Exemple #1
 * Combines the review options from a number of different quiz attempts.
 * Returns an array of two ojects, so he suggested way of calling this
 * funciton is:
 * list($someoptions, $alloptions) = quiz_get_combined_reviewoptions(...)
 * @param object $quiz the quiz instance.
 * @param array $attempts an array of attempt objects.
 * @param $context the roles and permissions context,
 *          normally the context for the quiz module instance.
 * @return array of two options objects, one showing which options are true for
 *          at least one of the attempts, the other showing which options are true
 *          for all attempts.
function quiz_get_combined_reviewoptions($quiz, $attempts, $context = null)
    $fields = array('readonly', 'scores', 'feedback', 'correct_responses', 'solutions', 'generalfeedback', 'overallfeedback');
    $someoptions = new stdClass();
    $alloptions = new stdClass();
    foreach ($fields as $field) {
        $someoptions->{$field} = false;
        $alloptions->{$field} = true;
    foreach ($attempts as $attempt) {
        $attemptoptions = quiz_get_reviewoptions($quiz, $attempt, $context);
        foreach ($fields as $field) {
            $someoptions->{$field} = $someoptions->{$field} || $attemptoptions->{$field};
            $alloptions->{$field} = $alloptions->{$field} && $attemptoptions->{$field};
    return array($someoptions, $alloptions);
Exemple #2
     $table->align[] = 'center';
     $table->size[] = '';
 if ($feedbackcolumn) {
     $table->head[] = get_string('feedback', 'quiz');
     $table->align[] = 'left';
     $table->size[] = '';
 if (isset($quiz->showtimetaken)) {
     $table->head[] = get_string('timetaken', 'quiz');
     $table->align[] = 'left';
     $table->size[] = '';
 // One row for each attempt
 foreach ($attempts as $attempt) {
     $attemptoptions = quiz_get_reviewoptions($quiz, $attempt, $context);
     $row = array();
     // Add the attempt number, making it a link, if appropriate.
     if ($attemptcolumn) {
         if ($attempt->preview) {
             $row[] = get_string('preview', 'quiz');
         } else {
             $row[] = $attempt->attempt;
     // prepare strings for time taken and date completed
     $timetaken = '';
     $datecompleted = '';
     if ($attempt->timefinish > 0) {
         // attempt has finished
         $timetaken = format_time($attempt->timefinish - $attempt->timestart);
Exemple #3
  * Display the report.
 function display($quiz, $cm, $course)
     global $CFG, $COURSE, $DB, $PAGE, $OUTPUT;
     $context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_MODULE, $cm->id);
     // Work out some display options - whether there is feedback, and whether scores should be shown.
     $hasfeedback = quiz_has_feedback($quiz);
     $fakeattempt = new stdClass();
     $fakeattempt->preview = false;
     $fakeattempt->timefinish = $quiz->timeopen;
     $fakeattempt->userid = 0;
     $reviewoptions = quiz_get_reviewoptions($quiz, $fakeattempt, $context);
     $showgrades = quiz_has_grades($quiz) && $reviewoptions->scores;
     $download = optional_param('download', '', PARAM_ALPHA);
     if ($attemptids = optional_param('attemptid', array(), PARAM_INT)) {
         //attempts need to be deleted
         require_capability('mod/quiz:deleteattempts', $context);
         $attemptids = optional_param('attemptid', array(), PARAM_INT);
         foreach ($attemptids as $attemptid) {
             add_to_log($course->id, 'quiz', 'delete attempt', 'report.php?id=' . $cm->id, $attemptid, $cm->id);
             quiz_delete_attempt($attemptid, $quiz);
         //No need for a redirect, any attemptids that do not exist are ignored.
         //So no problem if the user refreshes and tries to delete the same attempts
     $pageoptions = array();
     $pageoptions['id'] = $cm->id;
     $pageoptions['q'] = $quiz->id;
     $pageoptions['mode'] = 'responses';
     $reporturl = new moodle_url($CFG->wwwroot . '/mod/quiz/report.php', $pageoptions);
     $qmsubselect = quiz_report_qm_filter_select($quiz);
     /// find out current groups mode
     $currentgroup = groups_get_activity_group($cm, true);
     $mform = new mod_quiz_report_responses_settings($reporturl, array('qmsubselect' => $qmsubselect, 'quiz' => $quiz, 'currentgroup' => $currentgroup));
     if ($fromform = $mform->get_data()) {
         $attemptsmode = $fromform->attemptsmode;
         if ($qmsubselect) {
             //control is not on the form if
             //the grading method is not set
             //to grade one attempt per user eg. for average attempt grade.
             $qmfilter = $fromform->qmfilter;
         } else {
             $qmfilter = 0;
         set_user_preference('quiz_report_pagesize', $fromform->pagesize);
         $pagesize = $fromform->pagesize;
     } else {
         $qmfilter = optional_param('qmfilter', 0, PARAM_INT);
         $attemptsmode = optional_param('attemptsmode', null, PARAM_INT);
         if ($attemptsmode === null) {
             $attemptsmode = QUIZ_REPORT_ATTEMPTS_ALL;
         } else {
             if ($currentgroup) {
                 //default for when a group is selected
                 if ($attemptsmode === null || $attemptsmode == QUIZ_REPORT_ATTEMPTS_ALL) {
                     $attemptsmode = QUIZ_REPORT_ATTEMPTS_STUDENTS_WITH;
             } else {
                 if (!$currentgroup && $course->id == SITEID) {
                     //force report on front page to show all, unless a group is selected.
                     $attemptsmode = QUIZ_REPORT_ATTEMPTS_ALL;
         $pagesize = get_user_preferences('quiz_report_pagesize', 0);
     if ($pagesize < 1) {
         $pagesize = QUIZ_REPORT_DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE;
     // We only want to show the checkbox to delete attempts
     // if the user has permissions and if the report mode is showing attempts.
     $candelete = has_capability('mod/quiz:deleteattempts', $context) && $attemptsmode != QUIZ_REPORT_ATTEMPTS_STUDENTS_WITH_NO;
     $displayoptions = array();
     $displayoptions['attemptsmode'] = $attemptsmode;
     $displayoptions['qmfilter'] = $qmfilter;
     //work out the sql for this table.
     if (!($students = get_users_by_capability($context, array('mod/quiz:reviewmyattempts', 'mod/quiz:attempt'), '', '', '', '', '', '', false))) {
         $students = array();
     } else {
         $students = array_keys($students);
     if (empty($currentgroup)) {
         // all users who can attempt quizzes
         $allowed = $students;
         $groupstudents = array();
     } else {
         // all users who can attempt quizzes and who are in the currently selected group
         if (!($groupstudents = get_users_by_capability($context, array('mod/quiz:reviewmyattempts', 'mod/quiz:attempt'), '', '', '', '', $currentgroup, '', false))) {
             $groupstudents = array();
         } else {
             $groupstudents = array_keys($groupstudents);
         $allowed = $groupstudents;
     $questions = quiz_report_load_questions($quiz);
     $table = new quiz_report_responses_table($quiz, $qmsubselect, $groupstudents, $students, $questions, $candelete, $reporturl, $displayoptions);
     $table->is_downloading($download, get_string('reportresponses', 'quiz_responses'), "{$COURSE->shortname} " . format_string($quiz->name, true));
     if (!$table->is_downloading()) {
         // Only print headers if not asked to download data
         $this->print_header_and_tabs($cm, $course, $quiz, 'responses', '');
     if ($groupmode = groups_get_activity_groupmode($cm)) {
         // Groups are being used
         if (!$table->is_downloading()) {
             groups_print_activity_menu($cm, $reporturl->out(false, $displayoptions));
     // Print information on the number of existing attempts
     if (!$table->is_downloading()) {
         //do not print notices when downloading
         if ($strattemptnum = quiz_num_attempt_summary($quiz, $cm, true, $currentgroup)) {
             echo '<div class="quizattemptcounts">' . $strattemptnum . '</div>';
     $nostudents = false;
     if (!$students) {
         echo $OUTPUT->notification(get_string('nostudentsyet'));
         $nostudents = true;
     } else {
         if ($currentgroup && !$groupstudents) {
             echo $OUTPUT->notification(get_string('nostudentsingroup'));
             $nostudents = true;
     if (!$table->is_downloading()) {
         // Print display options
         $mform->set_data($displayoptions + compact('pagesize'));
     if (!$nostudents || $attemptsmode == QUIZ_REPORT_ATTEMPTS_ALL) {
         // Print information on the grading method and whether we are displaying
         if (!$table->is_downloading()) {
             //do not print notices when downloading
             if ($strattempthighlight = quiz_report_highlighting_grading_method($quiz, $qmsubselect, $qmfilter)) {
                 echo '<div class="quizattemptcounts">' . $strattempthighlight . '</div>';
         $showgrades = quiz_has_grades($quiz) && $reviewoptions->scores;
         $hasfeedback = quiz_has_feedback($quiz);
         // Construct the SQL
         $fields = $DB->sql_concat('u.id', '\'#\'', 'COALESCE(qa.attempt, \'0\')') . ' AS concattedid, ';
         if ($qmsubselect) {
             $fields .= "(CASE " . "   WHEN {$qmsubselect} THEN 1" . "   ELSE 0 " . "END) AS gradedattempt, ";
         $fields .= 'qa.uniqueid, qa.id AS attempt, u.id AS userid, u.idnumber, u.firstname,' . ' u.lastname, u.institution, u.department, u.email, u.picture, u.imagealt, ' . 'qa.sumgrades, qa.timefinish, qa.timestart, qa.timefinish - qa.timestart AS duration, ' . 'qa.layout ';
         // This part is the same for all cases - join users and quiz_attempts tables
         $from = '{user} u ';
         $from .= 'LEFT JOIN {quiz_attempts} qa ON qa.userid = u.id AND qa.quiz = :quizid';
         $params = array('quizid' => $quiz->id);
         if ($qmsubselect && $qmfilter) {
             $from .= ' AND ' . $qmsubselect;
         switch ($attemptsmode) {
             case QUIZ_REPORT_ATTEMPTS_ALL:
                 // Show all attempts, including students who are no longer in the course
                 $where = 'qa.id IS NOT NULL AND qa.preview = 0';
                 // Show only students with attempts
                 list($allowed_usql, $allowed_params) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($allowed, SQL_PARAMS_NAMED, 'u0000');
                 $params += $allowed_params;
                 $where = "u.id {$allowed_usql} AND qa.preview = 0 AND qa.id IS NOT NULL";
                 // Show only students without attempts
                 list($allowed_usql, $allowed_params) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($allowed, SQL_PARAMS_NAMED, 'u0000');
                 $params += $allowed_params;
                 $where = "u.id {$allowed_usql} AND qa.id IS NULL";
                 // Show all students with or without attempts
                 list($allowed_usql, $allowed_params) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($allowed, SQL_PARAMS_NAMED, 'u0000');
                 $params += $allowed_params;
                 $where = "u.id {$allowed_usql} AND (qa.preview = 0 OR qa.preview IS NULL)";
         $table->set_count_sql("SELECT COUNT(1) FROM {$from} WHERE {$where}", $params);
         $table->set_sql($fields, $from, $where, $params);
         // Define table columns
         $columns = array();
         $headers = array();
         if (!$table->is_downloading() && $candelete) {
             $columns[] = 'checkbox';
             $headers[] = NULL;
         if (!$table->is_downloading() && $CFG->grade_report_showuserimage) {
             $columns[] = 'picture';
             $headers[] = '';
         if (!$table->is_downloading()) {
             $columns[] = 'fullname';
             $headers[] = get_string('name');
         } else {
             $columns[] = 'lastname';
             $headers[] = get_string('lastname');
             $columns[] = 'firstname';
             $headers[] = get_string('firstname');
         if ($CFG->grade_report_showuseridnumber) {
             $columns[] = 'idnumber';
             $headers[] = get_string('idnumber');
         if ($table->is_downloading()) {
             $columns[] = 'institution';
             $headers[] = get_string('institution');
             $columns[] = 'department';
             $headers[] = get_string('department');
             $columns[] = 'email';
             $headers[] = get_string('email');
             $columns[] = 'timestart';
             $headers[] = get_string('startedon', 'quiz');
             $columns[] = 'timefinish';
             $headers[] = get_string('timecompleted', 'quiz');
             $columns[] = 'duration';
             $headers[] = get_string('attemptduration', 'quiz');
         if ($showgrades) {
             $columns[] = 'sumgrades';
             $headers[] = get_string('grade', 'quiz') . '/' . quiz_format_grade($quiz, $quiz->grade);
         if ($hasfeedback) {
             $columns[] = 'feedbacktext';
             $headers[] = get_string('feedback', 'quiz');
         // we want to display responses for all questions
         foreach ($questions as $id => $question) {
             // Ignore questions of zero length
             $columns[] = 'qsanswer' . $id;
             $headers[] = '#' . $question->number;
             $question->formattedname = strip_tags(format_string($question->name));
         // Load the question type specific information
         if (!get_question_options($questions)) {
             print_error('cannotloadoptions', 'quiz_responses');
         $table->sortable(true, 'concattedid');
         // Set up the table
         $table->define_baseurl($reporturl->out(false, $displayoptions));
         $table->column_class('picture', 'picture');
         $table->column_class('lastname', 'bold');
         $table->column_class('firstname', 'bold');
         $table->column_class('fullname', 'bold');
         $table->column_class('sumgrades', 'bold');
         $table->set_attribute('id', 'attempts');
         $table->out($pagesize, true);
     return true;
Exemple #4
  * Prints questions with comment and grade form underneath each question
  * @return void
  * @todo Finish documenting this function
 function print_questions_and_form($quiz, $question, $userid, $attemptid, $gradeungraded, $gradenextungraded, $ungraded)
     global $CFG;
     // TODO get the context, and put in proper roles an permissions checks.
     $context = NULL;
     $questions[$question->id] =& $question;
     $usehtmleditor = can_use_richtext_editor();
     list($select, $from, $where) = $this->attempts_sql($quiz->id, false, $question->id, $userid, $attemptid, $gradeungraded, $gradenextungraded);
     $sort = 'ORDER BY u.firstname, u.lastname, qa.attempt ASC';
     if ($gradenextungraded) {
         $attempts = get_records_sql($select . $from . $where . $sort, 0, QUIZ_REPORT_DEFAULT_GRADING_PAGE_SIZE);
     } else {
         $attempts = get_records_sql($select . $from . $where . $sort);
     if ($attempts) {
         $firstattempt = current($attempts);
         $fullname = fullname($firstattempt);
         if ($gradeungraded) {
             // getting all ungraded attempts
             print_heading(get_string('gradingungraded', 'quiz_grading', $ungraded), '', 3);
         } else {
             if ($gradenextungraded) {
                 // getting next ungraded attempts
                 print_heading(get_string('gradingnextungraded', 'quiz_grading', QUIZ_REPORT_DEFAULT_GRADING_PAGE_SIZE), '', 3);
             } else {
                 if ($userid) {
                     print_heading(get_string('gradinguser', 'quiz_grading', $fullname), '', 3);
                 } else {
                     if ($attemptid) {
                         $a = new object();
                         $a->fullname = $fullname;
                         $a->attempt = $firstattempt->attempt;
                         print_heading(get_string('gradingattempt', 'quiz_grading', $a), '', 3);
                     } else {
                         print_heading(get_string('gradingall', 'quiz_grading', count($attempts)), '', 3);
         // Display the form with one part for each selected attempt
         echo '<form method="post" action="report.php">' . '<input type="hidden" name="mode" value="grading" />' . '<input type="hidden" name="q" value="' . $quiz->id . '" />' . '<input type="hidden" name="sesskey" value="' . sesskey() . '" />' . '<input type="hidden" name="questionid" value="' . $question->id . '" />';
         foreach ($attempts as $attempt) {
             // Load the state for this attempt (The questions array was created earlier)
             $states = get_question_states($questions, $quiz, $attempt);
             // The $states array is indexed by question id but because we are dealing
             // with only one question there is only one entry in this array
             $state =& $states[$question->id];
             $options = quiz_get_reviewoptions($quiz, $attempt, $context);
             $options->noeditlink = true;
             $copy = $state->manualcomment;
             $state->manualcomment = '';
             $options->readonly = 1;
             $gradedclass = question_state_is_graded($state) ? ' class="highlightgraded" ' : '';
             $gradedstring = question_state_is_graded($state) ? ' ' . get_string('graded', 'quiz_grading') : '';
             $a = new object();
             $a->fullname = fullname($attempt, true);
             $a->attempt = $attempt->attempt;
             // print the user name, attempt count, the question, and some more hidden fields
             echo '<div class="boxaligncenter" width="80%" style="clear:left;padding:15px;">';
             echo "<span{$gradedclass}>" . get_string('gradingattempt', 'quiz_grading', $a);
             echo $gradedstring . "</span>";
             print_question($question, $state, '', $quiz, $options);
             $prefix = "manualgrades[{$attempt->uniqueid}]";
             if (!question_state_is_graded($state)) {
                 $grade = '';
             } else {
                 $grade = round($state->last_graded->grade, 3);
             $state->manualcomment = $copy;
             include $CFG->dirroot . '/question/comment.html';
             echo '</div>';
         echo '<div class="boxaligncenter"><input type="submit" value="' . get_string('savechanges') . '" /></div>' . '</form>';
         if ($usehtmleditor) {
     } else {
         notify(get_string('noattemptstoshow', 'quiz'));
 * Returns all quiz graded users since a given time for specified quiz
function quiz_get_recent_mod_activity(&$activities, &$index, $timestart, $courseid, $cmid, $userid = 0, $groupid = 0)
    global $CFG, $COURSE, $USER;
    require_once 'locallib.php';
    if ($COURSE->id == $courseid) {
        $course = $COURSE;
    } else {
        $course = get_record('course', 'id', $courseid);
    $modinfo =& get_fast_modinfo($course);
    $cm = $modinfo->cms[$cmid];
    $quiz = get_record('quiz', 'id', $cm->instance);
    if ($userid) {
        $userselect = "AND u.id = {$userid}";
    } else {
        $userselect = '';
    if ($groupid) {
        $groupselect = "AND gm.groupid = {$groupid}";
        $groupjoin = "JOIN {$CFG->prefix}groups_members gm ON  gm.userid = u.id";
    } else {
        $groupselect = '';
        $groupjoin = '';
    if (!($attempts = get_records_sql("\n              SELECT qa.*,\n                     u.firstname, u.lastname, u.email, u.picture, u.imagealt\n                FROM {$CFG->prefix}quiz_attempts qa\n                     JOIN {$CFG->prefix}user u ON u.id = qa.userid\n                     {$groupjoin}\n               WHERE qa.timefinish > {$timestart}\n                 AND qa.quiz = {$quiz->id}\n                 AND qa.preview = 0\n                     {$userselect}\n                     {$groupselect}\n            ORDER BY qa.timefinish ASC"))) {
    $context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_MODULE, $cm->id);
    $accessallgroups = has_capability('moodle/site:accessallgroups', $context);
    $viewfullnames = has_capability('moodle/site:viewfullnames', $context);
    $grader = has_capability('mod/quiz:viewreports', $context);
    $groupmode = groups_get_activity_groupmode($cm, $course);
    if (is_null($modinfo->groups)) {
        $modinfo->groups = groups_get_user_groups($course->id);
        // load all my groups and cache it in modinfo
    $hasgrades = $quiz->grade != 0 && $quiz->sumgrades != 0;
    $usersgroups = null;
    $aname = format_string($cm->name, true);
    foreach ($attempts as $attempt) {
        if ($attempt->userid != $USER->id) {
            if (!$grader) {
                // Grade permission required
            if ($groupmode == SEPARATEGROUPS and !$accessallgroups) {
                if (is_null($usersgroups)) {
                    $usersgroups = groups_get_all_groups($course->id, $attempt->userid, $cm->groupingid);
                    if (is_array($usersgroups)) {
                        $usersgroups = array_keys($usersgroups);
                    } else {
                        $usersgroups = array();
                if (!array_intersect($usersgroups, $modinfo->groups[$cm->id])) {
        $options = quiz_get_reviewoptions($quiz, $attempt, $context);
        $tmpactivity = new stdClass();
        $tmpactivity->type = 'quiz';
        $tmpactivity->cmid = $cm->id;
        $tmpactivity->name = $aname;
        $tmpactivity->sectionnum = $cm->sectionnum;
        $tmpactivity->timestamp = $attempt->timefinish;
        $tmpactivity->content->attemptid = $attempt->id;
        $tmpactivity->content->attempt = $attempt->attempt;
        if ($hasgrades && $options->scores) {
            $tmpactivity->content->sumgrades = round($attempt->sumgrades, $quiz->decimalpoints);
            $tmpactivity->content->maxgrade = round($quiz->sumgrades, $quiz->decimalpoints);
        } else {
            $tmpactivity->content->sumgrades = null;
            $tmpactivity->content->maxgrade = null;
        $tmpactivity->user->userid = $attempt->userid;
        $tmpactivity->user->fullname = fullname($attempt, $viewfullnames);
        $tmpactivity->user->picture = $attempt->picture;
        $tmpactivity->user->imagealt = $attempt->imagealt;
        $activities[$index++] = $tmpactivity;
Exemple #6
     * Display the report.
    function display($quiz, $cm, $course) {
        global $CFG, $COURSE, $DB, $OUTPUT;

