...)
    if (spip_strlen($court) < max(0.75 * $taille, 2)) {
        $points = '';
        $long = spip_substr($texte, 0, $taille);
        $texte = preg_replace("/([^\\s][\\s]+)[^\\s]*\n?\$/" . $u, "\\1", $long);
        // encore trop court ? couper au caractere
        if (spip_strlen($texte) < 0.75 * $taille) {
            $texte = $long;
    } else {
        $texte = $court;
    if (strpos($texte, "\n")) {
        // la fin est encore la : c'est qu'on n'a pas de texte de suite
        $points = '';
    // remettre les paragraphes
    $texte = preg_replace("/\r+/", "\n\n", $texte);
    // supprimer l'eventuelle entite finale mal coupee
    $texte = preg_replace('/&#?[a-z0-9]*$/S', '', $texte);
    return quote_amp(trim($texte)) . $points;
Exemple #10
function afficher_site($id_syndic, $id_rubrique, $nom_site, $row){

	global $spip_lang_right;

	$cherche_mot = _request('cherche_mot');
	$select_groupe = _request('select_groupe');
	$id_secteur = $row["id_secteur"];
	$url_site = $row["url_site"];
	$url_syndic = $row["url_syndic"];
	$syndication = $row["syndication"];
	$statut = $row["statut"];
	$date_heure = $row["date"];
	$date_syndic = $row['date_syndic'];

	$flag_administrable = autoriser('modifier','site',$id_syndic);
	$flag_editable = ($flag_administrable OR ($GLOBALS['meta']["proposer_sites"] > 0 AND ($statut == 'prop')));

	$meme_rubrique = charger_fonction('meme_rubrique', 'inc');
	$iconifier = charger_fonction('iconifier', 'inc');
	if ($flag_editable AND ($statut == 'publie'))
		$dater = charger_fonction('dater', 'inc');
	$editer_mots = charger_fonction('editer_mots', 'inc');
	if ($flag_administrable)
		$instituer_site = charger_fonction('instituer_site','inc');

	echo debut_grand_cadre(true);
	echo afficher_hierarchie($id_rubrique);
	echo fin_grand_cadre(true);

	echo debut_gauche('', true);
	echo debut_boite_info(true);
	echo pipeline ('boite_infos', array('data' => '',
		'args' => array(
			'id' => $id_syndic,
			'row' => $row
	echo fin_boite_info(true);
	echo $iconifier('id_syndic', $id_syndic, 'sites', false, $flag_administrable);

	echo pipeline('affiche_gauche',array('args'=>array('exec'=>'sites','id_syndic'=>$id_syndic),'data'=>''));

	echo creer_colonne_droite('', true);
	echo $meme_rubrique($id_rubrique, $id_syndic, 'syndic');
	echo pipeline('affiche_droite',array('args'=>array('exec'=>'sites','id_syndic'=>$id_syndic),'data'=>''));

	echo bloc_des_raccourcis(
		icone_horizontale(_T('icone_voir_sites_references'), generer_url_ecrire("sites_tous",""), "site-24.gif","rien.gif", false)

	echo debut_droite('', true);

	if ($syndication == 'off' OR $syndication == 'sus')
	  $droit = $id_rubrique;
	else $droit = 0;

	$url_affichee = $url_site;
	if (strlen($url_affichee) > 40) $url_affichee = substr($url_affichee, 0, 30)."...";

	$actions =
	 ($flag_editable ? icone_inline(_T('icone_modifier_site'), generer_url_ecrire('sites_edit',"id_syndic=$id_syndic"), "site-24.gif", "edit.gif",$spip_lang_right) : "");

	$haut =
		"<div class='bandeau_actions'>$actions</div>".
		gros_titre($nom_site?$nom_site:"("._T('info_sans_titre_2').")", '' , false)
	  . "<a href='$url_site' class='url_site'>$url_affichee</a>";

