// We have to package from the root $edition_tag = ''; $return_manifest_asset_urls = FALSE; $save_root = $_GET['pf']; $cdn = isset($_GET['cdn']) ? $_GET['cdn'] : ''; $package_url_base = isset($_GET['urlbase']) ? $_GET['urlbase'] : ''; $debug = FALSE; if (isset($_GET['debug'])) { $debug = TRUE; } $test_mode = FALSE; if (isset($_GET['testmode'])) { $test_mode = TRUE; } $image_test_mode = FALSE; if (isset($_GET['image_test_mode'])) { $image_test_mode = TRUE; } // Get the XML for the package $package_xml = _pugpig_package_edition_package($final_package_url, $content_xml_url, $relative_path, $debug, $edition_tag, $return_manifest_asset_urls, $timestamp, $tmp_root, $save_root, $cdn, $package_url_base, $test_mode, $image_test_mode, $concurrent_connections); } else { if ($action == 'checkendpoints') { $feeds = $_GET['f']; $endpoints = explode("\r\n", $feeds); _pugpig_package_test_endpoints($endpoints, $timestamp, $tmp_root); } } print '<br><br>Done.'; } print_r("<br /><em style='font-size:small'>Packager Version: " . pugpig_get_standalone_version() . " </em><br />");
function _pugpig_package_edition_package($final_package_url, $content_xml_url, $relative_path, $debug = FALSE, $edition_tag = '', $return_manifest_asset_urls = FALSE, $timestamp = '', $tmp_root, $save_root, $cdn = '', $package_url_base = '', $test_mode = FALSE, $image_test_mode = FALSE, $concurrent = 5) { $output = ''; $html_zip_paths = array(); $asset_zip_paths = array(); $save_root = str_replace(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '/', $save_root); $tmp_root = str_replace(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '/', $tmp_root); $domain = '/'; $colon_pos = strpos($content_xml_url, '://'); if ($colon_pos > 0) { $domain = substr($content_xml_url, 0, strpos($content_xml_url, '/', $colon_pos + 3)); } // $relative_path = _pugpig_package_url_remove_domain(substr($content_xml_url, 0, strrpos($content_xml_url, '/')) . '/'); // WORDPRESS TEST //if (endsWith($content_xml_url, "pugpig_atom_contents.manifest")) $relative_path = '/'; if (!$test_mode && !file_exists($save_root)) { mkdir($save_root, 0777, TRUE); } $tmp_path = $tmp_root . 'package-' . $timestamp . '/'; pugpig_interface_output_header("Pugpig - Edition Packager"); if ($test_mode) { print_r("<h1>Performing Pugpig Package Test Run</h1>"); } else { if ($image_test_mode) { print_r("<h1>Performing Pugpig Package Image Preview</h1>"); } else { print_r("<h1>Creating Pugpig Package</h1>"); } } print_r("<button style='cursor: pointer;' onclick=\"toggle_visibility('info');\">Info</button> "); print_r("<button style='cursor: pointer;' onclick=\"toggle_visibility('key');\">Key</button> "); print_r("<br />Packager version " . pugpig_get_standalone_version() . " <br />"); print_r("<span id='key' style='display:none;'>"); print_r("<span class='pass'>* - downloaded</span><br />"); print_r("<span class='skip'>* - skipped as already downloaded</span><br />"); print_r("<span class='warning'>* - downloaded, but large file warning</span><br />"); print_r("<span class='bigwarning'>* - downloaded, but VERY large file warning</span><br />"); print_r("<span class='slowwarning'>* - downloaded, but a little bit slowly</span><br />"); print_r("<span class='veryslowwarning'>* - downloaded, but too slowly for comfort</span><br />"); print_r("<span class='fail'>* - failed to fetch or save resource</span><br />"); print_r("</span>"); print_r("<span id='info' style='display:none;'>"); print_r("<em>Final Package URL: <a href='{$final_package_url}'>" . $final_package_url . '</a></em><br />'); print_r("<em>Packaging ATOM URL: <a href='{$content_xml_url}'>" . $content_xml_url . '</a></em><br />'); print_r("<em>Domain is: " . $domain . '</em><br />'); print_r("<em>Relative path is: " . $relative_path . '</em><br />'); print_r("<em>Package URL base is: " . $package_url_base . '</em><br />'); print_r("<em>Save root is: " . $save_root . '</em><br />'); print_r("<em>Temp path is: " . $tmp_path . '</em><br />'); print_r("<em>CDN is: " . $cdn . '</em><br />'); print_r("<em>Debug Mode is: " . ($debug ? "ON" : "OFF") . '</em><br />'); print_r("<em>Test Mode is: " . ($test_mode ? "ON" : "OFF") . '</em><br />'); print_r("<em>Image Mode is: " . ($image_test_mode ? "ON" : "OFF") . '</em><br />'); print_r("<em>cURL timeout is: " . PUGPIG_CURL_TIMEOUT . ' seconds with ' . $concurrent . ' concurrent requests</em><br />'); print_r("</span>"); print_r("<h1>Retrieving files</h1>"); _print_immediately('Package ' . $timestamp . ' started at ' . date(PUGPIG_DATE_FORMAT, $timestamp) . '<br />'); // Array used to store errors in the responses $format_failures = array(); // Get the ATOM feeds - the real and and the one that might contain hidden extras $entries = array(); $content_xml_hidden_save_path = $tmp_path . 'content-hidden.xml'; $content_xml_hidden_path = $content_xml_url . (strpos($content_xml_url, '?') > 0 ? '&' : '?') . 