function run_files($file) { if (is_link($file)) { return; } if (is_dir($file . '/.')) { $dh = opendir($file); $files = array(); while (false !== ($f = readdir($dh))) { if ($f[0] == '.') { continue; } if (is_dir($file . '/' . $f . '/.')) { $files[] = $file . '/' . $f; } else { $ext = strtolower(substr(strrchr($f, '.'), 1)); if ($ext == 'css' || $ext == 'html' || $ext == 'php' || $ext == 'js') { $files[] = $file . '/' . $f; } } } closedir($dh); foreach ($files as $f) { run_files($f); } } else { process_file($file); } }
function dir_enter($entry_dir = '/', $depth = 0) { $found = 0; # Remove the last trailing slash and void dual writing $entry_dir = preg_replace('/\\/$/i', '', $entry_dir); $skip_list = array('.', '..'); if ($dir_handle = opendir($entry_dir)) { while (false !== ($filename = readdir($dir_handle))) { if (in_array($filename, $skip_list)) { continue; } $full_file_path = "{$entry_dir}/{$filename}"; if (is_dir($full_file_path)) { # Need to loop here inside the directory fecho(str_repeat(' ', $depth)); # depth marker #fecho("{$full_file_path}"); fecho("{$filename}"); # Recurse through the file $function = __FUNCTION__; $found += $function($full_file_path, $depth + 1); } else { #fecho(str_repeat(' ', $depth)); # depth marker #fecho("{$full_file_path}"); #fecho("{$filename}"); ++$found; process_file($full_file_path, $depth); } } closedir($dir_handle); } return $found; }
/** * 监视文件夹 * @param $host string 服务器地址 * @param $port int 服务器端口 * @param $root string 要监视的目录 * @param $ignore array 忽略的文件 * @return bool 是否被改变 */ function watch_dir($host, $port, $id, $root, $ignore) { $socket = null; $changed = false; $modify_table = load_modify_time(); if (!is_dir($root)) { echo "{$root} not dir\n"; exit(1); } $queue = array($root); $t = -microtime(true); while (!empty($queue)) { // echo "queue\n"; var_dump($queue); $root_dir = array_shift($queue); // echo "enter dir $root_dir\n"; $d = opendir($root_dir); if ($d === false) { echo "{$root_dir} not exists\n"; exit(1); } while (($f = readdir($d)) !== false) { if ($f == '.' || $f == '..') { continue; } if (in_array($f, $ignore)) { // echo "skip $f\n"; continue; } $filename = "{$root_dir}/{$f}"; if (is_file($filename)) { $filesize = filesize($filename); assert($filesize !== false); if ($filesize > 100 * 1024 * 1024) { // big than 100M echo "skip {$filename} with size {$filesize}\n"; } else { list($modify_table, $socket, $changed) = process_file($host, $port, $id, $root, $modify_table, $filename, $socket, $changed); } } elseif (is_dir($filename)) { // echo "add to queue $filename\n"; $queue[] = "{$filename}"; } } } $t += microtime(true); echo " ({$root} " . intval($t * 1000) . " ms)"; // echo "ok\n"; save_modify_time(modify_time()); if ($socket !== null) { end_socket($socket); } return $changed; }
function doMpdParse($command, &$dirs, $domains) { global $connection, $collection, $mpd_file_model, $array_params; global $parse_time; if (!$connection) { return; } fputs($connection, $command . "\n"); $filedata = $mpd_file_model; $parts = true; if (count($domains) == 0) { $domains = null; } $pstart = microtime(true); while (!feof($connection) && $parts) { $parts = getline($connection); if (is_array($parts)) { switch ($parts[0]) { case "directory": $dirs[] = trim($parts[1]); break; case "Last-Modified": if ($filedata['file'] != null) { // We don't want the Last-Modified stamps of the directories // to be used for the files. $filedata[$parts[0]] = $parts[1]; } break; case 'file': if ($filedata['file'] != null && (!is_array($domains) || in_array(getDomain($filedata['file']), $domains))) { $parse_time += microtime(true) - $pstart; process_file($filedata); $pstart = microtime(true); } $filedata = $mpd_file_model; // Fall through to default // Fall through to default default: if (in_array($parts[0], $array_params)) { $filedata[$parts[0]] = array_unique(explode(';', $parts[1])); } else { $filedata[$parts[0]] = explode(';', $parts[1])[0]; } break; } } } if ($filedata['file'] !