Exemple #1
  * Function that generates rgba part of css color property
  * @param $color string hex color
  * @param $transparency float transparency value between 0 and 1
  * @return string generated rgba string
 function qode_rgba_color($color, $transparency)
     if ($color !== '' && $transparency !== '') {
         $rgba_color = '';
         $rgb_color_array = qode_hex2rgb($color);
         $rgba_color .= 'rgba(' . implode(', ', $rgb_color_array) . ', ' . $transparency . ')';
         return $rgba_color;
        echo $qode_options_proya['popup_menu_hover_background_color_2nd'];
; <?php 


if (isset($qode_options_proya['popup_menu_background_color']) && !empty($qode_options_proya['popup_menu_background_color']) || !empty($qode_options_proya['popup_menu_background_transparency'])) {
    $popup_menu_background_color = qode_hex2rgb($qode_options_proya['popup_menu_background_color']);
    if ($qode_options_proya['popup_menu_background_transparency'] != "") {
        $popup_menu_background_transparency = $qode_options_proya['popup_menu_background_transparency'];
    } else {
        $popup_menu_background_transparency = 0.95;
        background-color: rgba(<?php 
    echo $popup_menu_background_color[0];
    echo $popup_menu_background_color[1];
    echo $popup_menu_background_color[2];
Exemple #3
} else {
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            $header_top_background_color = qode_hex2rgb($qode_options_theme13['header_top_background_color']);
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            $header_top_background_color = qode_hex2rgb("#ffffff");
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$header_separator = qode_hex2rgb("#eaeaea");
if (isset($qode_options_theme13['header_separator_color']) && $qode_options_theme13['header_separator_color'] != "") {
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if (get_post_meta($id, "qode_header_border_per_page", true) != "") {
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$header_border_transparency_per_page = "";
if (isset($qode_options_theme13['header_border_transparency_initial']) && $qode_options_theme13['header_border_transparency_initial'] != "") {
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if (get_post_meta($id, "qode_header_border_transparency_per_page", true) != "") {
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$header_borders_color_per_page = "";
if ($header_border_transparency_per_page != "") {
    $header_borders_color_per_page = "<style type='text/css'> \n\t\t\t.header_top .left .inner > div,\n\t\t\t.header_top .left .inner > div:last-child,\n\t\t\t.header_top .right .inner > div:first-child,\n\t\t\t.header_top .right .inner > div,\n\t\t\theader .header_top .q_social_icon_holder,\n\t\t\t.header_menu_bottom\n\t\t\t{ border-color:rgba(" . $header_separator[0] . ", " . $header_separator[1] . ", " . $header_separator[2] . ", " . $header_border_transparency_per_page . "); } \n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t</style>";
} elseif ($header_border_transparency_per_page == "" && get_post_meta($id, "qode_header_border_per_page", true) != "") {
    $header_borders_color_per_page = "<style type='text/css'> \n\t\t\t.header_top .left .inner > div,\n\t\t\t.header_top .left .inner > div:last-child,\n\t\t\t.header_top .right .inner > div:first-child,\n\t\t\t.header_top .right .inner > div,\n\t\t\theader .header_top .q_social_icon_holder,\n\t\t\t.header_menu_bottom\n\t\t\t{ border-color:" . get_post_meta($id, "qode_header_border_per_page", true) . "; } \n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t</style>";
if ($header_border_transparency_per_page != "") {
Exemple #4
if (get_post_meta($id, "qode_header_color_per_page", true) != "") {
    if ($header_color_transparency_per_page != "") {
        $header_background_color = qode_hex2rgb(get_post_meta($id, "qode_header_color_per_page", true));
        $header_top_color_per_page .= "background-color:rgba(" . $header_background_color[0] . ", " . $header_background_color[1] . ", " . $header_background_color[2] . ", " . $header_color_transparency_per_page . ");";
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        $header_top_color_per_page .= "background-color:" . get_post_meta($id, "qode_header_color_per_page", true) . ";";
