public function q_list($q_list) { if (!empty($q_list['qs']) && qa_opt('mouseover_content_on')) { // first check it is not an empty list and the feature is turned on // Collect the question ids of all items in the question list (so we can do this in one DB query) $postids = array(); foreach ($q_list['qs'] as $question) { if (isset($question['raw']['postid'])) { $postids[] = $question['raw']['postid']; } } if (!empty($postids)) { // Retrieve the content for these questions from the database $maxlength = qa_opt('mouseover_content_max_len'); $result = qa_db_query_sub('SELECT postid, content, format FROM ^posts WHERE postid IN (#)', $postids); $postinfo = qa_db_read_all_assoc($result, 'postid'); // Get the regular expression fragment to use for blocked words and the maximum length of content to show $blockwordspreg = qa_get_block_words_preg(); // Now add the popup to the title for each question foreach ($q_list['qs'] as $index => $question) { if (isset($postinfo[$question['raw']['postid']])) { $thispost = $postinfo[$question['raw']['postid']]; $text = qa_viewer_text($thispost['content'], $thispost['format'], array('blockwordspreg' => $blockwordspreg)); $text = preg_replace('/\\s+/', ' ', $text); // Remove duplicated blanks, new line characters, tabs, etc $text = qa_shorten_string_line($text, $maxlength); $title = isset($question['title']) ? $question['title'] : ''; $q_list['qs'][$index]['title'] = $this->getHtmlTitle(qa_html($text), $title); } } } } parent::q_list($q_list); // call back through to the default function }
public function q_list($q_list) { if (!empty($q_list['qs']) && qa_opt('mouseover_content_on')) { // first check it is not an empty list and the feature is turned on // Collect the question ids of all items in the question list (so we can do this in one DB query) $postids = array(); foreach ($q_list['qs'] as $question) { if (isset($question['raw']['postid'])) { $postids[] = $question['raw']['postid']; } } if (!empty($postids)) { // Retrieve the content for these questions from the database and put into an array fetching // the minimal amount of characters needed to determine the string should be shortened or not $maxlength = qa_opt('mouseover_content_max_len'); $result = qa_db_query_sub('SELECT postid, LEFT(content, #) content, format FROM ^posts WHERE postid IN (#)', $maxlength + 1, $postids); $postinfo = qa_db_read_all_assoc($result, 'postid'); // Get the regular expression fragment to use for blocked words and the maximum length of content to show $blockwordspreg = qa_get_block_words_preg(); // Now add the popup to the title for each question foreach ($q_list['qs'] as $index => $question) { if (isset($postinfo[$question['raw']['postid']])) { $thispost = $postinfo[$question['raw']['postid']]; $text = qa_viewer_text($thispost['content'], $thispost['format'], array('blockwordspreg' => $blockwordspreg)); $text = qa_shorten_string_line($text, $maxlength); $title = isset($question['title']) ? $question['title'] : ''; $q_list['qs'][$index]['title'] = sprintf('<span title="%s">%s</span>', qa_html($text), $title); } } } } qa_html_theme_base::q_list($q_list); // call back through to the default function }
function q_list($q_list) { if (count(@$q_list['qs']) && qa_opt('mouseover_content_on')) { // first check it is not an empty list and the feature is turned on // Collect the question ids of all items in the question list (so we can do this in one DB query) $postids = array(); foreach ($q_list['qs'] as $question) { if (isset($question['raw']['postid'])) { $postids[] = $question['raw']['postid']; } } if (count($postids)) { // Retrieve the content for these questions from the database and put into an array $result = qa_db_query_sub('SELECT postid, content, format FROM ^posts WHERE postid IN (#)', $postids); $postinfo = qa_db_read_all_assoc($result, 'postid'); // Get the regular expression fragment to use for blocked words and the maximum length of content to show $blockwordspreg = qa_get_block_words_preg(); $maxlength = qa_opt('mouseover_content_max_len'); // Now add the popup to the title for each question foreach ($q_list['qs'] as $index => $question) { $thispost = @$postinfo[$question['raw']['postid']]; if (isset($thispost)) { $text = qa_viewer_text($thispost['content'], $thispost['format'], array('blockwordspreg' => $blockwordspreg)); $text = qa_shorten_string_line($text, $maxlength); $q_list['qs'][$index]['title'] = '<SPAN TITLE="' . qa_html($text) . '">' . @$question['title'] . '</SPAN>'; } } } } qa_html_theme_base::q_list($q_list); // call back through to the default function }