== null && (!is_array($domains) || in_array(getDomain($filedata['file']), $domains))) { $parse_time += microtime(true) - $pstart; process_file($filedata); } }
function process_path($path) { if (is_dir($path)) { //echo "dir: [$path]\n"; $path = rtrim($path, "\\/") . "/"; foreach (glob($path . "*", GLOB_ONLYDIR) as $subdir) { process_path($subdir); } foreach (glob($path . "*.class.php") as $file) { process_path($file); } } else { process_file($path); } }
function process_directory($path) { $dir = opendir($path); while ($file = readdir($dir)) { if (substr($file, 0, 1) == '.') { continue; } $filepath = $path . '/' . $file; if (is_dir($filepath)) { process_directory($filepath); } elseif (is_file($filepath)) { if (substr($file, -4) == '.php') { process_file($filepath); } } else { print "Unknown type: {$filepath}\n"; } } closedir($dir); }
function run_files($file) { if (is_link($file)) { return; } if (is_dir($file . '/.')) { $dh = opendir($file); $files = array(); while (false !== ($f = readdir($dh))) { if ($f[0] != '.') { $files[] = $file . '/' . $f; } } closedir($dh); foreach ($files as $f) { run_files($f); } } else { process_file($file); } }
if (!$file_contents) { echo "downloading failed\n"; } $file_contents = str_replace("<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml=\"\">", htmlspecialchars("<p>"), $file_contents); $file_contents = str_replace("</xhtml:p>", htmlspecialchars("</p>"), $file_contents); if (!($OUT = fopen($download_cache_path, "w+"))) { debug(__CLASS__ . ":" . __LINE__ . ": Couldn't open file: " . $download_cache_path); return; } fwrite($OUT, $file_contents); fclose($OUT); if (filesize($download_cache_path)) { clearstatcache(); echo "{$file_name} - " . filesize($download_cache_path) . "<br>\n"; echo "<hr>Parsing Document {$file_name}<hr>\n"; process_file($download_cache_path, $url); echo "Processed {$file_name}\n"; } } if (!($OUT = fopen($new_resource_path, "w+"))) { debug(__CLASS__ . ":" . __LINE__ . ": Couldn't open file: " . $new_resource_path); return; } fwrite($OUT, serialize($all_taxa)); fclose($OUT); shell_exec(PHP_BIN_PATH . dirname(__FILE__) . "/helpers/plazi_step_two.php"); shell_exec("rm -f " . DOC_ROOT . "temp/30.xml"); shell_exec("rm -f " . DOC_ROOT . "temp/downloaded_rdf.rdf"); shell_exec("rm -f " . DOC_ROOT . "temp/plazi.xml"); function process_file($path, $url) {
<?php echo "go...<br>"; require_once "../_connect.php"; echo "go...<br>"; $dir = 'data/files'; $files = scandir($dir, 0); print_r($files); $logname = "data_load_from_file"; foreach ($files as $filename) { if (substr($filename, -4) == ".csv") { process_file($dir . "/" . $filename); } else { } } // ******************************************************************* // **** process file *********************************************** // ******************************************************************* function process_file($filename) { global $conn; echome("Processing file {$filename}", 1); $fi2 = file($filename); $filepath = $filename; $sql = <<<MOUT load data local infile '{$filepath}' into table data_in fields terminated by "," optionally enclosed by "\\"" lines terminated by " "