        $this->context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_MODULE, $cm->id);

        // Work out some display options - whether there is feedback, and whether scores should be shown.
        $hasfeedback = quiz_has_feedback($quiz);
        $fakeattempt = new stdClass();
        $fakeattempt->preview = false;
        $fakeattempt->timefinish = $quiz->timeopen;
        $fakeattempt->userid = 0;
        $reviewoptions = quiz_get_reviewoptions($quiz, $fakeattempt, $this->context);
        $showgrades = quiz_has_grades($quiz) && $reviewoptions->scores;

        $download = optional_param('download', '', PARAM_ALPHA);

        /// find out current groups mode
        $currentgroup = groups_get_activity_group($cm, true);
        if (!$students = get_users_by_capability($this->context, array('mod/quiz:reviewmyattempts', 'mod/quiz:attempt'),'u.id,1','','','','','',false)) {
            $students = array();
        } else {
            $students = array_keys($students);

        if (empty($currentgroup)) {
            // all users who can attempt quizzes
            $allowed = $students;
            $groupstudents = array();
        } else {
            // all users who can attempt quizzes and who are in the currently selected group
            if (!$groupstudents = get_users_by_capability($this->context, array('mod/quiz:reviewmyattempts', 'mod/quiz:attempt'),'u.id,1','','','',$currentgroup,'',false)) {
                $groupstudents = array();
            } else {
                $groupstudents = array_keys($groupstudents);
            $allowed = $groupstudents;

        $pageoptions = array();
        $pageoptions['id'] = $cm->id;
        $pageoptions['mode'] = 'overview';

        $reporturl = new moodle_url('/mod/quiz/report.php', $pageoptions);
        $qmsubselect = quiz_report_qm_filter_select($quiz);

        $mform = new mod_quiz_report_overview_settings($reporturl, array('qmsubselect'=> $qmsubselect, 'quiz'=>$quiz,
                                                             'currentgroup'=>$currentgroup, 'context'=>$this->context));
        if ($fromform = $mform->get_data()) {
            $regradeall = false;
            $regradealldry = false;
            $regradealldrydo = false;
            $attemptsmode = $fromform->attemptsmode;
            if ($qmsubselect) {
                //control is not on the form if
                //the grading method is not set
                //to grade one attempt per user eg. for average attempt grade.
                $qmfilter = $fromform->qmfilter;
            } else {
                $qmfilter = 0;
            $regradefilter = $fromform->regradefilter;
            set_user_preference('quiz_report_overview_detailedmarks', $fromform->detailedmarks);
            set_user_preference('quiz_report_pagesize', $fromform->pagesize);
            $detailedmarks = $fromform->detailedmarks;
            $pagesize = $fromform->pagesize;
        } else {
            $regradeall  = optional_param('regradeall', 0, PARAM_BOOL);
            $regradealldry  = optional_param('regradealldry', 0, PARAM_BOOL);
            $regradealldrydo  = optional_param('regradealldrydo', 0, PARAM_BOOL);
            $attemptsmode = optional_param('attemptsmode', null, PARAM_INT);
            if ($qmsubselect) {
                $qmfilter = optional_param('qmfilter', 0, PARAM_INT);
            } else {
                $qmfilter = 0;
            $regradefilter = optional_param('regradefilter', 0, PARAM_INT);

