Exemple #1
  * Update the final grades for all attempts. This method is used following
  * a regrade.
  * @param object $quiz the quiz settings.
  * @param array $userids only update scores for these userids.
  * @param array $attemptids attemptids only update scores for these attempt ids.
 protected function update_overall_grades($quiz)
Exemple #2
        // Update the database.
        $DB->set_field('quiz', 'questions', $quiz->questions, array('id' => $quiz->id));
        $deletepreviews = true;
    // If rescaling is required save the new maximum.
    $maxgrade = unformat_float(optional_param('maxgrade', -1, PARAM_RAW));
    if ($maxgrade >= 0) {
        quiz_set_grade($maxgrade, $quiz);
    if ($deletepreviews) {
    if ($recomputesummarks) {
        quiz_update_grades($quiz, 0, true);
$questionbank->process_actions($thispageurl, $cm);
// End of process commands =====================================================
$PAGE->requires->skip_link_to('questionbank', get_string('skipto', 'access', get_string('questionbank', 'question')));
$PAGE->requires->skip_link_to('quizcontentsblock', get_string('skipto', 'access', get_string('questionsinthisquiz', 'quiz')));
$PAGE->set_title(get_string('editingquizx', 'quiz', format_string($quiz->name)));
$node = $PAGE->settingsnav->find('mod_quiz_edit', navigation_node::TYPE_SETTING);
if ($node) {
Exemple #3
 * The quiz grade is the maximum that student's results are marked out of. When it
 * changes, the corresponding data in quiz_grades and quiz_feedback needs to be
 * rescaled. After calling this function, you probably need to call
 * quiz_update_all_attempt_sumgrades, quiz_update_all_final_grades and
 * quiz_update_grades.
 * @param float $newgrade the new maximum grade for the quiz.
 * @param object $quiz the quiz we are updating. Passed by reference so its
 *      grade field can be updated too.
 * @return bool indicating success or failure.
function quiz_set_grade($newgrade, $quiz) {
    global $DB;
    // This is potentially expensive, so only do it if necessary.
    if (abs($quiz->grade - $newgrade) < 1e-7) {
        // Nothing to do.
        return true;

    $oldgrade = $quiz->grade;
    $quiz->grade = $newgrade;

    // Use a transaction, so that on those databases that support it, this is safer.
    $transaction = $DB->start_delegated_transaction();

    // Update the quiz table.
    $DB->set_field('quiz', 'grade', $newgrade, array('id' => $quiz->instance));

    if ($oldgrade < 1) {
        // If the old grade was zero, we cannot rescale, we have to recompute.
        // We also recompute if the old grade was too small to avoid underflow problems.

    } else {
        // We can rescale the grades efficiently.
        $timemodified = time();
                UPDATE {quiz_grades}
                SET grade = ? * grade, timemodified = ?
                WHERE quiz = ?
        ", array($newgrade/$oldgrade, $timemodified, $quiz->id));

    if ($oldgrade > 1e-7) {
        // Update the quiz_feedback table.
        $factor = $newgrade/$oldgrade;
                UPDATE {quiz_feedback}
                SET mingrade = ? * mingrade, maxgrade = ? * maxgrade
                WHERE quizid = ?
        ", array($factor, $factor, $quiz->id));

    // Update grade item and send all grades to gradebook.

    return true;
Exemple #4
 * Given an object containing all the necessary data,
 * (defined by the form in mod_form.php) this function
 * will update an existing instance with new data.
 * @param object $quiz the data that came from the form.
 * @return mixed true on success, false or a string error message on failure.
function quiz_update_instance($quiz, $mform)
    global $CFG, $DB;
    require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/mod/quiz/locallib.php';
    // Process the options from the form.
    $result = quiz_process_options($quiz);
    if ($result && is_string($result)) {
        return $result;
    // Get the current value, so we can see what changed.
    $oldquiz = $DB->get_record('quiz', array('id' => $quiz->instance));
    // We need two values from the existing DB record that are not in the form,
    // in some of the function calls below.
    $quiz->sumgrades = $oldquiz->sumgrades;
    $quiz->grade = $oldquiz->grade;
    // Repaginate, if asked to.
    if (!$quiz->shufflequestions && !empty($quiz->repaginatenow)) {
        $quiz->questions = quiz_repaginate(quiz_clean_layout($oldquiz->questions, true), $quiz->questionsperpage);
    // Update the database.
    $quiz->id = $quiz->instance;
    $DB->update_record('quiz', $quiz);
    // Do the processing required after an add or an update.
    if ($oldquiz->grademethod != $quiz->grademethod) {
    $quizdateschanged = $oldquiz->timelimit != $quiz->timelimit || $oldquiz->timeclose != $quiz->timeclose || $oldquiz->graceperiod != $quiz->graceperiod;
    if ($quizdateschanged) {
        quiz_update_open_attempts(array('quizid' => $quiz->id));
    // Delete any previous preview attempts.
    return true;
  * Recalculate grades for any affected quiz.
  * @global moodle_database $DB
  * @param array $data array with attributes, like 'tableName'
  * @param array $ids ids of the table to be updated, and so, to update quiz grades.
 protected function updateQuizzes($data, $ids, &$actionLog)
     if (empty($ids)) {
         // if no ids... do nothing.
     global $DB;
     $idsstr = "'" . implode("', '", $ids) . "'";
     $sqlQuizzes = "\n            SELECT * FROM {quiz} q\n                    WHERE EXISTS (\n                            SELECT * FROM {" . $data['tableName'] . "} WHERE id IN ({$idsstr}) AND quiz=q.id\n                                 )\n        ";
     $quizzes = $DB->get_records_sql($sqlQuizzes);
     if ($quizzes) {
         $actionLog[] = get_string('qa_grades', 'tool_mergeusers', implode(', ', array_keys($quizzes)));
         foreach ($quizzes as $quiz) {
             // https://moodle.org/mod/forum/discuss.php?d=258979
             // recalculate grades for affected quizzes.
Exemple #6
 * Given an object containing all the necessary data,
 * (defined by the form in mod_form.php) this function
 * will update an existing instance with new data.
 * @param object $quiz the data that came from the form.
 * @return mixed true on success, false or a string error message on failure.
function quiz_update_instance($quiz, $mform) {
    global $CFG, $DB;

    // Process the options from the form.
    $result = quiz_process_options($quiz);
    if ($result && is_string($result)) {
        return $result;

    $oldquiz = $DB->get_record('quiz', array('id' => $quiz->instance));

    // Repaginate, if asked to.
    if (!$quiz->shufflequestions && !empty($quiz->repaginatenow)) {
        require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/mod/quiz/locallib.php');
        $quiz->questions = quiz_repaginate(quiz_clean_layout($oldquiz->questions, true),

    // Update the database.
    $quiz->id = $quiz->instance;
    $DB->update_record('quiz', $quiz);

    // Do the processing required after an add or an update.

    if ($oldquiz->grademethod != $quiz->grademethod) {
        require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/mod/quiz/locallib.php');
        $quiz->sumgrades = $oldquiz->sumgrades;
        $quiz->grade = $oldquiz->grade;

    // Delete any previous preview attempts.

    return true;