function DelAdClass($classid, $userid, $username) { global $empire, $public_r, $dbtbpre; $classid = (int) $classid; if (!$classid) { printerror("NotChangeAdClassid", "history.go(-1)"); } //验证权限 CheckLevel($userid, $username, $classid, "ad"); $c = $empire->fetch1("select classname from {$dbtbpre}enewsadclass where classid='{$classid}'"); $sql = $empire->query("delete from {$dbtbpre}enewsadclass where classid='{$classid}'"); /* //删除广告内容 $a=$empire->query("select adid from {$dbtbpre}enewsad where classid='$classid'"); while($r=$empire->fetch($a)) { $file="../../../d/js/acmsd/".$public_r[adfile].$r[adid].".js"; DelFiletext($file); } */ if ($sql) { //操作日志 insert_dolog("classid=" . $classid . "<br>classname=" . $c[classname]); printerror("DelAdClassSuccess", "AdClass.php"); } else { printerror("DbError", "history.go(-1)"); } }
function AddGbook($add) { global $empire, $dbtbpre, $level_r, $public_r; //验证IP eCheckAccessDoIp('gbook'); CheckCanPostUrl(); //验证来源 $bid = (int) getcvar('gbookbid'); if (empty($bid)) { $bid = intval($add[bid]); } $name = RepPostStr(trim($add[name])); $email = RepPostStr($add[email]); $call = RepPostStr($add[call]); $lytext = RepPostStr($add[lytext]); if (empty($bid) || empty($name) || empty($email) || !trim($lytext)) { printerror("EmptyGbookname", "history.go(-1)", 1); } if (!chemail($email)) { printerror("EmailFail", "history.go(-1)", 1); } //验证码 $keyvname = 'checkgbookkey'; if ($public_r['gbkey_ok']) { ecmsCheckShowKey($keyvname, $add['key'], 1); } $lasttime = getcvar('lastgbooktime'); if ($lasttime) { if (time() - $lasttime < $public_r['regbooktime']) { printerror("GbOutTime", "", 1); } } //版面是否存在 $br = $empire->fetch1("select bid,checked,groupid from {$dbtbpre}enewsgbookclass where bid='{$bid}';"); if (empty($br[bid])) { printerror("EmptyGbook", "history.go(-1)", 1); } //权限 if ($br['groupid']) { $user = islogin(); if ($level_r[$br[groupid]][level] > $level_r[$user[groupid]][level]) { printerror("HaveNotEnLevel", "history.go(-1)", 1); } } $lytime = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $ip = egetip(); $userid = (int) getcvar('mluserid'); $username = RepPostVar(getcvar('mlusername')); $sql = $empire->query("insert into {$dbtbpre}enewsgbook(name,email,`call`,lytime,lytext,retext,bid,ip,checked,userid,username) values('{$name}','{$email}','{$call}','{$lytime}','{$lytext}','','{$bid}','{$ip}','{$br['checked']}','{$userid}','{$username}');"); ecmsEmptyShowKey($keyvname); //清空验证码 if ($sql) { esetcookie("lastgbooktime", time(), time() + 3600 * 24); //设置最后发表时间 $reurl = DoingReturnUrl("../tool/gbook/?bid={$bid}", $add['ecmsfrom']); printerror("AddGbookSuccess", $reurl, 1); } else { printerror("DbError", "history.go(-1)", 1); } }
function EditMemberConnect($add, $userid, $username) { global $empire, $dbtbpre; $add[id] = (int) $add[id]; if (empty($add[appname]) || !$add[id]) { printerror("EmptyMemberConnect", "history.go(-1)"); } $add[isclose] = (int) $add[isclose]; $add[myorder] = (int) $add[myorder]; $add[appname] = eaddslashes(ehtmlspecialchars($add[appname])); $add[appid] = eaddslashes($add[appid]); $add[appkey] = eaddslashes($add[appkey]); $add[qappname] = eaddslashes($add[qappname]); $add[appsay] = eaddslashes($add[appsay]); $sql = $empire->query("update {$dbtbpre}enewsmember_connect_app set appname='{$add['appname']}',appid='{$add['appid']}',appkey='{$add['appkey']}',isclose='{$add['isclose']}',myorder='{$add['myorder']}',qappname='{$add['qappname']}',appsay='{$add['appsay']}' where id='{$add['id']}'"); $appr = $empire->fetch1("select apptype from {$dbtbpre}enewsmember_connect_app where id='{$add['id']}'"); if ($sql) { GetConfig(); //操作日志 insert_dolog("id=" . $add[id] . "&apptype=" . $appr[apptype] . "<br>appname=" . $add[appname]); printerror("EditMemberConnectSuccess", "MemberConnect.php" . hReturnEcmsHashStrHref2(1)); } else { printerror("DbError", "history.go(-1)"); } }
