Exemple #1
 function social_share_list($atts, $content = null)
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         $twitter_via = " via " . $qode_options_proya['twitter_via'] . " ";
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         $twitter_via = "";
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                     } else {
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                     // if mobile use different link to update status service
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	header_top_height = 0;
var loading_text;
$load_text = qode_addslashes(__('Loading new posts...', 'qode'));
loading_text = '<?php 
echo $load_text;
$finish_text = qode_addslashes(__('No more posts', 'qode'));
var finished_text;
finished_text = '<?php 
echo $finish_text;
if ($qode_options_proya['enable_google_map'] != "") {

var piechartcolor;
piechartcolor	= "#1abc9c";
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 function social_share_list($atts, $content = null)
     global $qode_options_proya;
     if (isset($qode_options_proya['twitter_via']) && !empty($qode_options_proya['twitter_via'])) {
         $twitter_via = " via " . $qode_options_proya['twitter_via'] . " ";
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         $twitter_via = "";
     $image = wp_get_attachment_image_src(get_post_thumbnail_id(), 'full');
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