public function test__qa_shorten_string_line() { // qa_shorten_string_line ($string, $length) $test = qa_shorten_string_line($this->strBasic, 30); $this->assertStringStartsWith('So I tied', $test); $this->assertStringEndsWith('time.', $test); $this->assertNotFalse(strpos($test, '...')); }
function qa_page_q_edit_a_form(&$qa_content, $id, $answer, $question, $answers, $commentsfollows, $in, $errors) { require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR . 'qa-util-string.php'; $answerid = $answer['postid']; $prefix = 'a' . $answerid . '_'; $content = isset($in['content']) ? $in['content'] : $answer['content']; $format = isset($in['format']) ? $in['format'] : $answer['format']; $editorname = isset($in['editor']) ? $in['editor'] : qa_opt('editor_for_as'); $editor = qa_load_editor($content, $format, $editorname); $hascomments = false; foreach ($commentsfollows as $commentfollow) { if ($commentfollow['parentid'] == $answerid) { $hascomments = true; } } $form = array('tags' => 'method="post" action="' . qa_self_html() . '"', 'id' => $id, 'title' => qa_lang_html('question/edit_a_title'), 'style' => 'tall', 'fields' => array('content' => array_merge(qa_editor_load_field($editor, $qa_content, $content, $format, $prefix . 'content', 12), array('error' => qa_html(@$errors['content'])))), 'buttons' => array('save' => array('tags' => 'onclick="qa_show_waiting_after(this, false); ' . (method_exists($editor, 'update_script') ? $editor->update_script($prefix . 'content') : '') . '"', 'label' => qa_lang_html('main/save_button')), 'cancel' => array('tags' => 'name="docancel"', 'label' => qa_lang_html('main/cancel_button'))), 'hidden' => array($prefix . 'editor' => qa_html($editorname), $prefix . 'dosave' => '1', $prefix . 'code' => qa_get_form_security_code('edit-' . $answerid))); // Show option to convert this answer to a comment, if appropriate $commentonoptions = array(); $lastbeforeid = $question['postid']; // used to find last post created before this answer - this is default given $lastbeforetime = $question['created']; if ($question['commentable']) { $commentonoptions[$question['postid']] = qa_lang_html('question/comment_on_q') . qa_html(qa_shorten_string_line($question['title'], 80)); } foreach ($answers as $otheranswer) { if ($otheranswer['postid'] != $answerid && $otheranswer['created'] < $answer['created'] && $otheranswer['commentable'] && !$otheranswer['hidden']) { $commentonoptions[$otheranswer['postid']] = qa_lang_html('question/comment_on_a') . qa_html(qa_shorten_string_line(qa_viewer_text($otheranswer['content'], $otheranswer['format']), 80)); if ($otheranswer['created'] > $lastbeforetime) { $lastbeforeid = $otheranswer['postid']; $lastebeforetime = $otheranswer['created']; } } } if (count($commentonoptions)) { $form['fields']['tocomment'] = array('tags' => 'name="' . $prefix . 'dotoc" id="' . $prefix . 'dotoc"', 'label' => '<span id="' . $prefix . 'toshown">' . qa_lang_html('question/a_convert_to_c_on') . '</span>' . '<span id="' . $prefix . 'tohidden" style="display:none;">' . qa_lang_html('question/a_convert_to_c') . '</span>', 'type' => 'checkbox', 'tight' => true); $form['fields']['commenton'] = array('tags' => 'name="' . $prefix . 'commenton"', 'id' => $prefix . 'commenton', 'type' => 'select', 'note' => qa_lang_html($hascomments ? 'question/a_convert_warn_cs' : 'question/a_convert_warn'), 'options' => $commentonoptions, 'value' => @$commentonoptions[$lastbeforeid]); qa_set_display_rules($qa_content, array($prefix . 'commenton' => $prefix . 'dotoc', $prefix . 'toshown' => $prefix . 'dotoc', $prefix . 'tohidden' => '!' . $prefix . 'dotoc')); } // Show name and notification field if appropriate if ($answer['isbyuser']) { if (!qa_is_logged_in()) { qa_set_up_name_field($qa_content, $form['fields'], isset($in['name']) ? $in['name'] : @$answer['name'], $prefix); } qa_set_up_notify_fields($qa_content, $form['fields'], 'A', qa_get_logged_in_email(), isset($in['notify']) ? $in['notify'] : !empty($answer['notify']), isset($in['email']) ? $in['email'] : @$answer['notify'], @$errors['email'], $prefix); } if (!qa_user_post_permit_error('permit_edit_silent', $answer)) { $form['fields']['silent'] = array('type' => 'checkbox', 'label' => qa_lang_html('question/save_silent_label'), 'tags' => 'name="' . $prefix . 'silent"', 'value' => qa_html(@$in['silent'])); } return $form; }