function ClearSearchAll($start, $line, $userid, $username) { global $empire, $dbtbpre, $class_r, $fun_r; $line = (int) $line; if (empty($line)) { $line = 500; } $start = (int) $start; $b = 0; $sql = $empire->query("select id,classid,sid from {$dbtbpre}enewssearchall where sid>{$start} order by sid limit " . $line); while ($r = $empire->fetch($sql)) { $b = 1; $newstart = $r['sid']; if (empty($class_r[$r[classid]]['tbname'])) { $empire->query("delete from {$dbtbpre}enewssearchall where sid='{$r['sid']}'"); continue; } $num = $empire->gettotal("select count(*) as total from {$dbtbpre}ecms_" . $class_r[$r[classid]]['tbname'] . " where id='{$r['id']}' and classid='{$r['classid']}' limit 1"); if (!$num) { $empire->query("delete from {$dbtbpre}enewssearchall where sid='{$r['sid']}'"); } } if (empty($b)) { //操作日志 insert_dolog(""); printerror('ClearSearchAllSuccess', 'ClearSearchAll.php'); } echo "<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"0;url=ClearSearchAll.php?enews=ClearSearchAll&line={$line}&start={$newstart}\">" . $fun_r[OneClearSearchAllSuccess] . "(ID:<font color=red><b>" . $newstart . "</b></font>)"; exit; }
function DelSearchKey_all($add, $userid, $username) { global $empire, $dbtbpre; //验证权限 CheckLevel($userid, $username, $classid, "searchkey"); $searchid = $add['searchid']; $count = count($searchid); if (empty($count)) { printerror("EmptySearchId", "history.go(-1)"); } $ids = ''; for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { $dh = ','; if ($i == 0) { $dh = ''; } $ids .= $dh . intval($searchid[$i]); } $sql = $empire->query("delete from {$dbtbpre}enewssearch where searchid in (" . $ids . ");"); if ($sql) { //操作日志 insert_dolog(""); printerror("DelSearchKeySuccess", "SearchKey.php" . hReturnEcmsHashStrHref2(1)); } else { printerror("DbError", "history.go(-1)"); } }
function ShowBuyproduct() { global $empire, $class_r, $dbtbpre; $buycar = getcvar('mybuycar'); if (empty($buycar)) { printerror('你的购物车没有商品', '', 1, 0, 1); } $record = "!"; $field = "|"; echo "<table width='100%' border=0 align=center cellpadding=3 cellspacing=1>\r\n <tr class='header'> \r\n <td width='41%' height=23> <div align=center>商品名称</div></td>\r\n <td width='15%'> <div align=center>市场价格</div></td>\r\n <td width='15%'> <div align=center>优惠价格</div></td>\r\n <td width='8%'> <div align=center>数量</div></td>\r\n <td width='21%'> <div align=center>小计</div></td>\r\n </tr>"; $alltotal = 0; $return[0] = 0; $return[1] = 0; $return[2] = 0; $r = explode($record, $buycar); $count = count($r); for ($i = 0; $i < $count - 1; $i++) { $pr = explode($field, $r[$i]); $productid = $pr[1]; $fr = explode(",", $pr[1]); //ID $classid = (int) $fr[0]; $id = (int) $fr[1]; if (empty($class_r[$classid][tbname])) { continue; } //数量 $num = (int) $pr[2]; if (empty($num)) { $num = 1; } //取得产品信息 $productr = $empire->fetch1("select title,tprice,price,titleurl,groupid,classid,newspath,filename,id,titlepic,buyfen from {$dbtbpre}ecms_" . $class_r[$classid][tbname] . " where classid='{$classid}' and id='{$id}' limit 1"); if (empty($productr[id])) { continue; } //是否全部点数 if (!