
ini_set('include_path', ini_get('include_path') . ':../:');
require_once "design.inc.php";
$title = "Probe overview";
doHeader($title, array('calender' => TRUE));
echo "<h1>{$title}</h1>";
require_once "functions.inc.php";
#$displayTiming = TRUE;
$starttime = getMicroTime();
$probes = probes_info_query();
echo "\n<h4>Please select a probe:</h4>\n";
probes_info_form_tabel($probes, $probeid);
# Trick incl the graph php script
include "../include/graph_probe_drops_bar02.php";
include "../staging/pie01.php";
displayTimingInfo($starttime, getMicroTime(), $displayTiming, "php done");
    $err1 = "WARNING - This script is intended to be include, not used directly";
    $err2 = "Allowing your to continue, for testing purposes, establish DB conn";
    echo "<h3>{$err1}</h3>\n";
    echo "<h4>{$err2}</h4>\n";
    $localdb = TRUE;
if (is_array($probesinfo)) {
    if ($DEBUG == TRUE) {
        echo "Probes info already available<br>\n";
} else {
    // This file is intended to be include, thus this query might
    // already have been performed by the including script
    $probesinfo = probes_info_query();
if ($localdb == TRUE) {
    echo "\n<h4>Please select a channel:</h4>\n";
    $channels =& multicast_list_query();
    form_channel_selection($channels, $probesinfo);
$_REQUEST = cleanup_input_request();
$probeid = $_REQUEST['probeid'];
$maxy = $_REQUEST['maxy'];
$fromT = $_REQUEST['fromT'];
$toT = $_REQUEST['toT'];
$bucketsz = $_REQUEST['bucketsz'];
$tstampF = $_REQUEST['tstampF'];
$tstampT = $_REQUEST['tstampT'];
$channel = $_REQUEST['channel'];