function get_directory($dir, $level = 0) { $ignore = array( 'cgi-bin', '.', '..' ); $dh = @opendir($dir); while( false !== ( $file = readdir($dh))){ if( !in_array( $file, $ignore ) ){ if(is_dir("$dir/$file")) { echo "\n$file\n"; get_directory("$dir/$file", ($level+1)); } else { //echo "$spaces $file\n"; process_file("$dir/$file"); } } } closedir( $dh ); if(is_dir_empty($dir) && $dir != "D:/wamp/www/tmp_dir") { //print "\n-= Removing $dir =-\n"; rmdir($dir); } }
showmessage('服务器无法创建上传目录'); } //本地上传 $new_name = $_SC['attachdir'] . './' . $filepath; $tmp_name = $FILE['tmp_name']; if (@copy($tmp_name, $new_name)) { //移动文件 @unlink($tmp_name); //删除POST的临时文件 } elseif (function_exists('move_uploaded_file') && @move_uploaded_file($tmp_name, $new_name)) { } elseif (@rename($tmp_name, $new_name)) { } else { showmessage('对不起,无法转移临时文件到服务器指定目录。~~~~(>_<)~~~~ '); } $filedownload = ''; $result = process_file($new_name, &$filedownload); if ($result == 1) { showmessage('上传成功,感谢您的邀请!', $_POST[refer], 0); } else { showmessage('文件存在部分问题,请根据链接地址下载后更新重新提交' . "<a href=" . './plugin/invite/download/' . $filedownload . " style=color:red;" . ">点击下载无效记录</a>"); } } //43 include template("cp_invitefriend"); //读取excel文件的内容 function process_file($filename, &$tempname) { global $_SGLOBAL; $isfile = 1; $data = new Spreadsheet_Excel_Reader(); $data->setOutputEncoding('UTF-8');
/** * Recursively process a directory, picking regular files and feeding * them to process_file(). * * @param string $dir the full path of the directory to process * @param string $userfield the prefix_user table field to use to * match picture files to users. * @param bool $overwrite overwrite existing picture or not. * @param array $results (by reference) accumulated statistics of * users updated and errors. * * @return nothing */ function process_directory($dir, $userfield, $overwrite, &$results) { if (!($handle = opendir($dir))) { notify(get_string('uploadpicture_cannotprocessdir', 'admin')); return; } while (false !== ($item = readdir($handle))) { if ($item != '.' && $item != '..') { if (is_dir($dir . '/' . $item)) { process_directory($dir . '/' . $item, $userfield, $overwrite, $results); } else { if (is_file($dir . '/' . $item)) { $result = process_file($dir . '/' . $item, $userfield, $overwrite); switch ($result) { case PIX_FILE_ERROR: $results['errors']++; break; case PIX_FILE_UPDATED: $results['updated']++; break; } } } // Ignore anything else that is not a directory or a file (e.g., // symbolic links, sockets, pipes, etc.) } } closedir($handle); }
$isfile = 1; $filename = basename($_FILES['file']['name']); $ext = substr($filename, strpos($filename, '.') + 1); if ($ext == "xls" && $_FILES["file"]["size"] < 100000) { //检测是否有同名的文件存在 //if (!file_exists($newname)) { //存储在一个地址 //确定存储地址 //$newname = getsiteurl().'\upload2\\'.$filename; $newname = S_ROOT . './plugin/invite/upload/' . $filename; if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES['file']['tmp_name'], $newname)) { //重命名文件 $renamefilename = S_ROOT . './plugin/invite/phpreadexcel/upload/' . date("Y-m-d") . '_upload_' . rand() . '.' . $ext; rename($newname, $renamefilename); $filedownload = ''; $r = process_file($renamefilename, &$filedownload); //echo "文件已被保存和上传 if ($r == 1) { showmessage('upload_success'); } else { //exit(getsiteurl); showmessage('文件存在部分问题,请根据链接地址下载后更新重新提交' . "<a href=" . './plugin/invite/download/' . $filedownload . " style=color:red;" . ">点击下载无效记录</a>"); } } else { showmessage('upload_failure'); } } else { showmessage('file_limit'); } } else { showmessage('no_file_upload');
