exit; } else if ($image_attributes[2] > IMAGETYPE_PNG) { $msg->addError(array('FILE_ILLEGAL', $extension)); header('Location: '.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?member_id='.$member_id); exit; } // make sure under max file size if ($_FILES['file']['size'] > $_config['prof_pic_max_file_size']) { $msg->addError('FILE_MAX_SIZE'); header('Location: '.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?member_id='.$member_id); exit; } // delete the old images (if any) profile_image_delete($member_id); $new_filename = $member_id . '.' . $extension; $original_img = AT_CONTENT_DIR.'profile_pictures/originals/'. $new_filename; $profile_img = AT_CONTENT_DIR.'profile_pictures/profile/'. $new_filename; $thumbnail_img = AT_CONTENT_DIR.'profile_pictures/thumbs/'. $new_filename; // save original if (!move_uploaded_file($_FILES['file']['tmp_name'], $original_img)) { $msg->addError('CANNOT_OVERWRITE_FILE'); header('Location: '.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?member_id='.$member_id); exit; } // resize the original and save it at $thumbnail_file $width = $image_attributes[0];
$dob = $yr . '-' . $mo . '-' . $day; if ($mo && $day && $yr && !checkdate($mo, $day, $yr)) { $msg->addError('DOB_INVALID'); } else { if (!$mo || !$day || !$yr) { $dob = '0000-00-00'; $yr = $mo = $day = 0; } } if ($missing_fields) { $missing_fields = implode(', ', $missing_fields); $msg->addError(array('EMPTY_FIELDS', $missing_fields)); } if (!$msg->containsErrors()) { if (isset($_POST['profile_pic_delete'])) { profile_image_delete($id); } if ($_POST['website'] && !strstr($_POST['website'], "://")) { $_POST['website'] = "http://" . $_POST['website']; } if ($_POST['website'] == 'http://') { $_POST['website'] = ''; } $_POST['postal'] = strtoupper(trim($_POST['postal'])); if (isset($_POST['private_email'])) { $_POST['private_email'] = 1; } else { $_POST['private_email'] = 0; } /* insert into the db. (the last 0 for status) */ $sql = "UPDATE %smembers SET\temail = '{$_POST['email']}',\n website = '{$_POST['website']}',\n first_name = '{$_POST['first_name']}',\n second_name= '{$_POST['second_name']}',\n last_name = '{$_POST['last_name']}', \n dob = '{$dob}',\n gender = '{$_POST['gender']}', \n address = '{$_POST['address']}',\n postal = '{$_POST['postal']}',\n city = '{$_POST['city']}',\n province = '{$_POST['province']}',\n country = '{$_POST['country']}', \n phone = '{$_POST['phone']}',\n status = {$_POST['status']},\n language = '{$_SESSION['lang']}', \n private_email = {$_POST['private_email']},\n creation_date=creation_date,\n last_login=last_login \n WHERE member_id = {$id}";