} else {
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        $header_background_color = $qode_options_proya['header_top_background_color'] ? qode_hex2rgb($qode_options_proya['header_top_background_color']) : qode_hex2rgb("#ffffff");
        $header_top_color_per_page .= "background-color:rgba(" . $header_background_color[0] . ", " . $header_background_color[1] . ", " . $header_background_color[2] . ", " . $header_color_transparency_per_page . ");";
$header_separator = qode_hex2rgb("#eaeaea");
if (isset($qode_options_proya['header_separator_color']) && $qode_options_proya['header_separator_color'] != "") {
    $header_separator = qode_hex2rgb($qode_options_proya['header_separator_color']);
$header_color_per_page .= "'";
$header_top_color_per_page .= "'";
//generate header classes based on qode options
$header_classes = '';
if (is_active_sidebar('woocommerce_dropdown')) {
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if ($display_header_top == "yes") {
    $header_classes .= ' has_top';
if ($header_top_area_scroll == "yes") {
    $header_classes .= ' scroll_top';
if ($centered_logo) {
Exemple #5
 function social_icons($atts, $content = null)
     global $qodeIconCollections;
     $args = array("type" => "", "link" => "", "target" => "", "use_custom_size" => "", "custom_size" => "", "custom_shape_size" => "", "size" => "", "border_radius" => "", "icon_color" => "", "icon_hover_color" => "", "background_color" => "", "background_hover_color" => "", "background_color_transparency" => "", "border_width" => "", "border_color" => "", "border_hover_color" => "", "icon_margin" => "");
     $args = array_merge($args, $qodeIconCollections->getShortcodeParams());
     extract(shortcode_atts($args, $atts));
     $html = "";
     $fa_stack_styles = "";
     $icon_styles = "";
     $data_attr = "";
     //        $background_color = $background_color != "" ? $background_color : "#e3e3e3";
     if (!empty($background_color) && !empty($background_color_transparency) && ($background_color_transparency >= 0 && $background_color_transparency <= 1)) {
         $rgb = qode_hex2rgb($background_color);
         $background_color = 'rgba(' . $rgb[0] . ', ' . $rgb[1] . ', ' . $rgb[2] . ', ' . $background_color_transparency . ')';
     if (!empty($background_color)) {
         $fa_stack_styles .= "background-color: {$background_color};";
     if ($type == 'square_social' && $border_radius !== '') {
         $fa_stack_styles .= 'border-radius: ' . $border_radius . 'px;';
         $fa_stack_styles .= '-webkit-border-radius: ' . $border_radius . 'px;';
         $fa_stack_styles .= '-moz-border-radius: ' . $border_radius . 'px;';
     if ($border_color != "") {
         $fa_stack_styles .= "border-color: " . $border_color . ";";
     if ($border_width != "") {
         $fa_stack_styles .= "border-width: " . $border_width . "px;";
     if ($icon_color != "") {
         $icon_styles .= "color: " . $icon_color . ";";
     if ($icon_margin != "") {
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             $fa_stack_styles .= "margin: " . $icon_margin . ";";
         } else {
             $icon_styles .= "margin: " . $icon_margin . ";";
     if ($background_hover_color != "") {
         $data_attr .= "data-hover-background-color=" . $background_hover_color . " ";
     if ($border_hover_color != "") {
         $data_attr .= "data-hover-border-color=" . $border_hover_color . " ";
     if ($icon_hover_color != "") {
         $data_attr .= "data-hover-color=" . $icon_hover_color;
     if ($use_custom_size == 'yes') {
         if ($custom_size !== '') {
             $icon_styles .= 'font-size: ' . $custom_size . "px;";
         if ($custom_shape_size !== '') {
             $fa_stack_styles .= 'font-size: ' . $custom_shape_size . "px;";
         } elseif ($custom_size !== '' && $custom_shape_size == '') {
             $fa_stack_styles .= 'font-size: ' . $custom_size . "px;";
     $html .= "<span class='q_social_icon_holder {$type}' {$data_attr}>";
     if ($link != "") {
         $html .= "<a href='" . $link . "' target='" . $target . "'>";
     //have to set default because of already created shortcodes
