Exemple #1
 * This function generates the code that defines the standard moodle_cfg object.
 * This object has a number of fields that are values that various pieces of
 * JavaScript code need access too. For example $CFG->wwwroot and $CFG->pixpath.
 * @return string a <script> tag that defines the moodle_cfg object.
function standard_js_config()
    global $CFG;
    $config = array('wwwroot' => $CFG->httpswwwroot, 'pixpath' => $CFG->pixpath, 'modpixpath' => $CFG->modpixpath, 'sesskey' => sesskey());
    if (debugging('', DEBUG_DEVELOPER)) {
        $config['developerdebug'] = true;
    return print_js_config($config, 'moodle_cfg', true);
 * @return string An inline script that creates a JavaScript object storing
 * various strings and bits of configuration that the scripts in qengine.js need
 * to get from PHP.
function question_init_qenginejs_script()
    global $CFG;
    $config = array('pixpath' => $CFG->pixpath, 'wwwroot' => $CFG->wwwroot, 'flagtooltip' => get_string('clicktoflag', 'question'), 'unflagtooltip' => get_string('clicktounflag', 'question'), 'flaggedalt' => get_string('flagged', 'question'), 'unflaggedalt' => get_string('notflagged', 'question'));
    return print_js_config($config, 'qengine_config', true);
Exemple #3
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="<?php 
echo $CFG->httpswwwroot;
/lib/yui/resize/assets/skins/sam/resize.css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="<?php 
echo $CFG->httpswwwroot;
/lib/yui/layout/assets/skins/sam/layout.css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="<?php 
echo $CFG->httpswwwroot;
/lib/yui/button/assets/skins/sam/button.css" />
print_js_config(array('home' => $CFG->httpswwwroot . '/mod/chat/view.php?id=' . $cm->id, 'userid' => $USER->id, 'sid' => $chat_sid, 'timer' => 5000, 'chat_lasttime' => 0, 'chat_lastrow' => null, 'header_title' => $str_chat, 'chatroom_name' => $str_title), 'chat_cfg');
print_js_config(array('send' => $str_send, 'sending' => $str_sending, 'inputarea' => $str_inputarea, 'userlist' => $str_userlist), 'chat_lang');
<script type="text/javascript" src="<?php 
echo $CFG->httpswwwroot;
<script type="text/javascript" src="<?php 
echo $CFG->httpswwwroot;
<script type="text/javascript" src="<?php 
echo $CFG->httpswwwroot;
<script type="text/javascript" src="<?php 
echo $CFG->httpswwwroot;
Exemple #4
$strupdatemodule = has_capability('moodle/course:manageactivities', $contexts->lowest()) ? update_module_button($cm->id, $course->id, get_string('modulename', 'quiz')) : "";
$navigation = build_navigation($pagetitle, $cm);
$localcss = '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="' . $CFG->wwwroot . '/lib/yui/container/assets/container.css" />';
print_header_simple($pagetitle, '', $navigation, "", $localcss, true, $questionbankmanagement . $strupdatemodule);
//TODO: these skip links really need to be right after the opening of the body element,
// and preferably implemented in an <ul> element. See MDL-17730.
echo '<a href="#questionbank" class="skip">Question bank</a> ' . '<a href="#quizcontentsblock" class="skip">Quiz contents</a>';
// Initialise the JavaScript.
$quizeditconfig = new stdClass();
$quizeditconfig->url = $thispageurl->out(false, array('qbanktool' => '0'));
$quizeditconfig->dialoglisteners = array();
$numberoflisteners = max(quiz_number_of_pages($quiz->questions), 1);
for ($pageiter = 1; $pageiter <= $numberoflisteners; $pageiter++) {
    $quizeditconfig->dialoglisteners[] = 'addrandomdialoglaunch_' . $pageiter;
print_js_config($quizeditconfig, 'quiz_edit_config');
// Print the tabs.