'include_hidden=yes'; $entries = _pugpig_relative_urls_to_download_array($relative_path, array($content_xml_url), $domain, $tmp_path); $entries[$content_xml_hidden_path] = $content_xml_hidden_save_path; $entries = _pugpig_package_download_batch("Public and Hidden ATOM Feeds", $entries, $debug, $concurrent); $content_xml_save_path = $entries[$content_xml_url]; if (file_exists($content_xml_save_path)) { // Read the ATOM from the hidden file $fhandle = fopen($content_xml_save_path, 'r'); $atom_excluding_hidden = fread($fhandle, filesize($content_xml_save_path)); fclose($fhandle); $msg = check_xml_is_valid($atom_excluding_hidden); if ($msg != '') { $format_failures[$content_xml_url] = "XML Invalid: " . $msg; $atom_excluding_hidden = ''; } } $atom_ret = null; if (file_exists($content_xml_hidden_save_path)) { // Read the ATOM from the hidden file $fhandle = fopen($content_xml_hidden_save_path, 'r'); $atom_including_hidden = fread($fhandle, filesize($content_xml_hidden_save_path)); fclose($fhandle); $msg = check_xml_is_valid($atom_including_hidden); if ($msg != '') { $format_failures[$content_xml_hidden_path] = "XML Invalid: " . $msg; $atom_including_hidden = ''; } else { $atom_ret = _pugpig_package_parse_atom($atom_including_hidden); } unset($entries[$content_xml_hidden_path]); // We only want the real atom in the zip $html_zip_paths = array_merge($html_zip_paths, _pugpig_package_zip_paths($entries, $tmp_path, $package_url_base, $relative_path, $debug)); } // Check that the XML is valid, and show the errors if not. _pugpig_package_show_failures($format_failures); if (!$atom_ret) { return; } // Update the edition tag if we have something from the feed if ($debug) { _print_immediately('Edition tag was <b>' . $edition_tag . '<br />'); } if (!strlen($edition_tag)) { $edition_tag = $atom_ret['edition_tag']; } _print_immediately('Edition tag is <b>' . $edition_tag . '<br />'); // Process the manifests - these are relative to the ATOM content XML $entries = _pugpig_relative_urls_to_download_array($relative_path, $atom_ret['manifest_urls'], $content_xml_url, $tmp_path); $entries = _pugpig_package_download_batch("Manifests", $entries, $debug, $concurrent); $asset_zip_paths = array_merge($asset_zip_paths, _pugpig_package_zip_paths($entries, $tmp_path, $package_url_base, $relative_path, $debug)); // Keep for the asset zip // Getting the list of static files from the manifests $manifest_entries = array(); $format_failures = array(); foreach ($entries as $url => $sfile) { $fhandle = fopen($sfile, 'r'); $fcontents = trim(fread($fhandle, filesize($sfile))); fclose($fhandle); if (!startsWith($fcontents, "CACHE MANIFEST")) { // This is dodgy. We have a 200 that isn't a manifest. // Sometimes under really high concurrency, Drupal doesn't load includes properly // Delete the saved file in case it is better next time. $format_failures[$url] = "Manifest format not correct - CACHE MANIFEST not at start of response. Got: " . $fcontents; unlink($sfile); } else { //print_r("Read: " . $sfile . " - " . filesize($sfile) . " bytes<br />"); $manifest_entries = _pugpig_package_get_asset_urls_from_manifest($fcontents, $manifest_entries, $url); } } _pugpig_package_show_failures($format_failures); $manifest_entries = array_unique($manifest_entries); // Stop now and return the list of manifest items if required if ($return_manifest_asset_urls) { _print_immediately('<em>Returning ' . count($manifest_entries) . ' assets</em><br />'); return $manifest_entries; } // Process the static files $entries = _pugpig_relative_urls_to_download_array($relative_path, $manifest_entries, $domain, $tmp_path); if ($image_test_mode) { _pugpig_package_show_images_in_package($entries); } else { $entries = _pugpig_package_download_batch("Static Files", $entries, $debug, $concurrent); $asset_zip_paths = array_merge($asset_zip_paths, _pugpig_package_zip_paths($entries, $tmp_path, $package_url_base, $relative_path, $debug)); // Keep for the asset zip // Process the HTML files $entries = _pugpig_relative_urls_to_download_array($relative_path, $atom_ret['html_urls'], $content_xml_url, $tmp_path); $entries = _pugpig_package_download_batch("HTML Pages", $entries, $debug, $concurrent); $html_zip_paths = array_merge($html_zip_paths, _pugpig_package_zip_paths($entries, $tmp_path, $package_url_base, $relative_path, $debug)); // Keep for the html zip if (!$test_mode) { print_r("<h2>Packaging files</h2>"); // Figure put where the packages will live $zip_base_url = $relative_path; if (!empty($package_url_base)) { $zip_base_url = $package_url_base; } _pugpig_package_create_zip("public assets", $edition_tag . '-assets-' . $timestamp . '.zip', $tmp_path, $save_root, $asset_zip_paths, $zip_base_url); _pugpig_package_create_zip("secure html", $edition_tag . '-html-' . $timestamp . '.zip', $tmp_path, $save_root, $html_zip_paths, $zip_base_url); // Create package - TODO: Check on why we save this print_r("<h3>Creating Package XML</h3>"); $package_name = $edition_tag . '-package-' . $timestamp . '.xml'; _print_immediately('<em>Saving package xml to ' . $save_root . $package_name . '</em><br />'); $package_xml = _package_edition_package_list_xml($save_root, $edition_tag, $package_url_base, $cdn, $save_root . $package_name, $timestamp); _print_immediately("<a target='_blank' href='" . $final_package_url . "'>View XML file</a><br />"); if (is_null($package_xml)) { _print_immediately('Error in saving package file.<br /><br /><b>Aborting!</b><br /><a href="javascript:location.reload(true);">Refresh this page to reload and try again. (It will resume from where it last succeeded.)</a><br />'); exit; } $deleted_files = _pugpig_clean_package_folder($save_root); if (count($deleted_files)) { print_r("<h3>Deleting old packagage files</h3>"); _print_immediately("<b>Deleted " . count($deleted_files) . " old files</b><br />"); foreach ($deleted_files as $f) { _print_immediately("Deleted {$f}<br />"); } } } } // Delete the temp area if (!$debug) { _package_rmdir($tmp_path); } else { _print_immediately("<p><b>Debug mode - not deleting temp files</b></p>"); } _fill_buffer(16000); if (!$test_mode && !$image_test_mode) { print_r("<h2>Packaging Complete</h2>"); } else { print_r("<h2>Test Run Complete</h2>"); } return $edition_tag . '-package-' . $timestamp . '.xml'; }