     $icon_pack = $icon_pack == '' ? 'font_awesome' : $icon_pack;
     if ($type == "normal_social") {
         $html .= $qodeIconCollections->getIconHTML(${$qodeIconCollections->getIconCollectionParamNameByKey($icon_pack)}, $icon_pack, array('icon_attributes' => array('style' => $icon_styles, 'class' => $size . ' simple_social')));
     } else {
         $html .= "<span class='fa-stack " . $size . "' style='" . $fa_stack_styles . "'>";
         $html .= $qodeIconCollections->getIconHTML(${$qodeIconCollections->getIconCollectionParamNameByKey($icon_pack)}, $icon_pack, array('icon_attributes' => array('style' => $icon_styles, 'class' => '')));
         $html .= "</span>";
         //close fa-stack
     if ($link != "") {
         $html .= "</a>";
     $html .= "</span>";
     //close q_social_icon_holder
     return $html;
if (isset($qode_options_proya['fss_navigation_border_radius']) && $qode_options_proya['fss_navigation_border_radius'] !== '') {
    $sliders_style[] = 'border-radius: ' . $qode_options_proya['fss_navigation_border_radius'] . 'px';
if (isset($qode_options_proya['fss_navigation_arrow_size']) && $qode_options_proya['fss_navigation_arrow_size'] !== '') {
    $sliders_style[] = 'font-size: ' . $qode_options_proya['fss_navigation_arrow_size'] . 'px';
if (isset($qode_options_proya['fss_navigation_arrow_color']) && $qode_options_proya['fss_navigation_arrow_color'] !== '') {
    $rgb_color = qode_hex2rgb($qode_options_proya['fss_navigation_arrow_color']);
    $rgb_transparency = 1;
    if (isset($qode_options_proya['fss_navigation_arrow_transparency']) && $qode_options_proya['fss_navigation_arrow_transparency'] !== '') {
        $rgb_transparency = $qode_options_proya['fss_navigation_arrow_transparency'];
    $sliders_style[] = 'color: rgba(' . $rgb_color[0] . ',' . $rgb_color[1] . ',' . $rgb_color[2] . ',' . $rgb_transparency . ')';
if (isset($qode_options_proya['fss_navigation_arrow_hover_color']) && $qode_options_proya['fss_navigation_arrow_hover_color'] !== '') {
    $rgb_color = qode_hex2rgb($qode_options_proya['fss_navigation_arrow_hover_color']);
    $rgb_transparency = 1;
    if (isset($qode_options_proya['fss_navigation_arrow_hover_transparency']) && $qode_options_proya['fss_navigation_arrow_hover_transparency'] !== '') {
        $rgb_transparency = $qode_options_proya['fss_navigation_arrow_hover_transparency'];
    $sliders_hover_style[] = 'color: rgba(' . $rgb_color[0] . ',' . $rgb_color[1] . ',' . $rgb_color[2] . ',' . $rgb_transparency . ')';
if (is_array($sliders_style) && count($sliders_style)) {
	.full_screen_navigation_inner a{
    echo esc_attr(implode('; ', $sliders_style));
 function social_icons($atts, $content = null)
     $args = array("type" => "", "icon" => "", "link" => "", "target" => "", "use_custom_size" => "", "custom_size" => "", "size" => "", "icon_color" => "", "icon_hover_color" => "", "background_color" => "", "background_hover_color" => "", "background_color_transparency" => "", "border_width" => "", "border_color" => "", "border_hover_color" => "", "icon_margin" => "");
     extract(shortcode_atts($args, $atts));
     $html = "";
     $fa_stack_styles = "";
     $icon_styles = "";
     $data_attr = "";
     $background_color = $background_color != "" ? $background_color : "#e3e3e3";
     if (!empty($background_color_transparency) && ($background_color_transparency >= 0 && $background_color_transparency <= 1)) {
         $rgb = qode_hex2rgb($background_color);
         $background_color = 'rgba(' . $rgb[0] . ', ' . $rgb[1] . ', ' . $rgb[2] . ', ' . $background_color_transparency . ')';
     $fa_stack_styles .= "background-color: {$background_color};";
     if ($border_color != "") {
         $fa_stack_styles .= "border-color: " . $border_color . ";";
     if ($border_width != "") {
         $fa_stack_styles .= "border-width: " . $border_width . "px;";
     if ($icon_color != "") {
         $icon_styles .= "color: " . $icon_color . ";";
     if ($icon_margin != "") {
         $icon_styles .= "margin: " . $icon_margin . ";";
     if ($background_hover_color != "") {
         $data_attr .= "data-hover-background-color=" . $background_hover_color . " ";