$productr[buyfen]) { $return[0] = 1; } $return[1] += $productr[buyfen] * $num; //产品图片 if (empty($productr[titlepic])) { $productr[titlepic] = "../../data/images/notimg.gif"; } //返回链接 $titleurl = sys_ReturnBqTitleLink($productr); $thistotal = $productr[price] * $num; $alltotal += $thistotal; echo "<tr>\r\n\t<td align='center' height=23><a href='" . $titleurl . "' target=_blank>" . $productr[title] . "</a></td>\r\n\t<td align='right'>¥" . $productr[tprice] . "</td>\r\n\t<td align='right'><b>¥" . $productr[price] . "</b></td>\r\n\t<td align='right'>" . $num . "</td>\r\n\t<td align='right'>¥" . $thistotal . "</td>\r\n\t</tr>"; } //支付点数付费 if (!$return[0]) { $a = "<tr height='25'> \r\n <td colspan=5><div align=right>合计点数:<strong>" . $return[1] . "</strong></div></td>\r\n </tr>"; } echo "<tr height='27'> \r\n <td colspan=5><div align=right>合计:<strong>¥" . $alltotal . "</strong></div></td>\r\n </tr>" . $a . "\r\n </table>"; $return[2] = $alltotal; return $return; }
function ReInfoUrl($start, $classid, $from, $retype, $startday, $endday, $startid, $endid, $tbname, $userid, $username) { global $empire, $public_r, $class_r, $fun_r, $dbtbpre; //验证权限 //CheckLevel($userid,$username,$classid,"changedata"); $start = (int) $start; $tbname = RepPostVar($tbname); if (empty($tbname) || !eCheckTbname($tbname)) { printerror("ErrorUrl", "history.go(-1)"); } $add1 = ''; //按栏目刷新 $classid = (int) $classid; if ($classid) { if (empty($class_r[$classid][islast])) { $where = ReturnClass($class_r[$classid][sonclass]); } else { $where = "classid='{$classid}'"; } $add1 = " and (" . $where . ")"; } //按ID刷新 if ($retype) { $startid = (int) $startid; $endid = (int) $endid; if ($endid) { $add1 .= " and id>={$startid} and id<={$endid}"; } } else { $startday = RepPostVar($startday); $endday = RepPostVar($endday); if ($startday && $endday) { $add1 .= " and truetime>=" . to_time($startday . " 00:00:00") . " and truetime<=" . to_time($endday . " 23:59:59"); } } $b = 0; $sql = $empire->query("select id,classid,checked from {$dbtbpre}ecms_" . $tbname . "_index where id>{$start}" . $add1 . " order by id limit " . $public_r[delnewsnum]); while ($r = $empire->fetch($sql)) { $b = 1; $new_start = $r[id]; //返回表 $infotb = ReturnInfoMainTbname($tbname, $r['checked']); $infor = $empire->fetch1("select newspath,filename,groupid,isurl,titleurl from " . $infotb . " where id='{$r['id']}' limit 1"); $infourl = GotoGetTitleUrl($r['classid'], $r['id'], $infor['newspath'], $infor['filename'], $infor['groupid'], $infor['isurl'], $infor['titleurl']); $empire->query("update " . $infotb . " set titleurl='{$infourl}' where id='{$r['id']}' limit 1"); } if (empty($b)) { insert_dolog(""); //操作日志 printerror("ReInfoUrlSuccess", $from); } echo $fun_r[OneReInfoUrlSuccess] . "(ID:<font color=red><b>" . $new_start . "</b></font>)<script>self.location.href='ReInfoUrl.php?enews=ReInfoUrl&tbname={$tbname}&classid={$classid}&start={$new_start}&from=" . urlencode($from) . "&retype={$retype}&startday={$startday}&endday={$endday}&startid={$startid}&endid={$endid}" . hReturnEcmsHashStrHref(0) . "';</script>"; exit; }