function pugpig_subs_test_form($title, $urls, $params, $test_users, $helptext = "") { if (isset($urls["base"])) { $urls["sign_in"] = $urls["base"] . "sign_in"; $urls["verify_subscription"] = $urls["base"] . "verify_subscription"; $urls["edition_credentials"] = $urls["base"] . "edition_credentials"; } $vals = array(); $params[] = "product_id"; foreach ($params as $param) { if (isset($_REQUEST[$param])) { $vals[$param] = $_REQUEST[$param]; } } if (empty($vals['product_id'])) { $vals['product_id'] = "com.pugpig.test.issue12345"; } $product_id = $vals['product_id']; $authToken = null; $error = ''; $issues = array(); echo <<<EOT <style> form {border: 1px solid grey; padding: 2px; margin: 2px;} .pugpig_active { color: green;} .pugpig_inactive { color: orange;} .pugpig_stale { color: gray;} .pugpig_unknown { color: red;} .testusers { -webkit-column-count: 4; } </style> EOT; echo "<h2>Pugpig Authentication Test Console - {$title}</h2>\n"; if (!empty($helptext)) { echo "<p><em>{$helptext}</em></p>"; } echo "Supplied test users:\n<ul class='testusers'>\n"; foreach ($test_users as $test_user) { $state = strtolower($test_user['state']); unset($test_user['state']); $p = array(); $p["product_id"] = $product_id; // We need this to retain the position on WordPress if (isset($_REQUEST["page"])) { $p["page"] = $_REQUEST["page"]; } $query_params = http_build_query(array_merge($test_user, $p)); $description = implode(", ", $test_user); echo "<li><b class='pugpig_{$state}'>{$description}</b> - <a href='?{$query_params}'>Test</a></li>\n"; } echo "</ul>\n"; echo "<form method='GET'>\n"; // Need to WordPress settings pages if (isset($_REQUEST["page"])) { echo "<input type='hidden' name='page' value='" . $_REQUEST["page"] . "' />\n"; } echo "Enter test values:<br />\n"; foreach ($params as $param) { if (isset($vals[$param])) { $val = $vals[$param]; } else { $val = ''; } echo "{$param}: <input id='{$param}' name='{$param}' type='text' value='{$val}' /> \n"; } echo "<br /><input type='submit' />\n"; echo "</form>\n"; // We will always have product_id. Need at least one more. echo "<p>Using <em><a href='" . $urls["sign_in"] . "'>" . $urls["sign_in"] . "</a></em><br />\n"; echo "Using <em><a href='" . $urls["verify_subscription"] . "'>" . $urls["verify_subscription"] . "</a></em><br />\n"; echo "Using <em><a href='" . $urls["edition_credentials"] . "'>" . $urls["edition_credentials"] . "</a></em></p>\n"; if (count($vals) > 1) { unset($vals['product_id']); $sep = strpos($urls["sign_in"], "?") ? "&" : "?"; $sign_in_req = $urls["sign_in"] . $sep . http_build_query($vals); $http_status = pugpig_subs_http_request($sign_in_req, $sign_in_response); $status = "unknown"; if ($http_status != 200) { echo "<b class='pugpig_unknown'>SIGN IN ERROR: Status {$http_status}</b><br />\n"; } else { $token = pugpig_subs_get_single_xpath_value("/token", $sign_in_response); // Backup format to support the Dovetail response format if (empty($token)) { $token = pugpig_subs_get_single_xpath_value("/result_response/authToken", $sign_in_response); } if (!empty($token)) { echo "Auth Token: <b class='pugpig_active'>{$token}</b><br />\n"; $query_vars = array("token" => $token); $sep = strpos($urls["verify_subscription"], "?") ? "&" : "?"; $verify_subscription_req = $urls["verify_subscription"] . $sep . http_build_query($query_vars); $query_vars['product_id'] = $product_id; $sep = strpos($urls["edition_credentials"], "?") ? "&" : "?"; $edition_creds_req = $urls["edition_credentials"] . $sep . http_build_query($query_vars); $http_status = pugpig_subs_http_request($verify_subscription_req, $verify_subscription_response); if ($http_status != 200) { echo "<b class='pugpig_unknown'>VERIFY SUBSCRIPTION ERROR: Status {$http_status}</b><br />\n"; } else { $message = pugpig_subs_get_single_xpath_value("/subscription/@message", $verify_subscription_response); $status = pugpig_subs_get_single_xpath_value("/subscription/@state", $verify_subscription_response); $issues_exists = pugpug_subs_get_xpath_value("/subscription/issues", $verify_subscription_response); $issues = pugpug_subs_get_xpath_value("/subscription/issues/issue", $verify_subscription_response); if (empty($status)) { echo "Status: <b class='pugpig_unknown'>Got a 200, but did not get back the expected response</b><br />\n"; } else { echo "Status: <b class='pugpig_{$status}'>{$status}</b><br />\n"; if (!empty($message)) { echo "Message: <b class='pugpig_{$status}'>{$message}</b><br />\n"; } if ($issues_exists == '' || $issues_exists->length == 0) { echo "<b>You have access to all issues</b><br />\n"; } else { if ($issues->length == 0) { echo "<b>You do not have access to any issues</b><br />\n"; } else { echo "<b>You have access to " . $issues->length . " issues</b><br />\n"; echo "<ul>\n"; foreach ($issues as $issue) { echo "<li>" . $issue->textContent . "</li>\n"; } echo "</ul>\n"; } } } } $http_status = pugpig_subs_http_request($edition_creds_req, $edition_creds_response); if ($http_status != 200) { echo "<b class='pugpig_unknown'>EDITION CREDENTIALS ERROR: Status {$http_status}</b>\n"; } else { $userid = pugpig_subs_get_single_xpath_value("/credentials/userid", $edition_creds_response); $password = pugpig_subs_get_single_xpath_value("/credentials/password", $edition_creds_response); if (!empty($userid) && !empty($password)) { echo "Got credentials for <b class='pugpig_active'>{$product_id}</b>\n"; } else { $status = pugpig_subs_get_single_xpath_value("/credentials/error/@status", $edition_creds_response); $message = pugpig_subs_get_single_xpath_value("/credentials/error/@message", $edition_creds_response); echo "Denied credentials for <b class='pugpig_unknown'>{$product_id}</b> (status: <b class='unknown'>{$status}</b>)<br />\n"; if (!empty($message)) { echo "Message: <b class='pugpig_unknown'>{$message}</b><br />\n"; } } } } else { echo "Credentials not recognised - did not get a token<br />\n"; } } echo "<h3 class='pugpig_{$status}'>All done</h3><br />\n"; if (!empty($sign_in_req)) { echo "<a href='{$sign_in_req}'>Raw Sign In</a><br />\n"; echo "<hr />" . htmlspecialchars($sign_in_response) . "<hr />\n"; } if (!empty($verify_subscription_req)) { echo "<a href='{$verify_subscription_req}'>Verify Subscription</a><br />\n"; echo "<hr />" . htmlspecialchars($verify_subscription_response) . "<hr />\n"; } if (!empty($edition_creds_req)) { echo "<a href='{$edition_creds_req}'>Edition Credentials</a><br />\n"; echo "<hr />" . htmlspecialchars($edition_creds_response) . "<hr />\n"; } } print_r("<br /><em style='font-size:small'>Test Form Version: " . pugpig_get_standalone_version() . " </em><br />"); }
require_once 'pugpig_filesystem.php'; require_once 'pugpig_manifests_wordpress.php'; require_once 'pugpig_admin.php'; require_once 'pugpig_ad_bundles.php'; require_once 'pugpig_change_hooks.php'; require_once 'pugpig_settings.php'; require_once 'pugpig_notifications_wordpress.php'; require_once 'pugpig_html_manifest.php'; require_once 'pugpig_url_rewrites.php'; require_once 'pugpig_article_rewrite.php'; require_once 'pugpig_metaboxes.php'; /************************************************************************ Messy Boilerplate *************************************************************************/ // some definition we will use define('PUGPIG_CURRENT_VERSION', '2.3.4 (standalone ' . pugpig_get_standalone_version() . ')'); //define('WP_DEBUG', true); //define('WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY', true); // error_reporting(E_ALL | E_NOTICE); //ini_set('display_errors', '1'); //phpinfo(); // Directories to store logs and manifests $wp_ud_arr = wp_upload_dir(); define('PUGPIG_MANIFESTURL', pugpig_strip_domain($wp_ud_arr['baseurl'] . '/pugpig-api/')); define('PUGPIG_MANIFESTPATH', str_replace('\\', '/', $wp_ud_arr['basedir']) . '/pugpig-api/'); // define( 'PUGPIG_THEME_MANIFEST', PUGPIG_MANIFESTPATH . 'wordpress-theme.manifest'); /************************************************************************ Using the session for admin messages *************************************************************************/ if (!session_id()) { session_start();
<?php /** * @file * Standalone iTunes receipt validator * You will need to modify the configuration values to suit your environment: */ /* Licence: ============================================================================== (c) 2011, Kaldor Holdings Ltd This module is released under the GNU General Public License. See COPYRIGHT.txt and LICENSE.txt */ include_once "pugpig_utilities.php"; include_once "pugpig_subs.php"; if (!file_exists('standalone_config.php')) { echo "<h2>Warning - standalone_config.php not found</h2>"; echo "In order to use this page, you will need to configure settings in the file: <code>standalone_config.php</code>"; exit; } include_once 'standalone_config.php'; if (!defined('PUGPIG_CURL_TIMEOUT')) { define('PUGPIG_CURL_TIMEOUT', 20); } $binaryReceipt = file_get_contents("php://input"); $comments = array(); $comments[] = "From Standalone PHP version " . pugpig_get_standalone_version(); pugpig_send_itunes_edition_credentials($iTunesSecret, $subscriptionPrefix, array('1MOSUB1', '1YRSUB1'), $binaryReceipt, $pugpigCredsSecret, $comments, $proxy_server, $proxy_port);
function _pugpig_package_edition_package($final_package_url, $content_xml_url, $relative_path, $debug = false, $edition_tag = '', $return_manifest_asset_urls = false, $timestamp = '', $tmp_root, $save_root, $cdn = '', $package_url_base = '', $test_mode = false, $image_test_mode = false, $concurrent = 5, $bucket_allocator = null) { $verbose = $debug; if (empty($bucket_allocator)) { // create default bucket allocator $bucket_allocator = new PackagedFileAllocatorOriginal(); } $bucket_allocator->setVerbose($verbose); // sanitise inputs $save_root = str_replace(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '/', $save_root); $tmp_root = str_replace(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '/', $tmp_root); // process inputs $domain = '/'; $colon_pos = strpos($content_xml_url, '://'); if ($colon_pos > 0) { $domain = substr($content_xml_url, 0, strpos($content_xml_url, '/', $colon_pos + 3)); } $last_slash = strrpos($content_xml_url, '/'); $content_xml_leaf = $last_slash === false ? $content_xml : substr($content_xml_url, $last_slash + 1); $tmp_path = $tmp_root . 