$currenttab = 'edit';
$mode = 'editq';
if ($quiz_reordertool) {
    $mode = 'reorder';
include 'tabs.php';
if ($quiz_qbanktool) {
    $bankclass = '';
    $quizcontentsclass = '';
} else {
    $bankclass = 'collapsed';
    $quizcontentsclass = 'quizwhenbankcollapsed';
Exemple #5
// The "Editing On" button will be appearing only in the "main" course screen
// (i.e., no breadcrumbs other than the default one added inside this function)
$buttons = switchroles_form($course->id);
if ($PAGE->user_allowed_editing()) {
    $buttons .= update_course_icon($course->id);
$title = get_string('course') . ': ' . $course->fullname;
$navigation = build_navigation(array());
print_header($title, $course->fullname, $navigation, '', '', true, $buttons, user_login_string($course, $USER), false, $bodytags);
$completion = new completion_info($course);
if ($completion->is_enabled() && ajaxenabled()) {
    require_js(array('yui_yahoo', 'yui_event', 'yui_connection', 'yui_dom'));
    // Need to do this after the header because it requires the YUI stuff
    // to be loaded already
    print_js_config(array('completion_strsaved' => get_string('saved', 'completion'), 'completion_strtitley' => get_string('completion-title-manual-y', 'completion'), 'completion_strtitlen' => get_string('completion-title-manual-n', 'completion'), 'completion_stralty' => get_string('completion-alt-manual-y', 'completion'), 'completion_straltn' => get_string('completion-alt-manual-n', 'completion')));
    // This value tracks whether there has been a dynamic change to the page.
    // It is used so that if a user does this - (a) set some tickmarks, (b)
    // go to another page, (c) clicks Back button - the page will
    // automatically reload. Otherwise it would start with the wrong tick
    // values.
    print '<form action="."><div><input type="hidden" id="completion_dynamic_change"
          name="completion_dynamic_change" value="0" /></div></form>';
// Course wrapper start.
echo '<div class="course-content">';
$modinfo =& get_fast_modinfo($COURSE);
get_all_mods($course->id, $mods, $modnames, $modnamesplural, $modnamesused);
foreach ($mods as $modid => $unused) {
    if (!isset($modinfo->cms[$modid])) {
Exemple #6
 * Return javascript to create file picker to browse repositories
 * @global object $CFG
 * @global object $USER
 * @param object $context the context
 * @param string $id unique id for every file picker
 * @param string $accepted_filetypes
 * @param string $returnvalue the return value of file picker
 * @return array
function repository_get_client($context, $id = '', $accepted_filetypes = '*', $returnvalue = '*')
    global $CFG, $USER;
    $ft = new file_type_to_ext();
    $image_file_ext = json_encode($ft->get_file_ext(array('image')));
    $video_file_ext = json_encode($ft->get_file_ext(array('video')));
    $accepted_file_ext = json_encode($ft->get_file_ext($accepted_filetypes));
    $css = '';
    $js = '';
    if (!isset($CFG->filepickerjsloaded)) {
        $css .= <<<EOD
<style type="text/css">
@import "{$CFG->httpswwwroot}/lib/yui/resize/assets/skins/sam/resize.css";
@import "{$CFG->httpswwwroot}/lib/yui/container/assets/skins/sam/container.css";
@import "{$CFG->httpswwwroot}/lib/yui/layout/assets/skins/sam/layout.css";
@import "{$CFG->httpswwwroot}/lib/yui/button/assets/skins/sam/button.css";
@import "{$CFG->httpswwwroot}/lib/yui/assets/skins/sam/treeview.css";
<style type="text/css">
/* Copyright (c) 2006 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved. */
/* copy from yui/examples/treeview/assets/css/folders/tree.css */
/* first or middle sibling, no children */
.ygtvtn { background: url({$CFG->pixpath}/y/tn.gif) 0 0 no-repeat; width:17px; height:22px; }