/** * Processes the calendar set for the calling Parser object. * * @access public * @alias process_file */ function process_cal() { process_file($this->cal->filename); }
<?php include '../util.php'; include '../solver.php'; include '../reader.php'; date_default_timezone_set('Europe/Amsterdam'); $message = null; if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST') { if (isset($_FILES['knowledgebase'])) { $message = process_file($_FILES['knowledgebase']); } else { if (isset($_POST['delete-file'])) { $message = delete_file($_POST['delete-file']); } } } function process_file($file) { if ($file['error'] != 0) { return "Er is een fout opgetreden bij het uploaden."; } $reader = new KnowledgeBaseReader(); $errors = $reader->lint($file['tmp_name']); if (!preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z0-9_\\-\\.]+\\.xml$/i', $file['name'])) { return "De bestandsnaam bevat karakters die niet goed verwerkt kunnen worden."; } if (count($errors) > 0) { $out = "De volgende fouten zijn gevonden in de knowledge-base:\n<ul>"; foreach ($errors as $error) { $out .= sprintf("\n<li title=\"%s\">%s</li>\n", htmlspecialchars($error->file . ':' . $error->line, ENT_QUOTES, 'utf-8'), $error->message); }
<?php echo "go...<br>"; require_once "../_connect.php"; echo "go...<br>"; $logname = "data_load_from_file"; $filename = 'files/204.csv'; if (file_exists($filename)) { process_file($filename); } else { } // ******************************************************************* // **** process file *********************************************** // ******************************************************************* function process_file($filename) { global $conn; echome("Processing file {$filename}", 1); $fi2 = file($filename); $filepath = $filename; $sql = <<<MOUT load data local infile '{$filepath}' into table data_in2 fields terminated by "," optionally enclosed by "\\"" lines terminated by " " (show_fk,dt,people,media_type,media_code,media_url,media_title,media_desc) MOUT; $conn->query($sql) or die("oops {$sql}"); // echome("Deleting file",1);
<?php /************************ AUTHOR: Ethan Gruber MODIFIED: January, 2013 DESCRIPTION: Convert electrum spreadsheet to NUDS REQUIRED LIBRARIES: php5, php5-curl, php5-cgi ************************/ //create an array with pre-defined labels and values passed from the Filemaker POST $labels = array("region", "region_uri", "mint", "mint_uri", "material", "material_uri", "skip1", "skip2", "denomination", "denomination_uri", "weight", "weight_standard", "diameter", "obverseType", "reverseType", "date", "dob", "fromDate", "toDate", "ref1", "ref1_donum", "ref2", "ref2_donum", "ref3", "ref3_donum", "ref4", "ref4_donum", "ref5", "ref5_donum", "auc1", "auc1_donum", "auc1_lot", "auc2", "auc2_donum", "auc2_lot", "auc3", "auc3_donum", "auc3_lot", "auc4", "auc4_donum", "auc4_lot", "auc5", "auc5_donum", "auc5_lot", "repository", "identifier", "findspot", "hoard", "hoard_uri", "provenance", "cross_reference", "notes", "rnotes1_skip", "obv_image", "rev_image", "rnotes2_skip", "skip3", "skip4", "skip5"); $files = scandir('csv'); foreach ($files as $file) { if (strpos($file, '.csv') > 0) { $filename = 'csv/' . $file; process_file($filename, $labels); } } function process_file($filename, $labels) { if (($handle = fopen($filename, "r")) !== FALSE) { echo "Processing {$filename}\n"; $count = -1; while (($data = fgetcsv($handle, 1000, ",", '"')) !== FALSE) { //skip first (label) row if ($count > 0) { $row = array(); foreach ($labels as $key => $label) { //escape conflicting XML characters $row[$label] = $data[$key]; } $recordId = substr(md5(rand()), 0, 9);