	$type = 'site';
	$contexte = array('id'=>$id_syndic,'id_rubrique'=>$id_rubrique);
	$fond = recuperer_fond("prive/contenu/$type",$contexte);
	// permettre aux plugin de faire des modifs ou des ajouts
	$fond = pipeline('afficher_contenu_objet',
			'data'=> $fond));
	$fond = "<div id='wysiwyg'>$fond</div>";

	$onglet_contenu =
		($statut == 'prop' ? "<p class='site_prop'>"._T('info_site_propose')." <b>".affdate($date_heure)."&nbsp;</b></p>" : "")
		 . $fond:"")

		. (($syndication == "oui" OR $syndication == "off" OR $syndication == "sus") ?
		  "<p class='site_syndique'><a href='".htmlspecialchars($url_syndic)."'>"
		  .	http_img_pack('feed.png', 'RSS').	'</a>'._T('info_site_syndique').'</p>'

			. (($syndication == "off" OR $syndication=="sus") ?
			  "<div class='site_syndique_probleme'>" . _T('avis_site_syndique_probleme', array('url_syndic' => quote_amp($url_syndic)))
			  . redirige_action_auteur('editer_site', $id_syndic, 'sites', '',
			    "<input type='hidden' name='reload' value='oui' />
			    <input type='submit' value=\""
				  . attribut_html(_T('lien_nouvelle_recuperation'))
				  . "\" class='spip_xx-small' />")
				. "</div>"
			  : "")

			. afficher_objets('syndic_article',_T('titre_articles_syndiques'), array('FROM' => 'spip_syndic_articles', 'WHERE' => "id_syndic=$id_syndic", 'ORDER BY' => "date DESC"), $id_syndic)

			. ($date_syndic ? "<div class='date_syndic'>" . _T('info_derniere_syndication').' '.affdate_heure($date_syndic) .".</div>" : "")
			. "<div class='mise_a_jour_syndic'>"
			. redirige_action_post('editer_site', $id_syndic, 'sites', "id_syndic=$id_syndic",
				"<input type='hidden' name='reload' value='oui' />
				<input type='submit' value=\""
				. attribut_html(_T('lien_mise_a_jour_syndication'))
				. "\" class='spip_xx-small' />")
			. "</div>"

			: choix_feed($id_syndic, $id_rubrique, $nom_site, $row))
		. (_INTERFACE_ONGLETS?"":($flag_administrable ? options_moderation($row) : ""))


	$onglet_proprietes =
		. ($statut == 'prop' ? "<p class='site_prop'>"._T('info_site_propose')." <b>".affdate($date_heure)."&nbsp;</b></p>" : "")
		. afficher_site_rubrique($id_syndic, $id_rubrique, $id_secteur)
		. ($dater ? $dater($id_syndic, $flag_editable, $statut, 'syndic', 'sites', $date_heure) : "")
	  . $editer_mots('syndic', $id_syndic,  $cherche_mot,  $select_groupe, $flag_editable, true, 'sites')
	  . (_INTERFACE_ONGLETS?($flag_administrable ? options_moderation($row) : ""):"")
	  . pipeline('affiche_milieu',array('args'=>array('exec'=>'sites','id_syndic'=>$id_syndic),'data'=>''))

	$discuter = charger_fonction('discuter', 'inc');
	$onglet_discuter = $discuter($id_syndic, 'sites', 'id_syndic');
	$onglet_documents = "" ;
	$onglet_interactivite = "";

	  "<div class='fiche_objet'>"
	  . $haut
	  . afficher_onglets_pages(array(
	  	'voir' => _T('onglet_contenu'),
	  	'props' => _T('onglet_proprietes'),
	  	'docs' => _T('onglet_documents'),
	  	'interactivite' => _T('onglet_interactivite'),
	  	'discuter' => _T('onglet_discuter')),
	    'voir'=>$onglet_contenu	    )
	  . "</div>"
	  . (_INTERFACE_ONGLETS?"":$onglet_discuter);
Exemple #11
function redirige_formulaire($url, $equiv = '', $format='message') {
	if (!_AJAX
	AND !headers_sent()
	AND !_request('var_ajax')) {
		redirige_par_entete(str_replace('&amp;','&',$url), $equiv);
	// si c'est une ancre, fixer simplement le window.location.hash
	elseif($format=='ajaxform' AND preg_match(',^#[0-9a-z\-_]+$,i',$url)) {
		return array(
		// on renvoie un lien masque qui sera traite par ajaxCallback.js
		"<a href='$url' name='ajax_ancre' style='display:none;'>anchor</a>",
		// et rien dans le message ok
	else {
		// ne pas laisser passer n'importe quoi dans l'url
		$url = str_replace(array('<','"'),array('&lt;','&quot;'),$url);