/* first or middle sibling, collapsable */
.ygtvtm { background: url({$CFG->pixpath}/y/tm.gif) 0 0 no-repeat; width:34px; height:22px; cursor:pointer }
/* first or middle sibling, collapsable, hover */
.ygtvtmh { background: url({$CFG->pixpath}/y/tmh.gif) 0 0 no-repeat; width:34px; height:22px; cursor:pointer }
/* first or middle sibling, expandable */
.ygtvtp { background: url({$CFG->pixpath}/y/tp.gif) 0 0 no-repeat; width:34px; height:22px; cursor:pointer }
/* first or middle sibling, expandable, hover */
.ygtvtph { background: url({$CFG->pixpath}/y/tph.gif) 0 0 no-repeat; width:34px; height:22px; cursor:pointer }
/* last sibling, no children */
.ygtvln { background: url({$CFG->pixpath}/y/ln.gif) 0 0 no-repeat; width:17px; height:22px; }
/* Last sibling, collapsable */
.ygtvlm { background: url({$CFG->pixpath}/y/lm.gif) 0 0 no-repeat; width:34px; height:22px; cursor:pointer }
/* Last sibling, collapsable, hover */
.ygtvlmh { background: url({$CFG->pixpath}/y/lmh.gif) 0 0 no-repeat; width:34px; height:22px; cursor:pointer }
/* Last sibling, expandable */
.ygtvlp { background: url({$CFG->pixpath}/y/lp.gif) 0 0 no-repeat; width:34px; height:22px; cursor:pointer }
/* Last sibling, expandable, hover */
.ygtvlph { background: url({$CFG->pixpath}/y/lph.gif) 0 0 no-repeat; width:34px; height:22px; cursor:pointer }
/* Loading icon */
.ygtvloading { background: url({$CFG->pixpath}/y/loading.gif) 0 0 no-repeat; width:16px; height:22px; }
/* the style for the empty cells that are used for rendering the depth 
 * of the node */
.ygtvdepthcell { background: url({$CFG->pixpath}/y/vline.gif) 0 0 no-repeat; width:17px; height:22px; }
.ygtvblankdepthcell { width:17px; height:22px; }
/* the style of the div around each node */
.ygtvitem { }  
.ygtvitem  table{ margin-bottom:0; }
.ygtvitem  td { border:none;padding:0; } 
/* the style of the div around each node's collection of children */
.ygtvchildren { }  
* html .ygtvchildren { height:1%; }  
/* the style of the text label in ygTextNode */
.ygtvlabel, .ygtvlabel:link, .ygtvlabel:visited, .ygtvlabel:hover { margin-left:2px; text-decoration: none; }

.file-picker strong{background:#FFFFCC}
.file-picker a{color: #336699}
.file-picker a:hover{background:#003366;color:white}
.fp-panel{padding:0;margin:0; text-align:left;}
.fp-toolbar{padding: .8em;background: #FFFFCC;color:white;text-align:center;margin: 3px}
.fp-toolbar a{padding: 0 .5em}
.fp-list li{border-bottom:1px dotted gray;margin-bottom: 1em;}
.fp-repo-name{display:block;padding: .5em;margin-bottom: .5em}
.fp-pathbar{margin: .4em;border-bottom: 1px dotted gray;}
.fp-pathbar a{padding: .4em;}
.fp-rename-form p{margin: 1em;}
.fp-upload-form{margin: 2em 0;text-align:center}
.fp-upload-btn a{cursor: default;background: white;border:1px solid gray;color:black;padding: .5em}
.fp-upload-btn a:hover {background: grey;color:white}
.fp-paging{margin:1em .5em; clear:both;text-align:center;line-height: 2.5em;}
.fp-paging a{padding: .5em;border: 1px solid #CCC}
.fp-paging a.cur_page{border: 1px solid blue}
.fp-grid div{overflow: hidden}
.fp-grid p{margin:0;padding:0;background: #FFFFCC}
.fp-grid .label{height:48px;text-align:center}
.fp-grid span{color:gray}

<!--[if IE 6]>
<style type="text/css">
/* Fix for IE6 */
.yui-skin-sam .yui-panel .hd{}
        require_js(array('yui_yahoo', 'yui_dom', 'yui_event', 'yui_element', 'yui_treeview', 'yui_dragdrop', 'yui_container', 'yui_resize', 'yui_layout', 'yui_connection', 'yui_json', 'yui_button', 'yui_selector', 'repository/repository.src.js'));
        $lang = array();
        $lang['title'] = get_string('title', 'repository');
        $lang['preview'] = get_string('preview', 'repository');
        $lang['add'] = get_string('add', 'repository');