} if ($question['hidden']) { $qa_content['hidden'] = true; } qa_sort_by($commentsfollows, 'created'); // Prepare content for the question... if ($formtype == 'q_edit') { // edit mode $qa_content['title'] = qa_lang_html($question['editable'] ? 'question/edit_q_title' : (qa_using_categories() ? 'question/recat_q_title' : 'question/retag_q_title')); $qa_content['form_q_edit'] = qa_page_q_edit_q_form($qa_content, $question, @$qin, @$qerrors, $completetags, $categories); $qa_content['q_view']['raw'] = $question; } else { // view mode $qa_content['q_view'] = qa_page_q_question_view($question, $parentquestion, $closepost, $usershtml, $formrequested); $qa_content['title'] = $qa_content['q_view']['title']; $qa_content['description'] = qa_html(qa_shorten_string_line(qa_viewer_text($question['content'], $question['format']), 150)); $categorykeyword = @$categories[$question['categoryid']]['title']; $qa_content['keywords'] = qa_html(implode(',', array_merge(qa_using_categories() && strlen($categorykeyword) ? array($categorykeyword) : array(), qa_tagstring_to_tags($question['tags'])))); // as far as I know, META keywords have zero effect on search rankings or listings, but many people have asked for this } $microdata = qa_opt('use_microdata'); if ($microdata) { $qa_content['head_lines'][] = '<meta itemprop="name" content="' . qa_html($qa_content['q_view']['raw']['title']) . '">'; $qa_content['html_tags'] = ' itemscope itemtype=""'; $qa_content['main_tags'] = ' itemscope itemtype=""'; } // Prepare content for an answer being edited (if any) or to be added if ($formtype == 'a_edit') { $qa_content['a_form'] = qa_page_q_edit_a_form($qa_content, 'a' . $formpostid, $answers[$formpostid], $question, $answers, $commentsfollows, @$aeditin[$formpostid], @$aediterrors[$formpostid]); $qa_content['a_form']['c_list'] = qa_page_q_comment_follow_list($question, $answers[$formpostid], $commentsfollows, true, $usershtml, $formrequested, $formpostid); $jumptoanchor = 'a' . $formpostid;
function q_list($q_list) { if (qa_opt('it_layout_lists') == 'qlist') { qa_html_theme_base::q_list($q_list); return; } if (count(@$q_list['qs'])) { // first check it is not an empty list and the feature is turned on // Collect the question ids of all items in the question list (so we can do this in one DB query) $postids = array(); foreach ($q_list['qs'] as $question) { if (isset($question['raw']['postid'])) { $postids[] = $question['raw']['postid']; } } if (count($postids)) { // Retrieve favourite count $userid = qa_get_logged_in_userid(); $result = qa_db_query_sub('SELECT userid,entityid FROM ^userfavorites WHERE entitytype=$ AND entityid IN (#)', 'Q', $postids); while ($row = mysqli_fetch_row($result)) { if ($row[0] == $userid) { // loged in user favorited this post $faved_post[$row[1]] = 1; } if (isset($favs[$row[1]])) { $favs[$row[1]] = $favs[$row[1]] + 1; } else { $favs[$row[1]] = 1; } } // Retrieve comment count $result = qa_db_query_sub('SELECT postid,parentid FROM ^posts WHERE type=$ AND parentid IN (#)', 'C', $postids); $comment_list = qa_db_read_all_assoc($result, 'postid'); foreach ($comment_list as $key => $value) { if (isset($comments[$value['parentid']])) { $comments[$value['parentid']] = $comments[$value['parentid']] + 1; } else { $comments[$value['parentid']] = 1; } } if (qa_opt('it_excerpt_field_enable') or qa_opt('it_enable_except')) { // Get the regular expression fragment to use for blocked words and the maximum length of content to show $blockwordspreg = qa_get_block_words_preg(); if (qa_opt('it_excerpt_field_enable')) { $maxlength = qa_opt('it_excerpt_field_length'); // Retrieve Excerpt Text for all questions $result = qa_db_query_sub('SELECT postid,content FROM ^postmetas WHERE postid IN (#) AND title=$', $postids, 'et_excerpt_text'); $excerpt_text = qa_db_read_all_assoc($result, 'postid'); // set excerpt from field info foreach ($q_list['qs'] as $index => $question) { // from field if (!empty($excerpt_text[$question['raw']['postid']]['content'])) { $text = qa_viewer_text($excerpt_text[$question['raw']['postid']]['content'], '', array('blockwordspreg' => $blockwordspreg)); $text = qa_shorten_string_line($text, $maxlength); $q_list['qs'][$index]['excerpt'] = qa_html($text); // from post content } elseif (qa_opt('it_enable_except')) { // Retrieve the content for these questions from the database and put into an array $result = qa_db_query_sub('SELECT postid, content, format FROM ^posts WHERE postid IN (#)', $postids); $postinfo = qa_db_read_all_assoc($result, 'postid'); $thispost = @$postinfo[$question['raw']['postid']]; if (isset($thispost)) { $text = qa_viewer_text($thispost['content'], $thispost['format'], array('blockwordspreg' => $blockwordspreg)); $text = qa_shorten_string_line($text, $maxlength); $q_list['qs'][$index]['excerpt'] = qa_html($text); } } } } else { // qa_opt('it_enable_except') ==> excerpt from question content instead of excerpt field $maxlength = qa_opt('it_except_len'); $result = qa_db_query_sub('SELECT postid, content, format FROM ^posts WHERE postid IN (#)', $postids); $postinfo = qa_db_read_all_assoc($result, 'postid'); foreach ($q_list['qs'] as $index => $question) { $thispost = @$postinfo[$question['raw']['postid']]; if (isset($thispost)) { $text = qa_viewer_text($thispost['content'], $thispost['format'], array('blockwordspreg' => $blockwordspreg)); $text = qa_shorten_string_line($text, $maxlength); $q_list['qs'][$index]['excerpt'] = qa_html($text); } } } } // Retrieve featured images for all list questions if (qa_opt('it_feature_img_enable')) { $result = qa_db_query_sub('SELECT postid,content FROM ^postmetas WHERE postid IN (#) AND title=$', $postids, 'et_featured_image'); $featured_images = qa_db_read_all_assoc($result, 'postid'); } // Now meta information for each question foreach ($q_list['qs'] as $index => $question) { if (qa_opt('it_feature_img_enable')) { $featured_image = @$featured_images[$question['raw']['postid']]['content']; if (isset($featured_image)) { $q_list['qs'][$index]['featured'] = qa_opt('it_featured_url_abs') . 'featured/' . $featured_image; } } if (isset($comments[$question['raw']['postid']])) { $q_list['qs'][$index]['comments'] = $comments[$question['raw']['postid']]; } else { $q_list['qs'][$index]['comments'] = 0; } $q_list['qs'][$index]['favourited'] = 0; if (isset($favs[$question['raw']['postid']])) { $q_list['qs'][$index]['favourites'] = $favs[$question['raw']['postid']]; if (isset($faved_post[$question['raw']['postid']])) { $q_list['qs'][$index]['favourited'] = 1; } } else { $q_list['qs'][$index]['favourites'] = 0; } } } } if (isset($q_list['qs'])) { $this->output('<div class="qa-q-list row' . ($this->list_vote_disabled($q_list['qs']) ? ' qa-q-list-vote-disabled' : '') . '">', ''); $this->q_list_items($q_list['qs']); $this->output('</div> <!-- END qa-q-list -->', ''); } }
function q_list($q_list) { if (isset($q_list['qs'])) { if (qa_opt('cs_enable_except')) { // first check it is not an empty list and the feature is turned on // Collect the question ids of all items in the question list (so we can do this in one DB query) $postids = array(); foreach ($q_list['qs'] as $question) { if (isset($question['raw']['postid'])) { $postids[] = $question['raw']['postid']; } } if (count($postids)) { // Retrieve the content for these questions from the database and put into an array //$result = qa_db_query_sub('SELECT postid, content, format FROM ^posts WHERE postid IN (#)', $postids); //$postinfo = qa_db_read_all_assoc($result, 'postid'); //cache and apply keys to array now that I can't use array key argument in qa_db_read_all_assoc $posts = qa_db_read_all_assoc(qa_db_query_sub('SELECT postid, content, format FROM ^posts WHERE postid IN (#)', $postids)); $postinfo = array(); foreach ($posts as $qitem) { $postinfo[$qitem['postid']] = $qitem; } // Get the regular expression fragment to use for blocked words and the maximum length of content to show $blockwordspreg = qa_get_block_words_preg(); $maxlength = qa_opt('cs_except_len'); // Now add the