		$url = strtr($url, "\n\r", "  ");
		# en theorie on devrait faire ca tout le temps, mais quand la chaine
		# commence par ? c'est imperatif, sinon l'url finale n'est pas la bonne
		if ($url[0]=='?')
			$url = url_de_base().(_DIR_RESTREINT?'':_DIR_RESTREINT_ABS).$url;
		$url = str_replace('&amp;','&',$url);
		spip_log("redirige formulaire ajax: $url");
		if ($format=='ajaxform')
			return array(
			// on renvoie un lien masque qui sera traite par ajaxCallback.js
			'<a href="'.quote_amp($url).'" name="ajax_redirect"  style="display:none;">'._T('navigateur_pas_redirige').'</a>',
			// et un message au cas ou
			'<br /><a href="'.quote_amp($url).'">'._T('navigateur_pas_redirige').'</a>'
		else // format message texte, tout en js inline
		// ie poste les formulaires dans une iframe, il faut donc rediriger son parent
		"<script type='text/javascript'>if (parent.window){parent.window.document.location.replace(\"$url\");} else {document.location.replace(\"$url\");}</script>"
		. http_img_pack('searching.gif','')
		. '<br />'
		. '<a href="'.quote_amp($url).'">'._T('navigateur_pas_redirige').'</a>';
Exemple #12
function referers_group($nbvisites, $id_article, $lesliensracine, $lesreferermd5, $lesreferers, $lesurls)
	global $spip_lang_right, $source_vignettes;
	$vign = ((strlen($source_vignettes) > 0) && 
	$aff = array();
	foreach($nbvisites as $numero => $visites) {
		if (!$numero) next;
		$referermd5 = $lesreferermd5[$numero];
		$bouton = $ret = "";

		if ($vign)
			$ret = "\n<a href=\"http://".$lesurls[$numero]."\"><img src=\"$source_vignettes".rawurlencode($lesurls[$numero])."\"\nstyle=\"float: $spip_lang_right; margin-bottom: 3px; margin-left: 3px;\" alt='' /></a>";

		if ($visites > 5) $bouton .= "<span class='visites visites3'>$visites "._T('info_visites')."</span> ";
		else if ($visites > 1) $bouton .= "<span class='visites visites2'>$visites "._T('info_visites')."</span> ";
		else $bouton .= "<span class='visites visites1'>$visites "._T('info_visite')."</span> ";

		if ($numero == "(email)") {
			$ret .=  $bouton . "<b>".$numero."</b>";
		} else {
			$n = count($lesreferers[$numero]);
			if (($n > 1) || ($n > 0 && substr(supprimer_tags($lesreferers[$numero][0]),0,1) != '/')) {
				$rac = $lesliensracine[$numero];
				$bouton .= "<a href=\"http://".attribut_html($lesurls[$numero])."\" style='font-weight: bold;'>".$numero."</a>"
				  . (!$rac ? '': (" <span class='spip_x-small'>(" . $rac .")</span>"));
				 $ret .= bouton_block_depliable($bouton,false)
				  . debut_block_depliable(false)
				  . "\n<ul><li>"
				  . join ("</li><li>",$lesreferers[$numero])
				  . "</li></ul>"
				  . fin_block();
			} else {
				$ret .= $bouton;
				$lien = $n ? $lesreferers[$numero][0] : '';
				if (preg_match(",^(<a [^>]+>)([^ ]*)( \([0-9]+\))?,i", $lien, $regs)) {
					$lien = quote_amp($regs[1]).$numero.$regs[2];
					if (!strpos($lien, '</a>')) $lien .= '</a>';
				} else
					$lien = "<a href=\"http://".attribut_html($numero)."\">".$numero."</a>";
				$ret .= "<b>".quote_amp($lien)."</b>"
				  . ($id_article ? '' : referes($referermd5));
		$aff[]= $ret;
	return $aff;
Exemple #13
function debusquer_navigation($tableau, $caption='', $id='debug-nav') {