        $lang['back'] = get_string('back', 'repository');
        $lang['cancel'] = get_string('cancel');
        $lang['close'] = get_string('close', 'repository');
        $lang['ccache'] = get_string('cleancache', 'repository');
        $lang['copying'] = get_string('copying', 'repository');
        $lang['downbtn'] = get_string('getfile', 'repository');
        $lang['download'] = get_string('downloadsucc', 'repository');
        $lang['date'] = get_string('date', 'repository') . ': ';
        $lang['error'] = get_string('error', 'repository');
        $lang['filenotnull'] = get_string('filenotnull', 'repository');
        $lang['federatedsearch'] = get_string('federatedsearch', 'repository');
        $lang['help'] = get_string('help');
        $lang['refresh'] = get_string('refresh', 'repository');
        $lang['invalidjson'] = get_string('invalidjson', 'repository');
        $lang['listview'] = get_string('listview', 'repository');
        $lang['login'] = get_string('login', 'repository');
        $lang['logout'] = get_string('logout', 'repository');
        $lang['loading'] = get_string('loading', 'repository');
        $lang['thumbview'] = get_string('thumbview', 'repository');
        $lang['title'] = get_string('title', 'repository');
        $lang['noresult'] = get_string('noresult', 'repository');
        $lang['mgr'] = get_string('manageurl', 'repository');
        $lang['noenter'] = get_string('noenter', 'repository');
        $lang['save'] = get_string('save', 'repository');
        $lang['saveas'] = get_string('saveas', 'repository') . ': ';
        $lang['saved'] = get_string('saved', 'repository');
        $lang['saving'] = get_string('saving', 'repository');
        $lang['size'] = get_string('size', 'repository') . ': ';
        $lang['sync'] = get_string('sync', 'repository');
        $lang['search'] = get_string('search', 'repository');
        $lang['searching'] = get_string('searching', 'repository');
        $lang['submit'] = get_string('submit', 'repository');
        $lang['preview'] = get_string('preview', 'repository');
        $lang['popup'] = get_string('popup', 'repository');
        $lang['upload'] = get_string('upload', 'repository') . '...';
        $lang['uploading'] = get_string('uploading', 'repository');
        // fp_lang includes language strings
        $js .= print_js_config($lang, 'fp_lang', true);
        $options = array();
        $context = get_system_context();
        $options['contextid'] = $context->id;
        // fp_config includes filepicker options
        $js .= print_js_config($options, 'fp_config', true);
        $accepted_file_ext = json_encode($ft->get_file_ext($accepted_filetypes));
        $js .= <<<EOD
file_extensions.image = {$image_file_ext};
file_extensions.media = {$video_file_ext};
        $CFG->filepickerjsloaded = true;
    } else {
        // if yui and repository javascript libs are loaded
        $js = '';
    // print instances listing
    $user_context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_USER, $USER->id);
    if (is_array($accepted_filetypes) && in_array('*', $accepted_filetypes)) {
        $accepted_filetypes = '*';
    $repos = repository::get_instances(array($user_context, $context, get_system_context()), null, true, null, $accepted_filetypes, $returnvalue);
    // print repository instances listing
    $js .= <<<EOD
repository_listing['{$id}'] = {};
    foreach ($repos as $repo) {
        $info = $repo->ajax_info();
        $js .= "\r\n";
        $js .= 'repository_listing[\'' . $id . '\'][\'' . $info->id . '\']=' . json_encode($repo->ajax_info()) . ';';
        $js .= "\n";
    $js .= "\r\n";
    $js .= "</script>";
    return array('css' => $css, 'js' => $js);