            $detailedmarks = get_user_preferences('quiz_report_overview_detailedmarks', 1);
            $pagesize = get_user_preferences('quiz_report_pagesize', 0);
        if ($currentgroup) {
            //default for when a group is selected
            if ($attemptsmode === null  || $attemptsmode == QUIZ_REPORT_ATTEMPTS_ALL) {
                $attemptsmode = QUIZ_REPORT_ATTEMPTS_STUDENTS_WITH;
        } else if (!$currentgroup && $course->id == SITEID) {
            //force report on front page to show all, unless a group is selected.
            $attemptsmode = QUIZ_REPORT_ATTEMPTS_ALL;
        } else if ($attemptsmode === null) {
            $attemptsmode = QUIZ_REPORT_ATTEMPTS_ALL;
        if (!$reviewoptions->scores) {
            $detailedmarks = 0;
        if ($pagesize < 1) {
            $pagesize = QUIZ_REPORT_DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE;
        // We only want to show the checkbox to delete attempts
        // if the user has permissions and if the report mode is showing attempts.
        $candelete = has_capability('mod/quiz:deleteattempts', $this->context)
                && ($attemptsmode != QUIZ_REPORT_ATTEMPTS_STUDENTS_WITH_NO);

        $displayoptions = array();
        $displayoptions['attemptsmode'] = $attemptsmode;
        $displayoptions['qmfilter'] = $qmfilter;
        $displayoptions['regradefilter'] = $regradefilter;

        if ($attemptsmode == QUIZ_REPORT_ATTEMPTS_ALL) {
            $allowed = array();

        if (empty($currentgroup) || $groupstudents) {
            if (optional_param('delete', 0, PARAM_BOOL) && confirm_sesskey()) {
                if ($attemptids = optional_param('attemptid', array(), PARAM_INT)) {
                    require_capability('mod/quiz:deleteattempts', $this->context);
                    $this->delete_selected_attempts($quiz, $cm, $attemptids, $allowed, $groupstudents);
                    redirect($reporturl->out(false, $displayoptions));
            } else if (optional_param('regrade', 0, PARAM_BOOL) && confirm_sesskey()) {
                if ($attemptids = optional_param('attemptid', array(), PARAM_INT)) {
                    $this->regrade_selected_attempts($quiz, $attemptids, $groupstudents);
                    redirect($reporturl->out(false, $displayoptions));

        //work out the sql for this table.
        if ($detailedmarks) {
            $questions = quiz_report_load_questions($quiz);
        } else {
            $questions = array();
        $table = new quiz_report_overview_table($quiz , $qmsubselect, $groupstudents,
                $students, $detailedmarks, $questions, $candelete, $reporturl,
                $displayoptions, $this->context);
        $table->is_downloading($download, get_string('reportoverview','quiz'),
                    "$COURSE->shortname ".format_string($quiz->name,true));
        if (!$table->is_downloading()) {
            // Only print headers if not asked to download data
            $this->print_header_and_tabs($cm, $course, $quiz, "overview");

        if ($regradeall && confirm_sesskey()) {
            $this->regrade_all(false, $quiz, $groupstudents);
        } else if ($regradealldry && confirm_sesskey()) {
            $this->regrade_all(true, $quiz, $groupstudents);
        } else if ($regradealldrydo && confirm_sesskey()) {
            $this->regrade_all_needed($quiz, $groupstudents);
        if ($regradeall || $regradealldry || $regradealldrydo) {
            redirect($reporturl->out(false, $displayoptions), '', 5);

        if ($groupmode = groups_get_activity_groupmode($cm)) {   // Groups are being used
            if (!$table->is_downloading()) {
                groups_print_activity_menu($cm, $reporturl->out(true, $displayoptions));

        $nostudents = false;
        if (!$students) {
            if (!$table->is_downloading()) {
                echo $OUTPUT->notification(get_string('nostudentsyet'));
            $nostudents = true;
        } else if ($currentgroup && !$groupstudents) {
            if (!$table->is_downloading()) {
                echo $OUTPUT->notification(get_string('nostudentsingroup'));
            $nostudents = true;
        if (!$table->is_downloading()) {
            // Print display options
            $mform->set_data($displayoptions +compact('detailedmarks', 'pagesize'));

            // Print information on the number of existing attempts
            if ($strattemptnum = quiz_num_attempt_summary($quiz, $cm, true, $currentgroup)) {
                echo '<div class="quizattemptcounts">' . $strattemptnum . '</div>';

        if (!$nostudents || ($attemptsmode == QUIZ_REPORT_ATTEMPTS_ALL)) {

            // Construct the SQL
            $fields = $DB->sql_concat('u.id', "'#'", 'COALESCE(qa.attempt, 0)') . ' AS uniqueid,';
            if ($qmsubselect) {
                $fields .= "\n(CASE WHEN $qmsubselect THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS gradedattempt,";

            $fields .= '
                    qa.uniqueid AS attemptuniqueid,
                    qa.id AS attempt,
                    u.id AS userid,
                    CASE WHEN qa.timefinish = 0 THEN null
                         WHEN qa.timefinish > qa.timestart THEN qa.timefinish - qa.timestart
                         ELSE 0 END AS duration';
            // To explain that last bit, in MySQL, qa.timestart and qa.timefinish
            // are unsigned. Since MySQL 5.5.5, when they introduced strict mode,
            // subtracting a larger unsigned int from a smaller one gave an error.
            // Therefore, we avoid doing that. timefinish can be non-zero and less
            // than timestart when you have two load-balanced servers with very
            // badly synchronised clocks, and a student does a really quick attempt.

            // This part is the same for all cases - join users and quiz_attempts tables
            $from = '{user} u ';
            $from .= 'LEFT JOIN {quiz_attempts} qa ON qa.userid = u.id AND qa.quiz = :quizid';
            $params = array('quizid' => $quiz->id);

            if ($qmsubselect && $qmfilter) {
                $from .= ' AND '.$qmsubselect;
            switch ($attemptsmode) {
                 case QUIZ_REPORT_ATTEMPTS_ALL:
                     // Show all attempts, including students who are no longer in the course
                    $where = 'qa.id IS NOT NULL AND qa.preview = 0';
                     // Show only students with attempts
                     list($allowed_usql, $allowed_params) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($allowed, SQL_PARAMS_NAMED, 'u0000');
                     $params += $allowed_params;
                    $where = "u.id $allowed_usql AND qa.preview = 0 AND qa.id IS NOT NULL";
                     // Show only students without attempts
                     list($allowed_usql, $allowed_params) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($allowed, SQL_PARAMS_NAMED, 'u0000');
                     $params += $allowed_params;
                    $where = "u.id $allowed_usql AND qa.id IS NULL";
                     // Show all students with or without attempts
                     list($allowed_usql, $allowed_params) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($allowed, SQL_PARAMS_NAMED, 'u0000');
                     $params += $allowed_params;
                    $where = "u.id $allowed_usql AND (qa.preview = 0 OR qa.preview IS NULL)";

            $table->set_count_sql("SELECT COUNT(1) FROM $from WHERE $where", $params);

            $sqlobject = new stdClass();
            $sqlobject->from = $from;
            $sqlobject->where = $where;
            $sqlobject->params = $params;
            //test to see if there are any regraded attempts to be listed.
            if (quiz_get_regraded_qs($sqlobject, 0, 1)) {
                $regradedattempts = true;
            } else {
                $regradedattempts = false;
            $fields .= ', COALESCE((SELECT MAX(qqr.regraded) FROM {quiz_question_regrade} qqr WHERE qqr.attemptid = qa.uniqueid),-1) AS regraded';
            if ($regradefilter) {
                $where .= ' AND COALESCE((SELECT MAX(qqr.regraded) FROM {quiz_question_regrade} qqr WHERE qqr.attemptid = qa.uniqueid),-1) !=\'-1\'';
            $table->set_sql($fields, $from, $where, $params);

            // Define table columns
            $columns = array();
            $headers = array();
            if (!$table->is_downloading()) { //do not print notices when downloading
                //regrade buttons
                if (has_capability('mod/quiz:regrade', $this->context)) {
                    $countregradeneeded = $this->count_regrade_all_needed($quiz, $groupstudents);
                    if ($currentgroup) {
                        $a= new stdClass();
                        $a->groupname = groups_get_group_name($currentgroup);
                        $a->coursestudents = get_string('participants');
                        $a->countregradeneeded = $countregradeneeded;
                        $regradealldrydolabel = get_string('regradealldrydogroup', 'quiz_overview', $a);
                        $regradealldrylabel = get_string('regradealldrygroup', 'quiz_overview', $a);
                        $regradealllabel = get_string('regradeallgroup', 'quiz_overview', $a);
                    } else {
                        $regradealldrydolabel = get_string('regradealldrydo', 'quiz_overview', $countregradeneeded);
                        $regradealldrylabel = get_string('regradealldry', 'quiz_overview');
                        $regradealllabel = get_string('regradeall', 'quiz_overview');
                    $displayurl = new moodle_url($reporturl, $displayoptions);
                    echo '<div class="mdl-align">';
                    echo '<form action="'.$displayurl->out_omit_querystring().'">';
                    echo '<div>';
                    echo html_writer::input_hidden_params($displayurl);
                    echo html_writer::empty_tag('input', array('type' => 'hidden', 'name' => 'sesskey', 'value' => sesskey())) . "\n";
                    echo '<input type="submit" name="regradeall" value="'.$regradealllabel.'"/>';
                    echo '<input type="submit" name="regradealldry" value="'.$regradealldrylabel.'"/>';
                    if ($countregradeneeded) {
                        echo '<input type="submit" name="regradealldrydo" value="'.$regradealldrydolabel.'"/>';
                    echo '</div>';
                    echo '</form>';
                    echo '</div>';
                // Print information on the grading method
                if ($strattempthighlight = quiz_report_highlighting_grading_method($quiz, $qmsubselect, $qmfilter)) {
                    echo '<div class="quizattemptcounts">' . $strattempthighlight . '</div>';

            if (!$table->is_downloading() && $candelete) {
                $columns[]= 'checkbox';
                $headers[]= NULL;

            if (!$table->is_downloading() && $CFG->grade_report_showuserimage) {
                $columns[]= 'picture';
                $headers[]= '';
            if (!$table->is_downloading()) {
                $columns[]= 'fullname';
                $headers[]= get_string('name');
             } else {
                $columns[]= 'lastname';
                $headers[]= get_string('lastname');
                $columns[]= 'firstname';
                $headers[]= get_string('firstname');

            if ($CFG->grade_report_showuseridnumber) {
                $columns[]= 'idnumber';
                $headers[]= get_string('idnumber');

            $columns[]= 'timestart';
            $headers[]= get_string('startedon', 'quiz');

            $columns[]= 'timefinish';
            $headers[]= get_string('timecompleted','quiz');

            $columns[]= 'duration';
            $headers[]= get_string('attemptduration', 'quiz');

            if ($detailedmarks) {
                foreach ($questions as $id => $question) {
                    // Ignore questions of zero length
                    $columns[] = 'qsgrade'.$id;
                    $header = '#'.$question->number;
                    if (!$table->is_downloading()) {
                        $header .='<br />';
                    } else {
                        $header .=' ';
                    $header .='--/'.quiz_rescale_grade($question->maxgrade, $quiz, 'question');
                    $headers[] = $header;
                    $question->formattedname = strip_tags(format_string($question->name));
            if (!$table->is_downloading() && has_capability('mod/quiz:regrade', $this->context) && $regradedattempts) {
                $columns[] = 'regraded';
                $headers[] = get_string('regrade', 'quiz_overview');
            if ($showgrades) {
                $columns[] = 'sumgrades';
                $headers[] = get_string('grade', 'quiz').'/'.quiz_format_grade($quiz, $quiz->grade);

            if ($hasfeedback) {
                $columns[] = 'feedbacktext';
                $headers[] = get_string('feedback', 'quiz');

            $table->sortable(true, 'uniqueid');

            // Set up the table
            $table->define_baseurl($reporturl->out(true, $displayoptions));



            $table->column_class('picture', 'picture');
            $table->column_class('lastname', 'bold');
            $table->column_class('firstname', 'bold');
            $table->column_class('fullname', 'bold');
            $table->column_class('sumgrades', 'bold');