     if ($border_hover_color != "") {
         $data_attr .= "data-hover-border-color=" . $border_hover_color . " ";
     if ($icon_hover_color != "") {
         $data_attr .= "data-hover-color=" . $icon_hover_color;
     if ($use_custom_size == 'yes' && $custom_size != '') {
         $icon_styles .= 'font-size: ' . $custom_size . "px;";
         $fa_stack_styles .= 'font-size: ' . $custom_size . "px;";
     $html .= "<span class='q_social_icon_holder {$type}' {$data_attr}>";
     if ($link != "") {
         $html .= "<a href='" . $link . "' target='" . $target . "'>";
     if ($type == "normal_social") {
         $html .= "<i class='fa " . $icon . " " . $size . " simple_social' style='" . $icon_styles . "'></i>";
     } else {
         $html .= "<span class='fa-stack " . $size . "' style='" . $fa_stack_styles . "'>";
         $html .= "<i class='fa " . $icon . "' style='" . $icon_styles . "'></i>";
         $html .= "</span>";
         //close fa-stack
     if ($link != "") {
         $html .= "</a>";
     $html .= "</span>";
     //close q_social_icon_holder
     return $html;
if (isset($qode_options_proya['single_slider_navigation_border_radius']) && $qode_options_proya['single_slider_navigation_border_radius'] !== '') {
    $single_sliders_style[] = 'border-radius: ' . $qode_options_proya['single_slider_navigation_border_radius'] . 'px';
if (isset($qode_options_proya['single_slider_navigation_arrow_size']) && $qode_options_proya['single_slider_navigation_arrow_size'] !== '') {
    $single_sliders_arrow_style[] = 'font-size: ' . $qode_options_proya['single_slider_navigation_arrow_size'] . 'px';
if (isset($qode_options_proya['single_slider_navigation_arrow_color']) && $qode_options_proya['single_slider_navigation_arrow_color'] !== '') {
    $rgb_color = qode_hex2rgb($qode_options_proya['single_slider_navigation_arrow_color']);
    $rgb_transparency = 1;
    if (isset($qode_options_proya['single_slider_navigation_arrow_transparency']) && $qode_options_proya['single_slider_navigation_arrow_transparency'] !== '') {
        $rgb_transparency = $qode_options_proya['single_slider_navigation_arrow_transparency'];
    $single_sliders_arrow_style[] = 'color: rgba(' . $rgb_color[0] . ',' . $rgb_color[1] . ',' . $rgb_color[2] . ',' . $rgb_transparency . ')';
if (isset($qode_options_proya['single_slider_navigation_arrow_hover_color']) && $qode_options_proya['single_slider_navigation_arrow_hover_color'] !== '') {
    $rgb_color = qode_hex2rgb($qode_options_proya['single_slider_navigation_arrow_hover_color']);
    $rgb_transparency = 1;
    if (isset($qode_options_proya['single_slider_navigation_arrow_hover_transparency']) && $qode_options_proya['single_slider_navigation_arrow_hover_transparency'] !== '') {
        $rgb_transparency = $qode_options_proya['single_slider_navigation_arrow_hover_transparency'];
    $single_sliders_arrow_hover_style[] = 'color: rgba(' . $rgb_color[0] . ',' . $rgb_color[1] . ',' . $rgb_color[2] . ',' . $rgb_transparency . ')';
if (is_array($single_sliders_style) && count($single_sliders_style)) {
	.flex-direction-nav a,
	.flexslider .flex-prev,
	.portfolio_slider .flex-prev,
	.flexslider .flex-next,
	.portfolio_slider .flex-next,
	body div.pp_default a.pp_next:after,
	body div.pp_default a.pp_previous:after,
    $cf7_custom_style_3_button_hover_styles = '';
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        $cf7_custom_style_3_button_hover_styles .= 'color: ' . $qode_options_proya['cf7_custom_style_3_button_font_hover_color'] . ';';
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        if (isset($qode_options_proya['cf7_custom_style_3_button_background_transparency']) && $qode_options_proya['cf7_custom_style_3_button_background_transparency'] !== '') {
            $cf7_custom_style_3_button_hover_background_color = qode_hex2rgb($qode_options_proya['cf7_custom_style_3_button_hover_background_color']);
            $cf7_custom_style_3_button_hover_styles .= 'background-color: rgba(' . $cf7_custom_style_3_button_hover_background_color[0] . ',' . $cf7_custom_style_3_button_hover_background_color[1] . ',' . $cf7_custom_style_3_button_hover_background_color[2] . ',' . $qode_options_proya['cf7_custom_style_3_button_background_transparency'] . ');';