function PushInfoToZt($add,$userid,$username){ global $empire,$dbtbpre,$class_r; $classid=(int)$add['classid']; $tid=(int)$add['tid']; $ztid=$add['ztid']; $cid=$add['cid']; $id=$add['id']; $count=count($ztid); if(!$count||!$id) { echo"<script>window.close();</script>"; exit(); } //表名 $tbname=''; if($classid) { $tbname=$class_r[$classid]['tbname']; } elseif($tid) { $tbr=$empire->fetch1("select tbname from {$dbtbpre}enewstable where tid='$tid'"); $tbname=$tbr['tbname']; } if(!$tbname) { printerror('ErrorUrl',''); } //ID $id=eReturnInids($id); $where='id in ('.$id.')'; $ztids=''; $zcids=''; for($i=0;$i<$count;$i++) { $true_ztid=(int)$ztid[$i]; if(!$true_ztid) { continue; } $true_cid=(int)$cid[$true_ztid]; if($true_cid<0) { $true_cid=0; } $ztids.=$dh.$true_ztid; $dh=','; AddMoreInfoToZt($true_ztid,$true_cid,$tbname,$where,1); } //操作日志 insert_dolog("classid=$classid&tid=$tid<br>ztid=".$ztids."<br>id=".$id); echo"<script>alert('推送成功');window.close();</script>"; exit(); }
function exequery($C, $Q) { if (stristr($Q, " union select")) { exit; } $cursor = mysql_query($Q, $C); if (!$cursor) { printerror("<b>SQL语句:</b> " . $Q); } return $cursor; }
function EditZtOrder($ztid, $myorder, $userid, $username) { global $empire, $dbtbpre; for ($i = 0; $i < count($ztid); $i++) { $newmyorder = (int) $myorder[$i]; $ztid[$i] = (int) $ztid[$i]; $sql = $empire->query("update {$dbtbpre}enewszt set myorder='{$newmyorder}' where ztid='{$ztid[$i]}'"); } //操作日志 insert_dolog(""); printerror("EditZtOrderSuccess", $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']); }
function MemberConnect_DelBind($id) { global $empire, $dbtbpre, $public_r; $user_r = islogin(); //是否登陆 $id = (int) $id; $sql = $empire->query("delete from {$dbtbpre}enewsmember_connect where id='{$id}' and userid='{$user_r['userid']}';"); if ($sql) { printerror2("已解除绑定", "../memberconnect/ListBind.php"); } else { printerror("DbError", "history.go(-1)", 1); } }
function DoSetSpace($add) { global $empire, $dbtbpre; $user_r = islogin(); //是否登陆 $spacename = RepPostStr($add['spacename']); $spacegg = RepPostStr($add['spacegg']); $sql = $empire->query("update {$dbtbpre}enewsmemberadd set spacename='{$spacename}',spacegg='{$spacegg}' where userid='{$user_r['userid']}' limit 1"); if ($sql) { printerror('SetSpaceSuccess', 'SetSpace.php', 1); } else { printerror('DbError', '', 1); } }
function SetWap($add, $userid, $username) { global $empire, $dbtbpre; $wapopen = (int) $add['wapopen']; $wapdefstyle = (int) $add['wapdefstyle']; $wapshowmid = RepPostVar($add['wapshowmid']); $waplistnum = (int) $add['waplistnum']; $wapsubtitle = (int) $add['wapsubtitle']; $wapchar = (int) $add['wapchar']; $sql = $empire->query("update {$dbtbpre}enewspublic set wapopen={$wapopen},wapdefstyle={$wapdefstyle},wapshowmid='{$wapshowmid}',waplistnum={$waplistnum},wapsubtitle={$wapsubtitle},wapshowdate='{$add['wapshowdate']}',wapchar={$wapchar} limit 1"); //操作日志 insert_dolog(""); printerror("SetWapSuccess", "SetWap.php"); }
function SetRewrite($add, $userid, $username) { global $empire, $dbtbpre; CheckLevel($userid, $username, $classid, "public"); //验证权限 $sql = $empire->query("update {$dbtbpre}enewspublic set rewriteinfo='" . eaddslashes($add[rewriteinfo]) . "',rewriteclass='" . eaddslashes($add[rewriteclass]) . "',rewriteinfotype='" . eaddslashes($add[rewriteinfotype]) . "',rewritetags='" . eaddslashes($add[rewritetags]) . "',rewritepl='" . eaddslashes($add[rewritepl]) . "' limit 1"); if ($sql) { GetConfig(); //操作日志 insert_dolog(""); printerror("SetRewriteSuccess", "SetRewrite.php" . hReturnEcmsHashStrHref2(1)); } else { printerror("DbError", "history.go(-1)"); } }