function process_all($path) { if ($dir = opendir($path)) { while ($fname = readdir($dir)) { $fname2 = $path . '/' . $fname; var_dump($fname2); if (is_dir($fname2) && $fname != '.' && $fname != '..' && $fname != 'CVS') { process_all($fname2); echo "recursing into {$fname2}\n"; } elseif (preg_match('#[\\/\\\\]\\w+[\\/\\\\]functions[\\/\\\\]([a-zA-Z0-9\\._-]+)\\.xml$#', $fname2, $regs)) { process_file($fname2, OUT_PATH . $regs[1] . '.txt'); } } closedir($dir); } else { echo "Not a dir \${$path}\n"; } }
$dates = array(); $startdate = strtotime("2016-01-05"); $enddate = time(); $enddate = strtotime("2016-01-07"); //$startdate = strtotime( "2015-06-01" ); //$enddate = strtotime( "2015-07-0" ); //echo "start: $startdate" ; //echo "end: $enddate"; for ($thisdate = $startdate; $thisdate <= $enddate; $thisdate += 86400) { $dates[] = date("md", $thisdate); } /** * Fetch and save the bwtrace.vt.mmdd file for each of the selected hosts */ if (true) { foreach ($dates as $date) { foreach ($hosts as $host) { $content = get_vt($host, $date); save_vt($host, $date, $content); } } } /** * Process each of the files from the hosts */ oik_require("vt.php", "play"); foreach ($dates as $date) { foreach ($hosts as $host) { process_file("{$host}/{$date}.vt"); } }
//$enddate = strtotime( "2016-07-27" ); //$startdate = strtotime( "2015-06-01" ); //$enddate = strtotime( "2015-07-0" ); //echo "start: $startdate" ; //echo "end: $enddate"; for ($thisdate = $startdate; $thisdate <= $enddate; $thisdate += 86400) { $dates[] = date("md", $thisdate); } echo " Start:" . reset($dates) . PHP_EOL; echo "End: " . end($dates) . PHP_EOL; /** * Fetch and save the bwtrace.vt.mmdd file for each of the selected hosts */ if (true) { foreach ($dates as $date) { foreach ($hosts as $host) { $content = get_vt($host, $date); save_vt($host, $date, $content); } } } /** * Process each of the files from the hosts */ oik_require("vt.php", "play"); ini_set('memory_limit', '2048M'); foreach ($dates as $date) { foreach ($hosts as $host) { process_file("vt2016/{$host}/{$date}.vt"); } }
} //echo "Handle: " . $d->handle . "\n"; //echo "Path: " . $d->path . "\n"; $g_total = 0; $g_good = 0; $g_poor = 0; $g_neutral = 0; while (false !== ($entry = $d->read())) { if ($entry == '.' || $entry == '..' || is_dir($d->path . '/' . $entry)) { continue; } //$prefix = "spm_2010-03-1"; //if ( strncmp($entry, $prefix, strlen($prefix)) != 0 ) continue; echo "reading '{$entry}'...\n"; $path = $d->path . '/' . $entry; process_file($path, $folder); } $d->close(); //*/ echo "Total:good/neutral/poor/total={$g_good}/{$g_neutral}/{$g_poor}/{$g_total}\n"; $g_diff = $g_total - $g_good - $g_neutral - $g_poor; echo "Total:check sum: {$g_diff}\n"; function process_file($path, $folder) { global $g_total, $g_good, $g_poor, $g_neutral; $fh = fopen($path, "rb"); if (!$fh) { return; } //$fp = fsockopen("", 19990); $output = '';