            $table->set_attribute('id', 'attempts');

            $table->out($pagesize, true);
        if (!$table->is_downloading() && $showgrades) {
            if ($currentgroup && $groupstudents) {
                list($usql, $params) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($groupstudents);
                $params[] = $quiz->id;
                if ($DB->record_exists_select('quiz_grades', "userid $usql AND quiz = ?", $params)) {
                     $imageurl = "{$CFG->wwwroot}/mod/quiz/report/overview/overviewgraph.php?id={$quiz->id}&amp;groupid=$currentgroup";
                     $graphname = get_string('overviewreportgraphgroup', 'quiz_overview', groups_get_group_name($currentgroup));
                     echo $OUTPUT->heading($graphname);
                     echo '<div class="graph"><img src="'.$imageurl.'" alt="'.$graphname.'" /></div>';
            if ($DB->record_exists('quiz_grades', array('quiz'=> $quiz->id))) {
                 $graphname = get_string('overviewreportgraph', 'quiz_overview');
                 $imageurl = $CFG->wwwroot.'/mod/quiz/report/overview/overviewgraph.php?id='.$quiz->id;
                 echo $OUTPUT->heading($graphname);
                 echo '<div class="graph"><img src="'.$imageurl.'" alt="'.$graphname.'" /></div>';
        return true;
  * Display the report.
 function display($quiz, $cm, $course)
     global $CFG, $db;
     // Define some strings
     $strreallydel = addslashes(get_string('deleteattemptcheck', 'quiz'));
     $strtimeformat = get_string('strftimedatetime');
     $strreviewquestion = get_string('reviewresponse', 'quiz');
     $context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_MODULE, $cm->id);
     // Only print headers if not asked to download data
     if (!($download = optional_param('download', NULL))) {
         $this->print_header_and_tabs($cm, $course, $quiz, "overview");
     if ($attemptids = optional_param('attemptid', array(), PARAM_INT)) {
         //attempts need to be deleted
         require_capability('mod/quiz:deleteattempts', $context);
         $attemptids = optional_param('attemptid', array(), PARAM_INT);
         foreach ($attemptids as $attemptid) {
             add_to_log($course->id, 'quiz', 'delete attempt', 'report.php?id=' . $cm->id, $attemptid, $cm->id);
             quiz_delete_attempt($attemptid, $quiz);
         //No need for a redirect, any attemptids that do not exist are ignored.
         //So no problem if the user refreshes and tries to delete the same attempts
     // Work out some display options - whether there is feedback, and whether scores should be shown.
     $hasfeedback = quiz_has_feedback($quiz->id) && $quiz->grade > 1.0E-7 && $quiz->sumgrades > 1.0E-7;
     $fakeattempt = new stdClass();
     $fakeattempt->preview = false;
     $fakeattempt->timefinish = $quiz->timeopen;
     $reviewoptions = quiz_get_reviewoptions($quiz, $fakeattempt, $context);
     $showgrades = $quiz->grade && $quiz->sumgrades && $reviewoptions->scores;
     $pageoptions = array();
     $pageoptions['id'] = $cm->id;
     $pageoptions['q'] = $quiz->id;
     $pageoptions['mode'] = 'overview';
     /// find out current groups mode
     $currentgroup = groups_get_activity_group($cm, true);
     $reporturl = new moodle_url($CFG->wwwroot . '/mod/quiz/report.php', $pageoptions);
     $qmsubselect = quiz_report_qm_filter_select($quiz);
     $mform = new mod_quiz_report_overview_settings($reporturl, compact('qmsubselect', 'quiz', 'currentgroup'));
     if ($fromform = $mform->get_data()) {
         $attemptsmode = $fromform->attemptsmode;
         if ($qmsubselect) {
             //control is not on the form if
             //the grading method is not set
             //to grade one attempt per user eg. for average attempt grade.
             $qmfilter = $fromform->qmfilter;
         } else {
             $qmfilter = 0;
         set_user_preference('quiz_report_overview_detailedmarks', $fromform->detailedmarks);
         set_user_preference('quiz_report_pagesize', $fromform->pagesize);
         $detailedmarks = $fromform->detailedmarks;
         $pagesize = $fromform->pagesize;
     } else {
         $qmfilter = optional_param('qmfilter', 0, PARAM_INT);
         $attemptsmode = optional_param('attemptsmode', QUIZ_REPORT_ATTEMPTS_ALL, PARAM_INT);
         $detailedmarks = get_user_preferences('quiz_report_overview_detailedmarks', 1);
         $pagesize = get_user_preferences('quiz_report_pagesize', 0);
     if ($attemptsmode == QUIZ_REPORT_ATTEMPTS_ALL && $currentgroup) {
         $attemptsmode = QUIZ_REPORT_ATTEMPTS_STUDENTS_WITH;
     if (!$reviewoptions->scores) {
         $detailedmarks = 0;
     if ($pagesize < 1) {
         $pagesize = QUIZ_REPORT_DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE;
     // We only want to show the checkbox to delete attempts
     // if the user has permissions and if the report mode is showing attempts.
     $candelete = has_capability('mod/quiz:deleteattempts', $context) && $attemptsmode != QUIZ_REPORT_ATTEMPTS_STUDENTS_WITH_NO;
     $displayoptions = array();
     $displayoptions['attemptsmode'] = $attemptsmode;
     $displayoptions['qmfilter'] = $qmfilter;
     $reporturlwithdisplayoptions = new moodle_url($CFG->wwwroot . '/mod/quiz/report.php', $pageoptions + $displayoptions);
     if ($groupmode = groups_get_activity_groupmode($cm)) {
         // Groups are being used
         if (!$download) {
             groups_print_activity_menu($cm, $reporturlwithdisplayoptions->out());
     // Print information on the number of existing attempts
     if (!$download) {
         //do not print notices when downloading
         if ($strattemptnum = quiz_num_attempt_summary($quiz, $cm, true, $currentgroup)) {
             echo '<div class="quizattemptcounts">' . $strattemptnum . '</div>';
     $nostudents = false;
     if (!($students = get_users_by_capability($context, array('mod/quiz:reviewmyattempts', 'mod/quiz:attempt'), '', '', '', '', '', '', false))) {
         $nostudents = true;
         $studentslist = '';
     } else {
         $studentslist = join(',', array_keys($students));
     if (empty($currentgroup)) {
         // all users who can attempt quizzes
         $groupstudentslist = '';
         $allowedlist = $studentslist;
     } else {
         // all users who can attempt quizzes and who are in the currently selected group
         if (!($groupstudents = get_users_by_capability($context, 'mod/quiz:attempt', '', '', '', '', $currentgroup, '', false))) {
             $nostudents = true;
             $groupstudents = array();
         $groupstudentslist = join(',', array_keys($groupstudents));
         $allowedlist = $groupstudentslist;
     if (!$nostudents || $attemptsmode == QUIZ_REPORT_ATTEMPTS_ALL) {
         // Print information on the grading method and whether we are displaying
         if (!$download) {
             //do not print notices when downloading
             if ($strattempthighlight = quiz_report_highlighting_grading_method($quiz, $qmsubselect, $qmfilter)) {
                 echo '<div class="quizattemptcounts">' . $strattempthighlight . '</div>';
         // Now check if asked download of data
         if ($download) {
             $filename = clean_filename("{$course->shortname} " . format_string($quiz->name, true));
         // Define table columns
         $columns = array();
         $headers = array();
         if (!$download && $candelete) {
             $columns[] = 'checkbox';
             $headers[] = NULL;
         if (!$download && $CFG->grade_report_showuserimage) {
             $columns[] = 'picture';
             $headers[] = '';
         $columns[] = 'fullname';
         $headers[] = get_string('name');
         if ($CFG->grade_report_showuseridnumber) {
             $columns[] = 'idnumber';
             $headers[] = get_string('idnumber');
         $columns[] = 'timestart';
         $headers[] = get_string('startedon', 'quiz');
         $columns[] = 'timefinish';
         $headers[] = get_string('timecompleted', 'quiz');
         $columns[] = 'duration';
         $headers[] = get_string('attemptduration', 'quiz');
         if ($showgrades) {
             $columns[] = 'sumgrades';
             $headers[] = get_string('grade', 'quiz') . '/' . $quiz->grade;
         if ($detailedmarks) {
             // we want to display marks for all questions
             $questions = quiz_report_load_questions($quiz);
             foreach ($questions as $id => $question) {
                 // Ignore questions of zero length
                 $columns[] = 'qsgrade' . $id;
                 $headers[] = '#' . $question->number;
         if ($hasfeedback) {
             $columns[] = 'feedbacktext';
             $headers[] = get_string('feedback', 'quiz');
         if (!$download) {
             // Set up the table
             $table = new flexible_table('mod-quiz-report-overview-report');
             $table->column_class('picture', 'picture');
             $table->column_class('fullname', 'bold');
             $table->column_class('sumgrades', 'bold');
             $table->set_attribute('cellspacing', '0');
             $table->set_attribute('id', 'attempts');
             $table->set_attribute('class', 'generaltable generalbox');
             // Start working -- this is necessary as soon as the niceties are over
         } else {
             if ($download == 'ODS') {
                 require_once "{$CFG->libdir}/odslib.class.php";
                 $filename .= ".ods";
                 // Creating a workbook
                 $workbook = new MoodleODSWorkbook("-");
                 // Sending HTTP headers
                 // Creating the first worksheet
                 $sheettitle = get_string('reportoverview', 'quiz');
                 $myxls =& $workbook->add_worksheet($sheettitle);
                 // format types
                 $format =& $workbook->add_format();
                 $formatbc =& $workbook->add_format();
                 $formatb =& $workbook->add_format();
                 $formaty =& $workbook->add_format();
                 $formatc =& $workbook->add_format();
                 $formatr =& $workbook->add_format();
                 $formatg =& $workbook->add_format();
                 // Here starts workshhet headers
                 $colnum = 0;
                 foreach ($headers as $item) {
                     $myxls->write(0, $colnum, $item, $formatbc);
                 $rownum = 1;
             } else {
                 if ($download == 'Excel') {
                     require_once "{$CFG->libdir}/excellib.class.php";
                     $filename .= ".xls";
                     // Creating a workbook
                     $workbook = new MoodleExcelWorkbook("-");
                     // Sending HTTP headers
                     // Creating the first worksheet
                     $sheettitle = get_string('reportoverview', 'quiz');
                     $myxls =& $workbook->add_worksheet($sheettitle);
                     // format types
                     $format =& $workbook->add_format();
                     $formatbc =& $workbook->add_format();
                     $formatb =& $workbook->add_format();
                     $formaty =& $workbook->add_format();
                     $formatc =& $workbook->add_format();
                     $formatr =& $workbook->add_format();
                     $formatg =& $workbook->add_format();
                     $colnum = 0;
                     foreach ($headers as $item) {
                         $myxls->write(0, $colnum, $item, $formatbc);
                     $rownum = 1;
                 } else {
                     if ($download == 'CSV') {
                         $filename .= ".txt";
                         header("Content-Type: application/download\n");
                         header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"{$filename}\"");
                         header("Expires: 0");
                         header("Cache-Control: must-revalidate,post-check=0,pre-check=0");
                         header("Pragma: public");
                         echo implode("\t", $headers) . " \n";
         // Construct the SQL
         $select = 'SELECT ' . sql_concat('u.id', '\'#\'', $db->IfNull('qa.attempt', '0')) . ' AS uniqueid, ';
         if ($qmsubselect) {
             $select .= "(CASE " . "   WHEN {$qmsubselect} THEN 1" . "   ELSE 0 " . "END) AS gradedattempt, ";
         $select .= 'qa.uniqueid AS attemptuniqueid, qa.id AS attempt, ' . 'u.id AS userid, u.idnumber, u.firstname, u.lastname, u.picture, u.imagealt, ' . 'qa.sumgrades, qa.timefinish, qa.timestart, qa.timefinish - qa.timestart AS duration ';
         // This part is the same for all cases - join users and quiz_attempts tables
         $from = 'FROM ' . $CFG->prefix . 'user u ';
         $from .= 'LEFT JOIN ' . $CFG->prefix . 'quiz_attempts qa ON qa.userid = u.id AND qa.quiz = ' . $quiz->id;
         if ($qmsubselect && $qmfilter) {
             $from .= ' AND ' . $qmsubselect;
         switch ($attemptsmode) {
             case QUIZ_REPORT_ATTEMPTS_ALL:
                 // Show all attempts, including students who are no longer in the course
                 $where = ' WHERE qa.id IS NOT NULL AND qa.preview = 0';
                 // Show only students with attempts
                 $where = ' WHERE u.id IN (' . $allowedlist . ') AND qa.preview = 0 AND qa.id IS NOT NULL';
                 // Show only students without attempts
                 $where = ' WHERE u.id IN (' . $allowedlist . ') AND qa.id IS NULL';
                 // Show all students with or without attempts
                 $where = ' WHERE u.id IN (' . $allowedlist . ') AND (qa.preview = 0 OR qa.preview IS NULL)';
         $countsql = 'SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(' . sql_concat('u.id', '\'#\'', 'COALESCE(qa.attempt, 0)') . ')) ' . $from . $where;
         // Add table joins so we can sort by question grade
         // unfortunately can't join all tables necessary to fetch all grades
         // to get the state for one question per attempt row we must join two tables
         // and there is a limit to how many joins you can have in one query. In MySQL it
         // is 61. This means that when having more than 29 questions the query will fail.
         // So we join just the tables needed to sort the attempts.
         if (!$download && ($sort = $table->get_sql_sort())) {
             if (!$download && $detailedmarks) {
                 $from .= ' ';
                 $sortparts = explode(',', $sort);
                 $matches = array();
                 foreach ($sortparts as $sortpart) {
                     $sortpart = trim($sortpart);
                     if (preg_match('/^qsgrade([0-9]+)/', $sortpart, $matches)) {
                         $qid = intval($matches[1]);
                         $select .= ", qs{$qid}.grade AS qsgrade{$qid}, qs{$qid}.event AS qsevent{$qid}, qs{$qid}.id AS qsid{$qid}";
                         $from .= "LEFT JOIN {$CFG->prefix}question_sessions qns{$qid} ON qns{$qid}.attemptid = qa.uniqueid AND qns{$qid}.questionid = {$qid} ";
                         $from .= "LEFT JOIN  {$CFG->prefix}question_states qs{$qid} ON qs{$qid}.id = qns{$qid}.newgraded ";
                     } else {
                         $newsort[] = $sortpart;
                 $select .= ' ';
         if ($download) {
             $sort = '';
         // Fix some wired sorting
         if (empty($sort)) {
             $sort = ' ORDER BY uniqueid';
         } else {
             $sort = ' ORDER BY ' . $sort;
         if (!$download) {
             // Add extra limits due to initials bar
             if ($table->get_sql_where()) {
                 $where .= ' AND ' . $table->get_sql_where();
             if (!empty($countsql)) {
                 $totalinitials = count_records_sql($countsql);
                 if ($table->get_sql_where()) {