function ClearTags($start, $line, $userid, $username) { global $empire, $dbtbpre, $class_r, $fun_r; $line = (int) $line; if (empty($line)) { $line = 500; } $start = (int) $start; $b = 0; $sql = $empire->query("select id,classid,tid,tagid from {$dbtbpre}enewstagsdata where tid>{$start} order by tid limit " . $line); while ($r = $empire->fetch($sql)) { $b = 1; $newstart = $r['tid']; if (empty($class_r[$r[classid]]['tbname'])) { $empire->query("delete from {$dbtbpre}enewstagsdata where tid='{$r['tid']}'"); $empire->query("update {$dbtbpre}enewstags set num=num-1 where tagid='{$r['tagid']}'"); continue; } $index_r = $empire->fetch1("select id,classid,checked from {$dbtbpre}ecms_" . $class_r[$r[classid]]['tbname'] . "_index where id='{$r['id']}' limit 1"); if (!$index_r['id']) { $empire->query("delete from {$dbtbpre}enewstagsdata where tid='{$r['tid']}'"); $empire->query("update {$dbtbpre}enewstags set num=num-1 where tagid='{$r['tagid']}'"); } else { //返回表 $infotb = ReturnInfoMainTbname($class_r[$r[classid]]['tbname'], $index_r['checked']); //主表 $infor = $empire->fetch1("select stb from " . $infotb . " where id='{$r['id']}' limit 1"); //返回表信息 $infodatatb = ReturnInfoDataTbname($class_r[$r[classid]]['tbname'], $index_r['checked'], $infor['stb']); //副表 $finfor = $empire->fetch1("select infotags from " . $infodatatb . " where id='{$r['id']}' limit 1"); $tagr = $empire->fetch1("select tagname from {$dbtbpre}enewstags where tagid='{$r['tagid']}'"); if (!stristr(',' . $finfor['infotags'] . ',', ',' . $tagr['tagname'] . ',')) { $empire->query("delete from {$dbtbpre}enewstagsdata where tid='{$r['tid']}'"); $empire->query("update {$dbtbpre}enewstags set num=num-1 where tagid='{$r['tagid']}'"); } elseif ($index_r['classid'] != $r[classid]) { $empire->query("update {$dbtbpre}enewstagsdata set classid='{$index_r['classid']}' where tid='{$r['tid']}'"); } } } if (empty($b)) { //操作日志 insert_dolog(""); printerror('ClearTagsSuccess', 'ClearTags.php' . hReturnEcmsHashStrHref2(1)); } echo "<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"0;url=ClearTags.php?enews=ClearTags&line={$line}&start={$newstart}" . hReturnEcmsHashStrHref(0) . "\">" . $fun_r[OneClearTagsSuccess] . "(ID:<font color=red><b>" . $newstart . "</b></font>)"; exit; }
function ShowPayfs($payfsid, $r, $price) { global $empire, $public_r, $dbtbpre, $totalr, $shoppr; $payfsid = (int) $payfsid; $add = $empire->fetch1("select payid,payname,payurl,paysay,userpay,userfen from {$dbtbpre}enewsshoppayfs where payid='{$payfsid}' and isclose=0"); if (empty($add[payid])) { printerror('请选择支付方式', '', 1, 0, 1); } //总金额 $buyallmoney = $totalr['totalmoney'] + $price - $totalr['pretotal']; if ($add[userfen] && $r[fp]) { printerror("FenNotFp", "history.go(-1)", 1); } //发票 if ($r[fp]) { $fptotal = ($totalr['totalmoney'] - $totalr['pretotal']) * ($shoppr[fpnum] / 100); $afp = "+发票费(" . $fptotal . ")"; $buyallmoney += $fptotal; } $buyallfen = $totalr['totalfen'] + $price; $returntotal = "采购总额(" . $totalr['totalmoney'] . ")+配送费(" . $price . ")" . $afp . "-优惠(" . $totalr['pretotal'] . ")=总额(<b>" . $buyallmoney . " 元</b>)"; $mytotal = "结算总金额为:<b><font color=red>" . $buyallmoney . " 元</font></b> 全部"; //是否登陆 