	if (_request('exec')=='valider_xml') return '';
	$GLOBALS['bouton_admin_debug'] = true;
	$res = '';
	$href = quote_amp(parametre_url($GLOBALS['REQUEST_URI'], 'var_mode', 'debug'));
	foreach ($tableau as $i => $err) {
		$boucle = $ligne = $skel = '';
		list($msg, $lieu) = $err;
		if (is_object($lieu)) {
			$ligne = $lieu->ligne;
			$boucle = $lieu->id_boucle ? $lieu->id_boucle : '';
			if (isset($lieu->descr['nom'])) {
				$nom_code = $lieu->descr['nom'];
				$skel = $lieu->descr['sourcefile'];
				$h2 = parametre_url($href, 'var_mode_objet', $nom_code);
				$h3 = parametre_url($h2, 'var_mode_affiche', 'squelette') . '#L' . $ligne;
				$skel = "<a href='$h3'><b>$skel</b></a>";
				if ($boucle) {
					$h3 = parametre_url($h2.$boucle, 'var_mode_affiche', 'boucle');
					$boucle = "<a href='$h3'><b>$boucle</b></a>";

		$j = ($i+1); 
		$res .= "<tr id='req$j'><td style='text-align: right'>"
		. $j
		. "&nbsp;</td><td style='text-align: left'>"
		. $msg
		. "</td><td style='text-align: left'>"
		. ($skel ? $skel : "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;/&nbsp;&nbsp;")
		. "</td><td class='spip-debug-arg' style='text-align: left'>"
		. ($boucle ? $boucle : "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;/&nbsp;&nbsp;")
		. "</td><td style='text-align: right'>"
		. $ligne
		.  "</td></tr>\n";