        } else {
            $cf7_custom_style_3_button_hover_styles .= 'background-color: ' . $qode_options_proya['cf7_custom_style_3_button_hover_background_color'] . ';';
    if (isset($qode_options_proya['cf7_custom_style_3_button_hover_border_color']) && $qode_options_proya['cf7_custom_style_3_button_hover_border_color'] !== '') {
        if (isset($qode_options_proya['cf7_custom_style_3_button_border_transparency']) && $qode_options_proya['cf7_custom_style_3_button_border_transparency'] !== '') {
            $cf7_custom_style_3_button_hover_border_color = qode_hex2rgb($qode_options_proya['cf7_custom_style_3_button_hover_border_color']);
            $cf7_custom_style_3_button_hover_styles .= 'border-color: rgba(' . $cf7_custom_style_3_button_hover_border_color[0] . ',' . $cf7_custom_style_3_button_hover_border_color[1] . ',' . $cf7_custom_style_3_button_hover_border_color[2] . ',' . $qode_options_proya['cf7_custom_style_3_button_border_transparency'] . ');';
        } else {
            $cf7_custom_style_3_button_hover_styles .= 'border-color: ' . $qode_options_proya['cf7_custom_style_3_button_hover_border_color'] . ';';

    if ($cf7_custom_style_1_button_styles !== "") {
	.cf7_custom_style_1  input.wpcf7-form-control.wpcf7-submit,
	.cf7_custom_style_1 input.wpcf7-form-control.wpcf7-submit:not([disabled]) {
        echo $cf7_custom_style_1_button_styles;
$headings_array = array('h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'h6');
//get correct heading value. If provided heading isn't valid get the default one
$title_tag = in_array($title_tag, $headings_array) ? $title_tag : $args['title_tag'];
$text_in_circle_tag = in_array($text_in_circle_tag, $headings_array) ? $text_in_circle_tag : $args['text_in_circle_tag'];
$html = '';
$image_src = '';
$image_alt = '';
$circle_style = '';
$border_class = '';
$text_in_circle_style = '';
$icon_style = '';
$title_style = '';
$text_style = '';
if ($background_color != "") {
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if ($border_color != "") {
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if (intval($border_width) > 5) {
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if ($border_width != "") {
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if ($text_in_circle_color != "") {
		padding: 35px 0 43px;

if (isset($qode_options['portfolio_shader_color']) && !empty($qode_options['portfolio_shader_color'])) {
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    } else {
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    $shader_bg_color = qode_hex2rgb($qode_options['portfolio_shader_color']);

    .projects_holder article .portfolio_shader, .projects_masonry_holder article .portfolio_shader, .portfolio_slides .portfolio_shader{
        background-color: rgba(<?php 
    echo $shader_bg_color[0];
    echo $shader_bg_color[1];
    echo $shader_bg_color[2];
    echo $portfolio_shader_transparency;
Exemple #12
    echo $dropdown_bg_color_initial[0];
    echo $dropdown_bg_color_initial[1];
    echo $dropdown_bg_color_initial[2];
    echo $dropdown_bg_transparency;
} else {
    $dropdown_bg_color_initial = qode_hex2rgb("#000");
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        $dropdown_bg_transparency = 0.8;

if (!empty($qode_options_theme13['menu_color']) || !empty($qode_options_theme13['menu_fontsize']) || !empty($qode_options_theme13['menu_fontstyle']) || !empty($qode_options_theme13['menu_fontweight']) || !empty($qode_options_theme13['menu_letter_spacing']) || $qode_options_theme13['menu_google_fonts'] != "-1") {
nav.main_menu > ul > li > a{
    if (!empty($qode_options_theme13['menu_color'])) {
Exemple #13
    $title_text_style[] = 'color: ' . get_post_meta($id, "qode_page-title-color", true);
if (get_post_meta($id, "qode_page-title-text-background-color", true) != '') {
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        $opacity = 1;
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} elseif (isset($qode_options['title_text_background_color']) && $qode_options['title_text_background_color'] != '') {
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Exemple #15
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