'package-' . $timestamp . '/'; // ensure save root folder exists if (!$test_mode && !file_exists($save_root)) { mkdir($save_root, 0777, true); } pugpig_interface_output_header("Pugpig - Edition Packager"); if ($test_mode) { echo "<h1>Performing Pugpig Package Test Run</h1>"; } elseif ($image_test_mode) { echo "<h1>Performing Pugpig Package Image Preview</h1>"; } else { echo "<h1>Creating Pugpig Package</h1>"; } $host = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; if (!pugpig_test_ping($host)) { echo "<p><b><font color='red'>{$host}: Ping Failed. Maybe you need a local host entry?<br /> {$host}</b></p>"; } print_r("<button style='cursor: pointer;' onclick=\"toggle_visibility('info');\">Info</button> "); print_r("<button style='cursor: pointer;' onclick=\"toggle_visibility('key');\">Key</button> "); print_r("<br />Packager version " . pugpig_get_standalone_version() . " <br />"); print_r("<span id='key' style='display:none;'>"); print_r("<span class='pass'>* - downloaded</span><br />"); print_r("<span class='skip'>* - skipped as already downloaded</span><br />"); print_r("<span class='fail'>* - failed to fetch or save resource</span><br />"); print_r("</span>"); print_r("<span id='info' style='display:none;'>"); print_r("<em>Final Package URL: <a href='{$final_package_url}'>" . $final_package_url . '</a></em><br />'); print_r("<em>Packaging ATOM URL: <a href='{$content_xml_url}'>" . $content_xml_url . '</a></em><br />'); print_r("<em>Content leaf: {$content_xml_leaf}</em><br />"); print_r("<em>Domain is: " . $domain . '</em><br />'); print_r("<em>Relative path is: " . $relative_path . '</em><br />'); print_r("<em>Package URL base is: " . $package_url_base . '</em><br />'); print_r("<em>Save root is: " . $save_root . '</em><br />'); print_r("<em>Temp path is: " . $tmp_path . '</em><br />'); print_r("<em>CDN is: " . $cdn . '</em><br />'); print_r("<em>Debug Mode is: " . ($debug ? "ON" : "OFF") . '</em><br />'); print_r("<em>Test Mode is: " . ($test_mode ? "ON" : "OFF") . '</em><br />'); print_r("<em>Image Mode is: " . ($image_test_mode ? "ON" : "OFF") . '</em><br />'); print_r("<em>cURL timeout is: " . PUGPIG_CURL_TIMEOUT . ' seconds with ' . $concurrent . ' concurrent requests</em><br />'); echo $bucket_allocator->describeAllocator(); print_r("</span>"); print_r("<h1>Retrieving: {$content_xml_url}</h1>"); _print_immediately('Package ' . $timestamp . ' started at ' . date(PUGPIG_DATE_FORMAT, $timestamp) . '<br />'); // Array used to store errors in the responses $format_failures = array(); // Get the ATOM feeds - the real and and the one that might contain hidden extras $entries = array(); $content_xml_hidden_save_path = $tmp_path . 'content-hidden.xml'; $content_xml_hidden_path = $content_xml_url . (strpos($content_xml_url, '?') > 0 ? '&' : '?') . 'include_hidden=yes'; // get the entry for the content xml $entries = _pugpig_relative_urls_to_download_array($relative_path, array($content_xml_url), $domain, $tmp_path); // and the hidden version $entries[$content_xml_hidden_path] = $content_xml_hidden_save_path; $entries = _pugpig_package_download_batch("Public and Hidden ATOM Feeds", $entries, $debug, $concurrent); // validate feed that doesn't have hidden entries _pugpig_validate_saved_feed($entries[$content_xml_url], $content_xml_url, $format_failures); // validate feed that has hidden entries $feed_contents_with_hidden = _pugpig_validate_saved_feed($content_xml_hidden_save_path, $content_xml_hidden_path, $format_failures); $atom_filenames = null; $atom_ret = null; if (!empty($feed_contents_with_hidden)) { $atom_ret = _pugpig_package_parse_atom($feed_contents_with_hidden); unset($entries[$content_xml_hidden_path]); // we only want the real atom in the zip $atom_filenames = _pugpig_package_zip_paths($entries, $tmp_path, $package_url_base, $relative_path, $debug); } _pugpig_package_show_failures($format_failures); if (!$atom_ret) { return; } $contextualised_urls = $atom_ret['contextualised_urls']; foreach ($contextualised_urls as $page_id => &$context) { $context['manifest_urls'] = _pugpig_relative_urls_to_download_array($relative_path, $context['manifest_urls'], $content_xml_url, $tmp_path); $context['html_urls'] = _pugpig_relative_urls_to_download_array($relative_path, $context['html_urls'], $content_xml_url, $tmp_path); } unset($context); $manifest_pages = $atom_ret['manifest_pages']; $manifest_pages_absolute = array(); foreach ($manifest_pages as $url => $page_ids) { $filenames = array_keys(_pugpig_relative_urls_to_download_array($relative_path, array($url), $content_xml_url, $tmp_path)); if (count($filenames > 0)) { $absolute_filename = $filenames[0]; $manifest_pages_absolute[$absolute_filename] = $page_ids; } } // Get the Edition Tag if we don't have it if (!strlen($edition_tag)) { $edition_tag = $atom_ret['edition_tag']; } // Update the edition tag if we have something from the feed _print_immediately('<h2>Edition: ' . $atom_ret['edition_title'] . ' (' . $edition_tag . ')</h2>'); // Process the manifests - these are relative to the ATOM content XML $entries = _pugpig_relative_urls_to_download_array($relative_path, $atom_ret['manifest_urls'], $content_xml_url, $tmp_path); $entries = _pugpig_package_download_batch("Manifests", $entries, $debug, $concurrent); // Getting the list of static files from the manifests $manifest_entries = array(); $format_failures = array(); foreach ($entries as $url => $sfile) { $fhandle = fopen($sfile, 'r'); $fcontents = trim(fread($fhandle, filesize($sfile))); fclose($fhandle); if (!startsWith($fcontents, "CACHE MANIFEST")) { // This is dodgy. We have a 200 that isn't a manifest. // Sometimes under really high concurrency, Drupal doesn't load includes properly // Delete the saved file in case it is better next time. $format_failures[$url] = "Manifest format not correct - CACHE MANIFEST not at start of response. Got: " . $fcontents; unlink($sfile); } else { //print_r("Read: " . $sfile . " - " . filesize($sfile) . " bytes<br />"); // $this_manifest_files = _pugpig_package_get_asset_urls_from_manifest($fcontents, array(), $url); $this_manifest_files_src_dest = _pugpig_relative_urls_to_download_array($relative_path, $this_manifest_files, $content_xml_url, $tmp_path); //$this_manifest_files_src_dest = _pugpig_package_zip_paths($this_manifest_files_src_dest, $tmp_path, $package_url_base, $relative_path, $debug); $manifest_pages = $manifest_pages_absolute[$url]; foreach ($manifest_pages as $manifest_page) { if (empty($contextualised_urls[$manifest_page]['manifest_files'])) { $contextualised_urls[$manifest_page]['manifest_files'] = $this_manifest_files_src_dest; } else { $contextualised_urls[$manifest_page]['manifest_files'][] = $this_manifest_files_src_dest; } } $entries = _pugpig_relative_urls_to_download_array($relative_path, $atom_ret['manifest_urls'], $content_xml_url, $tmp_path); $manifest_entries = _pugpig_package_get_asset_urls_from_manifest($fcontents, $manifest_entries, $url); } } _pugpig_package_show_failures($format_failures); $manifest_entries = array_unique($manifest_entries); // Stop now and return the list of manifest items if required if ($return_manifest_asset_urls) { _print_immediately('<em>Returning ' . count($manifest_entries) . ' assets</em><br />'); return $manifest_entries; } // Process the static files $entries = _pugpig_relative_urls_to_download_array($relative_path, $manifest_entries, $domain, $tmp_path); if ($image_test_mode) { _pugpig_package_show_images_in_package($entries); } else { $entries = _pugpig_package_download_batch("Static Files", $entries, $debug, $concurrent); // Process the HTML files $entries = _pugpig_relative_urls_to_download_array($relative_path, $atom_ret['html_urls'], $content_xml_url, $tmp_path); $entries = _pugpig_package_download_batch("HTML Pages", $entries, $debug, $concurrent); if (!$test_mode) { print_r("<h2>Packaging files</h2>"); $bucket_allocator->allocateAtomFileToBuckets($atom_filenames); foreach ($contextualised_urls as $page_id => $info) { $html_files = _pugpig_package_zip_paths($info['html_urls'], $tmp_path, $package_url_base, $relative_path, $debug); $manifest_files = _pugpig_package_zip_paths($info['manifest_urls'], $tmp_path, $package_url_base, $relative_path, $debug); $manifest_contents = _pugpig_package_zip_paths($info['manifest_files'], $tmp_path, $package_url_base, $relative_path, $debug); $context_xml = $info['entry']; $bucket_allocator->allocatePageFilesToBuckets($html_files, $manifest_files, $manifest_contents, $context_xml); } $bucket_allocator->finaliseBuckets(); // Figure put where the packages will live $zip_base_url = $relative_path; if (!empty($package_url_base)) { $zip_base_url = $package_url_base; } $prefered_max_size = 20 * 1024 * 1024; $bucket_zips = _pugpig_package_create_chunked_zips_for_buckets($bucket_allocator->getBuckets(), $edition_tag, $timestamp, $tmp_path, $save_root, $zip_base_url, $prefered_max_size, $verbose); // Create package - TODO: Check on why we save this print_r("<h3>Creating Package XML</h3>"); $package_name = "{$edition_tag}-package-{$timestamp}.xml"; _print_immediately("<em>Saving package xml to {$save_root}{$package_name}</em><br />"); $package_xml = _package_edition_package_list_xml_using_buckets($save_root, $edition_tag, $bucket_allocator, $bucket_zips, $package_url_base, $cdn, $save_root . $package_name, $timestamp, $content_xml_leaf); _print_immediately("<a target='_blank' href='" . $final_package_url . "'>View XML file</a><br />"); if (is_null($package_xml)) { _print_immediately('Error in saving package file.<br /><br /><b>Aborting!</b><br /><a href="javascript:location.reload(true);">Refresh this page to reload and try again. (It will resume from where it last succeeded.)</a><br />'); exit; } $deleted_files = _pugpig_clean_package_folder($save_root); if (count($deleted_files)) { print_r("<h3>Deleting old package files</h3>"); _print_immediately("<b>Deleted " . count($deleted_files) . " old files</b><br />"); foreach ($deleted_files as $f) { _print_immediately("Deleted {$f}<br />"); } } } } // Delete the temp area if (!$debug) { _package_rmdir($tmp_path); } else { _print_immediately("<p><b>Debug mode - not deleting temp files</b></p>"); } _fill_buffer(16000); if (!$test_mode && !$image_test_mode) { print_r("<h2>Packaging Complete</h2>"); } else { print_r("<h2>Test Run Complete</h2>"); } return $edition_tag . '-package-' . $timestamp . '.xml'; }