	return "\n<table id='$id'>"
	. "<caption>"
	. $caption
## aide locale courte a ecrire, avec lien vers une grosse page de documentation
#		aide('erreur_compilation'),
	. "</caption>"
	. "<tr><th>" 
	. _T('numero')
	. "</th><th>" 
	  . _T('message')
	. "</th><th>"
	. _T('squelette')
	. "</th><th>"
	. _T('boucle')
	.  "</th><th>"
	. _T('ligne')
	. "</th></tr>"
	. $res
	. "</table>";
Exemple #14
function show_login($cible, $prive = 'prive', $message_login = '')
    $error = '';
    $login = _request('var_login');
    $logout = _request('var_logout');
    // If the cookie fails, inc_auth tried to redirect to lcm_cookie who
    // then tried to put a cookie. If it is not there, it is "cookie failed"
    // who is there, and it's probably a bookmark on privet=yes and not
    // a cookie failure.
    $cookie_failed = "";
    if (_request('var_cookie_failed')) {
        $cookie_failed = $_COOKIE['lcm_session'] != 'cookie_test_failed';
    global $author_session;
    global $lcm_session;
    global $clean_link;
    if (!$cible) {
        // cible = destination
        $cible = new Link(_request('var_url', 'index.php'));
    $url = $cible->getUrl();
    // This populates the $author_session variable
    if ($author_session and !$logout and ($author_session['status'] == 'admin' or $author_session['status'] == 'normal')) {
        if ($url != $GLOBALS['clean_link']->getUrl()) {
            lcm_header("Location: " . $cible->getUrlForHeader());
        // [ML] This is making problems for no reason, we use login only
        // for one mecanism (entering the system).
        // echo "<a href='$url'>"._T('login_this_way')."</a>\n";
        echo "<a class='content_link' href='index.php'>" . _T('login_this_way') . "</a>\n";
    if (_request('var_erreur') == 'pass') {
        $error = _T('login_password_incorrect');
    // The login is memorized in the cookie for a possible future admin login
    if (!$login && isset($_COOKIE['lcm_admin'])) {
        if (preg_match("/^@(.*)\$/", $_COOKIE['lcm_admin'], $regs)) {
            $login = $regs[1];
    } else {
        if ($login == '-1') {
            $login = '';
    // other sources for authentication
    $flag_autres_sources = isset($GLOBALS['ldap_present']) ? $GLOBALS['ldap_present'] : '';
    // What informations to pass?
    if ($login) {
        $status_login = 0;
        // unknown status
        $login = clean_input($login);
        $query = "SELECT id_author, status, password, prefs, alea_actuel, alea_futur \n\t\t\t\t\tFROM lcm_author \n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE username='******'";
        $result = lcm_query($query);
        if ($row = lcm_fetch_array($result)) {
            if ($row['status'] == 'trash' or $row['password'] == '') {
                $status_login = -1;
                // deny
            } else {
                $status_login = 1;
                // known login
                // Which infos to pass for the javascript ?
                $id_author = $row['id_author'];
                $alea_actuel = $row['alea_actuel'];
                // for MD5
                $alea_futur = $row['alea_futur'];
                // Button for lenght of connection
                if ($row['prefs']) {
                    $prefs = unserialize($row['prefs']);
                    $rester_checked = $prefs['cnx'] == 'perma' ? ' checked=\'checked\'' : '';
        // Unknown login (except LDAP) or refused
        if ($status_login == -1 or $status_login == 0 and !$flag_autres_sources) {
            $error = _T('login_identifier_unknown', array('login' => htmlspecialchars(clean_output($login))));
            $login = '';
            // [ML] Not sure why this was here, but headers are already sent
            // therefore it causes an error message (which is not shown, but
            // might make a mess, knowing how PHP runs differently everywhere..)
            // @lcm_setcookie('lcm_admin', '', time() - 3600);
    // Javascript for the focus
    if ($login) {
        $js_focus = 'document.form_login.session_password.focus();';
    } else {
        $js_focus = 'document.form_login.var_login.focus();';
    // [ML] we should probably add a help link here, since tech, but let's see
    // how many users complain first, since this should affect only tech users
    if ($cookie_failed == "yes") {
        $error = _T('login_warning_cookie');
    echo open_login();
    // [ML] Looks like there is no reason why to use $clean_link (defined in inc_version.php)
    // It would cause very strange bugs when the "feed_globals()" were removed from inc_version
    // and in the end, well, it looks rather useless.
    // Strange bugs were caused because $action would be "./" and therefore it
    // would call index.php -> listcases.php -> includes inc_auth.php who then
    // calls auth(), who redirects to the login page.
    $action = $clean_link->getUrl();
    // $action = "lcm_login.php";
    if ($login) {
        // Shows the login form, including the MD5 javascript
        $flag_challenge_md5 = true;