popup to the title for each question foreach ($q_list['qs'] as $index => $question) { $thispost = @$postinfo[$question['raw']['postid']]; if (isset($thispost)) { $text = qa_viewer_text($thispost['content'], $thispost['format'], array('blockwordspreg' => $blockwordspreg)); $text = qa_shorten_string_line($text, $maxlength); $q_list['qs'][$index]['content'] = '<SPAN>' . qa_html($text) . '</SPAN>'; } } } } $this->output('<div class="qa-q-list' . ($this->list_vote_disabled($q_list['qs']) ? ' qa-q-list-vote-disabled' : '') . ((bool) qa_opt('cs_enable_clean_qlist') ? ' clean' : '') . '">', ''); $this->q_list_items($q_list['qs']); $this->output('</div> <!-- END qa-q-list -->', ''); } else { $this->output(' <div class="no-items"> <h3 class="icon-sad">' . qa_lang_html('cleanstrap/no_users') . '</h3> <p>' . qa_lang_html('cleanstrap/no_results_detail') . '.</p> </div>'); } }
function qa_page_q_edit_a_form($answerid) { require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR . 'qa-util-string.php'; global $questionid, $question, $answers, $inacontent, $inaformat, $inaeditor, $aerrors, $qa_content, $innotify, $inemail, $jumptoanchor, $commentsfollows; $answer = $answers[$answerid]; $content = isset($inacontent) ? $inacontent : $answer['content']; $format = isset($inaformat) ? $inaformat : $answer['format']; $editorname = isset($inaeditor) ? $inaeditor : qa_opt('editor_for_as'); $editor = qa_load_editor($content, $format, $editorname); $hascomments = false; foreach ($commentsfollows as $commentfollow) { if ($commentfollow['parentid'] == $answerid) { $hascomments = true; } } $form = array('title' => '<A NAME="a_edit">' . qa_lang_html('question/edit_a_title') . '</A>', 'style' => 'tall', 'fields' => array('content' => array_merge($editor->get_field($qa_content, $content, $format, 'acontent', 12, true), array('error' => qa_html(@$aerrors['content'])))), 'buttons' => array('save' => array('label' => qa_lang_html('main/save_button')), 'cancel' => array('tags' => 'NAME="docancel"', 'label' => qa_lang_html('main/cancel_button'))), 'hidden' => array('editor' => qa_html($editorname), 'dosavea_' . qa_html($answerid) => '1')); // Show option to convert this answer to a comment, if appropriate $commentonoptions = array(); $lastbeforeid = $questionid; // used to find last post created before this answer - this is default given $lastbeforetime = $question['created']; if ($question['commentable']) { $commentonoptions[$questionid] = qa_lang_html('question/comment_on_q') . qa_html(qa_shorten_string_line($question['title'], 80)); } foreach ($answers as $otheranswer) { if ($otheranswer['postid'] != $answerid && $otheranswer['created'] < $answer['created'] && $otheranswer['commentable'] && !$otheranswer['hidden']) { $commentonoptions[$otheranswer['postid']] = qa_lang_html('question/comment_on_a') . qa_html(qa_shorten_string_line(qa_viewer_text($otheranswer['content'], $otheranswer['format']), 80)); if ($otheranswer['created'] > $lastbeforetime) { $lastbeforeid = $otheranswer['postid']; $lastebeforetime = $otheranswer['created']; } } } if (count($commentonoptions)) { $form['fields']['tocomment'] = array('tags' => 'NAME="tocomment" ID="tocomment"', 'label' => '<SPAN ID="tocomment_shown">' . qa_lang_html('question/a_convert_to_c_on') . '</SPAN>' . '<SPAN ID="tocomment_hidden" STYLE="display:none;">' . qa_lang_html('question/a_convert_to_c') . '</SPAN>', 'type' => 'checkbox', 'tight' => true); $form['fields']['commenton'] = array('tags' => 'NAME="commenton"', 'id' => 'commenton', 'type' => 'select', 'note' => qa_lang_html($hascomments ? 'question/a_convert_warn_cs' : 'question/a_convert_warn'), 'options' => $commentonoptions, 'value' => @$commentonoptions[$lastbeforeid]); qa_set_display_rules($qa_content, array('commenton' => 'tocomment', 'tocomment_shown' => 'tocomment', 'tocomment_hidden' => '!tocomment')); } // Show notification field if appropriate if ($answer['isbyuser']) { qa_set_up_notify_fields($qa_content, $form['fields'], 'A', qa_get_logged_in_email(), isset($innotify) ? $innotify : !empty($answer['notify']), isset($inemail) ? $inemail : @$answer['notify'], @$aerrors['email']); } $form['c_list'] = qa_page_q_comment_follow_list($answer); $jumptoanchor = 'a_edit'; return $form; }