                     $countsql .= ' AND ' . $table->get_sql_where();
                 $total = count_records_sql($countsql);
             $table->pagesize($pagesize, $total);
         // Fetch the attempts
         if (!$download) {
             $attempts = get_records_sql($select . $from . $where . $sort, $table->get_page_start(), $table->get_page_size());
         } else {
             $attempts = get_records_sql($select . $from . $where . $sort);
         // Build table rows
         if (!$download) {
             $table->initialbars($totalinitials > 20);
         if ($attempts) {
             if ($detailedmarks) {
                 //get all the attempt ids we want to display on this page
                 //or to export for download.
                 $attemptids = array();
                 foreach ($attempts as $attempt) {
                     if ($attempt->attemptuniqueid > 0) {
                         $attemptids[] = $attempt->attemptuniqueid;
                 $gradedstatesbyattempt = quiz_get_newgraded_states($attemptids, true, 'qs.id, qs.grade, qs.event, qs.question, qs.attempt');
             foreach ($attempts as $attempt) {
                 // Username columns.
                 $row = array();
                 if (in_array('checkbox', $columns)) {
                     if ($attempt->attempt) {
                         $row[] = '<input type="checkbox" name="attemptid[]" value="' . $attempt->attempt . '" />';
                     } else {
                         $row[] = '';
                 if (in_array('picture', $columns)) {
                     $attempt->id = $attempt->userid;
                     $picture = print_user_picture($attempt, $course->id, NULL, false, true);
                     $row[] = $picture;
                 if (!$download) {
                     $userlink = '<a href="' . $CFG->wwwroot . '/user/view.php?id=' . $attempt->userid . '&amp;course=' . $course->id . '">' . fullname($attempt) . '</a>';
                     $row[] = $userlink;
                 } else {
                     $row[] = fullname($attempt);
                 if (in_array('idnumber', $columns)) {
                     $row[] = $attempt->idnumber;
                 // Timing columns.
                 if ($attempt->attempt) {
                     $startdate = userdate($attempt->timestart, $strtimeformat);
                     if (!$download) {
                         $row[] = '<a href="review.php?q=' . $quiz->id . '&amp;attempt=' . $attempt->attempt . '">' . $startdate . '</a>';
                     } else {
                         $row[] = $startdate;
                     if ($attempt->timefinish) {
                         $timefinish = userdate($attempt->timefinish, $strtimeformat);
                         $duration = format_time($attempt->duration);
                         if (!$download) {
                             $row[] = '<a href="review.php?q=' . $quiz->id . '&amp;attempt=' . $attempt->attempt . '">' . $timefinish . '</a>';
                         } else {
                             $row[] = $timefinish;
                         $row[] = $duration;
                     } else {
                         $row[] = '-';
                         $row[] = get_string('unfinished', 'quiz');
                 } else {
                     $row[] = '-';
                     $row[] = '-';
                     $row[] = '-';
                 // Grades columns.
                 if ($showgrades) {
                     if ($attempt->timefinish) {
                         $grade = quiz_rescale_grade($attempt->sumgrades, $quiz);
                         if (!$download) {
                             $gradehtml = '<a href="review.php?q=' . $quiz->id . '&amp;attempt=' . $attempt->attempt . '">' . $grade . '</a>';
                             if ($qmsubselect && $attempt->gradedattempt) {
                                 $gradehtml = '<div class="highlight">' . $gradehtml . '</div>';
                             $row[] = $gradehtml;
                         } else {
                             $row[] = $grade;
                     } else {
                         $row[] = '-';
                 if ($detailedmarks) {
                     if (empty($attempt->attempt)) {
                         foreach ($questions as $question) {
                             $row[] = '-';
                     } else {
                         foreach ($questions as $questionid => $question) {
                             $stateforqinattempt = $gradedstatesbyattempt[$attempt->attemptuniqueid][$questionid];
                             if (question_state_is_graded($stateforqinattempt)) {
                                 $grade = quiz_rescale_grade($stateforqinattempt->grade, $quiz);
                             } else {
                                 $grade = '--';
                             if (!$download) {
                                 $grade = $grade . '/' . quiz_rescale_grade($question->grade, $quiz);
                                 $row[] = link_to_popup_window('/mod/quiz/reviewquestion.php?state=' . $stateforqinattempt->id . '&amp;number=' . $question->number, 'reviewquestion', $grade, 450, 650, $strreviewquestion, 'none', true);
                             } else {
                                 $row[] = $grade;
                 // Feedback column.
                 if ($hasfeedback) {
                     if ($attempt->timefinish) {
                         $row[] = quiz_report_feedback_for_grade(quiz_rescale_grade($attempt->sumgrades, $quiz), $quiz->id);
                     } else {
                         $row[] = '-';
                 if (!$download) {
                 } else {
                     if ($download == 'Excel' or $download == 'ODS') {
                         $colnum = 0;
                         foreach ($row as $item) {
                             $myxls->write($rownum, $colnum, $item, $format);
                     } else {
                         if ($download == 'CSV') {
                             $text = implode("\t", $row);
                             echo $text . " \n";
             //end of adding data from attempts data to table / download
             //now add averages :
             if (!$download && $attempts) {
                 $averagesql = "SELECT AVG(qg.grade) AS grade " . "FROM {$CFG->prefix}quiz_grades qg " . "WHERE quiz=" . $quiz->id;
                 if ($groupstudentslist) {
                     $groupaveragesql = $averagesql . " AND qg.userid IN ({$groupstudentslist})";
                     $groupaverage = get_record_sql($groupaveragesql);
                     $groupaveragerow = array('fullname' => get_string('groupavg', 'grades'), 'sumgrades' => round($groupaverage->grade, $quiz->decimalpoints), 'feedbacktext' => quiz_report_feedback_for_grade($groupaverage->grade, $quiz->id));
                     if ($detailedmarks && $qmsubselect) {
                         $avggradebyq = quiz_get_average_grade_for_questions($quiz, $groupstudentslist);
                         $groupaveragerow += quiz_format_average_grade_for_questions($avggradebyq, $questions, $quiz, $download);
                 $overallaverage = get_record_sql($averagesql . " AND qg.userid IN ({$studentslist})");
                 $overallaveragerow = array('fullname' => get_string('overallaverage', 'grades'), 'sumgrades' => round($overallaverage->grade, $quiz->decimalpoints), 'feedbacktext' => quiz_report_feedback_for_grade($overallaverage->grade, $quiz->id));
                 if ($detailedmarks && $qmsubselect) {
                     $avggradebyq = quiz_get_average_grade_for_questions($quiz, $studentslist);
                     $overallaveragerow += quiz_format_average_grade_for_questions($avggradebyq, $questions, $quiz, $download);
             if (!$download) {
                 // Start form
                 echo '<div id="tablecontainer">';
                 echo '<form id="attemptsform" method="post" action="' . $reporturlwithdisplayoptions->out(true) . '" onsubmit="return confirm(\'' . $strreallydel . '\');">';
                 echo '<div style="display: none;">';
                 echo $reporturlwithdisplayoptions->hidden_params_out();
                 echo '</div>';
                 echo '<div>';
                 // Print table
                 // Print "Select all" etc.
                 if (!empty($attempts) && $candelete) {
                     echo '<table id="commands">';
                     echo '<tr><td>';
                     echo '<a href="javascript:select_all_in(\'DIV\',null,\'tablecontainer\');">' . get_string('selectall', 'quiz') . '</a> / ';
                     echo '<a href="javascript:deselect_all_in(\'DIV\',null,\'tablecontainer\');">' . get_string('selectnone', 'quiz') . '</a> ';
                     echo '&nbsp;&nbsp;';
                     echo '<input type="submit" value="' . get_string('deleteselected', 'quiz_overview') . '"/>';
                     echo '</td></tr></table>';
                 // Close form
                 echo '</div>';
                 echo '</form></div>';
                 if (!empty($attempts)) {
                     echo '<table class="boxaligncenter"><tr>';
                     echo '<td>';
                     print_single_button($reporturl->out(true), $pageoptions + $displayoptions + array('download' => 'ODS'), get_string('downloadods'));
                     echo "</td>\n";
                     echo '<td>';
                     print_single_button($reporturl->out(true), $pageoptions + $displayoptions + array('download' => 'Excel'), get_string('downloadexcel'));
                     echo "</td>\n";
                     echo '<td>';
                     print_single_button($reporturl->out(true), $pageoptions + $displayoptions + array('download' => 'CSV'), get_string('downloadtext'));
                     echo "</td>\n";
                     echo "<td>";
                     helpbutton('overviewdownload', get_string('overviewdownload', 'quiz_overview'), 'quiz');
                     echo "</td>\n";
                     echo '</tr></table>';
         } else {
             if (!$download) {
         if ($download == 'Excel' or $download == 'ODS') {
         } else {
             if ($download == 'CSV') {
     if (!$download) {
         // Print display options
         $mform->set_data($displayoptions + compact('detailedmarks', 'pagesize'));
         //should be quicker than a COUNT to test if there is at least one record :
         if ($showgrades && record_exists('quiz_grades', 'quiz', $quiz->id)) {
             $imageurl = $CFG->wwwroot . '/mod/quiz/report/overview/overviewgraph.php?id=' . $quiz->id;
             print_heading(get_string('overviewreportgraph', 'quiz_overview'));
             echo '<div class="mdl-align"><img src="' . $imageurl . '" alt="' . get_string('overviewreportgraph', 'quiz_overview') . '" /></div>';
     return true;
Exemple #8
  * Prints questions with comment and grade form underneath each question
  * @return void
  * @todo Finish documenting this function
 function print_questions_and_form($quiz, $question)
     global $CFG, $db;
     // grade question specific parameters
     $gradeall = optional_param('gradeall', 0, PARAM_INT);
     $userid = optional_param('userid', 0, PARAM_INT);
     $attemptid = optional_param('attemptid', 0, PARAM_INT);
     // TODO get the context, and put in proper roles an permissions checks.
     $context = NULL;
     $questions[$question->id] =& $question;
     $usehtmleditor = can_use_richtext_editor();
     $users = get_course_students($quiz->course);
     $userids = implode(',', array_keys($users));
     // this sql joins the attempts table and the user table
     $select = 'SELECT ' . sql_concat('u.id', '\'#\'', $db->IfNull('qa.attempt', '0')) . ' AS userattemptid,
                 qa.id AS attemptid, qa.uniqueid, qa.attempt, qa.timefinish, qa.preview,
                 u.id AS userid, u.firstname, u.lastname, u.picture ';
     $from = 'FROM ' . $CFG->prefix . 'user u LEFT JOIN ' . $CFG->prefix . 'quiz_attempts qa ON (u.id = qa.userid AND qa.quiz = ' . $quiz->id . ') ';
     if ($gradeall) {
         // get all user attempts
         $where = 'WHERE u.id IN (' . $userids . ') ';
     } else {
         if ($userid) {
             // get all the attempts for a specific user
             $where = 'WHERE u.id=' . $userid . ' ';
         } else {
             // get a specific attempt
             $where = 'WHERE qa.id=' . $attemptid . ' ';
     // ignore previews
     $where .= ' AND preview = 0 ';
     $where .= 'AND ' . $db->IfNull('qa.attempt', '0') . ' != 0 ';
     $where .= 'AND ' . $db->IfNull('qa.timefinish', '0') . ' != 0 ';
     $sort = 'ORDER BY u.firstname, u.lastname, qa.attempt ASC';
     $attempts = get_records_sql($select . $from . $where . $sort);
     // Display the form with one part for each selected attempt
     echo '<form method="post" action="report.php">' . '<input type="hidden" name="mode" value="grading" />' . '<input type="hidden" name="q" value="' . $quiz->id . '" />' . '<input type="hidden" name="sesskey" value="' . sesskey() . '" />' . '<input type="hidden" name="action" value="viewquestion" />' . '<input type="hidden" name="questionid" value="' . $question->id . '" />';
     foreach ($attempts as $attempt) {
         // Load the state for this attempt (The questions array was created earlier)
         $states = get_question_states($questions, $quiz, $attempt);
         // The $states array is indexed by question id but because we are dealing
         // with only one question there is only one entry in this array
         $state =& $states[$question->id];
         $options = quiz_get_reviewoptions($quiz, $attempt, $context);
         $copy = $state->manualcomment;
         $state->manualcomment = '';
         $options->readonly = 1;
         // print the user name, attempt count, the question, and some more hidden fields
         echo '<div class="boxaligncenter" width="80%" style="padding:15px;">' . fullname($attempt, true) . ': ' . get_string('attempt', 'quiz') . $attempt->attempt;
         print_question($question, $state, '', $quiz, $options);
         $prefix = "manualgrades[{$attempt->uniqueid}]";
         $grade = round($state->last_graded->grade, 3);
         $state->manualcomment = $copy;
         include $CFG->dirroot . '/question/comment.html';
         echo '</div>';
     echo '<div class="boxaligncenter"><input type="submit" value="' . get_string('savechanges') . '" /></div>' . '</form>';
     if ($usehtmleditor) {
Exemple #9
     * Display the report.
    function display($quiz, $cm, $course)
        global $CFG, $db;
        // Define some strings
        $strreallydel = addslashes(get_string('deleteattemptcheck', 'quiz'));
        $strtimeformat = get_string('strftimedatetime');
        $strreviewquestion = get_string('reviewresponse', 'quiz');
        $context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_MODULE, $cm->id);
        // Only print headers if not asked to download data
        if (!($download = optional_param('download', NULL))) {
            $this->print_header_and_tabs($cm, $course, $quiz, $reportmode = "overview");
        // Deal with actions
        $action = optional_param('action', '', PARAM_ACTION);
        switch ($action) {
            case 'delete':
                // Some attempts need to be deleted
                require_capability('mod/quiz:deleteattempts', $context);
                $attemptids = optional_param('attemptid', array(), PARAM_INT);
                foreach ($attemptids as $attemptid) {
                    add_to_log($course->id, 'quiz', 'delete attempt', 'report.php?id=' . $cm->id, $attemptid, $cm->id);
                    quiz_delete_attempt($attemptid, $quiz);
        // Set of format options for teacher-created content, for example overall feedback.
        $nocleanformatoptions = new stdClass();
