} if ($paget == 'page') { $page = array_do('stripslashes', query_first("SELECT * FROM `pages` WHERE title='" . $q[1] . "'")); $nodes = array_do('stripslashes', fetch_all_array(build_query('nodes,pcont,INNER,id,node', 'page=' . $page['id']))); if ($debug) { echo '<pre>'; print_r($page); echo '</pre>'; echo '<pre>'; print_r($nodes); echo '</pre>'; } } if ($paget == 'user') { if (isset($q[1])) { $user = array_do('stripslashes', query_first(build_query('users', 'url_name=' . $q[1]))); $nodes = array_do('stripslashes', fetch_all_array(build_query('nodes', 'author=' . $q[1]))); if ($debug) { $tmp_pass_f98w3n = $user['password']; $user['password'] = '******'; echo '<br/><b>Over deze gebruiker / print_r($user):</b><pre>'; print_r($user); echo '</pre>'; echo '<b>Artikelen door deze gebruiker / print_r($nodes):</b><pre>'; print_r($nodes); echo '</pre>'; $user['password'] = $tmp_pass_f98w3n; $tmp_pass_f98w3n = ''; } } else { header("Location: login");
function ReceiveMO($moid, $moseq, $src, $dest, $cmdcode, $msgbody, $opid, $username, $password) { if ($username == 'igo' && $password == 'lightuponline') { //process content Received from VDC executeSelect("insert into receive(moid,phone,service_number,syntax,content,telco,time_receive) values ({$moid},'{$src}','{$dest}','{$cmdcode}','{$msgbody}','{$opid}'," . time() . ")"); $mtseq = mysql_insert_id(); $msgbody = "He thong 5giay hien tai khong dap ung duoc dich vu ban yeu cau"; //Cắt chuỗi nội dung tin nhắn $tmp = explode(" ", killchar(trim($msgbody))); //Xử lý cú pháp 5KH-------------------------------------------------- if (strtoupper($cmdcode) == "5KH") { //check service_number if ($dest == "8588" || $dest == "8088") { $strsql = "SELECT userid,username FROM user WHERE smskeyactive = '{$tmp['1']}'"; $result = query_first('5giay', $strsql); if ($result['userid'] != NULL) { execute5giay("UPDATE user SET usergroupid = 2, smskeyactive = 'Done' WHERE userid=" . $result['userid']); $msgbody = "Tai khoan " . $result['username'] . " da duoc kich hoat, Cam on ban da dang ky lam thanh vien tai 5giay.vn"; } else { $msgbody = "Ma kich hoat khong ton tai. Ban vui long kiem tra lai ma kich hoat"; } } else { $msgbody = "Ban da nhan tin sai cu phap. Vui long soan 5KH ACTIVECODE gui 8588"; } } //Xử lý cú pháp 5KH-------------------------------------------------- //Xử lý cú pháp 5GIAY-------------------------------------------------- if (strtoupper($cmdcode) == "5GIAY") { //check service_number if ($dest == "8788") { $strsql = "SELECT userid,username FROM user WHERE userid =" . $tmp[1]; $result = query_first('5giay', $strsql); if ($result['userid'] != NULL) { execute5giay("update user set point5s =point5s+15 where userid=" . $result['userid']); $msgbody = "Tai khoan " . $result['username'] . " da duoc cong 15K, Cam on ban da su dung dich vu tai 5giay.vn"; } else { $msgbody = "Ma thanh vien khong ton tai. Ban vui long kiem tra lai ma thanh vien"; } } else { $msgbody = "Ban da nhan tin sai cu phap. Vui long soan 5GIAY USERID gui 8788"; } } //Xử lý cú pháp 5GIAY-------------------------------------------------- //Xử lý cú pháp 5UP-------------------------------------------------- if (strtoupper($cmdcode) == "5UP") { $strsql = "SELECT threadid FROM thread WHERE threadid =" . $tmp[1]; $result = query_first('5giay', $strsql); switch ($dest) { case "8100": if ($result != NULL) { $strsql = "update thread set lastpost=" . time() . ",count_sms =count_sms+1 where threadid =" . $tmp[1]; $msgbody = "Cam on ban da su dung dich vu cua 5giay.vn. Topic " . $tmp[1] . " cua ban duoc them 1 luot UP"; } else { $msgbody = "Ban da nhan tin sai cu phap. Vui long Soan UP <ID topic> gui toi 8100 de su dung dich vu. Cam on ban"; } break; case "8500": if ($result != NULL) { $strsql = "update thread set lastpost =" . time() . ",datehot=" . time() . ",status_sms = 3 where threadid =" . $tmp[1]; $msgbody = "Cam on ban da su dung dich vu cua 5giay.vn. Topic " . $tmp[1] . " cua ban thanh topic HOT trong 24 gio"; } else { $msgbody = "Ban da nhan tin sai cu phap. Vui long Soan UP <ID topic> HOT gui toi 8500 de su dung dich vu. Cam on ban"; } break; default: $msgbody = "Ban da nhan tin sai cu phap. Vui long xem lai huong dan tai 5giay.vn"; break; } //end switch } //Xử lý cú pháp 5UP-------------------------------------------------- $msgtype = "Text"; $msgtitle = ""; $mttotalseg = "1"; $mtseqref = "1"; $reqtime = date(YmdGis, time()); $procresult = "1"; //Begin call Function SendMT VDC $client = new nusoap_client('http://www.mymobile.com.vn/SMSAPIWS/SMSAgentWS.asmx?wsdl', 'wsdl', '', '', '', ''); $param = array('mtseq' => $mtseq, 'moid' => $moid, 'moseq' => $moseq, 'src' => $dest, 'dest' => $src, 'cmdcode' => $cmdcode, 'msgbody' => $msgbody, 'msgtype' => $msgtype, 'msgtitle' => $msgtitle, 'mttotalseg' => $mttotalseg, 'mtseqref' => $mtseqref, 'cpid' => '191', 'reqtime' => $reqtime, 'procresult' => $procresult, 'opid' => $opid, 'username' => '5giay', 'password' => '7rnuixm8l3'); $result = $client->call('SendMT', $param); //get return function SendMT if ($client->fault) { $returnend = $result; } else { // Check for errors $err = $client->getError(); if ($err) { // Display the error $returnend = $err; } else { // Display the result if ($result['SendMTResult'] == 200) { $returnvalue = 200; $returnend = 200; } else { $returnend = $result['SendMTResult']; $returnvalue = 202; } } } //End call Function SendMT VDC //Insert into table reply executeSelect("insert into reply(mtseq,moid,phone,service_number,syntax,reply_content,telco,result,time_reply) values ('{$mtseq}','{$moid}','{$src}','{$dest}','{$cmdcode}','{$msgbody}','{$opid}','{$returnend}'," . time() . ")"); return new soapval('return', 'xsd:int', $returnvalue); //return function ReceiveMO } else { return new soapval('return', 'xsd:int', 404); } }
$_GET['fullnews'] = $row[0]; } else { // 404 not found $_GET['categoryID'] = -1; } break; // Pages // Pages case 'pages': $sql = ' SELECT aux_page_ID FROM ' . AUX_PAGES_TABLE . ' WHERE uri ="' . $uri . '" LIMIT 1'; if ($row = query_first($sql)) { $_GET['show_aux_page'] = $row[0]; } else { // 404 not found $_GET['categoryID'] = -1; } break; } //check_www_prefix(); // Launch engine } else { // No URI // Access by ID must be redirected to URI if present if ((isset($_GET['productID']) || isset($_GET['categoryID']) || isset($_GET['fullnews']) || isset($_GET['show_aux_page'])) && !isset($_GET['search']) && !isset($_GET['advanced_search_in_category']) && !isset($_GET['sort']) && $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'GET') { if (isset($_GET['productID'])) { // product