*/ /* Licence: ============================================================================== (c) 2011, Kaldor Holdings Ltd This module is released under the GNU General Public License. See COPYRIGHT.txt and LICENSE.txt */ include_once 'pugpig_utilities.php'; include_once 'pugpig_interface.php'; pugpig_interface_output_header("Pugpig - Standalone Tests"); ?> <h1><img src="images/pugpig-32x32.png" style="vertical-align: text-bottom;"/> Pugpig PHP Suite (Version <?php echo pugpig_get_standalone_version(); ?> )</h1> <?php if (!file_exists('standalone_config.php')) { echo "<h2>Warning - standalone_config.php not found</h2>"; echo "In order to use these pages, you will need to configure settings in the file: <code>standalone_config.php</code>"; } else { include_once 'standalone_config.php'; } ?> <h2>Testing Tools</h2> <p>Sample High Volume Content Endpoint: <a href="content_test/entry.php/editions-atom.xml">(Atom)</a> <a href="content_test/entry.php/editions.xml">(Package)</a> <a href="content_test/entry.php/newsstand.xml">(Newsstand Atom)</a> <br/>
function pugpig_subs_test_form($title, $urls, $params, $test_users, $helptext = "", $use_http_post = false, $default_product_id = 'com.pugpig.edition0100') { if (!headers_sent()) { header('Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0'); } if (isset($urls["base"])) { $urls["sign_in"] = $urls["base"] . "sign_in"; $urls["verify_subscription"] = $urls["base"] . "verify_subscription"; $urls["edition_credentials"] = $urls["base"] . "edition_credentials"; // sign_out needs to be set explicitly to be enabled } $vals = array(); $user_format = ''; foreach ($params as $param) { if (!empty($user_format)) { $user_format .= ', '; } $user_format .= '<strong>' . $param . '</strong>'; } $params[] = "product_id"; foreach ($params as $param) { if (isset($_REQUEST[$param])) { $vals[$param] = htmlspecialchars($_REQUEST[$param]); } } if (empty($vals['product_id'])) { $vals['product_id'] = $default_product_id; } $product_id = $vals['product_id']; $authToken = null; $error = ''; $issues = array(); echo <<<EOT <style> form {border: 1px solid grey; padding: 2px; margin: 2px;} .pugpig_active { color: green;} .pugpig_inactive { color: orange;} .pugpig_stale { color: gray;} .pugpig_unknown { color: red;} .testusers { -webkit-column-count: 4; } </style> EOT; echo "<h2>Pugpig Authentication Test Console - {$title}</h2>\n"; $host = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; if (!pugpig_test_ping($host)) { echo "<p><b><font color='red'>{$host}: Ping Failed. Maybe you need a local host entry?<br /> {$host}</b></p>"; } if (!empty($helptext)) { echo "<p><em>{$helptext}</em></p>"; } echo "Supplied test users:\n<ul class='testusers'>\n"; foreach ($test_users as $test_user) { $state = strtolower($test_user['state']); unset($test_user['state']); $p = array(); $p["product_id"] = $product_id; // We need this to retain the position on WordPress if (isset($_REQUEST["page"])) { $p["page"] = $_REQUEST["page"]; } $query_params = http_build_query(array_merge($test_user, $p)); $description = implode(", ", $test_user); echo "<li><b class='pugpig_{$state}'>{$description}</b> - <a href='?{$query_params}'>Test</a></li>\n"; } echo "</ul>\n"; echo "<form method='GET'>\n"; // Need to WordPress settings pages if (isset($_REQUEST["page"])) { echo "<input type='hidden' name='page' value='" . $_REQUEST["page"] . "' />\n"; } echo "Enter test values:<br />\n"; foreach ($params as $param) { if (isset($vals[$param])) { $val = $vals[$param]; } else { $val = ''; } echo "{$param}: <input id='{$param}' name='{$param}' type='text' value='{$val}' /> \n"; } echo "<br /><input type='submit' />\n"; echo "</form>\n"; echo "<small>Note that the authorisation parameters for sign in are : {$user_format}. Make sure your client config matches.</small>\n\n"; // We will always have product_id. Need at least one more. echo "<p>Using <em><a href='" . $urls["sign_in"] . "'>" . $urls["sign_in"] . "</a></em><br />\n"; echo "Using <em><a href='" . $urls["verify_subscription"] . "'>" . $urls["verify_subscription"] . "</a></em><br />\n"; echo "Using <em><a href='" . $urls["edition_credentials"] . "'>" . $urls["edition_credentials"] . "</a></em><br />\n"; if (array_key_exists("renew_token", $urls)) { echo "Using <em><a href='" . $urls["renew_token"] . "'>" . $urls["renew_token"] . "</a></em><br />\n"; } if (!empty($urls["sign_out"])) { echo "Using <em><a href='" . $urls["sign_out"] . "'>" . $urls["sign_out"] . "</a></em><br />\n"; } echo "</p>"; if (count($vals) > 1) { unset($vals['product_id']); $sep = strpos($urls["sign_in"], "?") ? "&" : "?"; if ($use_http_post) { $sign_in_req = $urls["sign_in"]; $http_status = pugpig_subs_http_request($sign_in_req, $sign_in_response, $vals); } else { $sign_in_req = $urls["sign_in"] . $sep . http_build_query($vals); $http_status = pugpig_subs_http_request($sign_in_req, $sign_in_response); } $status = "unknown"; if ($http_status != 200) { echo "<b class='pugpig_unknown'>SIGN IN ERROR: Status {$http_status}</b><br />\n"; } else { $token = pugpig_subs_get_single_xpath_value("/token", $sign_in_response); // Backup format to support the Dovetail response format if (empty($token)) { $token = pugpig_subs_get_single_xpath_value("/result_response/authToken", $sign_in_response); } if (empty($token)) { echo "Credentials not recognised - did not get a token<br />\n"; } else { echo "Auth Token: <b class='pugpig_active'>{$token}</b>"; if (array_key_exists("renew_token", $urls)) { $query_vars = array("token" => $token); $sep = strpos($urls["renew_token"], "?") ? "&" : "?"; $renew_url = $urls["renew_token"] . $sep . http_build_query($query_vars); echo " [<a href='{$renew_url}'>renew</a>]"; } $global_auth_password = pugpig_subs_get_single_xpath_value("/token/@global_auth_password", $sign_in_response); if (!empty($global_auth_password)) { echo " (global auth password: <b class='pugpig_active'>{$global_auth_password}</b>)<br/>"; echo "Authorization: Basic " . base64_encode($token . ":" . $global_auth_password); } echo "<br />\n"; $query_vars = array("token" => $token); $verify_subscription_req = $urls["verify_subscription"]; if ($use_http_post) { $http_status = pugpig_subs_http_request($verify_subscription_req, $verify_subscription_response, $query_vars); } else { $sep = strpos($verify_subscription_req, "?") ? "&" : "?"; $verify_subscription_req .