if ($add[userfen] || $add[userpay]) { if (!getcvar('mluserid')) { printerror("NotLoginTobuy", "history.go(-1)", 1); } $user = islogin(); //点数购买 if ($add[userfen]) { if ($buyallfen > $user[userfen]) { printerror("NotEnoughFenBuy", "history.go(-1)", 1); } $returntotal = "采购总点数(" . $totalr['totalfen'] . ")+配送点数费(" . $price . ")=总点数(<b>" . $buyallfen . " 点</b>)"; $mytotal = "结算总点数为:<b><font color=red>" . $buyallfen . " 点</font></b> 全部"; } else { if ($buyallmoney > $user[money]) { printerror("NotEnoughMoneyBuy", "history.go(-1)", 1); } } } echo "<table width='100%' border=0 align=center cellpadding=3 cellspacing=1><tr><td>" . $add[payname] . "</td></tr></table>"; $return[0] = $returntotal; $return[1] = $mytotal; return $return; }
function SetPayFen($add, $userid, $username) { global $empire, $dbtbpre; $add[paymoneytofen] = (int) $add[paymoneytofen]; $add[payminmoney] = (int) $add[payminmoney]; if (empty($add[paymoneytofen])) { printerror("EmptySetPayFen", "history.go(-1)"); } $sql = $empire->query("update {$dbtbpre}enewspublic set paymoneytofen='{$add['paymoneytofen']}',payminmoney='{$add['payminmoney']}'"); if ($sql) { //操作日志 insert_dolog("moneytofen={$add['paymoneytofen']}&minmoney={$add['payminmoney']}"); printerror("SetPayFenSuccess", "SetPayFen.php"); } else { printerror("DbError", "history.go(-1)"); } }
function DelDownRecord($add, $userid, $username) { global $empire, $dbtbpre; if (empty($add['downtime'])) { printerror("EmptyDownTime", "history.go(-1)"); } //验证权限 CheckLevel($userid, $username, $classid, "deldownrecord"); $truetime = to_time($add['downtime']); $sql = $empire->query("delete from {$dbtbpre}enewsdownrecord where truetime<=" . $truetime); if ($sql) { //操作日志 insert_dolog("time={$add['downtime']}"); printerror("DelDownRecordSuccess", "DelDownRecord.php"); } else { printerror("DbError", "history.go(-1)"); } }
function DelDownurl($urlid, $userid, $username) { global $empire, $dbtbpre; $urlid = (int) $urlid; if (empty($urlid)) { printerror("NotChangeDownurlid", "history.go(-1)"); } //验证权限 CheckLevel($userid, $username, $classid, "downurl"); $sql = $empire->query("delete from {$dbtbpre}enewsdownurlqz where urlid='{$urlid}'"); if ($sql) { //操作日志 insert_dolog("urlid=" . $urlid); printerror("DelDownurlSuccess", "url.php" . hReturnEcmsHashStrHref2(1)); } else { printerror("DbError", "history.go(-1)"); } }
function EditInfoType($add, $userid, $username) { global $empire, $dbtbpre, $emod_r; $tid = (int) $add['tid']; $tbname = RepPostVar($add['tbname']); $mid = (int) $add[mid]; $typeid = $add['typeid']; $tname = $add['tname']; $myorder = $add['myorder']; $yhid = $add['yhid']; $deltypeid = $add['deltypeid']; $count = count($typeid); if (!$tid || !$tbname || !$mid || !$count) { printerror("EmptyInfoTypeName", "history.go(-1)"); } //删除 $del = 0; $ids = ''; $delcount = count($deltypeid); if ($delcount) { $dh = ''; for ($j = 0; $j < $delcount; $j++) { $ids .= $dh . intval($deltypeid[$j]); $dh = ','; } $empire->query("delete from {$dbtbpre}enewsinfotype where typeid in (" . $ids . ")"); if ($emod_r[$mid][tbname]) { $empire->query("update {$dbtbpre}ecms_" . $emod_r[$mid][tbname] . " set ttid=0 where ttid in (" . $ids . ")"); } $del = 1; } //修改 for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { if (strstr(',' . $ids . ',', ',' . $typeid[$i] . ',')) { continue; } $empire->query("update {$dbtbpre}enewsinfotype set tname='" . $tname[$i] . "',myorder='" . intval($myorder[$i]) . "',yhid='" . intval($yhid[$i]) . "' where typeid='" . intval($typeid[$i]) . "'"); } GetClass(); //更新缓存 //操作日志 insert_dolog("mid=" . $mid . "&del={$del}"); printerror("EditInfoTypeSuccess", "InfoType.php?tid={$tid}&tbname={$tbname}&mid={$mid}"); }
