function print_result($testResult) { if ($testResult->success) { echo "Success"; } else { print_fail($testResult->actual, $testResult->expected); } print " in " . format_duration($testResult->duration) . " ms.\n\n"; }
function check_rrdcached() { global $config; list($host, $port) = explode(':', $config['rrdcached']); if ($host == 'unix') { // Using socket, check that file exists if (!file_exists($port)) { print_fail("{$port} doesn't appear to exist, rrdcached test failed"); } } else { $connection = @fsockopen($host, $port); if (is_resource($connection)) { fclose($connection); } else { print_fail('Cannot connect to rrdcached instance'); } } }
fclose($connection); print_ok('Connection to memcached is ok'); } } if (empty($config['rrdcached'])) { print_fail('You have not configured $config[\'rrdcached\']'); } elseif (empty($config['rrd_dir'])) { print_fail('You have not configured $config[\'rrd_dir\']'); } else { list($host, $port) = explode(':', $config['rrdcached']); $connection = @fsockopen($host, $port); if (is_resource($connection)) { fclose($connection); print_ok('Connection to rrdcached is ok'); } else { print_fail('Cannot connect to rrdcached instance'); } } } break; } //end switch } //end foreach // End function print_ok($msg) { echo "[OK] {$msg}\n"; } //end print_ok() function print_fail($msg)
print_fail('You have selected smtp but not configured an smtp port'); $run_test = 0; } if ($config['email_smtp_auth'] === true && (empty($config['email_smtp_username']) || empty($config['email_smtp_password']))) { print_fail('You have selected smtp but not configured a username or password'); $run_test = 0; } } } } //end if if ($run_test == 1) { if ($err = send_mail($config['alert']['default_mail'], 'Test email', 'Testing email from NMS')) { print_ok('Email has been sent'); } else { print_fail('Issue sending email to ' . $config['alert']['default_mail'] . ' with error ' . $err); } } } //end if break; } //end switch } //end foreach // End function print_ok($msg) { global $console_color; print $console_color->convert("%g[OK]%n %W{$msg}\n"); }
/** * Ensures that the group data is valid * Throws an error if it is not valid * @param array $data array of data to validate * @return validated data */ function check_group_data($data) { $rs = array(); $msg = array(); if (empty($data['group_name'])) { array_push($msg, translate('Group name is required.')); } else { $rs['group_name'] = $data['group_name']; } $rs['group_admin'] = $data['group_admin']; if (isset($data['groupid'])) { $rs['groupid'] = $data['groupid']; } if (!empty($msg)) { print_fail($msg, $data); } return $rs; }
print_fail($jieqiLang['pay']['error_ip']); break; case '3': print_fail($jieqiLang['pay']['error_para_format']); break; case '4': print_fail($jieqiLang['pay']['error_para_num']); break; case '5': print_fail($jieqiLang['pay']['error_md5']); break; case '6': print_fail($jieqiLang['pay']['error_serial_id']); break; default: print_fail($jieqiLang['pay']['error_unknow']); } exit; } if (isset($_REQUEST['egold']) && is_numeric($_REQUEST['egold']) && $_REQUEST['egold'] > 0) { $_REQUEST['egold'] = intval($_REQUEST['egold']); if (!empty($jieqiPayset[JIEQI_PAY_TYPE]['paylimit'])) { if (!empty($jieqiPayset[JIEQI_PAY_TYPE]['paylimit'][$_REQUEST['egold']])) { $money = intval($jieqiPayset[JIEQI_PAY_TYPE]['paylimit'][$_REQUEST['egold']] * 100); } else { jieqi_printfail($jieqiLang['pay']['buy_type_error']); } } else { $money = intval($_REQUEST['egold']); } include_once $jieqiModules['pay']['path'] . '/class/paylog.php';
$run_test = 0; } if (empty($config['email_smtp_port'])) { print_fail("You have selected smtp but not configured an smtp port"); $run_test = 0; } if ($config['email_smtp_auth'] === TRUE && (empty($config['email_smtp_username']) || empty($config['email_smtp_password']))) { print_fail("You have selected smtp but not configured a username or password"); $run_test = 0; } } if ($run_test == 1) { if ($err = send_mail($config['alert']['default_mail'], 'Test email', 'Testing email from NMS')) { print_ok("Email has been sent"); } else { print_fail("Issue sending email to " . $config['alert']['default_mail'] . " with error " . $err); } } } break; } } // End function print_ok($msg) { global $console_color; print $console_color->convert("%g[OK]%n %W{$msg}\n"); } function print_fail($msg) { global $console_color;
$loopcount = 0; $screenpad = 0; foreach ($rrd_iterator as $filename => $file) { $rrd_test_result = rrdtest($filename, $output, $error); $loopcount++; if ($loopcount % 50 == 0) { //This lets us update the previous status update without spamming in most consoles echo "[" . $screenpad . "D"; $test_status = 'Status: ' . $loopcount . '/' . $rrd_total; echo $test_status; $screenpad = strlen($test_status); } // A non zero result means there was some kind of error if ($rrd_test_result > 0) { echo "[" . $screenpad . "D"; print_fail('Error parsing "' . $filename . '" RRD ' . trim($error)); $screenpad = 0; } } echo "[" . $screenpad . "D"; echo "Status: " . $loopcount . "/" . $rrd_total . " - Complete\n"; break; } //end switch } //end foreach // End function print_ok($msg) { echo "[OK] {$msg}\n"; }