= $sep . http_build_query($query_vars); $http_status = pugpig_subs_http_request($verify_subscription_req, $verify_subscription_response); } $query_vars['product_id'] = $product_id; $edition_creds_req = $urls["edition_credentials"]; if ($http_status != 200) { echo "<b class='pugpig_unknown'>VERIFY SUBSCRIPTION ERROR: Status {$http_status}</b><br />\n"; } else { $message = pugpig_subs_get_single_xpath_value("/subscription/@message", $verify_subscription_response); $status = pugpig_subs_get_single_xpath_value("/subscription/@state", $verify_subscription_response); $issues_exists = pugpug_subs_get_xpath_value("/subscription/issues", $verify_subscription_response); $issues = pugpug_subs_get_xpath_value("/subscription/issues/issue", $verify_subscription_response); if (empty($status)) { echo "Status: <b class='pugpig_unknown'>Got a 200, but did not get back the expected response</b><br />\n"; } elseif (!in_array($status, array('unknown', 'active', 'inactive', 'stale', 'suspended'))) { echo "Status: <b class='pugpig_unknown'>Did not recognise status '{$status}'</b><br />"; } else { echo "Status: <b class='pugpig_{$status}'>{$status}</b><br />\n"; if (!empty($message)) { echo "Message: <b class='pugpig_{$status}'>{$message}</b><br />\n"; } if ($issues_exists == '' || $issues_exists->length == 0) { if (strtolower($status) == "active") { echo "<b>Access based: As an active user, you have access to all issues</b><br />\n"; } else { echo "<b>Access based: As an inactive user, you get nothing</b><br />\n"; } } elseif ($issues->length == 0) { echo "<b>Issue based: You do not have access to any issues</b><br />\n"; } else { echo "<b>Issue based: You have access to " . $issues->length . " issues</b><br />\n"; echo "<ul>\n"; foreach ($issues as $issue) { echo "<li>" . $issue->textContent . "</li>\n"; } echo "</ul>\n"; } } } if ($use_http_post) { $http_status = pugpig_subs_http_request($edition_creds_req, $edition_creds_response, $query_vars); } else { $sep = strpos($edition_creds_req, "?") ? "&" : "?"; $edition_creds_req .= $sep . http_build_query($query_vars); $http_status = pugpig_subs_http_request($edition_creds_req, $edition_creds_response); } if ($http_status != 200) { echo "<b class='pugpig_unknown'>EDITION CREDENTIALS ERROR: Status {$http_status}</b>\n"; } else { $userid = pugpig_subs_get_single_xpath_value("/credentials/userid", $edition_creds_response); $password = pugpig_subs_get_single_xpath_value("/credentials/password", $edition_creds_response); if (!empty($userid) && !empty($password)) { echo "Got credentials for <b class='pugpig_active'>{$product_id}</b><br />\n"; } else { $status = pugpig_subs_get_single_xpath_value("/credentials/error/@status", $edition_creds_response); $message = pugpig_subs_get_single_xpath_value("/credentials/error/@message", $edition_creds_response); echo "Denied credentials for <b class='pugpig_unknown'>{$product_id}</b> (status: <b class='unknown'>{$status}</b>)<br />\n"; if (!empty($message)) { echo "Message: <b class='pugpig_unknown'>{$message}</b><br />\n"; } } } if (!empty($urls["sign_out"])) { $query_vars = array("token" => $token); $sign_out_req = $urls["sign_out"]; if ($use_http_post) { $http_status = pugpig_subs_http_request($sign_out_req, $sign_out_response, $query_vars); } else { $sep = strpos($sign_out_req, "?") ? "&" : "?"; $sign_out_req .= $sep . http_build_query($query_vars); $http_status = pugpig_subs_http_request($sign_out_req, $sign_out_response); } if ($http_status == 501) { echo "<b class='pugpig_unknown'>SIGN OUT: Not implemented</b>\n"; } else { if ($http_status != 200) { echo "<b class='pugpig_unknown'>SIGN OUT ERROR: Status {$http_status}</b>\n"; } else { // todo: check response content echo "Signed out OK\n"; } } } } } echo "<h3 class='pugpig_{$status}'>All done</h3><br />\n"; if (!empty($sign_in_req)) { echo "<a href='{$sign_in_req}'>Raw Sign In</a> (HTTP " . ($use_http_post ? "POST" : "GET") . ")<br />\n"; echo "<hr />" . htmlspecialchars($sign_in_response) . "<hr />\n"; } if (!empty($verify_subscription_req)) { echo "<a href='{$verify_subscription_req}'>Verify Subscription</a> (HTTP " . ($use_http_post ? "POST" : "GET") . ")<br />\n"; echo "<hr />" . htmlspecialchars($verify_subscription_response) . "<hr />\n"; } if (!empty($edition_creds_req)) { echo "<a href='{$edition_creds_req}'>Edition Credentials</a> (HTTP " . ($use_http_post ? "POST" : "GET") . ")<br />\n"; echo "<hr />" . htmlspecialchars($edition_creds_response) . "<hr />\n"; } if (!empty($sign_out_req)) { echo "<a href='{$sign_out_req}'>Sign Out</a> (HTTP " . ($use_http_post ? "POST" : "GET") . ")<br />\n"; echo "<hr />" . htmlspecialchars($sign_out_response) . "<hr />\n"; } } print_r("<br /><em style='font-size:small'>Test Form Version: " . pugpig_get_standalone_version() . " </em><br />"); }