function SetClassInfoType($add, $logininid, $loginin) { global $empire, $dbtbpre; CheckLevel($logininid, $loginin, $classid, "class"); //验证权限 $classid = (int) $add['classid']; if (empty($classid)) { printerror("ErrorUrl", "history.go(-1)"); } $cr = $empire->fetch1("select classid,modid,classname,islast from {$dbtbpre}enewsclass where classid='{$classid}'"); if (!$cr['classid'] || !$cr['islast'] || !$cr['modid']) { printerror("ErrorUrl", "history.go(-1)"); } $noclassinfo = (int) $add['noclassinfo']; if ($noclassinfo == 1) { $ttids = '-'; } else { $typeid = $add['typeid']; $count = count($typeid); $ttids = ''; if ($count) { $dh = ''; for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { $tid = (int) $typeid[$i]; if (empty($tid)) { continue; } $ttids .= $dh . $tid; $dh = ','; } if ($ttids) { $ttids = ',' . $ttids . ','; } } } $sql = $empire->query("update {$dbtbpre}enewsclassadd set ttids='{$ttids}' where classid='{$classid}'"); if ($sql) { insert_dolog("classid={$classid}&classname={$cr['classname']}"); //操作日志 printerror("SetClassInfoTypeSuccess", "ClassInfoType.php?classid={$classid}" . hReturnEcmsHashStrHref2(0)); } else { printerror("DbError", "history.go(-1)"); } }
function DelSpClass($classid, $userid, $username) { global $empire, $dbtbpre; $classid = (int) $classid; if (!$classid) { printerror("NotDelSpClassid", "history.go(-1)"); } //验证权限 CheckLevel($userid, $username, $classid, "sp"); $r = $empire->fetch1("select classname from {$dbtbpre}enewsspclass where classid='{$classid}'"); $sql = $empire->query("delete from {$dbtbpre}enewsspclass where classid='{$classid}'"); if ($sql) { //操作日志 insert_dolog("classid=" . $classid . "<br>classname=" . $r[classname]); printerror("DelSpClassSuccess", "ListSpClass.php"); } else { printerror("DbError", "history.go(-1)"); } }
function DelPs($pid, $userid, $username) { global $empire, $dbtbpre; $pid = (int) $pid; if (!$pid) { printerror("EmptyPayfsid", "history.go(-1)"); } //验证权限 CheckLevel($userid, $username, $classid, "shopps"); $r = $empire->fetch1("select pname from {$dbtbpre}enewsshopps where pid='{$pid}'"); $sql = $empire->query("delete from {$dbtbpre}enewsshopps where pid='{$pid}'"); if ($sql) { //操作日志 insert_dolog("pid=" . $pid . "<br>pname=" . $r[pname]); printerror("DelPayfsSuccess", "ListPs.php"); } else { printerror("DbError", "history.go(-1)"); } }
function DelTruePathFile($level, $path, $filename, $userid, $username) { global $empire, $dbtbpre, $public_r; $count = count($filename); if (empty($count)) { printerror("NotFileid", "history.go(-1)"); } //基目录 $basepath = ECMS_PATH . $path; for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { if (!$filename[$i] || !eReturnCkCFile($filename[$i])) { continue; } DelFiletext($basepath . "/" . $filename[$i]); } //操作日志 insert_dolog("path={$path}"); printerror("DelFileSuccess", $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']); }