<?php include '../util.php'; include '../solver.php'; include '../reader.php'; date_default_timezone_set('Europe/Amsterdam'); $errors = array(); if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST' && isset($_FILES['knowledgebase']) && ($file = process_file($_FILES['knowledgebase'], $errors))) { switch ($_POST['action']) { case 'analyse': header('Location: analyse.php?kb=' . rawurlencode($file)); break; case 'run': header('Location: webfrontend.php?kb=' . rawurlencode($file)); break; } exit; } function process_file($file, array &$errors = array()) { if ($file['error'] != 0) { return "Er is een fout opgetreden bij het uploaden."; } $reader = new KnowledgeBaseReader(); $errors = $reader->lint($file['tmp_name']); $unique_name = sha1(microtime() . uniqid('kb', true)) . '.xml'; if (count($errors) > 0) { return false; } if (!move_uploaded_file($file['tmp_name'], '../knowledgebases/' . $unique_name)) { $errors[] = "De knowledge-base kon niet worden opgeslagen op de server.";
<?php $unique_spells = ""; for ($i = 0; $i < 65535; $i++) { $unique_spells[$i] = 0; } $srcdir = "./spell_lists"; if ($curdir = opendir($srcdir)) { while ($file = readdir($curdir)) { if ($file != '.' && $file != '..') { $srcfile = $srcdir . '\\' . $file; if (is_file($srcfile)) { process_file($srcfile); } } } } closedir($curdir); //now get max values $max = 0; for ($i = 0; $i < 65535; $i++) { if ($unique_spells[$i] > $max) { $max = $unique_spells[$i]; } } //print out common spells if ($max > 0) { for ($i = 0; $i < 65535; $i++) { if ($unique_spells[$i] == $max) { echo "{$i}<br>"; }
$all_file = "c:/all_ipv4.good"; $all_total = 0; $all_good = 0; $all_poor = 0; $all_neutral = 0; $no_content = ''; file_put_contents($all_file, $no_content); while (false !== ($entry = $d->read())) { if ($entry == '.' || $entry == '..' || is_dir($d->path . '/' . $entry)) { continue; } //$prefix = "spm_2010-03-1"; //if ( strncmp($entry, $prefix, strlen($prefix)) != 0 ) continue; echo "reading '{$entry}'...\n"; $path = $d->path . '/' . $entry; process_file($path); } $d->close(); //*/ echo "ChangeTo Total:good/neutral/poor/total={$all_good}/{$all_neutral}/{$all_poor}/{$all_total}\n"; $all_diff = $all_total - $all_good - $all_neutral - $all_poor; echo "ChangeTo Total:check sum: {$all_diff}\n"; function process_file($path) { global $all_file, $all_total, $all_good, $all_poor, $all_neutral; $fh = fopen($path, "rb"); if (!$fh) { return; } $fp = fsockopen("localhost", 56789); $output = '';
} if ($inblock) { echo "Error (ended in __asm__ block???)\n"; } fclose($in); fclose($out); } $nasm = "nasm"; $want_funclead = ""; $fmt = "win64"; if (isset($argv[1]) && $argv[1] != "") { $fmt = $argv[1]; } $fnout = "asm-nseel-x64.asm"; if ($fmt == "macho64") { $fnout = "asm-nseel-x64-macho.asm"; $nasm = "nasm64"; $want_funclead = "_"; } if ($fmt == "macho64x") { $fnout = "asm-nseel-x64-macho.asm"; $nasm = "nasm"; $want_funclead = "_"; $fmt = "macho64"; } if ($fmt == "win64x") { $nasm = "nasm64"; $fmt = "win64"; } process_file("asm-nseel-x86-gcc.c", $fnout, $fmt != "win64" ? "%define AMD64ABI\n" : ""); system("{$nasm} -f {$fmt} {$fnout}");
function process_dir($host, $user, $password, $root, $level, $proc) { global $PROCESSING_EXTS; if ($level <= 0) { return; } print "Processing: {$root}\n"; list($dirs, $files) = list_dir($host, $user, $password, $root); if (sizeof($dirs) > 0 && sizeof($files) > 0) { //~ #~ print dirs, files //~ #~ print len(dirs), len(files) fsave("ok_accounts.txt", implode("\t", array($host, $user, $password, $root)) . "\n", true); foreach ($dirs as $d) { process_dir($host, $user, $password, $root . "/" . $d, $level - 1, $proc); } foreach ($files as $f) { foreach ($PROCESSING_EXTS as $i) { if (strpos($f, $i) !== false) { process_file($host, $user, $password, $root . "/" . $f, $proc); break; } } } } else { fsave("fail_accounts.txt", implode("\t", array($host, $user, $password, $root)) . "\n", true); } }