        $nocleanformatoptions->noclean = true;
        // Prepare list of available actions to perform on attempts - we only want to show the checkbox.
        // Column on the table if there are options.
        $attemptactions = array();
        if (has_capability('mod/quiz:deleteattempts', $context)) {
            $attemptactions['delete'] = get_string('delete');
        // Work out some display options - whether there is feedback, and whether scores should be shown.
        $hasfeedback = quiz_has_feedback($quiz->id) && $quiz->grade > 1.0E-7 && $quiz->sumgrades > 1.0E-7;
        $fakeattempt = new stdClass();
        $fakeattempt->preview = false;
        $fakeattempt->timefinish = $quiz->timeopen;
        $reviewoptions = quiz_get_reviewoptions($quiz, $fakeattempt, $context);
        $showgrades = $quiz->grade && $quiz->sumgrades && $reviewoptions->scores;
        // Set table options
        $noattempts = optional_param('noattempts', 0, PARAM_INT);
        $detailedmarks = optional_param('detailedmarks', 0, PARAM_INT);
        $pagesize = optional_param('pagesize', 10, PARAM_INT);
        $reporturl = $CFG->wwwroot . '/mod/quiz/report.php?mode=overview';
        if ($pagesize < 1) {
            $pagesize = 10;
        if (!$reviewoptions->scores) {
            $detailedmarks = 0;
        $reporturlwithoptions = $reporturl . '&amp;id=' . $cm->id . '&amp;noattempts=' . $noattempts . '&amp;detailedmarks=' . $detailedmarks . '&amp;pagesize=' . $pagesize;
        /// find out current groups mode
        $currentgroup = groups_get_activity_group($cm, true);
        if ($groupmode = groups_get_activity_groupmode($cm)) {
            // Groups are being used
            if (!$download) {
                groups_print_activity_menu($cm, $reporturlwithoptions);
        // Print information on the number of existing attempts
        if (!$download) {
            //do not print notices when downloading
            if ($strattemptnum = quiz_num_attempt_summary($quiz, $cm, false, $currentgroup)) {
                echo '<div class="quizattemptcounts">' . $strattemptnum . '</div>';
        // Now check if asked download of data
        if ($download) {
            $filename = clean_filename("{$course->shortname} " . format_string($quiz->name, true));
            $sort = '';
        // Define table columns
        $tablecolumns = array('picture', 'fullname', 'timestart', 'timefinish', 'duration');
        $tableheaders = array('', get_string('name'), get_string('startedon', 'quiz'), get_string('timecompleted', 'quiz'), get_string('attemptduration', 'quiz'));
        if (!empty($attemptactions)) {
            array_unshift($tablecolumns, 'checkbox');
            array_unshift($tableheaders, NULL);
        if ($showgrades) {
            $tablecolumns[] = 'sumgrades';
            $tableheaders[] = get_string('grade', 'quiz') . '/' . $quiz->grade;
        if ($detailedmarks) {
            // we want to display marks for all questions
            // Start by getting all questions
            $questionlist = quiz_questions_in_quiz($quiz->questions);
            $questionids = explode(',', $questionlist);
            $sql = "SELECT q.*, i.grade AS maxgrade, i.id AS instance" . "  FROM {$CFG->prefix}question q," . "       {$CFG->prefix}quiz_question_instances i" . " WHERE i.quiz = '{$quiz->id}' AND q.id = i.question" . "   AND q.id IN ({$questionlist})";
            if (!($questions = get_records_sql($sql))) {
                error('No questions found');
            $number = 1;
            foreach ($questionids as $key => $id) {
                if ($questions[$id]->length) {
                    // Only print questions of non-zero length
                    $tablecolumns[] = '$' . $id;
                    $tableheaders[] = '#' . $number;
                    $questions[$id]->number = $number;
                    $number += $questions[$id]->length;
                } else {
                    // get rid of zero length questions
        if ($hasfeedback) {
            $tablecolumns[] = 'feedbacktext';
            $tableheaders[] = get_string('feedback', 'quiz');
        if (!$download) {
            // Set up the table
            $table = new flexible_table('mod-quiz-report-overview-report');
            $table->column_class('picture', 'picture');
            $table->set_attribute('cellspacing', '0');
            $table->set_attribute('id', 'attempts');
            $table->set_attribute('class', 'generaltable generalbox');
            // Start working -- this is necessary as soon as the niceties are over
        } else {
            if ($download == 'ODS') {
                require_once "{$CFG->libdir}/odslib.class.php";
                $filename .= ".ods";
                // Creating a workbook
                $workbook = new MoodleODSWorkbook("-");
                // Sending HTTP headers
                // Creating the first worksheet
                $sheettitle = get_string('reportoverview', 'quiz');
                $myxls =& $workbook->add_worksheet($sheettitle);
                // format types
                $format =& $workbook->add_format();
                $formatbc =& $workbook->add_format();
                $formatb =& $workbook->add_format();
                $formaty =& $workbook->add_format();
                $formatc =& $workbook->add_format();
                $formatr =& $workbook->add_format();
                $formatg =& $workbook->add_format();
                // Here starts workshhet headers
                $headers = array(get_string('name'), get_string('startedon', 'quiz'), get_string('timecompleted', 'quiz'), get_string('attemptduration', 'quiz'));
                if ($showgrades) {
                    $headers[] = get_string('grade', 'quiz') . '/' . $quiz->grade;
                if ($detailedmarks) {
                    foreach ($questionids as $id) {
                        $headers[] = '#' . $questions[$id]->number;
                if ($hasfeedback) {
                    $headers[] = get_string('feedback', 'quiz');
                $colnum = 0;
                foreach ($headers as $item) {
                    $myxls->write(0, $colnum, $item, $formatbc);
                $rownum = 1;
            } else {
                if ($download == 'Excel') {
                    require_once "{$CFG->libdir}/excellib.class.php";
                    $filename .= ".xls";
                    // Creating a workbook
                    $workbook = new MoodleExcelWorkbook("-");
                    // Sending HTTP headers
                    // Creating the first worksheet
                    $sheettitle = get_string('reportoverview', 'quiz');
                    $myxls =& $workbook->add_worksheet($sheettitle);
                    // format types
                    $format =& $workbook->add_format();
                    $formatbc =& $workbook->add_format();
                    $formatb =& $workbook->add_format();
                    $formaty =& $workbook->add_format();
                    $formatc =& $workbook->add_format();
                    $formatr =& $workbook->add_format();
                    $formatg =& $workbook->add_format();
                    // Here starts workshhet headers
                    $headers = array(get_string('name'), get_string('startedon', 'quiz'), get_string('timecompleted', 'quiz'), get_string('attemptduration', 'quiz'));
                    if ($showgrades) {
                        $headers[] = get_string('grade', 'quiz') . '/' . $quiz->grade;
                    if ($detailedmarks) {
                        foreach ($questionids as $id) {
                            $headers[] = '#' . $questions[$id]->number;
                    if ($hasfeedback) {
                        $headers[] = get_string('feedback', 'quiz');
                    $colnum = 0;
                    foreach ($headers as $item) {
                        $myxls->write(0, $colnum, $item, $formatbc);
                    $rownum = 1;
                } else {
                    if ($download == 'CSV') {
                        $filename .= ".txt";
                        header("Content-Type: application/download\n");
                        header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"{$filename}\"");
                        header("Expires: 0");
                        header("Cache-Control: must-revalidate,post-check=0,pre-check=0");
                        header("Pragma: public");
                        $headers = get_string('name') . "\t" . get_string('startedon', 'quiz') . "\t" . get_string('timecompleted', 'quiz') . "\t" . get_string('attemptduration', 'quiz');
                        if ($showgrades) {
                            $headers .= "\t" . get_string('grade', 'quiz') . "/" . $quiz->grade;
                        if ($detailedmarks) {
                            foreach ($questionids as $id) {
                                $headers .= "\t#" . $questions[$id]->number;
                        if ($hasfeedback) {
                            $headers .= "\t" . get_string('feedback', 'quiz');
                        echo $headers . " \n";
        $contextlists = get_related_contexts_string(get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, $course->id));
        // Construct the SQL
        $select = 'SELECT ' . sql_concat('u.id', '\'#\'', $db->IfNull('qa.attempt', '0')) . ' AS uniqueid, ' . 'qa.uniqueid as attemptuniqueid, qa.id AS attempt, u.id AS userid, u.firstname, u.lastname, u.picture, ' . 'qa.sumgrades, qa.timefinish, qa.timestart, qa.timefinish - qa.timestart AS duration ';
        if ($course->id != SITEID) {
            // this is too complicated, so just do it for each of the four cases.
            if (!empty($currentgroup) && empty($noattempts)) {
                // we want a particular group and we only want to see students WITH attempts.
                // So join on groups_members and do an inner join on attempts.
                $from = 'FROM ' . $CFG->prefix . 'user u JOIN ' . $CFG->prefix . 'role_assignments ra ON ra.userid = u.id ' . 'JOIN ' . $CFG->prefix . 'groups_members gm ON u.id = gm.userid ' . 'JOIN ' . $CFG->prefix . 'quiz_attempts qa ON u.id = qa.userid AND qa.quiz = ' . $quiz->id;
                $where = ' WHERE ra.contextid ' . $contextlists . ' AND gm.groupid = ' . $currentgroup . ' AND qa.preview = 0';
            } else {
                if (!empty($currentgroup) && !empty($noattempts)) {
                    // We want a particular group and we want to do something funky with attempts
                    // So join on groups_members and left join on attempts...
                    $from = 'FROM ' . $CFG->prefix . 'user u JOIN ' . $CFG->prefix . 'role_assignments ra ON ra.userid = u.id ' . 'JOIN ' . $CFG->prefix . 'groups_members gm ON u.id = gm.userid ' . 'LEFT JOIN ' . $CFG->prefix . 'quiz_attempts qa ON u.id = qa.userid AND qa.quiz = ' . $quiz->id;
                    $where = ' WHERE ra.contextid ' . $contextlists . ' AND gm.groupid = ' . $currentgroup;
                    if ($noattempts == 1) {
                        // noattempts = 1 means only no attempts, so make the left join ask for only records where the right is null (no attempts)
                        $where .= ' AND qa.userid IS NULL';
                        // show ONLY no attempts;
                    } else {
                        // We are including attempts, so exclude previews.
                        $where .= ' AND qa.preview = 0';
                } else {
                    if (empty($currentgroup)) {
                        // We don't care about group, and we to do something funky with attempts
                        // So do a left join on attempts
                        $from = 'FROM ' . $CFG->prefix . 'user u JOIN ' . $CFG->prefix . 'role_assignments ra ON ra.userid = u.id LEFT JOIN ' . $CFG->prefix . 'quiz_attempts qa ON u.id = qa.userid AND qa.quiz = ' . $quiz->id;
                        $where = " WHERE ra.contextid {$contextlists}";
                        if (empty($noattempts)) {
                            $where .= ' AND qa.userid IS NOT NULL AND qa.preview = 0';
                            // show ONLY students with attempts;
                        } else {
                            if ($noattempts == 1) {
                                // noattempts = 1 means only no attempts, so make the left join ask for only records where the right is null (no attempts)
                                $where .= ' AND qa.userid IS NULL';
                                // show ONLY students without attempts;
                            } else {
                                if ($noattempts == 3) {
                                    // we want all attempts
                                    $from = 'FROM ' . $CFG->prefix . 'user u JOIN ' . $CFG->prefix . 'quiz_attempts qa ON u.id = qa.userid ';
                                    $where = ' WHERE qa.quiz = ' . $quiz->id . ' AND qa.preview = 0';
                        // noattempts = 2 means we want all students, with or without attempts
            $countsql = 'SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(' . sql_concat('u.id', '\'#\'', $db->IfNull('qa.attempt', '0')) . ')) ' . $from . $where;
        } else {
            if (empty($noattempts)) {
                $from = 'FROM ' . $CFG->prefix . 'user u JOIN ' . $CFG->prefix . 'quiz_attempts qa ON u.id = qa.userid ';
                $where = ' WHERE qa.quiz = ' . $quiz->id . ' AND qa.preview = 0';
                $countsql = 'SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(' . sql_concat('u.id', '\'#\'', $db->IfNull('qa.attempt', '0')) . ')) ' . $from . $where;
        if (!$download) {
            // Add extra limits due to initials bar
            if ($table->get_sql_where()) {
                $where .= ' AND ' . $table->get_sql_where();
            // Count the records NOW, before funky question grade sorting messes up $from
            if (!empty($countsql)) {
                $totalinitials = count_records_sql($countsql);
                if ($table->get_sql_where()) {
                    $countsql .= ' AND ' . $table->get_sql_where();
                $total = count_records_sql($countsql);
            // Add extra limits due to sorting by question grade
            if ($sort = $table->get_sql_sort()) {
                $sortparts = explode(',', $sort);
                $newsort = array();
                $questionsort = false;
                foreach ($sortparts as $sortpart) {
                    $sortpart = trim($sortpart);
                    if (substr($sortpart, 0, 1) == '$') {
                        if (!$questionsort) {
                            $qid = intval(substr($sortpart, 1));
                            $select .= ', grade ';
                            $from .= ' LEFT JOIN ' . $CFG->prefix . 'question_sessions qns ON qns.attemptid = qa.id ' . 'LEFT JOIN ' . $CFG->prefix . 'question_states qs ON qs.id = qns.newgraded ';
                            $where .= ' AND (' . sql_isnull('qns.questionid') . ' OR qns.questionid = ' . $qid . ')';
                            $newsort[] = 'grade ' . (strpos($sortpart, 'ASC') ? 'ASC' : 'DESC');
                            $questionsort = true;
                    } else {
                        $newsort[] = $sortpart;
                // Reconstruct the sort string
                $sort = ' ORDER BY ' . implode(', ', $newsort);
            // Fix some wired sorting
            if (empty($sort)) {
                $sort = ' ORDER BY uniqueid';
            $table->pagesize($pagesize, $total);
        // If there is feedback, include it in the query.
        if ($hasfeedback) {
            $factor = $quiz->grade / $quiz->sumgrades;
            $select .= ', qf.feedbacktext ';
            $from .= " JOIN {$CFG->prefix}quiz_feedback qf ON " . "qf.quizid = {$quiz->id} AND qf.mingrade <= qa.sumgrades * {$factor} AND qa.sumgrades * {$factor} < qf.maxgrade";