        if ($flag_challenge_md5) {
            echo '<script type="text/javascript" src="inc/md5.js"></script>';
        echo "\n";
        echo '<form name="form_login" action="lcm_cookie.php" method="post"';
        if ($flag_challenge_md5) {
            echo " onsubmit='if (this.session_password.value) {\n\t\t\t\tthis.session_password_md5.value = calcMD5(\"{$alea_actuel}\" + this.session_password.value);\n\t\t\t\tthis.next_session_password_md5.value = calcMD5(\"{$alea_futur}\" + this.session_password.value);\n\t\t\t\tthis.session_password.value = \"\"; }'";
        echo ">\n";
        echo "<div class='main_login_box' style='text-align:" . $GLOBALS["lcm_lang_left"] . ";'>\n";
        if ($error) {
            echo "<div style='color:red;'><b>" . _T('login_access_denied') . " {$error}</b></div><br />\n";
        if ($flag_challenge_md5) {
            // This is printed with javascript so that it is hidden from navigators not
            // using JS, since they will see the username field anyway.
            echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\"><!--\n" . "document.write('" . addslashes(_T('login_login')) . " <b>{$login}</b><br/>" . "<font size=\\'2\\'><a href=\\'lcm_cookie.php?cookie_admin=no&amp;url=" . rawurlencode($action) . "\\' class=\\'link_btn\\'>" . _T('login_other_identifier') . "</a></font>');\n" . "//--></script>\n";
            // If javascript is active, we pass the login in the hidden field
            echo "<input type='hidden' name='session_login_hidden' value='{$login}' />";
            // If javascript is not active, the login is still modifiable
            // (since the challenge is not used)
            echo "<noscript>";
        echo "\t<label for='session_login'><b>" . _T('login_login') . "</b> (" . _T('login_info_login') . ")<br /></label>";
        echo "\t<input type='text' name='session_login' id='session_login' class='forml' value=\"{$login}\" size='40' />\n";
        if ($flag_challenge_md5) {
            echo "</noscript>\n";
        echo "\t<p />\n";
        echo "\t<label for='session_password'><b>" . _T('login_password') . "</b><br /></label>";
        echo "\t<input type='password' name='session_password' id='session_password' class='forml' value=\"\" size='40' />\n";
        echo "\t<input type='hidden' name='essai_login' value='oui' />\n";
        echo "\t<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<input type='checkbox' name='session_remember' value='yes' id='session_remember'{$rester_checked} /> ";
        echo "\t<label for='session_remember'>" . _T('login_remain_logged_on') . "</label>";
        echo "\t<input type='hidden' name='url' value='{$url}' />\n";
        echo "\t<input type='hidden' name='session_password_md5' value='' />\n";
        echo "\t<input type='hidden' name='next_session_password_md5' value='' />\n";
        echo "<div align='right'><input class='button_login' type='submit' value='" . _T('button_validate') . "' /></div>\n";
        echo "</div>";
        echo "</form>";
    } else {
        // Ask only for the login/username
        $action = quote_amp($action);
        echo "<form name='form_login' action='{$action}' method='post'>\n";
        echo "<div class='main_login_box' style='text-align:" . $GLOBALS["lcm_lang_left"] . ";'>";
        if ($error) {
            echo "<span style='color:red;'><b>" . _T('login_access_denied') . " {$error}</b></span><p />";
        echo "<label><b>" . _T('login_login') . '</b> (' . _T('login_info_login') . ')' . "<br /></label>";
        echo "<input type='text' name='var_login' class='forml' value=\"\" size='40' />\n";
        echo "<input type='hidden' name='var_url' value='{$url}' />\n";
        echo "<div align='right'><input class='button_login' type='submit' value='" . _T('button_validate') . "' /></div>\n";
        echo "</div>";
        echo "</form>";
    // Focus management
    echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\"><!--\n" . $js_focus . "\n//--></script>\n";
    // Start the login footer
    echo "<div align='left' style='font-size: 12px;' >";
    echo "<div class='lang_combo_box'>" . menu_languages() . "</div>\n";
    // button for "forgotten password"
    if (server_can_send_email()) {
        echo '<a href="lcm_pass.php?pass_forgotten=yes" target="lcm_pass" onclick="' . "javascript:window.open(this.href, 'lcm_pass', 'scrollbars=yes, resizable=yes, width=640, height=280'); return false;\" class=\"link_btn\">" . _T('login_password_forgotten') . '</a>';
    $register_popup = 'href="lcm_pass.php?register=yes" target="lcm_pass" ' . ' onclick="' . "javascript:window.open('lcm_pass.php?register=yes', 'lcm_pass', 'scrollbars=yes, resizable=yes, width=640, height=500'); return false;\"";
    $open_subscription = read_meta("site_open_subscription");
    if ($open_subscription == 'yes' || $open_subscription == 'moderated') {
        echo "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a {$register_popup} class=\"link_btn\">" . _T('login_register') . '</a>';
    echo "</div>\n";
    echo close_login();