$db->queryExec($create_query); $db->queryExec("insert into guidepost values (NULL, 50.1, 17.1, 'x', 'znacka');"); $db->queryExec("insert into guidepost values (NULL, 50.2, 17.2, 'x', 'znacka');"); $db->queryExec("insert into guidepost values (NULL, 50.3, 17.3, 'x', 'znacka');"); $db->queryExec("insert into guidepost values (NULL, 50.4, 17.4, 'x', 'znacka');"); } $action = get_param("action"); switch ($action) { case "show_dialog": page_header(); show_upload_dialog(); page_footer(); break; case "file": page_header(); process_file(); page_footer(); break; case "": $bbox = get_param('bbox'); if ($bbox == "") { printdebug("no bbox"); die("No bbox provided\n"); } else { printdebug("bbox: " . $bbox); } list($minlon, $minlat, $maxlon, $maxlat) = preg_split('/,/', $bbox, 4); $db = new SQLite3('guidepost'); if ($db) { $i = 0; $result = array();
set_time_limit(30 * 60); $dbhost = "localhost"; $dbuname = "root"; $dbupass = ""; $dbname = "temp"; //database connection $dbi = mysql_connect($dbhost, $dbuname, $dbupass, true) or die("Couldn't connect to database server!"); mysql_select_db($dbname, $dbi) or die("Q 200603201239" . mysql_error($dbi)); $fout = fopen("vendors_out.sql", "wt"); // $vendor_entries="19065,18822,5049,34093,23483,46555"; $vendor_entries = "58155"; $vendors_vect = explode(",", $vendor_entries); asort($vendors_vect); foreach ($vendors_vect as $key => $t_entry) { if ($t_entry) { process_file($t_entry); } } fclose($fout); function process_file($t_entry) { global $dbi, $fout; $new_line = "<br>"; $new_line = "\n"; $UNIT_NPC_FLAG_GOSSIP = 1; $UNIT_NPC_FLAG_VENDOR = 0x80; $link = "./wowhead npc/npc=" . $t_entry . ".htm"; //echo " Getting information for npc: ".$t_entry." from wowhead : $link <br> "; $file = @fopen($link, "r"); if ($file) { //echo "have file<br>";
} $sline = $inst; if ($parms != "") { $sline .= " " . $parms; } $sline .= ";"; } $sline = preg_replace("/FPREG_([0-9]+)/", "st(\$1)", $sline); $line = $beg_restore . $sline . $end_restore; } } if (!$nowrite) { if (strstr($line, "__TEMP_REPLACE__")) { $a = strstr($line, "//REPLACE="); if ($a === false) { die("__TEMP_REPLACE__ found, no REPLACE=\n"); } $line = str_replace("__TEMP_REPLACE__", substr($a, 10), $line); } fputs($out, $line . "\n"); } } if ($inblock) { echo "Error (ended in __asm__ block???)\n"; } fclose($in); fclose($out); } process_file("asm-nseel-x86-gcc.c", "asm-nseel-x86-msvc.c"); // process_file("asm-miscfunc-x86-gcc.c" , "asm-miscfunc-x86-msvc.c"); //process_file("asm-megabuf-x86-gcc.c" , "asm-megabuf-x86-msvc.c");
// get all file names foreach ($files as $file) { // iterate files if (is_file($file)) { unlink($file); } // delete file } $uploaded_header = 0; $uploaded_banner = 0; if (isset($_FILES["image"]["name"])) { $uploaded_header = process_file("image", "header_image", "temp/"); } if (isset($_FILES["banner_image"]["name"])) { if ($_FILES["banner_image"]["name"] != "") { $uploaded_banner = process_file("banner_image", "banner_image", "temp/"); } } $HeaderText = isset($_POST['text']) ? $_POST['text'] != "" ? $_POST['text'] : 'Calendar of Events' : 'Calendar of Events'; /****Begin Header Code ******/ ob_start(); ?> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="/font/stylesheet.css" /> <style type="text/css"> <?php include "cssmin-v3.0.1.php"; $css = CssMin::minify(file_get_contents('css.php')); //$css = file_get_contents('css.php'); echo $css;