        // Fetch the attempts
        if (!empty($from)) {
            // if we're in the site course and displaying no attempts, it makes no sense to do the query.
            if (!$download) {
                $attempts = get_records_sql($select . $from . $where . $sort, $table->get_page_start(), $table->get_page_size());
            } else {
                $attempts = get_records_sql($select . $from . $where . $sort);
        } else {
            $attempts = array();
        // Build table rows
        if (!$download) {
            $table->initialbars($totalinitials > 20);
        if (!empty($attempts) || !empty($noattempts)) {
            if ($attempts) {
                foreach ($attempts as $attempt) {
                    $picture = print_user_picture($attempt->userid, $course->id, $attempt->picture, false, true);
                    // uncomment the commented lines below if you are choosing to show unenrolled users and
                    // have uncommented the corresponding lines earlier in this script
                    //if (in_array($attempt->userid, $unenrolledusers)) {
                    //    $userlink = '<a class="dimmed" href="'.$CFG->wwwroot.'/user/view.php?id='.
                    //            $attempt->userid.'&amp;course='.$course->id.'">'.fullname($attempt).'</a>';
                    //else {
                    $userlink = '<a href="' . $CFG->wwwroot . '/user/view.php?id=' . $attempt->userid . '&amp;course=' . $course->id . '">' . fullname($attempt) . '</a>';
                    // Username columns.
                    $row = array();
                    if (!$download) {
                        if (!empty($attemptactions)) {
                            $row[] = '<input type="checkbox" name="attemptid[]" value="' . $attempt->attempt . '" />';
                        $row[] = $picture;
                        $row[] = $userlink;
                    } else {
                        $row[] = fullname($attempt);
                    // Timing columns.
                    if ($attempt->attempt) {
                        $startdate = userdate($attempt->timestart, $strtimeformat);
                        if (!$download) {
                            $row[] = '<a href="review.php?q=' . $quiz->id . '&amp;attempt=' . $attempt->attempt . '">' . $startdate . '</a>';
                        } else {
                            $row[] = $startdate;
                        if ($attempt->timefinish) {
                            $timefinish = userdate($attempt->timefinish, $strtimeformat);
                            $duration = format_time($attempt->duration);
                            if (!$download) {
                                $row[] = '<a href="review.php?q=' . $quiz->id . '&amp;attempt=' . $attempt->attempt . '">' . $startdate . '</a>';
                            } else {
                                $row[] = '<a href="review.php?q=' . $quiz->id . '&amp;attempt=' . $attempt->attempt . '">' . $timefinish . '</a>';
                            $row[] = $duration;
                        } else {
                            $row[] = '-';
                            $row[] = get_string('unfinished', 'quiz');
                    } else {
                        $row[] = '-';
                        $row[] = '-';
                        $row[] = '-';
                    // Grades columns.
                    if ($showgrades) {
                        if ($attempt->timefinish) {
                            $grade = quiz_rescale_grade($attempt->sumgrades, $quiz);
                            if (!$download) {
                                $row[] = '<a href="review.php?q=' . $quiz->id . '&amp;attempt=' . $attempt->attempt . '">' . $grade . '</a>';
                            } else {
                                $row[] = $grade;
                        } else {
                            $row[] = '-';
                    if ($detailedmarks) {
                        if (empty($attempt->attempt)) {
                            foreach ($questionids as $questionid) {
                                $row[] = '-';
                        } else {
                            foreach ($questionids as $questionid) {
                                $gradedstateid = get_field('question_sessions', 'newgraded', 'attemptid', $attempt->attemptuniqueid, 'questionid', $questionid);
                                if ($gradedstateid) {
                                    $grade = round(get_field('question_states', 'grade', 'id', $gradedstateid), $quiz->decimalpoints);
                                } else {
                                    $grade = '--';
                                if (!$download) {
                                    $row[] = link_to_popup_window('/mod/quiz/reviewquestion.php?state=' . $gradedstateid . '&amp;number=' . $questions[$questionid]->number, 'reviewquestion', $grade, 450, 650, $strreviewquestion, 'none', true);
                                } else {
                                    $row[] = $grade;
                    // Feedback column.
                    if ($hasfeedback) {
                        if ($attempt->timefinish) {
                            $row[] = format_text($attempt->feedbacktext, FORMAT_MOODLE, $nocleanformatoptions);
                        } else {
                            $row[] = '-';
                    if (!$download) {
                    } else {
                        if ($download == 'Excel' or $download == 'ODS') {
                            $colnum = 0;
                            foreach ($row as $item) {
                                $myxls->write($rownum, $colnum, $item, $format);
                        } else {
                            if ($download == 'CSV') {
                                $text = implode("\t", $row);
                                echo $text . " \n";
            if (!$download) {
                // Start form
                echo '<div id="tablecontainer">';
                echo '<form id="attemptsform" method="post" action="' . $reporturlwithoptions . '" onsubmit="var menu = document.getElementById(\'menuaction\'); ' . 'return (menu.options[menu.selectedIndex].value == \'delete\' ? confirm(\'' . $strreallydel . '\') : true);">';
                echo '<div>';
                // Print table
                // Print "Select all" etc.
                if (!empty($attempts) && !empty($attemptactions)) {
                    echo '<table id="commands">';
                    echo '<tr><td>';
                    echo '<a href="javascript:select_all_in(\'DIV\',null,\'tablecontainer\');">' . get_string('selectall', 'quiz') . '</a> / ';
                    echo '<a href="javascript:deselect_all_in(\'DIV\',null,\'tablecontainer\');">' . get_string('selectnone', 'quiz') . '</a> ';
                    echo '&nbsp;&nbsp;';
                    choose_from_menu($attemptactions, 'action', '', get_string('withselected', 'quiz'), 'if(this.selectedIndex > 0) submitFormById(\'attemptsform\');');
                    echo '<noscript id="noscriptmenuaction" style="display: inline;"><div>';
                    echo '<input type="submit" value="' . get_string('go') . '" /></div></noscript>';
                    echo '<script type="text/javascript">
document.getElementById("noscriptmenuaction").style.display = "none";
                    echo '</td></tr></table>';
                // Close form
                echo '</div>';
                echo '</form></div>';
                if (!empty($attempts)) {
                    echo '<table class="boxaligncenter"><tr>';
                    $options = array();
                    $options["id"] = $cm->id;
                    $options["q"] = $quiz->id;
                    $options['sesskey'] = sesskey();
                    $options["noheader"] = "yes";
                    $options['noattempts'] = $noattempts;
                    $options['detailedmarks'] = $detailedmarks;
                    echo '<td>';
                    $options["download"] = "ODS";
                    print_single_button($reporturl, $options, get_string("downloadods"));
                    echo "</td>\n";
                    echo '<td>';
                    $options["download"] = "Excel";
                    print_single_button($reporturl, $options, get_string("downloadexcel"));
                    echo "</td>\n";
                    echo '<td>';
                    $options["download"] = "CSV";
                    print_single_button($reporturl, $options, get_string("downloadtext"));
                    echo "</td>\n";
                    echo "<td>";
                    helpbutton('overviewdownload', get_string('overviewdownload', 'quiz_overview'), 'quiz');
                    echo "</td>\n";
                    echo '</tr></table>';
            } else {
                if ($download == 'Excel' or $download == 'ODS') {
                } else {
                    if ($download == 'CSV') {
        } else {
            if (!$download) {
        // Print display options
        echo '<div class="controls">';
        echo '<form id="options" action="' . $reporturl . '" method="get">';
        echo '<div>';
        echo '<p>' . get_string('displayoptions', 'quiz') . ': </p>';
        echo '<input type="hidden" name="id" value="' . $cm->id . '" />';
        echo '<input type="hidden" name="q" value="' . $quiz->id . '" />';
        echo '<input type="hidden" name="noattempts" value="0" />';
        echo '<input type="hidden" name="detailedmarks" value="0" />';
        echo '<table id="overview-options" class="boxaligncenter">';
        echo '<tr align="left">';
        echo '<td><label for="pagesize">' . get_string('pagesize', 'quiz') . '</label></td>';
        echo '<td><input type="text" id="pagesize" name="pagesize" size="3" value="' . $pagesize . '" /></td>';
        echo '</tr>';
        echo '<tr align="left">';
        echo '<td colspan="2">';
        $options = array(0 => get_string('attemptsonly', 'quiz_overview', $course->students));
        if ($course->id != SITEID) {
            $options[1] = get_string('noattemptsonly', 'quiz_overview', $course->students);
            $options[2] = get_string('allstudents', 'quiz_overview', $course->students);
            $options[3] = get_string('allattempts', 'quiz_overview');
        choose_from_menu($options, 'noattempts', $noattempts, '');
        echo '</td></tr>';
        echo '<tr align="left">';
        echo '<td colspan="2">';
        echo '<input type="checkbox" id="checkdetailedmarks" name="detailedmarks" ' . ($detailedmarks ? 'checked="checked" ' : '') . 'value="1" /> ';
        echo '<label for="checkdetailedmarks">' . get_string('showdetailedmarks', 'quiz') . '</label> ';
        echo '</td></tr>';
        echo '<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">';
        echo '<input type="submit" value="' . get_string('go') . '" />';
        echo '</td></tr></table>';
        echo '</div>';
        echo '</form>';
        echo '</div>';
        echo "\n";
        return true;
Exemple #10
  * Prints questions with comment and grade form underneath each question
  * @return void
  * @todo Finish documenting this function
 function print_questions_and_form($quiz, $question, $userid, $attemptid, $gradeungraded, $gradenextungraded, $ungraded)
     global $CFG, $DB, $OUTPUT;
     $context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_MODULE, $this->cm->id);
     $questions[$question->id] =& $question;
     $usehtmleditor = can_use_html_editor();
     list($select, $from, $where, $params) = $this->attempts_sql($quiz->id, false, $question->id, $userid, $attemptid, $gradeungraded, $gradenextungraded);
     $sort = 'ORDER BY u.firstname, u.lastname, qa.attempt ASC';
     if ($gradenextungraded) {
         $attempts = $DB->get_records_sql($select . $from . $where . $sort, $params, 0, QUIZ_REPORT_DEFAULT_GRADING_PAGE_SIZE);
     } else {
         $attempts = $DB->get_records_sql($select . $from . $where . $sort, $params);
     if ($attempts) {
         $firstattempt = current($attempts);
         $fullname = fullname($firstattempt);
         if ($gradeungraded) {
             // getting all ungraded attempts
             echo $OUTPUT->heading(get_string('gradingungraded', 'quiz_grading', $ungraded), 3);
         } else {
             if ($gradenextungraded) {
                 // getting next ungraded attempts
                 echo $OUTPUT->heading(get_string('gradingnextungraded', 'quiz_grading', QUIZ_REPORT_DEFAULT_GRADING_PAGE_SIZE), 3);
             } else {
                 if ($userid) {
                     echo $OUTPUT->heading(get_string('gradinguser', 'quiz_grading', $fullname), 3);
                 } else {
                     if ($attemptid) {
                         $a = new object();
                         $a->fullname = $fullname;
                         $a->attempt = $firstattempt->attempt;
                         echo $OUTPUT->heading(get_string('gradingattempt', 'quiz_grading', $a), 3);
                     } else {
                         echo $OUTPUT->heading(get_string('gradingall', 'quiz_grading', count($attempts)), 3);
         // Display the form with one part for each selected attempt
         echo '<form method="post" action="report.php" class="mform" id="manualgradingform">' . '<input type="hidden" name="mode" value="grading" />' . '<input type="hidden" name="q" value="' . $quiz->id . '" />' . '<input type="hidden" name="sesskey" value="' . sesskey() . '" />' . '<input type="hidden" name="questionid" value="' . $question->id . '" />';
         foreach ($attempts as $attempt) {
             // Load the state for this attempt (The questions array was created earlier)
             $states = get_question_states($questions, $quiz, $attempt);
             // The $states array is indexed by question id but because we are dealing
             // with only one question there is only one entry in this array
             $state =& $states[$question->id];
             $options = quiz_get_reviewoptions($quiz, $attempt, $context);
             $options->readonly = 1;
             if (question_state_is_graded($state)) {
                 $gradedclass = 'main highlightgraded';
                 $gradedstring = ' ' . get_string('graded', 'quiz_grading');
             } else {
                 $gradedclass = 'main';
                 $gradedstring = '';
             $a = new object();
             $a->fullname = fullname($attempt, true);
             $a->attempt = $attempt->attempt;
             // print the user name, attempt count, the question, and some more hidden fields
             echo '<div class="boxaligncenter" width="80%" style="clear:left;padding:15px;">';
             echo $OUTPUT->heading(get_string('gradingattempt', 'quiz_grading', $a) . $gradedstring, 3, $gradedclass);
             // Print the question, without showing any previous comment.
             $copy = $state->manualcomment;
             $state->manualcomment = '';
             $options->noeditlink = true;
             print_question($question, $state, '', $quiz, $options);
             // The print the comment and grade fields, putting back the previous comment.
             $state->manualcomment = $copy;
             question_print_comment_fields($question, $state, 'manualgrades[' . $attempt->uniqueid . ']', $quiz, get_string('manualgrading', 'quiz'));
             echo '</div>';
         echo '<div class="boxaligncenter"><input type="submit" value="' . get_string('savechanges') . '" /></div>' . '</form>';
     } else {
         echo $OUTPUT->notification(get_string('noattemptstoshow', 'quiz'));
Exemple #11
 * Returns all quiz graded users since a given time for specified quiz
function quiz_get_recent_mod_activity(&$activities, &$index, $timestart,
        $courseid, $cmid, $userid = 0, $groupid = 0) {
    global $CFG, $COURSE, $USER, $DB;