function DelNotcj($id, $userid, $username) { global $empire, $dbtbpre; //验证权限 CheckLevel($userid, $username, $classid, "notcj"); $id = (int) $id; if (!$id) { printerror("EmptyDelNotcjid", "history.go(-1)"); } $sql = $empire->query("delete from {$dbtbpre}enewsnotcj where id='{$id}'"); GetNotcj(); if ($sql) { //操作日志 insert_dolog("id={$id}"); printerror("DelNotcjSuccess", "NotCj.php"); } else { printerror("DbError", "history.go(-1)"); } }
function DelWord($wordid, $userid, $username) { global $empire, $dbtbpre; $wordid = (int) $wordid; if (!$wordid) { printerror("NotDelWordid", "history.go(-1)"); } //验证权限 CheckLevel($userid, $username, $classid, "word"); $sql = $empire->query("delete from {$dbtbpre}enewswords where wordid='{$wordid}'"); GetConfig(); //更新缓存 if ($sql) { //操作日志 insert_dolog("wordid=" . $wordid); printerror("DelWordSuccess", "word.php"); } else { printerror("DbError", "history.go(-1)"); } }
function DelPlayer($id, $userid, $username) { global $empire, $dbtbpre; $id = (int) $id; if (!$id) { printerror("NotDelPlayerID", "history.go(-1)"); } $r = $empire->fetch1("select id,player from {$dbtbpre}enewsplayer where id='{$id}'"); if (!$r[id]) { printerror("NotDelPlayerID", "history.go(-1)"); } $sql = $empire->query("delete from {$dbtbpre}enewsplayer where id='{$id}'"); if ($sql) { //操作日志 insert_dolog("id={$id}<br>player={$r['player']}"); printerror("DelPlayerSuccess", "player.php"); } else { printerror("DbError", "history.go(-1)"); } }
function DelKeyClass($classid, $userid, $username) { global $empire, $dbtbpre; $classid = (int) $classid; if (!$classid) { printerror("NotKeyClassid", "history.go(-1)"); } //验证权限 CheckLevel($userid, $username, $classid, "key"); $r = $empire->fetch1("select classname from {$dbtbpre}enewskeyclass where classid='{$classid}'"); $sql = $empire->query("delete from {$dbtbpre}enewskeyclass where classid='{$classid}'"); $sql1 = $empire->query("update {$dbtbpre}enewskey set cid=0 where cid='{$classid}'"); if ($sql) { //操作日志 insert_dolog("classid=" . $classid . "<br>classname=" . $r[classname]); printerror("DelKeyClassSuccess", "KeyClass.php" . hReturnEcmsHashStrHref2(1)); } else { printerror("DbError", "history.go(-1)"); } }
function DelWapStyle($styleid, $userid, $username) { global $empire, $dbtbpre, $public_r; $styleid = (int) $styleid; if (!$styleid) { printerror("EmptyWapStyleid", "history.go(-1)"); } $r = $empire->fetch1("select stylename,path from {$dbtbpre}enewswapstyle where styleid={$styleid}"); if ($styleid == $public_r['wapdefstyle']) { printerror("NotDelDefWapStyle", "history.go(-1)"); } $sql = $empire->query("delete from {$dbtbpre}enewswapstyle where styleid={$styleid}"); if ($sql) { //操作日志 insert_dolog("styleid={$styleid}&stylename={$r['stylename']}"); printerror("DelWapStyleSuccess", "WapStyle.php" . hReturnEcmsHashStrHref2(1)); } else { printerror("DbError", "history.go(-1)"); } }
function DelWorkflow($add, $userid, $username) { global $empire, $dbtbpre; $wfid = (int) $add[wfid]; if (!$wfid) { printerror('NotDelWorkflowid', 'history.go(-1)'); } //验证权限 CheckLevel($userid, $username, $classid, "workflow"); $r = $empire->fetch1("select wfname from {$dbtbpre}enewsworkflow where wfid='{$wfid}'"); $sql = $empire->query("delete from {$dbtbpre}enewsworkflow where wfid='{$wfid}'"); $sql2 = $empire->query("delete from {$dbtbpre}enewsworkflowitem where wfid='{$wfid}'"); if ($sql && $sql2) { //操作日志 insert_dolog("wfid=" . $wfid . "<br>wfname=" . $r[wfname]); printerror("DelWorkflowSuccess", "ListWf.php"); } else { printerror("DbError", "history.go(-1)"); } }