    if ($COURSE->id == $courseid) {
        $course = $COURSE;
    } else {
        $course = $DB->get_record('course', array('id' => $courseid));

    $modinfo =& get_fast_modinfo($course);

    $cm = $modinfo->cms[$cmid];
    $quiz = $DB->get_record('quiz', array('id' => $cm->instance));

    if ($userid) {
        $userselect = "AND u.id = :userid";
        $params['userid'] = $userid;
    } else {
        $userselect = '';

    if ($groupid) {
        $groupselect = 'AND gm.groupid = :groupid';
        $groupjoin   = 'JOIN {groups_members} gm ON  gm.userid=u.id';
        $params['groupid'] = $groupid;
    } else {
        $groupselect = '';
        $groupjoin   = '';

    $params['timestart'] = $timestart;
    $params['quizid'] = $quiz->id;

    if (!$attempts = $DB->get_records_sql("
              SELECT qa.*,
                     u.firstname, u.lastname, u.email, u.picture, u.imagealt
                FROM {quiz_attempts} qa
                     JOIN {user} u ON u.id = qa.userid
               WHERE qa.timefinish > :timestart
                 AND qa.quiz = :quizid
                 AND qa.preview = 0
            ORDER BY qa.timefinish ASC", $params)) {

    $context         = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_MODULE, $cm->id);
    $accessallgroups = has_capability('moodle/site:accessallgroups', $context);
    $viewfullnames   = has_capability('moodle/site:viewfullnames', $context);
    $grader          = has_capability('mod/quiz:viewreports', $context);
    $groupmode       = groups_get_activity_groupmode($cm, $course);

    if (is_null($modinfo->groups)) {
        $modinfo->groups = groups_get_user_groups($course->id); // load all my groups and cache it in modinfo

    $usersgroups = null;
    $aname = format_string($cm->name,true);
    foreach ($attempts as $attempt) {
        if ($attempt->userid != $USER->id) {
            if (!$grader) {
                // Grade permission required

            if ($groupmode == SEPARATEGROUPS and !$accessallgroups) {
                if (is_null($usersgroups)) {
                    $usersgroups = groups_get_all_groups($course->id,
                            $attempt->userid, $cm->groupingid);
                    if (is_array($usersgroups)) {
                        $usersgroups = array_keys($usersgroups);
                    } else {
                        $usersgroups = array();
                if (!array_intersect($usersgroups, $modinfo->groups[$cm->id])) {

        $options = quiz_get_reviewoptions($quiz, $attempt, $context);

        $tmpactivity = new stdClass;

        $tmpactivity->type       = 'quiz';
        $tmpactivity->cmid       = $cm->id;
        $tmpactivity->name       = $aname;
        $tmpactivity->sectionnum = $cm->sectionnum;
        $tmpactivity->timestamp  = $attempt->timefinish;

        $tmpactivity->content->attemptid = $attempt->id;
        $tmpactivity->content->attempt   = $attempt->attempt;
        if (quiz_has_grades($quiz) && $options->scores) {
            $tmpactivity->content->sumgrades = quiz_format_grade($quiz, $attempt->sumgrades);
            $tmpactivity->content->maxgrade  = quiz_format_grade($quiz, $quiz->sumgrades);
        } else {
            $tmpactivity->content->sumgrades = null;
            $tmpactivity->content->maxgrade  = null;

        $tmpactivity->user->id        = $attempt->userid;
        $tmpactivity->user->firstname = $attempt->firstname;
        $tmpactivity->user->lastname = $attempt->lastname;
        $tmpactivity->user->fullname = fullname($attempt, $viewfullnames);
        $tmpactivity->user->picture  = $attempt->picture;
        $tmpactivity->user->imagealt = $attempt->imagealt;
        $tmpactivity->user->email = $attempt->email;

        $activities[$index++] = $tmpactivity;

Exemple #12
  * Wrapper that calls quiz_get_reviewoptions with the appropriate arguments.
  * @return object the review options for this user on this attempt.
 public function get_review_options()
     if (is_null($this->reviewoptions)) {
         $this->reviewoptions = quiz_get_reviewoptions($this->quiz, $this->attempt, $this->context);
     return $this->reviewoptions;